Forecasting Financial Statements. Part I: Financing Needs - ppt video online download (2024)

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1 Forecasting Financial Statements. Part I: Financing Needs

2 Additional Funds Needed (AFN) formula Pro forma financial statements
Financial planning Additional Funds Needed (AFN) formula Pro forma financial statements Sales forecasts Percent of sales method

3 Financial Planning and Pro Forma Statements
Three important uses: Forecast the amount of external financing that will be required Evaluate the impact that changes in the operating plan have on the value of the firm Set appropriate targets for compensation plans

4 Financial Forecasting
1) Project sales revenues and expenses. 2) Estimate current assets and fixed assets necessary to support projected sales. Percent of sales forecast Assumptions driven forecast

5 Steps in Financial Forecasting
First and Most important: Forecast sales a) Historical growth? b) Will future growth be different? c) Sources of assumptions Project the assets needed to support sales a) Spontaneous assets grow with sales, IF management not different b) Discretionary assets grow as “management decision” Project internally generated funds a) Spontaneous liabilities grow with sales b) Retention of all or part of Net Income Project outside funds needed a) Do forecasted assets > Forecasted Funding? Decide how to raise funds See effects of plan on ratios and stock price

6 2006 Balance Sheet (Millions of $)
Cash & sec. $ Accts. pay. & accruals $ 100 Accounts rec. 240 Notes payable 100 Inventories 240 Total CL $ 200 Total CA $ 500 L-T debt 100 Common stk 500 Net fixed Retained assets 500 earnings 200 Total assets $1,000 Total claims $1,000

7 2006 Income Statement (Millions of $)
Sales $2,000.00 Less: COGS (60%) 1,200.00 SGA costs 700.00 EBIT $ Interest 10.00 EBT $ Taxes (40%) 36.00 Net income $ Dividends (40%) $21.60 Add’n to RE $32.40

8 AFN (Additional Funds Needed): Key Assumptions
Operating at full capacity in 2006. Each type of asset grows proportionally with sales as no changes in management are made Payables and accruals grow proportionally with sales. 2006 profit margin ($54/$2,000 = 2.70%) and payout (40%) will be maintained. Sales are expected to increase by $500 million.

9 Definitions of Variables in AFN
A*/S0: assets required to support sales; called capital intensity ratio. S: increase in sales. L*/S0: spontaneous liabilities ratio M: profit margin (Net income/sales) RR: retention ratio; percent of net income not paid as dividend.

10 Assets Assets = 0.5 sales Sales A*/S0 = $1,000/$2,000 = 0.5
1,250  Assets = (A*/S0)Sales = 0.5($500) = $250. 1,000 Sales 2,000 2,500 A*/S0 = $1,000/$2,000 = 0.5 = $1,250/$2,500.

11 AFN = (A*/S0)S - (L*/S0)S - M(S1)(RR) = ($1,000/$2,000)($500)
Assets must increase by $250 million. What is the AFN, based on the AFN equation? AFN= (A*/S0)S - (L*/S0)S - M(S1)(RR) = ($1,000/$2,000)($500) - ($100/$2,000)($500) ($2,500)( ) = $184.5 million.

12 How would increases in these items affect the AFN?
Higher sales: Increases asset requirements, increases AFN. Higher dividend payout ratio: Reduces funds available internally, increases AFN.

13 Higher capital intensity ratio, A*/S0: Pay suppliers sooner:
Higher profit margin: Increases funds available internally, decreases AFN. Higher capital intensity ratio, A*/S0: Increases asset requirements, increases AFN. Pay suppliers sooner: Decreases spontaneous liabilities, increases AFN.

14 Projecting Pro Forma Statements with the Percent of Sales Method
Project sales based on forecasted growth rate in sales Forecast “spontaneous” items as a percent of the forecasted sales Costs Cash Accounts receivable Inventories Net fixed assets Accounts payable and accruals

15 Determine “discretionary” items
Debt (issue/obtain more, pay back) a) Short term Notes Payable b) Long Term Debt (Bank or Bonds) Dividend policy (which determines retained earnings) Common stock (issue more, purchase back shares)

16 Sources of Financing Needed to Support Asset Requirements
Given the previous assumptions and choices, we can estimate: Required assets to support sales Specified sources of financing Additional funds needed (AFN) is: Required assets minus specified sources of financing

17 If AFN is positive, then you must secure additional financing.
Implications of AFN If AFN is positive, then you must secure additional financing. If AFN is negative, then you have more financing than is needed. Pay off debt. Buy back stock. Buy short-term investments. Especially, IF cash will be needed sometime soon

18 How to Forecast Interest Expense
Interest expense is actually based on the daily balance of debt during the year. Thus, it will not grow with sales! There are three ways to approximate interest expense. Base it on: Debt at end of year Debt at beginning of year Average of beginning and ending debt Assume that rates stay the same?

19 Basing Interest Expense on Debt at End of Year
Will over-estimate interest expense if debt is added throughout the year instead of all on January 1. Causes circularity called financial feedback: more debt causes more interest, which reduces net income, which reduces retained earnings, which causes more debt, etc. Thus, to be accurate, must recalculate until no more changes are required…

20 Basing Interest Expense on Debt at Beginning of Year
Will under-estimate interest expense if debt is added throughout the year instead of all on December 31. But doesn’t cause problem of circularity.

21 Basing Interest Expense on Average of Beginning and Ending Debt
Will accurately estimate the interest payments if debt is added smoothly throughout the year. But has problem of circularity.

22 Solution that Balances Accuracy and Complexity
Base interest expense on beginning debt, but use a slightly higher interest rate. Easy to implement Reasonably accurate

23 Percent of Sales: Inputs
ActualProj. COGS/Sales60%60% SGA/Sales35%35% Cash/Sales1%1% Acct. rec./Sales12%12% Inv./Sales12%12% Net FA/Sales25%25% AP & accr./Sales5%5%

24 Other Inputs Percent growth in sales25% Growth factor in sales (g)1.25 What is this? IF sales grow 25%, next year’s sales are 125% or this year’s or 1.25 * this year’s Interest rate on debt10% Tax rate40% Dividend payout rate40%

25 2007 Forecasted Income Statement
2004 1st Pass 2003 Factor Sales $2,000 g=1.25 $2,500.0 Less: COGS Pct=60% 1,500.0 SGA Pct=35% 875.0 EBIT $125.0 0.1(Debt03) Interest 20.0 EBT $105.0 Taxes (40%) 42.0 Net. income $63.0 Div. (40%) $25.2 Add. to RE $37.8

26 2007 Balance Sheet Forecasted assets are a percent of forecasted sales. Because they stay same % of sales, they grow at g! 2007 Sales = $2,500 2007 Factor! Cash 1.25 $25.0 Accts. rec. 1.25 300.0 Inventories 1.25 300.0 Total CA $625.0 Net FA 1.25 625.0 Total assets $1,250.0

27 *From forecasted income statement.
2004 Sales = $2,500 2007 2003 Factor Without AFN AP/accruals 1.25 $125.0 Notes payable 100 100.0 Total CL $225.0 L-T debt 100 100.0 Common stk. 500 500.0 Ret. earnings 200 +37.8* 237.8 Total claims $1,062.8 *From forecasted income statement.

28 What are the additional funds needed (AFN)?
Required assets= $1,250.0 Specified sources of fin.= $1,062.8 Forecast AFN= $ The company must have the assets to make forecasted sales, and so it needs an equal amount of financing. So, we must secure another $187.2 of financing.

29 Assumptions about How AFN Will Be Raised
No new common stock will be issued. Any external funds needed will be raised as debt, 50% notes payable, and 50% L-T debt.

30 How will the AFN be financed
How will the AFN be financed? How Will that impact the L&E (claims) side of BS? Additional notes payable= 0.5 ($187.2)= $93.6. Additional L-T debt=

31 w/o AFN AFN With AFN AP/accruals$ $125.0 Notes payable Total CL$ $ L-T debt Common stk Ret. earnings Total claims$1, $1,250.0

32 Equation AFN = $184. 5 vs. Pro Forma AFN = $187. 2
Equation AFN = $ vs. Pro Forma AFN = $ Why are they different? Equation method assumes a constant profit margin, which does not take into account: a) Expenses don’t always grow as fast as sales b) Interest is not a function of sales Pro forma method is more flexible. More important, it allows different items to grow at different rates. And it allows forecasting improved asset management…

33 Profit Margin 2.70% 2.52% 4.00% ROE 7.71% 8.54% 15.60%
Forecasted Ratios (E) Industry Profit Margin2.70%2.52%4.00% ROE7.71%8.54%15.60% DSO (days) Inv. turnover8.33x8.33x11.00x FA turnover4.00x4.00x5.00x Debt ratio30.00%40.98%36.00% TIE10.00x6.25x9.40x Current ratio2.50x1.96x3.00x

34 So what do the forecasted ratios tell us????

35 What are the forecasted free cash flow and ROIC?
Net operating WC$400$500 (CA - AP & accruals) Total operating capital$900$1,125 (Net op. WC + net FA) NOPAT (EBITx(1-T)) $60$75 Less Inv. in op. capital$225 Free cash flow-$150 ROIC (NOPAT/Capital)6.7%

36 Proposed Improvements
BeforeAfter DSO (days) Accts. rec./Sales12.00%8.77% Inventory turnover8.33x11.00x Inventory/Sales12.00%9.09% SGA/Sales35.00%33.00%

37 How do we calculate the new balances now?
We solve for the “x” in the formula DSO = AR/(Sales/365) => 32=x/(2,500/365) OR, we can use the % already calculated for us!

38 Impact of Improvements
BeforeAfter AFN$187.2$15.7 Free cash flow-$150.0$33.5 ROIC (NOPAT/Capital)6.7%10.8% ROE7.7%12.3%

39 Actual sales % of capacity $2,000 0.75
What if in 2006 fixed assets had been operated at only 75% of capacity. Capacity sales = Actual sales % of capacity = = $2,667. $2,000 0.75 With the existing fixed assets, sales could be $2,667. Since sales are forecasted at only $2,500, no new fixed assets are needed. Fixed asset increase is a discretionary management decision

40 How would the excess capacity situation affect the 2007 AFN?
The previously projected increase in fixed assets was $125. Since no new fixed assets will be needed, AFN will fall by $125, to $ $125 = $62.2.

41  Economies of Scale Declining A/S Ratio Assets 1,100 1,000 Base Stock
Sales 2,000 2,500 $1,000/$2,000 = 0.5; $1,100/$2,500 = Declining ratio shows economies of scale. Going from S = $0 to S = $2,000 requires $1,000 of assets. Next $500 of sales requires only $100 of assets.

42 Lumpy Assets Assets 1,500 1,000 500 Sales 500 1,000 2,000
A/S changes if assets are lumpy. Generally will have excess capacity, but eventually a small S leads to a large A. This is typical pattern for fixed assets!

43 Summary: How different capacity factors affect the AFN forecast.
Excess capacity: lowers AFN. Economies of scale: leads to less-than-proportional asset increases. Lumpy assets: leads to large periodic AFN requirements, recurring excess capacity. It is hard to add fixed asset capacity linearly with sales!

44 One more iteration

45 Percent of Sales Method Home Depot
This year’s sales _________ Next year, we forecast sales of $_____ million. What assumption? Net income should be ___% of sales. Keep constant! Dividends should be ___% of earnings. Keep constant!

46 This year % of m Assets Current Assets % Fixed Assetsn/a * Total Assets Liab. and Equity Accounts Payable % Accrued Expenses % Notes Payablen/a Long Term Debtn/a Total Liabilities Common Stockn/a Retained Earnings Equity Total Liab. & Equity

47 Next year % of m Assets Current Assets % Fixed Assetsn/a Total Assets Liab. and Equity Accounts Payable % Accrued Expenses % Notes Payablen/a Long Term Debtn/a Total Liabilities Common Stockn/a Retained Earnings Equity Total Liab. & Equity

48 Predicting Retained Earnings
Next year’s projected retained earnings = last year’s $___ million, plus This year’s Net Income of $___ million, minus -Net Income= Last Year’s Margin %*This Year’s Sales This year’s Dividends of $___ million -Dividends=Last Year’s Dividend Payout Ratio*This Year’s Net Income

49 Predicting Discretionary (Additional) Financing (Funding) Needs
Discretionary Financing Needed = projectedprojectedprojected total- total- owners’ assetsliabilities equity OR Total Assets – Total L&E

50 Predicting Discretionary Financing Needs
Discretionary Financing Needed = projectedprojectedprojected total- total- owners’ assetsliabilities equity $___ million- ___ $ million- $___million The DFN (AFN)=________

51 Sustainable Rate of Growth
g* = ROE (1 - b) where b = dividend payout ratio (dividends / net income) ROE = return on equity (net income / common equity) or

52 Sustainable Rate of Growth
g* = ROE (1 - b) where b = dividend payout ratio (dividends / net income) ROE = return on equity (net income / common equity) or net income sales common equity sales assets assets ROE = x x

53 Assumptions Driven Forecast- Income Statement
Same first step: What will sales growth be Then need to determine line by line if * COGS will stay same % of sales - why, why not * OPEX will stay same % of sales - why, why not * Interest expense and taxes assumptions same? - why, why not Calculate Net Income under assumptions

54 Assumptions Driven Forecast- Income Statement
When would the assumptions change? Company/product life cycles Economies of scale (COGS), Re-engineering Production Investment in/hedging future (leading/lagging with R&D hiring etc,) Restructuring (cost cutting, re-engineering) New debt financing, etc.

55 Assumptions Driven Forecast- Balance Sheet
When would the assumptions change? Assume improvement in management practices (or deterioration due to external factors) * Accounts receivable * Inventory * Fixed Assets (Investment/Divestment) Change financial or capital structure (more ST or LT debt/more equity) IS/BS Iterations may be necessary

56 Assumptions Driven Forecast- Balance Sheet
What does not change? Assets = Liabilities+Equity DFN= Assets-Liabilities-Equity New Equity=Old Equity+Net Income-Dividends

57 Let’s Forecast HP!

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Forecasting Financial Statements. Part I: Financing Needs -  ppt video online download (2024)


How to forecast financial statements? ›

How to do financial forecasting in 7 steps
  1. Define the purpose of a financial forecast. ...
  2. Gather past financial statements and historical data. ...
  3. Choose a time frame for your forecast. ...
  4. Choose a financial forecast method. ...
  5. Document and monitor results. ...
  6. Analyze financial data. ...
  7. Repeat based on the previously defined time frame.

Why is financial forecasting difficult? ›

Some challenges facing finance professionals include: forecasting periods, data collection, input data issues, unforeseeable events and past data accuracy. You must understand your business and its key drivers to improve your financial forecasting accuracy month over month. Collect data promptly for improved accuracy.

How to do financial forecasting in Excel? ›

Create a forecast
  1. In a worksheet, enter two data series that correspond to each other: ...
  2. Select both data series. ...
  3. On the Data tab, in the Forecast group, click Forecast Sheet.
  4. In the Create Forecast Worksheet box, pick either a line chart or a column chart for the visual representation of the forecast.

What is an example of a financial forecast? ›

Let's say a company occupies space in a market that generates an estimated $1,000,000,000 in revenue annually. If the business assumes it will have a market share of 2.5%, a top-down forecast would suggest that it will see $25,000,000 in revenue in the coming year.

What makes a good financial forecast? ›

To be effective, a financial forecast must provide a detailed view of your business operations and cash flow. Segmenting revenue, expenses, direct costs, personnel, and other financial elements allows for more insightful analysis. But it is crucial to strike a balance between granularity and simplicity.

What are three financial statement forecasts? ›

What is a 3-Statement Model? The 3-Statement Model is an integrated model used to forecast the income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement of a company for purposes of projecting its forward-looking financial performance.

What is the most difficult aspect of preparing a financial forecast? ›

Arguably, the most difficult aspect of preparing a financial forecast is predicting revenue. Future costs can be estimated by using historical accounting data; variable costs are also a function of sales.

What is the most common type of financial forecast? ›

The most common type of financial forecast is an income statement; however, in a complete financial model, all three financial statements are forecasted. In this guide on how to build a financial forecast, we will complete the income statement model from revenue to operating profit or EBIT.

What is a key limitation of financial forecasting? ›

Limitations of financial forecasting include data availability and quality, assumption accuracy, limitations of forecasting models, and unexpected external factors.

How to create a forecasted income statement? ›

The easiest way to create a revenue (or sales) forecast is to input your annual growth rate. Look at the percentage growth in revenue over previous periods, and use that information to make an informed assumption about your future revenue.

What formula does Excel use for forecasting? ›

=FORECAST(x, known_y's, known_x's)

The FORECAST function uses the following arguments: X (required argument) – This is a numeric x-value for which we want to forecast a new y-value. Known_y's (required argument) – The dependent array or range of data.

How to forecast interest income? ›

Interest income is a function of projected cash balances and the projected interest rate earned on idle cash. We can only forecast it once we complete both the balance sheet and the cash flow statement. Like interest expense, analysts can calculate interest by using either the beginning- or average-period approach.

What is the first step of financial forecasting? ›

The first step in the forecasting process is to define the fundamental issues impacting the forecast. The results of this initial step will provide insight into which forecasting methods are most appropriate and will help create a common understanding among the forecasters as to the goals of the forecasting process.

What is another name for a financial forecast? ›

These terms, i.e., financial forecast and projection, are often used interchangeably in finance.

What is financial forecast summary? ›

A financial forecast is a framework that presents estimates of past, current, and projected financial conditions. This assists the business in several ways. It helps identify future costs and revenue trends that may influence strategic goals, policies, or services in the near- or long-term.

Can you forecast a balance sheet? ›

The balance sheet forecast is an important accounting tool that can be used to estimate the impact of income statement line items and cash flow expectations on the future financial position of the business. In most cases it proves useful for understanding future debt obligations and equity value creation.

How do you create a 5 year financial forecast? ›

How to Create a Five-Year Financial Plan
  1. Reflect on your finances.
  2. Consider your starting point.
  3. Write down concrete goals.
  4. Set milestones.
  5. Use automation.
Feb 23, 2024

How do you calculate forecast in accounting? ›

Forecasting future revenue involves multiplying a company's previous year's revenue by its growth rate. For example, if the previous year's growth rate was 12 percent, straight-line forecasting assumes it'll continue to grow by 12 percent next year.

How to make a projected balance sheet for 5 years? ›

How to Prepare Projected Balance Sheet
  1. Step 1: Calculate cash in hand and cash at the bank. ...
  2. Step 2: Calculate Fixed Assets. ...
  3. Step 3: Calculate the Value of Financial Instruments. ...
  4. Step 4: Calculate your Business Earning. ...
  5. Step 5: Calculate Business's Liabilities. ...
  6. Step 6: Calculate Business's Capital.

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Author: Greg O'Connell

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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.