Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (2024)

Strategic Sourcing
SAP Ariba Sourcing features are available in SAP Ariba Strategic Sourcing Suite
Enablement ModelLearn MoreFeature Name & Description
KT Import Quick Project SOAP web service [SS-19808]
SOAP web service to create a sourcing quick project or guided sourcing single-event project.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (1)Event Management API enhancements to create and edit events, scenarios, and awards [SS-20421]
This feature introduces version 2 (v2) of the Event Management API, which supports creating and updating events, scenarios, and awards. The API can also retrieve information about an event, including items, participants, and responses.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (2)Support for Japanese reverse auction events in guided sourcing [SS-21937]
This feature enables buyers using the guided sourcing user interface to create, monitor, and award Japanese reverse auctions. A new Japanese reverse auction template for guided sourcing is introduced to support Japanese reverse auctions, and a Bid console page is added to help buyers monitor the progress of a Japanese reverse auction in near real time.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (3)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (4)

Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (5)

Recover hidden feed items [SS-22420]
This feature introduces a new filter popup icon in the For You page that allows you to easily recover hidden feeds, sort, and filter out feeds based on their visibility status in both Home and Search views in the For You page.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (6)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (7)Feed cards for guided sourcing full project actions [SS-26001]
This feature enables feeds for full projects. When users perform tasks, or when the status changes for to-do and approval tasks, the For You dashboard feed displays feed cards.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (8)Envelope bidding in guided sourcing [SS-26207]
This feature enables buyers to enclose the content of their guided sourcing events in different envelopes. Participant responses are not revealed until the envelopes are opened. In this way, buyers can have an unbiased evaluation of participant responses.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (9)Approval enhancements to publish and award tasks in guided sourcing [SS-26280]
This feature allows event task approvers to approve or deny publish and award tasks from within a guided sourcing event.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (10)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (11)Guided sourcing events - Ability to import event content from standard Excel documents [SS-26635]
This feature allows buyers using guided sourcing functionality of SAP Ariba Sourcing to import event content from a standard Excel document defined by SAP Ariba. Buyers can now choose to import the following from a standard Excel document:

- Content such as items, questions, and requirements
- Participants

Buyers can choose to import either content or participants, or choose both.Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (12)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (13)Enhancements to English reverse auction in guided sourcing [SS-27602]
This feature introduces the following buyer-side enhancements to the English reverse auction support in the guided sourcing interface of SAP Ariba Sourcing:

- A View Details option for each item in the Bid Console page and a corresponding Item Details page that contains item information, item terms, historic pricing, ceiling or initial price for the item, and bid history for the item in graphical and tabular format.

- A > (greater than) icon for each entry in the Bid History table and a corresponding Response Details page that contains details of the bid submitted by the supplier.Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (14)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (15)Increase maximum number of custom fields [SS-27931]
This feature increases the maximum number of custom fields you can have enabled in your site for multiple fields.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (16)Ability to modify members in existing conversations in the Messages popup [SS-28994]
This feature enables buyers to modify team members and participants in an existing conversation in the Messages popup.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (17)Sealed bidding in guided sourcing events [SS-28998]
This feature enables buyers to see supplier participation status and logs entries but prevents buyers from seeing incoming bids in a guided sourcing event which has been published and is in open state to receive bids from suppliers.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (18)Support for event content translation in guided sourcing [SS-28999]
This feature enables buyers using guided sourcing to add parts of event content in additional languages so that participants and team members from different locales can view translations in their preferred languages. In guided sourcing, content translation is supported only for single event projects.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (19)Ability to update the content of a sourcing event using Simplified Excel Import [SS-29004]
This feature enables buyers using the Simplified Excel Import feature of SAP Ariba Sourcing to add, update, or delete the existing content of a sourcing event with content from an Excel file. This feature is available in classic SAP Ariba Sourcing for updating line items and in guided sourcing for updating line items and questions in events that are in draft or published state.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (20)Support for cost items, cost terms, total cost auctions, and total cost RFPs in guided sourcing [SS-29006]
This feature enables buyers using guided sourcing capabilities of SAP Ariba Sourcing to create total cost RFPs and auctions. Buyers can specify cost items and cost terms and create total cost formulas that enable them to perform various arithmetic operations on the quoted price to factor in additional costs such as transportation, taxes, and so on to have a holistic view of the total cost involved. Cost terms can be defined as adders, subtractors, multipliers, and percent discounts.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (21)Traffic light auctions in guided sourcing [SS-29011]
This feature enables buyers to use traffic light auctions in guided sourcing.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (22)Basket lots in guided sourcing events [SS-29015]
Guided sourcing now supports basket lots in RFI, RFP, and auction events. There are two types of basket lots: Basket and Basket with No Items.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (23)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (24)
Business Network
Procurement CollaborationEnablement ModelLearn MoreFeature Name & Description
KT Payment days late widget [BNA-2] - Supplier Feature
The Payment days late widget calculates the Average Payment Days Late KPI and displays the number of paid invoices by the number of payment days late on a bar graph. The data can be displayed for All customers or a specific customer and for payments received in the Last month, Last quarter, or Last 12 months.

Payment days late, in conjunction with the On-time payment rate and Paid invoices widgets, helps you identify the extent to which you are paid late. It also helps you understand the payment behaviors and patterns of your customers.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (25)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (26)Payment days late benchmark widget [BNA-7] - Supplier Feature
The Payment days late benchmark widget calculates the average number of payment days late using the same calculation method as BNA-2: Payment days late KPI widget. It enables suppliers to compare the Average Payment Days Late KPI of their customers against the aggregate performance of the network by supplier region, buyer industry, and buyer performance quartile.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (27)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (28)Allow buyers to view return shipments [CSC-27347]
This feature adds the Fulfillment > Extended Collaboration > Return Shipments page for buyers. This page was previously only available for suppliers. Buyers can use this page to view their returned shipments.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (29)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (30)E-invoicing enhancements for Germany to support X-Rechnung invoices [NG-4694]
Ariba Network supports creating and processing of X-Rechnung invoices to address relevant German B2G regulations, if the buyer activates this feature. In this case, the X-Rechnung invoice issued in the Ariba Network shall constitute the legal invoice, whereas the cXML file is used only for data transfer and processing purposes. Both files are derived from the same data. The X-Rechnung invoice is available under the Attachment(s) section. As the cXML does not constitute as a legal invoice (as compared to Ariba Network German invoice processing for German invoices), it will not be digitally signed.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (31)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (32)E-mail channel enabled for external CFDI documents for Mexico [NG-4793]
Buyers on Ariba Network who use the Mexico Tax Invoice add-on, can now receive inbound invoices from suppliers via e-mail. Suppliers need to send their invoices as an attachment to the following e-mail ID, [email protected].

Ariba Network accepts the e-mail with CFDI document as an attachment and processes the CFDI invoice document to the relevant buyer using the Tax ID in the attached invoice. By product recommendation, up to 10 CFDI files can be attached to each email for processing.Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (33)Allow suppliers to send information purposes only invoices [NP-29885]
Buyer administrators can choose to make the "Information Purposes Only" checkbox visible (or not) to their suppliers by enabling a business rule in the buyers' Ariba Network accounts. The business rule that is introduced is "Allow invoices for information purposes" and is unchecked by default. Suppliers will now be able to view and mark an invoice as an "Information Purposes Only" invoice only if their buyers enable this business rule.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (34)Allow buyers to require invoice attachments for supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region [NP-29886]
Previously, buyers had the option to require suppliers to send invoice attachments. Suppliers had to add attchments to invoices and credit memos as configured by buyers on Ariba Network.

Now, buyers can choose to require supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region to send invoice attachments by enabling the corresponding invoice rules in Ariba Network. The rule Require suppliers to send invoice attachments requires supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region to include attachments when they create invoices. The rule Require suppliers to send credit memo attachments requires supplier groups or suppliers in a specific country/region to include attachments when they create credit memos against purchase orders or invoices.Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (35)Allow buyers to specify if invoice date must be after the purchase order date [NP-29887]
Previously, suppliers on Ariba Network had the ability to send an invoice with a date prior to the date on the purchase order to their buyers on Ariba Network.

Now, by enabling a new business rule in their Ariba Network accounts, buyers can specify if an invoice date must mandatorily be on or after the purchase order date. The business rule that is introduced is "Require invoice date to not be before the order date". Therefore, suppliers will now be able to send an invoice with a date prior to the date on the purchase order only if their buyers have this rule disabled in their Ariba Network accounts. Note: This rule is not checked by default.Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (36)Enforcing suppliers to enter at most one instance of VAT or GST per category [NP-29892]
Previously, suppliers in Ariba Network were allowed to enter more than one instance of tax for VAT and GST for various categories such as allowances, charges, shipping costs, and so on at the header and line level of invoices. Now, buyers can enforce their suppliers in Ariba Network to enter at most one instance of tax (VAT and GST) for such categories at the header and line level of invoices, thus avoiding the duplication of taxes for the same category. For buyers to achieve this control, they can enable a business rule that reads Require suppliers to enter only one instance of VAT or GST category at the header and line-item level for charges, allowances, shipping costs, and special handling costs. This rule is disabled by default.

Buyers in Ariba Network can extend this rule to their supplier groups and to their country-based invoicing rules.Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (37)Buyer report for supplier legal profile status [NP-30120]
Ariba Network already provides a legal profile, as part of its tax invoice functionality, for suppliers to set up their company registration information (for example, GST ID in Singapore) currently in Hungary, India, Italy, and Singapore. These countries use a clearance model wherein the invoice generated in Ariba Network, along with this tax information, has to be cleared by the tax authority before being issued to the buyer. Because this is a prerequisite for generating tax invoices in these countries, it impacts the audit on the buyer side if it requires tax invoices.

Previously, buyers did not have visibility into the legal profile setup status of suppliers that they have a trading relationship with. Now, this functionality is being provided through a new legal profile report that can be manually run or scheduled. Buyers can filter the report for all or some of these countries, and also specifically filter only the supplier addresses that do not have a legal profile set up. Using this report, buyers can ensure that they receive only tax invoices by alerting suppliers who have not configured legal profiles for their company addresses in these countries.Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (38)Enhanced invoice transaction workbench for suppliers [NP-30610] - Supplier Feature
Invoice-based workbench tiles have been enhanced with additional filters, columns, and available actions. Users can now group columns on invoice-based workbench tiles and export the tile data. The Credit memos, Debit memos, Draft invoices, Paid invoices, Overdue invoices (Approved), and Overdue invoices (Unapproved) tiles are now available on the homepage and Workbench.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (39)Enhancement of DQM string checker [NS-12104]
This feature introduces DQM string checker validation for Contact name on the profile page.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (40)Post-login reminder to update the Profile fields [NS-15521]
This feature introduces post login reminders to update the profile information so that business partner have reliable information for screening and billing.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (41)Web assistant for buyers and suppliers in Ariba Network [NS-7308]
This feature introduces Web assistant help in the Ariba Network interface for both buyers and suppliers. Web assistant is a tool to give buyers and suppliers information they need from right within the application. Web assistant help is available as in-context help accessible by clicking the question mark icon at the top right corner of the user's home page.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (42)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (43)CSV upload of discount offer configuration [PAY-5416]
Discount offer configurations can be uploaded or downloaded in CSV format. This makes it easier for buyers to upload and migrate configurations to production.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (44)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (45)Prompts to set up early payment email notifications [PAY-5420] - Supplier Feature
Ariba Network now prompts you to set up early payment email notifications to keep you updated on early payment offers. If you have set up instant email notifications and have received more than 5 instant notifications in the last business day, Ariba Network prompts you to set up daily summary notifications to avoid sending you too many notifications.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (46)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (47)Send user's phone number to partner when selecting pre-qualified offers in SAP Supplier Financing [PAY-7092] - Supplier Feature
Supplier Financing now displays the user’s phone number, from their SAP Business Network profile, under the menu Settings. This phone number is sent along with the user’s email and name to the financing partner upon selection of a pre-qualified offer the partner has issued for further processing of the financing request.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (48)Ability to prioritize buyer-initiated discount offers over payment term offers [PAY-7352]
Buyers might want to obtain an additional early payment discount by passing a pre-existing discount amount to Ariba Network. However, if a payment term offer applies, no additional discount can be obtained. Therefore, Ariba Network now allows buyers to optionally prioritize Buyer-Initiated Discount Offers over any payment term offers.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (49)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (50)Configuring retention period and managing deletion of revoked users in Ariba Network [REGAN-5265]
Ariba Network users can request the administrator of their account to remove their personal information from the system. This is called a revocation request. If the request is approved, users cannot log in to Ariba Network any longer, and their personal information is no longer visible to other users.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (51)Support for additional invoicing actions from Workbench order tiles [SA-14871] - Supplier Feature
You can now create credit memos, line-item credit memos, and line-item debit memos from order-based Workbench tiles.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (52)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (53)Trading partner marketing profile [SA-26716] - Supplier Feature
The new trading partner marketing profile helps suppliers win more business by standing out to potential customers across the entire SAP Business Network.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (54)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (55)Component Shipment report and field additions to Open Orders report [CSC-18313]
This feature adds the Component Shipment report type in Excel for buyers and suppliers who are enabled for SAP Ariba Supply Chain Collaboration. This feature also adds more functionality to the Open Orders report type for both buyers and suppliers.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (56)
Cloud Integration Gateway
Enablement ModelLearn MoreFeature Name & DescriptionAutomatically
KT Integration support for sending ERP-initiated ERS invoices from SAP S/4HANA Cloud in the 42K integration scenario [IG-15153]
With this feature, buyers can create ERP-initiated ERS invoices on SAP S/4HANA Cloud and send them to Ariba Network through SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (57)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (58)Support for Peppol service integration for invoices and StatusUpdateRequest [IG-16489] - Supplier Feature
This feature supports Pan-European Public Procurement On-Line (Peppol) service integration for invoices and StatusUpdateRequest using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway. The Peppol integration is currently supported only for Germany and Belgium. Peppol is a project initiated by the European Commission to develop an EU wide eProcurement technology standard. Each Peppol transaction includes two document attachments for download, one in HTML and the other in UBL BIS 3.0 XML format. Peppol transactions use BusinessPartnerID as sender/receiver ID instead of Ariba Network ID (ANID).
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (59)Integration support for invoices in XRechnung format [IG-17648] - Supplier Feature
This feature adds support for integrating the XRechnung format for invoices using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway. XRechnung is the standard format for electronic invoices that are exchanged with public clients in Germany.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (60)Support for importing catalog data directly from SAP ERP systems to SAP Ariba Procurement solutions [IG-26991]
With this feature, using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway, buyers can import catalog data directly from SAP ERP systems to SAP Ariba Procurement solutions without routing it through Ariba Network.

Related to feature CM-5737

Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (61)Enhancements to support order confirmation approval for scheduling agreements and scheduling agreement releases [IG-28023]
This feature provides integration for order confirmation approval for scheduling agreements and scheduling agreement releases. It also provides enhancement to support the integration of mapping Supplier part ID, header comments, item comments, and item deviation reasons from Ariba Network to SAP ERP or SAP S/4HANA for purchase orders, scheduling agreements, and scheduling agreement releases.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (62)Support for standardization of Unit of Measurement for integration with Ariba Network [IG-28208]
This feature supports standardization of the Unit of Measurement (UOM) for integration with Ariba Network through SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (63)Integration support for inventory reservation requests sent to SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud in the 2NV and the 3EN integration scenarios [IG-28803]
For the Guided Buying Capability with SAP Ariba Buying (2NV) integration scenario and the Guided Buying for Central Procurement with SAP Ariba Buying (‏3EN‏) integration scenario, this feature adds integration support for sending inventory reservation requests from guided buying to SAP S/4HANA or SAP S/4HANA Cloud using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway.

Related to feature GB-15594

Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (64)Integration support for batch managed materials in Component Ship Notice (Outbound Delivery) and Advance Ship Notice (Inbound Delivery) in 5I2 and 42K integration scenarios [IG-29988]
With this feature, details of batch-managed materials are included for subcontracting components in Component Ship Notice (Outbound Delivery) and Advance Ship Notice (Inbound Delivery) in the 5I2 integration scenario, and for finished materials in Advance Ship Notice (Inbound Delivery) in 5I2 and 42K integration scenarios.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (65)Support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia data center in SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway [IG-30122]
With this feature, new and existing buyers and suppliers in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) can connect their SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway account to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia data center for hosting the business data of Ariba Network and SAP Ariba solutions.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (66)Support for exporting business data in SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway [IG-30220]
With this feature, customers using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway for integration can export their business data from SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway to a local system or network, in an appropriate compressed file format. This feature is helpful to customers when they switch from one SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway data center to another, change service providers, or stop a specific service for a certain period.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (67)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (68)Support for deploying custom mapping [IG-30338]
With this feature, buyers can do the following tasks in the test and production environments in SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway:

- Deploy custom mapping
- Upgrade custom mapping to the latest version
- Revert custom mapping to an earlier version
- Undeploy custom mappingFeature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (69)Support for importing bill of materials into Ariba Network [IG-30682]
With this feature, buyers can import bill of materials (BOM) from the buyer’s ERP system to Ariba Network using SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (70)Support for warehouse stock transfer shipment advice in the ASC-X12 (943) as inbound document routing format [IG-31247] - Supplier Feature
This feature adds a new document type (943) in the ASC-X12 document routing format to support the stock transport order (STO) process warehouse stock transfer shipment advice messages. Suppliers on Ariba Network can use the warehouse stock transfer shipment advice to inform a third-party warehouse management system or a third-party logistics provider that they are sending goods to a remote warehouse or that it is OK to accept returns from a buyer.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (71)Support for warehouse stock transfer receipt advice in the ASC-X12 (944) as inbound document routing format [IG-31249] - Supplier Feature
This feature adds a new document type (944) in the ASC-X12 document routing format to support the stock transport order (STO) process warehouse receipt advice messages. A third-party decentralized warehouse management system or a third-party logistics provider can use the warehouse stock transfer receipt advice to inform a supplier on Ariba Network that the goods have been received for storage and that the delivery information has been verified.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (72)Enhancements to goods receipt-based invoice verification in SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing [IG-32627]
This feature enhances the integration of the goods receipt-based invoice verification feature by extending the support for manual and electronic invoices, allowing buyers to choose appropriate receipts during the invoice reconciliation process.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (73)Support for integration and exception monitoring of SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway transactions and events through SAP Cloud ALM [IG-33198]
With this feature, SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway buyers can use the SAP Cloud ALM for Operations for integration and exception monitoring. This can be used to monitor SAP Ariba Cloud Integration Gateway transaction events and exceptions.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (74)Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (75)Test Central for buyer regression testing [IG-33369]
With the Test Central framework, buyers can automate end-to-end testing of use cases using previously generated documents or transactions, re-rerun the test cases, and generate a report on results. Using Test Central benefits buyers in:

- Reducing testing timelines and accelerating regression testing
- Evaluating the impact of upgrades using support packs, customizations, and XSLT mapping changesFeature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (76)Enhancement to service sheets for displaying the service number in a designated field in the ERP system [IG-33572]
With this enhancement, the service sheets from Ariba Network that are posted on the ERP system display the service numbers in the designated field.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (77)Integration support for serialized finished materials in Advance Ship Notice (Inbound Delivery) in 5I2 and 42K integration scenarios [IG-33860]
With this feature, suppliers can create Advance Ship Notice on Ariba Network with serial numbers for finished materials and buyers can integrate those with Inbound Delivery in SAP S/4 HANA Cloud in 5I2 and 42K integration scenarios.
Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (78)

This information reflects the status of SAP Ariba's planning as of January 2022 and the features discussed are subject to change at any time without notice. SAP Ariba assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions and nothing in this web page should be construed to represent any commitment by SAP Ariba to include any specific new features in any version of the SAP Ariba solutions.
Please contact your Customer Engagement Executive for additional details.

Feature Names and Descriptions For Buyers (2024)
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Author: Roderick King

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Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.