Extra Members (2024)

A Netflix account is meant to be shared by people who live together in onehousehold. People who are not in your household will need to use their own account to watch Netflix. Learn more aboutsharing Netflix.

Extra Members (1)

Account owners canbuy an extra member slotand invite people outside their household to use Netflix. SeePlans and Pricingfor extra member prices.

Extra Members (2)

An extra member will have their own profile, account, and password, but their membership will be paid for by the person who invited them to join.

Extra member benefits and differences


Extra members can enjoy many of the same benefits as other Netflix members:


Here are the key differences between extra member accounts and typical member accounts:

  • Extra members can watch Netflix on any device, but only on 1 device at a time.

  • Extra members can alsodownload titles, but only on 1 phone or tablet at a time.

  • Extra members can only have 1 profile and cannot create additional profiles.

  • Extra members must activate their account in the same country where the account owner started their membership.

    • Example: If the account owner signed up in Costa Rica, the extra member must create and activate the extra member account in Costa Rica.

Managing an extra member account

If you need help adding or managing an extra member account, follow the steps below based on who's using the account.

Account owner

Extra member

Extra Members (3)Account owner

Adding or managing extra members

Add an extra member

Netflix members who have a Standard or Premium plan can add an extra member by buying an extra member slot.

  • Standard plan can add 1 extra member.

  • Premium plan can add up to 2 extra members.


Extra members cannot be added to ad-supported plans, partner packages, or third-party billed accounts.

Adding an extra member involves the following 3 steps:

  1. Buy an extra member slot
    Extra Members (4)

  2. Invite your extra member
    Extra Members (5)

  3. Your extra member sets up their own account and uses it to enjoy Netflix.
    Extra Members (6)

Follow the instructions below to add an extra member.

From a web browser

  1. Go to the Invite an extra member page. You may need to sign in if you haven’t already.

  2. Choose Next.

  3. Review and confirm your new payment amount and new billing date.

    • You will not be charged until you confirm the new amount.

    • Since Netflix is a prepaid service, your billing date will change based on the remaining balance of your last payment.

  4. Select Buy Now.

  5. Set up your extra member by entering their name, email address, and your name. (We’ll use this info to send them invitation emails.)

  6. Choose if you want to transfer an existing profile or let the extra member create a new profile.

  7. The extra member receives an email from Netflix with a unique invitation link (you’ll be notified when they activate their extra member account).

From a TV

Select a profile and if you see To keep sharing with someone who doesn’t live with you, please add an extra member, follow these steps:

  1. Select Learn More.

  2. Choose Buy Now or Continue to Netflix. (You'll see your new monthly payment amount and new billing date.)

  3. You will see One more step: Who is your extra member? Select Next.

  4. Enter the phone number of the extra member you are inviting and select Send.

    • We will send them a text message with an invitation link that will expire in 24 hours.

    • You can select Continue to Netflix to return to the Netflix homepage.

  5. Extra member taps the invitation link to create a new account and name their profile. Now they can enjoy Netflix!

    • You’ll be notified when they activate their extra member account.


    If you would like to transfer an existing profile to your extra member, follow the web browser instructions above.

Add an extra member to a package or third-party billed account

Extra members cannot be added to partner packages or third-party billed accounts.

If you change your payment method so you can add extra members, you must wait until your next Netflix renewal date before you can add them.

Link an account with extra members to a package

If your account has extra member slots and you want to change your payment method to a partner package, you can link your account as instructed by Netflix and your provider. Since extra members cannot be added to partner packages or third-party billed accounts, we will cancel your extra member(s) immediately once activation is complete. The extra member(s) will receive an email confirmation.

Transfer a profile to an extra member account

When buying an extra member slot, you can transfer their existing profile so the extra member can keep their recommendations, viewing history, My List, saved games, settings, and more.

From a web browser, follow these steps to transfer a profile when buying an extra member slot:

  1. Go to netflix.com/youraccount and sign in.

  2. Go toExtra Members>Buy an extra member slot.

  3. Follow the steps above to "Add an extra member."

    • When asked Which profile should they use? select the existing profile you want to transfer so it can be offered to your extra member.

Change extra member and remove existing one

You can change an extra member at any time, up to 2 times per billing period.

  • Once changed, the current extra member will lose access to Netflix immediately.

  • You can always re-add the person to an available extra member slot, or the person who was removed can sign up for their own account.

Extra Members (7)

From a web browser, follow these steps to change an extra member:

  1. Go to netflix.com/manageextramembers.

    • You can also go toExtra Members>Manage extra members on your Account page.

  2. Select Remove recipient.

    • If your extra member has not activated their account, select Cancel invitation.

  3. Confirm you want to remove the selected extra member.

  4. Confirmation will display at the top of the page, and an email confirmation will also be sent to you and the extra member.

  5. You can invite someone else by selecting Set up invitation.

Cancel an extra member slot

You can cancel an extra member slot at any time.

  • Once canceled, the extra member can continue to watch Netflix until the end of the current billing period.

  • You can always re-add the person to an available extra member slot, or the person who was removed can sign up for their own account.

Extra Members (8)

From a web browser, follow these steps to cancel an extra member slot:

  1. Go to netflix.com/manageextramembers.

    • You can also go toExtra Members>Manage extra members on your Account page.

  2. Select Cancel slot.

  3. Select Cancel extra member slot on the next screen.

  4. You’ll see a confirmation at the top of the page that includes the last date your extra member can watch Netflix. You and the extra member will also receive an email confirmation.

Restart an extra member slot

If you canceled an extra member slot and your billing period hasn't ended, you can stop cancellation and resume access for your extra member by restarting the extra member slot.


Extra members cannot restart the extra member slot or use your payment method.

From a web browser, follow these steps to restart an extra member slot:

  1. Go to netflix.com/manageextramembers.

    • You can also go toExtra Members>Manage extra members on your Account page.

  2. Select Restart.

  3. You’ll see a confirmation at the top of the page that confirms the extra member slot was restarted. You and the extra member will also receive an email confirmation.

If you canceled an extra member slot and are already in the next billing period, follow the instructions in "Add an extra member" above.

Cancel primary account but keep extra member slot

Extra members can only be added to an existing Standard or Premium plan. So if the primary account is canceled, any extra member slots will also be canceled.


Extra member slots can't be added to ad-supported plans, partner packages, or third-party billed accounts.


Extra member did not receive invitation

If the extra member did not receive the invitation, there are a few steps you can take.

Go to netflix.com/manageextramembers.

(You can also go toExtra Members>Manage extra members on your Account page.)

  • Check the recipient's email address in the Invitation sent to field, and make sure there aren’t any errors or misspellings in the email address.

  • Copy the invitation link and send it directly to the person you invited.

  • Cancel and resend the invitation with the following steps:

    1. Select Cancel invitation.

    2. Confirm you want to cancel the invitation.

    3. Select Set up invitation to invite that person again. (Consider using a different email address.)

Extra member did not accept the invitation

If the extra member has not accepted their invitation, we will send them multiple reminder emails for 1 month. You will also receive an email notification.

You can resend the invitation using the steps under “Extra member did not receive invitation,” or you can cancel the extra member slot.

Cannot add an extra member to your account

If you cannot add an extra member to your account, check the following conditions; one of these may be preventing you from adding an extra member.

  • Extra members can only be added to Standard or Premium plans in countries where the extra member feature is available.

  • You can only invite or remove extra members twice within the same billing period. Try again on your next billing period.

  • You cannot add an extra member if they live in a different country than where you started your membership.

  • You cannot add an extra member if you canceled your membership, even if you still have time left before the end of your billing period.

  • You cannot add an extra member if you pay through a third-party or a partner package.

  • You cannot add an extra member to an ad-supported plan.

Cannot invite current or former Netflix member to be an extra member

This is not currently supported.

Former members can only be invited again if they were previously an extra member.

Extra Members (9)Extra member

Managing extra member accounts

Accept extra member invitation

An account owner may choose to share their account with you by buying an extra member slot and inviting you as their extra member. To set up your extra member account, follow the steps below from your invitation.

If you lose your invitation link or it has expired, you can activate your extra member account from a TV, or ask the account owner to send a new invitation.

From an email invitation

The account owner may have sent you an invitation through email. To accept the invitation and create your extra member account:

  1. Open the email invitation you received.

  2. Select Get Started. You will be redirected to a web browser.

  3. Select Next.

  4. Set up an extra member account by creating a password. Select Next.

  5. Name your profile and select Next to finish setting up your account.You won't be asked to enter a payment method to create an extra member account.

    • If the account owner transferred a profile, you will see the option to choose an existing profile to Activate Membership, or start fresh.

From a text invitation

The account owner may have sent you an invitation through text. To accept this invitation and create a new extra member account:

  1. Select the link from the invitation text you received.


    This link expires after 72 hours. If your link has expired, follow instructions in the “Activate extra member to watch now” section below.

  2. You will be redirected to a Netflix screen letting you know you are invited to use Netflix as an extra member. Select Next.

  3. Set up an extra member account by entering your email address and creating a password. You won't be asked to enter a payment method to create an extra member account.


If you prefer to transfer a profile instead of creating a new profile, ask the account owner to re-invite you from a web browser instead.

From your TV: 'Activate extra member to watch now'

If your invitation link has expired, you have the option to activate your extra member account from your TV:

  1. Open Netflix on your TV.

  2. See Activate extra member to watch now screen and select Activate Now.

  3. Enter your phone number and select Finish.

  4. Select Continue to Netflix to stream on your TV.

To finish setting up your account so you can stream on any other device:

  1. Open the text that you received from Netflix.

  2. Select the link from the text.

  3. You will be redirected to a Netflix screen letting you know you are invited to use Netflix as an extra member. Select Next.

  4. Set up an extra member account by entering your email address and creating a password.


If you prefer to transfer a profile instead of creating a new profile, ask the account owner to re-invite you from a web browser instead.

Change email or password

Since extra members have their own login, you can change your email or password as follows:

  1. Go to netflix.com/youraccount and sign in.

  2. Select Change email or Change password.

    • If you change your email, we will send a verification code that you will need to enter on the screen before you can enter the new email address.

    • If you change your password, you will need to enter your current password. You can also select Forgot password?.

Watch on a different device

Extra members can watch on 1 device at a time with the same video and audio quality that the account owner's plan offers. To switch between devices or watch on a new device:

  1. Open Netflix on the device you want to use.

  2. A pop-up will display Are you an extra member?


    If you sign in on the Netflix app and do not see this, wait 24 hours and try again.

  3. Select Sign in Extra Member and sign in using the email and password you used to create your extra member account.

Cancel account

Extra members can cancel their account at any time. Once canceled, you will lose access to Netflix immediately and you won’t be able to return as an extra member unless someone invites you again.

You can rejoin Netflix using the same login and a payment method. If you rejoin within 10 months, your profile, favorites, viewing preferences, and account details will still be available.

To cancel your extra member account:

  1. Go to netflix.com/youraccount and sign in.

  2. Select Cancel Membership > Finish Cancellation.

The account owner will be notified and they can choose to invite a new extra member for that slot or cancel it, otherwise they will still be charged the monthly fee.

Change video quality, add profiles, or watch on more devices at the same time

Extra members can only watch Netflix with the same video and audio quality that the account owner's plan offers, and they can only have 1 profile and watch on 1 device at a time.

If you want a higher video quality or the ability to create more profiles and/or watch on more devices at the same time in the same household, you will need to sign up for your own account. See “Create separate account” below for details.

Create separate account

An extra member already has their own account, but the membership is paid by the account owner. You will need to create a separate account if you want to:

  • Use your own payment method to pay for Netflix.

  • Create more than 1 profile.

  • Watch on more than 1 device at a time within the same household.

  • Create an account, but live in a different country from where the account owner started their membership.

To create a separate account:

  1. Go to netflix.com/youraccount and sign in.

  2. Go to Plan Details and select Upgrade plan.

  3. Choose the plan option you prefer.

  4. Enter a payment method to start your membership and start watching Netflix.

  5. You can create additional profiles for other people who live with you.

If your extra member account was never activated, to create a separate account:

  1. Go to netflix.com/signup.

  2. When prompted to enter a password, select Forgot your password?

  3. Follow the Forgot Email/Password instructions to create a password for your account.

  4. Go to netflix.com/youraccount and sign in with your new password.

  5. Select Add streaming plan to choose the plan option you prefer.

  6. Enter a payment method to start your membership and start watching Netflix.

Link an extra member account to a package

As an extra member, you can create your own account and link to a partner package as instructed by Netflix and your provider. Make sure you use the same email address you use for your extra member account to retain your viewing history and settings.

Once complete, we will notify the account owner that you have been removed as an extra member from their account.


Did not receive invitation email from Netflix

  1. Check your promotion or spam folders.

  2. Reach out to the account owner and ask them to:

    • Check if your email address on the extra member invitation is correct or misspelled.

    • Send the invitation link via SMS or email.

    • Cancel and resend the invitation.

Unable to create extra member account

You will not be able to create an extra member account if you:

  • Live in a country different from where the account owner who invited you as an extra member started their membership.

  • Use a VPN, proxy, or “unblocker” service.

If neither of these scenarios apply to you, please contact us.

Cannot watch Netflix

Check to see if any of the following are true:

  1. Are too many people using the extra member account?

    • Extra members can only watch on 1 device at a time.

    • In order to watch on more devices at the same time in the same household, you will need to sign up for your own account with a Standard or Premium plan.

  2. Has the account owner changed the extra member and removed you?

    • If you were removed as an extra member, you will immediately lose access to Netflix.

    • You can return as an extra member if someone invites you again.

    • You can rejoin Netflix using the same login and your own payment method. If you rejoin within 10 months, your profile, favorites, viewing preferences and account details will still be available.

  3. Has the account owner canceled the extra member slot?

    • If they canceled your extra member slot, you will lose access to Netflix at the end of that billing period.

    • You can return as an extra member if someone invites you again.

    • You can rejoin Netflix using the same login and your own payment method. If you rejoin within 10 months, your profile, favorites, viewing preferences and account details will still be available.

  4. Is the account on hold?

    • The primary account, including extra member accounts, cannot watch Netflix if the account is on hold.

    • Please contact the person who added you as an extra member since they will need to resolve the hold.

  5. Has the account owner linked their account to a partner package?

    • If yes, their extra member slots were immediately canceled when they finished linking their account.

    • You can return as an extra member if someone invites you again.

    • You can rejoin Netflix using the same login and your own payment method. If you rejoin within 10 months, your profile, favorites, viewing preferences and account details will still be available.

Extra Members (2024)


What counts as an extra member on Netflix? ›

Note:**Extra members have their own account and password, but their membership is paid for by the person who invited them to share their Netflix account. Your plan determines how many extra member slots you can add. The Basic plan has been discontinued. You can change your plan at any time.

How do I stop paying for extra members on Netflix? ›

From a web browser, follow these steps to cancel an extra member slot:
  1. Go to netflix.com/account/membership/extra-members. ...
  2. Select Cancel slot.
  3. Select Cancel extra member slot on the next screen.
  4. You'll see a confirmation at the top of the page that includes the last date your extra member can watch Netflix.

Why is Netflix asking to activate extra members? ›

An extra member requirement is for additional user outside this household. We should be able to sign in when travelling but thus screen cannot be navigated from other than activate extra member.

Does Netflix charge for extra members? ›

Netflix uses location tracking to ensure subscribed users are logged in at a single home subscriber base, which is sure to test users already sensitive to growing threats to their online privacy. Current customers can buy an extra membership to their main subscription for an additional $7.99 per month.

Can I share my Netflix account with family in a different home? ›

A Netflix account is meant to be shared by people who live together in one household. People who are not in your household will need to sign up for their own account to watch Netflix. You can manage who uses your account by setting a Netflix Household.

How will Netflix track extra users? ›

Earlier this year, Netflix explained that it will use data such as “IP addresses, device IDs, and account activity from devices signed into the Netflix account” to determine if a Netflix user is part of an account's household.

How will Netflix know who is in your household? ›

How Netflix detects devices within a Netflix Household. We use information such as IP addresses, device IDs, and account activity to determine whether a device signed into your account is part of your Netflix Household. We do not collect GPS data to try to determine the precise physical location of your devices.

Can I use my Netflix account at my vacation home? ›

Can I use my Netflix account at my vacation home? Absolutely! If your vacation home has a stable internet connection and a device compatible with the Netflix app, such as a smart TV, tablet, or computer, you can use your Netflix account just like you would at your primary residence.

Can you share a Netflix account in a different location? ›

Account owners on a Standard or Premium plan in many countries can share Netflix with someone who doesn't live with them by adding an extra member to their account. The account owner will need to purchase an extra member slot, then invite an extra member to use the extra member slot.

Why is Netflix saying too many people are using my account but no one is? ›

Too many people are using the account

The number of account users that can stream at the same time will depend on your Netflix plan. You can see the limit for your account, as well as other plan options, on the Change Plan page. Solution: Make sure that no one else is using your account before trying to stream again.

How many households can you have on Netflix? ›

A Netflix account is for use by one household. Everyone living in that household can use Netflix wherever they are — at home, on the go, on holiday — and take advantage of new features like Transfer Profile and Manage Access and Devices.

Can 3 people use the same Netflix account at the same time? ›

Depending on the kind of Netflix plan you have, you can stream video on 1 to 4 devices at once. You can also create up to 5 Netflix profiles, so everyone can have their own recommendations.

How many devices can you have on Netflix extra member? ›

However, extra members have a few big limitations in place that aren't that great: they can watch Netflix on any device, but only on 1 device at a time. they can download titles, but only on 1 device at a time. the account can have only one profile, and they can't add a kids profile.

How does Netflix know if you are password sharing? ›

How Does Netflix Know When Users Are Password Sharing? Netflix employs a sophisticated system to detect password sharing. The primary tool in this system is the analysis of IP addresses, which allows Netflix to determine the geographical locations from which an account is accessed.

How much does it cost to share Netflix with another household? ›

If you want to add two extra out-of-household profiles to your account, for example, you'll need to pay for the $19.99-per-month plan plus two additional monthly payments of $7.99 each. That comes to about $36 per month. Extra memberships come with a few restrictions, too.

How many Netflix profiles can you have without paying extra? ›

You can create profiles for members in your household, allowing them to have their own personalized Netflix experience. Your account can have up to five individual profiles, and you can set a maturity rating level on each one. Each profile will have its own recommendations based on that profile's ratings and tastes.

How many devices can I watch Netflix on one account? ›

After stopping Netflix on a different device, you may need to wait 5-10 minutes before you can watch on your device. Or, upgrade your Netflix plan to allow more devices to watch at the same time (up to 4 with the Premium plan).

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Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Author information

Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

Phone: +50616620367928

Job: Real-Estate Liaison

Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.