Difference between npm i and npm ci in Node.js - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Difference between npm i and npm ci in Node.js - GeeksforGeeks (1)

Last Updated : 11 Jul, 2022




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The following difference covers how npm i and npm ci command are different from each other and their functioning. The npm which is called a node package manager which is used for managing modules needed for our application.

npm i: The npm i (or npm install) is used to install all dependencies or devDependencies from a package.json file.


npm install "package-name"// ORnpm i "package-name"

npm ci: CI stands for clean install and npm ci is used to install all exact version dependencies or devDependencies from a package-lock.json file.


npm ci

Differences between npm i and npm ci are:


npm i

npm ci

1.It installs a package and all its dependencies.It is generally used to install dependencies.
2.It may write to package.json or package-lock.json.It never writes to package.json or package-lock.json.
3.Individual dependencies can be added with this command.Individual dependencies cannot be added with this command.
4.It is slower in execution.It is faster in execution.
5.If any dependency is not in package-lock.json, This command will add it.If any dependencies are missing or have incompatible versions, then npm ci will throw an error.
6.If a node_modules is already present, This Command doesn’t change anything to it.If a node_modules is already present, it will be automatically removed before npm ci begins its install.
7.It can install global packages.It can not install global packages.
8.The npm i package-name is used to write to package.json to add or update dependencies.It can’t be used to write to package.json.
9.npm i may write to package-lock.json to lock version of some dependencies.It can’t write to package-lock.json.
10 . Used during development after pulling changes that update the list of dependencies.Used for the deterministic, repeatable build.

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Difference between npm i and npm ci in Node.js - GeeksforGeeks (4)

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Difference between npm i and npm ci in Node.js - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


Difference between npm i and npm ci in Node.js - GeeksforGeeks? ›

npm i or npm install is used to install, modify, and update the dependencies in a project along with updating the dependencies in package-lock. json while npm ci only reinstalls all the packages mentioned in the package-lock. json with the specified versions and can't modify the lock packages.

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npm ci just installs existing dependencies, in contrast to npm i , which attempts to update current dependencies, if possible. This ensures that the builds in continuous integration are reliable. It's better to use npm i in development and npm ci for production.

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npm start is the short form for npm run start . So, its one and the same thing. One interesting thing to note is, If the scripts object does not have a "start" property in package.

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NPM is basically a package manager which acts as a dependency provider. If there are many small packages, required to build a large one, NPM is the one hotspot which will provide us with the packages. Angular-CLI is one of those packages. As far as NG is concerned, it is the core module of Angular.

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Use npm install to install new dependencies , or to update existing dependencies (e.g. going from version 1 to version 2). Use npm ci when running in continuous integration, or if you want to install dependencies without modifying the package-lock. json .

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npm i: The npm i (or npm install) is used to install all dependencies or devDependencies from a package. json file. npm ci: CI stands for clean install and npm ci is used to install all exact version dependencies or devDependencies from a package-lock. json file.

What is the use of npm i? ›

Node package manager (npm) is a package manager and a software register but it's also a place where developers can find, build and manage code packages. Right now, npm contains over 800,000 packages for various applications, from front-end and robotics to mobile apps.

Which is faster npm install or npm CI? ›

Speed: Since npm ci always installs packages from the package-lock. json file, it doesn't need to check the node_modules cache. This means that npm ci can be much faster than npm install , especially for large projects with many dependencies.

Can I run npm run build multiple times? ›

You need to run npm run build only once (after you cloned the repo or ran npm run clean which deletes the dist folder) because it includes a script that copies some file over after the project has been built.

What is the difference between dev and build? ›

In summary, npm run dev is used to start a development server with features like hot module replacement and fast refresh, making it easier to develop and debug your application. On the other hand, npm run build is used to create a production-ready build of your application, optimizing it for performance and efficiency.

Can I use npm install instead of npm ci? ›

Best Practices for Using npm ci and npm install

Here are some guidelines: Use npm ci in automated environments such as CI/CD pipelines for faster and more consistent builds. Use npm install when adding new dependencies to your project or when you need to update existing dependencies.

What is the difference between npm install and npm init? ›

npm init is a convenient way of scaffolding your package. json; you may need to run it everytime you are starting a new project. npm install , however, installs your dependencies in node_modules folder. You may need to run this everytime you manually add a dependency to your package.

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ng update will update your dependencies (same as npm update ), but in addition to that, it can also run update-schematics: library authors may include such schematics to automatically update your code (i.e. your typescript) files during the update process: i.e. they can fix breaking changes directly in your code.

Why does npm ci not work? ›

If dependencies in the package lock do not match those in package. json , npm ci will exit with an error, instead of updating the package lock. npm ci can only install entire projects at a time: individual dependencies cannot be added with this command.

What is the difference between npm run and npm start? ›

The answer is NPM run start. and NPM start actually do the exact same thing, just that NPM has short hands. for certain tasks that are executed very often. These short hands include NPM start, NPM restart, npm test, and NPM stop.

What is the difference between npm run start and npm run dev next js? ›

Short Answer. npm run dev is used for development with features like hot module replacement, npm run build is used to create an optimized production build, and npm run start is used to run the Next. js server in production mode after the build process is completed.

What is equivalent of npm i in yarn? ›

Things that Haven't Changed
npm inityarn init
npm runyarn run
npm testyarn test
npm login (and logout )yarn login (and logout )
3 more rows
Oct 27, 2020

What is the difference between npm audit and npm audit fix? ›

The npm audit command will exit with a 0 exit code if no vulnerabilities were found. The npm audit fix command will exit with 0 exit code if no vulnerabilities are found or if the remediation is able to successfully fix all vulnerabilities.

What is the full form of npm I? ›

The name npm (Node Package Manager) stems from when npm first was created as a package manager for Node. js. All npm packages are defined in files called package.

What is the difference between npm I -- save and npm install? ›

But the fact is there is no difference between npm install [Package Name] and npm install [Package Name] –save in the later version after npm 5.0. 0 onwards. Before npm 5.0. 0, it was necessary to add --save after package name because it will save the installed package to package.

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