Double DES and Triple DES - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Double DES and Triple DES - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 04 Jul, 2022




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As we know the Data encryption standard (DES) uses 56 bit key to encrypt any plain text which can be easily be cracked by using modern technologies. To prevent this from happening double DES and triple DES were introduced which are much more secured than the original DES because it uses 112 and 168 bit keys respectively. They offer much more security than DES.

Double DES:

Double DES is a encryption technique which uses two instance of DES on same plain text. In both instances it uses different keys to encrypt the plain text. Both keys are required at the time of decryption. The 64 bit plain text goes into first DES instance which then converted into a 64 bit middle text using the first key and then it goes to second DES instance which gives 64 bit cipher text by using second key.

Double DES and Triple DES - GeeksforGeeks (3)

However double DES uses 112 bit key but gives security level of 2^56 not 2^112 and this is because of meet-in-the middle attack which can be used to break through double DES.

Triple DES:

Triple DES is a encryption technique which uses three instance of DES on same plain text. It uses there different types of key choosing technique in first all used keys are different and in second two keys are same and one is different and in third all keys are same.

Double DES and Triple DES - GeeksforGeeks (4)

Triple DES is also vulnerable to meet-in-the middle attack because of which it give total security level of 2^112 instead of using 168 bit of key. The block collision attack can also be done because of short block size and using same key to encrypt large size of text. It is also vulnerable to sweet32 attack.

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Double DES and Triple DES - GeeksforGeeks (6)

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Double DES and Triple DES - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Double DES and Triple DES - GeeksforGeeks? ›

However double DES uses 112 bit key but gives security level of 2^56 not 2^112 and this is because of meet-in-the middle attack which can be used to break through double DES. Triple DES: Triple DES is a encryption technique which uses three instance of DES on same plain text.

What is the difference between double DES and Triple DES? ›

Double-DES is two successive DES instances, while Triple-DES is three successive DES instances. We use 3DES and not 2DES because 2DES does not yield the security increase that you would believe.

Why double DES is not used? ›

The MITM attack is the primary reason why Double DES is not used and why a Triple DES key (168-bit) can be brute-forced by an attacker with 256 space and 2112 operations.

What is Triple DES used for? ›

Definitions: An implementation of the data encryption standard (DES) algorithm that uses three passes of the DES algorithm instead of one as used in ordinary DES applications. Triple DES provides much stronger encryption than ordinary DES but it is less secure than advanced encryption standard (AES).

What is the difference between 3DES and AES? ›

Which is more secure, 3DES or AES? Without a doubt, AES is more secure than 3DES. Its larger key sizes and more sophisticated encryption processes provide a stronger defense against brute-force attacks and cryptographic analysis.

Is Triple DES obsolete? ›

According to the standards, 3DES will be deprecated for all new applications following a period of public deliberation, and its use will be prohibited after 2023.

What is the drawback of double DES algorithm? ›

Double DES is insecure, so that algorithm should not be used. It provides about 57 bit security (compared to 56 bits for single DES) so it can be brute forced even when using moderate amount of hardware. Triple DES has a key length of 168 bits split into 3 parts, each a single DES key.

Is DES stronger than AES? ›

AES allows you to choose a 128-bit, 192-bit or 256-bit key, making it exponentially stronger than the 56-bit key of DES. Encryption is also much faster in AES vs. DES, making it ideal for applications, firmware and hardware that require low latency or high throughput.

Why is DES outdated? ›

The block size of a cipher refers to the number of bits that are processed together. The original DES algorithm specified the use of 56-bit keys. As computing advanced, this proved ineffective protection against certain attacks. The algorithm was retired in 2005.

How long does it take to crack 3DES? ›

Our results show that 80-bit security can be attacked by distributed GPU clusters. Thus, we recommend Present with 80-bit key and other cryptographic algorithms with 80-bit or shorter keys to be removed from ISO/IEC and other standards. 112-bit security of 3des can be broken in 8 years with RTX 3070 GPUs.

How did 3DES improve on DES? ›

Triple DES (3DES) represents a significant advancement in the field of cryptography by addressing the vulnerabilities of single and double encryption methods. Through its use of three stages of DES encryption and decryption, 3DES effectively increases the key length and resists meet-in-the-middle attacks.

What is DES used for today? ›

Today, diethylstilbestrol (DES) is used in men to treat prostate cancer and for palliative care to manage symptoms caused by prostate cancer treatment. It is also used in veterinary medicine to treat urinary incontinence in female dogs.

What replaced 3DES? ›

The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) has changed older encryption techniques like DES, 3DES, and TDEA because of its superior security, performance, and sturdy design. AES gives longer key lengths, making it more proof against attacks, and methods data more effectively.

Is Triple DES more secure than double DES? ›

Single DES offers 56 bit security which was already inadequate compared to alternative schemes in 1977. Double DES improved the security to 72-bit level. The 2-key Triple DES which uses the same key values for the Keys K1 and K3 offer an 80-bit security level, which has been acceptable until 2009.

Is 3DES symmetric or asymmetric? ›

In cryptography, Triple DES (3DES or TDES), officially the Triple Data Encryption Algorithm (TDEA or Triple DEA), is a symmetric-key block cipher, which applies the DES cipher algorithm three times to each data block.

What are the two types of DES? ›

The DES keys are 64-bit, 128-bit, and 192-bit keys that use the DES algorithm to perform the cryptographic function. A 64-bit key is referred to as a single-length key. A 128-bit key is referred to as a double-length key.

What are the advantages of double DES? ›

Double DES is easily to learn. Double DES uses two keys, such as k1and k2. It can implement DES on the original plain text using k1 to get the encrypted text. It can implement DES on the encrypted text, but this time with the different key k2.

What is the meaning of 3DES? ›

Triple Data Encryption Standard (Triple DES) is a symmetric block cipher-based cryptography standard that uses fixed length keys with three passes of the DES algorithm. As a symmetric cryptographic scheme, DES implementations rely on the same secret keys shared between the sender and the recipient.

How many times does Triple DES make use of the DES algorithm? ›

In 1998, Triple Data Encryption Algorithm, commonly referred to as Triple DES, TDEA and, informally, 3DES, was introduced. It applies the DES cipher algorithm three times to each data block for more effective key length.

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