Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (2024)

So your budget isn’t working and now you really need to fix it. It’s time to get your budget back on track.

We’ve all been here. We create our budgets carefully or by semi plucking figures out of the air thinking that will be plenty to live on.

A couple of months down the line and reality sinks in and budgeting mistakes are staring you in the face.

Your budget has become hard work.

You don’t want to be working hard at keeping your budget on track when you are working hard at your job.Don’t you deserve to be kind to yourself and treat yourself?

Well yes, but you need to recognize that ‘yourself’ isn’t necessarily today’s yourself. You need to be kind to your future self.

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (1)

You need to pay yourself first

Yourself today has already spent the budget, if you carry on spending you are taking money from your future self. Don’t do that.

Take a step back and think about what you truly want. Do you really want to be in debt and forever worrying about money? Worrying about the debt you carry and whether it will get bigger?

Or do you want to get your budget back on track? I am sure what you actually want is to be free from the worry of debt and free to spend your hard earned wages on what you truly want.

But to get to that point you do need to pay off debt and you do need to stick to a budget.

You only have a finite amount of money and you will want to make it stretch as far as possible.

7 Inspiring Tips On How To Be Good With Money

How To Manage Your Finances – The Best Ways For 2020

5 Simple Steps To Fix Budgeting Mistakes

ONE – Take A Deep Breath

Acknowledging that you haven’t stuck to your plan can be hard, but it’s the first step in moving forward and getting you back to where you want to be.

Take a deep breath and tell yourself it is going to be OK.

Because you are going to fix your budgeting mistakes and get your budget back on track.

The fact you are having this conversation with yourself is a great first step.

Being honest with yourself is extremely important if you are going to get your finances and budget under control.

Acknowledge your overspending

These posts will help:

The One Thing That Will Change Your Money Life For Ever

33 Ways You Are Wasting Money [And How To Stop Right Now]

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (2)

TWO – Remember Why You Had A Budget

Think about why you had a budget in the first place. Was its because you have debts to pay or financial goals to aim for?

Think about what it will feel like once you have paid off those debts or saved up enough to achieve your savings goals.

Debt is like a heavy cloak around your shoulders dragging you down.

Think about how much weight will be lifted form you once you have paid off your debts and fixed those mistakes in your budget.

Think about what you can do with the extra money you would then have each month.

Promise yourself you will make the changes necessary

These posts about debt will help:

How To Pay Off Debt Fast And Still Have A Life

What To Do When You Can’t Afford The Snowball Method

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (3)

THREE – Revisit Your Budget

Look at the budget you set, get your figures out and review them.

Look at what is happening in reality – which part of the budget is not working & why?

Identify where the money is leaking that shouldn’t be – you need to know where the money is going so you can rectify it.

Ensure you do not create a blame culture – no shame no blame. It is what it is and now you are going to do something about it.

These posts will help:

How To Budget Your Money When You Don’t Know How

What is the purpose and benefits of budgeting?

How To Live Fabulously On A Budget (And Save Money)

If you have a partner/spouse then this really needs to be a joint effort. If your budget is blown it is unlikely to be only one of you who is living beyond your means.

Where it is only one then you will need to look at how you can support that person to bring their spending back in line.

You will want to understand why their spending is higher than planned, what is making them spend more when they have previously agreed to a spending budget?

Be upfront about your own spending failures, ensure your partner doesn’t feel you are blaming them.

Communication is absolutely key to minimizing mistakes and getting your budget back on track.

Whether that is having honest conversations with your partner or with yourself.

We can all delude ourselves if we want to. The key is to be honest with yourself and your partner.

Identify where you money is really going

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (4)

FOUR – Comparing Your Original Budget With The Reality

Was your budget set up correctly or was it too aspirational?

Look at what you have ended up spending each month, review each budget line and create a new budget figure for each.

Some you might be able to reduce, others might need tightening up. Perhaps you forgot to account for birthday presents?

Related post:Cut These 10 Monthly Expenses and Crush Your Budget – Today!


Meals At Work

You know you can save money here and get your budget back on track but maybe always packing your lunch won’t work for you?

Give yourself one day a week where you buy your lunch.

You are more likely to stick to your budget if you allow yourself something in this category if you are currently overspending here.

Eating Out

Did you cut this out completely from your budget and it has sneaked back in again?

Perhaps you need to factor in some eating out but significantly less than you are used to?

If you know you will be eating out say next week then it makes it easy not give in to temptation this week.


Most of us have left winter behind so now is the time to make the most of what nature has to offer us for free.

Take a walk in the woods, visit a park and soak up the sunshine, the noises and smells of nature around you.

Join like minded friends and have a BBQ or pot luck supper.

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (5)


Now is the time to wear everything you have in your wardrobe. Put a complete ban on clothes shopping or even window shopping for clothes.

I bet you have no need for any new clothes for at least a few months,Mrs Frugalwoodsdidn’t buy herself any new clothes for over 2 years. That woman is hardcore!

Find out how to create your own work capsule wardrobe cheaply

Review Monthly Utility Bills

Set aside an afternoon to price compare all your bills. $10 a month saved here and there will really add up.

If you have a water meter then you might be able tosave money on your water bill.

If you still have cable there is always a deal to be done here.

Threaten to leave (or ask if your bill can be reduced as you can no longer afford the payments) and you are highly likely to be offered a lower bill.

If you don’t ask, you don’t get folks!

Read 150 proven ways to save moneyfor many more brilliant ideas.

Identify where your spending has gone awry. Is it on entertainment or eating out? Is it on meals for work or clothes?

When you know where the blips are you can take action to address them.

Create a new more realistic budget based on your true spending

Related post:Live Cheaply – How You Can Win At Living On Next To Nothing

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (6)

FIVE – Track Your Spending

Tracking or recording everything you spend is a great way to see what and where your money goes.

Tracking your spending will keep you focused on what is happening to your money every week.

If you can involve your partner in this even better. Review where you are every week.

Don’t leave it until the end of the month – it is too late then.

You need to know if you slip up so you can sort it out quickly before the overspend mushrooms.

If you are tracking what you spend then there are no surprises with your budget. You know what you’ve spent, where you’ve spent and when you did so.

Track everything you spend and review it weekly

Fix Your Budgeting Mistakes Today

Don’t take on further debt as a way of masking your spending. You are in control of your budget.

If you decide that there will be no holiday abroad this year then that is your decision, and you need to stick to it.

What you mustn’t do is stick the holiday payments on another credit card. You are cheating yourself and your plans.

Once you make peace with yourself and your overspending you will find you are able to move forward.

Acknowledging what has gone before without blaming others is key to your success.

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (7)

A Reminder Of The 5 Steps To Fix Your Budgeting Mistakes

  • Acknowledge your overspending
  • Promise yourself you will make the changes necessary
  • Identify where you money is really going
  • Create a new more realistic budget based on your true spending
  • Track everything you spend and review it weekly

With these 5 steps you can cut out those budgeting mistakes that have crept in. Remember, you deserve to be in control of your money, not the other way round.

Money saving and budgeting ideas you might be interested in:

How To Stop Living Paycheck To Paycheck The Frugal Way

How To Stop Spending Money You Really Don’t Have

10 things I don’t do or buy

Come and follow me on Pinterest for more money saving hints and frugal tips!

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (8)
Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (9)

Good luck!

Last Updated on 4th April 2023 by Emma

Fix Budgeting Mistakes & Get Your Budget Back On Track (2024)


How to get back on track with your budget? ›

Pay off the smallest debts first, then work toward larger ones. Commit to working at it a little each week/month and you'll be surprised at how much progress you make. Keep your spending in check (Opens in a new Window) and try cutting back. Try bringing your lunch to work each day or only going out on the weekends.

What are the three 3 common budgeting mistakes to avoid? ›

Let's look at some common budgeting mistakes to avoid that can help you on your road to financial freedom.
  • Not having a budget at all. ...
  • Not knowing your spending patterns. ...
  • Not having an emergency fund. ...
  • Not differentiating between wants and needs. ...
  • Not leaving any wiggle room. ...
  • In summary.

How to financially get back on track? ›

Identify your financial goals for the new year
  1. Fill up an emergency fund.
  2. Save for a down payment on a new place.
  3. Pay down consumer debt.
  4. Save for future college costs.
  5. Finish a degree that may lead to higher income.
  6. Repay student loans.
  7. Invest for the retirement of your dreams.

How can you make sure your budget is on track after you set it up? ›

Once your budget is set, it's important to review it and your spending on a regular basis to be sure you are staying on track. Few elements of your budget are set in stone: You may get a raise, your expenses may change or you may reach a goal and want to plan for a new one.

How do you restart financially? ›

Here are five actionable steps to reset your finances and get back on track to building wealth.
  1. Review Your Spending. Before you reset your finances, look back at how you've been doing financially. ...
  2. Reset Your Budget. ...
  3. Check Your Net Worth. ...
  4. Check Your Credit Score. ...
  5. Set New Intentions. ...
  6. Visualize Success.
Sep 24, 2022

How to do a budget reset? ›

5 simple ways to reset your budget right now
  1. Try a no spend week. It may sound small, but just seven days without making a purchase can significantly impact your finances. ...
  2. Take away temptation. ...
  3. Revisit recurring payments. ...
  4. Save without thinking. ...
  5. Find an accountability partner.

What are the 3 P's of budgeting? ›

You can start having more control over your finances today by using the three P's: paycheck, prioritize and plan.

What is the number one rule of budgeting? ›

The 50-30-20 rule recommends putting 50% of your money toward needs, 30% toward wants, and 20% toward savings.

What are 6 common budget mistakes you can't afford to make? ›

Read on for seven common budgeting mistakes and how to avoid them.
  • Guessing at Costs. ...
  • Leaving Out Expenses. ...
  • Not Tracking Spending. ...
  • Leaving Savings Out. ...
  • Being Overly Restrictive. ...
  • Planning Around Gross Pay. ...
  • Not Working as a Team.
Jul 23, 2022

How do I rebuild myself financially? ›

5 steps to help you recover from a financial setback
  1. You can succeed. Accept the reality of your challenge and handle it quickly and aggressively. ...
  2. Know your financial resources. ...
  3. Set up a budget and prioritize expenses. ...
  4. Take action now. ...
  5. Seek out professional help.

How do I get unstuck financially? ›

Take time to think about what matters most to you. Your financial advisor can help you make a plan to bring these goals to life. Getting financially unstuck usually starts with understanding why you're stuck in the first place. You can then lean on your financial team to find your way through it.

How do I get myself out of financial ruins? ›

How to get through a personal financial crisis
  1. Minimize the damage. ...
  2. Document the damage. ...
  3. Cut back on expenses. ...
  4. Use other people's money before your own. ...
  5. Assess your savings. ...
  6. Examine your bills closely. ...
  7. Develop a new budget that focuses on financial recovery. ...
  8. What caused the biggest financial impact?
Sep 14, 2023

How do I get back on track with my budget? ›

If you are having trouble sticking to a budget, consider doing the following:
  1. Consider increasing some of the areas where you continuously overspend. Samantha struggled with eating out. ...
  2. Consider using cash for areas where you overspend. ...
  3. Find the method of tracking spending that works best for you.

How to fix your budget? ›

11 Ways to Stick to your Budget and Jump Start your Savings
  1. Sleep on big purchases. If it's not something you need, take a week to think on it. ...
  2. Never spend more than you have. ...
  3. Stick to a lower credit card limit. ...
  4. Budget to zero. ...
  5. Try a no-spend challenge. ...
  6. Stop paying for fees. ...
  7. Plan your meals. ...
  8. Do your grocery shopping online.

What is your biggest wealth building tool? ›

“Your most powerful wealth-building tool is your income. And when you spend your whole life sending loan payments to banks and credit card companies, you end up with less money to save and invest for your future.

How do you start a budget when you're broke? ›

Here are some tips for building a budget if you don't have one:
  1. Track your income. You should include your salary, any side hustles, and any other sources of income you may have.
  2. Categorize your expenses. ...
  3. Allocate your income. ...
  4. Leave room for flexibility. ...
  5. Track your progress.
Mar 15, 2024

How do I stop obsessing over my budget? ›

Try these eight ways to stop stressing about money:
  1. Don't let money consume your thoughts.
  2. Get organized.
  3. Let go.
  4. Set up monthly auto payments.
  5. Talk to someone about your financial stress.
  6. Manage your health to build wealth.
  7. Focus on your financial goals.
  8. Live a little.

How do I get my project budget back on track? ›

To get back on track with your project budget, start by reviewing your scope and deliverables. Identify any scope creep or unnecessary features that may be inflating costs. Realign your project goals with the budget constraints and prioritize deliverables based on their impact and necessity.

How do you bounce back after losing a lot of money? ›

Surviving . . .
  1. Acceptance. Accept the fact that this loss has really happened to you. ...
  2. Build and use your support system. Find people you trust: friends, family, spiritual leaders. ...
  3. Get a different perspective. Put the brakes on rumination. ...
  4. See what you can learn. There's a lesson in everything. ...
  5. Find the gifts.

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Author: Ms. Lucile Johns

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Name: Ms. Lucile Johns

Birthday: 1999-11-16

Address: Suite 237 56046 Walsh Coves, West Enid, VT 46557

Phone: +59115435987187

Job: Education Supervisor

Hobby: Genealogy, Stone skipping, Skydiving, Nordic skating, Couponing, Coloring, Gardening

Introduction: My name is Ms. Lucile Johns, I am a successful, friendly, friendly, homely, adventurous, handsome, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.