Explained : Layer 0 , Layer 1 and Layer 2 of Blockchain. [MUST READ] (2024)

The blockchain is like onions, they both have layers. Onions have layers. The blockchainalsohas layers.

Let's peel back the blockchain layers one at a time!

What Is a Layer 1 Blockchain?

Layer 1 is the base blockchain; it can validate and finalize transactions using its own network. Examples of Layer 1 blockchain projects are Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano.

Layer 1 blockchain networks have their own native token, also known as a coin, which is used to pay transaction fees.

Scaling With Layer 1

Layer 1 networks have issues with scaling. When the blockchain struggles to process the number of transactions the network is requiring, the transaction fees increase.

When addressing scaling, you’re faced with theBlockchain Trilemma, a term coined by Vitalik Buterin. This is where you're trying to balance decentralization, security, and scalability. All scaling solutions will attempt to strike a balance between these three.

You could also fund a number of supernodes (by purchasing supercomputers, big servers, etc.) to secure and scale your network. But this would make your blockchain centralized.

There are three main approaches to improving a Layer 1's scalability:block size,changing the consensus mechanism, andsharding.

Increase Block Size

If a Layer 1 network is struggling to handle the number of transactions required, you can increase the block size. This will allow more transactions to be processed in each block.

However, this only scales so far. Larger block sizes can also end up slowing transaction speeds due to the download required for the block data. This is why you can't simply create an infinitely big block. Super-sized blocks would also reduce decentralization.

Consensus Mechanism Changes

Some consensus mechanisms are less scalable than others.

For example, the proof-of-work consensus mechanism is less sustainable and scalable than proof-of-stake. This is why Ethereum is slowly transitioning away from the former to the latter.


Put simply, Sharding is where a set of data is split into smaller, more easily managedshards. This is an easy way to help spread the load. Think about eating a cake, it's much easier to eat it once it's cut into slices and handed out to other people.

Sharding increases the transaction output by dividing the network into different shards. Due to the way the network is divided, each shard doesn't hold all the information from the blockchain. Once a node is finished with its shard, it broadcasts it to the blockchain, where it’s then validated.

This helps spread the workload and, in turn, increases the transaction speed.

What Is Layer 2?

Layer 2 protocols are built on top of the Layer 1 blockchain to address Layer 1's scalability issues.

This is done by creating a secondary framework, which doesn't need the Layer 1 chain — also known as "off the chain".

Two things that Layer 2 can improve are transaction speed (how long one transaction takes), and transaction throughput (how many transactions the network can process in a defined time period).

When the Layer 1 network becomes congested, Layer 2 can pick up the slack to improve transaction times and lower transaction fees.

How Does It Work?

There are a few ways that Layer 2 can solve Layer 1's scalability issue.


Channels are a Layer 2 solution that allow users to transact multiple times off-chain before reporting it to the base layer.

There are two types of channels:state channelsandpayment channels. Payment channels are straight-forward; they allow payments to be dealt with off-chain. On the other hand, state channels are a bit broader; they allow any interactions that could happen on the blockchain to happen off-chain (for example, smart contracts).

An issue with this solution is that the users must be known to the network, meaning, open participation is not an option. These users will also have to lock up their tokens in a multisig contract.


Created by Joseph Poon and Vitalik Buterin, Plasma utilizes smart contracts and numerical trees to create "child chains", which are copies of the original blockchain — also known as the "parent chain".

This framework pushes transactions away from the original chain onto the child chain, in order to improve transaction speed and lower transaction fees.

However, the plasma solution cannot be used to help scale general-purpose smart contracts. Also, users have to wait a period of time before being able to pull their money from Layer 2.


Sidechains have their own independent blockchains that use their own consensus mechanisms and block requirements. They can connect to Layer 1 by using the same virtual machine. This means that all contracts and transactions that can be used on Layer 1 can also be used on sidechains.


The rollup solution groups together (or rolls up) sidechain transactions into a single transaction to generate cryptographic proofs called aSNARK(succinct non-interactive argument of knowledge). Once the SNARK has been generated, it’s broadcasted to the base layer.

There are two types of rollups:ZK rollupsandoptimistic rollups.

Optimistic rollups utilize a virtual machine which makes it easy to migrate from Layer 1 to Layer 2.

ZK rollups are faster and more efficient, but don't use a virtual machine because it makes it harder to move between layers.

What Are Layer 0 Protocols?

Layer 0 protocols allow cross-chain interoperability between Layer 1 projects. This is a major issue with Layer 1; once you're in the ecosystem, it's quite hard to move to another — Layer 0 fixes that.

Not all blockchains built on the same Layer 0 will have the same design. They can use different consensus mechanisms, block parameters, etc.

Often, Layer 0 tokens act as an anti-spam filter, requiring you to stake the Layer 0's token to access their ecosystem.

Layer 0 Example

Cosmosis the most well-known example of a Layer 0 protocol.

They provide open-source tools such asTendermint,Cosmos SDK, andIBCto help developers easily create their own blockchains that can communicate with each other. Their aim is to create the "Internet of Blockchain".

Projects likeBinance,Crypto.com, andPolygonwere created using Cosmos.

Does Layer 3 Exist?


Layer 3 is the protocol(s) that enables blockchain-based applications like dApps, games, storage, etc. Layer 3 is often referred to as the “application layer”.

The “application layer” provides information to Layer 1 for it to process (e.g. smart contracts). Without applications, Layer 1 protocols would be fairly boring. Layer 3 is what gives the base blockchain function outside of just transactions.

Most Layer 1 blockchains allow you to easily build Layer 3 projects directly onto their network, but this isn't possible with Bitcoin. Some forks of Bitcoin are trying to bring dApps to the network, but we're yet to see a true Layer 3 project on the base Bitcoin network.

Bitcoin might be missing out, as blockchains like Ethereum, Solana, and Cardano have flourishing Layer 3 ecosystems that enrich their blockchain.

Often, these projects have cross-chain functionality, such as Uniswap, which allows users to trade assets across different blockchains.

It may be important to note that each blockchain uses a different programming language. This means that Layer 3 applications that provide cross-chain functionalities must be multilingual. For example, translating from Solidity for Ethereum to Haskell for Cardano.

Layer 3 gives the layers below real-world applications outside of just transactions. Now, you can create NFTs, swap your tokens, play games, and so much more. The application layer unlocks the blockchain's full potential.

Does Layer 4 Exist?

No. The layers we've discussed are often referred to as thefour layers of blockchain, but this is because we start counting from 0 in the programming world.


The blockchain has a lot of layers and they're all fairly important. Let's quickly recap them all:

  • Layer 1: The base blockchain network. They validate and finalize transactions but have issues with scaling (e.g. Bitcoin).

  • Layer 2: A scaling solution to Layer 1 protocols. It creates a secondary framework which is used for transactions "off chain" (e.g. Bitcoin Lightning Network).

  • Layer 3: Enables blockchain-based dApps, games, and more. Also known as the application layer (e.g. Uniswap).

  • Layer 0: Enables cross-chain interoperability between Layer 1 protocols (e.g. Cosmos).

I am deeply immersed in the world of blockchain technology, with a comprehensive understanding of its intricate concepts and the latest developments. Over the years, I have closely followed the evolution of various blockchain projects, their underlying technologies, and the challenges they aim to overcome. My expertise extends from fundamental Layer 1 protocols like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Cardano to advanced Layer 2 scaling solutions such as state channels, Plasma, sidechains, and rollups. Additionally, I am well-versed in the innovative Layer 0 protocols, exemplified by projects like Cosmos, which facilitate cross-chain interoperability.

Now, let's delve into the concepts introduced in the article:

  1. Layer 1 Blockchain:

    • Definition: The base blockchain that can independently validate and finalize transactions using its network.
    • Examples: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano.
    • Characteristics: Each has its native token (coin) used for transaction fees.
  2. Scaling With Layer 1:

    • Challenges: Layer 1 networks face scaling issues leading to increased transaction fees.
    • Blockchain Trilemma: Balancing decentralization, security, and scalability.
    • Approaches: Increase block size, change consensus mechanism, sharding.
  3. Layer 2:

    • Definition: Protocols built on top of Layer 1 to address scalability issues.
    • Functions: Improves transaction speed and throughput, particularly during network congestion.
    • Solutions: Channels (state and payment), Plasma, Sidechains, Rollups.
  4. Channels:

    • Types: State channels (for broader interactions), Payment channels (for payments).
    • Limitations: Users must be known to the network, requiring token lockup.
  5. Plasma:

    • Utilizes smart contracts and numerical trees to create child chains.
    • Moves transactions from the original chain to child chains for improved speed and lower fees.
  6. Sidechains:

    • Independent blockchains with own consensus mechanisms connecting to Layer 1.
  7. Rollups:

    • Groups sidechain transactions into a single transaction using cryptographic proofs.
    • Types: ZK rollups (faster, efficient), Optimistic rollups (use virtual machine for easy migration).
  8. Layer 0 Protocols:

    • Purpose: Enable cross-chain interoperability between Layer 1 projects.
    • Example: Cosmos, providing tools like Tendermint, Cosmos SDK, and IBC.
  9. Layer 3:

    • Role: Protocol(s) enabling blockchain-based applications like dApps, games, and storage.
    • Importance: Adds real-world applications beyond transactions.
  10. Layer 4:

    • Non-existent in the context of the discussed layers of blockchain.
  11. Conclusion:

    • Recap: Layer 1 (base blockchain), Layer 2 (scaling solution), Layer 3 (application layer), Layer 0 (cross-chain interoperability).
    • Emphasis on the significance of each layer in unlocking the full potential of blockchain technology.
Explained : Layer 0 , Layer 1 and Layer 2 of Blockchain. [MUST READ] (2024)


What is layer 0 Layer-1 layer 2 blockchain? ›

The layer 0 provides the underlying infrastructure, the layer 1 consists of the decentralized ledger and the consensus mechanism, the layer 2 enables the integration of the blockchain with other systems, and the layer 3 provides the user interface.

What are the Layer-1 and layer 2 blockchain scaling solutions? ›

Layer 1 blockchains achieve scalability by employing methods such as modifying the consensus algorithm and sharding. Layer 2 scaling solutions use state channels, nested blockchains, rollups, and side chains to improve network performance, programmability, transaction requests, and fees.

What is the difference between layer 0 1 2 and 3 blockchain? ›

Key Differences Between Layers 0, 1, 2, and 3

Layer 1 is the core architecture, Layer 2 adds functionalities, and Layer 3 hosts applications built on these functionalities. These layers differ in key aspects, such as consensus mechanisms, scalability solutions, transaction speed & price, and security features.

What is the difference between layer 0 and layer 2? ›

Layer 0 is the underlying infrastructure. Layer 1 is the major blockchains. Layer 2 are solutions built on top of Layer 1 to scale and improve their performance.

What is a Layer 2 blockchain? ›

A Layer 2 solution is a secondary blockchain network, which reduces the load on the parent chain by handling part of its capabilities. Think of Ethereum as a boss whose desk is overflowing with paperwork (validating & executing transactions).

What is the difference between Layer 1 and Layer 2 network? ›

Layer 1 provides the physical infrastructure and encoding schemes, ensuring that data can traverse the network medium accurately. Layer 2 builds upon this foundation, framing data and enabling devices to communicate efficiently.

What is layer 1 blockchain for dummies? ›

The Ethereum network, or layer 1, is what people allude to when they say Ethereum. This layer is in charge of consensus processes, programming languages, block time, dispute resolution, and the rules and parameters that maintain a blockchain network's basic functionality. It is also known as the implementation layer.

What is the main layer 1 blockchain? ›

A Layer 1 (L1) blockchain is a base blockchain on which secondary blockchain networks and applications are sometimes built. Bitcoin and Ethereum are the two biggest L1 blockchains in the world. L1 blockchains provide the basic infrastructure and security that Layer 2 (L2) blockchains need to function.

What is the difference between blockchain 1 and 2? ›

Layer 1 achieves scalability blockchains, utilizing scaling mechanisms such as utilize methods such as changing the consensus mechanism, forking the chain, and sharding. Layer 2 blockchains solutions exist as nested blockchains, rollups, state channels, and sidechains, improving their scalability as compared to L1.

Is Ethereum layer 1 or 0? ›

Ethereum's main network, or Layer 1, is the Ethereum blockchain's base layer, where all transactions are settled. It is highly secure, thoroughly battle-tested, decentralized, and arguably the most trusted blockchain outside of Bitcoin.

What is level 0 vs level 1 blockchain? ›

A foundation for shared security and interoperability – Layer-0 (L0) blockchains. At the strictest and most fundamental level, a L0 is a protocol that is stripped of many of the features you'd find in an L1 blockchain protocol – most notably the ability to create dApps.

What is layer 0 in blockchain? ›

Layer-0 is the lowest layer in the blockchain stack, dealing with the core infrastructure of the blockchain network. It focuses on optimizing data transfer and communication between different blockchain layers.

Why is layer 2 needed? ›

Layer 2 solutions effectively enhance Ethereum's scalability and reduce congestion by processing transactions off the main blockchain. One of the primary methods used by these solutions is known as 'rollups.

Does layer 2 use IP? ›

Requiring no routing algorithm, and not needing IP addresses to forward data, Layer 2 switches are very fast, and cost less than routers. However, broadcast traffic, that is traffic that is sent to every device on the network, is not controlled by Layer 2 switches.

What is l0, L1, l2 in crypto? ›

Layers 0 – 2 are often discussed in blockchain layers. These layers fulfil the following functions:: Layer 0 – Blockchain creation and security. Layer 1 – Foundation layer. Layer 2 – Abstraction layer.

What are the 5 layers of the blockchain? ›

What are the primary layers of blockchain technology? Blockchain consists of five layers: hardware infrastructure, data, network, consensus, and application layers. These layers handle functions from data storage to user-facing applications.

What is Layer 1 in blockchain? ›

A Layer-1 Blockchain refers to the foundational level of blockchain architecture, operating as the primary and autonomous chain on which transactions are directly executed and confirmed, as well as providing the essential infrastructure for decentralized applications and smart contracts.

Is Ethereum Layer 1 or 0? ›

Ethereum's main network, or Layer 1, is the Ethereum blockchain's base layer, where all transactions are settled. It is highly secure, thoroughly battle-tested, decentralized, and arguably the most trusted blockchain outside of Bitcoin.

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