Earn $100k in Your First Year as a Real Estate Agent | BGRE (2024)

Starting a new career as a real estate agent can be daunting–there is a lot of competition out there, and it can seem like an uphill battle to make the kind of money you want. But if you have the right strategies in place, it’s possible to earn $100,000 or more in your first year on the job! In this blog post, we’ll discuss surefire tactics that you can use to hit that goal quickly and confidently. Keep reading for insider tips from experienced agents on how to fast-track your success in the field of real estate.

1. Make 20-30 Contacts a Day

Earn $100k in Your First Year as a Real Estate Agent | BGRE (1)

Prospecting is an important part of success in the real estate industry. It’s not a glamorous job, but it’s necessary for agents to find new clients and build relationships with them. This means dedicating time each day to reaching out to potential clients and talking with them— 20-30 people a day is a good place to start.

The most successful real estate agents have a plan when it comes to prospecting. They create goals, track their progress, and adjust their tactics as needed. This can be done by writing down goals, tracking your daily activities, and setting benchmarks that are attainable and measurable. Having these goals will help you stay focused on the task at hand while also allowing you to make modifications as needed.

Prospecting can be intimidating, and often times agents get stuck in the same rut because they don’t want to try something new. Reaching out to potential clients can be uncomfortable, but if you want success, it is essential that you push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Don’t be afraid to ask for referrals either; word of mouth is powerful in real estate, so don’t be shy about asking for help from family, friends, or past clients.

Manage Your Time Effectively

Being organized and managing your time is essential when it comes to prospecting; having an effective system makes all the difference! Each day should start by setting aside time specifically dedicated to prospecting and scheduling that time into your calendar just like any other appointment or meeting would be scheduled. This will ensure that you remain consistent with your efforts and maintain focus throughout the day. Additionally, having a task list will help keep you on track and motivated throughout the day so that you don’t get distracted by other tasks or obligations which might take away from your productivity levels during this crucial time period. ​

2. Hire a Coach

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Coaches can offer many benefits to agents just starting out. They provide valuable insight into the profession and help new agents develop the skills they need to succeed. Coaches also usually have extensive experience in their field, so they know what works and what doesn’t when it comes to marketing strategies, closing deals, dealing with clients, etc. A good coach will be able to provide personalized advice tailored specifically for each agent depending on their individual strengths and weaknesses.

The most important benefit of hiring a coach is that they are able to hold agents accountable for their actions. It’s easy for new agents to become overwhelmed or discouraged when things don’t go as planned, but having someone who can provide motivation and push them forward is invaluable. Good coaches are also great sources of support when making difficult business decisions; they often know exactly what steps need to be taken in order for an agent to reach their goals.

3. Be Coachable

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Being coachable means that you must be willing to listen to your coach’s advice without judgment or criticism. To get the most out of your coaching experience, it’s important to take an honest look at yourself and identify areas where improvement is needed—even if those areas are uncomfortable or challenging for you personally. Being open-minded about these areas allows your coach to offer constructive feedback that will ultimately help elevate your game as a real estate agent.

4. Learn Scripts

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Scripts help you stay organized and confident when talking to potential buyers or sellers. They also give you the tools to make sure conversations go smoothly, and that important details are not overlooked.

When engaging with potential buyers or sellers, preparation is essential. You don’t want to be caught off guard by a question they might ask or worry about what to say next. A well-crafted script helps you anticipate questions and create plausible responses, enabling you to remain in control of the conversation and maintain an air of professionalism. In addition, scripts provide structure for conversations so that important details are not missed or forgotten; this is especially helpful when meeting with multiple people during a single day or week.

In addition to helping you prepare for conversations with potential buyers or sellers, scripts also improve your listening skills. When using a script as a framework for a conversation, it enables you to listen more closely because you’re not scrambling for an answer or worrying about what comes next. Instead, your focus can be on understanding the person’s needs and responding in the best possible way.

Real estate agents rely on their ability to connect with people and build relationships; when done correctly, this leads to more closed deals. By using scripts as conversation guides, agents have the opportunity to pay attention and really listen—allowing them time to assess each individual’s needs and respond accordingly in order to close more deals faster. This means better service for their customers—and ultimately, more money in their pockets!

5. Create A Business Plan

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As a real estate agent, it’s important to have an effective business plan in place. A business plan can help you stay focused and motivated when pursuing your goals and objectives. It’s also the blueprint for success, as it outlines the steps you need to take to get to where you want to be. Let’s break down why creating a business plan is essential for successful real estate agents.

Understand Your Goals and Objectives

Creating a business plan will help you understand your overall goals and objectives in the short term and long term. It should include specific details about what you want to accomplish, such as how many listings you want to secure each month or how much revenue you would like to generate in a year. This will help keep track of your progress by providing tangible metrics that are easy to measure over time.

Create Your Workflow

Having a well-thought-out business plan will also help create a workflow that works best for your needs. This includes establishing systems for tracking leads, staying on top of tasks, or setting up meetings with potential clients. Establishing these processes ahead of time can save time and money in the long run while helping make sure that nothing falls through the cracks.

Set Yourself Up For Success

Finally, having a comprehensive business plan can give you an edge over competitors who don’t have one in place. Having an organized strategy provides structure and focus so that all of your energy is directed toward activities that yield results instead of wasting precious time on tasks that don’t contribute much value.

For more information, read our guide to creating the perfect business plan.

6. Buy Leads

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Being a successful real estate agent requires more than just hard work and dedication—it also requires having a strong network of leads to convert into sales. Prospective clients are out there, but they might not know you exist or how you can help them. That’s where lead generation comes in.

Leads are the lifeblood of virtually any business, including real estate agents. By buying leads, you gain access to an audience that would otherwise be unavailable to you. If you’re just getting started as a realtor and don’t have an established client base yet to sell to, buying leads is one of the best ways to jumpstart your career.

7. Surround Yourself With Top Producers

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As a real estate agent, you know the importance of networking and building relationships. But it’s not enough to just meet people in the real estate industry; you have to create meaningful connections with those who have already achieved success in the field. Surrounding yourself with top producers is key to becoming a successful real estate agent.

The Power of Mentorship

Having experienced mentors in the field can be invaluable for your growth as an agent. Not only can they help guide you through any challenges you may face, but they can also provide insight on how to close more deals and increase your profits. It’s important to find people who are knowledgeable and trustworthy, so take the time to make sure that your mentorship relationship is based on mutual respect and understanding. That way, you can build a productive connection that will benefit both parties for years to come.

Benefit from Their Experiences

Top producers have likely gone through all the trials and tribulations that come with being an agent—and they’ve come out on top! So take advantage of their expertise by asking questions and absorbing as much information as possible from them. Ask them about their strategies, mistakes they’ve made, successes they’ve had—anything that could help you learn more about real estate and become a better agent overall. Even if you don’t become close friends or business partners with these individuals, having access to their knowledge alone is worth its weight in gold!

Gain Access To A New Network

By surrounding yourself with top producers, you gain access to their network of contacts as well. Your mentors may be able to introduce you to other successful agents or even potential clients who could turn into lucrative investments down the line. Additionally, if any of your mentors are part of professional organizations or local chambers of commerce—or even just involved in the community—you can join them in these initiatives for further career growth opportunities.

8. Stay Focused on Your Goal

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Real estate is filled with challenges, from marketing your services to staying motivated despite rejections. One of the key components of success in this field is the ability to remain focused on your goals.

Staying focused means staying present and centered on your goal, even when you are faced with disappointment or distraction. It can mean setting achievable daily, weekly, or monthly goals that will help you move closer to your end goal.

When you stay focused on your goals as a real estate agent, you are more likely to succeed because it gives you clarity about what needs to be done next. When you have clear objectives in mind, it helps keep your motivation going even during challenging times like rejections or unproductive meetings. Additionally, when you focus on your goals instead of other people’s successes or failures, you are less likely to become overwhelmed or discouraged by comparing yourself to others. Finally, staying focused increases productivity since it eliminates wasted time and energy that can come along with random tasks or distractions.

When you stay focused as a top real estate broker or agent, there are many benefits that come along with it, including increased productivity and clarity about what needs to be done next. Additionally, focusing on what matters most can help keep your motivation alive during difficult moments of rejection or discouragement, which can ultimately lead to greater success in the long run.

9. Remove Emotion From Your Decision-Making

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Making decisions based on emotion can be dangerous for a real estate agent. It’s important to remove emotion from your decision-making process and focus instead on the facts and data. In order to be successful in this business, you must learn how to understand and manage the emotions that come with the job.

The Benefits of Removing Emotion

One of the most important things you can do as a real estate agent is to make sure that you are not letting your emotions get in the way of making decisions. By removing emotion, you can make sound decisions based on facts and data rather than feelings or personal bias. This will help you avoid making costly mistakes that could impact your success as an agent.

In addition, by removing emotion from your decision-making process, you can better manage difficult situations, such as dealing with clients who are unhappy or frustrated. By not allowing yourself to become emotionally invested in a situation, you will be able to keep calm and remain professional even when faced with challenging situations. This will help you maintain relationships with current and potential clients alike.

Understanding Your Emotions

It’s important to recognize that there will be times when it is difficult to separate your emotions from your decision-making process. The key is learning how to understand these feelings and use them constructively rather than letting them control your actions. Doing this requires self-awareness—being aware of how your emotions affect your behavior and taking steps accordingly so that they don’t interfere with your ability to make sound decisions.

10. Expand Your Referral Base

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If you’re in the business of selling houses, then you know that referrals are everything. A referral is when a past client recommends you to one of their friends or family members who are also in the market for buying or selling a home.

The best way to get referrals is by providing your clients with an exceptional level of service that they’ll be happy to tell others about. But how do you go above and beyond for your clients?

Stay in Touch With Your Clients After the Sale

Once the sale has been finalized, it’s important to stay in touch with your clients. Send them a handwritten thank-you note, give them a call on their birthday, and check in with them every few months just to see how they’re doing. By staying in touch, you’re not only showing your clients that you care about them, but you’re also keeping your name at the top of their mind in case they need your services again in the future or if they know someone who does.

Ask for Referrals

Sometimes, all you have to do is ask! At the end of each transaction, let your clients know that you would appreciate any referrals they could send your way. If they’re happy with your service, they’ll be more than happy to help you out. Just remember to be polite and not too pushy—the last thing you want is to make your clients feel uncomfortable!

11. Outsource Where You Can

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If you’re a real estate agent, then you know that the job is demanding. You’re constantly meeting new clients, showing homes, attending open houses, and more. It can be tough to keep up with it all, but you need to in order to be successful. One way to lighten your load and free up some time is to outsource where you can. Here are a few things you can outsource as a real estate agent.

Transaction Management

As a real estate agent, it’s your job to manage every aspect of the transaction, from start to finish. This includes everything from preparing paperwork to coordinating inspections to negotiating repairs. It’s a lot of work, but it’s crucial in order to ensure a smooth transaction for your clients. If you’re finding yourself stretched thin, consider hiring a transaction coordinator. They’ll handle all the nitty-gritty details so you can focus on more important things.

Administrative Tasks

There are plenty of administrative tasks that need to be done in order for a real estate transaction to go smoothly. Things like scheduling appointments, sending emails and text messages, updating your website—the list goes on and on. If you’re finding that these tasks are taking up too much of your time, consider hiring an assistant or virtual assistant. They’ll take care of all the little things so you can focus on the big picture.

12. Save For Your Taxes

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As a real estate agent, it’s important to be mindful of your taxes. After all, taxes can take a big chunk out of your earnings if you’re not careful. That’s why it’s crucial to save for your taxes throughout the year. By setting aside money each month, you can ensure that you have enough money to cover your tax bill when it comes due. Not only will this save you from any financial stress come tax time, but it will also help you avoid any penalties or interest charges that may be incurred if you’re unable to pay your taxes in full.

Why You Should Save For Your Taxes

There are a number of reasons why saving for your taxes is important. First and foremost, it can help you avoid any penalties or interest charges that may be applied if you’re unable to pay your taxes in full. Additionally, setting aside money each month can help you stay on top of your tax bill and ensure that you’re not caught off guard come tax time.

How to Save For Your Taxes

One option is to set up a separate savings account that is dedicated solely to your taxes. This way, you can easily transfer money into this account each month and know exactly how much you have saved come tax time. Another option is to simply set aside a certain amount of money each month from your earnings, 30% is generally a good percentage for most real estate agents, and keep it in a safe place until you’re ready to pay your taxes. Whichever method you choose, just be sure to make saving for your taxes a priority so that you’re not caught off guard come tax time.

13. Tax Breaks

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It’s important to be aware of all the tax breaks and deductions that you may qualify for in order to maximize your profits as a real estate agent. Taking advantage of these tax breaks can make a huge difference in how much money you take home at the end of the year, so it’s worth looking into.

Tax Deductions for Real Estate Agents

Real estate agents are eligible for a variety of tax deductions, including those related to their business expenses. For example, they can deduct things like office supplies, travel expenses, and advertising costs as long as they’re related to their work. Additionally, real estate agents can claim deductions on any necessary professional services that they use throughout the year, such as legal or accounting fees. It’s also possible to deduct mileage if you drive your own car or rent a car while traveling on business-related trips.

The Benefits of Tax Breaks

Taking advantage of tax breaks can be extremely beneficial and help boost your bottom line significantly each year. One great way to do this is by setting up an LLC (limited liability company). This type of business entity allows you to pay yourself a salary and also take advantage of certain types of deductions that are not available with other entities, such as sole proprietorships or partnerships. Additionally, setting up an LLC can provide some additional protection from personal liability if something were to go wrong with one of your transactions as a real estate agent.

As a real estate agent, tax breaks can be immensely beneficial. By utilizing the deductions available to agents, you can shave off a significant portion of your annual professional income for tax purposes. When used correctly and strategically, tax breaks can be a major boost to any real estate agent’s financial bottom line.

If you’re looking for more guidance and support, we encourage you to join our team. As experienced professionals, we can provide the tools and advice needed to help take your career to the next level.Schedule a callwith us a call today to learn more about how we can help turn your real estate dreams into reality.

Earn $100k in Your First Year as a Real Estate Agent | BGRE (2024)


How to make $100,000 your first year in real estate? ›

How to Earn $100k in Your First Year as a New Real Estate Agent
  1. Make 20-30 Contacts a Day. Prospecting is an important part of success in the real estate industry. ...
  2. Hire a Coach. ...
  3. Be Coachable. ...
  4. Learn Scripts. ...
  5. Create A Business Plan. ...
  6. Buy Leads. ...
  7. Surround Yourself With Top Producers. ...
  8. Stay Focused on Your Goal.

What do most realtors make their first year? ›

$59,200 is the 25th percentile. Salaries below this are outliers. $98,700 is the 75th percentile.

How do you survive the first year of real estate? ›

Obvious (But Often Overlooked) First-Year Real Estate Agent Tips
  1. Prospect every workday. Prospecting for new leads daily is the only way you'll find success in real estate. ...
  2. Know your market. ...
  3. Have a financial plan. ...
  4. Be as responsive as possible, but set boundaries with your clients. ...
  5. Build your sales and consulting skills.
Sep 12, 2023

Is the first year of real estate the hardest? ›

So don't expect your first year to be easy. The first year will be one of the most challenging years of your career in real estate, particularly if you don't have mentors who can help. Your first year might not meet all your initial expectations. Additionally, you may not achieve monumental financial success.

How many rental properties to make $100,000 a year? ›

The amount of capital needed to generate $100,000 in annual income from rental properties depends on factors like cash flow, financing, and property types. For example, if you have an average cash flow of $1,000 per month per property, you would need approximately 8-10 properties to achieve $100,000 in annual income.

How many houses a year do most realtors sell? ›

According to NAR, the average Realtor completes a median of 12 residential transactions annually. However, it's important to keep in mind that this doesn't necessarily indicate how many houses the average Realtor sells. A completed transaction can mean the agent assisted on either the buyer's or seller's side.

What age do most realtors start? ›

While you have to be at least 18 years old to become a real estate agent, there are realtors of all ages. According to the National Association of Realtors (NAR), the typical real estate agent is a 54-year-old white female who attended college. Female realtors make up over 60% of all realtors and the median age is 52.

Is it hard starting out as a realtor? ›

Key Takeaways. Working as a real estate agent or broker can be fulfilling and financially rewarding, but it's not easy. A career in real estate requires drumming up business, promoting yourself, tracking leads, handling complex paperwork, providing customer service, and much, much more.

Why do most real estate agents fail in their first year? ›

Many, if not most, real estate agents will fail in their first year. Three common mistakes that agents make are inadequate prospecting, failing to market properties in ways that lead to timely sales, and not following up with clients to maintain relationships.

How do first year real estate agents succeed? ›

Invest in Your Real Estate Marketing

Those just starting out should invest their time in making sure their online presence is top tier, producing the best content they can, reaching out to their sphere of influence, making phone calls, and doing simple things that have a large impact — like handwriting thank you notes.

What is the best age to start a real estate career? ›

Starting young: Some individuals enter the real estate industry early in their careers, typically in their 20s or 30s. They may have a passion for sales, entrepreneurship, or a desire to build a long-term career in real estate.

What is the slowest month in real estate? ›

Typically, winter time is the slowest of the year to sell a property, specifically November, December, and January. However, there are some exceptions because there are several conditions that affect the housing market.

What do realtors struggle with the most? ›

Here are five of the biggest challenges real estate agents encounter on their road to success – and how to overcome them.
  1. Market Fluctuations. Nothing stays the same in real estate. ...
  2. Fierce Competition. ...
  3. Long Hours. ...
  4. Time Management.
Nov 18, 2023

Is 30 too old to start real estate? ›

You're never too old for a new beginning! You'll find that the real estate world is full of people who are willing to help you reach your goals. We also have plenty of resources that are geared toward helping you get started. Click here to read our blog that outlines how to network with other real estate agents.

Can I buy a house making 100k a year? ›

In conclusion, how much house you can afford with a $100,000 salary will largely depend on your savings, credit score, and other financial commitments. From our calculations, a realistic range for you would likely be between $300,000 to $370,000.

Can you make $1000000 a year in real estate? ›

If You're Going to Dream, Dream Big (and Plan Even Bigger) Consider what it would take to make $1 million in gross commissions your first year selling real estate (before expenses and taxes). It would involve selling approximately $50 million of real property with an average salesperson commission of 2%.

How long does it take to start making money in real estate? ›

You can make money in your first year as a real estate agent. You can do it by earning commissions or having a related side hustle like managing short-term rentals. However, if you're planning on making a living out of real estate alone, that will take 18 months on average.

Is 100k enough to invest in real estate? ›

$100k could be enough for a down payment and closing costs in some markets. But getting a loan to buy a commercial space might be more difficult than getting a loan for a residential property. One upside is that you probably won't need to invest in renovations; the lessee usually pays for “tenant improvements.”

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Author: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

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Author information

Name: Gov. Deandrea McKenzie

Birthday: 2001-01-17

Address: Suite 769 2454 Marsha Coves, Debbieton, MS 95002

Phone: +813077629322

Job: Real-Estate Executive

Hobby: Archery, Metal detecting, Kitesurfing, Genealogy, Kitesurfing, Calligraphy, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Gov. Deandrea McKenzie, I am a spotless, clean, glamorous, sparkling, adventurous, nice, brainy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.