Flipping Houses: How It Works, Where to Start, and 5 Mistakes to Avoid (2024)

The road to real estate riches isn’t all about curb appeal and sold signs. Far too many would-bereal estatemogulsoverlook the basics and end up failing—and this includes flippers. These are individuals who purchase and renovate properties before putting them back on the market to make a profit. If you're going to flip a home, make sure you have the cash, time, skills, knowledge, and patience before you lose out. But how do you avoid these mistakes?

Key Takeaways

  • Flipping is a real estate strategy that involves buying homes, renovating them, and selling them for a profit in a short period of time.
  • Flipping houses is a business that requires knowledge, planning, and savvy to be successful.
  • Common mistakes made by novice real estate investors are underestimating the time or money that the project will require.
  • Another error that house flippers make is overestimating their skills and knowledge.
  • Patience and good judgment are especially important in a timing-based business like real estate investing.

How Flipping Houses Works

Flipping is a real estate investment strategywhere aninvestorpurchases aproperty with the intention of selling it for a profit rather than using it. Investors who flip propertiesconcentrate on the purchase and subsequent resale of one or a group of properties. Many investors attempt to generate a steady flow ofincomeby engaging in frequent flips.

So how do you flip a building or house? The key is to buy low and sell high. But rather than adopt abuy-and-holdstrategy, it's important to complete the transaction as quickly as possible. This limits the time that yourcapitalis at risk. In general, the focus should be on speed as opposed to maximum profit. That’s because each day costs you more money in mortgage,utilities,property taxes,insurance, and other costs associated with homeownership.

But the flipping plan often comes with several pitfalls. Any profit you make is typically derived from priceappreciation that results from a hot real estate market in which prices are rising rapidly or fromcapital improvementsmade to the property—or both. For example, an investor might purchase a fixer-upper in a hot neighborhood, make substantial renovations,then offer it at a price that reflects its new appearance and amenities.

Where to Start

Limit your financial risk and maximizeyour return potential. This means you shouldn't pay too much for a home. And make sure you also know how much the necessary repairs orupgrades will cost before you buy. You can then figure out an ideal purchase price once you have this information.

There is a rule called the 70%rule. It states that an investor should pay no more than 70% of the after-repair value (ARV)of a property less any repairs that are needed.The ARVis what a home isworth after it is fully repaired. Here's how it works:

  • If a home’s ARV is $150,000 and it needs $25,000 in repairs, then the 70%rule means that an investor should pay no more than $80,000 for the home: $150,000 × 0.70 = $105,000 - $25,000 = $80,000.

Like any other small business, flipping requires time and money, planning and patience, skill, and effort. It will likely wind up being harder and more expensive than you ever imagined. Take it lightly at your peril: If you’re just looking to get rich quickly by flipping a home, you could end up in the poorhouse.

Below are the five mistakes to avoid if you are thinking about flipping a house.

Even if you get every detail right, changing market conditions could mean that every assumption you made at the beginning will be invalid by the end.

1. Not Enough Money

Dabbling in real estate is expensive. The first expense is the propertyacquisition cost. While low/no-money-downfinancingclaims abound, finding these deals from a legitimatevendoris easier said than done. And if you’refinancing the acquisition, you’re going to payinterest. Consider this:

  • The interest on borrowed money is tax deductible even after the passage of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), but it is not a 100%deduction.Every dollar spent on interest adds to the amount you’ll need to earn on the sale just tobreak even.
  • If you use a mortgage or a home equity line of credit (HELOC) to finance the purchase, only the interest is deductible. The principal, taxes, and insurance portions of your payment are not.

Research your financing options to determine the best product for your needs and to find the rightlender. Consider using a mortgage calculator to compare ratesthat various lenders offer. Payingcashcertainly eliminates the cost of interest, but even then, there areholding costs and opportunity costs for tying up your cash.

Even if you manage to overcome the financial hurdles of flipping a house, don’t forget aboutcapital gains taxes, which will chip away at your profit.

Making a profit is tougher than before and they are dropping. Flippers grossed about $67,900 per property across the country in 2022 or a return on investment (ROI) of 26.9%. That's a 3% decrease from 2021 when flippers earned about $70,000 per property. This doesn't mean you can't make money. it's just that you'll need more care.

Renovation and other costs (real estate taxes, utilities, and other carrying costs) can cut your profit by around two-thirds. Add to that an unexpected structural problem with the property, and a gross profit can become a net loss. So if youplan to fix and sell a house for a profit, the sale price must exceed the cost of acquisition, renovation costs, and holding costs combined.

And remember: timing is everything, especially in real estate.

2. Not Enough Time

Flipping houses is time-consuming. It can take months to find the right property. Once you own the house, you’ll need time to renovate. This means you'll have to give up personal time on demolition and construction if you have a day job. If you pay someone to do the work for you, you’ll spend more time than you expect supervising the activity, and the costs of paying others will reduce your profit.

Once the work is done, you’ll need to schedule inspections to make sure that the property complies with applicable building codes before you can sell it. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to spend more time and money to bring it up to par.

Selling the property also requires a great deal of time. If you show it to prospective buyers yourself, you may spend plenty of time commuting to and from the property and in meetings. If you use a real estate agent, you will owe a commission.

For many people, it might make more sense to stick with a day job, where they can earn the same kind of money in a few weeks or months via a steady paycheck, with no risk and a consistent time commitment.

Flipped homes accounted for 8.4% of all home sales in the United States in 2022. This is the highest percentage of flipped homes that were on the market since 2005, according to data published by ATTOMData Solutions.

3. Not Enough Skills

Professional builders and skilled professionals, such as carpenters and plumbers, often flip houses as a side income to their regular jobs. They have the knowledge, skills,and experience to find and fix a house. Some of them also have union jobs that may provide unemployment checks all winter long while they work on their side projects.

The real money in house flipping comes fromsweat equity. If you’re handy with a hammer, enjoy laying carpet, and can hang drywall, roof a house, and install a kitchen sink, then you have the skills to flip a house.

But if you don’t know a Phillips-head screwdriver from a flat one, you will need to pay a professional to do the renovations and repairs. And that will reduce the odds of making a substantial profit on your investment.

Flipping is also called wholesale real estate investing,

4. Not Enough Knowledge

You must know how to pick the right property, in the right location, at the right price. In a neighborhood of $100,000 homes, do you really expect to buy at $60,000 and sell at $200,000? The housing market is far too efficient for that to occur regularly.

Even if you get the deal of a lifetime like snapping up a house inforeclosurefor a song, knowing which renovations to make and which to skip is key. You also need to understand the applicable tax laws and zoning laws and know when to cut your losses and get out before your project becomes a money pit.

Big-league lenders have also started to seek profits in the flip-loan marketplace, with global investment firm KKR joining other private investment firms seeking a piece of the action.

5. Not Enough Patience

Professionals take their time and wait for the right property. Novices rush out to buy the first house that they see. Then they hire the first contractor who makes abidto address work that they can’t do themselves. Professionals either do the work themselves or rely on a network of prearranged, reliable contractors.

Novices hire real estate agentsto help sell the house. Their commissions can eat into your profits (even after changes arising from the National Association of Realtors, which will eliminate advertising buyer's agent commissions on the MLS). Professionals rely on for-sale by owner efforts to minimize costs and maximize profits. Novices expect to rush through the process, slap on a coat of paint, and earn a fortune. Professionals understand that buying and selling houses takes time and that theprofit marginsare sometimes slim.

Do I Need to Have a Cash Offer to Flip a House?

No. Cash can be more attractive to sellers, so you may see more cash offers accepted on home-flipping shows. Nationwide, 62.7% of house flips are purchased with cash. However, many people do finance their house flips. It all depends on the situation.

Which Cities Are the Best to Flip a House?

This depends a lot on what you're looking for and your bankroll. But according to New Silver, which provides capital to real estate investors, the best cities for house flipping are Jacksonville, Atlanta, El Paso, Charlotte (North Carolina), and Hartford (Connecticut).

How Long Does It Take to Flip a House?

The average length of time it takes to flip a house is about four to six months from the purchase date to the selling of the finished home. Keep in mind, though, that each project is different. In some cases, it may take a month or so but others may require heavier work.

The Bottom Line

It looks so easy! At any given time, a half-dozen shows on television feature good-looking, well-dressed investors who make the flipping process look fast, fun, and profitable. But making a nice profit quickly by flipping a home is not as easy as it looks on TV. Novice flippers can underestimate the time or money required and overestimate their skills and knowledge. If you are thinking about flipping a house, make sure you understand what it takes and the risks involved.

Flipping Houses: How It Works, Where to Start, and 5 Mistakes to Avoid (2024)


What is the golden rule for flipping houses? ›

Basically, the rule says real estate investors should pay no more than 70% of a property's after-repair value (ARV) minus the cost of the repairs necessary to renovate the home. The ARV of a property is the amount a home could sell for after flippers renovate it.

What is the first thing to do when flipping a house? ›

How to flip a house, step-by-step
  1. Set a budget: House flipping is expensive, and the first step is to make sure you have your finances in order. ...
  2. Find a property: Next, look for properties that fit your finances. ...
  3. Make an offer: When you find the right property, it's time to make an offer.
Jul 8, 2024

What are red flags for house flipping? ›

Structural issues are arguably the most critical red flag when flipping houses, and they can turn a seemingly profitable deal into a financial disaster.

How to flip houses step by step? ›

How to Start Flipping Houses in 2023
  1. Get to know your real estate market. ...
  2. Talk to experienced house flippers. ...
  3. Organize your own finances and set a budget. ...
  4. Build your team. ...
  5. Search for a property and make a purchase. ...
  6. Develop a timeline and plan for your flip. ...
  7. Make your sale. ...
  8. Choose the next house to flip!
Feb 6, 2023

What is the 70 30 rule in flipping houses? ›

In order to successfully flip houses you need to buy properties at a big enough discount to make a profit and cover all of the other 'Fixed Costs' (buying, holding, selling & financing costs). When you multiply the After Repair Value by 70% you are discounting the property by 30% to cover your Profit and Fixed Costs.

Why is house flipping illegal? ›

Illegal property flipping is a fraud whereby recently acquired property is resold for a considerable profit with an artificially inflated value, typically in order to defraud a lender into lending more than the true value of the property or defraud a buyer into paying a higher price than should be necessary.

What not to do when flipping a house? ›

To avoid the pitfalls of house flipping and maximize your profits, it's important to avoid these six common mistakes: underestimating the costs, not doing enough research, choosing the wrong location, over-improving the property, rushing the process, and not having an exit strategy.

What adds the most value when flipping a house? ›

#1 Spruce up the exterior curb appeal

Easy cosmetic fixes to the house itself – like power-washing the siding, repainting the trim, and changing out old hardware – can make a huge difference. Installing outdoor lighting, planters, or shutters are additional ideas to make your home look more inviting.

In what order do you flip a house? ›

The Order of Your House Flip Construction Project Should Be as Follows:
  1. Planning.
  2. Investigate Permits & Restrictions. Permits. Restrictions.
  3. Check Structure, Perform Surveys and Engineering Reports.
  4. Demolition Planning.
  5. Line up Vendors & Suppliers. Dumpster & Haulaway. Portable Toilets. Locksmith. Material Suppliers.

What is the code for flipping houses? ›

Code NAICS 531390 covers “other activities related to real estate," including real estate flipping, real estate holding companies, and real estate development.

Why is flipping houses risky? ›

The Financial Risk: Understanding the Costs

Underestimating the renovation costs, unexpected expenses catching up, or holding onto a property for too long can swiftly turn a hopeful flip into a draining money pit.

What makes a good house to flip? ›

Make sure it's in the right condition.

Some houses need so much work, or so much complicated work, that they don't leave room for a profit margin by the end of the project. Look for homes that are in sound condition overall, and that can be updated fairly quickly. Avoid needs like: Outdated HVAC or electrical systems.

How much money should you start with to flip a house? ›

After consulting various expert opinions, the average cost to flip a house falls between $20,000 to $70,000, but it can be below or above these figures depending on specific circ*mstances. This number doesn't figure in the purchase price but the subsequent costs to renovate, market, and hold the property.

What to do first when flipping a house? ›

How To Start Flipping Houses
  1. Research The Market. The first step toward serious house flipping is knowing the housing market. ...
  2. Understand Neighborhood Rankings. ...
  3. Secure Your Finances. ...
  4. Get Expert Counsel. ...
  5. Find And Buy A House. ...
  6. Sell For A Profit.
Jun 22, 2023

What are the IRS rules for flipping houses? ›

The IRS considers the profits of flipping houses as ordinary income, meaning that you pay taxes within your normal income tax rate. You'll have to pay a self-employment tax, which typically is a rate of 15.3%. You will also pay federal income taxes and state income taxes, again at your ordinary income tax rate.

What are the rules for flipping houses? ›

The 70% rule means you should only purchase a property to flip if its price—plus the amount you expect to spend on renovations and repairs—is 70% or less of what you think the house's value will be when you resell it. This helps you avoid overspending on a property that'll give you little return on your investment.

What is the 90-day flip rule in real estate? ›

What Are FHA Flipping Rules? If you plan to purchase a flipped home with an FHA loan, you must abide by the FHA 90-day flipping rule. This rule states that a person selling a flipped home must own the home for more than 90 days before home buyers can purchase the property.

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Name: Ray Christiansen

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Introduction: My name is Ray Christiansen, I am a fair, good, cute, gentle, vast, glamorous, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.