ESG Jobs: How to Break into the Booming Sustainability Industry (2024)

ESG Jobs: How to Break into the Booming Sustainability Industry (1)



The growing recognition of the significance of sustainable business practices has increased demand for ESG professionals across various industries. As a result, the ESG job market is becoming more diverse, with the emergence of new roles and job titles and a growing emphasis on sustainable finance.

Suppose you want to break into this field or advance your ESG career. In that case, this article will provide valuable information on the qualifications, experience, and skills needed, the top companies hiring for ESG jobs, the salary range, current trends, and how to advance in an ESG career.

This article is a must-read for anyone interested in exploring the opportunities and challenges of an ESG career, whether you’re a recent graduate, a career changer, or an experienced professional.

What is an ESG job, and what kind of roles are available?

ESG jobs are positions within a company or organization that focus on sustainability and responsible business practices. These positions are found in private and public organizations and span a variety of industries and sectors.

One of the primary goals of ESG jobs is to promote environmental sustainability by lowering a company’s carbon footprint, for example, and social and governance practices that benefit the community and stakeholders.

Here are some examples of specific ESG jobs titles:

Sustainability Manager: The Sustainability Manager is responsible for developing and implementing a company’s sustainability strategy, which includes reducing the organization’s environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and ensuring ethical governance.

Environmental Engineer: Environmental Engineers design, develop, and implement solutions to environmental issues such as pollution control and waste management.

Social Impact Analyst: This position is in charge of assessing a company’s social impact and recommending ways to improve it.

Corporate Responsibility Officer: This position ensures that a company complies with laws and regulations about sustainability and corporate responsibility, as well as developing and implementing policies and programs to promote responsible business practices.

ESG jobs can also be found in finance, marketing, human resources, and operations. For example, a financial analyst in a company can analyze the impact of sustainability on investment decisions, while a marketing professional can promote a company’s sustainability efforts to customers.

As more businesses recognize the value of sustainability and responsible business practices, the demand for ESG jobs is increasing.

Overall, ESG jobs play an important role in promoting sustainable and responsible business practices, allowing individuals to make a significant impact in their careers.

How do I get a job in the ESG field?

The ESG field is a rapidly growing industry with numerous job opportunities for those who want to make a difference. You can take several steps to increase your chances of landing an ESG job if you’re going to enter this field.

Improve your understanding of ESG principles and practices: Before you can get an ESG job, you must first understand the principles and practices that underpin this field. Knowledge of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance are all required. This knowledge can be obtained through classes, workshops, and research.

Create a relevant skill set: Many ESG jobs require specialized knowledge, such as environmental science, sustainability, corporate responsibility, or social impact. If you still need these skills, consider taking classes or getting certified to expand your knowledge and qualifications.

Make connections with industry professionals: When looking for a job in any industry, networking is essential, and the ESG field is no exception. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and network on LinkedIn to learn more about the field and make connections that could lead to job opportunities.

Look for internships and volunteer work: Getting experience in the ESG field is essential for getting a job. Consider interning or volunteering with organizations that match your interests and career objectives. This work will provide you with hands-on experience and an inside look at the industry.

Make your resume and cover letter specific to the ESG field: When applying for ESG positions, ensure your resume and cover letter highlight your relevant skills, experience, and industry knowledge. In addition, use keywords and phrases commonly used in the ESG field to increase the likelihood that recruiters will notice your application.

Be open to various roles and industries: ESG jobs are not restricted to specific functions or industries. There may be opportunities in consulting, finance, marketing, operations, and other fields. Be open to various roles and industries, and don’t limit your job search to a single area.

The ESG field is expanding and offers a variety of opportunities for those who want to make a difference. You can improve your chances of landing an ESG job by developing a solid understanding of ESG principles, creating a relevant skill set, networking, gaining experience, and tailoring your application materials.

ESG Jobs: How to Break into the Booming Sustainability Industry (2)



What qualifications or experience are required for an ESG job?

The qualifications and experience needed for an ESG job can vary depending on the role and organization. However, a few key qualifications and experiences are frequently sought after in the ESG field.

Education: For entry-level ESG roles, a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, such as environmental science, sustainability, social impact, or business, is often required. Some higher-level positions may necessitate completing a graduate degree, such as an MBA or a master’s degree in environmental science or sustainability.

Technical skills: Depending on the role, many ESG jobs require specific technical skills. An environmental engineer, for example, may require knowledge of environmental regulations and experience with pollution control and waste management. Knowledge of sustainability metrics and data analysis experience may be necessary for an ESG analyst.

Knowledge of ESG principles: Many ESG roles require a solid understanding of ESG principles and practices. Knowledge of environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance are all required.

Professional certifications: Certain ESG roles may necessitate certifications, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification for sustainability professionals or GRI (Global Reporting Initiative) certification for sustainability reporting.

Relevant experience: Many organizations seek candidates with relevant ESG experience. Internships, volunteer work, or previous work experience in a related field are examples of this.

Strong communication and problem-solving skills: Many ESG jobs require strong communication and problem-solving skills, as you may need to explain complex environmental, social, and governance issues to non-technical stakeholders and devise creative solutions to sustainability challenges.

In conclusion, the qualifications and experience required for an ESG job can vary. Still, a bachelor’s degree in a relevant field, knowledge of ESG principles, and relevant experience are frequently preferred. Furthermore, strong problem-solving and communication abilities are highly valued in the area.

What are the top companies hiring for ESG jobs?

As the importance of ESG issues grows, many businesses are investing in sustainable business practices and hiring for ESG-related positions.

Here are some of the top companies that are currently hiring for ESG jobs:

Amazon has pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040 and is investing in renewable energy, electric vehicles, and environmentally friendly packaging. As a result, they have several job openings in sustainability, energy, and environmental compliance.

Google has committed to sourcing 100% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020 and has a lofty goal of becoming carbon-free by that date. They achieved that goal and are working on maintaining that situation. As a result, they have several job openings in the energy and sustainability fields.

Patagonia: Patagonia is a pioneer in sustainable business practices, pledging to use only organic and sustainable materials in its products. They have a wide range of job opportunities in environmental and social responsibility.

Unilever has set lofty targets to reduce its environmental impact and promote sustainable living. As a result, they have several job openings related to sustainability, responsible sourcing, and the circular economy.

Goldman Sachs: By 2025, Goldman Sachs plans to invest $150 billion in clean energy and sustainable infrastructure. They have several job openings in sustainable finance, ESG research, and impact investing.

Salesforce has pledged to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050 and is actively investing in renewable energy. As a result, they have several job openings in sustainability and corporate responsibility.

Allianz: Allianz is one of the world’s largest financial services companies committed to long-term investing. They have several job openings in sustainability, responsible investing, and risk management.

Ecolab is a global leader in developing water, hygiene, and energy technologies and services. They have many job openings in sustainability, environmental compliance, and energy management.

These are just a few examples of companies actively recruiting for ESG-related positions. Many more businesses in various industries are prioritizing sustainability and hiring for ESG jobs. As the demand for ESG professionals grows, more companies will likely invest in sustainable business practices and hire for ESG-related positions.

What is the salary range for ESG jobs?

Salaries for ESG positions can vary widely depending on factors such as the specific role, industry, location, and experience level of the candidate, but generally, ESG jobs pay well, like:

Entry-level ESG roles: Entry-level ESG roles, such as sustainability coordinators or environmental consultants, typically pay between $40,000 and $60,000 per year.

Mid-level ESG roles: Mid-level ESG roles, such as sustainability managers or environmental engineers, typically pay between $70,000 and $110,000 per year.

Senior-level ESG positions: Senior-level ESG positions, such as chief sustainability officers or heads of ESG, typically pay between $120,000 and $200,000 per year.

ESG roles in finance: ESG roles in finance, such as ESG Analysts and Sustainability Investment analysts, pay between $70,000 and $150,000 per year.

ESG Roles in the Energy and Utility Industry: Renewable Energy Project Managers, Energy, and Sustainability Analysts, and other ESG roles in the Energy and Utility industry earn $80,000 to $150,000 per year.

It is important to note that these broad ranges may not apply to every location or company. Furthermore, location, experience, and qualifications can significantly impact salary levels.

ESG jobs pay well, and the salary range is comparable to other fields. As the demand for ESG professionals grows, we can anticipate more opportunities for well-paying jobs in this field.

ESG Jobs: How to Break into the Booming Sustainability Industry (3)



Are there any specific job titles or roles associated with ESG?

Here are a few job titles and roles that are frequently associated with ESG:

Sustainability Manager: The Sustainability Manager is responsible for developing and implementing a company’s sustainability strategy, which includes reducing the organization’s environmental impact, promoting social responsibility, and ensuring ethical governance.

Environmental Engineer: Environmental Engineers design, develop, and implement solutions to environmental issues such as pollution control and waste management.

Social Impact Analyst: This position is in charge of assessing a company’s social impact and recommending ways to improve it.

Corporate Responsibility Officer: This position ensures that a company complies with laws and regulations pertaining to sustainability and corporate responsibility, as well as developing and implementing policies and programs to promote responsible business practices.

ESG Analyst/Specialist: This role analyzes a company’s portfolio or industry sector’s environmental, social, and governance performance and makes recommendations to improve it.

Sustainability Consultant: This position assists organizations in identifying and addressing sustainability issues, which frequently span multiple areas such as energy, water, waste, and carbon management.

Renewable Energy Project Manager: This position oversees the development and execution of renewable energy projects such as solar or wind power.

Analyst for Energy and Sustainability: This position analyzes energy consumption and identifies opportunities to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions.

Supply Chain Sustainability Manager: This position manages an organization supply chain’s sustainability, including assessing and managing suppliers’ environmental and social impacts.

Carbon and Emissions Analyst: This position measures and analyzes an organization’s carbon emissions to identify reduction opportunities.

ESG roles can also be found in finance, marketing, human resources, operations, and other areas. As the demand for sustainable and responsible business practices grows, more companies will likely invest in ESG-related roles and job titles.

What are the trends in the ESG job market?

The ESG job market is rapidly expanding and changing, with new trends emerging as more businesses prioritize sustainability and responsible business practices. Here are some of the key trends shaping the ESG job market right now:

Increasing demand for ESG professionals: As more businesses recognize the value of sustainable business practices, the need for ESG professionals is rising.

ESG job opportunities are expanding across industries: ESG job opportunities are not limited to specific industries or sectors. Instead, ESG-related jobs can be found in various industries, including finance, energy, technology, and retail.

New ESG-related roles emerge: As the ESG field grows and evolves, new functions and job titles emerge. Positions such as sustainability data analyst, ESG analyst, and social impact analyst are examples of these.

Growing emphasis on sustainable finance: As investors and businesses become more aware of the long-term risks and opportunities associated with climate change and other ESG issues, sustainable finance is becoming increasingly important in the ESG job market. ESG analysts, sustainable investment analysts, and impact investment analysts, for example, are in high demand.

Greater emphasis on data and analytics: With the growing amount of data related to ESG issues, companies are looking for professionals with data analysis and visualization skills to help them understand and communicate the impact of their sustainability initiatives.

Remote working: Due to the ongoing pandemic, remote work has become a trend in most industries, including ESG. This fact makes ESG roles more accessible to people who might not have been able to work in this field before due to geographical constraints.

Overall, the ESG job market is expanding rapidly and diversifying, with opportunities emerging across various industries and roles. Moreover, the growth trend in the ESG job market will likely continue in the coming years as awareness of the importance of sustainable business practices grows.

How do I advance in an ESG career?

A career in ESG can be rewarding and fulfilling, but it can also be challenging to navigate, particularly in advancement.

Here are some things you can do to promote your ESG jobs:

Gain experience: Gaining experience in the ESG field is essential for progressing in your career. Look for internships, volunteer opportunities, or entry-level positions that will allow you to gain real-world experience.

Network: Networking is essential for advancing your career in any field, and the ESG field is no exception. Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and network on LinkedIn to learn more about the area and make connections that could lead to job opportunities.

Continue to learn: Because the ESG field is constantly evolving, it’s critical to stay current on the latest trends, technologies, and best practices. To keep your knowledge and skills up to date, take classes, obtain certifications, and read industry publications.

Create a strong personal brand: A strong personal brand can help you stand out in the ESG field. Share your knowledge and insights on social media and professional networking sites, and connect with other professionals in your field.

Get involved in the community: Volunteer or participate in local sustainability initiatives to get involved in the community. This involvement will assist you in establishing a reputation as a responsible and engaged professional, which may lead to new opportunities.

Develop a specialized skill set: Having expertise in sustainability metrics, renewable energy, or sustainable finance can help you stand out in the ESG field and open up new opportunities for advancement.

Consider a graduate degree: A master’s degree in a relevant field, such as environmental science, sustainability, social impact, or business, can help you open up new doors and advance your ESG career.

It takes time, effort, and dedication to advance in an ESG career. However, you can improve your chances of advancement in this rewarding and impactful field by gaining experience, networking, continuing to learn, building your brand, getting involved in the community, developing specialized skill sets, and considering an advanced degree.

ESG Jobs: a conclusion

In conclusion, the ESG field is a rapidly growing industry, offering a wide range of job opportunities for those interested in positively impacting the world.

The demand for ESG professionals is rising as more companies recognize the importance of sustainable business practices. With the emergence of new roles, job titles, and a growing focus on sustainable finance, the ESG job market is becoming increasingly diverse.

The field requires a combination of education, technical skills, knowledge of ESG principles, professional certifications, relevant experience, and strong communication and problem-solving skills. With the proper preparation, you can increase your chances of landing an ESG job or advancing your ESG career.

To help you on your journey, we offer consultancies and courses that can provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to succeed in this rewarding and impactful field. Whether you’re just starting or looking to take your career to the next level, we invite you to discover our resources and start your journey to an ESG career today.

ESG Jobs: How to Break into the Booming Sustainability Industry (4)



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ESG Jobs: How to Break into the Booming Sustainability Industry (2024)


ESG Jobs: How to Break into the Booming Sustainability Industry? ›

Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and network on LinkedIn to learn more about the field and make connections that could lead to job opportunities. Look for internships and volunteer work: Getting experience in the ESG field is essential for getting a job.

What is the highest paying job in ESG? ›

The 20 High-Paying ESG Jobs & Career Paths
  • Chief Sustainability Officer. ...
  • ESG Analyst. ...
  • Renewable Energy Project Manager. ...
  • Sustainability Consultant. ...
  • Environmental Engineer. ...
  • Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Manager. ...
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Manager. ...
  • Green Building Architect.

How do you break into the sustainability field? ›

The surest way to learn about and prepare for a career in sustainability is to earn an associate, bachelor's, master's, and/or doctoral degree in the subject, or related field. Many degree programs allow you to specialize in one or more areas to enhance your prospects.

How do I break into ESG Consulting? ›

You should have a Bachelor's degree in Finance or Business Administration and some experience in a related field. Additionally, you should have an understanding of the principles of sustainable development and an interest in ESG issues.

Is ESG a lucrative career? ›

ESG analysts are employed by private equity firms, wealth management organizations, banks and similar financial institutions; therefore, the job can be quite lucrative. An ESG analyst position requires a degree in sustainability or environmental science.

How do I build a career in ESG? ›

Look for internships and volunteer work: Getting experience in the ESG field is essential for getting a job. Consider interning or volunteering with organizations that match your interests and career objectives. This work will provide you with hands-on experience and an inside look at the industry.

What is the salary of ESG entry level? ›

The average esg manager salary in the United Kingdom is £58,155 per year or £29.82 per hour. Entry level positions start at £47,500 per year while most experienced workers make up to £77,500 per year.

How to pivot to sustainability career? ›

Going Green: Your Guide to Pivoting into Eco-friendly Careers
  1. Embrace Lifelong Learning: The Power of Education.
  2. Gain Experience: The Role of Community Involvement.
  3. Timing is Everything: Keep an Eye on Application Dates.
  4. Broaden Your Perspective: Rethinking Green Jobs.
  5. Leverage Your Transferable Skills: Every Skill Counts.

What is the future of ESG jobs? ›

Since consulting firms need to emphasise their commitment to sustainability, ESG-related roles within such firms are expected to grow into the future. PWC has announced a plan to develop 100,000 ESG jobs by 2026, and leading Irish firms are now including ESG criteria in as much as 90% of their strategic decisions.

How do I start a career in sustainability? ›

What skills are important for sustainability careers?
  1. basic climate science knowledge;
  2. knowledge about pollution, waste, hydrology and other relevant environment related topics;
  3. analytical skills required for analysing and reporting data for organisations;
  4. effective communication skills;

Does ESG pay well? ›

The average ESG salary ranges from approximately ₹3,00,552 per year (estimate) for an Analyst to ₹15,09,930 per year (estimate) for a Senior Manager.

How much do ESG consultants make? ›

How much does an Esg Consultant make? As of Sep 4, 2024, the average annual pay for an Esg Consultant in the United States is $100,259 a year. Just in case you need a simple salary calculator, that works out to be approximately $48.20 an hour. This is the equivalent of $1,928/week or $8,354/month.

What is the salary of ESG analyst? ›

The estimated total pay for a Esg Research Analyst is ₹4,67,257 per year, with an average salary of ₹4,22,257 per year.

What is the highest paid job at ESG? ›

What is the highest salary at ESG? The highest-paying job at ESG is a Director Ejecutivo with a salary of £174,896 per year (estimate). What is the lowest salary at ESG? The lowest-paying job at ESG is a CSA - Customer Service Associate with a salary of £10,001 per year (estimate).

How much does an MBA ESG make? ›

MBA ESG, Bangalore Placements 2023
CourseMedian Salary
MBA/PGDM₹5.5 - ₹7 LPA

Are ESG certifications worth it? ›

If you're a financial advisor, asset manager or work in risk analysis, getting ESG certified could benefit your career. It's beneficial for those looking to specialise in sustainable investing or want to show clients they know about socially responsible investment options.

How much do people in ESG make? ›

The average ESG salary ranges from approximately $44,400 per year (estimate) for a Forklift Operator to $184,053 per year (estimate) for a Regional Director. The average ESG hourly pay ranges from approximately $20 per hour (estimate) for a Street Sweeper Operator to $69 per hour (estimate) for a Senior Consultant.

Can you make money from ESG? ›

Studies have shown that ESG-focused companies often demonstrate greater long-term resilience and profitability, making them attractive investment options.

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Name: Dong Thiel

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.