Export-Import Procedures (With Flow Chart) (2024)


This article throws light upon the sixteen major export-import procedures. The procedures are: 1. Compliance with Legal Framework 2. Concluding an Export Deal 3. Arranging Export Finance 4. Procuring or Manufacturing of Goods 5. Pre-shipment Inspection 6. Central Excise Clearance on Goods for Exports 7. Packaging, Marking, and Labeling of Goods and Others.

Export-Import: Procedure # 1.

Compliance with Legal Framework:


Each country has its own legal framework for export-import transactions which need to be complied by those entering into international trade.

In the process of executing an export order, an exporter needs to interact with the exporting country’s principal agency governing international trade, i.e., generally, the ministry of commerce and trade or its body, for example, the DGFT in India, customs and central excise authorities, central bank (e.g.. Reserve Bank of India), banks, port trust authorities, insurance company, shipping company or airline, freight forwarders, chambers of commerce, inspection agencies. Export Promotion Council or authority, etc.

Obtaining import export code number:

It is mandatory for every exporter to hold a valid Import-Export Code (IEC) Number for exporting or importing goods from India or into India without which Indian customs would not permit the export-import transaction. The IEC number is required on any other documents prescribed under the Foreign Trade (Development and Regulation) Act, 1992 or the Customs Act, 1962.


The IEC number can be obtained from the Regional Authority (RA) under DGFT. This number needs to be mentioned in various international trade documents, including shipping bill or bill of entry as the case may be.

It is also required for foreign exchange declaration forms, such as Guaranteed Remittance (GR) forms, to be submitted to the negotiating bank. In its efforts to simplify the export-import procedures, the Government of India has dispensed with the requirement of obtaining the RBI Code Number from Reserve Bank of India since 1997.

Registration with sales tax and central excise authorities:

Goods which are shipped out of the country are generally eligible for exemption from the states’ sales tax, central sales tax, and central excise duties. Therefore, Indian exporters are required to get themselves registered with the sales tax authority of the state under the Sales Tax Act varying from state to state.


Both manufacturer and merchant exporters have the option either to deposit the central excise duty at the time of taking goods out of the factory and avail its refund later or take out the goods under a bond to the central excise authority without paying duty.

Once the central excise authorities receive the proof of shipment, including Bills of Lading, Shipping Bill and ARE1/ARE2 Form, exporters running bond account is credited.

Registration with export promotion organization:

For obtaining benefits under the foreign trade policy, an exporter is required to get registered with an appropriate export promotion organization relating to his or her main line of exports. The application for registration needs to accompany by self- certified copy of IEC Number, issued by the Regional Authority.


Besides, Export Promotion Councils, the registration authorities include Marine Products Export Development Authority (MPEDA), Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), Commodity Boards, such as Tea Board, Coffee Board, Spices Board, Jute Commissioner, Khadi and Village Industry Commission (KVIC), Development Commissioners of Special Economic Zones (SEZs), and Federation of Indian Export Organisation (FIEO).

The Export House or Trading Houses need to get themselves registered with FIEO. Export Promotion Agencies issue a Registration-Cum-Membership Certificate (RCMC) which is valid for five years. Exporters are required to submit regular export returns to the registration agency.

Export-Import: Procedure # 2.

Concluding an Export Deal:

While concluding an export deal an exporter should negotiate the terms of the deal in detail, including the price, the product description, and packaging, port of shipment, and delivery and payment terms. The process of concluding an export deal is summarized in Fig. 18.5.


It is recommended that exporters conclude and comply with the written contract rather than relying on verbal agreements so as to avoid future disputes. However, a substantial amount of exports from India, especially in case of gems and jewellery, garments, handicrafts, handloom, etc., are carried out without written contracts.

In case there is no written contract, considerable communication between exporter and importer does take place by way of e-mail, fax, telex, letters, proforma invoice. Letter of Credit, commercial invoice, etc. Under such situations, a ‘constructed contract’ comes into existence.

Thus, under a ‘constructed contract’, the existence of the contract can be inferred from relevant documents, such as e-mail, fax, telex, proforma invoice, Letter of Credit, commercial invoice, etc. However, in such cases an exporter is required to preserve all these documents carefully.


Depending upon the export product and the importing country, the export contracts may differ, but an exporter should take care of the following aspects:

i. Details of contracting party

ii. Description of products, including quality specifications

iii. Quantity


iv. Unit price and total value of the contract

v. Packaging

vi. Marking and labelling

vii. Inspection requirements for quality, quantity, and packaging as per the inspection agency

viii. Shipment details, such as the choice of carrier, place of delivery, date of shipment/ delivery, port of shipment, trans-shipment, etc.

ix. Payment terms, including currency, credit period, if any, and mode of payment, such as Letter of Credit (including type of Letter of Credit, such as revocable, irrevocable, confirmed, unconfirmed, etc.)


x. Insurance requirement and risk liabilities

xi. Documentary requirement for payment realization include number and type of invoices, certificate of inspection, certificate of origin, insurance policy, transport document. Bill of exchange, etc.

xii. Last date of negotiating documents with bank

xiii. Force Majeure, in case of non-performance of contract

xiv. Arbitration

xv. Jurisdiction


Once an exporter receives an export order as above, she/he should examine it carefully to ensure that it serves her/his capability and interest to execute the export deal.

The exporter should also scrutinize it carefully to see if it meets commercial and legal provisions of both the countries of export and import. In case an exporter finds it difficult to fulfil the contractual obligations, such as the quality specifications, delivery schedule, mode of payment, availability of the inspection agency, etc., she/he should ask for an amendment from the importer.

Although export contracts are concluded between two private firms and the government does not interfere in such contracts, these contracts should nevertheless abide by the legislative provisions of both the exporting and importing countries.

Generally, an exporter prepares a proforma invoice mentioning details of the description of goods, number and kind of packaging, marks and container numbers, quantity, rate, amount, etc., as per the contract. The importer returns the signed copy of the proforma invoice, which becomes part of an export contract. The exporter should also examine the Letter of Credit for any discrepancy and ask for amendment, if needed.

Export-Import: Procedure # 3.

Arranging Export Finance:

The exporters may avail packing credit facility from commercial banks, generally at concessional rates, for manufacturing, purchasing, and packaging of goods. Export credit is extended to exporters to meet their working capital requirements.


Pre-shipment credit is generally provided for the following activities:

i. Packing credit or shipping loan in local currency, e.g., in Rupees in India

ii. Packing credit advance in foreign currencies

iii. Advances against export incentives

iv. Import financing for opening Letter of Credit for the importing goods needed as input for manufacture of export goods

v. Export credit, normally given on collateral security through a third party guarantee or mortgage of immovable property


The procedure followed for disbursem*nt of export credit is discussed here:

i. The exporter has to submit an evidence of export, such as an irrevocable Letter of Credit issued by a reputed international bank or confirmed order placed by a foreign buyer.

ii. The bank calculates the amount of packing credit to be granted which generally does not exceed FOB value of the goods.

iii. Generally, banks fix 10 to 25 per cent as margin (i.e., exporters’ contribution) and release the funds debiting to the packing credit amount and credit to the exporters’ account.

iv. The exporter would be required to send the goods through approved transport and forwarding agency.

v. Besides, exporters are also required to take adequate insurance while warehousing and transport of goods.

Export-Import: Procedure # 4.


Procuring or Manufacturing of Goods:

After receiving the confirmed export order, the exporting firm should make preparations for the procurement or production of goods (Fig. 18.6), as the case may be, for merchant or manufacturing exporter respectively.

Different companies have their own internal communication systems which generally involve sending a ‘delivery note’ in duplicate to the factory for manufacture and dispatch of goods to the given port of shipment.

The delivery note should mention in clear terms the description of goods, the quantity, quality specifications, packaging and labelling requirements, the date by which the goods should be manufactured, and the details of formalities, such as pre-shipment inspection and central excise clearance. In case of merchant exporters, similar activities follow in case of procurement of goods instead of their production.

Export-Import: Procedure # 5.

Pre-shipment Inspection:

At the time of exports before clearing the shipment, customs authorities require submission of an inspection certificate in compliance with the rules and regulations of the exporting country under force regarding compulsory quality control and pre-shipment inspection.

Under the Export Quality Control and Inspection Act, 1963, about 1000 commodities, including the major groups of fisheries, food and agriculture, organic and inorganic chemicals, light engineering, jute products, etc., are subject to compulsory pre-shipment inspection.

Inspection of export goods may be carried out in one or more of the following manners:

i. In-process quality control

ii. Self-certification

iii. Consignment-wise quality control

The pre-shipment inspection should be completed before the consignment is sealed by the excise authorities. The exporter has to apply to the nominated export inspection agency for conducting the pre-shipment and quality control inspection for the export consignment and obtain an inspection or quality certificate conforming to the prescribed specifications.

This inspection certificate would be required for customs clearance of cargo before shipment.

Export-Import: Procedure # 6.

Central Excise Clearance on Goods for Exports:

The exports are free from the incidence of indirect taxes as per internationally accepted practice. Therefore, all goods exported from India are exempt from payment of central excise duties.

The act also provides rebate on excise duty levied both on inputs used for manufacture of export products and the final export production under the ‘Export Rebate/Exemption Scheme’ of Rule 18 of Central Excise (No. 2) Rules, 2001 under the Central Excise Act, 1944.

Soon after manufacturing the goods, for getting the central excise clearance, the exporter has to adopt any one of the following options available:

Option I: Export of goods under claim for excise duty rebate:

Under this procedure, the exporter first makes payment on the excise duty and subsequently gets refund (rule 18). Complete refund of excise duty paid on raw materials used for exports and excisable finished goods for exports is allowed except for exports to Nepal and Bhutan.

However, in case the exporter has availed the benefits under the Duty Drawback Scheme or the Central Value Added Tax Credit (CENVAT) on excisable inputs, she/he is not eligible for refund of the excise duty paid.

The exporter has an option to get the goods examined and sealed by central excise authorities at his/her own premises before removal of goods for exports so that the goods are not examined at the port/airport by the customs authorities.

The exporter prepares six copies of ARE1/ARE2 forms and submits them to superintendent of central excise having jurisdiction over the premises of the exporter. The superintendent may depute an inspector of central excise or may in person carry out inspection and sealing of export cargo. The central excise authorities put their seal on the cargo after its examination and their satisfaction.

Option II: Export of goods under bond:

Exporters are allowed to remove excisable goods for exports or inputs for export production from the place of manufacture or warehouse without payment of excise duty under rule 19 using the following procedure:

(i) Examination of goods at the place of dispatch:

The exporter submits four copies of ARE-1 to the jurisdictional central excise authority. However, the exporter has an option to submit the fifth copy of ARE-1 for availing any export facility for her/his record.

On the basis of information furnished, the concerned central excise authority identifies and examines the goods in accordance with rules and regulations laid down in the export import policy and other related regulations in force.

After conforming to these requirements, the goods are allowed to be sealed and an endorsem*nt is made on all the copies of ARE-1 form that the goods have been examined, sealed, and are permitted for exports.

The original and duplicate copies of ARE-1 form are given to the exporter, the triplicate is sent to the central excise (bond) authority and the quadruplicate copy is kept for the purpose of central excise records.

At the time of shipment, the exporter encloses the original and duplicate copy of the ARE-1 form with the Shipping Bill to the customs at the port of loading. Customs authorities verify the examination report and the seal on the goods and permits goods for loading on board the carrier.

Subsequently, an endorsem*nt is made on the original and duplicate copy of ARE-1 by the customs. The original endorsed copy is handed over to the exporter and the duplicate is sent to the concerned central excise authorities.

The exporter submits the original copy endorsed by customs to the concerned central excise authorities as a proof of exports and gets his/her obligation under Legal Undertaking (LUT) or Bond discharged.

(ii) Removal of goods under self certification:

An exporter can move the goods from the factory or warehouse under self-certification in the ARE-1 form. The original and duplicate copies are sent along with the goods while the third and fourth copies are sent to the concerned central excise authorities within 24 hours of removal of goods for verification and record.

The endorsem*nt is made by the customs on ARE- 1 and export is allowed. The exporter submits the original and duplicate to the customs as a proof of exports and discharges his/her obligation under LUT or bond.

(iii) Examination of goods at the place of export:

This is similar to the procedure discussed in the preceding section but in this case, the physical examination of goods is carried out by the customs authorities as per the information furnished in the ARE- 1 form. Subsequently, goods are allowed to be exported and the exporters’ obligation under LUT/bond is discharged.

However, the following conditions need to be observed for central excise clearance:

i. The central excise duty leviable on the goods should not exceed the bond amount

ii. The goods meant for exports must be exported within a period of six months after clearance. However, the period can be extended by the competent central excise authority in special cases.

iii. Proof of export of goods is mandatory for getting LUT or bond discharged.

(iv) Removal of excisable inputs for export production:

The central excise rules provide facility for procurement of excisable goods without payment of excise duty to be used as input in export production. To avail this facility the manufacturer exporter is required to register under rule 9 of Central Excise (No. 2) Rule, 2001. The manufacturer exporter has to furnish details of input-output ratio and the rate of excise duty levied on such excisable goods.

After verification and countersigning by the competent central excise authority, the exporter may avail benefit of removing the goods used as inputs for production without payment of duty. The goods are exported under this case using ARE-2 formalities which are similar to ARE-1.

As a rule, central excise authorities are required to settle all claims within three months from the date of acceptance. For any delay beyond three months, the exporter becomes eligible for getting interest.

Export-Import: Procedure # 7.

Packaging, Marking, and Labeling of Goods:

Proper packaging of export cargo facilitates in minimizing transit and delivery costs and losses. Besides, the insurance companies also insist upon adequate packaging for settling the claims. After packaging, marking of the packages is done so as to facilitate identification of goods during handling, transportation, and delivery. Labeling contains detailed instructions and is carried out by affixing labels on the packs or by stencils.

Export-Import: Procedure # 8.

Appointment of Clearing and Forwarding Agents:

Clearing and forwarding (C&F) agents or freight forwarders are essential links in international trade operations.

They carry out a number of functions, including the following:

i. Advising exporters on choice of shipping routes

ii. Reservation of shipping space

iii. Inland transportation at port

iv. Packing

v. Studying provisions of L/C or contract and taking necessary action accordingly

vi. Warehousing insurance

vii. Complying with port, shipping, and customs formalities

viii. Arranging overseas transport service

ix. Rendering assistance in filing claims

x. Monitoring movements of goods to the importer

xi. General advisory services

The export department of the company prepares detailed instructions regarding shipment of consignment and sends the following documents to the C&F agent:

i. Original export order/export contract

ii. Original letter of credit

iii. Commercial invoice

iv. OR forms (original and duplicate) indicating the IEC number

v. Certificate of origin

vi. Inspection/quality control certificate

vii. Purchase memo (in case of merchant exporters)

viii. Railway receipt/truck/lorry receipt

ix. Consular/customs invoice (if required)

x. ARE-l/ARE-2 forms

xi. Declaration form (in triplicate) by the exporter that the value, specifications, quality, and description of goods mentioned in the shipping bill are in accordance with the export contract and statement made in shipping bill are true.

Export-Import: Procedure # 9.

Arranging Cargo Insurance:

The marine insurance cover is arranged by the export department soon after receiving the documents and obtaining insurance policy in duplicate. The liability to take the insurance cover is determined by the conditions of the export contract. In case of FOB and CFR contracts, the importer has to obtain the insurance cover once the cargo is loaded ‘on board’ the vessel.

In case of CIF contacts, the insurance is to be arranged by the exporter but the policy is to be endorsed in favour of the importer. The nature of risk coverage and insurable value is also specified in the export contract. Other procedural formalities such as arranging ECGC cover, certificate of origin, consular invoice etc., are completed at this stage.

Export-Import: Procedure # 10.

Booking Shipping Space:

While obtaining the excise clearance and pre-shipment inspection by the manufac­turing office, the export department gets the shipping space reserved in the vessel by sending shipping instructions either through the C&F agent or through freight broker who works on behalf of the shipping company. Once the space is reserved, the ship­ping company issues shipping order as a proof of space reservation.

Export-Import: Procedure # 11.

Dispatch of Goods to Port:

On receiving information on reservation of shipping space, the production department makes arrangements for transport of goods to the port of shipment, either by road and obtaining lorry/truck receipt or by rail and obtaining railway receipt. The goods are generally consigned to the port town in the name of the C&F agent.

Indian Railways allots wagons on priority basis for transportation of export cargo to the port of shipment for which the following document are required to be submitted:

i. Forwarding note (a railway document)

ii. Shipping order (proof of booking shipping space)

iii. Receipt of wagon registration fee

After the loading of goods is completed in the allotted wagons, the railway department issues railway receipt (RR).

At this stage, the manufacturing office prepares a ‘Dispatch Advice’ and sends it to the export department along with the following documents:

i. Railway receipt/lorry/truck receipt

ii. ARE-1/2 form

iii. Inspection certificate

Export-Import: Procedure # 12.

Port Procedures and Customs Clearance:

At the port town, procedure for the customs clearance and other port formalities are relatively complex which need not only the knowledge of export procedures but also the ability to get the shipment speedily with least hassles.

Therefore, exporters generally avail the services of C&F agents. The activities related to port procedures and customs clearance for exports from India are summarized for ease of understanding in Fig. 18.7.

After receiving the documents, the C&F agent takes delivery of the consignment from the road transportation company or the railway station.

The cargo is stored in C&F agent’s warehouse till shipment. Soon after receiving the cargo, the C&F agent initiates action to obtain customs clearance and seek permission of port authorities for bringing the cargo to the shipment shed. Customs departments in all countries are entrusted with control of export-import of goods in compliance to the law of the land.

The basic objectives of customs control are:

i. To ensure that goods exported out of the country or imported in to the country comply with various regulations related to export-import

ii. To ensure authenticity of value of goods in the export-import trade and check under-invoicing or over-invoicing.

iii. To accurately assess and collect the customs duty, wherever applicable

iv. To compile the data

The customs department makes both documentary check and physical examination of goods before clearance.

The C&F agent prepares the shipping bill and submits the following documents to the customs house for their clearance:

i. Shipping bill (4-5 copies)

ii. Export order/contract

iii. Letter of credit (original), where applicable

iv. Commercial invoice (one each for Shipping Bill)

v. GR form (original and duplicate)

vi. Inspection certificate (original)

vii. ARE-l/ARE-2 form (original and duplicate)

viii. Packing list, if required

ix. Any other document needed by the customs

These documents are examined by the customs appraiser for:

i. Compliances with the rules, regulations, and other procedural requirements for exports

ii. Declaration of value and quantity in the shipping bill vis-a-vis export order or letter of credit

After value appraisal and examination of documents, the customs appraiser/ examiner makes an endorsem*nt on the duplicate copy of the shipping bill and gives direction to the dock appraiser to the extent of physical inspection required to be made at the docks. Except for the original shipping bill, original GR form and a copy of commercial invoice, all documents are returned to the C&F agent.

The C&F agent submits the Port Trust Copy of the shipping bill to the shed superintendent of port trust and obtains order for carting the cargo in the transit shed for physical examination by the dock appraiser. In case of shed cargo, separate dock challan is prepared, while in case of ship loading over-side, no separate dock challan is needed and the dock charges are mentioned in the shipping bill itself.

For having the physical examination carried out by the dock appraiser, the following documents need to be submitted:

i. Shipping bill (duplicate, triplicate, and export promotion copies)

ii. Commercial invoice

iii. Packing list

iv. Inspection certificate (original)

v. ARE-l/ARE-2 form

vi. GR form (duplicate)

After conducting the physical examination, the dock appraiser endorses ‘Let Export’ on the duplicate copy of the shipping bill and hands it over to the forwarding agent along with all other documents.

The forwarding agent then presents these documents to the preventive officer of the customs department who supervises loading of cargo on vessel, examines and checks content, weight, etc., and makes an endorsem*nt ‘Let Ship’ on the duplicate copy of shipping bill. This endorsem*nt authorizes the shipping company to accept the cargo in the vessel for shipment.

On completion of loading ‘on board’, the master of the vessel issues ‘mate’s receipt’ to the shed superintendent of the port. The C&F agent takes delivery of the mate’s receipt after payment of port charges to the port authorities.

The mate’s receipt is presented to the preventive officer, who makes certification that shipments has taken place on all the copies of the shipping bill, original and duplicate copies of ARE-1/ ARE-2 form, and all other copies which need post-shipment endorsem*nt from the customs.

The mate’s receipt is presented to the shipping company, which in turn issues bills of lading (two or three negotiable in original and about 10 non-negotiable copies) in its exchange.

The bills of lading are prepared in strict accordance to the mate’s receipt. The exporter has to ensure that the bills of lading is ‘clean on board’ since ‘claused’ or ‘dirty’ Bills of lading are generally not acceptable to the importer unless otherwise specifically stipulated in the letter of credit.

Export-Import: Procedure # 13.

Dispatch of Documents to the Exporter:

Soon after obtaining the bills of lading from the shipping company, the C&F agent sends the following documents to the exporter:

i. Full set of ‘clean on board’ bills of lading

ii. Copies of commercial invoice attested by customs

iii. Duty drawback copy of shipping bill

iv. Original export order/export contract

v. Original letter of credit

vi. Copies of consular invoice/customs invoice, if any

vii. ARE-l/ARE-2 forms

viii. OR form (duplicate)

Export-Import: Procedure # 14.

Sending Shipment Advice:

Soon after the shipment, the exporter sends a shipment advice to the importer intimating the importer about the date of shipment, name of the vessel, and it’s expected time of arrival (ETA) at the port of discharge. The shipment advice is accompanied by commercial invoice, packing list (if any), and a non-negotiable copy of bills of lading so as to enable the importer to take delivery of the shipment.

Export-Import: Procedure # 15.

Presentation of Documents at the Negotiating Bank:

Soon after the shipment, the exporter has to present the documents to the negotiating bank as under:

i. Bill of exchange (first and second of original)

ii. Commercial invoice (two or more copies as required)

iii. Full set of ‘clean on board’ bills of lading (all negotiable and non-negotiable as required)

iv. GR form (Duplicate)

v. Export order/contract

vi. Letter of credit (Original)

vii. Packing list

viii. Marine insurance policy (two copies)

ix. Consular and/or customs invoice, if required

x. Bank certificate (in the prescribed form)

The negotiating banks thoroughly scrutinize all the documents strictly as per the terms of the letter of credit.

The bank sends a set of documents to the issuing (importer’s) bank by two consecutive airmails so as to ensure delivery of documents to the importer’s bank and subsequently, subject to fulfilment of importer’s payment obligations as already agreed upon, the importer’s bank hands over these documents to the importer to enable him/her to take delivery of the cargo at destination.

The set of documents sent by the negotiating bank to the issuing bank includes:

i. Bill of exchange

ii. Commercial invoice

iii. Negotiable bills of lading

iv. Insurance policy

v. Customs/consular invoice, if any

vi. Packing list (if any)

vii. Inspection/quality control certificate

viii. Certificate of origin

The payment is made by the negotiating bank on receipt of these documents. Once the payment is received from the importer’s bank, the duplicate copy of the GR form is directly transmitted by the negotiating bank to the Exchange Control Department of the RBI.

The exporter is returned the original copy of bank certificate along with attested copies of commercial invoice. The authorized dealer forwards the duplicate copy of the bank certificate to the jurisdictional DGFT office.

Export-Import: Procedure # 16.

Claiming Export Incentives:

Soon after the shipment, the exporter files claims for getting export incentives as follows:

Claiming excise rebate:

After the shipment, the exporter or his/her C&F agent files claim with the Maritime Commissioner of Central Excise in the port town or jurisdictional central excise authorities for getting refund of the excise duty paid or getting credit in the Personal Ledger Account (PLA) and getting discharge of bond liabilities.

The duplicate copy ARE-l/ARE-2 certified by customs and a non-negotiable copy of bill of lading or shipping bill are the only documents required for the purpose.

Receiving duty drawback:

The exporter has to file duty drawback claim with the drawback department of customs by submitting drawback claim proforma, bank or customs certified copy of commercial invoice, and non-negotiable copy of bills of lading. After examining the exporter’s claim, the duty drawback claim amount is sent to the exporter’s bank under her/his intimation.

Related Articles:

  1. 12 Steps Involved in the Processing of an Export Order – Explained!
  2. 7 Important Documents Used in Import Trade

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Export-Import Procedures (With Flow Chart) (2024)


What is the process flow of import and export? ›

Typically, the procedure for import and export activities involves ensuring licensing and compliance before the shipping of goods, arranging for transport and warehousing after the unloading of goods, and getting customs clearance as well as paying taxes before the release of goods.

What are the steps involved in export procedure? ›

Formalities of Registration and Export Documentation
  • Establishing an Organization.
  • Opening a Bank Account.
  • Obtaining Permanent Account Number (PAN)
  • Obtaining Importer-Exporter Code (IEC) Number.
  • Registration cum membership certificate (RCMC)
  • Selection of product.
  • Selection of Markets.
  • Finding Buyers.

What is the process of setting up an export/import business? ›

Starting an import/export business
  1. Get your business basics in order. ...
  2. Pick a product to import or export. ...
  3. Source your suppliers. ...
  4. Price your product. ...
  5. Find your customers. ...
  6. Get the logistics down.
Oct 22, 2020

How do I make a export checklist? ›

There is a list of documents that you need to go through while you make your way to become export-ready.
  1. Export documents checklist: Export from India. ...
  2. 1.Bill of Lading (BL) ...
  3. 2.Commercial Invoice cum Packing List. ...
  4. 3.Shipping Bill or Bill of Export. ...
  5. 4.Proforma Invoice. ...
  6. 5.Export Order/Purchase Order. ...
  7. 6.Certificate of Origin.
May 31, 2022

What are the 5 steps in the importation process? ›

Businesses must obtain their SFC licence before presenting their shipment at the border.
  • Preparing to import.
  • Classifying your goods.
  • Determining duties and taxes.
  • Shipping and reporting your goods.
  • Getting your goods released.
  • After your goods are released.

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