Fantasy City Name Generator: 1,000+ Fantasy City Name Ideas (2024)

September 6, 2022

Use our fantasy city name generator to get thousands of city names based on real city names and fantasy city names.

City names come in all sorts of sizes and styles. Some are funny, others sound mysterious and some just simply describe the city in one word. In this post, we’ll show you how to create your own fake city name, along with a fantasy city name generator that generates over 1,000 city name ideas. You might also be interested in our fantasy world name generator and this cool forest name generator.

Table of contents [Hide]

  1. Fantasy City Name Generator
  2. How do I create my fantasy city name?
  3. What is a good name for a fantasy city?
  4. What are some interesting city names?
  5. Cool Fantasy City Name Ideas

Fantasy City Name Generator

Use our fantasy city name generator to get a random fantasy city name with meaning. You can use any of these ideas in your stories:

Press the 'Random' button to get a random fantasy city name idea.

Our generator includes both fantasy and more realistic or modern city name ideas. Feel free to adapt any idea you like for your own storytelling or role-playing. Need some character name ideas for your story? Check out this brilliant fantasy name generator.

How do I create my fantasy city name?

You might think that creating your own fantasy city name is problematic. But with this helpful technique, you’ll be able to create a huge list of possible city names to use in your stories and role-plays:

  1. Make a list of adjectives to describe the city. For example, Dark, Misty, Ancient, Magical or Golden.
  2. Create another list of nouns related to the fictional city. Examples may include, Forest, King, Witches, Ogres, or Dragon.
  3. Pick one adjective and one noun. We selected, ‘Golden’ and ‘Witches’.
  4. Take the first three characters from the adjective. From our example, that’s ‘Gol’.
  5. Now take the last three characters from the noun. Using our example, that’ll be ‘hes’.
  6. Combine steps 4 and 5 to create the city name. Using our example, the city name would be “Golhes”
  7. Adding meaning to the city name. This step is optional. The city meaning is the related noun and adjective in full. Based on this, our fictional city name with meaning would be: Golhes, The Golden City of Witches

Using this technique you should be able to come up with unique city names in no time.

If you’re looking for some more realistic or modern city names, then you can try the following technique:

  1. Make a list of adjectives to describe the city. For example, Dark, Misty, Ancient, Magical or Golden.
  2. Create a list of suffixes based on real city names. A suffix is the last set of characters in a word that can be pronounced. For example in the city name. ‘Birmingham’, the suffix is ‘ham’. Other suffixes could include ‘don’ (London), ‘bourne’ (Melbourne) or ‘hai’ (Shanghai).
  3. Pick a random adjective from step 1. We selected, ‘Ancient’ this time.
  4. And then pick a random suffix from step 2. We selected ‘ham’ (based on Birmingham)
  5. Take the first three characters from the adjective. From our example, that’s “Anc”
  6. Combine steps 4 and 5 to create the city name. Using our example, the city name would be ‘Ancham’.
  7. Again you can add meaning to this name. Our example with meaning would be, ‘Ancham, the Ancient City’.

Try out these techniques yourself, and let us know what city name ideas you come up with in the comments below.

You can also use the free printable city name generator below as a template to help you create your own city name:

Fantasy City Name Generator: 1,000+ Fantasy City Name Ideas (1)

What is a good name for a fantasy city?

A good fantasy city name should be easy to pronounce and describe the city in the shortest way possible. Here are some examples of good city names in fantasy:

  • Emerald CIty (Wizard of Oz)
  • Zion (The Matrix)
  • Hill Valley (Back to the Future)
  • Gotham City (Batman)
  • Smallville (Superman)
  • Toontown (Who Framed Roger Rabbit)

Some of these city or town names are a combination of words. Take, for example, Toontown is ‘cartoon’ and ‘town’ combined – This perfectly describes what you’ll see in Toontown which is cartoons everywhere! While others like Gotham, look like a combination of an adjective and a real city name. Gotham could be a combination of ‘Gothic’ and ‘Birmingham’ into one – That’s our opinion anyway! See our techniques for creating your own city name above for more ideas.

What are some interesting city names?

On the topic of city names, here are some funny or interesting city names we’ve come across in our research:

  • Batman, Turkey
  • Bigfoot, Texas, USA
  • Dollarbeg, Scotland
  • Ugley, Essex, England
  • Gogogogo, Madagascar
  • Dinkytown, Minnesota, USA
  • Fart, Virginia, USA
  • Looneyville, Texas, USA
  • Fleatown, Ohio, USA
  • Brainy Borough, New Jersey, USA
  • Bird-in-Hand, Pennsylvania, USA
  • Humpty Doo, Northern Territory, Australia

Cool Fantasy City Name Ideas

Here is a list of some cool fantasy city name ideas that you can use:

  • Mosvil, The Mossy City Of The Devil
  • Encers, The Enchanted City Of The Elders
  • Coloot, The Cold City Of The Root
  • Lonest, The Lonely City Of The Forest
  • Rusvil, The Rusty City Of The Evil
  • Dreake, The Dream City Of The Lake
  • Magior, The Magic City Of The Warrior
  • Deeown, The Deep City Of The Unknown
  • Mudned, The Muddy City Of The Poisoned
  • Bloted, The Blood City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Darowl, The Dark City Of The Owl
  • Misest, The Misty City Of The Forest
  • Darers, The Dark City Of The Flowers
  • Greake, The Green City Of The Lake
  • Ancush, The Ancient City Of The Bush
  • Magvil, The Magic City Of The Devil
  • Ancust, The Ancient City Of The Locust
  • Mosess, The Mossy City Of The Princess
  • Silard, The Silver City Of The Lizard
  • Ancard, The Ancient City Of The Lizard
  • Mageaf, The Magic City Of The Leaf
  • Mudrer, The Muddy City Of The Sorcerer
  • Missom, The Misty City Of The Blossom
  • Deeowl, The Deep City Of The Owl
  • Azuned, The Azure City Of The Poisoned
  • Grerer, The Greater City Of The Sorcerer
  • Hazrts, The Hazy City Of The Lubberworts
  • Golass, The Golden City Of The Grass
  • Collow, The Cold City Of The Willow
  • Norrer, The North City Of The Sorcerer
  • Encust, The Enchanted City Of The Locust
  • Ethold, The Ethereal City Of The Cold
  • Blorts, The Blood City Of The Lubberworts
  • Griken, The Grim City Of The Broken
  • Ancold, The Ancient City Of The Cold
  • Golers, The Golden City Of The Flowers
  • Darust, The Dark City Of The Locust
  • Deegle, The Deep City Of The Golden Eagle
  • Dreock, The Dream City Of The Rock
  • Hazted, The Hazy City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Greass, The Grey City Of The Grass
  • Misken, The Mist City Of The Broken
  • Greead, The Greater City Of The Dead
  • Wesoon, The West City Of The Moon
  • Whions, The White City Of The Dragons
  • Wesake, The West City Of The Lake
  • Dreoot, The Dream City Of The Root
  • Darolf, The Dark City Of The Wolf
  • Lonasp, The Lonely City Of The Wasp
  • Molves, The Moldy City Of The Elves
  • Dreoon, The Dream City Of The Moon
  • Eashed, The East City Of The Banished
  • Darasp, The Dark City Of The Wasp
  • Litile, The Little City Of The Vile
  • Azuche, The Azure City Of The Witches
  • Colust, The Cold City Of The Locust
  • Cloond, The Cloudy City Of The Pond
  • Redush, The Red City Of The Bush
  • Silper, The Silver City Of The Slipper
  • Broxie, The Broken City Of The Pixie
  • Greted, The Grey City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Magead, The Magic City Of The Dead
  • Magers, The Magic City Of The Elders
  • Silxie, The Silver City Of The Pixie
  • Rotile, The Rotten City Of The Vile
  • Molass, The Moldy City Of The Grass
  • Greted, The Green City Of The Kind-Hearted
  • Misten, The Misty City Of The Rotten
  • Salire, The Salty City Of The Fire
  • Giagel, The Giant City Of The Angel
  • Golorn, The Golden City Of The Thorn
  • Maggle, The Magic City Of The Golden Eagle
  • Misant, The Misty City Of The Giant
  • Hazdit, The Hazy City Of The Bandit
  • Grited, The Grim City Of The Kind-Hearted
  • Enceaf, The Enchanted City Of The Leaf
  • Litard, The Little City Of The Lizard
  • Griter, The Grim City Of The Water
  • Easard, The East City Of The Lizard
  • Forwer, The Forbidden City Of The Flower
  • Colond, The Cold City Of The Pond
  • Encten, The Enchanted City Of The Forgotten
  • Magree, The Magic City Of The Tree
  • Hazrds, The Hazy City Of The Lords
  • Grivil, The Grim City Of The Evil
  • Mosoak, The Mossy City Of The Oak
  • Polits, The Polluted City Of The Spirits
  • Polted, The Polluted City Of The Faint-Hearted
  • Wanant, The Wandering City Of The Giant
  • Polgel, The Polluted City Of The Angel
  • Whiior, The White City Of The Warrior
  • Polord, The Polluted City Of The Red Sword
  • Litead, The Little City Of The Dead
  • Easgel, The East City Of The Angel
  • Darrds, The Dark City Of The Lords
  • Wanvil, The Wandering City Of The Evil
  • Colard, The Cold City Of The Lizard
  • Whines, The White City Of The Wild Ones
  • Whioll, The White City Of The Troll
  • Redted, The Red City Of The Faint-Hearted
  • Magead, The Magical City Of The Dead
  • Greown, The Green City Of The Unknown
  • Greted, The Green City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Bloant, The Blood City Of The Giant
  • Redolf, The Red City Of The Wolf
  • Lonold, The Lonely City Of The Cold
  • Forard, The Forbidden City Of The Lizard
  • Onyoak, The Onyx City Of The Oak
  • Ethish, The Ethereal City Of The Sluggish
  • Dardit, The Dark City Of The Bandit
  • Deegel, The Deep City Of The Angel
  • Misrds, The Misty City Of The Lords
  • Rotord, The Rotten City Of The Red Sword
  • Ethake, The Ethereal City Of The Lake
  • Darter, The Dark City Of The Otter
  • Darten, The Dark City Of The Forgotten
  • Rusits, The Rusty City Of The Spirits
  • Whiers, The White City Of The Flowers
  • Eassom, The East City Of The Blossom
  • Onyost, The Onyx City Of The Lost
  • Onyire, The Onyx City Of The Fire
  • Misear, The Misty City Of The Bear
  • Dreill, The Dream City Of The Hill
  • Molrer, The Moldy City Of The Sorcerer
  • Encdit, The Enchanted City Of The Bandit
  • Giaake, The Giant City Of The Lake
  • Redrth, The Red City Of The Earth
  • Misock, The Mist City Of The Rock
  • Lonoll, The Lonely City Of The Troll
  • Broted, The Broken City Of The Faint-Hearted
  • Misnix, The Mist City Of The Phoenix
  • Norted, The North City Of The Kind-Hearted
  • Ancorn, The Ancient City Of The Thorn
  • Deeard, The Deep City Of The Lizard
  • Lonior, The Lonely City Of The Warrior
  • Broers, The Broken City Of The Elders
  • Litnix, The Little City Of The Phoenix
  • Cloock, The Cloudy City Of The Rock
  • Waners, The Wandering City Of The Flowers
  • Whited, The White City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Darire, The Dark City Of The Fire
  • Greoll, The Green City Of The Troll
  • Salers, The Salty City Of The Flowers
  • Broten, The Broken City Of The Rotten
  • Spioot, The Spirit City Of The Root
  • Misess, The Mist City Of The Princess
  • Greolf, The Greater City Of The Wolf
  • Griard, The Grim City Of The Lizard
  • Reders, The Red City Of The Elders
  • Salrds, The Salty City Of The Lords
  • Whiird, The White City Of The Hummingbird
  • Encree, The Enchanted City Of The Tree
  • Clonix, The Cloudy City Of The Phoenix
  • Molers, The Moldy City Of The Elders
  • Magorn, The Magical City Of The Thorn
  • Whirds, The White City Of The Lords
  • Onyhed, The Onyx City Of The Banished
  • Rusard, The Rusty City Of The Lizard
  • Mosoad, The Mossy City Of The Toad
  • Giaant, The Giant City Of The Giant
  • Greoak, The Greater City Of The Oak
  • Whiger, The White City Of The Badger
  • Forhed, The Forbidden City Of The Banished
  • Whihed, The White City Of The Banished
  • Rotead, The Rotten City Of The Dead
  • Mudten, The Muddy City Of The Forgotten
  • Onyile, The Onyx City Of The Vile
  • Griish, The Grim City Of The Sluggish
  • Easves, The East City Of The Elves
  • Souock, The South City Of The Rock
  • Grened, The Greater City Of The Poisoned
  • Bloers, The Blood City Of The Flowers
  • Gresom, The Grey City Of The Blossom
  • Redvil, The Red City Of The Devil
  • Magwer, The Magic City Of The Flower
  • Greter, The Greater City Of The Otter
  • Spiree, The Spirit City Of The Tree
  • Whidit, The White City Of The Bandit
  • Ancead, The Ancient City Of The Dead
  • Hazers, The Hazy City Of The Elders
  • Greire, The Greater City Of The Fire
  • Griass, The Grim City Of The Grass
  • Ancrds, The Ancient City Of The Lords
  • Hazeaf, The Hazy City Of The Leaf
  • Anceen, The Ancient City Of The Queen
  • Ethhed, The Ethereal City Of The Banished
  • Greten, The Grey City Of The Rotten
  • Ancant, The Ancient City Of The Giant
  • Darsom, The Dark City Of The Blossom
  • Wesown, The West City Of The Unknown
  • Broted, The Broken City Of The Kind-Hearted
  • Spiold, The Spirit City Of The Cold
  • Bloest, The Blood City Of The Forest
  • Maghed, The Magic City Of The Banished
  • Hazngs, The Hazy City Of The Kings
  • Misord, The Misty City Of The Red Sword
  • Broper, The Broken City Of The Slipper
  • Encass, The Enchanted City Of The Grass
  • Dreead, The Dream City Of The Dead
  • Broest, The Broken City Of The Forest
  • Whiolf, The White City Of The Wolf
  • Easten, The East City Of The Rotten
  • Brords, The Broken City Of The Lords
  • Lonird, The Lonely City Of The Hummingbird
  • Lonake, The Lonely City Of The Lake
  • Souird, The South City Of The Hummingbird
  • Greter, The Green City Of The Otter
  • Greeaf, The Grey City Of The Leaf
  • Redoad, The Red City Of The Toad
  • Dreves, The Dream City Of The Elves
  • Rotost, The Rotten City Of The Lost
  • Broowl, The Broken City Of The Owl
  • Whinix, The White City Of The Phoenix
  • Forche, The Forbidden City Of The Witches
  • Colzen, The Cold City Of The Frozen
  • Bloits, The Blood City Of The Spirits
  • Clords, The Cloudy City Of The Wizards
  • Grions, The Grim City Of The Dragons
  • Mosgel, The Mossy City Of The Angel
  • Spihed, The Spirit City Of The Banished
  • Ancrns, The Ancient City Of The Unicorns
  • Brooot, The Broken City Of The Root
  • Brooon, The Broken City Of The Moon
  • Grerns, The Grey City Of The Unicorns
  • Noroot, The North City Of The Root
  • Broers, The Broken City Of The Flowers
  • Ancree, The Ancient City Of The Tree
  • Azuter, The Azure City Of The Otter
  • Polken, The Polluted City Of The Broken
  • Spined, The Spirit City Of The Poisoned
  • Darhed, The Dark City Of The Banished
  • Redeen, The Red City Of The Queen
  • Golngs, The Golden City Of The Kings
  • Norest, The North City Of The Forest
  • Golnix, The Golden City Of The Phoenix
  • Misrts, The Misty City Of The Lubberworts
  • Whiord, The White City Of The Red Sword
  • Brones, The Broken City Of The Wild Ones
  • Norogs, The North City Of The Frogs
  • Greire, The Grey City Of The Fire
  • Greter, The Grey City Of The Otter
  • Colile, The Cold City Of The Vile
  • Grewer, The Grey City Of The Flower
  • Mudock, The Muddy City Of The Rock
  • Easoad, The East City Of The Toad
  • Sileed, The Silver City Of The Weed
  • Polock, The Polluted City Of The Rock
  • Broile, The Broken City Of The Vile
  • Misold, The Mist City Of The Cold
  • Magoak, The Magical City Of The Oak
  • Wanter, The Wandering City Of The Water
  • Darter, The Dark City Of The Water
  • Broolf, The Broken City Of The Wolf
  • Broard, The Broken City Of The Lizard
  • Norted, The North City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Magrth, The Magic City Of The Earth
  • Noroak, The North City Of The Oak
  • Spiird, The Spirit City Of The Hummingbird
  • Spieaf, The Spirit City Of The Leaf
  • Whivil, The White City Of The Evil
  • Dreire, The Dream City Of The Fire
  • Whiogs, The White City Of The Frogs
  • Wanrts, The Wandering City Of The Lubberworts
  • Wanock, The Wandering City Of The Rock
  • Ethlow, The Ethereal City Of The Willow
  • Saload, The Salty City Of The Toad
  • Rusnix, The Rusty City Of The Phoenix
  • Greeed, The Grey City Of The Weed
  • Deerns, The Deep City Of The Unicorns
  • Dreons, The Dream City Of The Dragons
  • Daread, The Dark City Of The Dead
  • Griers, The Grim City Of The Elders
  • Greake, The Grey City Of The Lake
  • Rusger, The Rusty City Of The Badger
  • Polers, The Polluted City Of The Flowers
  • Magers, The Magic City Of The Flowers
  • Greolf, The Green City Of The Wolf
  • Onyogs, The Onyx City Of The Frogs
  • Colgle, The Cold City Of The Golden Eagle
  • Ruswer, The Rusty City Of The Flower
  • Greoll, The Grey City Of The Troll
  • Grexie, The Green City Of The Pixie
  • Cloest, The Cloudy City Of The Forest
  • Ethrns, The Ethereal City Of The Unicorns
  • Souess, The South City Of The Princess
  • Greoot, The Greater City Of The Root
  • Darned, The Dark City Of The Poisoned
  • Lonned, The Lonely City Of The Poisoned
  • Magasp, The Magic City Of The Wasp
  • Silten, The Silver City Of The Forgotten
  • Golter, The Golden City Of The Water
  • Misior, The Mist City Of The Warrior
  • Mudper, The Muddy City Of The Slipper
  • Whiten, The White City Of The Forgotten
  • Easowl, The East City Of The Owl
  • Brogel, The Broken City Of The Angel
  • Wangel, The Wandering City Of The Angel
  • Easons, The East City Of The Dragons
  • Griest, The Grim City Of The Forest
  • Hazeen, The Hazy City Of The Queen
  • Silorn, The Silver City Of The Thorn
  • Calter, The Calm City Of The Water
  • Hazasp, The Hazy City Of The Wasp
  • Magear, The Magical City Of The Bear
  • Greted, The Grey City Of The Kind-Hearted
  • Cloits, The Cloudy City Of The Spirits
  • Greche, The Grey City Of The Witch
  • Blongs, The Blood City Of The Kings
  • Pollow, The Polluted City Of The Willow
  • Encogs, The Enchanted City Of The Frogs
  • Hazvil, The Hazy City Of The Devil
  • Wesoot, The West City Of The Root
  • Daress, The Dark City Of The Princess
  • Mosrer, The Mossy City Of The Sorcerer
  • Drerth, The Dream City Of The Earth
  • Silhed, The Silver City Of The Banished
  • Colasp, The Cold City Of The Wasp
  • Caleen, The Calm City Of The Queen
  • Golgle, The Golden City Of The Golden Eagle
  • Magted, The Magic City Of The Faint-Hearted
  • Litowl, The Little City Of The Owl
  • Moleed, The Moldy City Of The Weed
  • Greold, The Greater City Of The Cold
  • Silted, The Silver City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Deeush, The Deep City Of The Bush
  • Moload, The Moldy City Of The Toad
  • Mageed, The Magic City Of The Weed
  • Calead, The Calm City Of The Dead
  • Wangle, The Wandering City Of The Golden Eagle
  • Greogs, The Grey City Of The Frogs
  • Litvil, The Little City Of The Devil
  • Giaeaf, The Giant City Of The Leaf
  • Bloake, The Blood City Of The Lake
  • Greted, The Green City Of The Faint-Hearted
  • Easers, The East City Of The Flowers
  • Onyake, The Onyx City Of The Lake
  • Azunes, The Azure City Of The Wild Ones
  • Polass, The Polluted City Of The Grass
  • Enceed, The Enchanted City Of The Weed
  • Magers, The Magical City Of The Flowers
  • Whiter, The White City Of The Otter
  • Molnix, The Moldy City Of The Phoenix
  • Easted, The East City Of The Faint-Hearted
  • Misead, The Misty City Of The Dead
  • Souost, The South City Of The Lost
  • Cloard, The Cloudy City Of The Lizard
  • Darper, The Dark City Of The Slipper
  • Noreaf, The North City Of The Leaf
  • Dreger, The Dream City Of The Badger
  • Easted, The East City Of The Kind-Hearted
  • Colned, The Cold City Of The Poisoned
  • Misted, The Mist City Of The Ill-Hearted
  • Norrth, The North City Of The Earth
  • Hazock, The Hazy City Of The Rock
  • Encvil, The Enchanted City Of The Evil
  • Whiest, The White City Of The Forest
  • Colten, The Cold City Of The Rotten
  • Darord, The Dark City Of The Red Sword
  • Drerds, The Dream City Of The Wizards
  • Greers, The Greater City Of The Elders
  • Colior, The Cold City Of The Warrior
  • Forgel, The Forbidden City Of The Angel
  • Souant, The South City Of The Giant
  • Blooad, The Blood City Of The Toad
  • Goload, The Golden City Of The Toad
  • Forown, The Forbidden City Of The Unknown
  • Easrer, The East City Of The Sorcerer
  • Onyoot, The Onyx City Of The Root
  • Rusogs, The Rusty City Of The Frogs
  • Lonxie, The Lonely City Of The Pixie
  • Ancnix, The Ancient City Of The Phoenix
  • Calits, The Calm City Of The Spirits
  • Mudard, The Muddy City Of The Lizard
  • Mosves, The Mossy City Of The Elves
  • Darvil, The Dark City Of The Devil
  • Mosire, The Mossy City Of The Fire
  • Rotrns, The Rotten City Of The Unicorns
  • Ancdam, The Ancient City
  • Litkesh, The Little City
  • Whirich, The White City
  • Gribai, The Grim City
  • Redyork, The Red City
  • Calwich, The Calm City
  • Encbul, The Enchanted City
  • Golfield , The Golden City
  • Magdellin, The Magic City
  • Golkesh, The Golden City
  • Magton, The Magic City
  • Magchester, The Magical City
  • Rusdiff, The Rusty City
  • Ancbath, The Ancient City
  • Grecow, The Grey City
  • Rotmouth, The Rotten City
  • Easkesh, The East City
  • Grerid, The Grey City
  • Wanburgh, The Wandering City
  • Cloyoto, The Cloudy City
  • Bronich, The Broken City
  • Wesing, The West City
  • Calburgh, The Calm City
  • Whiyork, The White City
  • Salham, The Salty City
  • Coling, The Cold City
  • Dardon, The Dark City
  • Darbul, The Dark City
  • Drerid, The Dream City
  • Golbath, The Golden City
  • Ethdellin, The Ethereal City
  • Spinich, The Spirit City
  • Golpei, The Golden City
  • Giabury, The Giant City
  • Mudfield , The Muddy City
  • Darrid, The Dark City
  • Rotdon, The Rotten City
  • Golchester, The Golden City
  • Mudyoto, The Muddy City
  • Rusfast, The Rusty City
  • Gririch, The Grim City
  • Onyfast, The Onyx City
  • Drevon, The Dream City
  • Polton, The Polluted City
  • Litbridge, The Little City
  • Wesbul, The West City
  • Miston, The Misty City
  • Ancnich, The Ancient City
  • Mising, The Misty City
  • Grifield , The Grim City
  • Mosmouth, The Mossy City
  • Silcow, The Silver City
  • Deebath, The Deep City
  • Azucow, The Azure City
  • Azubridge, The Azure City
  • Grebul, The Grey City
  • Blorid, The Blood City
  • Poling, The Polluted City
  • Giaing, The Giant City
  • Magmouth, The Magical City
  • Hazdiff, The Hazy City
  • Wanyork, The Wandering City
  • Easyork, The East City
  • Reddon, The Red City
  • Grebath, The Green City
  • Dreburgh, The Dream City
  • Deebul, The Deep City
  • Whifield , The White City
  • Whibul, The White City
  • Brorich, The Broken City
  • Spiwich, The Spirit City
  • Mishai, The Misty City
  • Rotwich, The Rotten City
  • Polfast, The Polluted City
  • Golnich, The Golden City
  • Silfast, The Silver City
  • Golbai, The Golden City
  • Misdon, The Mist City
  • Deeton, The Deep City
  • Silnich, The Silver City
  • Golton, The Golden City
  • Hazyork, The Hazy City
  • Silburgh, The Silver City
  • Hazdellin, The Hazy City
  • Colpei, The Cold City
  • Polwich, The Polluted City
  • Hazbourne, The Hazy City
  • Greing, The Green City
  • Molbul, The Moldy City
  • Easton, The East City
  • Grerid, The Greater City
  • Coldellin, The Cold City
  • Magyo, The Magical City
  • Fornila, The Forbidden City
  • Grehai, The Grey City
  • Ancbing, The Ancient City
  • Redend, The Red City
  • Giadee, The Giant City
  • Soufield , The South City
  • Grepei, The Green City
  • Lonfield , The Lonely City
  • Golrachi, The Golden City
  • Anckok, The Ancient City
  • Salrich, The Salty City
  • Wanchester, The Wandering City
  • Lonbourne, The Lonely City
  • Salco, The Salty City
  • Grebourne, The Grey City
  • Rusrich, The Rusty City
  • Norlona, The North City
  • Polpei, The Polluted City
  • Greford, The Grey City
  • Wesford, The West City
  • Brobath, The Broken City
  • Grekok, The Grey City
  • Deedellin, The Deep City
  • Souford, The South City
  • Hazrich, The Hazy City
  • Dargow, The Dark City
  • Gridiff, The Grim City
  • Magrachi, The Magic City
  • Salhai, The Salty City
  • Ancpei, The Ancient City
  • Wesend, The West City
  • Darend, The Dark City
  • Polburgh, The Polluted City
  • Hazend, The Hazy City
  • Onyburgh, The Onyx City
  • Broyo, The Broken City
  • Golbourne, The Golden City
  • Grebridge, The Green City
  • Onymouth, The Onyx City
  • Norbai, The North City
  • Golyo, The Golden City
  • Deeford, The Deep City
  • Salnich, The Salty City
  • Anclona, The Ancient City
  • Spiton, The Spirit City
  • Onyfield , The Onyx City
  • Grimouth, The Grim City
  • Soupei, The South City
  • Golgow, The Golden City
  • Dreford, The Dream City
  • Lonkok, The Lonely City
  • Litbul, The Little City
  • Mismouth, The Misty City
  • Grichester, The Grim City
  • Ruspei, The Rusty City
  • Dardiff, The Dark City
  • Whidiff, The White City
  • Darmouth, The Dark City
  • Easfield , The East City
  • Azudellin, The Azure City
  • Redburgh, The Red City
  • Easbul, The East City
  • Ethfield , The Ethereal City
  • Bromouth, The Broken City
  • Greton, The Greater City
  • Whidellin, The White City
  • Wesgham, The West City
  • Dreyoto, The Dream City
  • Broford, The Broken City
  • Ancbay, The Ancient City
  • Whiyo, The White City
  • Redbul, The Red City
  • Polkok, The Polluted City
  • Ancrich, The Ancient City
  • Nordiff, The North City
  • Grelona, The Grey City
  • Magbul, The Magic City
  • Greend, The Grey City
  • Blobul, The Blood City
  • Encbridge, The Enchanted City
  • Azuhai, The Azure City
  • Encmouth, The Enchanted City
  • Grilona, The Grim City
  • Silford, The Silver City
  • Darpei, The Dark City
  • Magburgh, The Magic City
  • Deefield , The Deep City
  • Blogham, The Blood City
  • Whilona, The White City
  • Giaton, The Giant City
  • Brovon, The Broken City
  • Moskesh, The Mossy City
  • Magwich, The Magical City
  • Deegow, The Deep City
  • Griyork, The Grim City
  • Misbai, The Mist City
  • Rotdunn, The Rotten City
  • Bloford, The Blood City
  • Magford, The Magic City
  • Whibay, The White City
  • Lithai, The Little City
  • Mispei, The Misty City
  • Rotpool, The Rotten City
  • Giaris, The Giant City
  • Whidee, The White City
  • Bronila, The Broken City
  • Rusrachi, The Rusty City
  • Magto, The Magical City
  • Dreris, The Dream City
  • Misbury, The Misty City
  • Easrich, The East City
  • Silkesh, The Silver City
  • Golrid, The Golden City
  • Litdunn, The Little City
  • Rotkesh, The Rotten City
  • Ancbai, The Ancient City
  • Colwich, The Cold City
  • Golcow, The Golden City
  • Magris, The Magical City
  • Litto, The Little City
  • Ancford, The Ancient City
  • Mislona, The Misty City
  • Dardunn, The Dark City
  • Weskesh, The West City
  • Polris, The Polluted City
  • Soubridge, The South City
  • Colvon, The Cold City
  • Mudrid, The Muddy City
  • Darlin, The Dark City
  • Wangow, The Wandering City
  • Mudbury, The Muddy City
  • Encto, The Enchanted City
  • Blonila, The Blood City
  • Broris, The Broken City
  • Maggow, The Magical City
  • Lonend, The Lonely City
  • Spibourne, The Spirit City
  • Magwich, The Magic City
  • Giabai, The Giant City
  • Hazdam, The Hazy City
  • Brodellin, The Broken City
  • Brorid, The Broken City
  • Deeham, The Deep City
  • Giaend, The Giant City
  • Callin, The Calm City
  • Mollona, The Moldy City
  • Gregow, The Grey City
  • Wanbourne, The Wandering City
  • Anccow, The Ancient City
  • Whicow, The White City
  • Enckesh, The Enchanted City
  • Anckesh, The Ancient City
  • Molkesh, The Moldy City
  • Blobury, The Blood City
  • Litlin, The Little City
  • Mudfast, The Muddy City
  • Mudend, The Muddy City
  • Grerachi, The Grey City
  • Encford, The Enchanted City
  • Moldee, The Moldy City
  • Drebai, The Dream City
  • Molyork, The Moldy City
  • Wancow, The Wandering City
  • Whiend, The White City
  • Hazbury, The Hazy City
  • Salkesh, The Salty City
  • Miskesh, The Mist City
  • Forbourne, The Forbidden City
  • Salto, The Salty City
  • Easend, The East City
  • Darbay, The Dark City
  • Greyork, The Green City
  • Golto, The Golden City
  • Lonnila, The Lonely City
  • Drepei, The Dream City
  • Spiford, The Spirit City
  • Brobing, The Broken City
  • Darbury, The Dark City
  • Ancnila, The Ancient City
  • Dreend, The Dream City
  • Giarich, The Giant City
  • Calnila, The Calm City
  • Greyork, The Greater City
  • Wanend, The Wandering City
  • Drebourne, The Dream City
  • Grelin, The Green City
  • Greyo, The Green City
  • Saling, The Salty City
  • Brokesh, The Broken City
  • Rusdee, The Rusty City
  • Forton, The Forbidden City
  • Grebing, The Green City
  • Grebury, The Grey City
  • Wesrid, The West City
  • Grenila, The Grey City
  • Colbridge, The Cold City
  • Salcow, The Salty City
  • Lonbury, The Lonely City
  • Polkesh, The Polluted City
  • Salbay, The Salty City
  • Molcow, The Moldy City
  • Misyoto, The Misty City
  • Magpool, The Magical City
  • Hazto, The Hazy City
  • Grenila, The Green City
  • Mudbay, The Muddy City
  • Mudbing, The Muddy City
  • Broenna, The Broken City
  • Azuend, The Azure City
  • Moslin, The Mossy City
  • Mosrich, The Mossy City
  • Molbridge, The Moldy City
  • Darto, The Dark City
  • Ancyork, The Ancient City
  • Magdiff, The Magical City
  • Litdiff, The Little City
  • Maggham, The Magical City
  • Whilin, The White City
  • Broing, The Broken City
  • Easenna, The East City
  • Grediff, The Greater City
  • Drebay, The Dream City
  • Norto, The North City
  • Broend, The Broken City
  • Molpei, The Moldy City
  • Molto, The Moldy City
  • Rotbing, The Rotten City
  • Magyork, The Magic City
  • Lonford, The Lonely City
  • Ancgham, The Ancient City
  • Polpool, The Polluted City
  • Mosbury, The Mossy City
  • Maggham, The Magic City
  • Easdam, The East City
  • Easchester, The East City
  • Molgham, The Moldy City
  • Azuenna, The Azure City
  • Ancto, The Ancient City
  • Deerich, The Deep City
  • Ethdam, The Ethereal City
  • Redbury, The Red City
  • Wanbury, The Wandering City
  • Golyork, The Golden City
  • Magpool, The Magic City
  • Azunila, The Azure City
  • Whibourne, The White City
  • Brogham, The Broken City
  • Mosbing, The Mossy City
  • Nornich, The North City
  • Poldellin, The Polluted City
  • Hazpool, The Hazy City
  • Grelin, The Grey City
  • Clobing, The Cloudy City
  • Broto, The Broken City
  • Lonlin, The Lonely City
  • Magrid, The Magic City
  • Encyo, The Enchanted City
  • Giayo, The Giant City
  • Giaford, The Giant City
  • Ancbourne, The Ancient City
  • Ancrid, The Ancient City
  • Magrich, The Magic City
  • Redwich, The Red City
  • Foryo, The Forbidden City
  • Grerich, The Grey City
  • Salbourne, The Salty City
  • Rednila, The Red City
  • Blodellin, The Blood City
  • Magfast, The Magic City
  • Dardellin, The Dark City
  • Norrich, The North City
  • Lonnich, The Lonely City
  • Encvon, The Enchanted City
  • Forrid, The Forbidden City
  • Litdellin, The Little City
  • Hazburgh, The Hazy City
  • Encing, The Enchanted City
  • Weston, The West City
  • Whifast, The White City
  • Spihagen, The Spirit City
  • Onyco, The Onyx City
  • Lonyoto, The Lonely City
  • Mudrich, The Muddy City
  • Grerachi, The Green City
  • Broton, The Broken City
  • Mudbath, The Muddy City
  • Litnich, The Little City
  • Magdellin, The Magical City
  • Greyoto, The Grey City
  • Magrid, The Magical City
  • Daryoto, The Dark City
  • Misrachi, The Mist City
  • Rothagen, The Rotten City
  • Darco, The Dark City
  • Easyoto, The East City
  • Colbury, The Cold City
  • Redham, The Red City
  • Forham, The Forbidden City
  • Polhagen, The Polluted City
  • Misbourne, The Misty City
  • Gianich, The Giant City
  • Deeenna, The Deep City
  • Lonenna, The Lonely City
  • Hazhagen, The Hazy City
  • Polco, The Polluted City
  • Wanhagen, The Wandering City
  • Lonrid, The Lonely City
  • Lonton, The Lonely City
  • Onynich, The Onyx City
  • Spibath, The Spirit City
  • Onybury, The Onyx City
  • Mosvon, The Mossy City
  • Silbath, The Silver City
  • Deeyoto, The Deep City
  • Easnich, The East City
  • Molvon, The Moldy City
  • Calend, The Calm City
  • Foryoto, The Forbidden City
  • Encrid, The Enchanted City
  • Deenila, The Deep City
  • Blorachi, The Blood City
  • Lonyo, The Lonely City
  • Drerachi, The Dream City
  • Azurachi, The Azure City
  • Magkok, The Magical City
  • Broyoto, The Broken City
  • Greford, The Green City
  • Broco, The Broken City
  • Deevon, The Deep City
  • Easbai, The East City
  • Rotdellin, The Rotten City
  • Deerid, The Deep City
  • Clolona, The Cloudy City

Did you find our fantasy city name generator useful? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Fantasy City Name Generator: 1,000+ Fantasy City Name Ideas (2)

Fantasy City Name Generator: 1,000+ Fantasy City Name Ideas (3)


Marty the wizard is the master of Imagine Forest. When he's not reading a ton of books or writing some of his own tales, he loves to be surrounded by the magical creatures that live in Imagine Forest. While living in his tree house he has devoted his time to helping children around the world with their writing skills and creativity.

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Fantasy City Name Generator: 1,000+ Fantasy City Name Ideas (2024)


What is a good fantasy name for a town? ›

Town Name Generator
  • Brinegulch.
  • Whalegulf.
  • Wyverlight.
  • Bramblstepp.
  • Southhallow.

What is the coolest city name? ›

Towns With the Most Unusual Names
  • Don't Get Stuck Here. ...
  • More towns: • Accident, MD • Truth or Consequences, NM • Satans Kingdom, VT • Lost City, WV.
  • Punny Towns: "I'm in _____." ...
  • More towns: • Utopia, FL • Fertile, MN • Love, AZ • Progress, OR.
  • Everyone Loves … ...
  • More towns: • Bacon, TX • Cheddar, SC • Pie, WV • co*ke, VA.

How do I name my fantasy location? ›

5 Simple Steps to Create Fantasy Place Names
  1. Pick a comparable real-world culture for your fantasy place. ...
  2. Pick a list of 5-10 words relevant to that place. ...
  3. Put the words into Google Translate. ...
  4. Cut the words up and create new ones from the pieces. ...
  5. Research the fantasy place names – DO NOT SKIP!
Jun 21, 2022

How to make up a city name? ›

Here are a few ways you can try:
  1. Pick up books you've never heard of and skim through until you find words you've never heard of.
  2. Combine author's last names.
  3. Read wikipedia about the history of a nearby place and switch up the letters a bit (Spoonerisms make for great fun).
  4. Pretend to invent a language.
May 20, 2015

What is a good fantasy name? ›

Classic Fantasy Baby Names
  • Caspian.
  • Eowyn.
  • Gwyneth.
  • Aragorn.
  • Galadriel.
  • Elendil.
  • Erend.
  • Filavandrel.
Apr 30, 2024

How do I choose a city name? ›

Consider names that mirror the atmosphere of your town. Think of where it would appear on a map and look at the kinds of names associated with those specific areas. Make a short list of possible names and choose one that captures—in sound and connotation—the very essence of the town you've created.

What is the most popular city name? ›

List of the most common U.S. place names
  • 2.1 Washington (91)
  • 2.2 Franklin (45)
  • 2.3 Clinton (39)
  • 2.4 Arlington (38)
  • 2.5 Centerville (38)
  • 2.6 Georgetown (35)
  • 2.7 Lebanon (35)
  • 2.8 Springfield (35+1 fictional)

What is the hardest city name? ›

25 Hard to Pronounce Cities in the USA
#1 Aquebogue, New York#2 Boise, Idaho
#5 Des Moines, Iowa#6 Helena, Montana
#7 Kissimmee, Florida#8 La Jolla, California
#9 Louisville, Kentucky#10 Patchogue, New York
#11 Pflugerville, Texas#12 Puyallup, Washington
7 more rows

What is a silly city name? ›

Zzyzx, California, USA Pronounced as “Zye-zix,” this desert town's name draws attention not only for its unusual spelling but also for its intriguing history.

What is the longest city name? ›

What's the full name? Krung Thep Mahanakhon Amon Rattanakosin Mahinthara Yuthaya Mahadilok Phop Noppharat Ratchathani Burirom Udomratchaniwet Mahasathan Amon Piman Awatan Sathit Sakkathattiya Witsanukam Prasit. We think we'll just stick with Bangkok! The city holds the world record for the longest name of a place.

What are some dystopian city names? ›

To the tyrannical or wicked cities- Gomorrah, New Tyro, The City, Reich, Dirt, Phobos, Sundown, Fat City, Megapolis, Or the name of your tyrant or maniacal despot of choice.

What is a true name in fantasy? ›

In the role-playing setting World of Darkness, the concept of True Names is very expansive. The True Name of a being is like a platonic blueprint to the creature. A human's True Name can even change after life-altering events. It is a description of the being, from its internal organs to its very soul.

How do I name my fantasy country? ›

Also try:
  1. pick a foreign-sounding word you like the sound of e.g. sorelle.
  2. Change a consonant for effect e.g. germanic military use harsh sounds so "sorek"
  3. Change a vowel e.g. "sorok"
  4. Add nationalistic trimmings e.g. People's Democratic Republic of Sorok.
  5. Check google for meanings in other languages.
Jul 27, 2016

What is the name of the town in fantasy life? ›

The game is set in the fantasy world of Reveria, which is made of the plains and mountains that center and surround the three lands of Castele, Port Puerto, and Al Maajik.

What should my town name be? ›

Consider names that mirror the atmosphere of your town. Think of where it would appear on a map and look at the kinds of names associated with those specific areas. Make a short list of possible names and choose one that captures—in sound and connotation—the very essence of the town you've created.

What is a fancy name for a town? ›

What is another word for town?
54 more rows

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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Views: 5570

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (47 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.