Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (2024)

Maha Guru Agasthiar's Siddha Guru Parampara Lineage

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (1) Ohm Shree Agasthia Vinayaka Ganeshaya namaha.

Eyes and Soorya

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (2) Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (3) As we have said before, our eyes get their shakti from Lord Soorya (the spiritual power behind the Sun).
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (4) Thus we must have the blessings of Lord Surya to have good, healthy eyes and to be free from eye problems and diseases.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (5) This is one of the many blessings we get from Lord Soorya.

"Soorya Shakti" Sacred Spaces

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (6) We have mentioned several "Soorya Shakti" sacred spaces such as Surakkayur, Keezh Soorya Moolai, Kan Kodutha Vanitham and so on in our websites, magazine and books.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (7) Worship in these Surya Shakti "kshetras" (sacred spaces) is important.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (8) Links to some of the articles in our website that touch upon eye problems and Surya Shakti sacred spaces are given below.

Vedic prayer mantra for requesting eye disease cure

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (9) The clip (embedded) below contains a Vedic prayer mantra for requesting eye disease cure and good, healthy eyes. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (10) This Vedic mantra is known as Chaakshushopanishad. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (11) It is in honor of Lord Soorya.

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (12) This clip is a learning aid. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (13) The text of the mantra will be on your screen.

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (14) As we have said elsewhere, diseases are a result of one's karma. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (15) This should be kept in mind first as one requests the cure.

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (16) People with eye problems should chant this mantra as many times as possible.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (17) Others should use it as a preventative measure and request well being of their eyes.

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (18) In either case, a humble attitude is important. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (19) The cure should be requested with humility, not demanded.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (20) This point cannot be overemphasized. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (21) The right attitude must be maintained at all times.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (22) This should be obvious, but unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be in our times. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (23) So we are repeating this point here.

Chaakshushopanishad Learning Aid Video

20 Shiva Veda Mantra Hymns for
Eye Disease Cure and Healthy Eyes

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (24) The great saint SundaraMoorthy Naayanaar lost sight in both his eyes. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (25) He prayed to Lord Shiva to get his eyes back by composing and singing these 20 hymns, in which he packed the essence of the Chakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (26) The compassionate Lord Shiva restored the saint's eyesight. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (27) Ever since, these 20 hymns have been used as an eye disease cure by those suffering from eye problems and by those who want their eyes to be healthy. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (28) So, do the 'sadhana' of these 20 hymns on a daily basis.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (29) The text of these mantra hymns will be on your screen in the video embedded below.

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (30) Learn by the ear, i.e., by listening.
Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (31) It is easy. You can do it.

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (32) Shiva Vedas main page for more info.

Shiva Veda hymns 41 to 60 Video for Eyes

embedded below

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (33) Siva Vedas main page for all Shiva Veda videos.

Eyes & Soorya Shakti Links

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (34) Links to some of our articles on eyes, Soorya Shakti and related topics:

  1. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (35) Aditya Hrdayam Maha Mantra - One of the most important Soorya mantras. Click here to learn this great Surya mantra.
  2. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (36) Since Soorya pooja is on the decline, eye diseases will become more prevalent.
  3. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (37) Soorya Shakti sacred space of Surakkayur and its importance for eye doctors, eye surgeons and for people with eye problems.
  4. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (38) The connection between the sacred space of Pon Maan Meindha Nallur, Chakshushopanishad and cures for eye problems and eye diseases.
  5. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (39) Keezh Soorya Moolai and Soorya Shakti. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (40) Keezha Soorya Moolai 2003. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (41) The Surya Shakti temple of Keezh Soorya Moolai was (re)discovered in 1999 by students of Sathguru Venkataraman. The kumbhabishekam re-consecration ceremony was done in 2003.
  6. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (42) Gooseberries and the "Seven Ray Soorya Shakti" of the Sun.
  7. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (43) those who suffer from eye problems, for e.g., those suffer from glaucoma, night blindness, cataracts and so on.
  8. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (44) Specific Arunachala Giri Valam Days as a preventative measure against eye trouble and as a solution for those suffering from eye problems and diseases.
  9. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (45) Eye doctors must certainly offer worship at the Velleeswarar Temple. In the material world, Sri Velleeswara is the divine eye doctor who can solve eye related diseases.
  10. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (46) Navaneetha Sudha worship for help people with eye problems.

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (47) More on this topic in our Siddha magazine and books. Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (48) More may be added here...

* Ohm Salutations to Lord Sri Soorya.
* Ohm Salutations to the Chaakshushopanishad Vedic Mantra.
* Ohm Salutations to the Sundaramoorthy Nayanar's Shiva Veda hymns.

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Tue, 17 Sep 2024 03:52:59 Agasthiar.Org/a/eyes.htm

Eye Disease Cure. Chaakshushopanishad Vedic mantra prayer hymn in honor of Lord Soorya Sun. Eye problems. Eye trouble. Agasthiar.Org. (2024)
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