Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (2024)

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From endless social media scrolling to compulsive internet surfing, many of us find ourselves trapped in a cycle of digital dependence. Enter Argentine Tango – a dance that has stood the test of time and offers a powerful antidote to the challenges of our digital age. The Rise of iDisorder: Understanding the Impact of Technology Overuse iDisorder, a term coined by psychologist Dr. Larry Rosen, refers to the negative psychological impact of excessive technology use. This separation anxiety can manifest as feelings of restlessness, irritability, and even panic. This behavior is often driven by a desire for instant gratification and a fear of missing out on important information or social connections. "We are all headed for an iDisorder!" This can lead to a sense of disconnection and isolation, as well as impaired social skills. Argentine Tango can be a powerful antidote to this problem, as it requires full presence and attention to one's partner and the music. This can lead to a sense of cognitive overload and difficulty in making decisions or solving problems. engaging in physical activities like Argentine Tango can help to counteract these effects by promoting embodied cognition and emotional intelligence. But the good news is that there are ways to combat iDisorder – and Argentine Tango is one of them. The Transformative Power of Argentine Tango 1. Mindfulness and Presence Argentine Tango, on the other hand, demands your full attention and presence. 2. Physical Connection and Touch Argentine Tango provides a safe and structured environment for experiencing the healing power of touch. has been shown to calm the nervous system and promote feelings of trust and bonding. 3. Creativity and Self-Expression Argentine Tango, however, is a dance of improvisation and personal expression. 4. Community and Support This supportive network can provide a much-needed sense of belonging and purpose, especially for those struggling with the isolating effects of iDisorder. Embracing the Tango Way of Life Step 1 - Find a local Tango class As a beginner, it's important to look for classes that are specifically designed for those new to the dance. These classes will typically focus on the basic steps, techniques, and etiquette of tango, providing a solid foundation for your future growth. "the tango community is known for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere," so don't be afraid to show up alone and make new connections. Step 2 - Commit to regular practice While attending classes is important, it's also crucial to set aside time for independent practice. Consistency is key – the more you practice, the more you'll improve and the more enjoyment you'll get out of the dance. Step 3 - Be patient and do not judge Tango requires a high degree of body awareness, coordination, and communication with your partner, which can take time to develop. it's important to be kind to yourself and to celebrate the small victories along the way. Focus on the process of learning and the joy of the dance, rather than perfection. Step 4 - Embrace the Journey embracing the journey of Argentine Tango means recognizing that it is more than just a dance – it's a way of life. Tango teaches us about connection, communication, and being present in the moment – skills that are valuable not only on the dance floor but in all aspects of life. Embrace this transformative journey and all that it has to offer – you never know where it may lead you. Argentine Tango offers a timeless remedy for the modern soul. FAQs

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (1)

I's easy to get caught up in the constant buzz of our devices.

From endless social media scrolling to compulsive internet surfing, many of us find ourselves trapped in a cycle of digital dependence.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (2)

But what if there was a way to break free from this modern-day affliction?

Enter Argentine Tango – a dance that has stood the test of time and offers a powerful antidote to the challenges of our digital age.

The Rise of iDisorder: Understanding the Impact of Technology Overuse

Before we dive into the healing potential of Argentine Tango, let's take a closer look at the problem at hand.

iDisorder, a term coined by psychologist Dr. Larry Rosen, refers to the negative psychological impact of excessive technology use.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (3)

Stress and anxiety when separated from devices is a common symptom of iDisorder. As Dr. Larry Rosen, a professor of psychology at California State University, Dominguez Hills, explains in his book "iDisorder: Understanding Our Obsession with Technology and Overcoming Its Hold on Us," people with iDisorder experience a sense of unease and discomfort when they are away from their devices.

This separation anxiety can manifest as feelings of restlessness, irritability, and even panic.

The constant need to be connected and the fear of missing out (FOMO) can lead to a state of chronic stress, which can have detrimental effects on both mental and physical health.

Another hallmark of iDisorder is the compulsive need to constantly check for updates and notifications.

This behavior is often driven by a desire for instant gratification and a fear of missing out on important information or social connections.

As Dr. Rosen notes,

"We are all headed for an iDisorder!"

The constant checking can become a habit that is hard to break, leading to a cycle of addiction-like behavior. This compulsive checking can interfere with daily activities, such as work or school, and can even disrupt sleep patterns, as people feel the need to check their devices throughout the night.

Difficulty focusing on real-world interactions and activities is another common symptom of iDisorder. When individuals are constantly plugged into their devices, they may struggle to engage fully in face-to-face conversations or to be present in the moment. This can lead to a sense of disconnection and isolation, as well as impaired social skills.

This can lead to a sense of disconnection and isolation, as well as impaired social skills.

As highlighted in the article, Argentine Tango can be a powerful antidote to this problem, as it requires full presence and attention to one's partner and the music.

Argentine Tango can be a powerful antidote to this problem, as it requires full presence and attention to one's partner and the music.

By engaging in this mindful practice, individuals can begin to rewire their brains and improve their ability to focus and connect with others in the real world.

Finally, iDisorder can lead to an impaired ability to process information and relate to others. When individuals are constantly bombarded with digital stimuli, their brains may struggle to filter out irrelevant information and to process complex ideas.

This can lead to a sense of cognitive overload and difficulty in making decisions or solving problems.

Additionally, the lack of face-to-face interaction and the reliance on digital communication can impair an individual's ability to read social cues and to empathize with others. As the article suggests,

engaging in physical activities like Argentine Tango can help to counteract these effects by promoting embodied cognition and emotional intelligence.

These symptoms are becoming increasingly prevalent, especially among younger generations who have grown up with technology as a constant presence in their lives.

But the good news is that there are ways to combat iDisorder – and Argentine Tango is one of them.

The Transformative Power of Argentine Tango

So, what makes Argentine Tango such a powerful tool for overcoming tech addiction? Let's explore some of the key benefits:

1. Mindfulness and Presence

One of the hallmarks of iDisorder is a constant state of distraction and disconnection from the present moment.

Argentine Tango, on the other hand, demands your full attention and presence.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (5)

As you move in sync with your partner, you must tune out the noise of the outside world and focus solely on the dance. This practice of mindfulness can help rewire your brain and break the cycle of compulsive device use.

2. Physical Connection and Touch

In our digital age, we often neglect the importance of physical touch and human connection.

Argentine Tango provides a safe and structured environment for experiencing the healing power of touch.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (6)

The embrace, a fundamental element of the dance,

has been shown to calm the nervous system and promote feelings of trust and bonding.

By engaging in this intimate yet respectful physical connection, you can begin to rebuild the social skills and emotional intelligence that may have been eroded by excessive screen time.

3. Creativity and Self-Expression

Another casualty of iDisorder is often our sense of creativity and self-expression. When we're constantly consuming digital content, it can be hard to tap into our own inner resources and imagination.

Argentine Tango, however, is a dance of improvisation and personal expression.

As you learn to listen to the music and respond to your partner's movements, you'll discover a new outlet for creativity and self-discovery.

4. Community and Support

Finally, one of the most powerful aspects of Argentine Tango is the sense of community it fosters. By joining a tango class or attending social dance events, you'll have the opportunity to connect with like-minded individuals who share your passion for the dance.

This supportive network can provide a much-needed sense of belonging and purpose, especially for those struggling with the isolating effects of iDisorder.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (7)

Embracing the Tango Way of Life

So, how can you begin to integrate the healing power of Argentine Tango into your own life? Here are a few steps to get you started:

Step 1 - Find a local Tango class

Finding a local tango class or community is the first step in embarking on your Argentine Tango journey. Many cities have thriving tango scenes, with a variety of classes and social dance events catering to different levels of experience.

As a beginner, it's important to look for classes that are specifically designed for those new to the dance.

These classes will typically focus on the basic steps, techniques, and etiquette of tango, providing a solid foundation for your future growth.

Don't be intimidated if you don't have a partner – most classes will rotate partners, giving you the opportunity to dance with a variety of people. And as the article notes,

"the tango community is known for its welcoming and inclusive atmosphere," so don't be afraid to show up alone and make new connections.

Step 2 - Commit to regular practice

Committing to regular practice is essential for mastering the art of Argentine Tango. As the article states, "Like any skill, tango takes time and dedication to master."

While attending classes is important, it's also crucial to set aside time for independent practice.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (8)

This can include attending practicas, which are informal practice sessions where dancers can work on their technique and try out new moves in a low-pressure environment. Aim to attend at least one class and one practica per week, and supplement your learning with online resources, such as instructional videos or tango-related podcasts.

Consistency is key – the more you practice, the more you'll improve and the more enjoyment you'll get out of the dance.

Step 3 - Be patient and do not judge

Being patient with yourself is another important aspect of learning Argentine Tango. As the article points out, "Learning a new dance can be challenging, especially if you're not used to being physically present and attuned to your body."

Tango requires a high degree of body awareness, coordination, and communication with your partner, which can take time to develop.

It's normal to feel frustrated or awkward at times, especially in the beginning. However,

it's important to be kind to yourself and to celebrate the small victories along the way.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (9)

Remember that everyone starts as a beginner, and that even the most experienced dancers were once in your shoes.

Focus on the process of learning and the joy of the dance, rather than perfection.

Step 4 - Embrace the Journey


embracing the journey of Argentine Tango means recognizing that it is more than just a dance – it's a way of life.

As you delve deeper into the world of tango, you may find that its lessons and philosophy begin to permeate other areas of your life.

Tango teaches us about connection, communication, and being present in the moment – skills that are valuable not only on the dance floor but in all aspects of life.

As you progress in your tango journey, you may find yourself drawn to the music, the culture, and the history of this rich and fascinating dance. You may even have the opportunity to travel to Buenos Aires, the birthplace of tango, to immerse yourself in the culture and dance with the locals.

Embrace this transformative journey and all that it has to offer – you never know where it may lead you.

Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (10)

In a world that often feels dominated by screens and digital noise, Argentine Tango offers a timeless remedy for the modern soul.

Argentine Tango offers a timeless remedy for the modern soul.

By embracing the mindfulness, connection, creativity, and community that tango provides, you can begin to break free from the grip of iDisorder and rediscover the joy of living fully in the present moment. So why not take that first step onto the dance floor? Your tango journey awaits.

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Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (11)

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Anita Flejter

Ultimate Tango School of Dance

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Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance (2024)


Discover how Argentine Tango can help overcome tech addiction. — Ultimate Tango School of Dance? ›

Argentine Tango can be a powerful antidote to this problem, as it requires full presence and attention to one's partner and the music. By engaging in this mindful practice, individuals can begin to rewire their brains and improve their ability to focus and connect with others in the real world.

Why is the Argentine tango important? ›

Tango is one of the most famous and influential dances in the world. Originating in Buenos Aires in the 18th century, tango brought together working class European immigrants, indigenous Argentinians and former slaves. As a result, tango has shaped Argentinian culture and society.

What are the benefits of learning the tango? ›

The socialization aspect of Tango classes further reduces stress – as there are strict codigos – and loneliness, particularly in elderly communities. Studies have shown that regularly participating in Tango dance activities can help reduce the risk of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's and Dementia too.

What is the philosophy of the Argentine tango? ›

Tango is a dance for two. We focus on developing your awareness of your own and your partner's body, and caring for the dance you can create together. We teach leaders and followers to work together as equal partners.

Who first danced the Argentine tango? ›

It is generally thought that the dance developed in the late 19th century in working-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires, Argentina and was practiced by Argentine dancers, musicians, and immigrant laborers.

Why was Argentine tango banned? ›

It wasn't that the Military banned tango; rather that they eliminated the night life through curfews and harassment. There was a moralistic element at work: proper society still thought of tango as a lifestyle of womanizers and layabouts.

What is the impact of tango in the world? ›

Tango brings people together, and it has the potential to become a bridge that unites people from different cultures. From being the music and dance of the lower classes in Argentina, it has become the music and dance of passionate people expressing themselves.

Why is tango so difficult? ›

Body Flight. What seems to be most elusive is the smooth quality of body flight. Dancers try so hard to create the staccato movement which gives the dance its unique accents that they end up making everything hard and rigid.

What are the life lessons of the tango? ›

Life lessons from tango
  • Don't think, but feel. ...
  • The embrace is an 'encuentro', a soul to soul meeting with your dance partner. ...
  • Be present. ...
  • Accept the situation for what it is. ...
  • Be completely in the moment. ...
  • Find your own balance ('eje'). ...
  • If you are going to dance; do it with intention.
Feb 16, 2024

What does tango teach you? ›

For women, tango helps us learn our inner boundaries and femininity. For men, tango helps them connect deeply with women and exert confidence through movement.

What is the Argentine tango theory? ›

One theory is that it was brought to Argentina by African slaves as the word 'tango' has a meaning in African cultures of “closed place” or “reserved ground”, and by the time slavery was abolished in 1853, free men would gather and dance in a certain place like the meaning held.

What does the Argentine tango symbolize? ›

The tango, then, can also be seen as symbolic of intra- as well as inter-class competition. An individual of lower social status had to compete with both the oppressed and the oppressor. The situation in late 19th century Argentina also created significant racial tensions.

What is the message of tango? ›

Tango is associated with various words such as passion, energy, sensuality. Some may even say that tango is a connection or a relationship.

Do two men dance the Argentine tango together? ›

The Tango came from the brothels and low cafes of Buenos Aires at the turn of the century. However, at it's very beginning, it was a ballet-like dance between two men, which, just a little later, became the obscene dance of the brothels where both men and women had the opportunity to rub their bodies together.

Why is tango called tango? ›

The music derived from the fusion of various forms of music from Europe. The words "tango" and "tambo" around the River Plate basin were initially used to refer to musical gatherings of slaves, with written records of colonial authorities attempting to ban such gatherings as early as 1789.

What makes the tango dance unique? ›

Tango however, was radically different from the other couple dances because it introduced the concept of improvisation for the first time, and was a huge influence on all couple dancing in the 20th century. Ballroom tango was born in the slums of Buenos Aires in the late 19th century.

Why do you think tango is so famous all over the world? ›

Initially, it was just one of the many dances, but it soon became popular throughout society, as theatres and street barrel organs spread it from the suburbs to the working-class slums, which were packed with hundreds of thousands of European immigrants.

Was the Argentine tango originally for men? ›

The Tango came from the brothels and low cafes of Buenos Aires at the turn of the century. However, at it's very beginning, it was a ballet-like dance between two men, which, just a little later, became the obscene dance of the brothels where both men and women had the opportunity to rub their bodies together.

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Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.