Financial Planning for Blended Families (2024)


ByNathan Paulus

Edited byRae Osborn

Updated: September 8, 2023

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Blended families are an increasingly common family structure in the United States. Because of its distinct family structure, blended families face unique financial obstacles like differing financial habits, obligations from previous relationships and the need to plan for the future of a larger family unit.

MoneyGeek compiled a list of financial planning resources specifically for blended families to help navigate these complexities, build trust, set realistic expectations and work towards shared financial goals.

Statistics on Blended Families in the United States


What Is a Blended Family?

A blended family, also known as a stepfamily, is a family where at least one parent has children from a previous relationship, making the child or children part of the new family dynamic.

In 2019, one out of 10 children were living in married or cohabiting stepfamilies. The rise in divorce, remarriage and cohabitation has contributed to the increase in blended families, representing a diverse and evolving form of family structure in the country.

How to Discuss Finances in a Blended Family

Embarking on the journey of blending families involves more than just emotional readiness. It also requires financial transparency as each family member brings their financial history, habits and expectations into the mix.

By openly discussing finances with their partner, families can build trust and prevent misunderstandings or conflicts that could arise from hidden assets, undisclosed debts or unexpressed financial expectations. Regular financial discussions should not be a one-time event but an ongoing dialogue even after marriage to ensure everyone stays on the same page regarding the family's financial situation and goals.

Discussion Before Marriage

These pre-marriage financial discussions can help set realistic expectations, allowing for smoother financial integration.

  • Initiate a Comprehensive Discussion: Start having detailed and candid financial discussions before joining families, where all parties involved disclose their financial situations. These discussions include sharing information about savings, investments, real estate and other valuable possessions. Revealing all debts is equally important as it can significantly impact the family's financial health.
  • Full Financial Disclosure: Full disclosure provides a clear picture of the family's financial standing. It helps in understanding the extent of liabilities and in planning how to merge and manage the assets.
  • Dive into Financial Personalities: Discussing individual financial habits and philosophies, spending patterns and attitudes towards money can help uncover potential differences and allow family members to better understand each other's financial values.

Post-Marriage Financial Discussions

The need for ongoing financial discussions within a blended family remains paramount even after marriage.

  • Regular Check-Ins: Financial situations can change due to factors such as job changes, health issues or economic fluctuations. Regular financial check-ins ensure that all family members are updated about these changes and can adjust plans and expectations accordingly.
  • Platform for Collective Planning: Use financial discussions for family members to set and track financial goals as well as express their views, concerns and aspirations. Whether it's about making a significant purchase, investing in a new opportunity or adjusting the family budget, these conversations ensure that decisions are made collectively.

Couples entering blended families can benefit from resources provided by Smart Stepfamilies, Stepfamily Foundation and the National Stepfamily Resource Center (NSRC). These organizations offer guidance on financial discussions, ensuring couples are well-prepared for their journey.

How to Divide Assets in a Blended Family

One complex aspect of financial planning in a blended family is the division of assets. This process involves more than just splitting assets down the middle. It requires legal aspects and careful consideration of each family member's financial needs, responsibilities and contributions.

Factors to Consider When Dividing Assets

When dividing assets in a blended family, taking into account these essential factors can lead to a harmonious process and ensure a fair and equitable distribution:


Legal Aspects: Prenuptial Agreements and Estate Planning

Navigating the complex financial landscape in a blended family requires careful consideration of two crucial legal tools: prenuptial agreements and estate planning.


Prenuptial Agreements

A prenuptial agreement, often referred to as a "prenup," is a legal document created before marriage that outlines the ownership of each individual's assets and how they will be divided in the event of divorce or death. In the context of a blended family, a prenup can protect individual assets, define financial responsibilities and reduce conflicts and uncertainties. It’s also a way to address the financial needs of children from previous relationships, ensuring their financial well-being is taken into account.


Estate Planning

Proper estate planning allows individuals to designate beneficiaries for their assets, which is particularly important in blended families with children from previous relationships. Without clear estate planning, assets may be distributed based on default laws, potentially leaving loved ones vulnerable. Blended families can customize asset distribution by establishing wills, trusts and other estate-planning documents to ensure their wishes are upheld. Estate planning can also involve naming guardians for minors, thus providing for their future care.

Financial Planning for Blended Families (1)


Every blended family is unique. Consult with legal professionals experienced in handling blended family situations when considering prenuptial agreements and estate planning. These professionals can provide invaluable insights, assess the family’s specific circ*mstances and offer tailored legal advice to address individual needs and concerns.

How to Handle Financial Disagreements and Conflicts

Financial disagreements and conflicts are not uncommon in any family, and blended families are no exception. Here are some strategies to effectively handle such situations:


Open Communication

Each party should have the opportunity to express their views and concerns. Doing so can help identify the root cause of the financial disagreement and pave the way for finding a solution.



It's important to understand that it may not be possible for everyone to get everything they want. Being willing to give and take can help reach a resolution.


Professional Advice

Seeking professional advice may sometimes be helpful. Financial advisors or counselors can provide an objective perspective and offer practical solutions based on their expertise and experience.


Respect and Understanding

Maintain respect and understanding of each other's views and feelings during financial discussions, even if you disagree. This helps keep the conversation productive and prevents it from escalating into a full-blown conflict.


Shared Financial Goals

Always remember the bigger picture. Finding common ground and working towards shared financial goals can help keep the family united and focused despite disagreements.

Managing Daily Finances: Income, Expenses and Budgeting

From handling finances and splitting costs to creating a family budget, this section provides actionable insights to help you navigate these daily financial tasks effectively and harmoniously.

How Do Blended Families Handle Finances?

Blended families can employ various methods to manage their finances, each with its advantages and considerations. Here are some common strategies:


Financial Planning for Blended Families (2)


Two smart strategies blended families can use to meet their financial responsibilities are:

  • Regular Financial Check-Ins: Hold monthly or quarterly meetings to discuss finances, ensuring everyone is informed and fostering collective responsibility.

  • Budgeting: Regularly review and adjust a comprehensive budget. Aim to allocate 20% of income to savings, 50% to necessities and 30% to discretionary spending.

How to Split Costs in a Blended Family

Splitting costs can be a complex process in a blended family. Here are some strategies to adopt:

  • Proportional to Income: One common method is to split costs proportionally based on each adult's income. For instance, if one adult earns 60% of the total family income, they would contribute 60% towards shared expenses.
  • Equal Division: Another approach is to divide costs equally among adults, regardless of individual income. This method emphasizes shared responsibility but may not be feasible if there's a significant income disparity.
  • Based on Consumption: Some families may split costs based on individual consumption, especially for expenses like personal items or activities.

Establish a fair system that considers each adult's financial capabilities. Financial situations can change, so flexibility and regular adjustments are key. For example, if one adult's income decreases, the family may need to revisit their cost-splitting strategy.

Creating a Blended Family Budget

Budgeting provides a clear picture of where the family's money is going and helps identify areas where adjustments might be needed. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to create a blended family budget.


List Income Sources

Start by listing all sources of income for the family. The list should include salaries, bonuses, child support, alimony and any other regular income.


Track Expenses

This expense tracker should cover both fixed costs like electricity, car payments and rent or mortgage payments, as well as variable costs like personal spending on groceries and entertainment.


Set Financial Goals

Identify your family's financial goals — from short-term goals like buying a new gadget to long-term goals like building your retirement fund or children's education.


Create the Budget

Allocate funds to each category of expenses and savings based on income and financial goals.


Review and Adjust Regularly

A budget isn't set in stone. Revisit and adjust the budget according to changes in income, expenses or financial goals.

Involving all family members in the budgeting process fosters a sense of responsibility and commitment. This practice teaches them valuable financial skills and helps ensure everyone understands the family's financial situation.


  • Ultimate Guide to Budgeting
  • Zero-Based Budgeting: How to Make Every Dollar Count
  • The 50/30/20 Budgeting Method
  • Best Budgeting Tools and Savings Apps

Should You Pay for Your Stepchildren?

Deciding whether to financially support stepchildren is a personal decision that hinges on several factors: financial agreement with the other biological parent, the child's needs and your financial capability.

There's no obligation to provide financial support to your stepchildren — any assistance you offer should stem from a place of genuine willingness, not from a sense of imposed duty. If appropriate, have open discussions with your partner about this topic and with the children. You could also contribute in non-monetary ways, such as investing time in their education or hobbies.

Planning for the Future: Long-Term Financial Planning

Long-term financial planning in a blended family involves setting shared financial goals, planning for retirement and preparing for future expenses such as children's education. This process requires foresight, open communication and a commitment to shared family objectives.

Setting Shared Financial Goals

Shared financial goals — such as buying a home, saving for vacations and building an emergency fund — unite the family and provide an opportunity to teach children about financial planning. The process involves identifying goals, determining costs and setting a realistic timeline.

Regular reviews are essential to track progress and make necessary adjustments. Open communication and mutual respect ensure everyone's views are heard and needs are considered.

Saving for Retirement in a Blended Family

Consider the retirement assets each spouse brings into the marriage, including Social Security, retirement plans, annuities and taxable investments. Couples should also discuss what their retirement will look like and how much they need to save. Beneficiary designations on family life insurance policies and retirement plans should be up-to-date, reflecting the current marital status.

Retirement planning should also include a discussion about taxes, exploring options like income splitting, spousal RRSPs, and gifting funds for TFSA deposits. Working with a financial advisor can help couples in blended families navigate these complexities and establish a retirement plan that maximizes their combined retirement assets.


  • Guide to Retirement Planning
  • Guide to Income Streams and Money Management in Retirement
  • Life Insurance as a Retirement Plan: How Does It Work?

Planning for Children's Education and Other Future Expenses

With multiple children, having a strategy in place is a mindful thing to do. For instance, a blended family might have a child heading to college while another is just starting kindergarten. Tools like education savings accounts or 529 plans can be beneficial in setting aside funds for future educational expenses.

Parents should also be aware that remarriage can impact a student's college financial aid eligibility. According to the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) guidelines, stepparent's income and assets must be reported if the custodial parent remarries. This inclusion can potentially influence the student’s total financial aid eligibility regardless of prenuptial agreements.

Future expenses such as weddings or helping children buy their first home should also be part of the financial planning process. Balance these future expenses with other financial goals and responsibilities to avoid compromising your retirement savings or emergency fund.


  • How to Finance Your Child’s Private School Education
  • Ways to Pay for College
  • How Much Does College Cost in the US?

Additional Resources

  1. The Stepfamily Foundation: This organization offers resources and support to blended families, helping them navigate the unique challenges they face.
  2. National Stepfamily Resource Center: A comprehensive resource center that provides research-backed information and advice for stepfamilies.
  3. FamilyLife Blended: Offers biblically-based materials to build stepfamilies, avoid remarriage and halt the divorce cycle.
  4. Focus on the Family: Blended Families: Offers a variety of resources for remarriage and blended families, including articles, books and broadcasts.
  5.’s Blended Families page provides research and tips for navigating the challenges of blended families.
  6. Blended Family Frappe: Provides a list of online and offline resources on becoming a stepparent, dealing with a high-conflict ex and handling parental alienation.

About Nathan Paulus

Financial Planning for Blended Families (3)

Nathan Paulus is the Head of Content Marketing at MoneyGeek, with nearly 10 years of experience researching and creating content related to personal finance and financial literacy.

Paulus has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of St. Thomas, Houston. He enjoys helping people from all walks of life build stronger financial foundations.

Financial Planning for Blended Families (2024)


What are the 3 major problems for a blended family? ›

Three Common Challenges Blended Families Face
  • Coping with Sacrifice. Young children especially may not realize how many changes will take place once other siblings come into the picture. ...
  • Maintaining Inclusivity. Perhaps most of the new siblings get along and enjoy quality time together. ...
  • Keeping up with Schedules.
Sep 7, 2018

What is the success rate of blended families? ›

Divorce rates can be downright scary and when children are involved the numbers get even higher. Statistics reflect that if both partners have kids, the odds are more significantly stacked against you. In fact, seventy percent of blended marriages end in divorce.

What is the best way to divide assets in a blended family? ›

Most assets pass through the will, unless you have planned otherwise. In many second marriages, estate planning is done hoping the spouse inherits all the assets and upon their death, the remaining assets are divided among all of the children.

Am I financially responsible for my stepchildren? ›

Though you may not directly be responsible for financially supporting your step-children, your finances may affect the child support payments your spouse gets from their ex. Unfortunately, this process can be confusing and overwhelming if you're unfamiliar with it.

How do you split finances when breaking up? ›

Agreeing on finances
  1. Make a list of what you own and any debts you have. ...
  2. If you don't know what your possessions are worth, you might need to use experts. ...
  3. Next, work out how you'd like to divide your possessions, and who'll pay bills and loans. ...
  4. Try to agree how you'll support your children, if you have them.

Who comes first in a blended family? ›

Every stepfamily starts out with their relationships “out of balance”. The natural progression of family relationships starts with a couple who then become parents — together. The couple relationship comes first. The parental relationship is second.

What are the most common unrealistic expectations of blended families? ›

Unrealistic expectations

For example, they may believe the myth that they will be one “big happy family” or that their partner will instantly love their new step-kids, and their kids will instantly accept and love their new stepparent. These blended family myths only set the marriage up for disappointment and failure.

What are the red flags for blended families? ›

  • Your Partner Is Exhibiting Signs of Jealousy. ...
  • There Are Signs of Abuse. ...
  • You Aren't Working as a Team. ...
  • Communication Has Broken Down. ...
  • You Lack Support From Your Partner. ...
  • You're Experiencing Major Co-Parenting Issues.
Feb 24, 2021

Who has the most difficulty adjusting in a blended family? ›

Parenting in stepfamilies

Adolescents, however, would rather separate from the family as they form their own identities. Recent research suggests that younger adolescents (age 10–14) may have the most difficult time adjusting to a stepfamily.

Who comes first partner or child? ›

Putting your children second might seem counterintuitive, but science says your marriage should come first.

What are hardest years of marriage? ›

Divorce lawyers, psychologists, and researchers have slotted years of marriage into periods and have rated them based on their risk of divorce:
  • Years 1–2: Very Risky.
  • Years 3–4: Mild Risk.
  • Years 5–8: Very Risky.
  • Years 9–15: Low Risk.
  • Years 15 and over: Low to Mild Risk.

How should finances work in a blended family? ›

Blended families can use a joint account for shared expenses like mortgage payments or groceries but maintain separate accounts for personal expenses. This hybrid approach balances collective responsibility with individual autonomy.

How to protect assets in a blended family? ›

Marital Trusts: A Marital Trust allows your assets to pass to the surviving spouse, while at the same time earmarking any residual assets for the children after that spouse's death. This structure allows both spouses to make a plan that includes all children in the family.

How do blended families split bills? ›

It's rare that two people will bring identical resources and obligations into a relationship. That's especially true for blended families. The simplest way to split things here would be to pool your money into a joint checking account that you'll use for household expenses, like your mortgage and utilities.

How do you split finances when not married? ›

Separate: You may want to keep your income and spending totally separate. Each of you would have your personal account for deposits and withdrawals, as well as your credit card accounts for charging and loans for borrowing. Combine: Both of you would manage all income and spending from a joint account.

How should finances be split between couples? ›

Make a list of all your combined expenses: housing, taxes, insurance, utilities. Then talk salary. If you make $60,000 and your partner makes $40,000, then you should pay 60 percent of that total toward the shared expenses and your partner 40 percent.

How do you balance a blended family? ›

Tips for a healthy blended family
  1. All brothers and sisters “fall out,” so don't assume all family arguments are the result of living in a blended family.
  2. Beware of favoritism. Be fair. ...
  3. Make special arrangements. ...
  4. Find support. ...
  5. Spend time every day with your child.
Feb 5, 2024

How do I manage my finances when one spouse makes more money? ›

There are three common approaches when it comes to financial planning as a couple:
  1. Merge everything together and share all income and expenses. ...
  2. Create a joint account for shared expenses, while also maintaining separate accounts. ...
  3. Keep everything separate and split the bills.
Aug 17, 2023

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Author: Velia Krajcik

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Name: Velia Krajcik

Birthday: 1996-07-27

Address: 520 Balistreri Mount, South Armand, OR 60528

Phone: +466880739437

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Hobby: Polo, Scouting, Worldbuilding, Cosplaying, Photography, Rowing, Nordic skating

Introduction: My name is Velia Krajcik, I am a handsome, clean, lucky, gleaming, magnificent, proud, glorious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.