Environmental Determinism: Idea & Definition (2024)

The natural environment is all around us, and we as a society interact with the natural environment on a day-to-day basis, but does this interaction with the environment influence and limit us? Are societies controlled by the physical features of the environment? Environmental determinism is all about the theory of how human interaction with the natural environment influences civilizations. Keep reading this explanation to understand the theory of environmental determinism, its criticisms, as well as a theory that opposes environmental determinism.

Environmental Determinism Definition

Environmental determinism is a philosophy within human geography based on how society interacts with the physical environment, but what actually is the definition of environmental determinism?

Environmental determinism is a geographical and philosophical theory which claims that physical attributes of the environment, such as landscapes and climate, can significantly influence humans and therefore, the ability to impact society and development.

Essentially, this means that the environment can control (or determine) how a population behaves. The theory states the physical makeup of an environment can psychologically influence individuals within a population, and this can spread within a population to ultimately define the society’s behavior and culture as a whole.

Let’s examine environmental determinism more closely, looking at its history.

History of Environmental Determinism

In terms of the history of geography, the philosophy of environmental determinism dates back to the Ancient Greeks, although the term environmental determinism wasn’t officially formalized until the 1860s, by a geographer named Friedrich Ratzel.

The theory became most prevalent in modern geography during the early 19th century, due to geographers such as Alexander von Humboldt and Carl Ritter who heavily advocated the theory. Herbert Spencer used Darwinism (the theory of evolution, by natural selection) to explain social progress through a theory of social evolution in order to justify environmental determinism. However, modern scholars largely disregard this theory now. In the late 20th/early 21st century, Ellen Churchill Semple became another leading player in environmental determinism.

Environmental Determinism: Idea & Definition (1)Fig 1. Hebert Spencer.

However, the theory's popularity rapidly declined as critics such as Carl Sauer began suggesting the theory of environmental determinism was incorrect. (The criticisms of environmental determinism will be made clear later in the explanation). Eventually, the theory saw a more recent revival around the late 20th/early 21st century, mainly because of the geographer Jared Diamond.

Jared Diamond is a geographer who brought contemporary environmental determinism to popularity with his book ‘Guns, Germs, and Steel’ in 1997. His book discusses early civilizations and how they came to be based on natural elements such as soil quality, climate, and geographical barriers.

Features of Environmental Determinism in Human Geography

The main features of environmental determinism are climatic, ecological and geographical factors. These different factors are said to influence human factors in society. They are:

  • Economic Development - this is the economic progress within a community.
  • Cultural Development - this is when a society has an array of cultural activities. The more diverse the activities, the more cultural development within the society.
  • Societal Development - this is measured by the quality of life in a society. Therefore, if the quality of life within a community is high, societal development is also considered high in that community.

Let’s take a look at some examples to see how these factors are said to be influenced.

Example of Environmental Determinism

Environmental determinists believe that the environment’s physical features can influence an entire culture.

One example claims that people who reside in the tropics are lazy because of the hot climate, whereas those that live at a latitude outside the tropics are hard-working due to the variation in climate. This suggests that the environment, more specifically the climate, influences the cultural and societal development of a civilization, and this can sometimes be called climatic determinism.

Climatic determinism is also similar to the concept of the equatorial paradox. Which is the idea that countries that are located close to the equator are poor and less developed, whereas countries further from the equator are richer and more developed. This is based on the suggestion that civilizations that are found close to the equator have a physical environment that is not suitable for economic development to occur. Therefore, this example focuses on the human aspect of economic development.

Environmental Determinism: Idea & Definition (2)Fig 2. Farm Laborers in Argentina Where The Climate Can Get Very Hot.

Another example of environmental determinism is that island societies do not share the same traits as people from continental societies because of the remoteness of island societies. This proposes the idea that geographical factors of environmental determinism influence cultural and societal development.

Environmental Determinism Criticism

Environmental determinism saw a significant decline in the early 20th century. The decline is largely attributed to the increasing criticisms of the theory. The main criticisms were that the philosophy encouraged racism, colonialism, Eurocentrism, and imperialism. Overall, the claim is that environmental determinism devalued non-western societies in preference for Western societies, particularly former empires.


Environmental determinism has received many criticisms for being racist, and this is mainly what led it to lose popularity in the early 20th century. This can be seen in the examples of environmental determinism, in particular the idea that civilizations in hotter countries are lazy. It was mostly criticized for promoting white supremacy, as it was suggested that geographers were rationalizing and condoning colonialism and Western thought.

One particular critic, Carl Sauer, proposed that environmental determinism made rash generalizations about societies. He claimed that observation and research were not considered by environmental determinists. Sauer instead advocated the concept of possibilism. He studied the impact society had on the environment, instead of focusing on how the environment controlled society's behaviors and actions.

Consequently, the concept of environmental determinism became a widely rejected philosophy within geography.

Difference Between Determinism and Possibilism

The criticisms of environmental determinism brought about the notion of possibilism. Around the 1950s, the idea of environmental possibilism was introduced as a reaction to environmental determinism. This concept rejects the notion that humans are ruled by their natural surroundings and instead claims that human society develops alongside the environment, let's take a look at the definition.

Environmental possibilism is the geographical theory that society is not completely influenced by the environment and instead can meet societal needs and development regardless of the location and environment through adaptation.

Possibilism proposes that although the environment can set some limitations in society, it does not completely control culture, and civilizations can overcome the environment. The main ideas of possibilism are that society can utilize the possibilities nature provides, rather than nature limiting society (which is proposed by environmental determinism).

An example of possibilism is the ability of society to build infrastructure in landscapes and climates that would otherwise be considered inhabitable. For example, Palm Jumeirah in the United Arab Emirates. These islands are completely artificial and were built as a new land mass for humans to use. This shows society not being limited by the environment and instead modifying the lands to suit society.

Environmental Determinism: Idea & Definition (3)Fig 3. Palm Jumeirah in the United Arab Emirates is an Example of Possibilism.

Environmental possibilism is now much more widely accepted than environmental determinism. This is because many popular geographers pursued the idea of possibilism after critics recommended environmental determinism was inherently racist and imperialist.

Supporters of possibilism suggest that the theory allows for society to have more control and freedom over their behaviors and actions, whereas the theory of environmental determinism limits human behaviors and actions to the environment that they are in.

Additionally, human geographers typically favor environmental possibilism over environmental determinism because it suggests the idea that humans rely more on the environment for survival and development. However, even in geography today, there are still debates regarding both of these theories.

Take a look at the explanation of Possibilism to understand more about this concept.

The table below shows the main differences between environmental determinism and environmental possibilism.

Environmental Determinism Possibilism
The physical environment determines society's behaviors and actions.There is a range of possibilities within nature that humans can use to function as a society.
Society adapts to the environment.Society modifies the environment.

Environmental Determinism - Key takeaways

  • Environmental determinism is the theory that the physical environment determines society.

  • The main features of environmental determinism in human geography are climatic, ecological, and geographical factors, which influence human economic, cultural and societal development.

  • Examples of environmental determinism include the equatorial paradox and the idea that countries with hotter climates have lazier societies than countries with cooler climates.

  • Another example of environmental determinism is that island societies are separate from continental societies; therefore they do not share the same traits.

  • Criticisms of environmental determinism include racism, colonialism, imperialism, and Eurocentrism.

  • Environmental possibilism is the idea that the environment can influence society, but it does not limit it, and that society can meet its needs irrespective of the physical environment, providing opportunities for society.


  1. Fig 1. Herbert Spencer. (https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:HERBERT_SPENCER.jpg), By Power Renegadas (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Power_Renegadas&action=edit&redlink=1), Licensed by CC BY-SA 4.0 (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.en).
Environmental Determinism: Idea & Definition (2024)


What is the idea of environmental determinism? ›

Environmental determinism asserts that physical geographic features such as climate and terrain exert a strong and unmediated influence upon human affairs, although it need not be, and usually is not, deterministic in the strict sense of the word.

What is the definition of environmental determinism in AP human geography? ›

Environmental determinism: A philosophy of geography that stated that human behaviors are a direct result of the surrounding environment.

What is an easy example of environmental determinism? ›

An example of environmental determinism is that countries located in hotter climates, such as along the tropics, are less developed because they are lazy due to the climate. Whereas, countries that have a more variable climate are more developed as they work harder.

What is environmental determinism quizlet? ›

Environmental determinism is the belief that the physical environment exclusively shapes humans, their actions, and their thoughts.

Which best summarizes the theory of environmental determinism? ›

Which of the following best describes the theory of environmental determinism? Explanation: Environmental determinism is the theory that the environment determines, plays a decisive role, or causes social and cultural development.

What is environmental determinism in psychology example? ›

Environmental determinism posits that our behaviour is caused by previous experience learned through classical and operant conditioning. For example, Bandura (1961) found that children with violent parents are more likely to become violent parents themselves, as a result of observational learning.

What is an example of environmental determinism ap human geography? ›

Environmental determinism- The theory that the physical environment controls human character and behavior and consequently human cultures and societies. Example- In Africa people have darker skin so the sun won't affect them as much. Example- People in the living in the Alaska build igloos to survive.

What are the 3 features of environmental determinism? ›

The main features of environmental determinism are climatic, ecological and geographical factors. These different factors are said to influence human factors in society.

What are examples of determinism? ›

Imagine a shot in snooker (or “pool” for you Americans). You hit the cue ball which then strikes another, and the movement of the balls is determined by the laws of physics. But once you've hit the ball, neither you or the balls have any say in which way things turn out!

What is an example of environmental dimension? ›

greenhouse gas emissions, linked to climate change – pollutants that degrade air quality are considered. – water quality as determined by contaminant discharges. – soil quality – deforestation – waste generation and disposal.

What are 5 environmental examples? ›

Air, water, climate, soil, natural vegetation and landforms are all environmental factors.

Which of the following would be an example of environmental determinism? ›

Another example of environmental determinism would be the theory that island nations have unique cultural traits solely because of their isolation from continental societies.

Which of the following is the correct definition of determinism? ›

Determinism is the belief that all actions and events result from other actions, events, or situations, so people cannot in fact choose what to do.

Why is environmental determinism important? ›

The importance of environmental determinism is that it places human culture in its appropriate context. Humans are animals, mammals specifically, residing in various environments around the surface of the Earth. These environments provide the food and other resources necessary for humans.

Which is the best definition of environmental science quizlet? ›

Environmental science is a multidisciplinary academic field that integrates physical, biological and information sciences to the study of the environment, and the solution of environmental problems. Ecology.

Why is environmental determinism a problem? ›

Environmental determinism has been widely criticized as a tool to legitimize colonialism, racism, and imperialism in Africa, The Americas, and Asia. Environmental determinism enabled geographers to scientifically justify the supremacy of white European races and the naturalness of imperialism.

Who believed in environmental determinism? ›

The theory of environmental determinism was more specifically formalized in the 1860s by the German geographer and ethnographer Friedrich Ratzel and later (in the early 1900s) by his student, the pioneering American geographer Ellen Churchill Semple.

What is the main idea of human environment? ›

The human environment is concerned with people who live in different environments, their activities and the environmental features which they have created. We also look at the interdependence of people in the local community-this is developed from the infant classes looking at those who help us in the locality.

What are the two types of determinism? ›

The four types of determinism are:
  • Causal determinism.
  • Predeterminism.
  • Theological determinism.
  • Logical determinism.
Nov 17, 2021

What are the three levels of determinism? ›

  • Issues & Debates.
  • Soft Determinism.
  • Psychic Determinism.
  • Hard Determinism.
  • Free Will.
Mar 22, 2021

What is a simple definition of determinism? ›

determinism, in philosophy and science, the thesis that all events in the universe, including human decisions and actions, are causally inevitable.

How does determinism affect society? ›

Technological determinism argues that institutions, societies, culture and economics evolve because of developments in technology. Technology affects all people in all situations in the same way and at the same pace. In order words, technology shapes our society.

What causes determinism? ›

Determinism is often used to mean causal determinism, which in physics is known as cause-and-effect. This is the concept that events within a given paradigm are bound by causality in such a way that any state of an object or event is completely determined by its prior states.

What are 3 examples of an environment? ›

The environment includes the sun, soil, water, and air, which are essential for human life.

What are examples of 3 types of environments? ›

Aquatic, terrestrial, and atmospheric

Based on the components, the environment may also be classified into (1) aquatic environment (marine, such as oceans and seas, and freshwaters, such as lakes and rivers), (2) terrestrial environment (land), and (3) atmospheric environment (air).

How does the environment affect human behavior? ›

Access to nature and green environments yields better cognitive functioning, more self-discipline and impulse control, and greater mental health overall. Less access to nature is linked to exacerbated attention deficit, higher rates of anxiety disorders, and higher rates of clinical depression.

What are types of environment? ›

Types of Environment. There are two different types of environment: Geographical Environment. Man-made Environment.

What are the four main types of environment? ›

The atmosphere or air, lithosphere, or rocks and soil, hydrosphere, or water, and the biological component of the environment, or biosphere, are the four basic components of the environment.

Why is determinism important? ›

Without the perspective of determinism, the cause of behavior would not be understood. The opposite of determinism is believing that behavior does not have a cause, that behavior happens randomly or that behavior is predetermined. Determinism is one of the primary characteristics of applied behavior analysis.

Does determinism mean no free will? ›

If determinism is true, then all of a person's choices are caused by events and facts outside their control. So, if everything someone does is caused by events and facts outside their control, then they cannot be the ultimate cause of their actions. Therefore, they cannot have free will.

Is there freedom in determinism? ›

But determinism says that the events can be controlled if we know its cause before the occurrence of the event by human actions. But if every event is determined than the objection arises that then freedom of an individual is impossible.

Who started environmental determinism? ›

Environmental determinism went beyond these early forms of probablism and imposed a yet greater rigidity upon human development. The father of the paradigm (and some would say of geography itself, Holt-Jensen, 1988, p. 31) was the German geographer–anthropologist Friedrich Ratzel (1844–1904).

What is an environmental answer? ›

An Environment is everything that is around us, which includes both living and nonliving things such as soil, water, animals, plants, chairs, tables everything.

What is environment science Definition? ›

Environment is the sum total of all the external forces, influences and conditions, which affect the life, nature, behaviour and the growth, development and maturation of living organisms.

What is the definition of the word common in environmental science? ›

In environmental science, a common is a resource that is available to everyone and is owned by no single person or entity. It is considered a shared resource. However, the lack of ownership over a common makes it vulnerable to some people taking more than their fair share of that resource.

What is the main point of economic determinism? ›

Economic determinism is a Marxist term which claims that society is based upon an economic system in which the various agents of social control are determined by the economic mode of production.

What does environmentally deterministic mean in psychology? ›

Environmental determinism is the view that behaviour is determined or caused by forces outside the individual. Environmental determinism posits that our behaviour is caused by previous experience learned through classical and operant conditioning.

What is determinism in simple words? ›

Determinism is the belief that all actions and events result from other actions, events, or situations, so people cannot in fact choose what to do.

What is the importance of determinism? ›

Determinism states that there is a rational explanation for the behavior of living organisms. There is a natural order to things. Without the perspective of determinism, the cause of behavior would not be understood.

Who first explained environmental determinism? ›

The theory of environmental determinism was more specifically formalized in the 1860s by the German geographer and ethnographer Friedrich Ratzel and later (in the early 1900s) by his student, the pioneering American geographer Ellen Churchill Semple.

Why environmental determinism is wrong? ›

Environmental determinism has been widely criticized as a tool to legitimize colonialism, racism, and imperialism in Africa, The Americas, and Asia. Environmental determinism enabled geographers to scientifically justify the supremacy of white European races and the naturalness of imperialism.

What are the three main features of environmental determinism in human geography? ›

The main features of environmental determinism in human geography are climatic, ecological, and geographical factors, which influence human economic, cultural and societal development.

What are the 4 types of determinism? ›

The four types of determinism are:
  • Causal determinism.
  • Predeterminism.
  • Theological determinism.
  • Logical determinism.
Nov 17, 2021

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