For $200, You Can Trade Crypto With a Fake ID (2024)

For law-abiding cryptocurrency users, getting verified to trade on an exchange is a painstaking process. They must give out a wealth of personal data, including their home addresses, scans of government-issued ID, and photo or video selfies.

For criminals, it’s easier. They can pay as little as $150 on the black market for a ready-to-use, verified account in someone else’s name at Coinbase Pro, Binance US, Kraken or numerous other exchanges, a CoinDesk investigation found.

To be clear: “verified” in this context does not mean legitimate. Underground vendors create these accounts with other people’s identities or under made-up names, tricking the exchanges into verifying them as valid users. They then advertise these verified accounts for sale on internet forums and on Telegram.

Besides crypto exchanges, the vendors also offer fraudulently created accounts for use with mainstream payment providers such as Square’s Cash App and Transferwise.

“We are producing from 1,500 to 2,000 synthetic verified accounts each month,” an operator of one such service told CoinDesk in an interview via the Telegram messaging app.

This service has multiple employees and even “departments” within the business, said the person, who refused to give a name. And it has no shortage of competitors, CoinDesk’s investigation found.

For $200, You Can Trade Crypto With a Fake ID (1)

A CoinDesk reporter reviewed a sample of crypto and payment accounts that had been purchased from several black-market vendors. The exercise revealed these vendors are, in many cases, trafficking in sensitive information about people who likely have no idea their names are on the accounts.

It also showed how people who, for whatever reason, don’t want to expose their real identities or fear they wouldn’t be approved for an account can skirt the industry’s customer-vetting processes – at least, up to a point.

While it’s difficult to gauge the size of this market – criminals don’t typically publicize their revenue, after all – it appears to be flourishing.

“We’ve observed a staggering amount of threat actors advertising and brokering fraudulent accounts for both crypto exchanges and payment services,” said Andrew Gunn, senior threat intelligence analyst at ZeroFox, a cybersecurity firm based in Baltimore.

Over the past 12 months, ZeroFox found over one million posts on forums and Telegram messaging-app groups advertising accounts for sale, Gunn said.

The fact that you can buy a fake digital identity for around $200 raises fresh questions about the effectiveness of “know your customer” (KYC) policies implemented by crypto businesses around the world. While everyday users often have to submit the same information multiple times for reverification and wait for weeks or months to withdraw their money (even Martha Stewart reportedly waited two weeks to get verified), bad actors can sneak in easily.

Black markets thrive both on the so-called dark web, which is accessible through the anonymizing Tor browser, and on the clear web or surface web – the part of the internet most of us browse every day.

Here, in plain sight, are live forums populated by professional hackers, scammers of all sorts and sellers of illegal goods. To name some, Russian-speaking forums such as (short for “Verified”) and are focused on illegal identity-related services such as “carding” (trafficking in stolen or counterfeit credit card numbers).

On these platforms, one can easily find for sale accounts for use on a diverse range of crypto exchanges and payment services, from peer-to-peer trading platform Localbitcoins to professional trading venue Coinbase Pro to mainstream payment services CashApp, Transferwise and Revolut.

Prices, ranging from $150 to $500, are disclosed to a prospective buyer in a personal chat or posted on a price list like the one on this web page. To buy an account, one needs to get in touch with a vendor (often via Telegram), pay in crypto (usually bitcoin) and get the requested account data.

Sometimes the accounts originally were registered by legitimate customers and have been hijacked by hackers. (For a buyer of such an account, there is always the risk that its actual owner will notice something weird is going on and flag it to the platform administrator.) Sometimes vendors create accounts from scratch using stolen or fake data. Sometimes users register accounts in their own names and then turn them over to vendors to sell.

According to posts on the forums and conversations with some of the vendors, they go through the exchanges’ verification process to open accounts, and control the accounts until they are sold. People whose information is used for registering with the services might not even know the accounts exist.

On the same forums where some vendors offer these fraudulent accounts, others look to hire “drops,” or individuals willing to lend their identities for account registration. Meanwhile, people willing to fill this role search for “job postings.” There are also multiple offerings of counterfeit IDs.

The job of a drop is well explained by a recent dialogue on the forum (the posts are translated from Russian).

“Looking for a job as a money launderer. Send offers to my DM,” one user wrote in July.

“Of a drop,” corrected another user in a reply before describing the role: “Only your face is needed. To pass video verification via WhatsApp. From 1,500 to 2,000 rubles [$20-$28] for a pass, you can do several passes a day.”

“The task is to pass verification on an exchange in real time. You can use your passport/driver’s license/foreign passport. Also gonna need to take a selfie. You get 500 rubles [around $7], after the successful verification,” says another post on the forum, adding that a “job seeker” will just need to give a full name and date of birth and then click on a link. The poster used a photo of the rapper Lil’ Pump as their profile picture.

More often, vendors do not advertise exact prices for such services in the postings but convey them one-on-one via chat.

Some vendors act as middlemen, offering to connect users with drops, much as a ridesharing app matches passengers with drivers. One ad boasts that the drops are available to work at any time.

But sometimes you don’t even need anyone’s real personal data to verify an account, the vendor who spoke to CoinDesk said: You can make things up.

“It’s a vulnerability KYC systems have. If you know how to generate [synthetic] data, you use it. KYC systems are not a customs checkpoint with a shared database and verified information about any potential user,” they said.

Buyers can buy accounts registered under whatever names vendors have in hand or order custom accounts based on personal data (“fullz”) they themselves, by whatever means, have obtained.

Some vendors promise they will do all the necessary research on the real people whose data is being used, including credit and background checks.

If nothing works, they stand ready to search for people with the same names, even when a person whose name is being used is older than 90, vendors say in advertising posts.

For $200, You Can Trade Crypto With a Fake ID (2)

“Working with us means we’ll do our best to verify accounts: selecting a model of suitable age, searching for namesakes and trying to achieve results,” one vendor wrote in a Telegram post illustrated with a cheeky meme.

For $200, You Can Trade Crypto With a Fake ID (3)

In another post, the vendor describes software that allows the creation of fake selfies, including video.

“We do live selfies. 3D biometric is possible for us. take photos with id cards. print any docs. we can be anyone you need,” the same vendor advertised on the paid forum

Some of these vendors just post from time to time that they have a good account for sale or are looking to buy some. Others run regular shops, with dedicated teams and customer support done via Telegram. Their posts are followed by testimonials from satisfied customers.

CoinDesk reviewed a sample of accounts at exchanges Binance US, Coinbase Pro and Kraken and payment services Cash App and Wirex that were available for purchase on the black market. The accounts had been put up for sale by several different vendors. The prices of these accounts ranged from $170 to $250, all paid in bitcoin.

Along with login credentials, these accounts came with private data of the purported account owners, all of whom appeared to be genuine U.S. or European Union residents. The data included dates of birth, street addresses and, in the case of the U.S. residents, Social Security numbers.

Most of the accounts came with instructions for using a virtual private network (VPN) to disguise an IP address so an exchange would think a user was logging in from, say, Miami instead of Moscow. In some cases, vendors included credentials for a Gmail account (with Google Voice phone number), presumably for multi-factor authentication (MFA) when logging into the financial service – and a recovery email address in case Google asks for verification, too.

After reviewing the accounts, CoinDesk contacted the crypto exchanges and payment services to check their authenticity. None of the companies would say whether the accounts were genuine, explaining they can’t comment on individual accounts.

Binance US sent CoinDesk an email signed by “Binance U.S. PR,” saying the company “believes this to be a fake account.” The exchange did not respond to a follow-up question asking whether by “fake” the representative meant it was nonexistent or fraudulently created.

CoinDesk searched online databases such as Spokeo, SearchPeopleFree and ClustrMaps and found four people whose names, years of birth and cities matched those on the black-market accounts. Two of those people had matching street addresses as well.

Attempts to contact these and other individuals whose names were on the reviewed accounts by phone, email and social media were unsuccessful, and CoinDesk has mailed them letters to alert them their data is potentially being abused.

We also called the phone numbers used to register the accounts – all of them except one turned out to be Google Voice numbers, meaning they are virtual numbers generated by Google. Users can register virtual phone numbers without getting contracts with a mobile provider. This has made Google Voice numbers a handy tool for scammers.

The email addresses associated with the accounts did not match the names under which the accounts were registered, and instead contained random-seeming combinations of names and numbers.

“It’s quite hard to evaluate the total volume of this market, as we are probably the only public example of such a business with departments and streamlined processes,” the vendor who spoke to CoinDesk said.

“Our colleagues who are running similar businesses are either running very small enterprises or selling accounts of real people, who are either going through some hard times or have been deceived,” they added.

But ZeroFox’s Gunn said the market for these accounts for sale is vast, with some Telegram channels counting thousands of members.

“The sheer amount of threat actors specializing in this has even driven prices down to very reasonable levels (anywhere from $50 to $300 per account, depending on the exchange or service in question),” Gunn said.

While Gunn’s research focuses on Eastern Europe, he said stolen, hacked or artificially created accounts at payment services or crypto exchanges are sold all over the world and advertised in multiple languages.

In addition to ready-to-use accounts, the black-market vendors offer “on-demand, almost a la carte services, based on customer needs,” Gunn said.

They can help their “clients” register fraudulent accounts by selling compromised personal data or “offering support during any step of the verification process,” including digital rendering of faces to pass photo and video verification, which major crypto exchanges often require.

For $200, You Can Trade Crypto With a Fake ID (4)

ZeroFox identified at least one case when a group was hiring individuals on a freelance job platform to do account creation and verification, and then hand those accounts over, for as little as $5-$10 for each pass, Gunn said. The group was giving precise instructions to the people willing to do the job: “go here, click this, use this ID,” Gunn said.

Further investigation showed the group managed to create and sell “thousands of verified accounts” on a single platform, he said. Gunn would not name that platform.

Getting fraudulent accounts is a slam dunk for criminal groups, Gunn said. “These accounts are very easy to come by, relatively cheap and disposable, so in the criminal underground it’s very trivial to buy as many as you want. And if you lose one account you just buy another one,” he said.

For services, finding and shutting down fraudulent accounts can get extremely tricky, Gunn said.

“Some of these accounts are dormant until money moves through them, and if a real person verified them how would they know?” he said. “Security measures [implemented by the platforms] are pretty good, but there is always a way around.”

It’s unclear how long such accounts remain operational until a service notices something suspicious and shuts them down. The lifespan of an account depends on the way it’s being used, the black-market vendor told CoinDesk.

“We are providing an account that essentially looks no different from the one you or your friend would register. They are fully compliant with the KYC requirements, except they are fully synthetic,” the person said, adding that users’ own reckless behavior, rather than the quality of the account, can trigger exchanges’ fraud alerts.

Gunn agreed that it’s possible for the buyer of a synthetic account to fly under the radar. “If they took precautions to blend in with normal behavior (not exceeding transaction amounts, etc.), leveraged residential proxies matching the information and geolocation of the victim, to name a couple of items, the accounts might last indefinitely,” he said.

The trade in crypto exchange accounts is just a subset of a larger global black ID market. According to a 2020 report by the cybersecurity firm Digital Shadows, there are more than 15 billion credentials in the world for sale, and the most valuable are “bank and other financial accounts,” which sell for $70.91 each, on average. This is dwarfed only by the prices of domain administrator access to corporate systems, where the price tag can go up to $140,000, Digital Shadows said.

Apparently, illegal access to cryptocurrency services is valued somewhere in the middle, with some accounts sold for as high as $500 each.

Some platforms CoinDesk contacted confirmed they were aware of the black market for their accounts.

“We have team members dedicated to monitoring the dark web for accounts stolen through malware or phishing, as well as ‘mule accounts,’ which are put up for sale as fronts for criminals to launder funds,” a spokesperson for Kraken told CoinDesk via email. “Depending on the situation, we can either restore the account back to the rightful owner or disable it with immediate effect and take appropriate action as necessary.”

At Coinbase, a threat intelligence team “monitors darknet markets and other cybercriminal forums,” the Nasdaq-listed exchange’s senior manager for communications, Jaclyn Sales, told CoinDesk.

“Like any other financial institution, Coinbase implements measures to protect accounts from fraudulent actors. For security reasons we do not disclose specifics of those measures, as we do not want to provide fraudsters with information that could be used to bypass those controls.”

Binance US’s press representative told CoinDesk via email that the company is closely watching how users are logging into their accounts each time they use them.

“Our risk management system collects a wide array of signals during account opening, subsequent logins and during each account interaction, and we monitor these signals to identify potentially high-risk accounts or related activity and prevent malicious behavior,” the spokesperson told CoinDesk.

A CashApp spokesperson said the company is also monitoring users’ behavior to detect potential fraud.”In addition to our standard customer information and verification programs, we use various behavioral signals, information provided by our customers and various vendors, as well as transactional patterns to analyze and detect when accounts may be suspicious for various bad activity, including fraud and identity theft,” the company said in a written statement to CoinDesk.

Gunn’s firm ZeroFox is helping payment app company Wirex to “track and take down impersonations of Wirex, and those malicious actors claiming to sell Wirex accounts on the dark web,” Wirex Communications Manager Lottie Wells told CoinDesk via email.

The offerings, according to her, are abundant.

“Between the beginning of June and [September], we have monitored nearly 400,000 links, accounts and posts, we identified and remediated (blocked, took down, deleted, etc.) over 1,500 pieces of content. In fact, 32% of this was specifically from the dark web,” Wells said.

To prevent fraud, Wirex employs “a range of compliance, tech and security measures,” depending “on the risk profile of a user, the nature of transactions and our third-party partners who support us on evaluating external conditions,” Wells said.

“We also work closely with regulators to mitigate account takeover risks, and report them where necessary,” she added. “Any customer accounts that may be compromised are quickly blocked and protected, while our customer support team works with our customers to protect their accounts.”

CoinDesk also asked cryptocurrency exchange Huobi as well as payment services Transferwise and Revolut, for comment. All of them are mentioned in the ads posted by fraudulent-account vendors.

TransferWise spokesperson Chris Monteiro said that the company works with law enforcement “to help prevent further illegal activity” when it learns about “specific organized fraud cases.”

“For our customers, if they feel they have been a victim of fraud they should report it to the police immediately, and we encourage them to get in touch with us straight away,” Monteiro added.

Huobi declined to comment. Revolut did not respond by press time.

The target audience for these accounts for sale are people involved in other criminal activities, Gunn said.

“Threat actors that are purchasing the created and verified accounts are leveraging them for whatever criminal activity they do, whether it’s a carding operation or selling malware or gift card scam,” he said. “This is one part of the process that helps them to stay anonymous rather than having crypto accounts on their names on those exchanges.”

The vendor who spoke to CoinDesk used more delicate language, saying users avail themselves of its services to avoid “taxation risks.”

As law enforcement agencies around the world adopt blockchain-sleuthing software, it makes even more sense for criminals to cover their tracks by buying and selling crypto through accounts registered in others’ names, Gunn said.

Sergey Mendeleev, founder of Estonia-registered crypto exchange Garantex and CEO of investment platform InDeFi, explained to CoinDesk how these “mule” accounts might be used to obscure the connection between crypto and its actual owner.

“If you buy monero for fiat, then withdraw it and then deposit via another account, you can sell it for bitcoin and get clean, exchange-originated bitcoin, not connected to the previous transactions. This scheme is quite popular, and there are tens of others,” Mendeleev said.

Another reason there is demand for synthetic accounts can be as simple as this: People living in countries sanctioned by the U.S. and EU or with prohibitive anti-crypto regulations can’t register under their real names on the major crypto exchanges.

Sergey Zhdanov, chief operating officer of London-registered crypto exchange EXMO, told CoinDesk his company has caught some users faking their KYC data. The users explained they were based in territories under international sanctions, so they wouldn’t be able to register with their real IDs, he said.

“Some users just honestly admitted that they were based in the DNR [Donetsk People’s Republic, a disputed area in southeastern Ukraine] or North Korea, so they bought their documents [to register]. We block such accounts,” Zhdanov said.

China, which has been aggressively pushing crypto out of the country, appears to be a new growth market for the bogus ID business. Dovey Wan, founder of the Primitive Ventures crypto fund, told CoinDesk the market for verified accounts for Chinese users is “vibrant.”

The vendors “advertise in Telegram groups as ‘KYC service,’” Wan said, adding that “you simply ask in the Telegram groups (mostly in Chinese ones) that ‘I want a KYC service’ [and] people will pop up.”

The vendor CoinDesk spoke to confirmed their service is becoming popular in China: “At the moment, we’re seeing interest in our services from Chinese people. No need to explain, I guess. :) "

Marc Hochstein, Danny Nelson and Daniel Kuhn contributed reporting

For $200, You Can Trade Crypto With a Fake ID (2024)


Can you use crypto com without ID? ›

#5) does not allow users to deposit, trade, or withdraw crypto anonymously at any trading level. You will need to submit information like ID and photo for verification in addition to using the name, phone, and email.

Can I invest in crypto with 200? ›

Typically, with stocks, for example, you need a certain amount of money to invest. To get to the point, yes, $200 is enough to invest in the crypto market, but you need to make sure you invest that $200 wisely and you must be patient for it to generate meaningful returns.

Can I use Binance without verification? ›

For example, Binance allows customers to create accounts, use basic functions and perform limited transactions without submitting KYC information. In order to gain full access and increase higher deposits and withdrawal limits, customers will need to complete the KYC verification process.

How do I pass Binance verification? ›

Option 1
  1. You need to download the Binance App to complete the verification process on your phone. If you already installed the Binance App, open it and scan the QR code.
  2. You will be redirected to the verification page. ...
  3. You will see the steps for the verification process. ...
  4. First, scan your ID document.
30 Nov 2021

Which crypto exchange does not require ID verification? ›

CoinSwitch is one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges that require no KYC verification since it allows you to trade crypto at the best rates. They allow you to trade 400+ cryptos, cryptocurrencies, and tokens without having to create an account on any exchange.

How can I buy crypto without SSN or ID? ›

  1. Buying Bitcoin with No ID: 7 of Your Exchange Options.
  2. LocalBitcoins: Buy Your Digital Currency Anywhere. ...
  3. BitQuick: Buy Your Digital Currency with Cash. ...
  4. Bitit. ...
  5. Bitcoin ATMs: Do You Have One Near You? ...
  6. Bitcoin (BTC) Exchanges without Verification. ...
  7. ShapeShift. ...
  8. Tutorials: Buy Bitcoin in Less than 20 Minutes.

Can I start crypto with $10? ›

There's no need to invest thousands of dollars into crypto as a beginner. You can start your trading journey for as little as $10.

Can you start crypto with $1? ›

You can purchase or sell as little as 1.00 of digital currency denominated in your local currency ($1 or €1 for example). You can find more information about creating a buy or sell order here.

Is investing $100 in crypto enough? ›

If you're looking into cryptocurrency for the first time, you may be wondering, “can I start by investing $100 in Bitcoin?” The answer is definitely yes. But before you make your first investment, there are a few things you should know about crypto.

What happens if I don't verify my account Binance? ›

1. What happens if I can't complete the verification within the deadline? If you haven't completed the new verification within the deadline, your Binance account will be restricted to “Withdrawal Only”.

Can I withdraw from Binance with an unverified account? ›

Unverified accounts that have not fulfilled KYC requirements will not be able to trade. All new users are required to verify their accounts (i.e. Verified or Verified Plus) in order to access Binance products and service offerings, including cryptocurrency deposits, trades and withdrawals.

Can u use Binance without ID? ›

Binance requires users to complete Identity Verification to increase their account security.

Can I trade Binance without verifying my identity? ›

Binance requires users to complete Identity Verification to increase their account security.

What ID can I use to verify Binance? ›

Driver's License / Government-issued photo ID. Passport. Social security number. PAN card.

Can I use Binance us without verification? ›

Binance used to offer non-verified accounts and still lets longtime unverified users make limited withdrawals for the time being. For new customers, however, the company is complying with Know Your Customer (KYC) verification. This means that, if you're looking to sign up for an account, you must be verified.

Can I use expired ID for crypto? ›

Important: Please make sure that your document is valid—we cannot accept expired IDs.

How can I trade crypto without SSN? ›

Another way is to use an online exchange such as Coinbase or Gemini. These exchanges allow you to buy and sell bitcoin with other users around the world. Finally, you could also use a Bitcoin ATM to convert your BTC into cash without needing an SSN or bank account.

What ID can you use for crypto? ›

*In the majority of the cases, the best document to use is your passport. If you don't have a passport, a National ID or a Driving License will usually suffice. (US citizens and residents, however, are required to submit their state-issued driver's license or ID).

How do I start crypto without ID? ›

Peer-to-peer (P2P) marketplaces

These platforms, such as LocalBitcoins and Paxful, allow you to interact directly with other users who want to sell their bitcoin. Many sellers don't require you to provide any ID before you buy, so you can arrange to meet up in person and pay cash to a local seller.

How do I get a crypto wallet without ID? ›

Using an exchange without ID
  1. LocalBitcoins lets you buy Bitcoin without verifying ID, but only up to 1,000 euros or equivalent per year. ...
  2. Paxful does not require ID verification for account creation, but requires verification for accounts that reach the equivalent of US$1,500 in trade volume or wallet activity.
30 Sept 2021

Where can I buy ETH with no ID? ›

KuCoin is a leading brand in crypto exchanges due to its premium service. Their platforms let users create an account and buy Ethereum without providing identification.

How much crypto should I buy as a beginner? ›

How much money do I need to start investing in cryptocurrency? In theory it takes only a few dollars to invest in cryptocurrency. Most crypto exchanges, for example, have a minimum trade that might be $5 or $10. Other crypto trading apps might have a minimum that's even lower.

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Brave Rewards are by far the easiest way to earn free crypto. Just use the Brave web browser with Brave Rewards turned on. You can Start using Rewards to add in free Basic Attention Tokens (BATs) without doing anything special like a course or game.

How much should I first invest in crypto? ›

In fact, investing 5% of your portfolio in crypto is an often-quoted percentage of your net worth to tie up in crypto assets. Some experts recommend starting much lower, with just a 1% investment in cryptocurrency and the remaining 99% of your portfolio going to stocks and other traditional investments.

Can you make 100 dollars a day with trading Crypto? ›

Here's all you need to learn regarding generating income from day trading if you're only commencing out with cryptocurrency. By investing roughly $1000 while monitoring a 10% increase solely on a single combination, it is possible to earn $100 every day in bitcoin.

Can you make millions with crypto? ›

There's no denying that some cryptocurrency traders have become millionaires thanks to their successful investments. What's not as often discussed is the great number of people who have lost significant sums trying to become rich by investing in crypto.

Which crypto wallet is best? ›

Our Top Picks for the Best Crypto Wallets of November 2022
  • Coinbase Wallet - Best for Beginners.
  • MetaMask - Best for Ethereum.
  • TrustWallet - Best for Mobile.
  • Ledger Nano S Plus - Best Crypto Hardware Wallet.
  • Electrum - Best Desktop Bitcoin Wallet.
  • BlueWallet - Best Mobile Bitcoin Wallet.
  • Exodus - Best for Desktop.
4 Nov 2022

How can I make 100 dollars a day? ›

How to make $100 a day: 36 creative ways to make money
  1. Take part in research (up to $150/hour) ...
  2. Get paid to take surveys. ...
  3. Get paid to watch videos online. ...
  4. Answer questions for money. ...
  5. Download this app and make money by going online. ...
  6. Get paid to play games online. ...
  7. 7. Make an extra $100 pet sitting. ...
  8. Become a shopper.
3 Nov 2022

How much will my bitcoin be worth in 5 years? ›

Experts' Prediction of Bitcoin Price in 2024

CryptoNewsz predicted that Bitcoin would begin its journey in 2024 by staying at US$ 78,000 on average. BTC maximum trade value would be around US$ 85,000 in 2024.

Is making money with crypto easy? ›

Making money with Bitcoin (BTC) has become increasingly difficult in 2022. Prices have tumbled amid a widespread crypto crash. Promises of free Bitcoin are often scams. Bitcoin mining, once accessible to individual investors, is now so competitive that it's rarely a profitable venture for those with small setups.

Can I use Binance without SSN? ›

A valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is required.

How long will Binance verify? ›

For the majority of routine account verifications, the process only takes a few days. Some verifications may even take a few minutes, and some may take up to 10 days. The best way to reduce how long does Binance verification take is to make sure all the pictures of your documents are clear.

Can I verify Binance without passport? ›

Most users can choose to verify with a passport, ID card, or driver's license. Please refer to the respective options offered for your country.

Can Binance block your money? ›

Binance has total control: If you breach any terms and conditions of Binance, the company has the right to freeze your accounts without your consent or prior notice, and many account holders have agreed to this without knowing.

Can I use someone else's bank account for Binance? ›

The person making the payment must be the same as the person receiving the cryptocurrency. You cannot purchase cryptocurrency using someone else's bank account/debit/credit card, you will have to use a bank account/card under your name.

Can Binance block your account? ›

If we detect that you have violated our Terms of Use, we may lock your account for a period of time or until the issue has been resolved. There are many possibilities here, but some of the more common ones include submitting a fake document, abusive behavior, and showing signs of being a hacker.

Can I verify Binance under 18? ›

Binance does not allow anyone under the age of 18 to use Binance Services and does not knowingly collect personal information from children under 18.

Does Coinbase require ID? ›

As a regulated financial services company, Coinbase is required to identify the users on our platform. Per the Coinbase User Terms, we require all customers to verify their identity to continue using our service.

Can you trade crypto on Binance without ID? ›

Unverified accounts that have not fulfilled KYC requirements will not be able to trade. All new users are required to verify their accounts (i.e. Verified or Verified Plus) in order to access Binance products and service offerings, including cryptocurrency deposits, trades and withdrawals.

Does Binance ask for face verification? ›

As part of our commitment to building a safe platform to protect users against identity theft, fraud, and money laundering, you may be asked to complete facial verification again when you withdraw an NFT.

How long does it take for Binance us to verify your identity? ›

And you can start verification as soon as you open a Binance account. According to Binance, it may take between two and ten days to complete the verification review and receive a Verified badge. But it might take up to three to ten days if you opt for a Verified Plus badge, which offers more transaction privileges.

Why do I need ID for Binance? ›

Binance requires users to complete Identity Verification to increase their account security. Please visit How to Complete Identity Verification if you haven't completed the verification process.

Can I use a VPN to use Binance? ›

Since Binance is restricted (or banned) in so many locations, VPN is an ideal workaround to bypass geo-restrictions and access Binance trading. We recommend using top-tier VPN providers, such as NordVPN, Surfshark, or other premium ones.

Which states do not allow Binance us? ›

Binance.US is available to many, albeit not all, U.S. residents. It's important to note that this crypto exchange is not available to residents of Hawaii, New York, Texas and Vermont.

Can a non US citizen use Binance? ›

Binance requires identity verification before it lets you deposit or withdraw funds. That's easy If you aren't a US citizen. Simply provide your ID information, complete your KYC, and use Binance freely.

Do you need verification for crypto com? ›

Compliance is one of our core competence areas. Thus, we need to collect the necessary information in order to allow our users to transact on the Exchange on top of the general KYC verification process.

Why do I need ID for crypto? ›

Not only do they not meet KYC and AML standards, but they can also be faked with images stolen from social media or personal information shared on the dark web. Crypto companies must embrace more robust identity verification methods to check the identity of their users and safeguard their assets.

Why does crypto com need my drivers license? ›

Driver's License + Selfie: Many crypto sites require users to upload official identification/driver's license as one of the steps to gain access to their sites. When paired with a selfie of the person, this step in the signup flow is designed to automatically accept or deny access.

How do I bypass crypto com verification? ›

During the registration process, we'll need you to provide us with your: Full legal name. Picture of government-issued ID* Selfie.
  1. Full Legal Name: Make sure that the name you type is the same as the one on the document you provide. ...
  2. Take a Good ID Picture: Take the picture of the ID in a well-lit environment.

Can I trade on KuCoin without verification? ›

Although you can technically use KuCoin even without verifying your identity, a withdrawal limit will be imposed on you until you undergo the verification process. That's why, if you want to use KuCoin fully, you're going to have to complete the KYC.

Can you trade crypto under 18? ›

However, crypto platforms like Coinbase and Paypal impose a minimum age restriction. They require you to be at least 18 in order to get involved in purchasing crypto, whether you want to buy Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum, Dogecoin, Ether, Litecoin or another type of digital currency.

Can you use Coinbase without ID? ›

Per the Coinbase User Terms, we require all customers to verify their identity to continue using our service. We didn't always require Identity Verification to sign up for Coinbase, but we now require all customers to input their information.

Do you need ID for Binance? ›

Binance requires all users to complete Identity Verification to increase their account security and to comply with countries' regulations.

How can I buy ETH without ID? ›

This page details ways investors can buy Ethereum without ID.
How to Get Started?
  1. Step 1: Connect your wallet. Connect your wallet to the UniSwap platform.
  2. Step 2: Set Ethereum as the coin you want to buy. ...
  3. Step 3: Input the number of Ethereum. ...
  4. Step 4: UniSwap will provide the gas fees. ...
  5. Step 5: Accept the transaction.
5 days ago

How much is a crypto license? ›

Licensing the activity of cryptocurrency exchange in USA
License RequirementsLocal AML officer Compliance with AML\KYC requirements
Documents for obtaining a licenseAML\KYC policy Company extract Contact person's details
The timing2 weeks
Cost6,900 USD

How can I buy crypto without a license? ›

Top 8 Ways To Buy Bitcoin Without ID & Anonymously
  1. LocalCryptos. Localcryptos is a peer-to-peer marketplace that does not require any ID to transact on the platform. ...
  2. Rango exchange: ...
  3. CEX (Requires ID in 2022) ...
  4. Person to Person Purchase. ...
  5. Bitcoin ATMs. ...
  6. Bitsquare (aka BISQ) ...
  7. Wall of Coins. ...
  8. Changelly Exchange.

How do crypto exchanges verify identity? ›

In addition, exchanges also generally ask for a photo of valid government-issued identification. This can be a driver's license, state ID card, or a passport. After you provide the requested information and a photo of your ID, the exchange will use that to verify your identity.

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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.