ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (2024)

ESG Trends & Market Insights | Investable World

Financial advisors depend on research they trust. The growing interest in sustainability demands it.

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (1)

To gauge ESG investing trends, Morningstar researchers conducted 20 qualitative interviews. The results illuminate investor behavior, views on sustainability, and attitudes about ESG investing.

Table of Contents

ESG backstory

Research goals and methods

Investor behavior

ESG trends and investor values

Clarifying ESG terms with simplicity

Morningstar’s Sustainable-Investing Framework

Actionable takeaways for advisors

ESG Backstory

Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria started trending when investors wanted to exclude stocks that clashed with their values from their portfolios. Today, companies recognize the financial risk of ignoring ESG issues. That wasn’t always the case.

(Learn more about the history of ESG investing.)

People have become more aware of sustainable companies and more interested in investing in them. Investors are looking for companies that match their interests in climate change, social issues, and diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). And financial markets are responding.

As a result, advisors need to better understand investors and the role ESG plays in their lives. Hyper-personalization motivates advisors to learn more about their clients’ financial goals. Advisors can start by understanding their unique interest in ESG-related investments.

Investor interest in ESG affects all players along the value chain, driving demand for ESG data, research, analytics, thought leadership, and technology.

What drives people to incorporate ESG into their financial decisions?

Researching ESG Investing Trends

Research Goals and Methods

  • Measure awareness. Do people engage with values-based investing? How well do they understand ESG investing? What sources and tools do they trust?
  • Gauge attitudes and behaviors. What motivates investors to make investment decisions based on their values? What drives their choices?

We wanted to hear people speak about ESG and dig deeper into their perceptions. With qualitative research, we can identify themes, like specific behaviors, values, and investment practices. This data will inform the quantitative research to come. 

Participants in Our Qualitative Research Study

We recruited 20 investors to take part in one-on-one video interviews for about 45 minutes. The group ranged in age from 18 to 75 years old, with a mix of genders, work statuses, and levels of investing experience. This diverse group provides a perspective on the average investor.

Each had invested in at least one of the following:

  • Individual stocks
  • Mutual funds
  • ETFs

All participants:

  • Were familiar with the concept of ESG investing.
  • Were interested in incorporating ESG factors into their investment strategy.
  • Had invested at least $5,000 in the market.

Participant Profile Overview Infographic

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (2)

Trends in Investor Behavior

How Participants Started Investing

In our study, investors often started investing young: in high school, college, or shortly after graduation. 

Most investors had a passive, “set and forget” mindset. They make automatic investment contributions at regular intervals. They don’t often actively trade or rebalance their portfolios.

Employers, family, and friends introduced most of our respondents to investing. Some invested their first dollars through a 401(k), others through parents or other family members.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, some participants became more active investors. Some are still dabbling or looking for short-term opportunities. One hypothesis is easy-to-use apps and fractional shares made investing more accessible during that time. Work-from-home employees could explore a new way to invest.

Most investors consider themselves to be inexperienced. Their history ranged from having a 401(k) account and a few experimental stocks to more complex investing strategies.

Those with more experience:

  • Conducted their own research and analysis on a greater range of investments.
  • Might work with a financial advisor.
  • May look at annual reports and prospectuses.

Regardless of their experience level, investors said they check their investments almost daily. They also traded many times a year and buy and sell regularly.

I was a very active investor in the sense that right out of college I started a Roth IRA ... I'm very much interested in what's happening globally ... I have a taxable investment account at Fidelity. I also had a Robin Hood account ... I’m also crypto investing.

Dubary | Male, 35

I invest in Nike...Netflix, Disney Tesla, Amazon, Apple, Google ... those are mostly companies that I've used and really love. I probably invested ... just a few shares in a couple of stocks ... maybe in late 2017 ... after I turned 18.

Danny | Male, 22

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (3)

Information Sources Investors Trust 

News reports inform the opinion of most investors we surveyed. They didn’t consider in-depth research, investment strategies, or financial criteria as often. Several mentioned family and friends as sources for investment ideas but still do their own research.

Online search dominated their investment research—almost always starting with Google.

Most chose investments based on high awareness of the company. Their online research focused on company reputation rather than financial fundamentals. This means that investors relied on what they could find in search—company websites and mass media articles—over financial or business publications.

Investors consider trust when researching online, but they often don’t know the source. With search engines like Google, investors often couldn’t discern the trustworthiness of a source.

Those who followed the business or financial news recognized Morningstar, Wall Street Journal, and Bloomberg. Lesser-known companies included Barron's, Kiplinger's, MSCI, Fortune, Forbes, Entrepreneur, and Argus research.

Only a few investors reviewed prospectuses or annual reports. Most didn’t track stocks on broker websites or other investment apps like Yahoo! and

Some investors use social media for financial information but ignore investment advice. Facebook, Instagram,, Reddit, TikTok, and YouTube came up in our research. This suggests that mass media remains the authoritative source for investment information despite the prevalence of social media.

Key Takeaways

+ Investors are diverse spanning age, gender, work status, and investing experience.
+ Investors gather investment information and make decisions in similar ways.
+ Investors are often highly aware of the companies they invest in but not informed by detailed research.

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (4)

Often focused on growth or income

Often make decisions based on limited information from mass media and word of mouth, with very little stock or fund analysis

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (6)

Can be reached through mass media, social influencers, and word of mouth

ESG Trends and Investor Values

In our study, investors said they engage in humanitarian, social, and environmental causes. Respondents cared about social issues like:

  • Homelessness
  • Hunger
  • Human trafficking
  • Youth
  • Domestic violence
  • Veterans
  • Elderly rights

Others spoke about their involvement with environmenal causes:

  • Climate change
  • Packaging
  • Organic food
  • Sourcing and manufacturing
  • Waste

Human trafficking is one that I donate to and also children's hunger.

Terri | Female, 61

I volunteer for Big Brothers, and Big Sisters ... I'm more youth-focused. I'm more involved environmentally locally. A whole area has a lot of radioactive waste from the Manhattan Project that's been dumped. There's a landfill that's on fire right next to it. We're working on the removal of that.

Kara | Female, 37

Let's start off with climate change, it's going to make a I want to do my small part ... So I invest in a company that produces seaweed straws...

Sam | Male, 40

How Investor Values Influence Financial Decisions

Our participants’ causes drive their buying decisions and brand engagement. They remain loyal to or avoid certain brands because of their values. But these investors didn’t do much research to learn if a company aligns with those values.

Participants only noticed a company’s values through social media, news outlets, and ads. But this perception of shared values doesn’t carry over to investing. People can separate perception from reality when making investment decisions, we concluded.

How Brand Perception Influences Investors 

Investors don’t conduct extensive research on the accuracy of a brand’s reputation. This is why perception and marketing matter for a brand’s reputation. People respond to what they see and how they feel rather than fact-based research.

When asked about popular, trusted brands like Starbucks and Amazon, people wanted clear information on their ESG stance. We found that price isn’t a barrier. Some investors said they would pay a premium for products if they believed companies shared similar values.

Family health considerations trumped environmental impact when investors decided to pay a premium for products. Many said they would pay double for healthier food choices and 10-20% more for big-ticket items like cars.

Key Takeaways

+ All survey participants engaged in humanitarian and environmental causes. Their values do influence their purchasing decisions.
+ Social causes matter to investors. They’re willing to make decisions based on those values. But most lack trustworthy, detailed information on companies.

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (7)

Many investors decide what brands to engage with and products to buy based on their values, though they also make many purchases that aren’t driven by values or causes

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (8)

Many would pay more for brands aligned with their values and avoid those that don’t

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (9)

Mass and social media highly influence brand perceptions

ESG Investing Trends

While participants feel strongly about social and environmental issues, value-based investing isn’t top of mind for most of our respondents. Many said focus on financial performance and growth. A few perform their own due diligence to make decisions, but not many.

Some respondents said they would exclude stocks that don’t align with their values. Some would not buy a stock if they read a negative news article; others would divest if they read a report that challenged a company’s integrity.

Still, people want to invest in companies that share their values. When given a choice between two solid-performing investments, they chose the investment that aligned with their worldview.

Some participants would sacrifice returns to align with their values but expressed hesitation. They said they still focused on the bottom line and would overlook values for a product they liked.

It would be nice to have a consistent income...Actually, I had not thought about...looking at the causes that a company supports.

Terri | Female, 61

I don't think that I would ever go looking for information about whether, say, they treat women as they should or something like that, even though I care about those things. Unless that information was jumping up at me.

Dustin | Male, 43

If I realized that they [companies] were supporting causes that did not align with me, anti-LGBT candidates and policies ... I would obviously research that and if it came out to be true ... I would make that decision ... I wouldn't do business with that company.

Robert V | Male, 41

Key Takeaways

+ While participants do make financial decisions based on their values, investment performance is still their priority.
+ Investors tend to focus on operations and don’t understand a company’s overall ESG impact.

Investable World: Clarifying ESG Trends with Simplicity

Sustainable investing (or “ESG investing”) can seem complex, especially for retail investors. Many don’t recognize the term ESG. Even when we defined ESG, participants struggled to understand what it meant for their own investment decisions.

Investors rated themselves on sustainability, as being “somewhat” or “more familiar” with the term. Still, it meant different things to different people. The term “ESG investing” has become an umbrella term for sustainability strategies.

Our research shows that investor values impact their financial behavior. But lack of knowledge influences the financial decisions they do and don’t make.

In general, investors rely on mass media and reputation for their investment information. These sources often fall short. They don't provide business intelligence about a company from a personal or financial standpoint.

ESG investing demands more accessible, clear information. Many respondents gave complex responses when asked about ESG investing. Instead of choosing either-or, they sought to balance investment performance and alignment with their values.

Investors look at sustainability as one lens in their decision-making process. A holistic approach would serve them better. To make informed choices, investors need to understand impact, performance, and the trade-offs between risk and values.

Investors welcome support with investing—ESG investing in particular. Advisors and financial professionals can build trust when they take the time to educate their clients. They can help them clarify their motivations and get to the heart of what really matters to them.

ESG investing isn’t one-size-fits-all. When investors get the information they need in an accessible way, they’ll respond with energy and purpose.

We call Morningstar’s approach “Investable World.”

Morningstar believes that long-term success requires a framework to organize decisions. Investable World finds themes that resonate with investors, providing easy access to unbiased information and trusted research.

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (10)

The underlying data should shine a light on new information—from product involvement and conflict exposure to proxy behavior.

The Investable World breaks down ESG investing into familiar categories: food, energy, water, health, and community. Advisors can home in on an area that resonates with a client to encourage conversations. Then share the research and financial data clients need to make informed decisions.

Morningstar’s Sustainable-Investing Framework

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (11)

Next Steps for Advisors

ESG investing introduces questions beyond traditional investment advice. This confusion represents an opportunity.

Test the waters with new and current clients.

You can unearth a person’s underlying motivations for investing and make this a part of client onboarding.

 With existing clients, major life events (such as marriage, planning a family, retirement, and estate planning) can open larger conversations about why they invest. You can explore if ESG might play a role in their investment decisions.

Assess your client’s personal preferences.

Consumers have their own motivations for ESG investing. Some want to limit financial risk. Some want to improve their returns. Others want to make an impact or seek policy change.

It’s not enough to know if a client is interested in sustainability. Advisors must be able to drill down into what their clients want to achieve. Then introduce and discuss different approaches based on their motivations and goals.

Investable World highlights six ESG investing approaches as a springboard to identify client preferences. From there, advisors can help clients set values-based goals knowing the trade-offs and risks.

Find their personal balance between performance and sustainable impact.

To aid in this process, advisors can use Morningstar’s ESG personalization survey and portfolio optimizer. This personalized portfolio reflects a client’s unique financial goals and sustainability interests.

We built our ESG personalization survey on established behavioral science and psychometric techniques. It presents hypothetical trade-off questions to uncover a client’s level of commitment to an ESG theme. This helps advisors document what their clients care about—and to what degree—so they know where to focus.

The ESG portfolio optimizer uses Morningstar’s ESG impact, product involvement, and target risk index data to customize a portfolio based on each client’s ESG commitment levels and risk profile.

Together, the Morningstar ESG personalization survey and optimizer can predict a client’s commitment to stick with ESG investments through market ups and downs.

There’s no “one-size-fits-all” approach to ESG investing. Advisors who adopt a consultative approach and understand client motivations, preferences, and goals around sustainability, will prove their value in a competitive industry.

ESG Investing Trends for 2023 (2024)


What is the ESG prediction for 2023? ›

2023 will see increased maturity in corporates' commitment to ESG and sustainability, with expanding budgets for ESG and sustainability services and software. Firms need to comply with unfamiliar regulatory requirements, which will prompt them to move away from the traditional spreadsheet-based approach.

How big is the ESG investment market in 2023? ›

According to the study, The Global Environmental Social and Governance Investing Market was estimated at USD 17.2 Trillion in 2023 and is anticipated to reach around USD 46.5 Trillion by 2032, growing at a CAGR of roughly 9.4% between 2023 and 2032.

What are the top ESG themes for 2023? ›

We predict a growing focus on supply chain sustainability, transparency, resilience, cybersecurity and technological innovation. We also anticipate significant shifts in global supply chains along with efforts to secure greater sovereignty of supply chains for essential goods.

What is the forecast for ESG investing? ›

ESG assets are set to reach over $40 trillion by 2030 in line with our inaugural BI ESG Market Navigator study, which revealed that investor appetite remains resilient with over 85% of asset managers planning to boost ESG AUM.

Where will ESG investing be in five years? ›

With a projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 12.9%, ESG assets are on pace to constitute 21.5% of total global AuM in less than 5 years. It represents a dramatic and continuing shift in the asset and wealth management (AWM) industry according to PwC's Asset and Wealth Management Revolution 2022 report.

What is the future outlook for ESG? ›

According to PwC, 82% of investors say that their clients demand that ESG considerations be factored into fund investment decisions, and Bloomberg Intelligence reports echo that sentiment, predicting that ESG assets will grow to US$50 trillion by 2025.

Do 85% of investors consider ESG? ›

According to Gartner, 85% of investors consider ESG factors in their due diligence. And employees and customers are also paying close attention, with 66% of consumers saying they would pay more for sustainable products.

Is ESG investing becoming more popular? ›

Global investors are increasingly focused on ESG issues in their investment strategies. Roughly 89 percent of investors considered ESG issues in some form as part of their investment approach in 2022, up from 84 percent in 2021, according to a Capital Group study.

Where is ESG investing most popular? ›

It is more and more becoming the standard in the investment industry, especially in Europe, where most of the sustainable fund's assets are concentrated. The most common approach to investing sustainably is through ESG integration - by explicitly and systematically factoring ESG issues into the investment decision.

What are the top 3 ESG issues? ›

Climate change, emissions and pollution were among the top environmental concerns for retail and institutional investors, while workers' rights conditions, fairness/equality and diversity were listed as being at the forefront of investors' minds when it comes to social considerations.

What are the big 4 of ESG? ›

In this context, the Big 4 accounting firms - Deloitte, PwC, Ernst & Young (EY), and KPMG - play a pivotal role in shaping corporate strategies, reporting practices, and, ultimately, the sustainability divide.

What are ESG megatrends? ›

Environmental megatrends. The first and most significant environmental megatrend is climate change. Two types of risks typically arise from climate change: physical and transition risks.

Is ESG investing a bubble? ›

There is another reason the ESG and DEI bubbles are bursting: The economic case for them was never strong. Investors were promised ESG funds that would produce higher returns by avoiding certain investments, but they haven't always outperformed the market.

What will replace ESG? ›

Due to the increasing controversy, politicization and polarization of the ESG movement, many fund sponsors and institutional investors alike are moving away from having ESG-termed departments and policies, instead rebranding them with such terms as “sustainable investing” and “responsible investing.” While the ESG ...

What is the trend in ESG in 2024? ›

More generally, emission limits under the EU ETS will start to fall faster from 2024 as the annual linear reduction factor is raised this year, and also again in 2028.

What is the state of ESG in 2024? ›

In 2024, businesses are expected to embrace ESG criteria not just for compliance or risk management, but as a chance to fundamentally transform their business models with the full understanding and acceptance of the need to account for increasingly complex external risks that may be occurring simultaneously.

What is the prediction for renewable energy in 2023? ›

2023 marks a step change for renewable power growth over the next five years. Renewable electricity capacity additions reached an estimated 507 GW in 2023, almost 50% higher than in 2022, with continuous policy support in more than 130 countries spurring a significant change in the global growth trend.

What are the future economic predictions for 2023? ›

Advanced economies are expected to see an especially pronounced growth slowdown, from 2.7 percent in 2022 to 1.3 percent in 2023. In a plausible alternative scenario with further financial sector stress, global growth declines to about 2.5 percent in 2023 with advanced economy growth falling below 1 percent.

What is the future of ESG funds? ›

Firstly, ESG funds align your investments with your values, supporting companies committed to sustainability, social responsibility, and ethical governance. This ethical approach can also lead to better long-term financial returns, as companies with strong ESG practices often perform well and are more resilient.

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Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.