Error404!Sans (2024)


  • 1 ------{AFTER DESTRUCTION}------
  • 2 Quirks and small things
  • 3 Blue Mastery
  • 4 Mind Manipulation
  • 5 Great Knowledge
  • 6 Dark Blasters
  • 7 God Ray
    • 7.1 shot (why is this here. is this telling us to shoot ourselves for reading this, or is this a simple mistake? Truly, the mysteries of the world...)
  • 8 Reincarnation
  • 9 Void Infliction
  • 10 Fly
  • 11 Unopposed Strength
  • 12 Immense Speed
  • 13 Mainframe SOUL
  • 14 Mama's Boy
    • 14.1 Novice (Currently at this Level)
    • 14.2 Advanced beginner
    • 14.3 Competent
    • 14.4 Proficient
    • 14.5 Master
    • 14.6 Full-Fledge Conduit
  • 15 Disclaimer

------{AFTER DESTRUCTION}------[]

He had won the battle, but at what cost? He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest deeds. Error!404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he can access called the Mainframe/The outer wall. It is a place where he can see all activity in and out of the Anti-Void. He has been there ever since, never to be in contact with other AUs, slowly driving himself more and more insane with grief in his isolation, only accompanied by one other.

  • Alphatale: A New Puppet Book
  • Alphatale: A New Puppet Book 2
  • Alphatale: A New Puppet Book 3
  • 404tastrophe
  • Puts tiny toes in tea cup - Error!404

However, that isn't truly Error!404. Error!404 retains his sadness, yet instead commonly turns it into sternness, usually being a reason for his intimidating posture. Despite his notoriety as a formal sociopath, in person he comes off as a pure brute, always dominating the situation anytime he's present, always knowing what to say and always being the one on top. Error!404 has a complete god complex, yet he truly isn't a bad person. All he wants is a happy ending, yet he will go to desperate measures for so, even to the point of giving others a bad ending. His aspirations for regaining Alphatale are stronger than ever, and he will accomplish it.

He loves to be alone, talking to Alpha of how his day is. He doesn't believe that Alpha is alive, yet he always pretends to personally vent his mood out, just to not lash out. Because you do NOT want to see him lashing out.

Quirks and small things[]

404 has been in the entire Mainframe now, making him the first being to ever be fully connected to the Mainframe that wasn't born from it.

404 had taken the manipulation tactics from his late mother, being able to fake any given emotion if he felt the need to do so. He can quickly respond to anything without a hint of fear in his tone.

404 had a large tendency to talk to himself when alone. However, maybe it isn't himself he's talking to after all. Perhaps it's someone else? error 404: why are you revealing my information wiki? THIS IS PRIVATE INFO WIKI... STOP LEAKING MY HOME ADDRESS WIKI-

404 wears a long blue coat with a giant number four on the back. His blue also being shown on his slippers with the blue lines now taking over his white parts of his outfit. He wears dark blue socks and has tags on his arms.

  • Error!Sans: 404's developed a strange bond with Error, although his intentions haven't been clouded by his role as a mentor for Error. The two have had their fair shares of arguments, yet in the very end, despite how much Error and 404 had been in distaste for one another, they end up having each other's backs when the time is necessary.
  • King.M: King.M was created by 404 as a cover-up and is used as a pawn. King.M has lots of resentment towards 404 and vice versa, but the two have had their share of moments as well. The two have a passive-aggressive like relationship.
  • Alpha!Chara: 404 and Alpha!Chara in the past had a very serious relationship finding each other one day in Hotlands, they had some Ice until the siren went off. 404 has never forgotten Chara and refuses to date or grow romantically close with anyone for they only have the eyes for Chara.
  • Ink!Sans: 404 once wanted Ink instead of
  • Astral Mother: a pest and a terrible excuse for a parent.
  • Loading: Seeks to stripe 404 of his Multiverse energy and the two have been at blows for a while now.
  • Abyss!Sans: stalking his back and messing with the Abyss, it can be difficult to keep things together. didn't go well once 404 introduced himself in person he and Core got along just fine, He kept his motives and

Blue Mastery[]

The most powerful variant of the Blue SOUL Alteration, allowing 404 to move any object, alive or dead, from any distance as long as he can see to it. He may also use this ability to completely collapse the SOUL if used on an alive being by crushing their soul similar to how Error would do with his strings, resulting in an instant kill. He also uses this for Mind Manipulation.

Mind Manipulation[]

404 can take complete control of others' SOULs, allowing him to alter, distort, and warp their mind to think various things, commonly using this method to force others into serving him.

Great Knowledge[]

From 404's long lasting time in the multiverse, he knows almost everyth---------" Error404.GreatKnowledge is unavailable to function as it has been corrupted or The data has been lost and you Still tried to STEAL MY GOD DAM INFORMATION, WIKI CREATORS. I SWEAR YOU LEAK EVERY (-------) (----) ABOUT ME!!!!!!!!!!!"

Dark Blasters[]

Dark Blasters are able to delete any regular or glitched code out code, whether it is a person, object, essence, or anything of sorts. When he was little they were able to destroy Mountains without much of an issue. Now with the upgrades from the Mainframe, they are capable of destroying Universes and even the Multiverse if enough are used.

God Ray[]

Fires a powerful blast that has 2 shots. The first shot paralyzes the victim and the second shot kills them.

shot (why is this here. is this telling us to shoot ourselves for reading this, or is this a simple mistake? Truly, the mysteries of the world...)[]


This Ability is used when Error!404 is either killed or takes so much damage that he is on the verse of dying. When he has taken too much damage or is killed, he will begin to be revived by the Mainframe with the copy of his code that it has.

Void Infliction[]

This ability is an automatic, only caused from Error!404 entering a void. Upon him entering a void that isn't an anti-void and/or the Mainframe, the amounts of stray data in the area will begin to rapidly vibrate, rumbling and possibly even collapsing the void.


404 can fly.

Unopposed Strength[]

404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe enhancing his strength past limits he didn't even know he had. This allows him to carry a entire universe on one hand.

Immense Speed[]

404 has speeds so fast he can transverse the entire infinite Multiverse within a matter of seconds.

Mainframe SOUL[]

Ever since 404’s first contact with the Mainframe, it has given him increased strength and durability. Although once a weak passive ability, it has grown with 404 and due to the Mainframes influence on 404’s soul, it had made him immune to most magical and physical attacks from those who are weaker.

Mama's Boy[]

Something he picked up from his mother subconsciously, 404 had gained this ‘ability’ through his mother due to her influences to him when he was William. He is capable of instilling fear into any being that holds a soul, even if he doesn’t want to.

404 possess the Conduit of Balance, allowing for him to control the aspects and fabrics of the entire verse and functions that balance it/sustain it. However he has yet to truly master this ability and hence isn't capable of using it to its fullest extent. However this chart will show 404's progression to mastering his Conduit Soul and all the things he can do from being a novice to a Master to a Full fledge Conduit.

Novice (Currently at this Level)[]

Here 404's basic understanding of the balance conduit allows him to weaker stronger foes than him to a decent degree, giving him the power of nullifying supernatural and Eldrich foes and possible objects that may seem dangerous to him a greater example of how this ability works is here, Anomalous NullificationBasic Summary: 404 can nullify any supernatural/anomalous thing, negating it completely. This varies between individuals, considering how powerful the he is using it at the time along with firing a Balance ray which can make his foes depending on how powrful, as weak as he is.

Advanced beginner[]

404 at this stage can manipulate basic fundamentals of reality with him at his best being able to even manipulate the laws of physics itself. 404 at this stage possesses capabilities that surpass or defy the mainstream laws of physics. The ability itself is a metaphor for things that cannot be explained, Because of it's "unusual nature" yet still somewhat existing in the corporeal plane of existence, this ability may exist somewhere between Physics Manipulation and Metaphysics Manipulation.- SuperPower Wiki.


404 at this stage can control lesser Gods's power outputs and inputs and even Outerversal structures on a meta and physical level. His capabilities are reaching close to their best as at this stage entities like Sol would be no match for his control over things beyond the Omniverse itself. At this point 404 is becoming more and more Conduit like with him now being the embodiment of duality and all binary oppositions. 404 embodies all dualism and binary oppositions and systems, having absolute control over all boundaries, dualities, and even ones that do not exist, and can create and even destroy boundaries.


= Coming soon =


= Coming soon =

Full-Fledge Conduit[]

= coming soon =


*Hi! I'm just here to tell you that some of this info is wrong, and it's all over the place! Don't worry though, as it's my job to fix it up! I might have it done by tomorrow.. if I don't forget that is..

- Your pal, Ink!

PS: *I Haven't Managed to fix the changes sooooo please wait!!

Ink, I slightly helped with Godray but I'm lazy soooooo. GL. -EveryTaleSans

Error404!Sans (2024)


What does error 404 Sans do? ›

Error404 Sans can collapse the Null Space void simply by stepping foot on it. His theme is made by Jinify A.K.A.

Is error 404 Sans stronger than ink Sans? ›

Error! has strings that he can just pull from his eye sockets. But if you want to count Ink with the X-Gaster vile, then this would most likely go to Ink but only because of X-Gaster. He's older, stronger, and more experienced in fighting and coding. Ink would win in terms of close combat, since Error!

How do I beat error 404 Sans? ›

After destroying 10 void strings, Error404 falls down into the void. He is defeated, this time for good.

How much can error 404 lift? ›

404 has gained immense strength from both training and from the Mainframe, enhancing his strength pass limits he didn't even know he had. This allows him to carry an entire universe on one hand.

What is virus 404 Sans real name? ›

Jack, known commonly as Virus404, is an insane Virus-God who serves as the unwitting master of Fortran's schemes and is the prominent leader of the Virus Family.

How old is error 404? ›

The first documented case of a 404 error appearing on a web page was in 1993, when a user tried to access a page about the Mosaic web browser on the NCSA website. The page had been moved to a different location, but the link had not been updated.

What is error Sans weakness? ›

Powers and Stats

Sans who is 5 Dimensional entity). Weaknesses: He glitches out when you touch him, it is suspected he has a weakness to water, but not yet confirmed. He loves chocolate.

Where does error 404 Sans live? ›

He had become a very corrupted monster and had gone insane, thinking of the most darkest deeds. Error!404 hid away in a special part of the Anti-Void that only he can access, called the Mainframe. It is a place where he can see all activity in and out of the Anti-Void.

Is Omni Sans stronger than Error 404? ›

Code, OmniGodity's Abilities are just too powerful for 404 to handle, even with his resistance. It is not said that 404 can live without a body, and since omnigodity's abilities are more likely to shatter His resistances. and since Omni knows 404's abilities, he would already know how to properly counter them!

Is Error 404 good or bad? ›

404 errors can be frustrating for users, so the main purpose of a 404 page is to turn the potential negative user experience of encountering an error into a positive one. The key to this is links. Links on 404 pages are so important because they give users a way out of the error page.

Is Error 404 permanent? ›

A 404 status code only indicates that the resource is missing: not whether the absence is temporary or permanent. If a resource is permanently removed, use the 410 (Gone) status instead.

Who is omni 404 Sans? ›

Summary. OMNI404! SANS was the absolute god of Undertale AU, but it is OMNI404 that has moved its affiliation to a game called OMORI where many AUs are created. He created METAGODVERSE on the fiction hierarchy above MEMEVERSE to rule OMORI AU, and he was acknowledged by everyone as the true King and GOD of OMORI FANDOM ...

Does error 404 Sans have Haphephobia? ›

Trivia. Error has haphephobia (the fear of being touched) and is therefore very hesitant to get physically close to anyone. At random intervals, he can glitch up, filling his eye sockets with errors, giving him a major disadvantage if he's in battle. If Error had no strings, he would be a very easy problem to fix.

Is Error 404 Sans stronger than Godverse Sans? ›

Error404 is by far the strongest character in the Undertale universe, not counting Godverse. This alone says a lot. In this incarnation, he fought Virus404, who was made into OVERKILL, who was countered by 404's BUTTERFLY State. He was close to death, but before he did, he was turned into God404.

What is error Sans purpose? ›

Sans is an AU destroyer created by Tumblr user Lover of Piggies (also known as Crayon Queen or CQ for short) on Tumblr. In this AU, he is bent on destroying all AUs and things he considers 'glitches' or 'mistakes' in the multiverse. He uses blue strings to tie up and shatter souls.

Is fatal error Sans stronger than error 404? ›

404 is Stronger than Fatal, so When 404 calls, Fatal Listens. 404 promised Fatal some Papyrus Codes, since 404 didn't need any as his Brother is a Sans, not a Papyrus, so any Papyrus Codes they collect will be given to Fatal, to be used in any way Fatal wishes.

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

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Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.