Financial Modeling Best Practices | Planergy Software (2024)

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Financial Modeling Best Practices | Planergy Software (1)

Cristian Maradiaga

King Ocean

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Financial Modeling Best Practices | Planergy Software (2)

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  • What is a Financial Model?
  • 6 Types of Financial Models
  • How To Make a Good Financial Model?
  • Financial Modeling Best Practices
  • Best Financial Modeling Software
  • Why Financial Modeling is Important for Your Organization?

Modelling is an essential part of running a business. It allows you to see how different decisions will impact your bottom line and helps you make informed choices about the future of your company.

But financial modeling can be tricky – if you don’t do it correctly, you could end up with inaccurate results.

Let’s look at what financial modeling is, why it’s important for your company, types of financial models, how to create a good one, best practices, and more.

What is a Financial Model?

A financial model is a tool that can be used to predict the future financial performance of a company.

Financial models are typically used in business planning and decision-making, to assess the feasibility of new projects, or to evaluate the potential return on investment of an existing one.

Financial models are often used in conjunction with other analytical tools, such as market analysis and competitive intelligence, to give a complete picture of a company’s financial situation.

There are many different types of financial models, but all share some common features. A good financial model will be:

  • Accurate: The model should be based on sound assumptions and accurately reflect the data.
  • Relevant: The model should be relevant to the decision at hand.
  • Flexible: The model should be flexible enough to accommodate different scenarios and what-if analysis.
  • Understandable: The model should be easy to understand and explain to others.

6 Types of Financial Models

Six of the most often used types of financial forecasting models are:

  1. Discounted Cash Flow Model

    The discounted cash flow (DCF) model is a kind of financial model that values a company by forecasting future cash flows and discounting them back to present value.

    The DCF model is a widely used valuation technique, but it has several disadvantages. The model is based on a number of assumptions, such as the discount rate, the length of the forecast period, and the company’s terminal value.

    These assumptions can have a significant impact on the model’s results.

    The DCF model only considers cash flows that are expected to be received in the future. This means that it does not take into account other important factors, such as earnings, dividends, or the value of assets.

    The DCF model can be difficult to understand and interpret. This is because it relies on a complex formula that discounts cash flows over time.

    The DCF model can be time-consuming and expensive to build. This is because it requires detailed financial information and a lot of data to be inputted into the model.

  2. Comparative Company Analysis Model

    The comparative company analysis (CCA) model is a type of financial model that values a company by comparing it to similar companies in the same industry.

    The CCA model is a relatively simple valuation technique, but it has several disadvantages. The model is based on a number of assumptions, such as the size of the companies being compared, the similarity of their businesses, and the availability of data.

    These assumptions can have a significant impact on the model’s results.

    The CCA model only considers financial information that is publicly available. This means that it does not take into account important factors such as earnings, dividends, or the value of assets.

    Like the DCF, the CCA model can be difficult to understand and interpret. This is because it relies on a complex formula that compares companies in different industries.

  3. Sum-of-the-Parts Model

    In a sum-of-the-parts model, the value of a company is the sum of the values of its individual business units. This type of model is commonly used to value conglomerates, which are companies that own a portfolio of businesses in different industries.

    To build a sum-of-the-parts model, you will need to estimate the fair value of each business unit and then sum up these values to arrive at the total value for the company.

  4. Leveraged Buy Out (LBO) Model

    An LBO model is a tool used by private equity firms and investment banks to help them analyze leveraged buyout transactions.

    Leveraged buyouts occur when a company is purchased using debt as well as equity. The use of leverage (debt) in an LBO increases the risk of the transaction, but it can also increase the potential return.

    An LBO model is typically used to help assess the feasibility of a leveraged buyout transaction and to evaluate the potential return on investment.

    The model will take into account the amount of debt used in the transaction, the interest rate on that debt, the expected repayment schedule, and the projected cash flow of the target company.

    It is important to note that an LBO model is only as good as the assumptions that go into it. The model should be constantly updated and revised as new information becomes available.

  5. Merger & Acquisition (M&A) Model

    One of the most popular types of financial models is the merger and acquisition (M&A) model.

    An M&A model is used to estimate the value of a target company in an acquisition scenario. The model is also used by investment banks to win new M&A business.

    There are different ways to build an M&A model, but the key inputs are usually the same. These include:

    • Purchase price
    • Synergies
    • Target company’s stand-alone value
    • Financing mix
    • Interest rates
    • Tax rate

    The purchase price is typically the starting point for an M&A model. This is the price that the acquirer is willing to pay for the target company.

    The next key input is synergies. Synergies are the cost savings or revenue increases that can be achieved by combining the two companies. They are typically one of the main reasons for doing an acquisition.

    The target company’s stand-alone value is the value of the company if it were not being acquired. This is estimated using a discounted cash flow (DCF) model.

    The financing mix is the mix of debt and equity that will be used to finance the acquisition. The interest rate is the cost of borrowing for the acquirer.

    The tax rate is the percentage of income that will be paid in taxes. This is a key input because it affects the after-tax return on investment for the acquirer.

    After all of these inputs have been estimated, the M&A model will generate a value for the target company. This value can be compared to the purchase price to see if the acquisition makes sense from a financial perspective.

  6. Option Pricing Model

    Option pricing models are mathematical models that are used to determine the theoretical value of an option. These models take into account factors such as the underlying asset’s price, volatility, time to expiration, and interest rates.

    The most popular option pricing model is the Black-Scholes model. This model was first published in 1973 by Fischer Black and Myron Scholes.

    Other option pricing models include the Binomial model and the Trigeorgis model.

    Option pricing models are used by traders to determine the best time to buy or sell an option. They are also used by investors to determine whether an option is fairly priced.

Financial Modeling Best Practices | Planergy Software (3)

How To Make a Good Financial Model

A good financial model needs to be easy and efficient to use, review and understand. To benefit the company it needs to create insights and outputs that are relevant and actionable for the company. Here are some steps to help ensure you are creating a good financial model.

  • Start by Building a Model That Is Simple and Easy To Understand

    A good financial model is one that is simple and easy to understand. The best way to achieve this is to start by building a model that is easy to follow. A good rule of thumb is to build the entire model from scratch, so that you can see how each piece fits together.

    This will help you understand the relationships between the different elements of the model, and how they all work together.

    A good financial model includes the following sections: assumptions and drivers, income, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. It should also include supporting schedules and sensitivity analysis. You can also include graphs and charts to visually represent the results of your model.

    Financial models are vital tools used by professionals in a variety of industries. For example, bankers use them to conduct due diligence and valuations. They can also be used for portfolio management.

    A financial model should also be dynamic. It should consider the relationships between the relevant factors. It shouldn’t assume a perpetual growth rate higher than the GDP of the domestic country.

  • Use Assumptions That Are Realistic and Conservative

    When you’re model building, to get the most accurate information, always use conservative, realistic assumptions. If your assumptions are too far away from the most likely scenarios, then the model data won’t be useful.

    Financial models should reflect key business assumptions in a clear, concise, and defensible manner. They should also reflect projected performance in a way that is easily understandable and flexible.

    Using assumptions that are conservative and realistic is crucial in making a financial model that can be trusted.

  • Make Sure Your Inputs and Outputs Are Clearly Labeled

    Clearly labeling inputs and outputs is crucial to keeping data consistent. Ideally, you’ll structure your model so that you only have to enter the data once. Start with historical data, such as income statements and other financial statements.

    To make it easier to understand the difference between your inputs and outputs, use a consistent color coding system. For example:

    • Blue: Assumptions, inputs, and drivers
    • Black: Formulas and calculations with references to the same worksheet
    • Green: Calculations and references to other Excel spreadsheets
    • Red: References to separate files or external links

Taking a financial modeling course can help you ensure you build quality models to analyze various scenarios.

Financial Modeling Best Practices

Building a financial model can be tricky, below are a few best practices to follow to ensure your models are accurate, insightful, and usable.

  • Clarify the Problem and Set the Goal

    A financial model should not contain the same assumptions or data twice, and it should be consistent from sheet to sheet. Changing an assumption should automatically change outputs throughout the entire sheet.

    For example, a bakery that wants to buy a candy company may use a complex merger financial model to justify the price of the new combined entity.

    Another example might be a company looking to pitch to investors and needs to show its economy of scale and growth.

    Regardless of how complex the model is, its key components should be simple and easy to understand. Modeling is a process, and it should be done as efficiently and accurately as possible.

    For best results, the process should be iterative. This is because mistakes and omissions can occur during model building.

  • Keep the Model as Simple as You Can

    Use simple language and avoid confusing technical terms. The basic structure of a financial model will contain inputs, processing methods, and outputs. The model should also have a table of contents that can guide users through the model.

    In a spreadsheet, it is advisable to use a single formula per row. This means that the formula in the first cell of each row should be the same as the formula in the rest of the row.

    In this way, users will be able to understand the structure of the model. Although this may seem obvious, this practice is often violated. For example, spreadsheets often have multiple rows, and different formulas for each column.

    The purpose of financial modeling is to forecast the financial performance of a business. It is an analytical process based on historical performance and assumptions about future revenue and expenses. It is a tool that helps operators of a business make data-oriented decisions.

  • Plan the Model Structure

    Many big companies and investment banks use Microsoft Excel to plan their financial models. Make sure you color code your cells, set up error checks, conditional formatting and data validation, follow a consistent row and column structure, and use one formula per line.

    Financial models should be easy to read. The formulas should be easily understood by non-modelers. Use colors such as blue for constants in the model, and green for cross-references among different sheets.

    You should also plan the presentation of your financial model. This way, you can ensure that others will understand it easily.

  • Use Accurate Data and Protect Its Integrity

    Every model needs accurate data – and using Planergy for spend analysis can ensure you have the correct spend data to begin with. If you have inaccurate data, you’ll get poor quality insights.

  • Use Dummy or Test Data

    Before implementing your model for decision-making, start with test or dummy data to put the system through a stress test. When you know it works, move it to active use with current data.

Financial Modeling Best Practices | Planergy Software (4)

Best Financial Modeling Software

There are many options when it comes to financial modeling software. The best choice for your company will depend on the features and level of support you need. Here is a list of some of the best options.

  • Finmark

    Finmark offers flexible financial modeling software that is easy to use. It is great for startups and established companies alike, and it can help users build and manage custom models.

    It allows users to create and compare multiple scenarios and track important metrics such as revenue and expenses. It also offers customizable formulas and reusable variables.

  • Excel

    Excel is a powerful financial modeling tool but it has its own limitations. It can be difficult to handle multiple projects at once. Excel requires skilled programmers to manage the workflow. Many Excel users end up with jumbled spreadsheets.

    Moreover, Excel has serious limitations when it comes to the accuracy of a financial model. Using an Excel-based financial model has cost companies billions of dollars. There are good reasons for finance teams love/hate relationship with Excel.

  • Jirav

    Jirav can help streamline the process of budgeting, forecasting, and reporting. It also allows users to make adjustments and automatically roll forward their plans.

    Jirav’s cloud-based financial planning and analysis software also allows users to work with consolidated data. Jirav also improves the security and collaboration of planning and analysis.

  • Cube

    Cube is a great solution for small to mid-size businesses. Cube’s simplified interface makes it easy to use and is a good choice for those who have had experience with spreadsheets. It also provides enterprise-grade technology at a reasonable price.

    You can even integrate Cube with Google Sheets, which further reduces the learning curve.

Why Financial Modeling is Important for Your Organization

Financial modeling is important for your organization because it:

  • Helps you make informed decisions about the future of your company.
  • Allows you to see how different decisions will impact your bottom line.
  • Helps you assess the feasibility of new projects.
  • Evaluates the potential return on investment of an existing project.
  • Gives you a complete picture of your company’s financial situation.

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Financial Modeling Best Practices | Planergy Software (2024)


What are the three most common financial modelling best practices? ›

6 Best Practices for Financial Models
  • Plan ahead. ...
  • Structure your model's metrics logically. ...
  • Keep the metrics of your model simple. ...
  • Don't use values rather than formulas. ...
  • Cash flow forecasting estimates and balance sheets must be integrated. ...
  • Double-check your model for potential errors.
Jun 26, 2024

What software is used for financial Modelling? ›

Best Financial Modeling Software Comparison Chart
Microsoft ExcelFrom $6.99/monthWebsite
CubePricing upon requestWebsite
JiravPricing upon requestWebsite
FinmarkPricing upon requestWebsite
6 more rows
Aug 6, 2024

What is the best practice for financial modelling in Excel? ›

10 Best Practices For Financial Modeling In Excel (and Spreadsheets)
  1. Use Standardized Structures and Formats. ...
  2. Simplicity Over Complexity. ...
  3. Document Modeling Flow and Procedures. ...
  4. Clarify Assumptions and Inputs. ...
  5. Carry Out Scenario Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis. ...
  6. Track Changes and Versions. ...
  7. Adopt Flexible and Adaptable Designs.
Feb 2, 2023

What are the 4 major components of financial modeling? ›

The four major components of financial modeling are assumptions, financial statement analysis, valuation, and sensitivity analysis.

What are the 3 basic financial models? ›

Three-Statement Model

The three-statement model is the most basic setup for financial modeling. As the name implies, the three statements (income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow) are all dynamically linked with formulas in Excel.

What are the three most basic tools of financial analysis? ›

Several techniques are commonly used as part of financial statement analysis. Three of the most important techniques are horizontal analysis, vertical analysis, and ratio analysis.

Which software is best for financial analysis? ›

This section will review the top financial analytics software tools on the market.
  • Cube.
  • Oracle Essbase. ...
  • QuickBooks. ...
  • NetSuite.
  • Centage Planning Maestro. ...
  • Anaplan. ...
  • Workday Adaptive Planning. ...
  • Sage Intacct.
Jun 27, 2024

What is FP&A software? ›

Financial planning and analysis software solutions are financial management tools that help FP&A professionals carry out core financial processes. They can automate manual FP&A tasks, such as data collection, consolidation and verification, planning and forecasting, budgeting, and performance monitoring and analytics.

Why use Excel for financial modelling? ›

What Software is Best for Financial Modeling? Forecasting a company's operations into the future can be very complex. Each business is unique and requires a very specific set of assumptions and calculations. Excel is used because it is the most flexible and customizable spreadsheet tool available.

Is Excel enough for financial analysis? ›

Excel is a super helpful tool for analyzing financial data and doing common finance calculations. Whether you're a student wanting to get better at financial modeling, or a professional looking to boost your finance career, getting really good at Excel can give you a nice edge over the competition.

Which financial modeling is best? ›

Best Financial Modeling Courses (2024) ranked by Bankers
  1. Wall Street Prep's Premium Package. ...
  2. Certified Financial Modeling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA) from CFI. ...
  3. The Modeler Course from Financial Edge. ...
  4. Business and Financial Modeling from Wharton. ...
  5. Financial Modeling Professional Certificate from NYIF.
Mar 26, 2024

Can I learn financial modeling on my own? ›

To become skilled at financial modeling, you typically need to develop advanced Excel proficiency skills, have accounting and business knowledge, and know how to create simple models. Learning financial modeling on your own requires more legwork than taking a course.

What is the difference between financial analysis and financial modeling? ›

Financial analysis is typically carried out using ratio and trend analysis of relevant information taken from financial statements and other reports.” “Financial modeling, on the other hand, is essentially the task of building a model that represents a real world financial situation.

What is financial modeling software? ›

Financial modeling tools are used to create accurate financial forecasts with the flexibility to manipulate variables and test different scenarios. But with new tools constantly entering the market and updates to existing ones, it can be overwhelming to decide which solution is right for your needs.

What is 3 way financial modelling? ›

A three-way forecast, also known as the 3 financial statements is a financial model combining three key reports into one consolidated forecast. It links your Profit & Loss (income statement), balance sheet and cashflow projections together so you can forecast your future cash position and financial health.

What are the three 3 three commonly used financial statements? ›

The income statement, balance sheet, and statement of cash flows are required financial statements. These three statements are informative tools that traders can use to analyze a company's financial strength and provide a quick picture of a company's financial health and underlying value.

What are the three 3 elements of financial management? ›

The three essential components of financial management are:
  • Reducing the finance cost (interest payments on loans or other expenses related to obtaining funds)
  • Ensuring sufficient funds.
  • Appropriate funds allocation.
Apr 17, 2024

How are these 3 core statements used in financial modeling? ›

A three-statement model combines the three core financial statements (the income statement, the balance sheet, and the cash flow statement) into one fully dynamic model to forecast future results. The model is built by first entering and analyzing historical results.

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