Encrypting and decrypting data with an asymmetric key  |  Cloud KMS Documentation  |  Google Cloud (2024)

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This topic provides information about creating and using a key for asymmetricencryption using an RSA key. If you want to use asymmetric keys for creating andvalidating signatures, see Creating and validating digital signatures. Ifyou want to use symmetric keys for encryption and decryption, seeEncrypting and decrypting data.

Asymmetric encryption uses the public key portion of the asymmetric key anddecryption uses the private key portion of the key. Cloud Key Management Serviceprovides functionality to retrieve the public key and functionality to decryptciphertext that was encrypted with the public key. Cloud KMS doesnot allow direct access to the private key.

Before you begin

  • This topic provides examples that run at the command line. To simplify usingthe examples, use Cloud Shell. The encryption example usesOpenSSL, which is pre-installed on Cloud Shell.

  • Create an asymmetric key with key purpose of ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT.To see which algorithms are supported for key purpose ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT, seeAsymmetric encryption algorithms. You cannot follow this procedure witha key with purpose of ASYMMETRIC_SIGN.

  • If you are going to use the command line, install OpenSSL if you do notalready have it. If you use Cloud Shell, OpenSSL is already installed.

  • macOS users: The version of OpenSSL installed on macOS does not support the flags used todecrypt data in this topic. To follow these steps on macOS,install OpenSSL from Homebrew.

Access control to the key

  • For a user or service that will retrieve the public key, grant thecloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.viewPublicKey permission on the asymmetric key. Thepublic key is required for encrypting data.

  • For a user or service that will decrypt data that was encrypted with thepublic key, grant the cloudkms.cryptoKeyVersions.useToDecrypt permission onthe asymmetric key.

Learn about permissions and roles in Cloud KMS atPermissions and Roles.

Encrypt data

To encrypt data using an asymmetric encryption key, retrieve the public key anduse the public key to encrypt the data.


This sample requires OpenSSL to beinstalled on your local system.

Download public key

Download the public key:

gcloud kms keys versions get-public-key key-version \ --key key \ --keyring key-ring \ --location location \ --output-file public-key-path

Replace key-version with the key version that has the public key.Replace key with the name of the key. Replace key-ringwith the name of the key ring where the key is located. Replacelocation with the Cloud KMS location for thekey ring. Replace public-key-path with the location to save thepublic key on the local system.

Encrypt data

Encrypt data using the public key you just downloaded and save the output toa file:

openssl pkeyutl -in cleartext-data-input-file \ -encrypt \ -pubin \ -inkey public-key-path \ -pkeyopt rsa_padding_mode:oaep \ -pkeyopt rsa_oaep_md:sha256 \ -pkeyopt rsa_mgf1_md:sha256 \ > encrypted-data-output-file
  • Replace cleartext-data-input-file with the path and file name toencrypt.

  • Replace public-key-path with the path and file name where youdownloaded the public key.

  • Replace encrypted-data-output-file with the path and file nameto save the encrypted data.


To run this code, first set up a C# development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.Kms.V1;using System;using System.Security.Cryptography;using System.Text;public class EncryptAsymmetricSample{ public byte[] EncryptAsymmetric( string projectId = "my-project", string locationId = "us-east1", string keyRingId = "my-key-ring", string keyId = "my-key", string keyVersionId = "123", string message = "Sample message") { // Create the client. KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.Create(); // Build the key version name. CryptoKeyVersionName keyVersionName = new CryptoKeyVersionName(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, keyVersionId); // Get the public key. PublicKey publicKey = client.GetPublicKey(keyVersionName); // Split the key into blocks and base64-decode the PEM parts. string[] blocks = publicKey.Pem.Split("-", StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); byte[] pem = Convert.FromBase64String(blocks[1]); // Create a new RSA key. RSA rsa = RSA.Create(); rsa.ImportSubjectPublicKeyInfo(pem, out _); // Convert the message into bytes. Cryptographic plaintexts and // ciphertexts are always byte arrays. byte[] plaintext = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(message); // Encrypt the data. byte[] ciphertext = rsa.Encrypt(plaintext, RSAEncryptionPadding.OaepSHA256); return ciphertext; }}


To use Cloud KMS on the command line, firstInstall or upgrade to the latest version of Google Cloud CLI.

import ("context""crypto/rand""crypto/rsa""crypto/sha256""crypto/x509""encoding/pem""fmt""io"kms "cloud.google.com/go/kms/apiv1""cloud.google.com/go/kms/apiv1/kmspb")// encryptAsymmetric encrypts data on your local machine using an// 'RSA_DECRYPT_OAEP_2048_SHA256' public key retrieved from Cloud KMS.func encryptAsymmetric(w io.Writer, name string, message string) error {// name := "projects/my-project/locations/us-east1/keyRings/my-key-ring/cryptoKeys/my-key/cryptoKeyVersions/123"// message := "Sample message"// Create the client.ctx := context.Background()client, err := kms.NewKeyManagementClient(ctx)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("failed to create kms client: %w", err)}defer client.Close()// Retrieve the public key from Cloud KMS. This is the only operation that// involves Cloud KMS. The remaining operations take place on your local// machine.response, err := client.GetPublicKey(ctx, &kmspb.GetPublicKeyRequest{Name: name,})if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("failed to get public key: %w", err)}// Parse the public key. Note, this example assumes the public key is in the// RSA format.block, _ := pem.Decode([]byte(response.Pem))publicKey, err := x509.ParsePKIXPublicKey(block.Bytes)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("failed to parse public key: %w", err)}rsaKey, ok := publicKey.(*rsa.PublicKey)if !ok {return fmt.Errorf("public key is not rsa")}// Convert the message into bytes. Cryptographic plaintexts and// ciphertexts are always byte arrays.plaintext := []byte(message)// Encrypt data using the RSA public key.ciphertext, err := rsa.EncryptOAEP(sha256.New(), rand.Reader, rsaKey, plaintext, nil)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("rsa.EncryptOAEP: %w", err)}fmt.Fprintf(w, "Encrypted ciphertext: %s", ciphertext)return nil}


To run this code, first set up a Java development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Java SDK.

import com.google.cloud.kms.v1.CryptoKeyVersionName;import com.google.cloud.kms.v1.KeyManagementServiceClient;import com.google.cloud.kms.v1.PublicKey;import java.io.BufferedReader;import java.io.IOException;import java.io.StringReader;import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;import java.security.GeneralSecurityException;import java.security.KeyFactory;import java.security.spec.MGF1ParameterSpec;import java.security.spec.X509EncodedKeySpec;import java.util.Base64;import java.util.stream.Collectors;import javax.crypto.Cipher;import javax.crypto.spec.OAEPParameterSpec;import javax.crypto.spec.PSource;public class EncryptAsymmetric { public void encryptAsymmetric() throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample. String projectId = "your-project-id"; String locationId = "us-east1"; String keyRingId = "my-key-ring"; String keyId = "my-key"; String keyVersionId = "123"; String plaintext = "Plaintext to encrypt"; encryptAsymmetric(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, keyVersionId, plaintext); } // Encrypt data that was encrypted using the public key component of the given // key version. public void encryptAsymmetric( String projectId, String locationId, String keyRingId, String keyId, String keyVersionId, String plaintext) throws IOException, GeneralSecurityException { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After // completing all of your requests, call the "close" method on the client to // safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) { // Build the key version name from the project, location, key ring, key, // and key version. CryptoKeyVersionName keyVersionName = CryptoKeyVersionName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, keyVersionId); // Get the public key. PublicKey publicKey = client.getPublicKey(keyVersionName); // Convert the public PEM key to a DER key (see helper below). byte[] derKey = convertPemToDer(publicKey.getPem()); X509EncodedKeySpec keySpec = new X509EncodedKeySpec(derKey); java.security.PublicKey rsaKey = KeyFactory.getInstance("RSA").generatePublic(keySpec); // Encrypt plaintext for the 'RSA_DECRYPT_OAEP_2048_SHA256' key. // For other key algorithms: // https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/javax/crypto/Cipher.html Cipher cipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/OAEPWithSHA-256AndMGF1Padding"); OAEPParameterSpec oaepParams = new OAEPParameterSpec( "SHA-256", "MGF1", MGF1ParameterSpec.SHA256, PSource.PSpecified.DEFAULT); cipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, rsaKey, oaepParams); byte[] ciphertext = cipher.doFinal(plaintext.getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); System.out.printf("Ciphertext: %s%n", ciphertext); } } // Converts a base64-encoded PEM certificate like the one returned from Cloud // KMS into a DER formatted certificate for use with the Java APIs. private byte[] convertPemToDer(String pem) { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new StringReader(pem)); String encoded = bufferedReader .lines() .filter(line -> !line.startsWith("-----BEGIN") && !line.startsWith("-----END")) .collect(Collectors.joining()); return Base64.getDecoder().decode(encoded); }}


To run this code, first set up a Node.js development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Node.js SDK.

//// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.//// const projectId = 'my-project';// const locationId = 'us-east1';// const keyRingId = 'my-key-ring';// const keyId = 'my-key';// const versionId = '123';// const plaintextBuffer = Buffer.from('...');// Imports the Cloud KMS libraryconst {KeyManagementServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/kms');// Instantiates a clientconst client = new KeyManagementServiceClient();// Build the key version nameconst versionName = client.cryptoKeyVersionPath( projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, versionId);async function encryptAsymmetric() { // Get public key from Cloud KMS const [publicKey] = await client.getPublicKey({ name: versionName, }); // Optional, but recommended: perform integrity verification on publicKey. // For more details on ensuring E2E in-transit integrity to and from Cloud KMS visit: // https://cloud.google.com/kms/docs/data-integrity-guidelines const crc32c = require('fast-crc32c'); if (publicKey.name !== versionName) { throw new Error('GetPublicKey: request corrupted in-transit'); } if (crc32c.calculate(publicKey.pem) !== Number(publicKey.pemCrc32c.value)) { throw new Error('GetPublicKey: response corrupted in-transit'); } // Import and setup crypto const crypto = require('crypto'); // Encrypt plaintext locally using the public key. This example uses a key // that was configured with sha256 hash with OAEP padding. Update these // values to match the Cloud KMS key. // // NOTE: In Node < 12, this function does not properly consume the OAEP // padding and thus produces invalid ciphertext. If you are using Node to do // public key encryption, please use version 12+. const ciphertextBuffer = crypto.publicEncrypt( { key: publicKey.pem, oaepHash: 'sha256', padding: crypto.constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING, }, plaintextBuffer ); console.log(`Ciphertext: ${ciphertextBuffer.toString('base64')}`); return ciphertextBuffer;}return encryptAsymmetric();


To run this code, first learn about using PHP on Google Cloud andinstall the Cloud KMS PHP SDK.

function encrypt_asymmetric( string $projectId = 'my-project', string $locationId = 'us-east1', string $keyRingId = 'my-key-ring', string $keyId = 'my-key', string $versionId = '123', string $plaintext = '...'): void { // PHP has limited support for asymmetric encryption operations. // Specifically, openssl_public_encrypt() does not allow customizing // algorithms or padding. Thus, it is not currently possible to use PHP // core for asymmetric operations on RSA keys. // // Third party libraries like phpseclib may provide the required // functionality. Google does not endorse this external library.}


To run this code, first set up a Python development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Python SDK.

# Import base64 for printing the ciphertext.import base64# Import cryptographic helpers from the cryptography package.from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backendfrom cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashesfrom cryptography.hazmat.primitives import serializationfrom cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import padding# Import the client library.from google.cloud import kmsdef encrypt_asymmetric( project_id: str, location_id: str, key_ring_id: str, key_id: str, version_id: str, plaintext: str,) -> bytes: """ Encrypt plaintext using the public key portion of an asymmetric key. Args: project_id (string): Google Cloud project ID (e.g. 'my-project'). location_id (string): Cloud KMS location (e.g. 'us-east1'). key_ring_id (string): ID of the Cloud KMS key ring (e.g. 'my-key-ring'). key_id (string): ID of the key to use (e.g. 'my-key'). version_id (string): ID of the key version to use (e.g. '1'). plaintext (string): message to encrypt Returns: bytes: Encrypted ciphertext. """ # Convert the plaintext to bytes. plaintext_bytes = plaintext.encode("utf-8") # Create the client. client = kms.KeyManagementServiceClient() # Build the key version name. key_version_name = client.crypto_key_version_path( project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, version_id ) # Get the public key. public_key = client.get_public_key(request={"name": key_version_name}) # Extract and parse the public key as a PEM-encoded RSA key. pem = public_key.pem.encode("utf-8") rsa_key = serialization.load_pem_public_key(pem, default_backend()) # Construct the padding. Note that the padding differs based on key choice. sha256 = hashes.SHA256() mgf = padding.MGF1(algorithm=sha256) pad = padding.OAEP(mgf=mgf, algorithm=sha256, label=None) # Encrypt the data using the public key. ciphertext = rsa_key.encrypt(plaintext_bytes, pad) print(f"Ciphertext: {base64.b64encode(ciphertext)!r}") return ciphertext


To run this code, first set up a Ruby development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Ruby SDK.

# Ruby has limited support for asymmetric encryption operations. Specifically,# public_encrypt() does not allow customizing the MGF hash algorithm. Thus, it# is not currently possible to use Ruby core for asymmetric encryption# operations on RSA keys from Cloud KMS.## Third party libraries may provide the required functionality. Google does# not endorse these external libraries.

Decrypt data

Use Cloud KMS to perform the decryption.


To use Cloud KMS on the command line, firstInstall or upgrade to the latest version of Google Cloud CLI.

gcloud kms asymmetric-decrypt \ --version key-version \ --key key \ --keyring key-ring \ --location location \ --ciphertext-file file-path-with-encrypted-data \ --plaintext-file file-path-to-store-plaintext

Replace key-version with the key version, or omit the --versionflag to detect the version automatically. Replace key with the nameof the key to use for decryption. Replace key-ring with the name ofthe key ring where the key will be located. Replace location with theCloud KMS location for the key ring. Replacefile-path-with-encrypted-data and file-path-to-store-plaintextwith the local file paths for reading the encrypted data and saving the decryptedoutput.

For information on all flags and possible values, run the command with the--help flag.

To display the contents of the decrypted file, open it in your editor orterminal. Here is an example that shows the file contents using the catcommand:

cat ./my-file.txt


To run this code, first set up a C# development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS C# SDK.

using Google.Cloud.Kms.V1;using Google.Protobuf;using System.Text;public class DecryptAsymmetricSample{ public string DecryptAsymmetric( string projectId = "my-project", string locationId = "us-east1", string keyRingId = "my-key-ring", string keyId = "my-key", string keyVersionId = "123", byte[] ciphertext = null) { // Create the client. KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.Create(); // Build the key version name. CryptoKeyVersionName keyVersionName = new CryptoKeyVersionName(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, keyVersionId); // Call the API. AsymmetricDecryptResponse result = client.AsymmetricDecrypt(keyVersionName, ByteString.CopyFrom(ciphertext)); // Get the plaintext. Cryptographic plaintexts and ciphertexts are // always byte arrays. byte[] plaintext = result.Plaintext.ToByteArray(); // Return the result. return Encoding.UTF8.GetString(plaintext); }}


To run this code, first set up a Go development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Go SDK.

import ("context""fmt""hash/crc32""io"kms "cloud.google.com/go/kms/apiv1""cloud.google.com/go/kms/apiv1/kmspb""google.golang.org/protobuf/types/known/wrapperspb")// decryptAsymmetric will attempt to decrypt a given ciphertext with an// 'RSA_DECRYPT_OAEP_2048_SHA256' key from Cloud KMS.func decryptAsymmetric(w io.Writer, name string, ciphertext []byte) error {// name := "projects/my-project/locations/us-east1/keyRings/my-key-ring/cryptoKeys/my-key/cryptoKeyVersions/123"// ciphertext := []byte("...") // result of an asymmetric encryption call// Create the client.ctx := context.Background()client, err := kms.NewKeyManagementClient(ctx)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("failed to create kms client: %w", err)}defer client.Close()// Optional but recommended: Compute ciphertext's CRC32C.crc32c := func(data []byte) uint32 {t := crc32.MakeTable(crc32.Castagnoli)return crc32.Checksum(data, t)}ciphertextCRC32C := crc32c(ciphertext)// Build the request.req := &kmspb.AsymmetricDecryptRequest{Name: name,Ciphertext: ciphertext,CiphertextCrc32C: wrapperspb.Int64(int64(ciphertextCRC32C)),}// Call the API.result, err := client.AsymmetricDecrypt(ctx, req)if err != nil {return fmt.Errorf("failed to decrypt ciphertext: %w", err)}// Optional, but recommended: perform integrity verification on result.// For more details on ensuring E2E in-transit integrity to and from Cloud KMS visit:// https://cloud.google.com/kms/docs/data-integrity-guidelinesif result.VerifiedCiphertextCrc32C == false {return fmt.Errorf("AsymmetricDecrypt: request corrupted in-transit")}if int64(crc32c(result.Plaintext)) != result.PlaintextCrc32C.Value {return fmt.Errorf("AsymmetricDecrypt: response corrupted in-transit")}fmt.Fprintf(w, "Decrypted plaintext: %s", result.Plaintext)return nil}


To run this code, first set up a Java development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Java SDK.

import com.google.cloud.kms.v1.AsymmetricDecryptResponse;import com.google.cloud.kms.v1.CryptoKeyVersionName;import com.google.cloud.kms.v1.KeyManagementServiceClient;import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;import java.io.IOException;public class DecryptAsymmetric { public void decryptAsymmetric() throws IOException { // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample. String projectId = "your-project-id"; String locationId = "us-east1"; String keyRingId = "my-key-ring"; String keyId = "my-key"; String keyVersionId = "123"; byte[] ciphertext = null; decryptAsymmetric(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, keyVersionId, ciphertext); } // Decrypt data that was encrypted using the public key component of the given // key version. public void decryptAsymmetric( String projectId, String locationId, String keyRingId, String keyId, String keyVersionId, byte[] ciphertext) throws IOException { // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only // needs to be created once, and can be reused for multiple requests. After // completing all of your requests, call the "close" method on the client to // safely clean up any remaining background resources. try (KeyManagementServiceClient client = KeyManagementServiceClient.create()) { // Build the key version name from the project, location, key ring, key, // and key version. CryptoKeyVersionName keyVersionName = CryptoKeyVersionName.of(projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, keyVersionId); // Decrypt the ciphertext. AsymmetricDecryptResponse response = client.asymmetricDecrypt(keyVersionName, ByteString.copyFrom(ciphertext)); System.out.printf("Plaintext: %s%n", response.getPlaintext().toStringUtf8()); } }}


To run this code, first set up a Node.js development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Node.js SDK.

//// TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.//// const projectId = 'my-project';// const locationId = 'us-east1';// const keyRingId = 'my-key-ring';// const keyId = 'my-key';// const versionId = '123';// const ciphertext = Buffer.from('...');// Imports the Cloud KMS libraryconst {KeyManagementServiceClient} = require('@google-cloud/kms');// Instantiates a clientconst client = new KeyManagementServiceClient();// Build the key version nameconst versionName = client.cryptoKeyVersionPath( projectId, locationId, keyRingId, keyId, versionId);// Optional, but recommended: compute plaintext's CRC32C.const crc32c = require('fast-crc32c');const ciphertextCrc32c = crc32c.calculate(ciphertext);async function decryptAsymmetric() { const [decryptResponse] = await client.asymmetricDecrypt({ name: versionName, ciphertext: ciphertext, ciphertextCrc32c: { value: ciphertextCrc32c, }, }); // Optional, but recommended: perform integrity verification on decryptResponse. // For more details on ensuring E2E in-transit integrity to and from Cloud KMS visit: // https://cloud.google.com/kms/docs/data-integrity-guidelines if (!decryptResponse.verifiedCiphertextCrc32c) { throw new Error('AsymmetricDecrypt: request corrupted in-transit'); } if ( crc32c.calculate(decryptResponse.plaintext) !== Number(decryptResponse.plaintextCrc32c.value) ) { throw new Error('AsymmetricDecrypt: response corrupted in-transit'); } // NOTE: The ciphertext must be properly formatted. In Node < 12, the // crypto.publicEncrypt() function does not properly consume the OAEP // padding and thus produces invalid ciphertext. If you are using Node to do // public key encryption, please use version 12+. const plaintext = decryptResponse.plaintext.toString('utf8'); console.log(`Plaintext: ${plaintext}`); return plaintext;}return decryptAsymmetric();


To run this code, first learn about using PHP on Google Cloud andinstall the Cloud KMS PHP SDK.

use Google\Cloud\Kms\V1\AsymmetricDecryptRequest;use Google\Cloud\Kms\V1\Client\KeyManagementServiceClient;function decrypt_asymmetric( string $projectId = 'my-project', string $locationId = 'us-east1', string $keyRingId = 'my-key-ring', string $keyId = 'my-key', string $versionId = '123', string $ciphertext = '...') { // Create the Cloud KMS client. $client = new KeyManagementServiceClient(); // Build the key version name. $keyVersionName = $client->cryptoKeyVersionName($projectId, $locationId, $keyRingId, $keyId, $versionId); // Call the API. $asymmetricDecryptRequest = (new AsymmetricDecryptRequest()) ->setName($keyVersionName) ->setCiphertext($ciphertext); $decryptResponse = $client->asymmetricDecrypt($asymmetricDecryptRequest); printf('Plaintext: %s' . PHP_EOL, $decryptResponse->getPlaintext()); return $decryptResponse;}


To run this code, first set up a Python development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Python SDK.

from google.cloud import kmsdef decrypt_asymmetric( project_id: str, location_id: str, key_ring_id: str, key_id: str, version_id: str, ciphertext: bytes,) -> kms.DecryptResponse: """ Decrypt the ciphertext using an asymmetric key. Args: project_id (string): Google Cloud project ID (e.g. 'my-project'). location_id (string): Cloud KMS location (e.g. 'us-east1'). key_ring_id (string): ID of the Cloud KMS key ring (e.g. 'my-key-ring'). key_id (string): ID of the key to use (e.g. 'my-key'). version_id (string): ID of the key version to use (e.g. '1'). ciphertext (bytes): Encrypted bytes to decrypt. Returns: DecryptResponse: Response including plaintext. """ # Create the client. client = kms.KeyManagementServiceClient() # Build the key version name. key_version_name = client.crypto_key_version_path( project_id, location_id, key_ring_id, key_id, version_id ) # Optional, but recommended: compute ciphertext's CRC32C. # See crc32c() function defined below. ciphertext_crc32c = crc32c(ciphertext) # Call the API. decrypt_response = client.asymmetric_decrypt( request={ "name": key_version_name, "ciphertext": ciphertext, "ciphertext_crc32c": ciphertext_crc32c, } ) # Optional, but recommended: perform integrity verification on decrypt_response. # For more details on ensuring E2E in-transit integrity to and from Cloud KMS visit: # https://cloud.google.com/kms/docs/data-integrity-guidelines if not decrypt_response.verified_ciphertext_crc32c: raise Exception("The request sent to the server was corrupted in-transit.") if not decrypt_response.plaintext_crc32c == crc32c(decrypt_response.plaintext): raise Exception( "The response received from the server was corrupted in-transit." ) # End integrity verification print(f"Plaintext: {decrypt_response.plaintext!r}") return decrypt_responsedef crc32c(data: bytes) -> int: """ Calculates the CRC32C checksum of the provided data. Args: data: the bytes over which the checksum should be calculated. Returns: An int representing the CRC32C checksum of the provided bytes. """ import crcmod # type: ignore crc32c_fun = crcmod.predefined.mkPredefinedCrcFun("crc-32c") return crc32c_fun(data)


To run this code, first set up a Ruby development environment andinstall the Cloud KMS Ruby SDK.

# TODO(developer): uncomment these values before running the sample.# project_id = "my-project"# location_id = "us-east1"# key_ring_id = "my-key-ring"# key_id = "my-key"# version_id = "123"# ciphertext = "..."# Require the library.require "google/cloud/kms"# Create the client.client = Google::Cloud::Kms.key_management_service# Build the key version name.key_version_name = client.crypto_key_version_path project: project_id, location: location_id, key_ring: key_ring_id, crypto_key: key_id, crypto_key_version: version_id# Call the API.response = client.asymmetric_decrypt key_version_name, ciphertextputs "Plaintext: #{response.plaintext}"


These examples use curl as an HTTP client to demonstrate using the API. For more information about access control, see Accessing the Cloud KMS API.

Use theCryptoKeyVersions.asymmetricDecryptmethod.


incorrect key purpose: ASYMMETRIC_SIGN

You can only decrypt data with a key with key purpose ASYMMETRIC_DECRYPT.

invalid parameter when decrypting on macOS

The version of OpenSSL installed on macOS does not support the flags used todecrypt data in this topic. To follow these steps on macOS,install OpenSSL from Homebrew.

data too large for key size

The maximum payload size for RSA decryption depends on the key size and paddingalgorithm. All RSA encryption formats used by Cloud KMS useOAEP, standardized inRFC 2437. As aquick reference, the following algorithms support the following maximum payloadsizes (maxMLen, in bytes):

AlgorithmParametersMaximum message length
RSA_DECRYPT_OAEP_2048_SHA256k = 256; hLen = 32;maxMLen = 190
RSA_DECRYPT_OAEP_3072_SHA256k = 384; hLen = 32;maxMLen = 318
RSA_DECRYPT_OAEP_4096_SHA256k = 512; hLen = 32;maxMLen = 446
RSA_DECRYPT_OAEP_4096_SHA512k = 512; hLen = 64;maxMLen = 382

Asymmetric encryption is not recommended for messages of varying lengths thatmay be larger than these limits. Consider using hybrid encryption instead.Tink is a cryptographic librarythat uses this approach.

Except as otherwise noted, the content of this page is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License, and code samples are licensed under the Apache 2.0 License. For details, see the Google Developers Site Policies. Java is a registered trademark of Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Last updated 2024-09-12 UTC.

Encrypting and decrypting data with an asymmetric key  |  Cloud KMS Documentation  |  Google Cloud (2024)
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Article information

Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 6035

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.