Forex Trading Calculations - Trade the Day (2024)

Published on December 23rd, 2020 at 9:02 am

Useful Forex trading calculations to help you understand formulae and common terms used for Forex currency pairs.

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Margin Calculation
Margin Calculation For Forex Currency Pairs
What Is a Lot in Forex Currency Pairs?

A “lot” in Forex currency pairs refers to the position size or trading volume. Lot is the term used for 100,000 units of the base currency. For example, we open a 1 Lot Buy or a Sell position in EUR/USD currency pair at 1.1250. What we are doing is Buying/Selling 100,000 EUR in exchange of 112,500 USD.

How to Calculate Position Margin in Forex Currency Pairs?

Position margin calculation in Forex currency pairs, using lot and leverage:

Position Margin
Margin = (Position Size) / (Leverage)
1 Lot EUR/USD example:
Margin = (100,000 EUR) / (400) = 250 EUR
Account Margin: calculated if the account currency is different than the base currency.
Margin = (Position Margin) x (Current exchange rate)
1 Lot EUR/USD at 1.1250 example:
Margin = (250 EUR) x (1.1250) = 281.25 USD
Margin Calculation For Non-Forex Asset CFDs
What Is a Lot in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Non-Forex assets include commodities, stocks, indices, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and bonds. A “lot” in the CFDs of non-Forex assets refer to the regular contract size or the contract size. The contract size is usually found on the trading platform under asset specifications.

How to Calculate Position Margin in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Position margin calculation in non-Forex asset CFDs, using contract size and leverage:

Position Margin
Position Margin = [(Contract Size) x (Asset Price)] / (Leverage)
1 Lot Gold (XAU/USD) at 1,500 USD example:
1 Lot Gold = 100 ounces
Margin = [(100 ounces) x (1,500 EUR)] / (50) = 3,000 USD
Account Margin: calculated if the account currency is different than the quote currency.
Account Margin = (Position Margin) x (Current exchange rate)
1 Lot DAX 30 (DAX/EUR) at 9,000 EUR example:
1 Lot DAX 30 = 10 index contracts Position Margin = [(10 contracts) x (9,000 EUR)] / (10) = 9,000 EUR
Account Margin = (9,000 EUR) x (1.1250) = 10,125 USD
Pip Value Calculation
Pip Value Calculation For Forex Currency Pairs
What is a Pip Value in Forex Currency Pairs?

In the currency pairs with 4 decimals, the pip is the 4th decimal in the price.

For example, if EUR/USD rate is 1.1362, pip is 2 at the end.

In the currency pairs with 2 decimals, the pip is the 2nd decimal in the price.

For example, if USD/JPY rate is 110.37, the pip is 7 at the end.

“Pip value” refers to a position’s profit or loss each time the asset price moves by one pip. This value is based on the position size.

How to Calculate Pip Value in Forex Currency Pairs?

Pip value calculation in Forex Currency pairs, using position size:

Position Pip Value in 4-Decimal Currency Pair
Position Pip Value = (Position Size) / 10,000
0.5 Lot EUR/USD at 1.1362 example:
0.5 Lot = 50,000 EUR
Pip Value = (50,000) / 10,000 = 5 USD
Position Pip Value in 2-decimal Currency Pairs
Position Pip Value = (Position Size) / 100
0.7 Lot USD/JPY at 110.37 example:
0.7 Lot = 70,000 USD
Pip Value = (70,000) / 100 = 700 JPY
Account Pip Value: Pip values are calculated in terms of the quote currency in the pair. If you have a USD account and trading EUR/USD, the pip value is fixed by the position size. However, if you are trading USD/CAD, the pip value will be initially calculated in CAD. Then, it will be converted to USD with current USD/CAD exchange rate.
Account Pip Value = (Position Pip Value) x (Current exchange rate)
1 Lot USD/CAD at 1.2500 example:
Position Pip Value = (100,000) / 10,000 = 10 CAD
Account Pip Value = (10 CAD) / [1.2500] = 8 USD
Pip Value Calculation For Non-Forex Asset CFDs
What Is a Pip Value in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

The terms pip and pip value are usually used for Forex currency pairs. We can apply them to non-Forex asset CFDs to conceptualise the profit/loss per price move. A pip in non-Forex asset CFDs is the first unit in the price before decimals (if there are any). The pip value reflects the P/L, depending on the contract size, when the price moves by one pip.

How to Calculate Pip Value in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Pip value calculation in non-Forex asset CFDs, using contract size:

Position Pip Value
Pip Value = (Contract Size) x (1 Currency Unit)
1 Lot Gold (XAU/USD) at 1,600 USD example:
1 Lot = 100 ounces
Pip Value = (100) x (1 USD) = 100 USD per pip movement
Account Pip Value
Account pip value for non-Forex asset CFDs is calculated if the asset is traded against a different currency than the account currency. For example, if we have a USD account and trading DAX 30 (DAX/EUR) the pip value should be converted to USD from the current EUR/USD exchange rate.
Account Pip Value = (Position Pip Value) x (Exchange Rate)
0.2 Lot DAX 30 (DAX/EUR) at 9,500 EUR example:
0.2 Lot = 2 contracts
Position Pip Value = (2 contracts) x (1 EUR) = 2 EUR per pip movement
Account Pip Value = (2 EUR) x (1.1250) = 2.25 USD per pip movement
Spread Calculation
Spread Calculation For Forex Currency Pairs
What Is Spread in Forex Currency Pairs?

Spread is the difference between Bid (Sell) and Ask (Buy) prices of an asset. It’s the commission charged by the FX and CFD brokers and can be either fixed or floating. Brokers have a Trading Conditions page on the website where spread for each asset is written. Spread is applied automatically and appears as an initial floating loss in a newly opened position. It is calculated in terms of pips, and the actual cost is calculated using the pip value.

How to Calculate Spread in Forex Currency Pairs?

Spread calculation in Forex currency pairs, using Bid-Ask prices and pip value:

Position Spread
Position Spread = [(Ask Price) – (Bid Price)] x (Pip Value)
0.3 Lot AUD/USD with 0.7140 Bid and 0.7145 Ask prices
0.3 Lot = 30,000 AUD
Pip Value = 30,000 / 10,000 = 3 USD
Spread = [(0.7145) – (0.7140)] = 5 pips
Spread cost = (5 pips) x (3 USD) = 15 USD
Account Spread: calculated when the quote currency and the account currency are different
Account Spread = (Position Spread) x (Exchange Rate)
2 Lot EUR/GBP with 0.8973 Bid and 0.8979 Ask prices
2 Lot = 200,000 EUR
Pip Value = 200,000 / 10,000 = 20 GBP
Spread = (0.8979) – (0.8973) = 6 pips
Spread cost = (6 pips) x (20 GBP) = 120 GBP
Account Spread
GBP/USD rate = 1.2235
Account spread cost = (120 GBP) x (1.2235) = 146.82 USD
Spread Calculation For Non-Forex Asset CFDs
What is Spread in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Spread in non-Forex asset CFDs is calculated in the same way. It is the difference between Bid (Sell) and Ask (Buy) prices of an asset. Depending on the asset and the broker, spread can be fixed or floating. In non-Forex asset CFDs, spread is the nominal Bid and Ask difference. It is counted for every unit in the position size.

How to calculate Spread in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Spread calculation in non-Forex asset CFDs, using Bid-Ask prices and pip value:

Position Spread
Position Spread = [(Ask Price) – (Bid Price)] x (Pip Value)
0.1 Lot Gold (XAU/USD) with 1616.50 Bid and 1623.50 Ask prices
0.1 Lot = 10 ounces
Pip Value = (10 ounces) x (1 USD) = 10 USD per pip
Spread = [(1623.50) – (1616.50)] = 7 USD per ounce
Spread cost = (7 USD per ounce) x (10 ounces) = 70 USD
Account Spread: calculated when the quote currency and the account currency are different
Account Spread = (Position Spread) x (Exchange Rate)
0.4 Lot DAX 30 (DAX/EUR) at 9,362 Bid and 9,366 Ask prices example:
0.4 Lot = 4 contracts
Position Pip Value = (4 contracts) x (1 EUR) = 4 EUR per pip movement
Spread = [(9,366) – (9,362)] = 4 EUR per contract
Spread cost = (4 EUR per contract) x (4 contracts) = 16 EUR
Account spread cost = (16 EUR) x (1.1250) = 18 USD
Profit/Loss Calculation
Profit/Loss Calculation For Forex Currency Pairs
What is Profit/Loss Calculation in Forex Currency Pairs?

Profit/Loss calculation in Forex currency pairs is the estimation of potential return and risk. The calculation is based on the pip value and the price targets for stop loss and take profit. The estimation can be further improved by deducting the spread.

How to calculate Profit/Loss in Forex Currency Pairs?

Profit/Loss calculation in Forex currency pairs, using pip value, take profit and stop loss:

Position Profit/Loss
Position Profit = [(Take Profit Price) – (Entry Price)] x (Pip Value)
Position Loss = [(Stop Loss Price) – (Entry Price)] x (Pip Value)
1 Lot EUR/USD Buy position at 1.1320 entry price, 1.1350 TP and 1.1300 SL
1 Lot = 100,000 EUR
Pip Value = [100,000] / 10,000 = 10 USD per pip
Profit = [(1.1350) – (1.1320)] x 10 USD = (30 pips) x (10 USD) = 300 USD
Loss = [(1.1300) – (1.1320)] x 10 USD = (-20 pips) x (10 USD) = -200 USD
Including Spread: When we open a Buy position, we open from the Ask price and close from the Bid price. So, TP and SL are based on the Bid price at the closure. If EUR/USD has 3 pips spread:
Position Net Profit = [(Take Profit Price) – (Entry Price) – (Spread)] x (Pip Value)
Position Net Loss = [(Stop Loss Price) – (Entry Price) – (Spread)] x (Pip Value)
Profit = [(1.1350) – (1.1320) – (3 pips)] x (Pip Value)
= (27 pips) x (10 USD) = 270 USD
Loss = [(1.1300) – (1.1320) – (3 pips)] x (Pip Value)
= (23 pips) x (10 USD) = 230 USD
Account Profit/Loss: Calculated when the quote currency and the account currency are different. If our account currency is EUR, we need to convert our USD-based calculations into EUR.
Account Profit = (Position Profit) x (Exchange Rate)
= (270 USD) / (1.1250) = 240 EUR
Account Loss = (Position Loss) x (Exchange Rate) = (230 USD) / (1.1250) = 204.44 EUR
Profit/Loss Calculation For Non-Forex Asset CFDs
What is Profit/Loss Calculation in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Profit/Loss calculation for non-Forex asset CFDs is the same with Forex currency pairs. However, they are essentially based on the value change of each asset in the position. For example, if we are trading Gold, the change in the price of the precious metal will be reflected for each ounce of Gold which our position includes.

How to calculate Profit/Loss in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Profit/Loss calculation in non-Forex asset CFDs, using pip value, take profit and stop loss:

Position Profit/Loss
Position Profit = [(Take Profit Price) – (Entry Price)] x (Pip Value)
Position Loss = [(Stop Loss Price) – (Entry Price)] x (Pip Value)
1 Lot Gold (XAU/USD) Buy position at 1,650 USD entry price, 1,668 TP and 1,640 SL
1 Lot = 100 ounces
Pip Value = (100 ounces) x ($1 per pip movement) = 100 USD
Profit = [(1,668) – (1,650)] x 100 USD = 1800 USD
Loss = [(1,640) – (1,650)] x 100 USD = 1000 USD
Including Spread: Similar to Forex currency pairs, spread in the non-Forex asset CFDs is the difference between Bid and Ask prices. In assets, spreads can be including cents, as well. If Gold has $2.50 spread:
Position Net Profit = [(Take Profit Price) – (Entry Price) – (Spread)] x (Pip Value)
Position Net Loss = [(Stop Loss Price) – (Entry Price) – (Spread)] x (Pip Value)
Profit = [(1,668) – (1,650) – (2.50)] x (Pip Value)
= ($15.50 profit margin) x (100 USD) = 1550 USD
Loss = [(1,640) – (1,650) – (2.50)] x (Pip Value)
= ($12.50 loss margin) x (100 USD) = 1250 USD
Account Profit/Loss: When our account currency is different than the quote currency of the instrument, we are required to convert the price to the account currency by using their exchange rate. Let’s say our account is in Canadian Dollars and USD/CAD exchange rate is 1.3225:
Account Profit = [Position Profit] x [Exchange Rate]
= (1550 USD) x (1.3325) = 2065.38 CAD
Account Loss = (Position Loss) x (Exchange Rate) = (1250 USD) x (1.3325) = 1665.63 CAD
Rollover/Swap Calculation
Rollover/Swap Calculation For Forex Currency Pairs
What is Rollover/Swap in Forex Currency Pairs?

When a trading position is held open overnight and carried to the next day, it is called rollover. Each currency has an applicable interest rate, set by their central banks, known as the swap. Swap is the interest rate paid or received when the position is rolled over to the next day. Some brokers may charge commission for position rollover, which is known as mark-up. Swap rates and other related fees are usually published on the broker’s trading conditions page and can be found also in the trading platforms under asset specifications. In Long positions:

If the base currency has a higher interest rate than the quote, the trader receives interest.
If the quote currency’s interest rate is higher, the trader pays the interest.

In Short positions:

If the base currency has a higher interest rate than the quote, the trader pays interest.
If the quote currency’s interest rate is higher, the trader receives the interest.

Daily swap fee of an open position accumulates as long as the position is open. It’s not reflected in the floating Profit/Loss amount. Swaps are added to final Profit/Loss calculation and applied only when the position is closed.

How to calculate Rollover/Swap in Forex Currency Pairs?

Rollover/Swap calculation in Forex currency pairs is as follows:

Position Swap:
Swap = [(Contract Size) x (Interest Rate Difference + Mark-up) / 100] x [(Closing Price) / 365]
1 Lot EUR/USD Buy position at 1.1480 closing price
1 Lot = 100,000 EUR
EUR interest rate = 0.25%; USD interest rate = 0.75%
Broker mark-up = 0.25%
Swap = [(100,000) x (0.25% – 0.75% + 0.25%) / 100] x [(1.1480) / 360)]
= [(100,000) x (-0.25%) / (100)] x [(1.1480) / 360]
= [(-250)] x [(1.1480) / 365] = -0.79 USD – trader pays interest
Account Swap: Calculated when the quote currency is different than the account currency
Account Swap = (Position Swap) x (Exchange Rate)
If the above position was opened in an EUR account, the swap calculation in USD would be converted back to EUR from the closing rate.
Account Swap = (-0.79 USD) / (1.1480) = -0.69 EUR
Rollover/Swap Calculation For Non-Forex Asset CFDs
What is Rollover/Swap in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Rollover process in non-Forex asset CFDs is similar to the Forex currency pairs. The swap rates are derived from Interbank rates and include broker mark-up. If the Interbank rate is higher than the broker mark-up, the trader:

Pays interest in Long positions
Receives interest in Short positions

If the Interbank rate is lower than the broker mark-up, the trader:

Pays interest regardless of the position direction.

The swap rates in non-Forex asset CFDs vary according to the asset and the position direction. Brokers publish the CFD swap rates both for Buy and Sell positions on their website.

How to calculate Rollover/Swap in Non-Forex Asset CFDs?

Rollover/Swap calculation in non-Forex asset CFDs is as follows:

Position Swap:
Position Swap = [(Contract Size)] x [(Closing Price)] x (Direction-based Swap Rate)
1 Lot Gold (XAU/USD) Buy position at $1,550 closing price
1 Lot = 100 ounces
Swap rate = -0.0028%
Swap = (100 ounces) x ($1,550) x (-0.000028) = -4.34 USD
Account Swap: calculated when the account currency is different than quote currency.
Account Swap = (Position Swap) x (Exchange Rate)
If the above example was conducted in a CAD account, at USD/CAD = 1.3225
Swap = (-4.34 USD) x (1.3225) = 5.74 CAD

Now that we have a firm grasp of Forex trading calculations, it’s time move on!

Forex Trading Calculations - Trade the Day (2024)


How do you calculate day trade? ›

Your day trade buying power is calculated by adding the firm maintenance excess (FME), equity in your account in excess of your current maintenance requirements, to available cash.

How do you calculate daily trend in forex? ›

Tops and Bottoms. A common way of detecting a trend is by visual inspection. Spotting consecutive higher tops and higher bottoms will indicate an uptrend, while consecutive lower tops and lower bottoms will indicate a downtrend. Equal tops and equal bottoms will define a sideways, trendless market.

Does forex count as day trading? ›

Forex day trading is a way to trade currencies that involves opening and closing positions within a single day. Day traders will manage positions over a matter of minutes to hours, often with the assistance of technical tools that can assist with entry and exit points.

What is the 3-5-7 rule in trading? ›

The 3-5-7 rule in trading is a risk management guideline that suggests limiting the amount of capital you put into any single trade. According to this rule, you should not risk more than 3% of your trading capital on any one trade, no more than 5% on any one sector, and no more than 7% on all trades combined.

What is the 11am rule in trading? ›

The 11 a.m. trading rule is a general guideline used by traders based on historical observations throughout trading history. It stipulates that if there has not been a trend reversal by 11 a.m. EST, the chance that an important reversal will occur becomes smaller during the rest of the trading day.

How to predict forex trading? ›

In order to forecast future movements in exchange rates using past market data, traders need to look for patterns and signals. Previous price movements cause patterns to emerge, which technical analysts try to identify and, if correct, should signal where the exchange rate is headed next.

What is the kiss principle in day trading? ›

We believe in the KISS rule, which says, "Keep it simple, stupid!" Here is a method of determining the trend, and a simple method of anticipating the end of the trend. Before we get started, we want to mention the importance of time frames in determining the trend.

What is 90% rule in forex? ›

The 90 rule in Forex is a commonly cited statistic that states that 90% of Forex traders lose 90% of their money in the first 90 days. This is a sobering statistic, but it is important to understand why it is true and how to avoid falling into the same trap.

What is the 5 3 1 rule in forex? ›

The numbers five, three, and one stand for: Five currency pairs to learn and trade. Three strategies to become an expert on and use with your trades. One time to trade, the same time every day.

What is the 1% rule in forex? ›

The 1% risk rule means not risking more than 1% of account capital on a single trade. It doesn't mean only putting 1% of your capital into a trade. Put as much capital as you wish, but if the trade is losing more than 1% of your total capital, close the position.

Can you day trade forex with $100? ›

A $100 deposit is sufficient initial capital to open a forex trade in a real Forex account without breaking risk management rules. On average, traders with medium-level experience can earn over 10% of the deposit per month. Professional traders' earnings can exceed 500% a year.

What is the best forex day trading strategy? ›

Swing Trading

Rather than entering and exiting positions several times a day, swing trading captures short-to-medium-term gains in a currency pair over a few trading sessions. It is one of the better day trading forex strategies.

When to avoid forex trading? ›

When should you not trade forex? While the forex market is a 24 hours a day, 5 days a week market, there are certain situations when you should stay on the sideline. These include bank holiday hours, high impact news, important central bank meetings and illiquid market hours.

How do you calculate trading days? ›

A trading day is a day when the stock markets are open. The stock markets are open Monday – Friday. To calculate the number of trading days in a year, it is 365 days in 1 year minus weekends and holidays.

What is the formula for calculating trade? ›

To calculate the balance of trade, you would subtract the value of a country's imports from the value of its exports. If the result is positive, it means that the country has a trade surplus, and if the result is negative, it means that the country has a trade deficit.

Why do you need $25,000 to day trade? ›

Why Do I Have to Maintain Minimum Equity of $25,000? Day trading can be extremely risky—both for the day trader and for the brokerage firm that clears the day trader's transactions. Even if you end the day with no open positions, the trades you made while day trading most likely have not yet settled.

What is the formula for daily traded value? ›

ADTV is calculated by dividing the total trading volume of the security over a specific period by the number of trading days in that period. Traders and investors alike use ADTV in various ways.

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Name: Kimberely Baumbach CPA

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