File Structure: Public Schools and Districts (2024)

Field NameField TypeWidthDescription



This 14-digit code is the official, unique identification of a school within California. The first two digits identify the county, the next five digits identify the school district, and the last seven digits identify the school.

Please note that a CDS code ending in '0000000' indicates a district record not a school.


Character7 This field represents the 7-digit National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) school district identification number. The first 2 digits identify the state and the last 5 digits identify the school district. Combined, they make a unique 7-digit ID for each school district.


Character5This field represents the 5-digit NCES school identification number. The NCESSchool combined with the NCESDist form a unique 12-digit ID for each school.



This field identifies the status of the district. Definitions of the valid status types are listed below:

  • Active: The district is in operation and providing instructional services.
  • Closed: The district is not in operation and no longer providing instructional services.
  • Merged: The district has combined with another district or districts.
  • Pending: The district has not opened for operation and instructional services yet, but plans to open within the next 9–12 months.


Character15 County name.


Character90 District or Administrative Authority name.


Character90 School name.


Character211 The unabbreviated street (physical) address of this school, district, or administrative authority. Note: Some entities (primarily closed or retired schools) may not have data in this field.


Character201 The abbreviated street address of the school, district, or administrative authority’s physical location. Note: Some records (primarily records of closed or retired schools) may not have data in this field.


Character25 The city where the school, district, or administrative authority is physically located. Note: Some records (primarily records of closed or retired schools) may not have data in this field.


Character10 The zip code associated with the street address of the school, district, or administrative authority’s physical location. Note: Some records (primarily records of closed or retired schools) may not have data in this field.


Character2 The state in which the school, district, or administrative authority is located.


Character211 The unabbreviated mailing address of the school, district, or administrative authority (i.e., P.O. Box). Note: 1) Some entities (primarily closed or retired schools) may not have data in this field; 2) Many active entities have not provided a mailing street address. For your convenience we have filled the unpopulated MailStreet cells with Street data.


Character201 The abbreviated mailing street address of the school, district, or administrative authority (i.e., P.O. Box).Note: Many active entities have not provided a mailing street address. For your convenience we have filled the unpopulated MailStrAbr cells with StreetAbr data.


Character25 The city associated with the mailing address of the school, district, or administrative authority. Note: Many entities have not provided a mailing address city. For your convenience we have filled the unpopulated MailCity cells with City data.


Character10 The zip code associated with the mailing address of the school, district, or administrative authority. Note: Many entities have not provided a mailing address zip code. For your convenience we have filled the unpopulated MailZip cells with Zip data.


Character2 The state within the mailing address. For your convenience we have filled the unpopulated MailState cells with State data.


Character14 The area code and phone number of the school, district, or administrative authority.


Character6 The phone number extension of the school, district, or administrative authority.
FaxNumber Character 14 The fax number of the school, district, or administrative authority.
Email Character 50 The email address of the school, district, or administrative authority.


Character100 The website address of the school, district, or administrative authority.


Date10 The date the school opened.


Date10 The date the school closed.



This field identifies a charter school. The field is coded as follows:

  • Y = The school is a charter
  • N = The school is not a charter



The charter school number, which is a 4-digit number assigned to a charter school.



Indicates the charter school funding type. Values are as follows:

  • Not in CS funding model
  • Locally funded
  • Directly funded



The District Ownership Code (DOC) is the numeric code used to identify the category of the Administrative Authority.

  • 00 – County Office of Education
  • 02 – State Board of Education
  • 03 – Statewide Benefit Charter
  • 31 – State Special Schools
  • 34 – Non-school Location*
  • 52 – Elementary School District
  • 54 – Unified School District
  • 56 – High School District
  • 98 – Regional Occupational Center/Program (ROC/P)

*Only the California Education Authority has been included in the non-school location category.



The District Ownership Code Type is the text description of the DOC category.

(See text values in DOC field description above)



The School Ownership Code is a numeric code used to identify the type of school.

  • 08 – Preschool
  • 09 – Special Education Schools (Public)
  • 10 – County Community
  • 11 – Youth Authority Facilities (CEA)
  • 13 – Opportunity Schools
  • 14 – Juvenile Court Schools
  • 15 – Other County or District Programs
  • 31 – State Special Schools
  • 60 – Elementary School (Public)
  • 61 – Elementary School in 1 School District (Public)
  • 62 – Intermediate/Middle Schools (Public)
  • 63 – Alternative Schools of Choice
  • 64 – Junior High Schools (Public)
  • 65 – K-12 Schools (Public)
  • 66 – High Schools (Public)
  • 67 – High Schools in 1 School District (Public)
  • 68 – Continuation High Schools
  • 69 – District Community Day Schools
  • 70 – Adult Education Centers
  • 98 – Regional Occupational Center/Program (ROC/P)



The School Ownership Code Type is the text description of the type of school.

(See text values in SOC field description above)



The Education Option Code is a short text description of the type of education offered.

  • ALTSOC – Alternative School of Choice
  • COMM – County Community School
  • COMMDAY – Community Day School
  • CON – Continuation School
  • JUV – Juvenile Court School
  • OPP – Opportunity School
  • YTH – Youth Authority School
  • SSS – State Special School
  • SPEC – Special Education School
  • TRAD – Traditional
  • ROP – Regional Occupational Program
  • HOMHOS – Home and Hospital
  • SPECON – District Consortia Special Education School



The Educational Option Name is the long text description of the type of education being offered.

(See text values in EdOPsCode field description above)



The Educational Instruction Level Code is a short text description of the institution's type relative to the grade range served.

  • A – Adult
  • ELEM – Elementary
  • ELEMHIGH – Elementary-High Combination
  • HS – High School
  • INTMIDJR – Intermediate/Middle/Junior High
  • PS – Preschool
  • UG – Ungraded



The Educational Instruction Level Name is the long text description of the institution’s type relative to the grade range served.

(See text values in EILCode field description above)



The grade span offered is the lowest grade and the highest grade offered or supported by the school, district, or administrative authority. This field might differ from the grade span served as reported in the most recent certified California Longitudinal Pupil Achievement (CALPADS) Fall 1 data collection.

For example XYZ School might display the following data:

GSoffered = P–Adult

GSserved = K–12



This field represents the grade span served. It is the lowest grade and the highest grade of student enrollment as reported in the most recent certified CALPADS Fall 1 data collection. Only K–12 enrollment is reported through CALPADS. This field may differ from the grade span offered.

Note: Special programs at independent study, alternative education, and special education schools will often exceed the typical grade span for schools of that type (i.e., a high school might serve grades three through twelve).



This field identifies the type of virtual instruction offered by the school. Virtual instruction is instruction in which students and teachers are separated by time and/or location, and interaction occurs via computers and/or telecommunications technologies. The field is coded as follows:

  • F = Exclusively Virtual – The school has no physical building where students meet with each other or with teachers, all instruction is virtual.
  • V = Primarily Virtual – The school focuses on a systematic program of virtual instruction but includes some physical meetings among students or with teachers.
  • C = Primarily Classroom – The school offers virtual courses but virtual instruction is not the primary means of instruction.
  • N = Not Virtual – The school does not offer any virtual instruction.
  • P = Partial Virtual – The school offers some, but not all, instruction through virtual instruction. Note: This value was retired and replaced with the Primarily Virtual and Primarily Classroom values beginning with the 2016–17 school year.
Magnet Character 1

This field identifies whether a school is a magnet school and/or provides a magnet program. Additional information on magnet schools may be obtained from the CDE Magnets web page. The field is coded as follows:

  • Y = Magnet - The school is a magnet school and/or offers a magnet program.
  • N = Not Magnet - The school is not a magnet school and/or does not offer a magnet program.

Note: Preschools and adult education centers do not contain a magnet school indicator.

YearRoundYN Character 1 This field indicates if the school is operating on a year round calendar. More information about year-round education can be found by visiting the CDE Year-Round Education Program Guide web page.
FederalDFCDistrictID Character 7 This field represents the 7-digit National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) school district identification number for direct funded charter schools. Beginning in February 2019, direct funded charter schools were issued their own federal district ID and should no longer use the federal district ID associated with their authorizing agency.


Decimal10 The angular distance (expressed in degrees) between the location of the school, district, or administrative authority and the equator measured north to south.


Decimal10 The angular distance (expressed in degrees) between the location of the school, district, or administrative authority and the prime meridian (Greenwich, England) measured from west to east.


Character20 The superintendent’s or principal’s first name. Only active and pending districts and schools will display administrator information, if applicable.


Character40 The superintendent’s or principal’s last name. Only active and pending districts and schools will display administrator information, if applicable.


Character 50 The superintendent’s or principal’s e-mail address. Only active and pending districts and schools will display administrator information, if applicable.


Date 10 The date the record was last updated.

Note: A value of “No Data” indicates that the data element does not apply to that specific entity, or that data was not reported for the entity. Reasons why data may not have been reported for the entity may be that the entity is not required to report the data, the entity is closed, or the entity is new and has not yet reported the data. Some of the elements in this file are specific to schools, therefore, districts and county offices of education, will not have data in the school specific fields.

File Structure: Public Schools and Districts (2024)


How are school districts structured in the US? ›

Below the school board is the superintendent of schools, followed by executive officials or assistant superintendents, who lead various departments within the district's bureaucracy. A school principal manages the daily operations of a given school and reports to the district's superintendent.

Which type of government structure are school districts? ›

School districts are an example of a special-purpose district. Which type of government structure are school districts an example of ? School districts are a special-purpose district, which is a type of local government unit that is created to perform a specific function or set of functions.

What is a CDS code for schools? ›

The 14-digit CDS code is the official, unique identification of a school within California. The first two digits identify the county, the next five digits identify the school district, and the last seven digits identify the school. CDS codes are not assigned to programs.

What is a union free school district in New York? ›

The establishment of union free school districts in New York State began in 1859. The term "union free" refers not to the workers' unions we know today, but instead means an independent school district, sharing no services or connections with any other district, as opposed to the "common schools" of the past.

How should schools be structured? ›

Schools typically have administrators who are responsible for whole-school operations and supervision and teachers of different subjects divided into teams based on grade levels or academic subject areas. They also have office workers and support staff to carry out various functions necessary to school operations.

What is the organizational structure of a school system? ›

Final answer: Organisational structure in a school setting refers to the way a school is organized and the relationships between different positions and departments. Real-life examples include the principal, department heads, teachers, and support staff.

Is a school district a state or local government? ›

The school district is considered a part of the local government. Therefore anyone who works for the school district considered an employee of a local government. Public schools are funded by local taxes and are run by elected officials. I hope this helps.

Who controls local school boards? ›

School districts typically are overseen by elected boards of trustees that set policy and hire a chief executive, called a superintendent.

Are schools local state or federal government? ›

Early in our nation's history, lawmakers passed the 10th Amendment to the Constitution. This is the basis for making education a function of the states. Each school district is administered and financed by the local community.

What does CD in school mean? ›

Community day schools are operated by school districts. Community day schools serve mandatory and other expelled students, students referred by a School Attendance Review Board, and other high-risk youths.

Do private schools have a CDS code? ›

The CDS Code is an administrative code used by the CDE. Private schools that offer instruction in kindergarten through grade twelve and file with six or more students are assigned a CDS Code.

What is CDS credentials? ›

The CDS credential makes a clear statement that you have learned from the industry leaders and have demonstrated an understanding of the fundamentals of data stewardship, data quality, data governance, metadata management, and master data management by passing several challenging exams.

Can you go to a school you are not zoned for in NY? ›

If your child is entering an elementary grade other than kindergarten, you may register directly at your zoned school. If you live in a district that doesn't have zoned schools or you want your child to attend a school other than your zoned option, you will need to go to a Family Welcome Center to enroll your child.

Who pays for public schools in NYC? ›

Funding generally comes from income and corporate taxes, property taxes, and sales taxes.

What is the meaning of boces in NY? ›

In 1948, the New York State legislature created Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) to provide shared educational programs and services to school districts within the state. Read more about the history of the BOCES here.

How are schools structured in the US? ›

The system is broken down into three stages: elementary school (Grades K–5), middle school (Grades 6–8) and high school (Grades 9–12). Testing takes place throughout the year, to ensure that pupils are on track.

How does a school district work in the USA? ›

Most school districts operate as independent local governmental units with exclusive authority over K–12 public educational operations and policies. The extent of their control is set by state-level law. Litigation against school districts is common and some law firms specialize in education law.

How are districts determined in the US? ›

Each congressional district is to be as equal in population to all other congressional districts in a state as practicable. The boundaries and numbers shown for the congressional districts are those specified in the state laws or court orders establishing the districts within each state.

What is the hierarchy of schools in us? ›

Compulsory education is divided into three levels: elementary school, middle or junior high school, and high school. Numerous publicly and privately administered colleges and universities offer a wide variety of post-secondary education.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.