Eurobond | Definition, Participants, Process, Pros, and Cons (2024)

What Is a Eurobond?

Eurobonds, a widely-used financial instrument in the global capital markets, are debt securities issued by governments, corporations, or financial institutions in a currency different from that of the issuer's home country.

The purpose of Eurobonds is to provide a means for issuers to raise capital in the international markets, diversify their funding sources, and access a broader investor base.

The inception of Eurobonds dates back to the 1960s when Italian motorway network operator Autostrade issued the first Eurodollar bond.

Characteristics of Eurobonds

Currency Denomination

Eurobonds are denominated in a currency other than the issuer's domestic currency, allowing issuers to tap into international capital markets and attract foreign investors.

While the term "Eurobond" might imply that these bonds are denominated in euros, they can be issued in various currencies, such as the US dollar, British pound, or Japanese yen.

Issuance Outside the Domestic Market

A key feature of Eurobonds is that they are issued and traded outside the issuer's home country. This allows issuers to circumvent certain domestic regulations and potentially benefit from more favorable borrowing conditions in international markets.

Types of Eurobonds

There are several types of Eurobonds, catering to the different needs of issuers and investors:

Fixed-Rate Eurobonds

Fixed-rate Eurobonds pay a predetermined interest rate, or coupon, throughout the life of the bond.

Floating-Rate Eurobonds

Floating-rate Eurobonds have variable interest rates that are periodically adjusted based on a reference rate, such as LIBOR or Euribor.

Zero-Coupon Eurobonds

Zero-coupon Eurobonds do not pay periodic interest; instead, they are issued at a discount to their face value and redeemed at par upon maturity.

Dual-Currency Eurobonds

Dual-currency Eurobonds pay interest in one currency and principal in another, offering investors exposure to multiple currencies.

Equity-Linked Eurobonds

Equity-linked Eurobonds, such as convertible or exchangeable bonds, give investors the option to convert their bonds into shares of the issuing company under specific conditions.

Eurobond | Definition, Participants, Process, Pros, and Cons (1)

Maturity and Redemption Options

Eurobonds typically have medium to long-term maturities, ranging from five to 30 years. Some Eurobonds may also include embedded options, such as put or call provisions, giving issuers or bondholders the right to redeem the bonds before their maturity date.

Eurobond Market Participants


Eurobonds can be issued by various entities, including:

1. Governments: Sovereign nations may issue Eurobonds to finance budget deficits or refinance existing debt.

2. Supranational organizations: Entities such as the World Bank and the European Investment Bank issue Eurobonds to fund development projects and support member countries.

3. Corporations: Companies may issue Eurobonds to raise capital for expansion, acquisitions, or debt refinancing.

4. Financial institutions: Banks and other financial institutions may issue Eurobonds to meet regulatory capital requirements or fund their lending activities.


    Investors in Eurobonds include:

    1. Institutional investors: Pension funds, insurance companies, and asset managers invest in Eurobonds as part of their diversified fixed-income portfolios.

    2. Retail investors: Individual investors may also invest in Eurobonds, either directly or through investment vehicles such as mutual funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


      Intermediaries play a crucial role in the Eurobond market:

      1. Underwriters: Investment banks and financial institutions underwrite Eurobond issuances, helping issuers structure, price, and sell their bonds.

      2. Eurobond market makers: Market makers facilitate trading in the secondary market by providing liquidity and maintaining bid-ask spreads for Eurobonds.

        Benefits of Eurobonds

        Issuers and investors can both benefit from Eurobonds in various ways:

        Diversification of Funding Sources

        By issuing Eurobonds, issuers can diversify their funding sources, reducing reliance on domestic capital markets and decreasing their vulnerability to local economic fluctuations.

        Access to International Capital Markets

        Eurobonds allow issuers to tap into global capital markets and attract a broader range of investors, potentially leading to increased demand and more favorable pricing for their bonds.

        Potentially Lower Borrowing Costs

        Issuing Eurobonds may result in lower borrowing costs for issuers if the interest rates in international markets are more attractive than those available domestically.

        Flexibility in Issuance Terms

        Eurobonds offer issuers flexibility in determining the currency, interest rate structure, maturity, and redemption options, allowing them to tailor the bond terms to their specific financing needs and risk profiles.

        Risks Associated With Eurobonds

        Investing in Eurobonds carries certain risks, including:

        Exchange Rate Risk

        Investors in Eurobonds face the risk of currency fluctuations, as changes in exchange rates can affect the value of their investments and the income they receive.

        Interest Rate Risk

        Interest rate movements can impact the market value of Eurobonds, especially those with fixed interest rates. Risk of rising interest rates may lead to a decline in bond prices, while falling rates may result in price appreciation.

        Credit Risk

        Credit risk happens when Investors face the risk that the issuer may default on its interest or principal payments, which can lead to a loss of investment and potential legal complications.

        Liquidity Risk

        Some Eurobonds may be less liquid than domestic bonds, making it more challenging for investors to buy or sell them in the secondary market without affecting their prices.

        Legal and Regulatory Risk

        Investing in Eurobonds may expose investors to legal and regulatory risks, as different jurisdictions have varying rules governing the issuance and trading of these securities.

        Eurobond | Definition, Participants, Process, Pros, and Cons (2)

        Eurobond Issuance Process

        The Eurobond issuance process typically involves the following steps:

        Appointment of Underwriters

        Issuers select underwriters, often investment banks or financial institutions, to assist them in structuring, pricing, and marketing their Eurobonds.

        Preparation of Offering Documents

        Issuers, in collaboration with their underwriters, prepare offering documents that provide information about the bond's terms, the issuer's financial condition, and the risks associated with the investment.

        Marketing and Roadshows

        Underwriters and issuers conduct marketing activities, such as roadshows, to gauge investor interest and gather feedback on the proposed bond terms.

        Pricing and Allocation

        Based on investor demand and prevailing market conditions, underwriters and issuers determine the final pricing and allocate the bonds to investors.

        Settlement and Listing

        After the allocation process, the bonds are settled and listed on an exchange or trading platform, allowing investors to trade them in the secondary market.

        Eurobond | Definition, Participants, Process, Pros, and Cons (3)

        Investing in Eurobonds

        Factors to Consider When Investing in Eurobonds

        Investors should consider several factors when investing in Eurobonds, including:

        1. Credit quality: Assess the issuer's creditworthiness and the potential risk of default.

        2. Currency exposure: Consider the impact of currency fluctuations on the investment's value and income.

        3. Interest rate environment: Evaluate the potential effects of interest rate changes on bond prices.

        4. Time horizon: Match the bond's maturity with the investor's investment horizon and liquidity needs.

          Eurobond Investment Vehicles

          Investors can gain exposure to Eurobonds through various investment vehicles:

          1. Direct investment: Investors can purchase Eurobonds directly from issuers or in the secondary market.

          2. Mutual funds: Eurobond mutual funds pool investors' assets and invest in a diversified portfolio of Eurobonds, providing professional management and risk diversification.

          3. Exchange-traded funds (ETFs): Eurobond ETFs track specific indices or market segments and trade on exchanges like stocks, offering investors liquidity and ease of trading.

            Regulatory Framework and Taxation of Eurobonds

            International Regulations

            Eurobonds are subject to international regulations, such as the rules set by the International Capital Market Association (ICMA), which aims to promote fair and efficient functioning of the global bond markets.

            Local Regulations in Various Jurisdictions

            Issuers and investors must also comply with the local regulations of the jurisdictions in which the Eurobonds are issued and traded, as these may vary significantly across countries.

            Tax Implications for Issuers and Investors

            The taxation of Eurobonds depends on the specific tax laws of the issuer's and investor's jurisdictions. Issuers may be subject to withholding taxes on interest payments, while investors may be taxed on their interest income or capital gains from the bonds.

            Notable Eurobond Issuances and Case Studies

            Historical Eurobond Issuances

            The first Eurobond was issued in 1963 by Autostrade, an Italian motorway network operator, which raised $15 million in US dollars to fund its expansion plans.

            This landmark issuance marked the beginning of the Eurobond market, which has since grown into a significant segment of the global capital markets.

            Recent and Innovative Eurobond Examples

            In recent years, several notable Eurobond issuances have taken place, including:

            1. Apple Inc.'s multi-currency Eurobond issuance in 2015, raising over $2 billion in various currencies, including euros, Swiss francs, and British pounds.

            2. Argentina's $16.5 billion Eurobond issuance in 2016, marking its return to international capital markets after a 15-year hiatus due to a sovereign debt default.

            3. The African Development Bank's issuance of the first "pandemic response" Eurobond in 2020, raising $3 billion to support African countries in combating the COVID-19 pandemic.


              Eurobonds have emerged as an essential component of the global financial landscape, serving as a valuable source of international capital for issuers and presenting opportunities for diversification and foreign market exposure for investors.

              It is crucial for issuers and investors to remain informed and adapt their strategies to harness the potential of Eurobonds effectively while managing the inherent risks and challenges associated with this financial instrument.

              The future of Eurobonds is likely to be shaped by several factors, including global economic shifts, technological innovations, and an evolving regulatory environment.

              Additionally, the growing focus on sustainability and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors may lead to the expansion of sustainable and green bonds.

              By staying abreast of these developments and adjusting their financing and investment strategies accordingly, issuers and investors can continue to benefit from the opportunities offered by Eurobonds in the ever-changing global financial landscape.

              Eurobond FAQs

              A Eurobond is a bond issued outside the country of the currency in which it is denominated. It is issued in a currency other than the currency of the country where it is issued.

              Eurobonds are different from other bonds because they are issued outside the country of the currency in which they are denominated. They are also not subject to the laws and regulations of the country where they are issued.

              Eurobonds are usually issued by large corporations, financial institutions, and governments.

              Investing in Eurobonds provides investors with access to international capital markets and allows for diversification of their investment portfolios. Eurobonds also typically offer higher yields than domestic bonds due to the increased risk associated with investing in foreign currency.

              Investing in Eurobonds carries certain risks such as exchange rate risk, political risk, and credit risk. Exchange rate risk arises due to fluctuations in exchange rates between the currency of the investor and the currency in which the Eurobond is denominated. Political risk refers to the possibility of changes in government policies that may impact the value of the Eurobond. Credit risk is the possibility that the issuer may default on their payments.

              Eurobond | Definition, Participants, Process, Pros, and Cons (4)

              About the Author

              True Tamplin, BSc, CEPF®

              True Tamplin is a published author, public speaker, CEO of UpDigital, and founder of Finance Strategists.

              True is a Certified Educator in Personal Finance (CEPF®), author of The Handy Financial Ratios Guide, a member of the Society for Advancing Business Editing and Writing, contributes to his financial education site, Finance Strategists, and has spoken to various financial communities such as the CFA Institute, as well as university students like his Alma mater, Biola University, where he received a bachelor of science in business and data analytics.

              To learn more about True, visit his personal website or view his author profiles on Amazon, Nasdaq and Forbes.

              Eurobond | Definition, Participants, Process, Pros, and Cons (2024)


              What are the disadvantages of Eurobonds? ›

              Eurobonds have a number of advantages, but there are significant disadvantages of eurobonds:
              • Investors may be exposed to regulatory risks when purchasing these bonds.
              • For both investors and issuers, these bonds may pose a currency risk.
              • Companies with lower credit ratings are not able to issue eurobonds.

              What are the advantages of Eurobond markets? ›

              Flexibility to choose a favorable country to originate bonds and currency. A country choice with lower interest rates. Avoidance of currency risk or forex risk by using Eurobonds. Access to a huge range of bond maturity periods that can be chosen by the issuer.

              What is the risk of Eurobond? ›

              Investors in Eurobonds face the risk of currency fluctuations, as changes in exchange rates can affect the value of their investments and the income they receive.

              Why might US investors continue to purchase Eurobonds despite the fact that the US corporate bond market is well developed? ›

              Eurobonds are denominated in a foreign currency, which can help investors to diversify the existing investment portfolio against the currency exchange rate risk. Particularly, this strategy can help investors to avoid the potential loss caused by a depreciation in the U.S dollar.

              What are the three major appealing features of the Eurobond market? ›

              Investors continue to demand Eurobonds for privacy, portfolio diversification, and exchange rate risk management.

              Why corporations issue Eurobonds rather than domestic bonds? ›

              D. Eurobonds are bonds that are issued in a currency other than the currency of the country in which they are sold. Since Eurobonds are outside the direct control of the U.S. monetary authorities, they often have lower costs than domestic bonds because the cost of regulatory compliance is lower.

              What is Eurobond in simple words? ›

              A Eurobond is a bond issued offshore by governments or corporates denominated in a currency other than that of the issuer's country. Eurobonds are usually long-term debt instruments. Eurobonds are typically denominated in US Dollars (USD).

              Are Eurobonds taxable? ›

              A basic feature of the eurobond market is that the securities issued are all bearer rather than registered, and no tax is witheld on interest payments. In addition in most cases companies can offset the cost of interest payments against their taxable income in the home country.

              Are Eurobonds unsecured? ›

              Eurobonds are a form of unsecured medium- or long-term borrowing made by issuing bonds which pay regular interest payments and a final capital repayment at par. Eurobonds are issued and traded internationally and are often not denominated in a currency native to the country of the issuer.

              How many types of Eurobond are there? ›

              Whether it's fixed rate bonds for stability, floating rate bonds for flexibility, zero-coupon bonds for long-term appreciation, convertible or equity-linked bonds for potential upside, green bonds for sustainable investing, or sovereign bonds for secure investments, Eurobonds provide ample opportunities for investors ...

              What is an Eurobond buyback? ›

              From the context of the sovereign (Kenya), a buyback describes the process by which the repurchase of issued securities from holders or investors before the set maturity debt is done by the issuer. In the case of the 2014 Eurobond, a buyback implies that Kenya is seeking to buy out some of the Sh320.

              What is the difference between a foreign bond and a Eurobond? ›

              Issuance Location: Eurobonds can be issued anywhere globally, while foreign bonds are issued in a specific foreign country. Investor Base: Eurobonds attract a broader international investor base, while foreign bonds tend to be more targeted toward investors in the country where they are issued.

              What are the advantages and disadvantages of the eurocurrency market? ›

              Advantages and Disadvantages of Eurocurrency Markets

              They can simultaneously offer lower interest rates for borrowers and higher interest rates for lenders. That is mostly because eurocurrency markets are less regulated. On the downside, eurocurrency markets face higher risks, particularly during a run on the banks.

              What is the Eurobond issue? ›

              A Eurobond is a bond issued offshore by governments or corporates denominated in a currency other than that of the issuer's country. Eurobonds are usually long-term debt instruments. Eurobonds are typically denominated in US Dollars (USD).

              What are three disadvantages of bonds? ›

              Cons of Buying Bonds
              • Values Drop When Interest Rates Rise. You can buy bonds when they're first issued or purchase existing bonds from bondholders on the secondary market. ...
              • Yields Might Not Keep Up With Inflation. ...
              • Some Bonds Can Be Called Early.
              Oct 8, 2023

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              Author: Dan Stracke

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              Author information

              Name: Dan Stracke

              Birthday: 1992-08-25

              Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

              Phone: +398735162064

              Job: Investor Government Associate

              Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

              Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.