FAQs: Temporary Import Permit (TIP) for Vehicles in Mexico (2024)

This article contains a list of the most frequently asked questions and answers about Mexico’s Temporary Import Permit (TIP) for foreign-plated vehicles that get driven to Mexico.

In a related article, we explained the procedures for bringing a foreign-plated vehicle to Mexico. This article provides a detailed list of FAQs about an essential document you need to obtain when you drive your vehicle to Mexico: a Temporary Import Permit, or TIP.

What is a vehicle Temporary Import Permit (TIP)?

A TIP is legal document that allows a foreign-plated vehicle to be imported to and driven in Mexico for a defined period of time. The vehicle must be exported (driven out of Mexico) before the TIP’s expiry date. If you fail to export the vehicle and surrender/cancel the TIP, you will lose your deposit, you will not be allowed to import another vehicle in future; and you can also face fines and have your vehicle confiscated.

Who needs a TIP?

Anyone who wants to bring a foreign-plated vehicle into Mexico and drive outside of the Free Zones. The Free Zones are:

  • within 25km of the land border;
  • the entire Baja California peninsula;
  • a defined area in the northern state of Sonora; and,
  • the southern state of Quintana Roo.

If you intend to drive your car beyond the 25km border zone (checkpoints exist), or anywhere outside of a defined Free Zone, you must have a TIP to avoid fines and confiscation of the vehicle.

Beware of Fraudsters at the Border

We’ve heard stories of unscrupulous individuals approaching persons lining up in person at the Banjercito booths and offering to “process” their vehicle import application. These people take cash and leave drivers with worthless documentation. Don’t be caught out: if you apply in person at the border, get to the front of the line before you begin to transact any paperwork and don’t hand over any money or credit card details before then.

Who can apply for a TIP?

Visitors entering Mexico under the auspice of a Visitor permit (FMM) and holders of a Residente Temporal residency visa/card may apply for a TIP. If you are the holder of a Residente Permanente visa/card you cannot apply for a TIP or take your foreign-plated vehicle to Mexico outside of the defined Free Zones.

Who issues the TIP?

Temporary Import Permits for foreign-plated vehicles are issued only by Banjercito, and by a limited number of Mexican Consulates (see below) who act as facilitators for Banjercito. No other companies or agencies are authorized to issue the TIP and you should never deal with anyone other than Banjercito when buying a TIP.

How do I buy a TIP?

You can purchase a TIP in advance online, or at certain Mexican Consulates in the US, or you can purchase a TIP in person at a Banjercito office situated at major land crossing points. The TIP carries an administrative fee, and you’ll also be required to leave a deposit. (The size of the deposit varies depending on the age of the vehicle.) You will lose the deposit if you fail to export (drive out) the vehicle from Mexico before the TIP’s expiry date, or violate any other rules related to the TIP.

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How long is a TIP valid for?

A TIP is tied to your immigration document and its expiry date will be tied to the expiry date on your immigration document.

Entering with a Visitor Permit: If you enter Mexico under the auspice of a FMM (Visitor Permit) this is valid for a maximum of 180 calendar days from the date of your entry to Mexico.

Entering with a Residency Card: If you enter Mexico with your foreign plated vehicle under the auspice of a Residente Temporal card, the TIP will be valid for as long as the temporary residency status remains current. Holders of Residente Permanente cards are not allowed to bring a foreign-plated vehicle to Mexico.

Entering with a Residency Visa Sticker: See the section below titled: How does a TIP work when I arrive in Mexico with a Residente Temporal Visa? about the procedure involved if you bring a foreign plated vehicle to Mexico when you have a Residente Temporal sticker in your passport, and have not exchanged that for a residency card yet.

How many vehicles can I import to Mexico using a TIP?

Only one vehicle can be imported into Mexico per person. If you are traveling with your spouse or adult child (18 years or older), they may each register one car in their name.

There is one exception to the one-person, one-car rule:If you tow a car behind your RV, there is no need for second person to be traveling with you; but you must show proof of ownership for both vehicles, and both vehicles must be taken out of the country together when you leave.

A trailer does not count as a vehicle, but you need to show ownership of it and it must be exported with the vehicle towing it when you leave Mexico.

Motorcycles, ATVs, etc. If you are towing or carrying other single passenger motorized vehicles, these may be registered with the car that is towing or carrying them. You must show proof of ownership of all vehicles and you can only bring up-to three single-passenger vehicles—one each for up to three passengers traveling in the main vehicle. All vehicles must be exported together when you leave Mexico.

Can I leave Mexico if I have a foreign-plated vehicle here with a TIP?

When you bring your foreign-plated vehicle to Mexico, your TIP’s expiry date will either be tied to a Visitor Permit (FMM) or to a Temporary Residency Permit.

Whether you your TIP is tied to a Visitor Permit (FMM) or your Residente Temporal permit, you can leave Mexico without your vehicle and the vehicle will remain legal in Mexico for so long as the TIP remains current (not past its expiry date).

The TIP’s expiry date is tied the expiry date of the Visitor Permit or Residente Temporal permit you used when you brought your car to Mexico with its TIP.

You can leave Mexico (e.g. fly out) using your Visitor Permit (or Residente Temporal permit) to exit the country; you can get a new Visitor Permit when you return, or use your Residente Temporal card to re-enter Mexico in the usual way. However, the expiry date on your TIP will not change and you must drive the vehicle out of Mexico before the TIP expires.

If you don’t drive the vehicle out of Mexico before the TIP’s expiry date, the vehicle will become illegal in Mexico and:

  • the insurance coverage will become invalid;
  • your vehicle may be confiscated and impounded; and
  • you will lose the deposit you paid to Banjercito.

The TIP’s expiry date is tied to the expiry date on the FMM you used when you first entered Mexico with your vehicle, or the expiration date of your temporary residency permit—cross check your TIP documentation for details.

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What documentation is needed to get a TIP?

To apply for a TIP, you will need to be in possession of certain supporting documentation. We recommend you carry two black-and-white copies of each of these documents when you drive to Mexico:

  • A valid passport, or passport card;
  • Your Mexican immigration permit: if you are visiting Mexico as a tourist this will be your FMM; if you are a resident, your Residente Temporal visa or card. Residente Permanente visa/card holders are not allowed to obtain a TIP;
  • A non-Mexican driver’s license (with photo);
  • Original and photocopy of the title and registration of the vehicle issued by a foreign authority in the applicant’s name. If the title or registration is in the name of a spouse, a marriage certificate must also be presented. Only the titled owner of the vehicle and/or their spouse can get a TIP;
  • Proof of temporary Mexican auto insurance for the vehicle.

What if the vehicle is rented, leased, financed, or owned by a company?

If the vehicle you intend to drive into Mexico is not registered in yours or your spouse’s name, you will also need the following documentation to accompany your application:

Rented vehicles: If a rental car company allows you to drive one its vehicles into Mexico, you will need a notarized letter of permission from the rental car company.

Leased vehicles: If the vehicle under lease, you will need to show the lease contract and a notarized letter of permission from the leasing company.

Financed vehicles: If the vehicle is under a finance arrangement, you will need to show the credit contract and notarized letter of permission from the finance company giving permission for the car to be driven to Mexico.

Company car: If the vehicle is owned by a company (a company you own or a company you work for) you will need a notarized letter of permission (on headed paper) confirming the employment relationship and authorizing the employee to drive the vehicle into Mexico.

What is the TIP application procedure?

When you have your documentation gathered, you can begin to make the application for your vehicle’s TIP:

Where: You can apply online, or go to one of a defined list of Mexican Consulates in the US, or you can apply in-person a Banjercito office near one of the main land border crossings.

Declaration: You will be asked to sign a declaration, pledging to export the vehicle within the period for which the permit is valid and not disobey any other regulations related to the issuance of the TIP.

Payment: There is an administrative fee of around US$50 that can be paid with cash, or a non-Mexico issued credit card. You cannot use a Mexico-issued credit card for this purchase; whether buying online or in-person. The name on the card must match the name of the person on the TIP.

Deposit: In addition to the administrative fee, you will need to pay a deposit of between US$200 and US$400, depending on the age of the vehicle. The deposit is refunded if the TIP is canceled/surrendered before its expiry date and no violations have taken place. It can take some days or weeks for the refund to be returned to a credit card after cancelling/surrendering the TIP.

Holographic Windscreen Stickers Being Phased Out

In years past, vehicles with a TIP were issued with a special ‘holographic’ windscreen sticker that provided visual evidence of the vehicle’s legal status in Mexico.

Since January 1, 2020, Banjercito no longer issues holographic stickers for placement in the windshield and the permits are validated by email instead, although we recommend that you print out the documentation and keep it on-hand at all times, in case you cannot access your email if you are stopped and questioned about your vehicle’s presence in Mexico. You may be asked to show proof the vehicle’s legal presence in the country at any military checkpoint and/or by federal or traffic police.

If your vehicle still has a holographic sticker that is still valid, it’s important that you leave it in place and do not remove it. You should never remove the sticker yourself: the official at the Banjercito office at the border should do this for you when you cancel/surrender your permit.

Where can I buy a vehicle TIP?

Buying Online

You can still obtain a TIP in-person at the border but applying for the TIP via the Banjercito Website will speed the process and avoid potentially long lines at the border.

Note: If you apply online, you must first get your FMM online (or have your Residency visa or card issued) before you obtain the TIP. When you get your FMM online, you must stop at the border and get immigration (INM) to stamp/validate the document. Carry a printed copy of the FMM and your receipt to show proof of payment when you do this.

When approved, you will receive your TIP by email. Print out your TIP and receipt and keep the printed copies with you while driving in Mexico. Keep and use the email version only as verification of your TIP approval.

Buying in person at the Land Border

Temporary import permits may be purchased at CIITEV offices located at Customs offices near various U.S./Mexico border locations in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. Check beforehand that the crossing you use has a CIITEV office. When you apply in person, Banjercito will send an email with your TIP and hand you a printed copy of the TIP and your receipt. Keep the email and paper copies to hand at all times while driving in Mexico.

Buying a TIP at a Mexican Consulate

A limited number of Mexican Consulates in the United States offer a TIP-issuing service. Although the Consulate acts as facilitator, it is Banjercito that issues the permit. Consulates in the following US States offer TIPs (we recommend you contact them beforehand to ensure that their TIP issuing service is available):

  • Arizona: Phoenix
  • California: Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Sacramento
  • Colorado: Denver
  • Illinois: Chicago
  • New Mexico: Albuquerque
  • Texas: Austin, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston

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Mexperience is pleased to refer our readers to MexPro auto insurance, a long-established company that offers comprehensive coverages valid in Mexico using English-language policies backed by a fully-licensed US insurance broker.

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How do I surrender and cancel my TIP when I drive out of Mexico?

A TIP must be cancelled and surrendered before its expiry date.

Once you have a TIP issued, the person whose name is on the register must drive the vehicle out of Mexico before the TIP’s expiry date and stop at the border to cancel/surrender the TIP. This action notifies the Customs authority that you have exported the vehicle and complied with the rules.

If you do not stop at the land border and cancel/surrender your TIP (or forget), you will need to drive the vehicle back to a land border crossing to cancel the TIP. You do not have to exit Mexico from the same port as you entered to cancel your TIP, but you must visit an approved Banjercito office to undertake the procedure. Not all border crossings have a Banjercito office, check beforehand.

Your deposit will be refunded provided you have not overstayed in Mexico beyond the TIP’s expiry date and that you have not violated any conditions of the TIP.

How does a TIP work when I arrive in Mexico with a Residente Temporal Visa?

There’s an additional procedure to take into account if you enter Mexico with a TIP and a Residente Temporal sticker in your passport.If you don’t undertake this procedure your car will not become illegal, but you will lose the deposit you left with Banjercito.

Visit your nearest Aduana (Customs) office for guidance

The procedure described below gives a general overview. We advise you to visit your local Aduana (Customs) office and talk to an official there as the exact procedures can vary from place to place.

If you have been granted temporary residency in Mexico and have a Residente Temporal visa sticker in your passport (before you are issued the residency card) your TIP and FMM will have a 30 day limit documented, because this is the time frame you have to submit the paperwork to exchange your visa sticker for a residency card. (If you already have a Residente Temporal card when you get your TIP this situation will not arise.)

If you have the 30-day limit on your TIP, you need to go the immigration office nearest to your address in Mexico and process the paperwork for the exchange of your visa sticker for a residency card. When you submit the paperwork, you will be given a printed receipt showing a NUT (Número Único de Trámite) reference.

Before the 30-day expiry date, you then need to go to your nearest Customs (Aduana) office, and present them with a letter (in Spanish) explaining that your residency card is in the process of being prepared, and give them a photocopy of the NUT receipt, and a copy of your passport.

When your card is issued, you will need to also give them a photocopy (front and back) of the residency card. If the office where you are making the exchange gives you your residency card within the 30-day window, you can undertake this procedure in one visit to the Customs office once you have your residency card, with a letter explaining that your residency card is issued, and enclosing a copy of it.

If however the immigration office takes longer to issue your residency card, you will first need to submit the letter stating you have applied for your residency card, a copy of the NUT receipt and your passport, and then return with a copy of your residency card when when it’s issued to you.

What if my foreign-plated vehicle is lost, stolen, or I abandon it in Mexico?

If you abandon your foreign-plated car in Mexico, you’ll have to pay Aduana (Mexican Customs) 40% tax on the car’s value. This rule was brought-in some while ago to discourage foreigners from abandoning or sellingtheir foreign-plated cars and telling Mexican Customstheywere lost or stolen.

There is an established process in place that prevents someone who has legitimately had their vehicle stolen (or sufferedtotal loss of the vehicle in an accident) from having to pay the fee.

Proper documentation will be required to get the TIP cancelled, so a police report has to be filed, plus special forms have to be filed with the Mexican Customs office, and the hired services of aMexican Notary Publicwill be needed to formalize all the paperwork to cancel the TIP of a stolen car.

While the authorities cannot prevent you from leaving if you don’t pay the tax, failure to do so will forfeit your rights to import any other foreign-plated vehicle to Mexico in future.

Donating your vehicle to Mexican Customs

If you want to dispose of your car, there is a procedure whereby you can “donate” it to Mexican Customs; you can find more information about thathereon the Mexican SAT web site.

Some important points to note about Mexico’s vehicle Temporary Import Permits

  • TIPs cannot be extended or renewed. If you don’t export the vehicle (drive out) from Mexico before the expiry date and cancel the TIP, you lose the deposit you left at Banjercito and if you never cancel the TIP you’ll find it very difficult to import another foreign-plated vehicle to Mexico
  • Only holders of a visitor permit (FMM) and a Residente Temporal visa/card may obtain a TIP. Holders of Residente Permanente visas/cards cannot bring foreign-plated cars into Mexico
  • When your TIP is issued, you can drive the car back-and-fro across the land border provided the TIP remains valid
  • You cannot cancel/surrender or obtain a new TIP anywhere within Mexico
  • You cannot cancel/surrender a TIP online. The person who is named on the TIP must present the vehicle physically at a Banjercito office at the border to undertake the cancellation procedure
  • You cannot surrender a TIP through a Mexican Consulate abroad
  • If your vehicle has not been physically returned to a Banjercito office at the border and the TIP cancelled/surrendered, a new permit cannot be issued for that person or vehicle
  • Hybrid and Electric vehicles are not exempt from requiring a TIP if you intend to drive the vehicle beyond one of the Free Zones.
  • Applications online are checked in real-time on US/Canadian vehicle databases. Your application for a TIP will be denied if the vehicle has any restrictions marked, e.g. reported as stolen or as sent for scrap.

Is auto insurance compulsory when I drive a car into Mexico?

You will need to show evidence of having a valid temporary insurance policy when you apply for a TIP. Whether you are driving in the Free Zones or going further into Mexico with a TIP, ensure your road trip is properly insured with a policy is valid in Mexico, especially for third party liabilities.

Get an Auto Insurance Quote

Mexperience is pleased to refer our readers to MexPro auto insurance, which offers comprehensive coverages valid in Mexico using English-language policies backed by a fully-licensed US insurance broker. Their insurances cover third party liability, provide legal assistance, and you can opt for medical and roadside assistance to be included.

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  • Latest articles about driving in Mexico
  • Your Mexico road trip checklist
  • Dealing with minor and major road accidents
  • Guide to driving in Mexico
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FAQs: Temporary Import Permit (TIP) for Vehicles in Mexico (2024)


How long is a temporary import permit good for in Mexico? ›

The TIP is valid for any type of vehicle weighing less than three and a half metric tons (7,716 lbs. GVRW), for a maximum of 180 days.

What happens if you don't return the vehicle permit in Mexico? ›

What happens if you don't return the TIP? If you don't return your TIP when you and your vehicle leave Mexico, your deposit will be forfeited. There will also be no official record of the vehicle leaving Mexico, which will restrict you from getting another TIP.

How long does it take to get a vehicle permit for Mexico? ›

You may apply for a temporary vehicle import permit on the internet at Banjercito's website. After submitting the required information to the website, you will receive a pass code. After 24 hours and within 15 days of obtaining the pass code, you can visit any Banjercito location to obtain your permit document.

How do I get a temporary car permit for Mexico? ›

Vehicle permits may be obtained through Banjercito's online process, at a Banjercito office at the border or at certain Mexican Consulates (listed below). Banjercito (Mexico's Banco Nacional del Ejército Fuerza Aérea y Armada) is the government authority who issues vehicle permits.

What is the maximum time limit of the temporary importation customs procedure? ›

If the goods have not been placed under a customs procedure or re-exported within the 90-day- period, the customs authorities shall take any necessary measures to regularise the situation, including confiscation and sale or destruction, at the expense of the declarant.

How long does it take to get temporary import permit? ›

The Temporary Import/Export Scheme (TIS) is designed to allow traders to: Temporarily import goods for approved purposes up to a maximum of 6 months, with suspension of Goods and Services Tax (GST) and duty (where applicable), or.

How do I cancel my temporary import permit to Mexico? ›

Mexican regulations state that if a vessel with a valid temporary importation permit is going to be sold, or changing ownership, the boat owner or legal representative (whose name is on the permit) must return the permit to any Banjercito office in order to cancel it.

What happens if I don't return my FMM? ›

What Happens if you Overstay an FMM Visitor Permit? You need to leave Mexico before your FMM visitor's permit expires (usually 180 days). If you don't, you will be fined for overstaying. The fine depends on how long you overstayed.

Can you extend a tip in Mexico? ›

The TIP cannot be extended or renewed. If you're traveling on an FMM visitor's permit, the maximum TIP validity is 180 days. If you're traveling on a temporary resident visa, the TIP is valid as long as your visa is valid (probably 1 year).

How much does a temporary import permit cost in Mexico? ›

How Much is a Temporary Importation permit? The cost of the Temporary Importation Permit is equivalent to $51 USD plus tax in Mexican Pesos, at a CIITEV office at the border port of entry and at the consulate offices in the US.

How do I get a temporary car permit? ›

What you should do
  1. Go to the nearest registering authority with the following: a copy of your identity document. the prescribed fee.
  2. Complete an Application for a Temporary/Special Permit (TSP1) form.

Can I get a vehicle permit for Mexico online? ›

You can apply for your temporary vehicle import permit on-line through the Banjercito Bank after reviewing the requirements outlined in this post. Foreigners are only allowed to temporarily import one vehicle into Mexico.

Where can I get a temporary import permit for Mexico? ›

Temporary import permits may be purchased at CIITEV offices located at Customs offices near various U.S./Mexico border locations in Arizona, California, New Mexico and Texas. Check beforehand that the crossing you use has a CIITEV office.

How Much Does Mexico permit cost? ›

Fee for Mexico's Visitor Visa (FMM)

If you arrive by land and leave Mexico within 7 days of your arrival date, there is no fee for the permit. If you fly into Mexico from overseas, the fee is usually included within your air ticket's “fees and surcharges.” The fee is approximately US$25.

How long does temporary residency in Mexico last? ›

Temporary Resident Visa is intended for people who wish to reside in Mexico for more than 180 days but not longer than four years. The visa is approved for one year, and renewed for 1 to 3 years. After four years maximum, you must apply for a Permanent Residence Visa if you wish to stay in Mexico.

How long does a temporary import last? ›

Temporary Admission relieves both import VAT and duty on import when the goods are being re-exported within, typically, 2 years.

What is the supporting document required by custom for temporary import? ›

The required documents for Temporary Import are: Bank Guarantee Letter. Temporary Import Approval from Customs. Commercial Invoice.

What is a customs temporary import? ›

Under Standard Temporary Import, goods are imported duty free and are expected to be re-exported within a year. They're commonly used for trade tools and samples.

What are the two types of import permits? ›

Under the EIPA, there are two types of import permits: General Import Permits (GIPs) and specific import permits.

What are the requirements for import permit? ›

Frequently Asked Question
  • Duly notarized accomplished Application Form and signed by owner (for Sole Proprietorship), responsible Officer (for Corporation), Chairman (for Cooperative) and authorized partner (for Partnership);
  • Bureau of Customs Official Receipt (BCOR) evidencing payment of processing fee (Php1,000.00);

What is the purpose of import permit? ›

Definition of Import Licence

A national government provides an official import license to authorize the importation of certain goods into a country. The document is used to specify the amount of goods that need to be transported where carriers make sure they do not exceed the already determined quota.

Can I leave Mexico without FMM? ›

Whatever you do, DO NOT LEAVE MEXICO without going to the immigration counter at the airport (only at international airports) and filling out the bottom half of an FMM. (as seen below). Most likely, your flight crew won't let you board your flight without turning in this paper.

Can I bring back a car from Mexico? ›

For vehicles coming from Mexico, you must first prove that when you drove the car into the United States, you filled out an entry form with CBP. The vehicle will need to be inspected to determine if it meets all Federal safety and emissions standards.

Can I take a car to Mexico and leave it there? ›

Tourists and Temporary Residents are allowed to bring ONE car per person into Mexico, for their use as long as they keep that immigration status, including renewals. Hence, a tourist can bring a car into Mexico for 90 or 180 days (according to its immigration form).

Can I get an FMM form at the airport? ›

Applications can be found at the airport, and you need to complete it before you get your turn at the FMM service counter. Once you do that, you hand it to the immigration officer, he or she will rip it in half and you will get one.

What happens if you dont have an FMM in Mexico? ›

However, it is important to note that there have been immigration checkpoints on the highways recently. The FMM is legally required in Mexico, so you may be turned around at checkpoint if you don't have a valid FMM on you.

Is FMM mandatory in Mexico? ›

Yes. Mexican law requires that tourists from the U.S. and Canada have an FMM tourist permit for any trip into Baja. You may encounter INM checkpoints along the peninsula where they will ask to see your passport and FMM.

What is the best way to tip in Mexico? ›

Dollars or pesos? In most tourist areas in Mexico, it is acceptable to tip in either pesos or dollars, though pesos are more practical for the person being tipped. If you do tip in dollars, be sure to only tip using notes and not coins as coins cannot be exchanged.

How much should you tip Mexican driver? ›

It is not customary to tip taxi drivers, unless they assist you with your luggage, in which case 10 pesos per suitcase is a good rule of thumb. Gas station attendants are not usually tipped unless they provide some extra service such as cleaning your windshield, in which case 5 to 10 pesos is sufficient.

How much should you tip drivers in Mexico? ›

Most Taxi drivers in Mexico do not expect a tip. However, if your driver helps you with your luggage it is courteous to tip around 10 pesos. This standard also goes for Airport Shuttle Operators. A 10 peso tip is typical If you are helped with your bags.

How far can you drive into Mexico without a permit? ›

Driving to Mexico

Permits are enforced when driving approximately 20 kilometers into Mexico. Permits are NOT needed in the Baja Peninsula. Banjercito is the government authority that issues vehicle permits. The process can be done online, at the Mexican border, or at certain Mexican consulates in the United States.

How do I import a 25 year old car from Mexico? ›

You need the following documentation when you import a car from Mexico for road use:
  1. Bill of Lading (if you ship it)
  2. Bill of Sale.
  3. Mexican registration.
  4. A title or proof that you own the vehicle.
  5. DOT Form HS-7 which shows safety compliance.
  6. EPA Form 3520-1 which shows emissions compliance.
1 Feb 2021

Can I import a 20 year old car to Mexico? ›

Permanent import

The year/model of the vehicle is 8 or more years prior to the year of importation. That is, during 2022 vehicles whose model year is 2013 or older can be imported.

How long does a temporary permit for a car last? ›

Temporary Permit (21 Day Permit): Used to deliver a motor vehicle within the Republic by or to such person. Delivered within the Republic by or to a motor dealer. Valid for 21 days from date of issue. In the case of a used motor vehicle, such vehicle must have a valid Certificate of Roadworthiness (CRW)

How long is a temporary permit and a special permit valid? ›


A temporary motor vehicle permit is valid for 21 days. A special motor vehicle permit is valid for three days only.

How many hours may a temporary operation permit? ›

Upon issuance a TOP (Temporary Operator's Permit) could be used for 72 hours.

Can I drive to Mexico with temporary registration? ›

Traveling with New Registration and Temporary Plates

It is legal to travel in Mexico with current temporary U.S. tags.

Can you take a car to Mexico without title? ›

Tourists traveling to Mexico by car must have a valid driver's license and a certificate of title or vehicle registration. In the case of a rented vehicle, it is necessary to show a rental agreement in the name of the person driving the vehicle.

What documents do I need to import a car to Mexico? ›

Necessary documentation for a TIP:
  • Mexican insurance for the duration of the importation.
  • Passport.
  • FMM tourist visa or temporary residency card.
  • Photographic driver's license (not Mexican)
  • Title and vehicle registration certificate issued outside Mexico in importer's name – original and copy.
13 Feb 2021

What documents do I need to import goods from Mexico? ›

Gather Your Documents

A commercial invoice containing information about your shipment. A Packing List including shipment weight. A NAFTA Certificate of Origin (if applicable) Speak with your customs broker to ensure you understand the Mexican customs agents' export handling costs.

What customs forms do I need to enter Mexico? ›

To enter Mexico, you must have the following documents:
  • A valid passport or travel document. ...
  • A properly completed Multiple Migratory Form (FMM). ...
  • Mexican immigration officers at the port of entry may request additional documents depending on the purpose/activity of your trip.

When can you get your permit in Mexico? ›


In Mexico, a learner's permit is available at the age of 15 up until the age of 18. These are also available to tourists and expats in the state of Guanajuato.

Do I need a special permit to drive in Mexico? ›

So any foreigner with a Driving License from their country and their valid passport can drive in Mexico as a tourist. Citizens or residents of Mexico who wish to drive out of Mexico need to process a PIC (International Driving Permit) at ANA Automóvil Club A. C. to guarantee their driver's license in another country.

What are the benefits of temporary residency in Mexico? ›

Temporary Resident Visa
  • You can stay in Mexico as long as you like.
  • You can enter and leave Mexico as many times as you want.
  • You can open a Mexican bank account.
  • You can apply for a Mexican driver's license.
  • You can buy and register a car in Mexico.

How much money do you need for temporary residency in Mexico? ›

You may obtain a temporary resident visa in Mexico, if you prove that during the last year you had an overall bank balance of over US$27,000 or during the last 6 months you had a monthly income of over US$1,620.

What documents are needed for temporary residency in Mexico? ›

When you apply, you should have the following with you:
  • The Resident Card request form, which you can download from the website of the Immigration Offices.
  • Your passport with the Temporary Resident Visa affixed.
  • The Forma Migratoria Múltiple (FMM) which you received at the airport.
  • Payment of the Resident Card.

How long is a temporary import? ›

Temporary Admission relieves both import VAT and duty on import when the goods are being re-exported within, typically, 2 years.

How long is the import license valid? ›

In India, Import License is issued by the Director General of Foreign Trade. DGFT Delhi office is situated in Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi 110011. Import Licenses are valid for 24 months for capital goods and 18 months for raw materials components, consumable and spares, with the license term renewable.

What is temporary importation permit? ›

Temporary Import is a facility for the temporary importation of goods without payment of customs duty/tax with a security being given to the satisfaction of the Director General of Customs and with a view to subsequent re-exportation in consistent with the provision of Section 97 Customs Act 1967.

What is temporary admission procedure? ›

'Temporary admission' allows goods to be brought in temporarily to the Union with total or partial relief from import duty. Examples of where this procedure might be used would be in the case of goods imported for purposes such as exhibiting at a trade fair or taking part in a music show.

Do you pay VAT on a temporary import? ›

As long as you do not alter the goods while they're within the EU , using TA should mean you will not have to pay duty or import VAT. Eligibility for TA relief is based on the type of goods concerned and their use before they're re-exported. Conditions on ownership may also apply.

How long does a car sit in customs? ›

0 - 1 week: vehicle purchased to be finalized and moved to the port for shipping. 2 - 4 weeks: waiting for the next ship. 2 weeks: shipping. 1 week: customs clearance.

What are the conditions of import license? ›

Import licenses are considered to be non-tariff barriers to trade when used as a way to discriminate against another country's goods in order to protect a domestic industry from foreign competition. Each license specifies the volume of imports allowed, and the total volume allowed should not exceed the quota.

What are the restrictions on import? ›

Restriction on importation refers to measures, normally adopted by governments, which restrict the ability of firms to enter foreign markets via imports. The most common restrictions are tariffs, quotas and voluntary export restraints. Tariffs serve to tax imports, thus making them expensive relative to domestic goods.

How long is a temporary import bond good for? ›

A Temporary Importation under Bond (TIB) is a temporary importation of goods under bond, not imported for sale or sale on approval, without payment of duty with the intent to export or destroy the goods within a certain period of time not to exceed three years from the date of importation.

What is the maximum allowed duration for a temporary importation by air? ›

A Temporary Importation is approved for an initial period of one year and can be extended twice for six months. The maximum total period of a temporary importation is two years and extensions beyond that period are granted by Customs on a case by case basis only for a further period of three or six months.

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.