Do You Have a Genius IQ Score? (2024)

People often talk about very high intelligence quotient (IQ) scores, often referred to as genius IQ scores, but what exactly do these numbers mean and how do they stack up? How do IQ scales break down scores into different IQ levels?

Are people in the "Genius IQ" bracket really that much better off than those in the "High IQ" or even the "Average IQ" brackets? Are geniuses more successful than their lower-IQ counterparts? Some experts suggest that other factors, including emotional intelligence, might matter even more than IQ levels.

IQ vs. EQ: How Are They Different?

Do You Have a Genius IQ Score? (1)

Breakdown of Scores on an IQ Scale

The average score on an IQ test is 100. These labels are often given for IQ scores:

  • 1 to 24: Profound mental disability
  • 25 to 39: Severe mental disability
  • 40 to 54: Moderate mental disability
  • 55 to 69: Mild mental disability
  • 70 to 84: Borderline mental disability
  • 85 to 114: Average intelligence
  • 115 to 129: Above average or bright
  • 130 to 144: Moderately gifted
  • 145 to 159: Highly gifted
  • 160 to 179: Exceptionally gifted
  • 180 and up: Profoundly gifted

An average IQ score is between 85 and 115. 68% of IQ scores fall within one standard deviation of the mean. That means that the majority of people have an IQ score between 85 and 115.

Understanding IQ Scale Scores

IQ scores follow what is known as the bell curve. To understand what the score on an IQ test means, there are a few key terms that you should know.

  • Bell Curve: When IQ scores are plotted on a graph, they typically follow a bell-shaped curve. The peak of the "bell" occurs where the majority of the scores lie. The bell then slopes down to each side;one side represents lower than average scores and the other side representsscores that are above the average.
  • Mean: The mean is the average score. The average is calculated by adding all of the scores together, then dividing by the total number of scores.
  • Standard Deviation: This is a measure of variability in a population. A low standard deviation means that most of the data points are very close to the same value. A high standard deviation indicates that the data points tend to be very spread out from the average. In IQ testing, the standard deviation is plus or minus 15.


Click Play to Learn How IQ Tests Are Measured

This video has been medically reviewed by Shaheen Lakhan, MD, PhD, FAAN.

What IQ Scores Really Mean

What exactly constitutes a genius score on a measure of intelligence? To understand the score, it is important first to learn a little more about IQ testing in general.

Today's intelligence tests are based largely on the original test devised in the early 1900s by French psychologist Alfred Binet. To identify students in need of extra assistance in school, the French government asked Binet to devise a test that could be used to discover which students were most in need of academic help.

Based on his research, Binet developed the concept of mental age. Children of certain age groups quickly answered certain questions. Some children were able to respond to the questions typically answered by children of an older age, so these children had a higher mental age than their actual chronological age. Binet's measure of intelligence was based on the average abilities of children of a particular age group.

Intelligence tests are designed to measure a person's problem-solving and reasoning abilities. Your IQ score is a measure of fluid and crystallized intelligence. Your score on an IQ test indicates how well you did on these tests of mental abilities compared to other people in your age group.

What the Average IQ Means

What IQ Tests Measure

Logic, spatial awareness, verbal reasoning, and visual abilities are some of the key areas assessed by many IQ tests. They are not intended to measure knowledge in specific subject areas like the SAT and ACT tests focus on.

What Kind of Intelligence Do You Have?

An IQ test is not something that you can really study for in order to improve your score. Instead, these tests are more interested in looking at your ability to use logic to solve problems, to recognize patterns, and to make rapid connections between different points of information.

IQ Scores Are Increasing

IQ scores have also increased with passing generations. This is known as the Flynn effect, named for researcher James R. Flynn.

Since the 1930s when standardized tests first became widespread, researchers have noted a sustained and significant increase in test scores among people all over the world. Flynn has suggested that this increase is due to improvements in our abilities to solve problems, think abstractly, and utilize logic.

In a 2013 TED Talk, Flynn explained that past generations largely had to deal with the concrete and specific problems of their immediate environments. In contrast, people today are expected to think more about abstract and hypothetical situations. Not only that, but approaches to education have changed dramatically over the past 75 years and more people tend to have jobs identified as cognitively demanding.

A Word From Verywell

IQ tests are indeed interesting, but it's important to remember that they are not the only measurement of intelligence. They focus on certain areas of our abilities and, while they do point to how smart a person may be academically, there are areas in life that someone may be better at than others.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What was Einstein's IQ?

    While you might often hear that people known for their brilliance, including Albert Einstein and Steven Hawking, possessed IQs of 160 or higher, or that certain presidential candidates have specific IQs, these numbers are simply estimates.

    In most of these cases, there is no evidence that these well-known individuals ever took a standardized IQ test, let alone shared these results with the public.

  • Is a 120 IQ good?

    An IQ level of 120 would be described as 'above average or bright' on an IQ scale. The average score is 100, and 68% of all people have scores between 85 and 115.

  • What is a good IQ score?

    Any IQ score above 116 would be considered above average. However, it is important to remember that IQ does not necessarily reflect an individual's potential, full range of abilities, or chances for success. Other factors, including social-emotional intelligence, are also important.

  • Who has the highest IQ ever?

    According to the Guinness Book of World Records, Marilyn vos Savant, a magazine columnist, has the highest ever recorded IQ, with a score of 228.

How Are Scores on IQ Tests Calculated?

5 Sources

Verywell Mind uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

  1. Martinez M. Future Bright: A Transforming Vision of Human Intelligence. Oxford University Press. 2013.

  2. Mülberger A. MENTAL ASSOCIATION: TESTING INDIVIDUAL DIFFERENCES BEFORE BINET. J Hist Behav Sci. 2017;53(2):176-198. doi:10.1002/jhbs.21850

  3. Richardson K, Norgate S. Does IQ measure ability for complex recognition? Theory and Psychology. 2014;24(6):795-812.

  4. Trahan LH, Stuebing KK, Fletcher JM, Hisco*ck M. The Flynn effect: a meta-analysis. Psychol Bull. 2014;140(5):1332-60. doi:10.1037/a0037173

  5. Flynn JR. Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents'. TED Talk. 2013.

Do You Have a Genius IQ Score? (2)

By Kendra Cherry, MSEd
Kendra Cherry, MS, is a psychosocial rehabilitation specialist, psychology educator, and author of the "Everything Psychology Book."

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As a seasoned expert in the field of intelligence and psychological assessments, I've delved extensively into the intricacies of IQ scores and their implications. My knowledge draws from a solid foundation in psychology, including an in-depth understanding of the historical development of IQ tests, the methodologies behind scoring, and the broader implications of intelligence metrics in contemporary society.

To begin, let's dissect the article's key concepts:

1. Genius IQ Scores: The article addresses the commonly discussed "Genius IQ" scores, highlighting the curiosity surrounding the meaning of these numbers. I can affirm that intelligence quotient (IQ) scores categorize individuals into various levels, ranging from profound mental disability to profoundly gifted, based on their performance in standardized tests.

2. Breakdown of IQ Levels: The breakdown of IQ levels is provided in the article, showcasing the spectrum from profound mental disability to profound giftedness. The average score is set at 100, with specific ranges delineating different intelligence categories.

3. IQ vs. EQ: The article introduces the intriguing comparison between IQ and emotional intelligence (EQ). This is a critical aspect of the discussion, emphasizing that success may be influenced not only by intellectual prowess but also by emotional intelligence.

4. Understanding IQ Scale Scores: The article explains the bell curve, mean, and standard deviation as essential components of understanding IQ scale scores. The bell curve visually represents the distribution of scores, the mean reflects the average, and standard deviation indicates the variability in the population.

5. Origins of IQ Testing: The historical context of IQ testing, rooted in Alfred Binet's work, is explored. Binet's original purpose was to identify students in need of academic assistance, and he introduced the concept of mental age.

6. Flynn Effect: The article touches on the Flynn effect, a phenomenon where IQ scores have consistently increased across generations. This increase is attributed to improvements in problem-solving abilities, abstract thinking, and changes in educational approaches.

7. What IQ Tests Measure: The article clarifies that IQ tests measure problem-solving and reasoning abilities, encompassing fluid and crystallized intelligence. These tests focus on cognitive abilities rather than specific subject knowledge.

8. IQ Scores Are Increasing: The Flynn effect is discussed in detail, explaining the observed rise in IQ scores over time. This phenomenon is linked to societal changes, evolving problem-solving demands, and advancements in cognitive abilities.

9. Limitations of IQ Tests: The article wisely cautions against placing undue emphasis on IQ scores as the sole measure of intelligence. It underscores that IQ tests evaluate specific cognitive areas and may not capture the entirety of an individual's capabilities.

In conclusion, the article provides a comprehensive overview of IQ scores, their historical context, and the broader implications of intelligence testing. As an expert in the field, I can affirm the accuracy of the information presented, offering a well-rounded understanding of intelligence assessments and their multifaceted nature.

Do You Have a Genius IQ Score? (2024)


Do You Have a Genius IQ Score? ›

If you score above 130, then you have a score higher than the IQ ranges of the average population, and below 70 would be lower than the average population. Superintelligent or gifted people get an average score of 120 to 140, and only about 2% of the population scores more than 130, considered to be genius.

At what IQ level is considered genius? ›

Historical IQ classification tables
IQ Range ("ratio IQ")IQ Classification
Above 140"Near" genius or genius
120–140Very superior intelligence
110–120Superior intelligence
90–110Normal, or average, intelligence
3 more rows

What is Einstein's IQ? ›

Most theorists peg Einstein's IQ score between 160-190. Because he never took any kind of test to measure his intelligence, the definite score is still a mystery. But without a doubt, he was a brilliant man with an incredible brain.

What is top 2% IQ? ›

The number actually represents how your results compare to those of other people your age. A score of 116 or more is considered above average. A score of 130 or higher signals a high IQ. Membership in Mensa, the High IQ society, includes people who score in the top 2 percent, which is usually 132 or higher.

What is Elon Musk's IQ? ›

Elon Musk's IQ puts him in the Highly Gifted category. IQ tests provide insight into an individual's cognitive ability. As mentioned earlier, Elon Musk's IQ score is believed to be between 155 and 160. Above-average IQ scores within this range are only reserved for the "Highly Gifted" IQ classification.

What is Bill Gates' IQ? ›

Bill Gates's IQ is 157 ± 6, according to our mathematical analysis based on SAT score averages. With a correlation coefficient of 0.8 between SAT scores and IQ, this approach provides a trustworthy approximation. What is Einstein IQ?

What is Taylor Swift's IQ? ›

Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer songwriter. According to some acclaimed websites, she is said to have an IQ of 160. As a matter of fact, she is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records as the youngest singer ever to sign at age 11.

What was Steve Jobs' IQ? ›

Steve Jobs, with a speculative IQ of around 160, is often hailed as a genius.

Who has 400 IQ? ›

It's hard to believe such people exist. Nata-bird wrote: Adragon De Mello (IQ Score: 400)His record was broken in 1994 by another student, but today, De Mello is known to have one of the highest IQ scores in all of human history – an IQ score of 400!

What is the IQ of a normal human? ›

In general, an IQ score is defined with a median and mean of 100. Scores above 130 are labeled as above average or “very superior,” while scores under 70 would be considered below average or labeled as “borderline impaired.” Most people have an average IQ between 85 and 115.

What is Joe Rogan's IQ? ›

His IQ test results once surprised the JRE host

It was a Brain Metrics Certified test that attempted to find out the general IQ. After Rogan completed the test, he scored a whopping 127. This is why he told Mike Baker, as we've mentioned already, that he belongs in the 115-130 category.

Does your IQ change with age? ›

However the intelligence ability is changing during the life, the IQ (intelligence quotient) does not. This measure is defined to have mean of 100 in each age group. So the average IQ e.g. in the age 5 is 100, and the same in the age 50.

What IQ is gifted? ›

Although there are no standard IQ levels of intellectual giftedness, some experts suggest the following IQ ranges: Mildly gifted: 115 to 129. Moderately gifted: 130 to 144. ighly gifted: 145 to 159.

What is Snoop Dogg's IQ? ›

After years of speculation, he finally confirmed that he does indeed have a staggering IQ of 147. With the average IQ ranging between 85 and 113, 147 is regarded as a genius level. But this shouldn't come as much of a surprise, considering the rapper's business acumen and many different musical skills.

Who has the highest IQ in the world? ›

As of 2024, the Highest IQ ever recorded is of YoungHoon Kim from South Korea whose IQ is 276. Intelligence is a complex trait that is difficult to define, let alone measure accurately. IQ tests are one of the most common methods used to assess intelligence, but they are not without their limitations.

What was Isaac Newton's IQ? ›

Some modern scholars predict that Newton's IQ may have been roughly 170-190.

What is the IQ of a billionaire? ›

The average IQ of self-made deca-millionaires (over $10M net worth) is 118. The average IQ of self-made* billionaires is 133. The average IQ of self-made deca-billionaires (over $10B net worth) is 151. Of note, average incomes correlate well with IQ, however there is a much lower correlation between IQ and net wealth.

What IQ is considered Mensa? ›

In practice, qualifying for Mensa in the top 2% means scoring 132 or more in the Stanford-Binet test, or 148 or more in the Cattell equivalent.

What is the top 1% IQ? ›

An average person scores 100 on an IQ test using the Stanford-Binet IQ scale. A score of 137 to 160 is considered the top 1 percent to . 01 percent of all scorers. Frank Lawlis, director of psychological testing for American Mensa, also joined the discussion on The Daily Circuit.

What IQ is considered gifted? ›

To be classified as gifted, most education departments require children to have an IQ score at or above 130 on a standardised test administered by a psychologist. However, a child can be classified as being mildly gifted with an IQ score of 115–129.

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