Ethereum (2024)

This page introduces the Ethereum adapter suitable for all the Ethereum clients that expose the web3 RPC interface over websockets.

This adapter relies on web3js 1.2.x that is the stable version coming from 1.0.0-beta.37

Hyperledger Besu and Geth are the current tested clients. The tests are driven via standard Ethereum JSON-RPC APIs so other clients should be compatible once docker configurations exist.

Hyperledger Besu does not provide wallet services, so the contractDeployerPassword and fromAddressPassword options are not supported and the private key variants must be used.

Some highlights of the provided features:

  • configurable confirmation blocks threshold

The page covers the following aspects of using the Ethereum adapter:

  • how to assemble a connection profile file, a.k.a., the blockchain network configuration file;
  • how to use the adapter interface from the user callback module;
  • transaction data gathered by the adapter;
  • and a complete example of a connection profile.

The JSON network configuration file of the adapter essentially defines which contract are expected to be on the network and which account the adapter should use to deploy the pointed contracts and which account use to invoke them. Contract necessary for the benchmark are automatically deployed at benchmark startup while the special registry contract needs to be already deployed on the network. ABI and bytecode of the registry contract are reported in the src/contract/ethereum/registry/registry.json.

Connection profile example

We will provide an example of the configuration and then we’ll in deep key by key

{ "caliper": { "blockchain": "ethereum", "command" : { "start": "docker-compose -f network/ethereum/1node-clique/docker-compose.yml up -d && sleep 3", "end" : "docker-compose -f network/ethereum/1node-clique/docker-compose.yml down" } }, "ethereum": { "url": "ws://localhost:8545", "contractDeployerAddress": "0xc0A8e4D217eB85b812aeb1226fAb6F588943C2C2", "contractDeployerAddressPassword": "password", "fromAddress": "0xc0A8e4D217eB85b812aeb1226fAb6F588943C2C2", "fromAddressPassword": "password", "transactionConfirmationBlocks": 12, "contracts": { "simple": { "path": "src/contract/ethereum/simple/simple.json", "gas": { "open": 45000, "query": 100000, "transfer": 70000 } } } }}

The top-level caliper attribute specifies the type of the blockchain platform, so Caliper can instantiate the appropriate adapter when it starts. To use this adapter, specify the ethereum value for the blockchain attribute.

Furthermore, it also contains two optional commands: a start command to execute once before the tests and an end command to execute once after the tests. Using these commands is an easy way, for example, to automatically start and stop a test network. When connecting to an already deployed network, you can omit these commands.

These are the keys to provide inside the configuration file under the ethereum one:

  • URL of the RPC endpoint to connect to. Only websocket is currently supported.
  • Deployer address with which deploy required contracts
  • Deployer address private key the private key of the deployer address
  • Deployer address password to unlock the deployer address
  • Address from which invoke methods of the benchmark
  • Private Key the private key of the benchmark address
  • Password to unlock the benchmark address
  • Number of confirmation blocks to wait to consider a transaction as successfully accepted in the chain
  • Contracts configuration

The following sections detail each part separately. For a complete example, please refer to the example section or one of the example files in the network/ethereum directories


The URL of the node to connect to. Any host and port can be used if it is reachable. Currently only websocket is supported.

"url": "ws://localhost:8545"

Unfortunately, HTTP connections are explicitly disallowed, as

  1. there is no efficient way to guarantee the order of transactions submitted over http, which leads to nonce errors, and
  2. this adapter relies on web3.js, and this library has deprecated its support for RPC over HTTP.

Deployer address

The address to use to deploy contracts of the network. Without particular or specific needs it can be set to be equal to the benchmark address. Its private key must be hold by the node connected with URL and it must be provided in the checksum form (the one with both lowercase and uppercase letters).

"contractDeployerAddress": "0xc0A8e4D217eB85b812aeb1226fAb6F588943C2C2"

Deployer address private key

The private key for the deployer address. If present then transactions are signed inside caliper and sent “raw” to the ethereum node.

"contractDeployerAddressPrivateKey": "0x45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8"

Deployer address password

The password to use to unlock deployer address. If there isn’t an unlock password, this key must be present as empty string. If the deployer address private key is present this is not used.

"contractDeployerAddressPassword": "gottacatchemall"

Benchmark address

The address to use while invoking all the methods of the benchmark. Its private key must be hold by the node connected with URL and it must be provided in the checksum form (the one with both lowercase and uppercase letters).

"fromAddress": "0xc0A8e4D217eB85b812aeb1226fAb6F588943C2C2"

Benchmark address seed

As an alternative to fromAddress, fromAddressPrivateKey, and fromAddressPassword the network configuration can use a fixed seed and derive needed addresses via BIP-44 key derivation. Each caliper test worker will generate an address for use as fromAddress and fromAddressPrivateKey using the derivation path m/44'/60'/<x>'/0/0, where is the `clientIdx` passed into `getContext`.

This configuration does not override fromAddress, but it takes priority over fromAddressPrivateKey and fromAddressPassword.

"fromAddressSeed": "0x3f841bf589fdf83a521e55d51afddc34fa65351161eead24f064855fc29c9580"

Benchmark address private key

The private key for the benchmark address. If present then transactions are signed inside caliper and sent “raw” to the ethereum node.

This configuration takes priority over fromAddressPassword.

"fromAddressPrivateKey": "0x45a915e4d060149eb4365960e6a7a45f334393093061116b197e3240065ff2d8"

Benchmark address password

The password to use to unlock benchmark address. If there isn’t an unlock password, this key must be present as empty string. If the benchmark address private key is present this is not used.

"fromAddressPassword": "gottacatchemall"

Confirmation blocks

It is the number of blocks the adapter will wait before warn Caliper that a transaction has been successfully executed on the network. You can freely tune it from 1 to the desired confirmations. Keep in mind that in the Ethereum main net (PoW), 12 to 20 confirmations can be required to consider a transaction as accepted in the blockchain. If you’re using different consensus algorith (like clique in the example network provided) it can be safely brought to a lower value. In any case it is up to you.

"transactionConfirmationBlocks": 12

Contract configuration

It is the list, provided as a json object, of contracts to deploy on the network before running the benchmark. You should provide a json entry for each contract; the key will represent the contract identifier to invoke methods on that contract.

For each key you must provide a JSON object with the path field pointing to the contract definition file.

It is also strongly recommended to specify a gas field, which is an object with one field per contract function that you will call in your test. The value of these fields should be set to the amount of gas that will be required to execute your transaction. There is no need for this number to be an exact match, as it’s used to set the gas limit for the transaction, so if your transaction might have a variable gas cost, just set this value to the highest gas usage that you would expect to see for your transaction.

Note: If you do not specify the gas for your contract functions, web3 will automatically call out to your node to estimate the gas requirement before submitting the transaction. This causes three problems. First, it means that your transaction will effectively execute twice, doubling the load on the node serving as your RPC endpoint. Second, the extra call will add significant additional latency to every transaction. Third, your transactions may be reordered, causing transaction failures due to out of order nonces.

"contracts": { "simple": { "path": "src/contract/ethereum/simple/simple.json", "gas": { "open": 45000, "query": 100000, "transfer": 70000 } }, "second": { "path": "src/contract/ethereum/second/second.json", "gas": { "function": 12345 } }}

Contract definition file

Contract definition file is a simple JSON file containing basic information to deploy and use an Ethereum contract. Four keys are required:

  • Name
  • ABI
  • Byetcode
  • Gas

Here is an example:

{ "name": "The simplest workload contract", "abi": [{"constant":true,"inputs":[{"nam......ype":"function"}], "bytecode": "0x608060405.........b0029", "gas": 259823}


It is a name to display in logs when the contract gets deployed. It is only a description name.


It is the ABI generated when compiling the contract. It is required in order to invoke methods on a contract.


It is the bytecode generated when compiling the contract. Note that since it is an hexadecimal it must start with the 0x.


It is the gas required to deploy the contract. It can be easily calculated with widely used solidity development kits or querying to a running Ethereum node.

The user callback modules interact with the adapter at two phases of the tests: during the initialization of the user module (the init callback), and when submitting invoke or query transactions (the run callback).

The init Callback

The first argument of the init callback is a blockchain object. We will discuss it in the next section for the run callback.

The second argument of the init callback is a context, which is a platform-specific object provided by the backend blockchain’s adapter. The context object provided by this adapter is the following:

{ fromAddress: "0xA89....7G" web3: Web3}

The fromAddress property is the benchmark address while web3 is the configured instance of the Web3js client.

The run Callback

The blockchain object received (and saved) in the init callback is of type Blockchain you can find in packages/caliper-core/lib/blockchain.js, and it wraps the adapter object (if you know what you are doing, it can be reached at the blockchain.bcObj property). The blockchain.bcType property has the ethereum string value.

Invoking a contract method

To submit a transaction, call the blockchain.invokeSmartContract function. It takes five parameters: the previously saved context object, the contractID of the contract (that is the key specified here), an unused contract version (you can put whatever), the invokeData array with methods data and a timeout value in seconds that is currently unimplemented (the default web3js timeout is used).

The invokeData parameter can be a single or array of JSON, that must contain:

  • verb: string. Required. The name of the function to call on the contract.
  • args: mixed[]. Optional. The list of arguments to pass to the method in the correct order as they appear in method signature. It must be an array.
let invokeData = [{ verb: 'open', args: ['sfogliatella', 1000]},{ verb: 'open', args: ['baba', 900]}];return blockchain.invokeSmartContract(context, 'simple', '', invokeData, 60);

Currently each method call inside invokeData is sent separately, that is, they are NOT sent as a batch of calls on RPC.

Querying a contract

To query a state on a contract state, call the blockchain.querySmartContract function that has exactly same arguments as the blockchain.invokeSmartContract function. The difference is that it can’t produce any change on the blockchain and node will answer with its local view of data. For backward compatibility reasons also the blockchain.queryState is present. It takes five parameters: the previously saved context object, the contractID of the contract, an unused contract version, the key to request information on and fcn to point which function call on the contract. fcn function on the contract must accept exactly one parameter; the key string will be passed as that parameter. fcn can also be omitted and the adapter will search on the contract for a function called query.

Querying a value in a contract is always counted in the workload. So keep it in mind that if you think to query a value when executing a workload.

Querying a chaincode looks like the following:

let queryData = [{ verb: 'queryPastryBalance', args: ['sfogliatella']},{ verb: 'queryPastryBalance', args: ['baba']}];return blockchain.querySmartContract(context, 'pastryBalance', '', queryData, 60);


let balance = blockchain.queryState(context, 'simple', '', 'sfogliatella');

assuming that simple contract has the query function that takes only one argument.

Like invoke, currently there is not any support for batch calls.

The previously discussed invokeSmartContract and queryState functions return an array whose elements correspond to the result of the submitted request(s) with the type of TxStatus. The class provides some standard and platform-specific information about its corresponding transaction.

The standard information provided by the type are the following:

  • GetID():string returns the transaction ID for invokeSmartContract, null for queryState and querySmartContract.
  • GetStatus():string returns the final status of the transaction, either success or failed.
  • GetTimeCreate():number returns the epoch when the transaction was submitted.
  • GetTimeFinal():number return the epoch when the transaction was finished.
  • IsVerified():boolean indicates whether we are sure about the final status of the transaction. Always true for successful transactions. False in all other cases.


The Caliper codebase is released under the Apache 2.0 license. Any documentation developed by the Caliper Project is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. You may obtain a copy of the license, titled CC-BY-4.0, at

Ethereum (2024)


Could Ethereum reach $10,000? ›

However, there are necessary conditions for Ethereum to reach a value of $10,000. One crucial factor would be the continued restoration of investors' trust in the crypto market, which needs to be widespread to establish a conducive atmosphere for Ethereum's substantial and sustained growth.

Could Ethereum hit $5,000? ›

The long-term potential for Ethereum and other cryptocurrencies to disrupt economic systems is high, pointing to long-term price targets far beyond $5,000. However, the short-term future is uncertain and it could take a long time to triple Ethereum's price.

Will Ethereum recover in 2023? ›

Ethereum Price Prediction for 2023

The price may rise beyond $2000 and settle around $2200 by the end of H1 2023. Further, during the second half, the price levels are believed to remain elevated and close the yearly trade at around $2500 to $2800.

Can Ethereum reach $50,000? ›

As a major milestone that has been forecasted by analysts and experts for Bitcoin (BTC) to reach in the long term, many traders and investors also want to know if Ethereum can hit $50,000 someday. YES! Ethereum could reach $50,000 by the end of 2029 as per the price forecast of experts at the Price Prediction.Net.

Will ETH ever reach $20,000? ›

Ethereum could reach $20,000 by 2025 according to a Finder's panel. Ethereum has since been gaining momentum, starting out at $1,000 at the beginning of the year and reaching an all time high of $4,196.63, according to Coin Metrics. Before losing steam and dropping down to its current price at $2,400.

Will Ethereum reach $30,000? ›

Bennet has set a target of $30,000 for Ethereum by May 2022.

How high can Ethereum actually go? ›

How high can ethereum go? According to Telegaon on 18 April 2023, ETH could trade at $45,128.53 in 2050, while CaptainAltCoin suggested it could reach $85,001.31 by 2040.

What will Ethereum be worth in 2040? ›

Ethereum Price Predictions
YearPrice Prediction
1 more row

Can Ethereum reach $25,000? ›

End of 2030 — With the rate of crypto adoption showing no signs of slowing, there's scope for ETH to become more widely accepted by big companies. Should this occur, there's undoubtedly scope that Ethereum could surpass the $25,000 level and reach $28,000 by 2030.

Could Ethereum reach $100,000? ›

According to many respected crypto experts worldwide, Ethereum can reach a value of $100,000 per token.

Is it better to buy Bitcoin or Ethereum? ›

While Ethereum might be deserving of a spot in your portfolio, Bitcoin provides investors with a safer and more dependable option. Likely the greatest advantage Bitcoin has over Ethereum is its simplicity.

How many Ethereum are left? ›

Basic Info. Ethereum Supply is at a current level of 118.40M, down from 118.42M yesterday and down from 118.92M one year ago. This is a change of -0.01% from yesterday and -0.43% from one year ago.

Will Ethereum hit $10k by the end of the year? ›

Despite the fluctuations in the crypto market, Hayes believes that Ethereum can hit $10,000 at the end of 2022 once the bullish trend carries on.

What would $100 in Ethereum be worth today? ›

The conversion value for 100 ETH to 186077 USD. BeInCrypto is currently using the following exchange rate 1860.77. You can convert ETH to other currencies like MATIC, USDC or BNB. We updated our exchange rates on 2023/05/03 02:38.

What if you invested $1,000 in Ethereum? ›

The $1,000 investment in Ethereum at launch would be worth $2,579,200.12 today based on a price of $1,908.61 at the time of writing. At its all-time high of $4,815 set in November 2021, the $1,000 investment in Ethereum at the time of launch would have been worth $6,506,750.25.

What will 1 Ethereum be worth in 2050? ›

Ethereum Price Prediction 2050 | Ethereum Price Forecast 2050
YEAREthereum (ETH) Price Prediction
2050$41,213 to $50,156
Feb 21, 2023

How much will 1 Ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum Price Prediction 2030

Our ETH price prediction 2030 indicated the coin may record a significant high of $14,088 by the end of 2030. At the same time, the minimum and average ETH value for the year may be around $9,392 and $11,740.

How high can Ethereum go in 10 years? ›

How much will Ethereum be worth in 10 years? If you invest in Ethereum today, as with any investment, a long term increase is expected. The price of ETH could possibly rise to $23,589.73 within the next 10 years.

Which crypto will explode in 2023? ›

8. Lucky Block (LBLOCK) – Crypto Casino with Instant Payouts and Sportsbook. In the casino space, some analysts believe that the next cryptocurrency to explode in 2023 will be Lucky Block (LBLOCK). Unlike traditional online casinos, Lucky Block cuts out the need to complete the KYC process.

What will Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

Bitcoin Prediction Table
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
6 more rows

How high can Ethereum go in 2024? ›

Ethereum price prediction May 2024: Ethereum's price for May 2024 according to our analysis should range between $2189.62 to $2519.24 and the average price of ETH should be around $2354.43.

How much will 100 of Ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum (ETH) Price Predictions 2023 - 2031
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
5 more rows

Is it time to buy ETH? ›

For 2022-3 in general, we think recession risks pose a risk to ETH and so now might not be the best time to buy ethereum if you have a medium-term outlook. We think ethereum is a good long-term investment for the next one to three years and are bullish overall. That means we expect prices to rise in the long term.

What will $100 of Bitcoin be worth in 2030? ›

In 2030, experts predict the price of bitcoin to $33,300 (+99%).

What is the fair value of ETH? ›

Ethereum shows a prevailing Real Value of $1617.39 per share. The current price of the entity is $2092.42. Our model computes the value of Ethereum from reviewing the entity technical indicators and Probability Of Bankruptcy.

What will Cardano be worth in 2040? ›

In 2040, we may expect an average price of $61.05 as per the current growth. Our maximum price prediction for Cardano is $72.34 in 2040. If the market gets bullish, Cardano may surge more than our ADA price forecast in 2040.

Can Ethereum make me a millionaire? ›

Despite its drawbacks, though, Ethereum still has plenty of long-term potential. While it may not make you a millionaire in the coming months, by staying invested for the long haul, it could potentially be a lucrative investment.

How much Ethereum do you need to become a millionaire? ›

$87,706 is a 41x from current prices. To be a millionaire by 2030, this would require you to hold 11.4 $ETH, or $24,114 at current prices.

What if you bought $100 Ethereum 5 years ago? ›

Five years ago, $100 worth of Ethereum, if left untouched, would be around $43,600 today.

How much is 1,000 Ethereum in 5 years? ›

As the world's second-largest crypto coin by market cap, Ethereum proved an excellent investment choice with an impressive five-year return rate. According to data presented by, a $1,000 investment in Ethereum five years ago would be worth nearly $195,000 today, bringing a whopping 19,400% gain.

Will Bitcoin hit a million? ›

Their confidence in Bitcoin is so strong that analysts at Ark Invest released a report claiming that its price could be worth more than $1 million by 2030. But for Bitcoin to get to that level, it would need to increase by more than 4,000% in just seven years.

Can Ethereum beat Bitcoin in future? ›

"(Ethereum) will likely exceed Bitcoin at some point in the future, as Ethereum will be superior when it comes to innovation and developer interest," said Tegan Kline, co-founder of blockchain software company Edge & Node, reported Bloomberg.

Should I convert my ETH to BTC? ›

One of the reasons why you should consider converting your ETH to BTC is that you should have both of them in your crypto portfolio. It's like having savings in both USD and EUR – basic portfolio diversification that will increase your chances of successful investment.

Is Ethereum a good investment 2023? ›

Many experts believe Ethereum is in for a bright 2023, with the possibility of hitting $2,000 by year end, at the latest. This makes it a solid buy for investors. But, if you're looking for even bigger gains, take a hard look at three crypto projects still in presale – Fight Out, C+Charge and RobotEra.

Who owns most Ethereum? ›

Vitalik Buterin: ~240,000 ETH

This is well over $400 million USD in ETH, and certainly makes Buterin one of the largest owners of Ethereum. There are numerous Ethereum millionaires but it's hard to compete with the creator of the network.

How many people own 10 Ethereum? ›

“Number of Addresses Holding 10+ Coins just reached a 1-year high of 280,792. A previous 1-year high of 280,766 was observed on 01 November 2021,” Glassnode mentioned in its recent data update.

How many Ethereum are lost forever? ›

Quick Take. Coinbase director Conor Grogan categorized thousands of mistakes and bugs on the Ethereum blockchain. He found that 636,000 ETH ($1.15 billion) has been lost forever — and that's not including people that have lost access to their wallets.

How low can Ethereum go? ›

Potential Highs & Lows of Ethereum
YearPotential HighPotential Low
Apr 11, 2023

How much will Ethereum cost in 2025 in dollars? ›

Ethereum price prediction January 2025: Ethereum's price for January 2025 according to our analysis should range between $2230.76 to $2566.58 and the average price of ETH should be around $2398.67.

Will Bitcoin ever hit $100,000? ›

In Bitcoin's history there have only been three years that haven't produced a return of at least 48%. For Bitcoin to hit $100,000 in 2023 it would need to climb by 490%. That might sound impossible, but Bitcoin has made yearly returns of more than 490% twice in its history.

How much is $500 dollars in ETH? ›

Historical Exchange Rate Graph for USD to ETH

The conversion value for 500 USD to 0.238 ETH. BeInCrypto is currently using the following exchange rate 0.001. You can convert USD to other currencies like XRP, USDT or USDT. We updated our exchange rates on 2023/04/15 17:23.

What is the lowest Ethereum has ever been? ›

In 2015, the year that Ethereum first launched, the price started at around $0.74 and the lowest closing price for ETH was $0.42.

What is the highest price of 1 ETH ever? ›

Ethereum's Price History (2013 – 2023, $)
  • Ethereum was first conceptualized in 2013.
  • Ether (ETH) is the native cryptocurrency of Ethereum.
  • On November 9, 2021, Ethereum briefly attained its highest value of $4,815.01.
Jan 8, 2023

What happens when you own 32 Ethereum? ›

What is staking? Staking is the act of depositing 32 ETH to activate validator software. As a validator you'll be responsible for storing data, processing transactions, and adding new blocks to the blockchain. This will keep Ethereum secure for everyone and earn you new ETH in the process.

How much would i have if i invested in Ethereum 5 years ago? ›

Five years ago, $4,139 worth of Ethereum, left untouched, would be about $1.25 million today, enough to support $50,000 in annual living expenses for the next 25 years.

How many people own 1 Ethereum? ›

There were 71 million Ethereum addresses in 2021.

There were more than 71.3 million active addresses and Ethereum investors in the market at this time.

What will Ethereum be worth in 2030? ›

Ethereum Price Prediction 2030

Our ETH price prediction 2030 indicated the coin may record a significant high of $14,088 by the end of 2030. At the same time, the minimum and average ETH value for the year may be around $9,392 and $11,740.

How high will Ethereum go in 10 years? ›

How much will Ethereum be worth in 10 years? If you invest in Ethereum today, as with any investment, a long term increase is expected. The price of ETH could possibly rise to $24,418.32 within the next 10 years.

What will Ethereum be worth in 2050? ›

Ethereum (ETC) Price Prediction & Forecast
YearMinimum PriceMaximum Price
6 more rows
Feb 21, 2023

How much will 100 of Ethereum be worth in 2025? ›

How much will Ethereum cost in 2025? By 2025, our price prediction forecasts that Ethereum (ETH) could be worth $8,958.40.

What will Bitcoin be worth in 2040? ›

Bitcoin price prediction key takeaways:
BTC price prediction (5-year AVG.)*$29,344$895,045
BTC price prediction (S&P 500 historical ROI)**$26,851$181,032
Feb 22, 2023

What will Dogecoin be worth in 2030? ›

Dogecoin Prediction Table
YearMinimum PriceAverage Price
6 more rows

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Author: Domingo Moore

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Name: Domingo Moore

Birthday: 1997-05-20

Address: 6485 Kohler Route, Antonioton, VT 77375-0299

Phone: +3213869077934

Job: Sales Analyst

Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.