Evangeline Fox (2024)

Evangeline Fox is the daughter of Maximilian and Liana Fox. She started working in her father's curiosity shop when she was twelve years old, but was forced to quit by her stepmother when she was sixteen. Both of her parents died prior to the setting of 'Once Upon A Broken Heart'. Her father died the previous season, and her mother died a couple of years before.

Evangeline travels to the Magnificent North with her stepsister Marisol Tourmaline to attend Nocte Neverending, which kicks off a series of events that teach Evangeline who she truly is.


  • 1 Appearance
  • 2 Personality
  • 3 Plot
    • 3.1 Once Upon a Broken Heart
    • 3.2 The Ballad of Never After
    • 3.3 A Curse for True Love
    • 3.4 Alternate Endings
  • 4 Relationships
    • 4.1 Jacks
    • 4.2 Luc Navarro
    • 4.3 Apollo Acadian
  • 5 Gallery
  • 6 References


Evangeline's hair is rose gold; soft waves of pink, streaked through with pale gold. It is her favorite thing about her appearance. She also has gray eyes, a slender neck and a delicate appearance. She is described to be "looking like a fairytale princess, with her shimmering pink hair and her innocent smile." Evangeline is also described as a stunning, very beautiful girl.


Evangeline is adventurous and compassionate. Her decisions and thoughts often center around her own emotions. She is a good person who will do anything for those she cares about, such as turn herself to stone for the sake of her stepsister and the boy she loved. Evangeline is a romantic, believing in the idea of “love at first sight” and a “fairytale happily ever after”. She has always wanted a love like her parents had.

Evangeline tends to blame herself for things out of her control, including what happened to Luc and Apollo. She tries her best to make amends, even if she isn’t fully at fault.

She is very smart and quick to catch onto things. This is evident through her jumping to action once she finds out that Apollo is alive, and her ability to find the arch stones. Evangeline is quite playful and likes to tease Jacks and provoke him, calling him a “coward” to annoy him. She is outspoken and not afraid to call Jacks out on his cruel actions and lack of empathy for others, and quite brave and bold as she tests the antidote she made for a love spell alone at the castle, despite being a fugitive.

Evangeline has a habit of being too trusting and naive, as seen when she saves Luc after he begs her to free him from a vampire cage, which results in Luc attempting to attack her. Evangeline likes to see the best in people no matter how badly they treat her. This is shown when she believes Marisol despite previous suspicions of her, and opening up to her about the deal she made with Jacks. She reaches out to Jacks many times asking him to trust her, considering him her friend despite his cruel actions and words towards her.


Evangeline had her heart broken, and intended to mend it by speaking to a Fate. After realizing it was dangerous to put her faith in a Fate, she was to overcome many difficult challenges to fix many disastrous situations that came from trying to mend her own broken heart.

Once Upon a Broken Heart[]

Evangeline meets the Prince of Hearts in his church after going there in a last minute attempt to stop the wedding of her step-sister and fiancé. She finds herself striking a deal with him, owing him three kisses, for which he will choose the time and person, in return for him stopping the wedding.

After the bargain is complete and Evangeline returns home, she finds the entire wedding reception turned to statues. Overcome with guilt, Evangeline drinks a magical potion to free the wedding guests, and in turn turns herself to stone.

She stays in this state for six weeks, until a Fate by the name of Poison releases her. Upon turning human, Evangeline realizes that she has become some sort of celebrity, with many suitors coming after her with a wish for marriage.

Later, Evangeline is invited by the Empress Scarlett to have tea with herself and her sister, Donatella. Evangeline accepts the invitation, and Scarlett asks her to be Valenda's ambassador to the Magnificent North, where she will participate in their traditional event, Nocte Neverending. Evangeline agrees, on the condition that she can take her step-sister, Marisol, with her.

When Evangeline arrives at the private dinner held by Prince Apollo the night before Nocte Neverending, she is surprised to find the Prince of Hearts there as well. He conceals his true identity and pretends to be just another young, insolent aristocrat named Lord Jacks, dying his hair a striking shade of dark blue. He is a close confidant of Prince Apollo. Rumors claim he is recovering from a great heartbreak, and that he has been exiled to the North after getting into trouble with a princess from the South, referring to Princess Donatella. Evangeline realizes that Jacks set her up to be the one who would owe him three kisses and also to be the ambassador for the Meridian Empire to meet Prince Apollo.

Her first kiss is to Apollo. The kiss causes him to become obsessed with her, and he proposes to her the second night of Nocte Neverending. The night of Evangeline and Apollo's wedding, Evangeline wishes to break the spell that Apollo is under. Jacks is unhappy with this, but obliges. When the spell is broken, Apollo's heart breaks and he suddenly dies.

Evangeline is accused of killing him, and his tied to a chair. Jacks appears and saves her. She later finds out that Apollo is not dead, but in a deep sleep from a different curse, caused by Jacks.

Evangeline is believed to be the key that can unlock the Valory Arch.

The Ballad of Never After[]

Evangeline is still hurt at Jacks' betrayal and is desperately searching for a way to wake Apollo from his suspended state. After being unsuccessful in finding a cure, Jacks offers a proposition; if she collects the 4 stones and opens the Valory Arch, he will help her wake Apollo. Evangeline refuses despite the arrival of Lucien Jareth of House Acadian, a distant cousin of Apollo who has come to be the Crown Prince following the reported death of Apollo.

Apollo wakes up unexpectedly, due to another curse that has been placed on him, the Archer's curse from the tale "The Ballad of the Archer and the Fox," which causes him to hunt Evangeline. In addition to this curse, a mirror curse is also put in place to link Evangeline and Apollo, so any physical harm that falls on one, befalls the other.

Apollo begins his hunt, but does not want to hurt Evangeline. Jacks saves her on various occasions. In the meantime, they search for the four missing stones to open the Valory Arch in Chaos' vampire castle, where he has an extensive library. The books, however, are not helpful, as their texts shift, change or disappear whenever someone tries to read them. Still, Evangeline gathers enough clues to go looking for the remaining three stones. Chaos is already in possession of the Luck stone.

Evangeline as a living key is the only person that can sense the stones and feels a pull toward them. Evangeline finds the Truth stone in the grave of Glendora Slaughterwood. Evangeline and Jacks are on the Slaughterwood Estate because LaLa becomes betrothed to Lord Robin Slaughterwood and is holding a celebration.

While at LaLa's betrothal party, Evangeline is attacked by Petra Youngblood, another key who is still alive by use of the Youth stone. Evangeline is forced to kill Petra in self defence. Jacks comforts her after the event. While preparing to leave Slaughterwood House, Evangeline is flayed across the back. She is experiencing the mirror curse, meaning Apollo is being tortured. Jacks takes Evangeline to the Hollow, where Jacks heals her before leaving her alone. He returns days later with a stab wound in his ribs. Jacks and Evangeline spend the night together. The next day, Evangeline finds the Mirth stone, explaining Jacks' actions while staying at the Hollow.

Apollo attacks Evangeline again, the same day she is organized to open the Valory Arch. Evangeline and Jacks have a conversation in which he finally confesses the truth. He doesn't want to open the Valory Arch, but wants the stones reunited as they can be used to travel back in time, although just once. He tells her he wants to return to the moment he met Princess Donatella, as she is supposedly his one true love. He wants to fix things so she won't leave him heartbroken for another or try to kill him. Evangeline is sure Jacks doesn't have true feelings for Donatella as Evangeline realizes she loves Jacks and thinks he might feel the same. She pleads with him not to go through with his plan as this will alter the course of time, and Evangeline and Jacks will never meet. He will remember her, but she won't have any memory of him. Jacks insists this is what he wants, and Evangeline respects his choice. He doesn't say goodbye when Evangeline leaves with Chaos to Wolf Hall, and Evangeline opens the Valory Arch.

The Valory Arch contains the members of the Valor family, believed to have been slaughtered. Chaos turns out to be Castor Valor, who had been killed and saved by Jacks who took him to his mother Honora Valor, a great healer. She brought him back to life, but as a result, Castor turned into a vampire with an insatiable hunger. He killed many people, resulting in a magic helmet being put on him to avoid any more deaths. Honora removes the curse of the helmet. Chaos believes himself capable of controlling his urge for blood but in truth, he is not. He attacks Evangeline, biting her neck and draining her blood. Jacks arrives too late to save Evangeline who dies in his arms.

Jacks is devastated at Evangeline's death. He screams and cries tears of blood. He decides to use the stones to turn back time and save Evangeline instead of returning to the moment he met Donatella. He uses the stones and tries to prevent Evangeline from being killed by Chaos. When they open the Valory Arch the second time, he goes with Chaos and Evangeline. After Evangeline opens the Valory Arch and Chaos enters, Jacks hurts Evangeline with hard words to make her leave. She leaves in tears, thinking it is the end for them, and he will use the stones to travel back in time to fix his relationship with Donatella. Jacks is the only one who knows the stones have already been used.

While she is crying, Evangeline realizes she has to tell Jacks she loves him, and as the stories tell, love triumphs above all things, so she believes if they fight for their love together, they can find a way. When she goes back to the Valory Arch to look for Jacks, she finds splattered blood, with flecks of gold. She starts to go into the Valory Arch, but is stopped by Apollo at the door. She is scared he will hurt her due to the Archer's curse, but he tells her the curse was broken by Honora. Evangeline defends Jacks when Apollo blames him for their misfortune, which angers Apollo. His demeanor changes and he attacks her after Evangeline confesses she wished Jacks did not have such a hold on her. Seemingly using magic, he takes away all of her memories of her time in the Magnificent North. Apollo feigns to have just found her when she wakes up, and introduces himself as her husband. Evangeline has no memory of him, but he assures her she is safe with him and he won't let her go.

A Curse for True Love[]

Evangeline is lost in the Magnificent North. She knows nobody, and has no recollection of how she got there. Apollo does not allow her to leave the castle, which makes Evangeline feel as if she's a captive. Apollo assigns a maid to Evangeline, Martine, who is from the Meridian Empire, in hopes of making her feel a little more comfortable.

On walk through the gardens of Wolf Hall, Evangeline strikes trouble and is pushed into a well. She can't swim and is too far down to get out on her own. Someone, unbeknownst to Evangeline, appears at the top and helps her out. A couple of nights later, the same person, who was revealed to be Jacks, scares Evangeline in her room. Despite Evangeline not remembering him, he takes her to a different garden, and tries to teach her to defend herself in case anyone else tries to kill her. He tells her to call him Archer, a reference to Jack being the archer from the Ballad of the Archer and the Fox.

Evangeline soon realizes that Lord Jacks and the Archer are the same person after seeing a wanted banner issues by Apollo which shows a picture of Jacks. She hurriedly rushes to find Apollo and explain her realisation.

Evangeline is almost killed by Byron Belleflower during the Hunt while looking for Apollo, but manages to escape, running into the Cursed Forest. Jacks soon finds her before Chaos can attack her. He stabs Chaos and Evangeline is extremely angered, believing Jacks to be a murderous monster. He grabs Evangeline and leads her out of the forest and to an inn for the night. Jacks tries to blow powder on her, but she knocks the bottle out of his hand, spreading the powder throughout the room. The two of them slowly begin to fall asleep in each others arms. Evangeline finds the letter she addressed to herself inside Jacks’ shirt. Upon reading it, she begins to remember and gets her memories back. When she wakes up, she finds Jacks is gone, but sees an ornate cuff placed around her wrist. In the corridor and the entrance hall of the inn, blood is splattered up the walls, and bodies are on the floor. She spots Jacks’ gold flecked blood and panics.

Apollo finds her with help from Garrick, and tries to get Evangeline to admit that Jacks killed all the people in the inn. Evangeline states it was a vampire, and does not waver from her response. Apollo takes her to the Merrywood Village to help the Valors restore it. Apollo tries to lean in and kiss her but immediately doubles over in pain, with the cuff revealed to be Vengeance Slaughterwood’s cuff of protection. Lala shows up and Evangeline tells her everything that has happened and confesses that she loves Jacks. Lala helps her escape the village into the forest, where they find Jacks. He is acting different, approaching Evangeline. He wraps his hands around her throat, trying to kill her. But he can cause no harm before he stumbles back in pain due to the protective cuff. Chaos appears and takes her away from him. She finds out that the cuff was meant for Aurora Valor and was a gift from Vengeance Slaughterwood. Evangeline learns that Jacks obtained the cuff to put on her to protect her from anyone trying to harm her.

Lala and Evangeline find Aurora, forcing her to explain what is happening to Jacks. She tells him that he made a deal with her to give her his heart in return for the Slaughterwood cuff. Lala and Evangeline travel to the Hollow in search of Jack's heart, but are unable to find it. They learn that he will be heading to the Phoenix Tree to destroy the heart.

Evangeline makes the journey on her own. She arrives at the tree before Jacks, and waits anxiously for him. When he gets there, Evangeline begs for him not to go through with it, but Jacks does not seem to care. She tells him that she loves him, and ridicules him for never trying to break his curse. He just accepts that everyone will die. Evangeline kisses Jacks suddenly, and he can't help but kiss her back. He drops the box containing his heart, and it goes back into his soul. Jacks fights through, and Evangeline survives. They realise that the curse is broken, and they can be together.

Apollo finds Jacks and Evangeline together under the Phoenix Tree. He plucks a leaf, setting the tree on fire, and carried Evangeline away. She has no idea if Jacks escapes the flames. Apollo takes her to the Tree of Souls, a tree that can make him immortal. He places her near the base of the tree thinking it will take Evangeline's life as the cost of him gaining immortality. The cost is the person you love most. Jacks appears, trying to stop it, but is held back by Wolfric Valor and two of his sons, Dane and Lysander.

The group watch as Apollo drinks the blood from the tree, becoming immortal for only a couple of seconds, before the tree starts to absorb him into its trunk. Apollo loves nobody more than he loves himself.

The Valors leave the Tree of Souls, presumably heading back to Merrywood Village. Evangeline and Jacks walk out together, hand-in-hand.

Alternate Endings[]

These alternate endings stay true to Stephanie Garber's theme of stories having infinite endings! She says that these are what "could have been" but many fans see this as an extension of what happened after A Curse for True Love.

In an alternate ending of A Curse for True Love (Barnes & Noble Special Edition), Jacks and Evangeline returned to the Hollow and started cohabiting the inn together. Evangeline loves waking up next to Jacks everyday. She says that seeing him smile still manages to give her a flutter of surprise every time. Jacks stays true to his world and rarely lets Evangeline out of his sight. They both love their home but Evangeline wants to open the inn to guests. The Hollow wants more guests too. She rewrites the welcome sign to the inn which now says:



Jacks joins Evangeline outside (he rarely leaves her side), and sees the new sign. He frowns and says that he thinks it will attract too many people. Evangeline points out that that's the entire point of an inn anyway. Jacks distracts Evangeline by holding her seductively and takes the brush from her. He adds his own touch to the new sign:



In another alternate ending for A Curse for True Love (Waterstones Edition), Evangeline is on her way to the Tree of Souls. She was given the truth stone back by Honora Valor. The stones still hold their individual power, though together they are unable to to turn back time again. Honora says the truth stone will help her with what she wants to do. On her way to the Tree of Souls Evangeline notices that Jacks is following her and doesn't mind. When she passes the tunnel and finally arrives at the Tree, she takes note of Apollo's face still engraved in its bark. Jacks joins her, seeming suspicious of her and asks her what she's doing. He doesn't want her visiting Apollo, because he is jealous. Evangeline says that she isn't necessarily freeing Apollo. She tells Jacks he has changed a lot and she believes that Apollo could change too. Obviously, Jacks disagrees and says Apollo is a monster who got everything he deserved. He says that if it weren't for her, he would have also met a similar fate. He thinks she is far too kind. Evangeline uses Jacks's dagger she always carries around with her and lightly pricks her finger with it. She puts rubs the blood on her finger against the truth stone and writes against the tree:

"If your soul be brave and your love be true, then by your spilled blood may the trapped prince in this tree be freed for you."

By smearing her magical blood on the truth stone and writing with it, Evangeline has made a new prophecy. Of course, Jacks thinks that this is a far too easy way for Apollo to get out and adds his own writing to the tree which creates another timeline and curses true love.



Evangeline first meets Jacks in the Prince of Hearts' church, where she finds him bowed in the corner tearing at his own shirt. She strikes a deal to stop her first love from marrying her stepsister. As a result, Evangeline owes three kisses, which Jacks will choose the person and time at which they occur. Later, the two meet again after Evangeline is invited to the North. She learns that Jacks needs her to open the Valory Arch. She becomes aware that he is only using her as a tool to do this. However, over time, the two start to feel a physical attraction towards one another, and Jacks shows a more protective side. After he pushes her out of the way of an attacking vampire, she questions whether this instinct is solely based off his desire to use her, or if it is something more. In The Ballad of Never After, Evangeline begins to realise her true feelings for him, and suspects Jacks feels likewise through the affectionate moments they share in Merrywood Manor. However, she is unsure if those moments are true, for she soon discovers the Mirth stone hidden in the inn, which Lala warns could cloud their judgment. As Evangeline has her memories stolen by Apollo, Jacks does his best to help her remember, and calls her "Little Fox." Those words resonate with Evangeline, but she can not figure out why until her memories eventually return, and she remembers that her true love is Jacks.

Luc Navarro[]

Evangeline had been secretly dating Luc until Luc and Marisol announced that they were going to get married. After Evangeline reaches out to Jacks for help, she does not see Luc for months, until they run into each other in Chaos' home. Luc tries to get close to Evangeline after becoming a vampire, but Evangeline always tries to hold him at an arm's length. Jacks makes sure of that, too.

Apollo Acadian[]

Evangeline goes to the Magnificent North as the ambassador of Valenda after being chosen by Empress Scarlett and Princess Donatella for Nocte Neverending. As she enters the first ball on the first night, she finds Prince Apollo quite attractive, just like the other girls do. As part of her bargain with Jacks, she kisses Apollo with Jacks' blood on her lips. This places Apollo under a potent love spell, and he becomes obsessed with Evangeline. Under the influence of the love spell, Apollo declares that he has found the love of his life in Evangeline and asks her to marry him. She accepts and they get married. On the night of the wedding, Evangeline removes the spell, but it goes wrong and Apollo goes into a deep sleep. When in the deep sleep, Evangeline does all she can to help Apollo wake up. Eventually he does, but with a new curse, forcing him to hunt her. When the curse is finally broken by Evangeline unlocking the Valory Arch, Apollo takes all of her memories of her time in the Magnificent North, ensuring that she will not run to Jacks. When Jacks helps Evangeline get her memories back, Apollo takes her to a special tree that can make him immortal, thinking it will take Evangeline's life as the cost.


Evangeline Fox (1)

By @bethgilbert_art

Evangeline Fox (2)

Evangeline and Jacks

Evangeline Fox (3)

By @ekatdoodles

Evangeline Fox (4)

Evangeline and Jacks by Rosiethorns88

Evangeline Fox (5)

By morgana0anagrom

Evangeline Fox (6)

by @clarywhy

Evangeline Fox (7)


Evangeline Fox (8)

By @whimsicalillustration

Evangeline Fox (9)

Evangeline & Jacks by @taratjah

Evangeline Fox (10)

Evangeline & Jacks by @timelessprintsca

Evangeline Fox (11)

By @starsthatdream

Evangeline Fox (12)

Jacks and Evangeline Ballad

Evangeline Fox (13)

Evangeline Fox

Evangeline Fox (14)

Little Fox


Main characters (Caraval)
Scarlett DragnaDonatella DragnaJulian SantosLegendNicolas d'ArcyPaloma DragnaMarcello DragnaJacks
Main characters (Once Upon a Broken Heart)
Evangeline FoxJacksLuc NavarroMarisol TourmalineApollo AcadianTiberius AcadianAriel Lagrimas
Minor and supporting characters (Caraval)
Minor and supporting characters (Once Upon a Broken Heart)
Agnes TourmalineMaximilian FoxLiana FoxKristof KnightlingerKutlass Knightlinger
The Fates
Greater FatesThe Murdered KingThe Undead QueenThe Prince of HeartsThe Maiden DeathThe Fallen StarMistress LuckThe AssassinThe Poisoner
Lesser FatesJester MadThe Lady PrisonerPriestess, PriestessHer HandmaidensThe Unwed BrideChaosThe Pregnant MaidThe Apothic
Fated ObjectsThe Shattered CrownHer Majesty's GownThe Blank CardThe Bleeding ThroneThe AracleMap of AllThe Unbitten FruitReverie Key
Fated PlacesTower LostPhantasy OrchardThe MenagerieThe Immortal LibraryCastle MidnightThe ImaginariumThe Vanished MarketFire Undying
Evangeline Fox (2024)
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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.