Flipping Houses vs Rental Property - Which is Better? - Real Estate Investing .org (2024)

You can make money in any area of real estate.

But, it’s hard to be good at everything.

So, in order to be successful,you should focus on one thingand become exceptionally good at it.

So that brings us back to the question, should you flip or rent out your property?

That really depends…

Table Of Contents

  1. Should I Flip Houses or Rent them Instead?
  2. Passive Income vs Active Income
  3. Flipping is Not Investing
    • You can make a ton of money flipping
  4. Owning Rental Property is Investing; Flipping is Speculating
  5. House Flipping vs Renting
    • Keep your job and invest in real estate
    • Quitting your job and becoming a real estate investor
  6. The Pros and Cons of Flipping
    • A Lot of Cash – Quick
    • No Long-Term Headaches
    • You Have a Lot of Spare Time to Manage Projects
    • Opportunity Cost of Flipping
    • Taxes on Flipping Income
  7. Rental Property is a Long-Term Play
    • Rental Property is Passive Income
    • Investment Property Has Tax Incentives and Flipping Does Not
    • Not all Rental Property is Passive
  8. Answer: Should I Rent Houses or Flip Them?
    • Flipping is Your Business and Rentals are Your Investments
    • Use Flips to Generate Cash for renting property

Should I Flip Houses or Rent them Instead?

I’ve done flips and I own plenty of rentals. Over the years I have become biased toward one area and believe it’s far better. But, I recognize the importance of both areas of real estate… So it really comes down to your goals.

In order to know what’s better to invest in, you need to understand your goals better.

Passive Income vs Active Income

To understand if you should flip or rent houses, you need to understand the difference between passive income and active income.

Passive Incomeis earned without much effort. Regardless of where you are or what you’re doing, the checks keep coming.

Active Incomerequires day to day involvement (work)in order to generate the money.

Flipping Houses vs Rental Property - Which is Better? - Real Estate Investing .org (1)

We have spent years developing this process that has literally generated millions of dollars in value and a stable yearly revenue for investors.

Eventually, we will all retire. In order to do that, you need passive income. Active income stops coming in as soon as you stop working.

So, I would ask you to answer the following questions

  1. Do you have enough money to retire now?
  2. If not, do you want to stay in your career field or switch fields (to real estate)?

Flipping is Not Investing

Thousand people are up in arms that I would even dare to say that. “Real estate investor” has become a catchphrase for all flippers. Stock marketday trading is not investingso why would the real estate equivalent be considered investing?

Don’t get me wrong, you can earn a ton of money from it…but notice how I phrased that sentence – You canearna ton of money.

Investingis the act of committingmoneyorcapitalto an endeavor (a business, project,real estate, etc.) with the expectation of obtaining an additional income orprofit.

Let’s quickly compare that to the definition of speculation.

Speculationis the practice of engaging in risky financial transactions in an attempt to profit from fluctuations in themarket valueof a tradable good such as afinancial instrument, rather than attempting to profit from the underlying financial attributes embodied in the instrument such as capital gains, interest, or dividends.

So, yes you put money and time into real estate with the expectation of obtaining profit, but a day trader puts their money into a stock and expects to get profit.People put their money in all kinds of things and expect to get a profit.

The reality is, you need to also put time and effort into making a plan, overseeing the project, and ensuring your vision can be achieved within the budget in order to earn money when it sells. A lot of these aspects are active income and would be consideredwork, not investing.

What is house flipping–flipping is a combination of speculation and working (project management).

You can make a ton of money flipping

Just to be clear, I’m not saying you shouldn’t flip. I’m just saying you should understand that it’s a business and not an investment.

You can earn a ton of money with flipping. Some people are people making millions doing it.

But, it’s a business. You need to know that before walking into it.

If you still want to become a house flipper, start bylearning more about house flipping.

Owning Rental Property is Investing; Flipping is Speculating

Flipping is a combination ofspeculationandproject management.

Buy and hold rental property is an investment based on underlying expectations of long-term capital gains, and dividends (rent income).

It’s really important to have this distinction because it will help us figure out what we want to do with our money and time. Like I said before, you can make money in just about any area of real estate, you just need to decide which area, and how much time to spend.

If you are looking to get started investing in real estate, do what I did. Start by reading some ofThe Best Books on Rental Property.

House Flipping vs Renting

Let’s get back to those questions. I’ll just go out on a limb and say, if you answered “yes” to question #1 then just take your extra cash and invest in some passive multi-family properties or other rental property.

Unless you’re looking to start a second career.

Keep your job and invest in real estate

If you want to keep your day-job (I don’t know why you would want that), you still can be involved in real estate.

Since you are already working full time, you will want real estate to be part-time which still leads you back to the same question – flip part-time or invest in rental property.

If you have a job already, I personally would lean toward rental property. It’s easier and takes much less time to manage compared to flips. You can also use your income to get more properties whereas it’s harder to get loans without a job.

It will earn you less at first, but once you start accumulating property you will be fine.

Quitting your job and becoming a real estate investor

So you don’t have enough money to retire now (question #1) and you hate your job and want to work for yourself or start your own business (question #2).

Should you flip or buy rental property.

The answer is simple – both!

You will need the flipping income to replace your salary. You will want the rental property to provide for your retirement.

I recommendlearning about preparing financiallyto invest in real estate before you quit your day job (you may need that income to get your first rental or two).

The Pros and Cons of Flipping

A quick breakdown of the good and bad about flipping:

A Lot of Cash – Quick

Flipping can put a lot of money into your pocket and put it there fast. The better you are at flipping, the more money you put in your pocket….obviously, right?

Well, I mean it from a mathematical point of view. If you can earn even $5,000 or $10,000 per flip but can turn them over very fast, you can make a huge ROI.

Just for round numbers, if you earn $10k per flip and you take one year to do it, you earn $10k. If you increase thevelocityof your flips, you can earn more per year even if you earn less per flip.

Let’s say you hire out some sub-contractors and now you are only earning $6k per flip, but now you can get it done in 2 months. That’s 6 flipped houses per year or $36k profit.

No Long-Term Headaches

Some properties are maintenance nightmares. They are old or just designed in a way that will cause it to always need excessive maintenance.

Other properties are in neighborhoods that just attractthe wrong type of tenant– the one that causes problems, doesn’t pay rent, or robs banks (yea, I had one of those once).

Unless you are hardcore, you may not want to take these headaches on. It may be easier to sell the house for quick cash rather than take on these long-term problems.

You Have a Lot of Spare Time to Manage Projects

If you have a lot of spare time and don’t want to sit around, flipping is a great way to earn money, work in real estate, and take up your time.

Realistically you could manage a few flips at the same time before you even need to hire an assistant or project manager.

Opportunity Cost of Flipping

This is an economic term for – “what you give up in order to gain something else.” Basically, by taking on a job flipping, you give up the opportunity to work full-time in another career.

You can make money flipping, but you need to consider if it will pay you more or less than your current career. Also, since flipping creates active income, as soon as you stop working at it, your income will dry up. Flipping is still a job.

Taxes on Flipping Income

Taxes are complicated so this cannot be construed as tax advice (consult with your accountant), but taxes on flipping income is generally taxed like self-employed income – and theself-employed pay the highest income taxesof anyone (up to 43%).

I won’t get into the details of it, but you basically need to pay an additional 15% tax on top of all your normal taxes.

Rental Property is a Long-Term Play

We have already discussed how flipping can earn a lot of money in a short amount of time. Another side of this coin is that rentals tend to earn less, but they earn it consistently over many years.

Since you plan to keep the property for a long time, you will want tospend more time investigating the propertybefore you purchase it, as you need to check both tenants and the physical property itself. Things you could brush under the rug for a flip will need to be addressed for your rental.

Rental Property is Passive Income

If you break your neck tomorrow and can never work again, this money never stops coming in. You may not earn so much as a flip, but it’spermanent income.

Naysayers may say that all properties will require some effort, which is true. But,you don’t have to deal with any problems or tenantsif you don’t want to. It’s simple to hire a property manager and it’s not even a big deal if you work the numbers in before you purchase.

Passive income is what allows you to befinancially independentand retire. For me, rental property created passive income and I was able to reach financial independence in 5 years.

Investment Property Has Tax Incentives and Flipping Does Not

Rental property is taxed as investment income and you also have a number of write-offs to help offset your taxes.

Investment income is usually taxed at 15% (or 20% if you make a ton of money). Compare this to the 25-43% on flipping income, and you are saving a ton!

Also, you can write off a lot of additional expenses with investment income. The biggest benefit is writing off depreciation, which can save you thousands each year in taxes.

Not all Rental Property is Passive

It’s important to remember that certain things about rental property are not investing. This includes actively finding deals as well as project management and property management.

If you buy a property and rent it out while doing all the work yourself, including management, then you have part an investment and part a job.

The key is to hire people to do those things so it’s a true investment.

Answer: Should I Rent Houses or Flip Them?

I’ve gone over the pros and cons of each. I believe that you can retire in 5 or 6 years if you focus on rental property, but flipping may be a necessary evil for you depending on your individual situation. So, a hybrid approach may be best for some people.

Buying rental property quickly sucks up your spare cash. Without cash, it becomes very difficult to buy more rentals.

Flipping is Your Business and Rentals are Your Investments

Treatflipping as a businessand do not lose focus on the fact thatflipping is a job. It requires constant attention, time, workers and employees, and effort but it can produce a lot of income.

If you constantly put all your money back into yourjob, you’ll find someday that you have a lot of cash butno passive income.

Use Flips to Generate Cash for renting property

Take your extra money and put it toward your investments to build up your passive income streams.

As you get more passive income, you can spend less time working. Eventually, you will be completely financially independent and you won’t need to work, though of course, you can still continue to flip if you enjoy it!

Never Lose Focus on The Goal of Financial Independence

Flipping Houses vs Rental Property - Which is Better? - Real Estate Investing .org (2)

Eric Bowlin has 15 years of experience in the real estate industry and is a real estate investor, author, speaker, real estate agent, and coach. He focuses on multifamily, house flipping. and wholesaling and has owned over 470 units of multifamily.

Eric spends his time with his family, growing his businesses, diversifying his income, and teaching others how to achieve financial independence through real estate.

You may have seen Eric on Forbes, Bigger Pockets, Trulia, WiseBread, TheStreet, Inc, The Texan, Dallas Morning News, dozens of podcasts, and many others.

Flipping Houses vs Rental Property - Which is Better? - Real Estate Investing .org (3)

5-Step System to


The system that 25,000+ investors are using to start and scale their portfolios WITHOUT needing togrindevery day, being privately wealthy, or knowing everything about real estate.

Flipping Houses vs Rental Property - Which is Better? - Real Estate Investing .org (2024)


Flipping Houses vs Rental Property - Which is Better? - Real Estate Investing .org? ›

It's a great strategy if you need regular income and want real estate to be integral to your overall investment portfolio. Buying rental properties carries significantly less risk than flipping, and it's a better choice if you're looking for a more passive income approach.

What is the 70 rule in real estate flipping? ›

The 70% rule can help flippers when they're scouring real estate listings for potential investment opportunities. Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home.

What are 3 drawbacks to owning rental real estate? ›

The drawbacks of having rental properties include a lack of liquidity, the cost of upkeep, and the potential for difficult tenants and for the neighborhood's appeal to decline.

What is better than flipping a house? ›

Owning rental property has the potential to generate great returns, especially if held over several years. While you won't be enjoying a lump sum of cash, like flipping a house might produce, you will be collecting consistent income in smaller amounts for as long as you choose to own and rent out the property.

What is the success rate of house flipping? ›

Key Points. House flipping returns: The average ROI for house flipping in 2023 was 27.5%, and the average gross profit was $66,000. Number of flips: 308,922 single-family homes and condos were flipped in 2023, about 8.1% of all home sales.

What is the golden rule for flipping houses? ›

Many home flippers abide by the so-called golden rule for house flipping: the 70% rule, which says that you should pay no more than 70% of what you estimate the house's ARV (after-repair value) to be. You generally calculate ARV as the current property value plus the added value of any renovations you do.

What is the 50% rule in real estate? ›

The 50% rule or 50 rule in real estate says that half of the gross income generated by a rental property should be allocated to operating expenses when determining profitability. The rule is designed to help investors avoid the mistake of underestimating expenses and overestimating profits.

What are the tax disadvantages of rental property? ›

One of the key disadvantages of rental properties is that it often doesn't provide you with current tax losses because those tax losses can be limited based on your income levels unless you are a real estate professional.

What is the main advantage to owning a home versus renting? ›

The benefits of owning a home instead of renting offer buyers several tax advantages, the ability to grow equity, and of course a place to call your own. It's also a feel-good milestone that offers a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Is it wise to keep a rental property? ›

Key Takeaways

There are many financial and tax benefits to owning a rental property, particularly if you lock in reliable long-term residents who can care for the home while it appreciates and generates equity and passive income.

What is the hardest part of flipping a house? ›

Seven Common Challenges in Real Estate Investing
  • Finding the Right Property. Not every house makes a smart fix and flip investment. ...
  • Purchasing for a Profitable Price. ...
  • Locating Funding or Financing. ...
  • Building a Trusted Network. ...
  • Staying Organized. ...
  • Market Volatility. ...
  • Unexpected Conditions.

What are the cons of flipping houses? ›

Con: Costs

Flipping houses can create cost issues that you don't face with long-term investments. The expenses involved in flipping can demand a lot of money, leading to cash flow problems. Because transaction costs are very high on both the buy and sell sides, they can significantly affect profits.

What is the best house to flip? ›

Prospective flippers wondering how to get a house for cheap should look for “Real Estate Owned” (REO) properties or properties held by lenders or guarantors due to defaulted loans. These can be excellent choices for flipping, as they tend to be underpriced and behind on upkeep, so they'll benefit from rehab.

What is the 70% rule in house flipping? ›

Put simply, the 70 percent rule states that you shouldn't buy a distressed property for more than 70 percent of the home's after-repair value (ARV) — in other words, how much the house will likely sell for once fixed — minus the cost of repairs.

What is the best state to flip houses in? ›

13 Best Places to Flip Houses as an Investor in 2024
  1. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. ...
  2. Buffalo, New York. ...
  3. Baltimore, Maryland. ...
  4. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. ...
  5. Honolulu, Hawaii. ...
  6. San Jose, California. ...
  7. West Valley City, Utah. ...
  8. Greensboro, North Carolina.

Why is house flipping illegal? ›

Property flipping is a common practice in real estate. It involves buying a property and then reselling it for more money. Usually, when someone flips a property, he or she makes repairs and improvements beforehand. It can become illegal if the person falsely represents the condition and value of the property.

How do you calculate a 70% rule? ›

70% Rule: Formula and Example
  1. Formula: (ARV * 0.7) – rehab.
  2. Example: ($100,000 * 0.7) = $50,000.
Jan 3, 2024

What is the 90 day flip rule in real estate? ›

What Are FHA Flipping Rules? If you plan to purchase a flipped home with an FHA loan, you must abide by the FHA 90-day flipping rule. This rule states that a person selling a flipped home must own the home for more than 90 days before home buyers can purchase the property.

What is an illegal flip in real estate? ›

What is Illegal Property Flipping under California Law? The bottom line is that if fraud is in anyway involved with the “flip” of the property, the conduct is illegal and may be punished as a crime.

What is the 5 2 rule in real estate? ›

During the 5 years before you sell your home, you must have at least: 2 years of ownership and. 2 years of use as a primary residence.

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Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.