Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples (2024)

Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples (1)

In contract law, express terms play a crucial role in determining the rights and obligations of contracting parties. As you delve into this area, you will come to understand the key aspects of express terms, their significance, and the differences between express and implied terms. Additionally, you will learn about the essential express terms, the consequences of missing them in a contract, and the legal remedies available when there is a breach of these terms. Finally, you will explore real-life examples of express terms in various types of contracts to strengthen your understanding and analyse how such terms are applied in practice. This in-depth exploration of express terms will enhance your knowledge of contract law and help you apply these concepts effectively in real-life situations.

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Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples (29)Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples (30)

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+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the common examples of breach of express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the main objectives of express terms and implied terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are express terms in contract law? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the two categories of express terms and their consequences in case of a breach? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhy are express terms important in contracts? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat is the key difference between express terms and implied terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoHow can a term be considered implied by custom in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the 5 essential express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat consequences may arise from missing express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhy is it important to include the essential express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the types of damages that can be awarded as a remedy for breach of express terms? Show Answer
+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the common examples of breach of express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the main objectives of express terms and implied terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are express terms in contract law? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the two categories of express terms and their consequences in case of a breach? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhy are express terms important in contracts? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat is the key difference between express terms and implied terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoHow can a term be considered implied by custom in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the 5 essential express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat consequences may arise from missing express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhy is it important to include the essential express terms in a contract? Show Answer+ Add tagImmunologyCell BiologyMoWhat are the types of damages that can be awarded as a remedy for breach of express terms? Show Answer

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Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples (31)Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples (32)


Table of contents

    Understanding Express Terms in Contract Law

    When it comes to contract law, knowing the key terminology is crucial for understanding the rights and obligations of each party involved. Express terms are one of these essential components in a contractual agreement.

    Express Terms Definition

    Express terms are the specific terms that have been explicitly agreed upon by the parties to a contract and are clearly stated within the contractual document. These terms can be in written, oral or electronic form, and they set out the primary obligations, rights, and expectations of each party.

    Express terms can be further divided into two categories:

    • Conditions: These are the major terms of the contract which go to the very essence of the agreement. A breach of a condition will entitle the affected party to terminate the contract and claim damages.
    • Warranties: These are minor terms, ancillary to the main purpose of the contract. A breach of warranty will allow the affected party to claim damages, but not terminate the contract.

    The Importance of Express Terms in Contracts

    Express terms play a vital role in contract law for several reasons:

    • Clarity and certainty: By clearly outlining the rights and obligations of each party, express terms provide a solid foundation for a successful contractual relationship.
    • Reducing misunderstandings: With express terms in place, the chances of misunderstandings or disputes arising between the parties are significantly minimised.
    • Enforceability: Express terms are legally binding and enforceable, offering the parties protection and remedies in case of a breach.

    It is important for the parties to carefully draft and review the express terms in a contract to ensure that their intentions and expectations are accurately reflected. A well-drafted contract containing clear and unambiguous express terms can help prevent potential disputes and provide a solid basis for resolving any issues that may arise.

    For example, consider two parties entering into a contract for the sale of goods. The express terms may stipulate the type and quantity of goods, the price to be paid, the delivery date, and the payment terms. By including these express terms, both parties have a clear understanding of their respective rights and obligations, reducing the chances of disputes and ensuring a smoother transaction.

    Did you know? Express terms can also be found in standard form contracts, which are pre-prepared agreements commonly used in various industries, such as those for renting properties or purchasing insurance policies. In this context, express terms allow for consistency and efficiency in both drafting and interpretation.

    To conclude, express terms are a fundamental aspect of contract law, ensuring clear communication of the parties' intentions, reducing the likelihood of disputes, and providing a legal basis for enforcement and remedies in case of a breach. It is essential for anyone dealing with contractual agreements to have a thorough understanding of express terms and their significance in contract law.

    Difference Between Express and Implied Terms

    In contract law, understanding the differences between express terms and implied terms is crucial to fully comprehend the rights and obligations of parties involved in a contract.

    Key Distinctions Between Express and Implied Terms

    Both express and implied terms form part of a contractual agreement. However, there are several key distinctions between the two: 1. Mode of Incorporation:

    • Express terms: These are terms explicitly agreed upon by the parties and explicitly stated within the contract, either in written, oral, or electronic form.
    • Implied terms: These are terms that, although not expressly mentioned in the contract, are considered to be part of the agreement by default, often due to the law, custom, or the parties' intentions.

    2. Source:

    • Express terms: The source of express terms is the actual agreement between the parties.
    • Implied terms: The source of implied terms can be the law (statutory or common), custom or trade practice, or the parties' intentions.

    3. Objectives:

    • Express terms: The objective of express terms is to clearly define the parties' rights and obligations in accordance with their express agreement.
    • Implied terms: The objective of implied terms is to fill any gaps in the contract, ensuring it functions effectively and fairly, and to give effect to the parties' intentions.

    4. Enforceability:

    • Express terms: These terms are legally binding and enforceable, provided they have been properly incorporated into the contract and comply with any relevant legal requirements.
    • Implied terms: These terms are also legally binding and enforceable if they meet the necessary tests for implication, such as the business efficacy test or the officious bystander test.

    Practical Examples of Express and Implied Terms

    To better illustrate the differences between express and implied terms, consider the following examples:

    Express Term Example: A business contract between a manufacturer and a supplier may include express terms specifying the quantity and quality of goods to be supplied, payment terms, and delivery dates. These terms are explicitly agreed upon by the parties and set out in the contract.

    Implied Term Example 1 (Implied by Law): In an employment contract, there is an implied term that the employer should provide a safe working environment for their employees. This term is not explicitly stated in the contract but is implied by the law as a statutory requirement.

    Implied Term Example 2 (Implied by Custom): In a specific trade or industry, there may be a customary practice that is not mentioned in the contract, but parties in the industry expect it to apply. For instance, in a contract for the supply of perishable goods, there may be an implied term that the goods are to be delivered within a reasonable time, based on the industry custom.

    Implied Term Example 3 (Implied by the Parties' Intentions): In a commercial lease agreement, there may be an implied term of quiet enjoyment, which means that the tenant has the right to possess the property without any interference from the landlord. This term may not be explicitly stated, but it is understood to be the parties' intention.

    By understanding the distinction between express and implied terms, parties can better navigate their contractual rights and obligations and effectively resolve any disputes that may arise.

    Mandatory Express Terms in a Contract

    Express terms are crucial for creating a robust and enforceable contract. While the specific express terms may vary depending on the type of contract, there are certain mandatory express terms that should always be included to ensure clarity, legal enforceability, and proper functioning of the contract.

    5 Essential Express Terms in a Contract

    In any contractual agreement, including the following five express terms is highly recommended: 1. Identify the Parties: Clearly specify the names, addresses, and contact details of all parties involved in the contract. This provides certainty regarding the identities of the contracting parties and their respective contractual responsibilities. 2. Subject Matter:Describe the subject matter of the contract in great detail. This may include:

    • The goods or services being bought or sold, with clear specifications regarding quality, quantity, and any applicable standards.
    • The property or real estate being leased or purchased, including its address, type, and dimensions.
    • Intellectual property or other assets being licensed, assigned, or otherwise dealt with.

    3. Price and Payment Terms: Define the price or compensation for goods, services, or assets involved in the contract. This includes:

    • The total price or compensation agreed upon.
    • The method of calculating the price, if applicable (e.g., hourly rates, commission-based, etc.).
    • Payment terms, such as the due date, any instalments, or payment methods.

    4. Obligations and Rights of the Parties:Clearly outline the rights and obligations of each party. This may involve:

    • The scope of services to be provided, goods to be delivered, or property uses allowed.
    • Deadlines and timeframes for the completion of tasks or delivery of goods.
    • Any warranties, representations, or guarantees provided by the parties.
    • Any ongoing maintenance or support obligations.

    5. Termination and Dispute Resolution:Detail the mechanisms for terminating the contract and resolving disputes. This may include:

    • Termination rights and conditions, such as notices, periods, and grounds for termination.
    • The procedure for dealing with breaches of the contract, including the consequences and possible remedies.
    • Dispute resolution mechanisms, such as negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.

    Consequences of Missing Express Terms in a Contract

    Failing to include one or more of the essential express terms in a contract can lead to several negative consequences: 1. Ambiguity and Misunderstandings: A lack of crucial express terms can create ambiguity and lead to misunderstandings between the parties, potentially resulting in disputes and undermining the contractual relationship. 2. Enforceability Issues: A contract with missing or inadequate express terms may not be legally enforceable, potentially leaving one or both parties without any recourse in the event of a breach by the other party. This can lead to financial losses, strained relationships, and wasted time and effort. 3. Difficulty in Proving Terms: In the absence of express terms, parties may have to rely on implied terms, which can be more challenging to establish and prove in court if a dispute arises. This can result in a more prolonged and costly legal process. 4. Inefficiencies: Missing express terms may result in inefficiencies, such as the need to renegotiate or redraft the contract, causing delays and additional costs for both parties. 5. Reputational Damage: If a dispute arises due to missing express terms, the parties involved may suffer reputational damage, impacting their ability to conduct future business and maintain positive relationships in their respective industries. Including essential express terms in a contract is crucial for ensuring a clear, enforceable agreement that mitigates the risk of disputes and protects the rights and obligations of all parties involved.

    Breach of Express Terms of Contract

    When a party to a contract fails to comply with or fulfil their obligations as outlined in the express terms, a breach of contract occurs. Breaches can either be minor or major, depending on the severity of the issue and its impact on the overall contract performance.

    Common Examples of Breach of Express Terms

    In contractual agreements, there are several scenarios that may lead to a breach of express terms: 1. Nonpayment: If one party fails to make agreed-upon payments within the required time frame, this constitutes a breach of the express terms. 2. Nonperformance: A party may fail to fulfil their contractual obligations, such as the delivery of goods or the provision of services. 3. Poor Quality: A party may deliver goods or provide services that do not meet the required quality standards specified in the express terms. 4. Late Performance: When a party fails to complete their contractual obligations within the agreed-upon timeframes, this can be considered a breach of express terms. 5. Unilateral Modifications: A party may unilaterally modify the contract, which could result in a breach if the other party does not agree to the changes.

    Legal Remedies for Breach of Express Terms

    In the event of a breach of express terms, several legal remedies may be available to the aggrieved party: 1. Damages: The most common remedy for a breach of contract is the award of monetary damages. These can be classified as follows:

    • Compensatory Damages: Compensation for the actual loss suffered by the claimant, aiming to put them in the position they would have been in had the breach not occurred.
    • Nominal Damages: A small sum awarded when a breach of contract occurs but no significant loss is demonstrated.
    • Liquidated Damages: A predetermined amount of compensation agreed upon by the parties and outlined in the contract, in the event of a specific breach.
    • Exemplary or Punitive Damages: These are rare and awarded in cases where the breach was particularly egregious or caused by malicious intent. Their purpose is to punish the breaching party and serve as a deterrent.

    2. Specific Performance: In certain cases, the court may order the breaching party to perform their contractual obligations. This remedy is generally granted in situations where monetary damages may not adequately compensate the aggrieved party, or when the subject matter of the contract is unique or irreplaceable. 3. Injunction: The aggrieved party may seek an injunction, which is a court order that either prevents the breaching party from committing a specific act (prohibitory injunction) or compels them to perform a certain action (mandatory injunction). Injunctions can be temporary or permanent, depending on the circ*mstances. 4. Rescission: Rescission refers to the process of reversing a contract, effectively returning both parties to their pre-contractual positions. This remedy can be granted in cases where a breach is so significant that it substantially undermines the foundation of the agreement. 5. Reformation:In some cases, the court may reform or modify the terms of the contract to better reflect the intentions of the parties and address the underlying cause of the breach. It is essential for parties to understand the potential consequences of breaching express terms and to seek appropriate legal remedies when a breach occurs. By being aware of the common examples of breaches and available legal remedies, parties can better manage their contractual relationships and protect their interests.

    Illustrations of Express Terms in a Contract

    Understanding express terms is essential in getting a clear perception of parties' rights and obligations in a contract. To fully comprehend the concept of express terms and their implementation, it is helpful to explore some real-life examples and analyse different contract types containing express terms.

    Real-life Examples of Express Terms

    Express terms can be found in various types of contracts across different industries and sectors. Some real-life examples of express terms include:

    1. Employment Contract:

    In an employment contract, express terms may address aspects such as job title and responsibilities, working hours, salary, benefits, vacation entitlement, notice periods, and confidentiality requirements.

    2. Sale of Goods Contract:

    In a contract for the sale of goods, express terms may stipulate the description and quantity of the goods, the price and payment terms, delivery location and date, as well as any warranties or after-sales services.

    3. Lease Agreement:

    In a lease agreement, express terms often cover elements such as the property address and description, duration of the lease, monthly rent, security deposit, maintenance obligations, and terms surrounding the termination or renewal of the lease.

    4. Service Contract:

    For a service contract, express terms may encompass the scope of services to be provided, timeframes and deadlines, performance standards, liability limitations, and payment terms.

    5. Licensing Agreement:

    In a licensing agreement, express terms can include the scope and duration of the license, the licensed intellectual property, any permitted sublicensing, royalty payments, and obligations of both licensor and licensee.

    Analysing Contract Examples with Express Terms

    By looking at the examples of contracts, one can better understand the role and significance of express terms. Here, we will analyse two contract examples in further detail to illustrate express terms.

    Example 1: Sale of Goods Contract

    A retailer enters into a contract with a manufacturer for the purchase of clothing items. The express terms cover the following:

    • Description of the clothing items, such as design, size, fabric materials, colours, and any specific features.
    • Quantity of each clothing item to be supplied.
    • The agreed-upon total price for the goods.
    • Payment terms, including the payment method and any applicable instalments.
    • Delivery date and location, along with any delivery costs.
    • Any warranties, such as a guarantee against defects in materials or workmanship for a specified period of time.

    These express terms provide a clear understanding of what the manufacturer is required to supply and what the retailer is required to pay, ensuring a smooth transaction with reduced chances of misunderstandings or disputes.

    Example 2: Lease Agreement

    A tenant enters into a lease agreement with a landlord for renting an apartment. The express terms of the lease agreement include:

    • The apartment's address, type, and dimensions.
    • Duration of the lease, including any renewal or extension options.
    • Monthly rent amount and the due date for payment.
    • Security deposit, including the amount and conditions for refund.
    • Maintenance obligations, such as the landlord's responsibility for major repairs and the tenant's responsibility for keeping the apartment clean and well-maintained.
    • Termination terms, such as notice requirements, periods, and any applicable penalties.

    The inclusion of these express terms ensures clarity in both the landlord's and the tenant's obligations and expectations, reducing the likelihood of disputes and providing a mutual understanding of the rental agreement.

    In conclusion, a thorough investigation of contract examples helps to better understand the critical role express terms play in contractual agreements. By including clear and well-defined express terms, parties can minimise misunderstandings, protect their rights and interests, and create a solid foundation for a successful contractual relationship.

    Express Terms - Key takeaways

    • Express terms definition: Specific terms explicitly agreed upon by parties and stated within a contract, outlining primary rights, obligations, and expectations.

    • Difference between express and implied terms: Express terms are explicitly stated in a contract, while implied terms are not expressly mentioned but considered part of the agreement by default (due to law, custom, or parties' intentions).

    • 5 mandatory express terms in a contract: Identification of parties, subject matter, price and payment terms, obligations and rights, and termination and dispute resolution.

    • Breach of express term of a contract: A party fails to fulfil their obligations as outlined in the express terms which can result in legal remedies such as damages, specific performance, injunction, rescission, or reformation.

    • Example of express terms in a contract: In a lease agreement, express terms often cover property details, lease duration, rent, security deposit, maintenance obligations, and termination or renewal terms.

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    What are the common examples of breach of express terms in a contract? Nonpayment, nonperformance, poor quality, late performance, unilateral modifications.
    What are the main objectives of express terms and implied terms in a contract? The objective of express terms is to clearly define the parties' rights and obligations in accordance with their express agreement, while the objective of implied terms is to fill any gaps in the contract, ensuring it functions effectively and fairly, and to give effect to the parties' intentions.
    What are express terms in contract law? Express terms are the specific terms that are explicitly agreed upon by the parties to a contract and are clearly stated within the contractual document. These terms can be in written, oral, or electronic form, and set out the primary obligations, rights, and expectations of each party.
    What are the two categories of express terms and their consequences in case of a breach? The two categories of express terms are conditions and warranties. A breach of a condition entitles the affected party to terminate the contract and claim damages, while a breach of warranty allows the affected party to claim damages but not terminate the contract.
    Why are express terms important in contracts? Express terms are important in contracts because they provide clarity and certainty, reduce misunderstandings, and are enforceable, offering the parties protection and remedies in case of a breach.
    What is the key difference between express terms and implied terms in a contract? The key difference is the mode of incorporation: express terms are explicitly agreed upon and stated within the contract, while implied terms are not expressly mentioned but considered to be part of the agreement by default due to the law, custom, or parties' intentions.

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    Frequently Asked Questions about Express Terms

    What are express terms in a contract?

    Express terms in a contract are specific provisions, conditions, or clauses that are explicitly agreed upon and stated by the contracting parties. These terms clearly define the rights, obligations, and duties of each party within the contract and are legally binding. Express terms can be written, verbal, or a combination of both, and are essential for a clear understanding of the contractual relationship and expectations.

    How are express terms incorporated into a contract?

    Express terms are incorporated into a contract through clear and specific language agreed upon by both parties during negotiations. This can be done orally, in writing or through a combination of both. These terms can also be found in standard form contracts, provided they have been brought to the attention of the parties before the contract is formed. Incorporation of express terms must occur before or at the time of contracting to ensure they form part of the legally binding agreement.

    What are common express terms?

    Common express terms are specific contractual provisions agreed upon by the parties involved, usually in writing. These terms typically include details such as payment, delivery, duration and quality standards. They may also cover warranties, exclusions, and termination clauses. Express terms are essential for outlining the rights, obligations, and expectations of the parties within a contract.

    What are the advantages of express terms?

    The advantages of express terms include providing clarity and certainty in contracts, reducing misunderstandings between parties, allowing each party to understand their rights and obligations explicitly, and minimising legal disputes by clearly outlining what has been agreed upon by all parties involved.

    Can express terms be oral or written?

    Yes, express terms can be both oral and written. Express terms are clearly agreed upon by the parties involved in a contract and can be explicitly communicated either in writing, such as in a signed document, or verbally, through spoken arrangements. In both cases, it is essential that the terms are clear, certain, and understood by all parties to the contract. However, written terms are generally easier to prove and enforce than oral terms.

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    Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples (2024)


    Express Terms: Differences, Breach & Examples? ›

    Common Examples of Breach of Express Terms

    What is an example of an express term? ›

    'express terms' – specific terms that are usually put in writing, for example the employee's pay or working hours. 'implied terms' – for example, things that are so obvious they do not need to be written and terms that come from employment law.

    What is an example of an expressed contract? ›

    Miguel wants to purchase his first home. He found the perfect place in Pasadena. The contract for purchase was signed, and he closed on the home within a month. The contract Miguel entered into is an expressed contract because the elements are specifically stated, including offer, acceptance and consideration.

    What is the breach of express term of a contract? ›

    Breach of express term of a contract: A party fails to fulfil their obligations as outlined in the express terms which can result in legal remedies such as damages, specific performance, injunction, rescission, or reformation.

    What is an example of a term of an expression? ›

    A term can be a number, a variable, product of two or more variables or product of a number and a variable. An algebraic expression is formed by a single term or by a group of terms. For example, in the expression 4x + y, the two terms are 4x and y.

    How do you identify express terms? ›

    Generally, in a simple contract arrangement, the express terms between the parties will be identified by the terms written on a contract. However, there are situations that do not involve a simple contract arrangement. Express terms may be incorporated: a notice or sign that incorporates express terms.

    What are the 3 breaches? ›

    In this article, we set out the three major breaches of contract that commonly occur.
    • Material Breach. The first and most severe type of breach is a 'material' breach (also known as a 'fundamental breach'). ...
    • Minor Breach. It is important to be clear that not all breaches of a contract will be material. ...
    • Repudiation.
    Jul 12, 2023

    What is an example of simple breach? ›

    5 Examples of Breach of Contract
    • Failure to deliver the expected service;
    • Failure to deliver the expected goods;
    • Failure to complete the job;
    • Failure to make a payment;
    • Performance was below the agreed standards;
    Jul 12, 2023

    What is the different meaning of breach? ›

    1. : to make a gap in by battering : to make a breach (see breach entry 1 sense 2b) in. breached the castle wall. 2. : break, violate.

    What is an example of an express condition contract? ›

    Express condition – express conditions, which are relatively common, are explicitly stated in the contract. An example familiar to many is a financing contingency in a real estate contract. The condition states that the completion of the sales agreement will occur only if the buyer is able to obtain financing.

    What is an example of expressed? ›

    They expressed the package to us. The results can be expressed as a percentage. He expressed an interest in meeting her. She expressed surprise at his rude behavior.

    Can an express contract be enforced? ›

    Both express contracts and implied contracts are legally enforceable promises of mutual assent to be bound, see U.C.C.

    What are express terms? ›

    An 'express' term is a term of the contract between you and the other party, which is clear, unambiguous and agreed upon. It's usually in writing but it can be verbal if the contract itself is verbal. An 'implied' term is one that a court has implied into a contract because it has not been expressly included.

    What is a breach of contract terms? ›

    A breach of contract is when one party to the contract doesn't do what they agreed. Breach of contract happens when one party to a valid contract fails to fulfill their side of the agreement. If a party doesn't do what the contract says they must do, the other party can sue.

    What would constitute a breach of contract? ›

    A breach of that contract happens when either you or your employer breaks one of the terms, for example your employer doesn't pay your wages, or you don't work the agreed hours. Not all the terms of a contract are written down.

    What is an example of an expression with like terms? ›

    The definition of like terms in math is terms that have the same variable raised to the same power. Examples of like terms in math are x, 4x, -2x, and 7x. These are like terms because they all contain the same variable, x.

    What is an example of expressing? ›

    express verb [T] (SHOW)

    Her eyes expressed deep sadness. I would like to express my thanks for your kindness. express how Words can't express how happy I am. be expressed as These figures are expressed as a percentage of the total.

    What is an express term in math? ›

    An expression in math is a statement involving at least two different numbers (known or unknown) and at least one operation. Operations may include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponents, and roots. Perhaps the most important thing that defines an expression is what it doesn't have.

    Which sentence is an example of the word express? ›

    He expressed grave concern at American attitudes. Sumner frowned at us, doing his best to express wordless disapproval. He expresses himself easily in English. She is obviously unhappy, and misery often expresses itself as anger.

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    Author: Cheryll Lueilwitz

    Last Updated:

    Views: 5657

    Rating: 4.3 / 5 (74 voted)

    Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

    Author information

    Name: Cheryll Lueilwitz

    Birthday: 1997-12-23

    Address: 4653 O'Kon Hill, Lake Juanstad, AR 65469

    Phone: +494124489301

    Job: Marketing Representative

    Hobby: Reading, Ice skating, Foraging, BASE jumping, Hiking, Skateboarding, Kayaking

    Introduction: My name is Cheryll Lueilwitz, I am a sparkling, clean, super, lucky, joyous, outstanding, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.