Equity Financing: What Is Equity Financing? | Credibly (2024)

What Is Equity Financing?

Lending companies for small businesses may also offer equity financing, which involves selling shares of a company in exchange for capital. These funds are used for immediate business operations or long-term growth. The cost of shares is based on the company’s valuation, or worth, and investors become part owners of the business. Equity financing can come from a number of sources, such as private equity investors, an IPO (Initial Public Offering), or even your family. If you are raising capital for rapid growth or are in an industry with expensive research and development, you will likely go through several rounds of equity financing during your growth. Why Equity Financing Is a Smart Option for Small Businesses and Startups Unlike many other types of business financing, equity financing is often best suited for startups and young businesses, whose limited credit history and time in business makes it difficult for them to qualify for traditional business loans. Even if debt financing is an option, equity financing can help inexperienced small business owners to raise capital while getting an advisor with connections, expertise, and a stake in the business’s future success. This is why business owners on Shark Tank sometimes choose to give up more stake in their company for the investor with the most experience in their industry.

How Does Equity Financing Work?

Equity Financing: What Is Equity Financing? | Credibly (1) In its most basic format,equity financing is executed through a mutual agreement with an investor or investors for a set amount of capital in exchange for a set number of shares, totaling percentage ownership. A larger investment yields a large stake in your business, and some investors may be aiming to obtain control of the company, which is 50% or more of your company. If you want to guarantee that you will have decision-making power, you should ensure that you always own at least 50% of your company. If you are a new business that presents a high risk to the investor, you may be presented with an equity financing deal that includes otherforms of equity financing, such as:

  • Preferred shares; and
  • Convertible preferred stock

While these types of stock are popular with venture capitalists who want the best possible reward for their risk, be sure to review any agreements with a lawyer to ensure you aren’t setting yourself up for problems in the long run.

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If your company is making enough money and is structured correctly, going public with an Initial Public Offering (IPO) can be very lucrative for your business. However, you will have to incorporate your business and meet the qualifying criteria of one of the major stock exchanges. This doesn’t make sense for the vast majority of small businesses, but if you are quickly growing into a larger corporation, it may be your best option. As you can see, equity financing is more complicated than just trading part of your business for some extra cash. You are taking on the long-term liability of another person with a stake and a voice in your company.

Sources of equity financing

Equity financing refers to the method of raising capital for a business by selling shares or ownership stakes in the company. It involves attracting investors who are willing to invest their money in exchange for a share of ownership, or equity, in the business. Equity financing can come from various sources, including angel investors, venture capitalists, private equity firms, or even crowdfunding platforms. These investors provide funds with the expectation of a return on their investment through dividends, profit-sharing, or capital appreciation.

Equity Financing vs. Debt Financing: What’s the Difference?

At their core, these two financing options result in the same thing: the lender or investor takes on the upfront risk by giving you capital that you don’t have, and you repay that risk as your business makes money. However, the repayment is where equity financing and debt financing are starkly different.

  1. What You Owe – Debt Financing
    • Regardless of how well your business is doing,you owe that lender their money back, plus interest.
    • Lenders willrequire collateral, like real estate or a vehicle, to ensure that if you default on the loan, they still have a way to recoup their money.
    • There’s reallyno way to get out of repaying a loanand it can hurt your cash flow for years.
  1. What You Owe – Equity Financing
    • Equity financingdoes not require you to take on debt or make monthly loan paymentsto repay a lender (a major selling point for most new small business owners).
    • If your business does very well,you will end up owing an investor a lot more if you want to buy them outand regain ownership of your company.

Picture this: you need $50,000 to make a major purchase order and ramp up production. If you took on a business loan with a 10% interest rate and paid it off over 3 years, you can expect to pay about $8,000 in interest. On the other hand, imagine if your business was valued at $1 million and an investor gave you $50,000 for a 5% stake. Then, if your business grew to be worth $5 million three years later, you would owe that investor $250,000 tobuy out their sharesin your company. From a sheer financial standpoint, debt financing is a much better deal in this scenario Call-out/Tip

Choosing Between Debt and Equity Financing

Debt financing is often not available to young businesses as they typically lack a strongcredit profileand history of meeting expenses. At the end of the day, both equity and debt financing can help take your business to the next level—and as long as you take into consideration your business’s potential, you can be sure you made the right choice. Learn more in ourguide to debt financing vs equity financing.

Types of Equity Financing

Equity Financing: What Is Equity Financing? | Credibly (2) Individual investors, venture capitalists, angel investors, and IPOs are all different forms of equity financing, each with its own characteristics and requirements.

1. Individual Private Investors

One way to raise money for a business is by reaching out to individual investors. This can include yourfriends, family, and other colleagues. Some business owners feel like this is the easiest type of equity financing to secure since they are working with people they have a prior relationship with and who are more likely to be interested in seeing the business succeed. However, relying on individuals for investment likely means that you’ll need many individual donors in order to make a serious impact.Individual donors are likely to have less money to invest in your business compared to venture capitalist groups or angel investors and may have less to offer in terms of guidance and connections as well. Learn more equity financing:

  1. Debt vs. Equity Financing: What’s Best for Small Business?
  2. How to Finance a Partnership Buyout

2. Venture Capitalists

A venture capitalist can either be an individual person or a larger venture capital firm. Unlike individual private investors, venture capitalists typically have larger amounts of money to invest in a business. Venture capitalists, whether an individual person or a firm, aregenerally most interested in finding companies with extremely high growth potential. Since venture capitalists are able to invest larger amounts of money, theywill most likely expect to have a larger share of control in the company going forwardand may take significant control over your company’s growth to protect their investment. Venture capitalists can pour tremendous resources into your business and also widen your network. However, in order to protect their investment, this can mean you’re at their mercy when it comes to how you conduct operations or how aggressive your growth plans are.

3. Angel Investors

Angel investors can also act as individuals or as a larger group. These are investors who are capable of investing a large amount of money in a business and are most typicallylooking to invest in an industry they are familiar with and have experience working in. The name “angel investor” reflects the fact that not only can they make a large financial investment in your business, but they can also provide very valuable guidance. Typically, angel investors are interested ingetting involved with businessesin their early stages and overseeing their subsequent growth. Where venture capitalist groups may provide your business with large-scale profiling and networking assistance, angel investors are more likely to involve themselves in the planning and execution of your growing business.

4. Public Offering

Some businesses looking to receive equity financing in smaller dollar investments from the public may make an Initial Public Offering (IPO) and list their stock for purchase by the public. Doing so can be an effective way for a business to raise the capital needed for them to expand, with the added benefit of publicity from being traded on the public market. Some downsides of executing an IPO are:

  • They can be tedious, costly, and time-consuming.
  • They may not serve your actual growth if you cannot afford to spend the effort to get one. The eligibility of your business for an IPO depends on which sector you operate in.
  • Your annual revenues will play a big role in eligibility (bad for businesses that have irregular cash flow).
  • The Internal Revenue Code may layout its own set of requirements for your business.

If your company does secure an IPO though, you mayreap the benefits of upfront capital investments made by smaller-dollar investors who would expect to receive far less controlthan angel investors or venture capitalists.

Pros and Cons of Equity Financing

Equity Financing: What Is Equity Financing? | Credibly (3)

Pro: Low Financial Risk to Business Owner

Equity financing can be a great, low-risk method of obtaining financing for your young business. Because owners trade a percentage of ownership for invested capital, investors in your business agree to take on the risks of operating your business. In doing so, investors open themselves up to losing or gaining money through your project and therefore allow you to receive their investments without going into debt.In short, equity financing offers lower-risk funding, without the burden of debt, because investors only succeed if your business does.

Pro: Investor Connections & Expertise

An equally important piece of equity financing is thechance to connect your business to talented and experienced individuals with a background in your industry. If a successful restaurateur invests in your new diner, you not only receive the power of their dollar but also valuable advice and guidance based on their own experiences growing restaurants. Because they now own a stake in your operation, they are more likely to assist you in its growth than a lender expecting repayment would.

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Con: Losing Part Ownership in Your Company

Keep this in mind if you plan on asking close friends or family to invest in your business, and make sure you fully trust your to-be partners before signing an agreement with established investors.

Con: Pitching Potential Investors

Just because equity financing doesn’t involve lengthy, formal applications, doesn’t mean that equity financing is an easy, cheap or afast business loan.You will need to spend a great deal of time developing a strong business plan to present to potential investors. In fact, seeking out investors, preparing your presentation, and pitching your business could potentially be even more time-consuming thantaking out a regular business loanwould be.

Con: Investors Share Profits

Investors will only invest in your business if they are pretty sure they can make some money on it, and ideally make a lot of money at that.If you receive significant investment, it can very likely come at a tremendous cost over time. It’s important to note, though, that investors themselves can be instrumental in growing your company’s valuation. Call-out/Tip

4 Reasons to Use Equity Financing

1. Funding a Startup

A good (and common) time to seek equity financing is while you’refinding startup capitalfor your business. Angel investors, specifically seeking out businesses that can offer a high return on their investment, tend to flock to business ideas that are yet to get off the ground. Equity financing is a good solution to any short-term financing needs that may arise before your business is fully operational due to its relative availability and its potentially massive impact on your finances.

  • Equity financing may be a great place to turn for your business’s early-life necessities like:
    • Finding a location
    • Training staff
    • Purchasing equipment

2. Financing Risky Businesses

Another common purpose of equity financing is to finance businesses that banks or traditional lenders may not engage with. Many lenders aren’t willing to take a gamble on an unproven concept or inexperienced owner. Equity investors, however, may allow you to get outside money from individuals or groups willing to work with your team to pursue success going forward.

3. Managing Debt

Equity Financing: What Is Equity Financing? | Credibly (4) Unlike other forms of business financing, equity financing isn’t counted into your business debt and is repaid much differently. Rather than receive emergency funding at the cost of additional debt, equity financing allows you to maintain your current balance sheets while adding resources to your operation. Because investors themselves take on risk in equity financing, your debt not only stays stable but becomes a shared burden for your board to address.

4. Building Valuable Connections

While other startup funding methods like maxing out a credit card, draining your personal funds, or selling future products through crowdfunding may get you the funds you need, only equity financing can connect you with a business expert who can truly serve as an advisor to your growing business. Not only do angel investors and venture capitalists typically have a good chunk of experience growing startups, but they also have a financial stake in helping your business. This can be a win-win for everyone if financing with a side of advising is what your business really needs.

What To Do Before Seeking an Equity Investment

Then, start by consulting a business attorney, who will be able to create contracts for your investors to sign to protect everyone involved. They can also explain options to you that can limit the level of control an investor has in your business, such as non-voting stock or convertible notes. It is essential that before you add investors, you have a clearly defined set of rules for their contributions to, and roles in, your company.

Equity Financing: What Is Equity Financing? | Credibly (2024)


Equity Financing: What Is Equity Financing? | Credibly? ›

Unlike debt financing, where businesses borrow funds that need to be repaid with interest, equity financing involves selling ownership stakes in the business. Investors become shareholders and have a stake in the future success of the business.

What is equity financing in simple terms? ›

Equity financing is the process of raising capital through the sale of shares. Both private and public companies raise money for short-term needs to pay bills or long-term projects by selling ownership of their company in return for cash.

What is meant by equity funding? ›

Equity finance is generally the issue of new shares in exchange for a cash investment. Your business receives the money it needs and the investor will own a share in your company. This means the investor will benefit from the success of your business.

What is an example of equity finance? ›

Equity finance is when you get money in exchange for part ownership of your business. For example, when you sell shares to investors.

What is the difference between equity and non equity financing? ›

Equity funding involves trading ownership in the form of equity stocks for capital, allowing external investors to have a stake in the company. Non-equity funding, on the other hand, enables founders to raise funds without giving up ownership, maintaining full control over their business.

Is equity financing good or bad? ›

If you lack creditworthiness – through a poor credit history or lack of a financial track record – equity can be preferable or more suitable than debt financing. Learn and gain from partners. With equity financing, you might form informal partnerships with more knowledgeable or experienced individuals.

What is equity in finance for dummies? ›

Equity is equal to total assets minus its total liabilities. These figures can all be found on a company's balance sheet for a company. For a homeowner, equity would be the value of the home less any outstanding mortgage debt or liens.

Why is equity financing expensive? ›

Typically, the cost of equity exceeds the cost of debt. The risk to shareholders is greater than to lenders since payment on a debt is required by law regardless of a company's profit margins. Equity capital may come in the following forms: Common Stock: Companies sell common stock to shareholders to raise cash.

Why is it called equity in finance? ›

Origins. The term "equity" describes this type of ownership in English because it was regulated through the system of equity law that developed in England during the Late Middle Ages to meet the growing demands of commercial activity.

What is the difference between equity financing and debt financing? ›

Debt financing refers to taking out a conventional loan through a traditional lender like a bank. Equity financing involves securing capital in exchange for a percentage of ownership in the business.

How are equity investors paid back? ›

Unlike debt financing, where there is an obligation to repay the loan, equity investments are permanent and do not require repayment in the traditional sense. Investors expect to see a return on their investment through profit sharing, but there is no set timeline for repayment.

How do equity funds work? ›

An equity fund is a type of investment fund that pools money from investors to trade primarily a portfolio of stocks, also known as equity securities. Fund managers aim to generate returns for the fund's investors. Because of their focus on stocks, equity funds are also known as stock funds.

What is the difference between financing and funding? ›

Financing and Funding

When it comes to infrastructure investment, these are two separate concepts. Financing is defined as the act of obtaining or furnishing money or capital for a purchase or enterprise. Funding is defined as money provided, especially by an organization or government, for a particular purpose.

What is meant by equity financing? ›

Definition: Equity finance is a method of raising fresh capital by selling shares of the company to public, institutional investors, or financial institutions. The people who buy shares are referred to as shareholders of the company because they have received ownership interest in the company.

Is equity financing about ownership not borrowing? ›

Debt financing means you're borrowing money from an outside source and promising to pay it back with interest by a set date in the future. Equity financing means someone is putting money or assets into the business in exchange for some percentage of ownership.

Why might a company choose debt over equity financing? ›

Many fast-growing companies would prefer to use debt to support their growth, rather than equity, because it is, arguably, a less expensive form of financing (i.e., the rate of growth of the business's equity value is greater than the debt's borrowing cost).

What is a simple way to explain equity? ›

Equity can be defined as the amount of money the owner of an asset would be paid after selling it and any debts associated with the asset were paid off. For example, if you own a home that's worth $200,000 and you have a mortgage of $50,000, the equity in the home would be worth $150,000.

What is equity in layman's terms? ›

What is Equity? The term “equity” refers to fairness and justice and is distinguished from equality: Whereas equality means providing the same to all, equity means recognizing that we do not all start from the same place and must acknowledge and make adjustments to imbalances.

Which of these are an example of equity financing? ›

The sale of common equity and many other equities or semi products, including preferred shares, converting preferred shares, and equities units that comprise ordinary stock and warrants, are examples of equity funding.

What is equity fund in simple words? ›

Equity funds are those mutual funds that primarily invest in stocks. You invest your money in the fund via SIP or lumpsum which then invests it in various equity stocks on your behalf. The consequent gains or losses accrued in the portfolio affect your fund's Net Asset Value (NAV).

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Name: Jerrold Considine

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Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.