Exporting: Definition, Types & Strategy (2024)

Exporting Definition

Not all products that consumers want and need are being produced worldwide. Countries produce products depending on their resources. Based on their resources, they estimate costs, expenses, revenues, and profit and decide whether they should sell the product to other countries or not.

The process of producing goods in one country and selling them to another is known as exporting.

Exporting forms an integral part of international trade. Exports help countries expand their market globally. This way, customers also have access to products from around the world. Some countries can grow globally faster than other countries. The ease of exporting and expanding into other areas of the world depends on various factors, such as the political and economic conditions of the nation. We will take a closer look at this concept in the following sections.

Exporting: Definition, Types & Strategy (1)Fig. 1 - China and USA Exporting

Export Types

When it comes to exporting, there are two main types - direct exporting and indirect exporting.

Exporting Types: Direct Exporting

Direct exporting is a type of exporting where the company directly sells products to overseas customers. All the deals are done directly between the companies without any intermediaries. This way, the companies have more control over the processes. Direct exporting also increases profits as the intermediary is eliminated, reducing costs. Direct exporting also creates a stronger bond between the supplier and the buyer, and maintaining business relationships is crucial for business success.

Despite the advantages mentioned above, direct exporting also demands more resources from the exporting company. This exporting type requires more personnel, resources, and time than it would if the export process were to happen through an intermediary.

Direct exporting is the best strategy for companies trying to penetrate new markets globally for the long term.

Exporting Types: Indirect Exporting

Indirect exporting is a type of exporting practiced by companies that sell products to other countries with the help of an intermediary. The company has various intermediaries, such as foreign agents, export merchants, expert management companies, etc. Here, businesses have lesser control over the processes.

The intermediaries are present in the country producing the product. They are responsible for sending the products to the customer's country and finishing all the paperwork, transport, and marketing. The first intermediary may sell directly to the customer or the customer's intermediary.

Indirect exporting is less expensive than direct exporting. It is easier to cancel indirect exports than direct exports. The main disadvantage of indirect exporting is the transfer of power to the intermediaries. As a result, companies may lose the opportunity to build long-term relationships and offer after-sales services to customers.

Indirect exporting is a strategy best suited for companies trying to increase profits quickly.

Exporting Strategy

Setting up the right export strategy is essential for all businesses involved in exporting. Strategy formulation depends on the business's goals. Direct exporting is preferred if the firm plans long-term trade with a foreign country or company. In cases of short-term trade, companies opt for indirect exporting.

The steps involved in developing an effective exporting strategy are as follows:

1. Starting the market expansion

Companies planning an export must first set up a market expansion program. Leaders should be assigned their tasks, and the organization should establish an export team. They must also define actions that need to be taken to expand into the desired market. The business will also determine a long-term financial plan with its objectives and review and assess the results to make changes if needed.

2. Selecting products with export potential

Marketers must then select the products with the most potential of thriving abroad from their product line. After determining the products, it is crucial to identify and form good relationships with the export promotion organizations. Marketers then collect information and screen the market to examine its potential. The collected information is then analyzed, and the best-suited markets are selected. The company then evaluates this information further and changes its product and market selection if its previous decisions were incorrect.

3. Developing market-expansion plans

This step focuses on building market expansion plans. Marketers review the different entry modes, and the best-fitted strategy is selected.

After selecting the markets, the organization identifies the most effective distribution channels. The company will then have to find distribution channel partners. The next crucial step is identifying direct and indirect competitors in the new market and understanding their products and customers. Understanding competitors' pricing strategies and distribution channels will also help the company learn more about the overall market.

Once all the markets and their competitors are analyzed, the different channels of distribution, pricing strategies, products to be exported, etc., should be summarized. The following steps include determining the objectives and actions to be taken to start exporting. Marketers then evaluate all decisions and summaries to make changes if necessary.

4. Developing an export organization

The next step includes determining an export organization. Here, marketers should:

  • Develop and adjust the export policies for increased efficiency,

  • Set up export teams throughout the company,

  • Hire the necessary staff and provide the required training,

  • Select the most suitable export service organization,

  • Identify necessary approvals.

There should be an understanding and coordination among the different organizations. Therefore, the company must also develop new communications guidelines.

This stage also involves planning and organizing promotions for the new target markets and for new potential customers. Marketers must identify and build a contact base in the new market and develop new communications and response channels with distributors.

Finally, similarly to the previous stages, the company must evaluate the strategies formulated in this step and make changes if necessary.

5. Designing a distribution network

The following step includes designing a distribution network. For this stage to be successful, marketers must:

  1. Find and recruit distribution partners,

  2. Filter and process all the potential distribution partners,

  3. Select partners that can match the company's budget and scale,

  4. Discuss terms and agreements with the partners and reach an agreement,

  5. Evaluate the terms and sign a contract after consideration.

6. Starting the Export

It is now finally time to start exporting! During this last stage, marketers should:

  • Implement the export strategies designed in the earlier stages,

  • Respond to sale inquiries and finalize the deals,

  • Discuss the quantity and pricing strategies that work for both companies,

  • Carry out negotiations that may be required for specific terms and sign the agreements,

  • Prepare for the shipment and inspections,

  • Clear all the required paperwork needed for the export and start shipping,

  • Collect payment based on agreed terms,

  • Evaluate the process and how all the workings have panned out for the company,

  • Take corrective measures if needed.

Exporting Advantages

Exporting and moving on to new markets can be challenging for a company, but exporting has its merits. We outline the key advantages of exporting below.

Exporting Advantages: Global Market

Exporting's most significant advantage is the opportunity to grow in new markets and gain customers worldwide. Without exporting, companies may be limited to one market, reducing their growth potential. Selling in different markets can help companies grow their brand reputation and increase revenues.

Exporting Advantages: Higher Revenue

Companies can charge a significantly higher price for products in a foreign market. This is because of the exclusivity of the product and possible arbitrage between the countries. However, it is essential to note that the potential price difference depends on the product and the market the company exports to.

Exporting Advantages: Government Support

Governments often encourage exports as they boost the international economy and increase the flow of foreign currency into the exporting country. This trade can work in favor of the country's economy.

Exporting Advantages: Increased Life Cycle

Exporting products will help in expanding the life cycle of many products. When a product reaches its maturity phase in one market, marketers can introduce it to a new market, extending its life cycle. This process allows businesses to sell the products for longer and increase revenues.

Check out our explanation of the Product Life Cycle to learn more.

Exporting Disadvantages

Despite many advantages, companies that engage in exporting may face the following disadvantages.

Exporting Disadvantages: High Initial Costs

The initial costs to set up an exporting system can be very high. This is because exporting requires extensive market research, recruitment of personnel, training, finding a distribution partner, more promotions, and so on.

Exporting Disadvantages: Documentation and licenses

The process of starting an exporting business can be very strenuous. It requires many documents and licenses. The company must also abide by all the laws and legislation of the country it exports to. All the actions carried out in the country must be legal and in accordance with the country's acceptable business principles.

Exporting Disadvantages: Product Adaptation

Some products may require adaptation to sell better in that market. All the products must meet the country's quality and safety rules and regulations. The company must eliminate any component considered offensive to consumers or their culture in the new market.

Exporting Disadvantages: Exchange Rate Fluctuations

The fluctuation of exchange rates can affect a business's profits - if the currency of the country the company exports to falls, consumers' purchasing power will also decrease. This fluctuation may lead to a decrease in the demand for the company's products.

From a consumer's perspective, exports play an essential role, as it allows them to experience goods from all over the world. From a business perspective, exporting enables them to expand their market reach and increase their profits.

Exporting - Key takeaways

  • Producing goods in one country and selling them to another is known as exporting.
  • The two main types of exporting are direct exporting and indirect exporting.
  • Direct exporting is a type of exporting where the company directly sells products to overseas customers.
  • Indirect exporting involves an intermediary.
  • The steps involved in developing the best export strategy are as follows:
    • Starting the market expansion,
    • Targeting products with export potential,
    • Developing market-expansion plans,
    • Developing an export organization,
    • Designing a distribution network, and
    • Starting the export.
  • The advantages of exporting include higher revenues, global reach, government support, and an increased product life cycle.
  • The disadvantages of exporting include high initial costs, documentation and licenses, product adaptation, and exchange rate fluctuations.


  1. Fig. 1 - China and USA Exporting (https://www.pexels.com/de-de/foto/flagge-usa-geschaft-markt-4386371/) by Karolina Grabowska (https://www.pexels.com/de-de/@karolina-grabowska/) is licensed by CC (https://www.pexels.com/de-de/lizenz/)
Frequently Asked Questions about Exporting

What are the types of exporting?

The two main types of exporting are direct and indirect exporting. Direct exporting is a type of exporting where the company directly sells products to overseas customers. Indirect exporting is a type of exporting practiced by companies that sell products to other countries with the help of an intermediary.

What is an exporting strategy?

An exporting strategy decides how the company will export to a foreign country and which country it will export to. It determines the pricing strategies, the products that will be sold, the markets it will sell to, and how the products will be exported.

What are the benefits of exporting?

The advantages of exporting include:

  • Expansion into a global market,
  • Higher revenues,
  • Government support,
  • Increased product life cycle.

What is a disadvantage of exporting?

The disadvantages of exporting are as follows:

  • High initial costs,
  • Documentation and licenses,
  • Product adaptation,
  • Exchange rate fluctuations.

What is exporting?

Not all products that consumers want and need are being produced worldwide. The process of producing goods in one country and selling them to another is known as exporting.

Exporting: Definition, Types & Strategy (2024)


Exporting: Definition, Types & Strategy? ›

Producing goods in one country and selling them to another is known as exporting. The two main types of exporting are direct exporting and indirect exporting. Direct exporting is a type of exporting where the company directly sells products to overseas customers. Indirect exporting involves an intermediary.

What are the different types of exporting? ›

As a way of overcoming the instabilities of the domestic market, there is the possibility of a company becoming an exporter and entering the international market.

What are the export strategies? ›

What is an exporting strategy? An exporting strategy decides how the company will export to a foreign country and which country it will export to. It determines the pricing strategies, the products that will be sold, the markets it will sell to, and how the products will be exported.

What is the definition of exporting? ›

In economics, exporting is the practice of producing a good or service in one country and selling it to consumers in another country.

What is the best export definition? ›

1. : something exported. specifically : a commodity conveyed from one country or region to another for purposes of trade. 2. : the act of exporting : exportation.

What are the 4 modes of export? ›

There are four modes of supply, which include: Cross-border trade (Mode 1), consumption abroad (Mode 2), commercial presence (Mode 3), and temporary movement of natural persons (Mode 4).

What are the three basic stages of exporting? ›

Follow our three-phased journey to exporting.

From business planning and negotiating sales contracts, to export financing options and shipping documents, these progressive steps ensure you have the knowledge and skillsets to be a successful exporter. Learn why exporting is a good business decision.

What are the four steps in developing an export strategy? ›

Steps To Develop Your Export Plan
  1. Identify the product or service to be exported and check its export potential,
  2. Conduct market research on the countries of interest,
  3. Decide on a pricing strategy for the product or service, and.
  4. Define a strategy to find buyers.

What is the US export strategy? ›

The National Export Strategy (NES) outlines actions that the U.S. Government is pursuing to better equip American companies and workers to compete globally and grow through international trade.

What are the 5 essential elements of the export process? ›

5 Essential Elements of Export Compliance
  • Summary: Check if shipping your product requires an export license. ...
  • Product Classification. ...
  • Export Country Requirements. ...
  • Screen Your Customers. ...
  • How Your Product Will Be Used. ...
  • Exporting Dangerous or Hazardous Goods. ...
  • Plan Ahead for Export Compliance.
Jun 1, 2021

What best describes exporting? ›

c) Exporting is where a company sells its physical products that are manufactured outside the target country to the target country.

Why is exporting so important? ›

Exporting can be profitable for businesses of all sizes. On average, sales grow faster, more jobs are created, and employees earn more than in non-exporting firms. Competitive Advantage. The United States is known worldwide for high quality, innovative goods and services, customer service, and sound business practices.

What is an example of exporting? ›

Some export examples are final goods like cars, cell phones, computers, or clothing. These are goods that are made in one nation from start to finish and the completed product is exported to other countries. Exports do not have to be final or complete goods to qualify as an export.

What is export in one word? ›

a commodity sold to a foreign country

The verb export comes from the Latin word exportare which means “to carry out” or “send away.” To export something is to move it across borders.

What is the best thing to export? ›

10 major exports that are profitable in 2022
  1. Machines. Machines are the largest export of the United States. ...
  2. Petroleum products. ...
  3. Vehicles. ...
  4. Chemical products. ...
  5. High-tech instruments. ...
  6. Plastic and rubber products. ...
  7. Metals. ...
  8. Plant products.
May 30, 2022

What is the number one export in the world? ›

The People's Republic of China is the largest exporter of goods in the world, with a total export value for 2022 of $3.71 trillion. The nation claimed the top spot in 2009. Phones, including smartphones were the primary product export in 2022, with an export value of $238.08 billion.

What are 5 exports? ›

Yearly Trade

The most recent exports are led by Refined Petroleum ($138B), Crude Petroleum ($118B), Petroleum Gas ($116B), Cars ($57.5B), and Integrated Circuits ($49.8B).

What are 2 major exports? ›

Top 5 U.S. Exports
  • Oil.
  • Civilian Aircraft Parts.
  • Gasoline and Other Fuels.
  • Liquified Natural Gas (LNG) and Other Petroleum Gases.
  • Passenger Vehicles.
Feb 28, 2024

What are three types of export control? ›

that may also apply to shipping materials outside of the United States, but EAR, ITAR, and OFAC are the key components of federal export controls.

What are the three general classifications for exporting? ›

There are three general classifications for exporting; direct, indirect and third- party.

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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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