Does An Independent Contractor Pay More Taxes Than An Employee? (2024)

When comparing 1099 contractors and W-2 employees, the differences in how taxes are handled are significant. So, what are some of the key distinctions between 1099 vs W2 employees?

This is a tricky thing to measure, as it can vary from country to country depending on the tax rules and of course on how the independent contractor manages his or her business accounting. Net earnings will vary depending on how a freelancer has structured their business, for example as an LLC or a solo business owner, and how well they plan their tax minimization strategies.

For example, a freelancer using a professional accountant might pay less taxes than a freelancer calculating their own taxes, purely because the accountant knows the full extent of business expenses that can be claimed back each year and offset against the total tax amount.

In this article, we’ll take a look at some of the tax specifics for the countries you might

Taxes for employees vs independent contractors

As an employee, you don’t tend to think too much about tax. The correct taxable amounts for federal income tax and government initiatives are taken out of your salary by your employer before it reaches your bank account.

1099 workers, on the other hand, need to be vigilant about how much tax they need to pay out of their gross earnings, and when these payments are due. As most freelancers have varying workflows from month to month, they also need to ensure they’re paying the correct amount of tax at the right time to avoid unnecessary penalties.

So, how much does an independent contractor pay in taxes? In most cases, self-employed contractors will pay a slightly higher tax rate than employees on paper – but overall they typically pay a lower amount of taxes due to business tax breaks and expense deductions.

Common tax deductions available for independent contractors

Freelancers only pay tax on their profits – not their total earnings. Common deductible business expenses can include a wide range of things including:

  • Home office supplies
  • Marketing (online ads, flyers, design work)
  • Hardware (laptop, ring light, video camera, microphone etc)
  • Vehicle expenses and travel costs
  • Mobile phone and internet bills
  • Meals and entertainment
  • Training and professional development
  • Water bills
  • Heating bills
  • Gas bills
  • Home insurance
  • Rent
  • Mortgage
  • Property taxes
  • Repairs and maintenance
  • Phone bills
  • Internet bills

United States

In the United States, freelancers have to pay self-employment tax, which will drive up their nominal tax rate compared to employees. Additionally, tax rates and deduction rules can vary considerably between states.

Employees and freelancers across the country all need to pay federal, state, and local taxes for the most part. These amounts will differ between states and counties, and the final tax due will depend on the individual’s total income.

One key difference is the timing and frequency of tax filing and tax payments. Self-employed freelancers are generally required to file and make quarterly estimated tax payments. For this reason, freelancers need to be especially vigilant with their tax planning and payment dates to avoid unnecessary penalties and interest charges from the government.

Employee taxes

Employees don’t need to worry about the different types of government tax, as this is taken out of their salary automatically.

At a federal level, taxes are taken out at a rate of between 10% and 37% depending on earnings.

At the state level, most states in the USA require an additional tax on employee earning at rates set out for their specific states. There are only 9 states who don’t charge state income tax, but this can mean that cost of living is overall higher for individuals.

Local taxes are also imposed in some areas in addition to state and federal taxes.

On top of these compulsory taxes, employees also get taxed for Social Security and Medicare contributions.

Freelancer taxes

Freelancers pay taxes at the same federal, state, and local tax rates as employees, but then have the added extra burden of the self-employment tax.

Things can get tricky if freelancers live in one state, and work for companies in other states. Each state may lay claim to tax the income earned / paid.

As a rule of thumb, freelancers should set aside at least 30-40% of their total income to cover their bases at tax time. This can vary based on how much the freelancer claims for business tax deductions. Business tax deductions reduce taxable income, thereby reducing taxes owed.

Sales tax

Most US states require freelancers to pay sales taxes if they provide anything other than services to clients (e.g. physical products).

However, freelancers in Hawaii, South Dakota, New Mexico, and West Virginia will also need to pay sales taxes when providing services. This means that contractors will need to pay for and obtain a permit to operate their business. Savvy freelancers include this sales tax charge on invoices to their clients, including it in the contract with the client as well.

Self-employment tax

At the time of writing, the self-employed tax rate (federal tax rate) is 12.4% for Social Security contributions, and 2.9% for Medicare. That’s a total of 15.3% just to cover the basics of operating a freelance business.

If you’re an employee, your employer will pay half of these taxes for you, but freelancers need to cover the entire cost themselves.

The good news is that in many cases, contractors can deduct half this amount from their total income.

Freelancers will also pay different tax rates depending if they’re operating as a sole business owner, or an LLC.
While there are extra costs associated with setting up and managing a company structure, it opens up possibilities for independent contractors to take advantage of even more tax savings, especially if they apply to be taxed as an S-corp.

United Kingdom

Employees and freelancers both need to pay the same basic taxes, including UK tax and National Insurance Contributions. Neither need to pay any taxes if they earn below the threshold of £12,570.

Employee taxes

The tax rates for employees is the same across the UK, except for Scotland.

Does An Independent Contractor Pay More Taxes Than An Employee? (1)

Independent contractor taxes

In addition to the above tax schedule, self-employed freelancers also need to pay two types of National Insurance Contributions (NICs)—Class 2, and Class 4.

Class 2 is paid at a flat rate of £3.15 each week if you earn more than £6,725 in one tax year.

Class 4 needs to be paid at a rate of 10.25% on any profit between £9,880 and £50,270 in one tax year, or 3.5% on profit higher than £50,270.

Like the other countries mentioned here, freelancers can also write off business-related expenses throughout the year in the UK, and decide whether it makes sense to incorporate a company to take advantage of extra tax breaks.


Taxes in Canada are higher for both employees and freelancers according to the Organization for the Economic Cooperation and Development or OECD. On average, the net pay for an individual after tax amounts to only 74.9% of their total wage, compared with an OECD average of 75.4%.

Employees and contractors need to pay the same rates of federal tax, as well as territorial taxes which vary in percentage across the different areas of Canada.

Employee taxes

The first $13,808 of income is tax-free for any employee or self-employed individual. After that, the below tax rates apply.

Does An Independent Contractor Pay More Taxes Than An Employee? (2)

Independent contractor taxes

Self-employed contractors need to take into account both income tax and CPP (Canada Pension Plan) payments. There is also an optional EI (Employment Insurance) fund they can contribute to. Depending on their business type and state, they may also be liable for sales tax.

As a guide, freelancers should set aside at least 30% of their income to cover tax obligations in Canada.

Canadian freelancers can also choose to set up as a sole contractor or a company. Both structures will allow them to minimize the taxes they pay, and allow them to claim for business-related expenses throughout the year.


The income tax rates for employees and self-employed contractors are the same in Australia, however, there are extra tax obligations that freelancers need to navigate as they grow their business.

Employee taxes

Employees in Australia don’t pay any income tax if they earn under $18,200. Once they earn over this threshold, the tax rates are as follows:

Does An Independent Contractor Pay More Taxes Than An Employee? (3)

Independent contractor taxes

All revenue earned from business activities for Australian freelancers is taxed as income, but there are many opportunities to write off business expenses throughout the year.

Depending on their business structure, there are different tax rates and obligations.

Sole proprietor tax rate

Like employees, individual freelancers don’t pay any income tax until they hit the $18,200 AUD threshold, and then the tax rates in the table above will apply as they begin to earn more.

After that, the taxable amount owing will depend on:

  • Revenue from their freelancer business
  • Any additional income sources
  • Business-related tax deductions they can offset to minimize overall tax

Company tax rate

If an independent contractor decides to set up their business under a company structure, they will pay a flat tax rate of 27.5% as long as their turnover is less than $50 million.

For this reason, many new freelancers stay as sole proprietors until they hit a tax bracket where it makes more sense to incorporate a company and take advantage of a steady tax rate.

Whether they’re a company or a solopreneur, Australian freelancers also need to take into account things like:

Goods and Services Tax Returns

If an independent contractor earns over $75,000 AUD in the financial year from their business, they will need to register for Goods and Services Tax (GST. This means they’ll need to charge clients an extra 10% for each invoice and pass this on to their tax department when they file their GST returns.

On the upside, any business purchases made during the year can be claimed back. This will reduce the amount of GST payments owing.


The Australian healthcare levy needs to be taken into account for freelancers who earn over $22,800 AUD a year. This amounts to 2% of the total income earned over this threshold. Freelancers need to be vigilant about this payment to ensure they’ve set the correct amount aside at tax time.

Business expenses

Self-employed contractors are able to claim for business expenses, as long as they keep good records and receipts. These include common expenses that are related to running their business, such as:

  • Website hosting
  • Marketing costs
  • Travel and accommodation (related to business)
  • Vehicle expenses
  • A portion of their household rent, utilities, and maintenance costs
  • Business development and training costs
  • Accountant fees

With careful planning and a solid tax minimization strategy, it’s possible for Australian freelancers to earn slightly more than employees in the same income bracket.

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Does An Independent Contractor Pay More Taxes Than An Employee? (2024)


Does An Independent Contractor Pay More Taxes Than An Employee? ›

In most cases, self-employed contractors will pay a slightly higher tax rate than employees on paper – but overall they typically pay a lower amount of taxes due to business tax breaks and expense deductions.

Do you pay more in taxes as an independent contractor? ›

While being an independent contractor means you have to pay more in self-employment taxes, there is an upside: You can take business deductions. These business deductions reduce the amount of profit you pay income taxes on. You'll report these deductions along with your income on Schedule C.

Who pays more taxes self-employed or employee? ›

The current rate for self-employment tax is 15.3%, which is split between 12.4% for Social Security and 2.9% for Medicare. This rate is higher than the rate for wage earners, which is 7.65% (split between 6.2% for Social Security and 1.45% for Medicare).

What is the difference between employee and independent contractor taxes? ›

Additionally, you must also pay the matching employer portion of social security and Medicare taxes as well as pay unemployment tax on wages paid to an employee. Generally, you do not have to withhold or pay any taxes on payments to independent contractors.

What is one disadvantage when it comes to taxes as an independent contractor? ›

Some of the disadvantages of being a 1099 employee include you must fund 100% of your Medicare and Social Security taxes, health insurance, and retirement savings, as well as any tools and equipment needed for your profession.

How to avoid paying high taxes as an independent contractor? ›

Tax Tips To Avoid Paying Taxes For Independent Contractors
  1. Write off your self-employment tax. ...
  2. Take business expense deductions. ...
  3. Utilize self-employment health insurance. ...
  4. Consider tax-advantaged investment accounts. ...
  5. Take into account the structure of your business.
Jul 4, 2023

Why are taxes so high for self-employed? ›

Used to fund Social Security and Medicare, the SE tax equals the total amount due for those two programs. This levy is higher than the Social Security and Medicare taxes you pay when you work for someone else because employers are required to split these taxes with their employees.

Why is 30% tax for self-employed? ›

Simply being self-employed subjects one to a separate 15.3% tax covering Social Security and Medicare. While W-2 employees “split” this rate with their employers, the IRS views an entrepreneur as both the employee and the employer. Thus, the higher tax rate.

Why is 1099 tax so high? ›

As a 1099 contractor, you pay more taxes than a full-time employee because you pay the full 15.3% in FICA taxes, which employers normally split with employees. A W-2 employee has half of this 15.3% share contributed by the employer. As a self-employed individual, you don't have this privilege.

How much money to set aside for taxes if self-employed? ›

1099 contractors should set aside 20-35% of their income to pay taxes. However, it's best to consult with an accountant as each case is unique. The amount you will owe depends on your tax liability from self-employment, your tax bracket, and any deductions and credits for which you qualify.

Why use independent contractors instead of employees? ›

Employers like to use independent contractors when they can because doing so allows them to avoid expenses associated with employees — taxes, training, promotions, overtime, benefits, unemployment insurance, workers' compensation insurance, FMLA leave, 401K matches, and so on.

Is it better to be an independent contractor or W-2 employee? ›

As a 1099 contractor, you receive more tax deductions like business mileage, meal deductions, home office expenses, and work phone and internet costs, as well as other business expenses that can lower your taxable income. Therefore, contractors might end up paying fewer taxes than a traditional employee would.

What is one advantage when it comes to taxes as an independent contractor? ›

1. Self-employment tax deduction. Contractors can deduct half of the self-employment tax from their net income. Since you're your own boss when you're self-employed, the IRS allows you to treat this tax as a business expense.

Why do independent contractors pay more taxes? ›

Do you pay more in taxes as an independent contractor? Independent contractors generally pay both the employer and employee portion of Medicare and Social Security taxes. This is known as self-employment tax. In some cases, they may be able to deduct the employer-equivalent portion of the tax on their annual return.

Why do contractors make more than employees? ›

In many instances, contractors request a higher rate than full-time employees because employers are not withholding taxes and providing benefits. As a general rule, expect to pay contractors between 50% to 70% more than what you would pay a permanent employee.

What is the new federal rule for independent contractors? ›

The new rule, which becomes effective March 11, 2024, rescinds the 2021 independent contractor rule issued under former President Donald Trump and replaces it with a six-factor test that considers: 1) opportunity for profit or loss depending on managerial skill; 2) investments by the worker and the potential employer; ...

How much of my paycheck should I save for taxes as an independent contractor? ›

1099 contractors should set aside 20-35% of their income to pay taxes. However, it's best to consult with an accountant as each case is unique. The amount you will owe depends on your tax liability from self-employment, your tax bracket, and any deductions and credits for which you qualify.

Is it worth it to be an independent contractor? ›

On average, an independent contractor will earn up to 40% more than an employee doing the same job. That's because companies don't need to pay social security tax, provide employee benefits, or provide equipment when they hire a contractor.

How does a 1099 affect my taxes? ›

When you work on a 1099 contract basis, the IRS considers you to be self-employed. That means that in addition to income tax, you'll need to pay self-employment tax. As of 2022, the self-employment tax is 15.3% of the first $147,000 in net profits, plus 2.9% of anything earned over that amount.

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

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