Ezoic Review - How to Make Money on your Blog with Ezoic - Thrifty Hustler (2024)

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If you are a relatively new blogger and if you’re thinking of making more money on your blog then, feel free tocheck out my Ezoic review down below.

Table of Contents

Why I Signed up with Ezoic

I was actually using Adsense when I first started until the first week of January 2021. I wasn’t planning to move to any other advertising program because I know my traffic was quite low compared to the big blogs out there.

However, I got some technical issues in displaying Adsense using a plugin and I got tired of figuring it out. I spent hours troubleshooting it and I gave up.

Actually, I had the option to just manually place the ads on my blog but I figured that it might be time-consuming so I just searched other advertising programs that are easier to implement and I found Ezoic.

Ezoic Review - How to Make Money on your Blog with Ezoic - Thrifty Hustler (1)

How to Join Ezoic

Traffic Requirement

Ezoic requires 10,000 sessions (not pageviews) to join the program. When I contacted Ezoic, I was a little bit short (just a little bit) when it comes to the required sessions but my pageviews were already at 12K by that time. I thought I won’t be approved but luckily, I was accepted to the program. (Pageviews limit is not required anymore as per Ezoic’s Tweet last June 8, 2021)





🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️https://t.co/3pGJ6cSsPD pic.twitter.com/yGj7oaJZLs

— Ezoic ⚡️ (@ezoic) June 8, 2021

Google Compliant

If you already have an approved Adsense account and you know that you are in good standing with Google, then you don’t have to worry about this since Google had already checked your blog. And for sure, they know that you’re Google compliant when they approved your Adsense account (and if they have not called you out for any potential violations).

However, if you don’t have an Adsense account yet, then you have to make sure that you are Google compliant.

This includes, but is not limited to:

  • No invalid clicks/impressions
  • Not falsely encouraging clicks
  • Not offering copyrighted material/downloads
  • Not offering counterfeit goods
  • The site should have reliable traffic sources
  • Sites shouldn’t redirect users to undesirable pages/sites/pop-ups or pop-unders
  • Gambling content – click here for more info
  • Not using automatically generated content
  • Not creating empty pages with no original content
  • Not using content that is copied from other webpages
  • Not keyword stuffing
  • Not using adult / dangerous / derogatory content
  • Not offering alcohol/tobacco / healthcare-related content
  • Not using aggressive/threatening content
  • Not using illegal content


You should also have original content and written in an AdSense-supported language. You can find a list of these languages by clickinghere.

If you’re worried if your niche will be accepted then worry not as Ezoic accepts a variety of topics which includes the following (but not limited to):

  • Home and Garden
  • Automotive
  • Sports
  • Hobbies
  • Travel
  • Food & drink
  • Health
  • Science
  • Nature
  • Business
  • Humor
  • Literature
  • Games
  • Entertainment
  • Technology
  • Lifestyle
  • Culture
  • History
  • Geography
  • Education
  • Family, and more.

Ezoic also works with every CMS, host, or website configuration which includes (but not limited to):

  • WordPress
  • Custom pHp
  • Squarespace
  • Joomla!
  • Shopify
  • Drupal
  • Arch
  • Rebel Mouse
  • Magento
  • Bitrix, and more

Ezoic will also work with a variety of themes and plugins, click here if you want to see the list of Technology and Infrastructure Compatible with Ezoic.

Why You Should Join Ezoic

There are numerous reasons why you should join and I will enumerate here some of the advantages of joining Ezoic.

Automated Ads Placement Optimization

This is probably the biggest advantage of Ezoic compared to similar programs ou there such as Adsense.

Ezoic automatically optimizes the location of the ads on your blog to maximize your earning potential. If you are with Adsense (unless you use the Google Auto-ads), then you will have to place the ads manually and it takes a lot of experimentation to figure out which parts of your blog are the best location for the ads.

Higher Earning Potential

Ezoid doesn’t just work with Adsense, they also work with a lot more advertising programs to ensure that they are serving the highest possible paying ad on your blog. They have this feature called Mediation which you also have access to on your Ezoic Dashboard.

Mediation allows website owners to connect all existing ad partners and have them compete on an even playing field inside Ezoic.It’s like bidding of some sort. Since I have Google Adsense and Media.net, I turned this feature on to maximize my earning potential.

Tons of Other Options

Ezoic is not just a platform to monetize your blog. They also offer other paid/non-paid products and services to website owners such as:

  • Site Speed Accelarator
  • Progressive Web App (PWA) for Mobile
  • AMP
  • Layout Tester, and more

Personally, I have not tried any of these services yet except for the PWA which I’m currently setting up. I will probably create another article in the future once I tried those other features.

Amazing Customer Service

I’ve been with Google Adsense for quite some time and I never had a chance to talk to any real person yet.

However, with Ezoic, I have an Account Manager that I can talk to whenever I have a question about Ezoic.

(Shout out to Josh!!!)

When I signed up with Ezoic, I just followed all the instructions and completed all the integration requirements. When my Account Manager contacted me, he was surprised that I’m done with all the steps. If you get confused with the integration process, do not worry because they will be assisting you on how to do it.

My first integration option was via Nameservers but I changed it yesterday to Cloudflare and Josh immediately contacted me to ask if I needed help in executing the change. Luckily, it wasn’t really that complicated and I was able to re-integrate using Cloudflare.

Sometimes, it’s just comforting to know that there’s someone out there looking out for you in case you needed some help. I hope this is one of the nice things that they won’t change in the future.

Surely, they’re not really earning a lot from my blog because of my small traffic, but they’re still making me feel appreciated as their customer/partner.

Oh, and also, I’m using the FREE Account so there’s NO SETUP FEE! 🙂 They’ll help you use their platform and not charge you for it.

Multiple Payout Options

You can change your payment threshold (minimum $20) and you can receive your payment in a variety of ways.

  • Check/cheque (recommended for USA and Canada only)
  • Paypal
  • Direct Deposit (USA Only)
  • Prepaid Card, and International Wire Transfers Via Payoneer

Please note that there will of course be corresponding charges depending on your location (currency conversion) and choice of payment method.

I’m just so glad that the minimum payment threshold is low. If you’re with Adsense, you know that the minimum threshold is $100 and for new bloggers, it will take some time to reach that amount.

With Ezoic, you can get paid once you meet the minimum, which is $20.

Please take note that anychanges in the payment method must be submitted by the 26th of the month. Changes submitted after the 26th will be applied toward the next pay period.

My Google Adsense vs Ezoic Earnings

Before we continue, bear in mind that I’m from the Philippines and as of the time of writing, more than 90% of my traffic comes from the Philippines.

My advertisem*nt income is generally waaay lower (sadly) compared to those who have traffic from the US/Canada/UK. Sometimes, I really get envious of US/UK/Canada bloggers for having access to high eCPM/CPC/EPVM and a ton more. You guys are really lucky!!! 🙂

Anyway, going back to the topic…

Adsense uses RPM or eCPM while Ezoic uses EPMV.

RPM or eCPM is Revenue per Mille and computed per 1000 pageviews. While EPMV is computed based on the overall revenue generated on your site for 1000 visitors.

My Average Page RPM or eCPM with Google Adsense last December 2020 is $2.13 and my Average CPC is $0.19. I transitioned to Ezoic last January 8 and my average EPMV from January 8 to 31 is $4.38.

There are even certain days when my EPMV is between $5 – $8+. This may be due to my effort of targeting readers from the US/UK/Canada by writing articles that are not country-specific (such as this one).

This is a whopping 205% increase when you compare my Adsense RPM and my Ezoic EPMV.

Your EPMV will definitely be higher if your traffic is coming from the US/UK and Canada.

So, as of the time of writing, I can really say that Ezoic is better than Adsense when it comes to earnings.

Common Questions About Ezoic

Before I signed up, I searched the web about Ezoic and I’ll be compiling here some of the most common questions including my personal experiences about Ezoic to help you decide if this is right for you.

Do I Really Need to Have 10,000 Sessions?

The quick answer is Yes! It’s their requirement in order to have enough data of your blog to do the testing. However, in my experience, I fell a little bit short (just a little bit) with the required sessions.

However, I have more than 12K page views during that time. And also, the month I signed up with Ezoic, I reached almost 15K sessions.

If you’re just a few numbers away, don’t hesitate to contact them and who knows, right?

How Long was the Approval Process?

In my experience, I got approved on the same day I applied. If I remember this correctly probably in just an hour or less. I guess it will all depend if you meet their requirements.

If you think you meet ALL of their requirements, then approval will be very easy.

Am I Tied with Ezoic for a Certain Period of Time if I Sign up with Them?

No. You can turn off Ezoic anytime you want. There’s no contract nor period of time obligation that you have to fulfill.

How do I Integrate my Blog with Ezoic?

You have three options when it comes to integrating your blog with Ezoic:

  • Cloudflare
  • DNS Nameservers
  • WordPress Plugin

I initially integrated my blog via DNS Nameservers because I was in a hurry to set it up.

However, I changed my integration to Cloudflare yesterday.

How Long was the Integration Process?

I think it took me a few hours to integrate my blog with Ezoic (probably an hour or two not including waiting for the crawls, etc). This was because I did it by myself and I was reading tutorials along the way. I wasn’t also that tech-savvy, and sometimes there are wait times beyond your control like Google Crawl, DNS stuff, etc.

Again, bear in mind that an Account Manager will contact you and can help you set it up (With no SETUP Fee, wait…did I mention that already? LOL!)

Is Ezoic Free?

Yes! But there are paid options too. I’m using a free account and that includes displaying an ad at the bottom of the page. I would probably switch to a paid option once I earn substantial income from Ezoic.

Will Ezoic Slow Down my Blog?

I didn’t run any actual speed test so I’m afraid I can’t provide data for this. Based on my observation, my website slowed down a bit in the first week after I integrated with Ezoic. However, after that, it went back to its regular performance.

I mentioned earlier that I changed my integration to Cloudflare just yesterday, and I noticed a bit of improvement regarding my site speed. Bear in mind that Ezoic is doing a lot of testing on your first month so it might be the reason for the slowing down.

Please also keep in mind, that when I signed up with Ezoic, I only had around 85 -90 webpages including my posts and pages and my blog doesn’t have many graphics. So it might vary depending also on what your blog/website contains.

Do I Have Some Sort of Control with the Ad Placement?

Of course, you do! You can choose if you want to:

  • Disable Ads per Page
  • Choose Where You Want to Place Ads (Ads Placeholders)
  • Determine the Maximum Number of Ads per Page
  • Set Limit on Number and Types of Ads using the Ad Restriction App
  • Prohibit Certain Advertiser Using Ad Blocker
  • Choose which categories of ads are shown on your site
  • Choose Ad Color

Before you make any changes to the settings though, I highly suggest that you get in touch with your Account Manager especially on your first month with Ezoic.

Remember that in your first month, Ezoic’s A.I. is trying to understand your website in order for it to determine the best possible ad locations, etc.

Personally, I haven’t changed anything except for disabling ads inside my Pages (About, Contact, etc).

Do They Have a Referral Program?

Yes!!! The links on this post are my referral links with Ezoic and I will earn some commission at no extra cost to you if you use my links (Thanks in advance!).

I signed up with their referral program after I finished my site integration with Ezoic. I will probably write a separate post about it in the future and I will link it here.

What are the Things You Don’t Like About Ezoic?

If you’re going to ask me, I’m glad I crossed paths with Ezoic and I’m very happy with how things are going on as of the time of writing.

If there’s something that I don’t like about Ezoic, it’s the sizes of ads in certain locations and at certain times. I really really like to keep my layout as clean and symmetrical as possible and I’m very OC when it comes to sizes of graphics and ads.

Most of the time, the ads are in sizes that I prefer, but sometimes, I don’t like the sizes that get displayed on my blog (desktop/laptop). With mobile, all sizes are pretty much optimized and very nice to look at.

Final Thoughts

Will I recommend Ezoic?


If you meet Ezoic’s requirements, then I suggest that you try it out. You can turn it off anyway if you don’t feel that it’s suited for your blog. However, I suggest giving it a couple of months before you decide if you’re going to turn it off or not.

Here’s a video from Income School on Youtube about their findings in testing multiple ad networks to find out Which Ad Network Pays the Most.

By the way, I’m not an affiliate of Income School, but I’ve watched a lot of their videos and I’ve learned a lot from them. If you’re trying to learn more about blog monetization, I recommend subscribing to their Youtube Channel and watch their videos.

Related Posts:

  • How to Start a Profitable WordPress Blog
  • How to Make Money with Google Adsense in 2021
  • How to Make a Successful Blog Strategy


Here’s an update as of July 9, 2021. I have been using Ezoic since February 2021 and so far so good. The earning is really better than what I get in Adsense.

I did experience some ‘Origin Error’ a couple of days ago and it turned out to be caused by my IP.It seems that my host has updated my IP and it did not reflect on my Cloudflare integration and the customer support that I was talking to assisted me in updating it manually. It was resolved right away after the IP has been updated.

The following day, I experienced again the ‘Origin Error’ at the Admin page and it lasted for 30 minutes and it got resolved on its own. I reported this issue to Wordfence and they gave me the troubleshooting steps to try. SO far so good. I will update this post again if in case this issue comes up.

I had never experienced this error though since I started. I’ll continue to monitor this and will update this post.

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Ezoic Review - How to Make Money on your Blog with Ezoic - Thrifty Hustler (7)

Ezoic Review - How to Make Money on your Blog with Ezoic - Thrifty Hustler (2024)


How much does Ezoic pay per 1000 views? ›

According to Ezoic, you can expect to earn $40-60 per 1,000-page views. That being said, there are various other factors that affect your ad earnings. The best way to figure out your Ezoic earning is by using the Ezoic calculator.

How to earn money from Ezoic? ›

10 Ezoic Dashboard Tricks To Help Your Site Make More Money
  1. Use BDA to Check “Pages Without Revenue” ...
  2. Enable Ad Mediation. ...
  3. Complete Your “Top Optimizations” Tasks. ...
  4. Set Up Your Ads Correctly. ...
  5. Update Your Optimization Goal Setting to “Revenue-Focused” ...
  6. Turn On “Enable Ads” Toggle in Humix. ...
  7. Turn Off Ad Restrictions.
Feb 24, 2023

How much money per 1000 views on a blog? ›

The payout can range from a few cents to several dollars per 1000 views, depending on factors like niche, geographic location of the audience, ad placement, and engagement rates. Generally, bloggers can expect anywhere from $1 to $10 per 1000 views with display ads.

How long does Ezoic review take? ›

What is the 'Ezoic review' Reviews for Level One and Level Two sites generally take around three business days but may take longer - up to two weeks - for sites with less traffic. The review enables the Ezoic Onboarding Team to ensure your site meets Ezoic's platform quality standards, in regard to content and traffic.

Does Ezoic pay more than AdSense? ›

AdSense takes a cut from the ad revenue (e.g., 32% for display ads), Ezoic offers a premium service for a fee, which promises higher earnings.

What are the disadvantages of Ezoic? ›

The pay-to-play model of the Premium monetization program was also criticized. Low ad rates compared to other networks: A number of users feel that Ezoic's overall ad rates are lower compared to other advertising networks.

How long does it take to make $1000 per month blogging? ›

Earning $100/mo blogging: 6 to 12 months. Earning $1,000/mo blogging: 1 to 2 years. Earning $10,000/mo blogging: 3 to 4 years. Earning $25,000/mo blogging: 4 to 5 years.

How much does Google pay for 1000 views? ›

Quick Answer: Google Adsense pays $10-$20 for 1,000 views on average. Exactly how much you earn will vary depending on your traffic volume, the quality of traffic and the type and placement of ads.

How do I get accepted by Ezoic? ›

This includes, but is not limited to:
  1. No invalid clicks / impressions.
  2. Not falsely encouraging clicks.
  3. Not offering copyrighted material / downloads.
  4. Not offering counterfeit goods.
  5. The site should have reliable traffic sources.
  6. Sites shouldn't redirect users to undesirable pages / sites / pop-ups or pop-unders.

Can I join Ezoic without AdSense? ›

Signing up for Ezoic does not require an AdSense account. However, if a site is not using AdSense, it must still adhere to Ezoic's ad policies and Google's ad policies.

Is Ezoic worth it? ›

Ezoic Review At a Glance

Ezoic is a great ad network for beginners who cannot get by without the $10 they'll make monthly. However, the cost of that $10 is abysmal site speed, your sanity setting it up, and a drop in rankings that will make it harder to earn income from affiliates and ads.

Does Ezoic pay well? ›

If you search for information on how much Ezoic pays, you'll typically see numbers measured in earnings per thousand visitors (EPMV), ranging from $5 to $12+. It's a wide range.

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Article information

Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Views: 5649

Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.