Difference Between Hashgraph and Blockchain | Simplilearn (2024)

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary way of securely storing and exchanging data. It is a distributed public ledger that is used to record and store all transactions that take place across a peer-to-peer network. By leveraging the power of cryptography, each transaction is verified and encoded securely, ensuring that it remains immutable and tamper-proof. This creates an immutable record of transactions that cannot be defrauded or manipulated, making it a highly secure way of storing data.

Blockchain technology is a revolutionary way to store and transfer data securely; it is verifiable and immutable. It is a digital ledger that records transactions between two parties in a permanent, public, and distributable way. The use of cryptographic hashes creates trust between participants without the need for third-party verification. This technology has been used to develop new applications, like cryptocurrencies, that are becoming increasingly popular due to their decentralized nature and ability to be exchanged for traditional currencies.

Blockchain is a technology that was created to manage transactions in a network. Initially designed for the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, it can be used for any blockchain transaction. The blockchain is a shared, public ledger of all transactions across a peer-to-peer network, and it's also called distributed ledger technology.

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Difference Between Hashgraph and Blockchain | Simplilearn (1)

Pros and Cons of Blockchain


The pros of blockchain are vast and include the following:

  • By decentralizing data and distributing it across a network of computers, it becomes much more difficult for hackers to target and breach a system.
  • One of the benefits of having data distributed on a blockchain is that it becomes much more transparent. This can be helpful in various industries, such as supply chain management, where tracing the origins of products is important.
  • The data on a blockchain is immutable. Thus, transactions once recorded on the blockchain cannot be altered or reversed. This can help to speed up transactions, as there is no need to wait for third-party approval or verification.
  • One of the advantages of blockchain technology is that it has the potential to reduce costs by eliminating the need for intermediaries.


The cons of blockchain are that it can be challenging to understand.

  • Blockchain technology is complex and requires a good deal of technical expertise to set up and maintain.
  • It is a relatively new technology, and hence has a lot of unknowns. For example, it is not yet clear how well blockchain will stand up to hacking attempts or other security threats.
  • Because blockchain is decentralized, there is no one entity that is responsible for maintaining it or ensuring its safety. This could eventually lead to problems if the network starts to experience any major issues.
  • There is the issue of regulatory uncertainty. Blockchain technology challenges the traditional financial system, and there is no consensus yet on how it should be regulated. This could make it difficult for blockchain startups to get off the ground, as they may not be able to obtain the necessary licenses and approvals from regulators.
  • The current generation of blockchain platforms can handle a specific number of transactions per second. This could be a scale and cost problem as the use of blockchain technology grows.

What Is Hashgraph? How Does it Work?

Hashgraph is a revolutionary new type of distributed ledger technology (DLT) invented by Leemon Baird that utilizes a directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure to deliver a consensus protocol or a way of reaching an agreement among distributed systems on data validity.

Hashgraph is a new distributed ledger technology that is designed to solve the problem of Byzantine failures. It does this by using a gossip protocol and virtual voting. The gossip protocol in Hashgraph is similar to how gossip spreads between friends in a social network. The difference here, though, is that the information being applied are transactions and who they have been sent to (not what they say). This means no one knows who created the transaction, only which node it has been sent to. This makes it impossible for anyone to forge transactions or send fake ones as no one knows who created them or where they have been sent, so there's no way of knowing if you're being lied to or not when you hear about them second-hand.

Pros and Cons of Hashgraph


Hashgraph has several advantages over traditional blockchain technology.

  • It is faster, more secure, and offers improved scalability.
  • Transaction speed is potentially much faster due to its advanced data structure, as it can process up to 10,000 transactions per second.
  • It is also more secure, using a consensus algorithm resistant to attack and manipulation.


Despite its many advantages over traditional blockchain technology, Hashgraph has a few drawbacks.

  • It is more expensive to use, as it requires more resources, such as storage and bandwidth.
  • Furthermore, it has yet to be widely adopted, so it is not feasible for mainstream applications. Additionally, its consensus mechanism is less secure than other consensus algorithms, such as proof of work, as it does not involve the same amount of computational power.

Hashgraph vs. Blockchain

Hashgraph and blockchain are both technologies that provide secure, distributed ledgers for recording data. Hashgraph is a newer technology created in 2016, whereas blockchain, the underlying technology of Bitcoin, was built in 2008. Hashgraph has several advantages over blockchain, including faster transaction speeds, higher throughputs, and more advanced consensus algorithms. Whereas blockchain was initially developed to provide a secure, distributed ledger for Bitcoin transactions, Hashgraph's consensus algorithm allows it for much more than just cryptocurrency - it can be used for smart contracts and other distributed applications.

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Difference Between Hashgraph and Blockchain | Simplilearn (2)

Which Is Better?

When deciding which technology is better, Hashgraph or blockchain, it comes down to the specific application used. For example, some applications benefit from faster transaction speeds and higher throughputs, in which case a Hashgraph would be a better option. However, blockchain might be the better choice for applications requiring a high degree of security and decentralization. Ultimately, both technologies are powerful tools for distributed applications, and it's up to the developer to decide which one is best suited for their needs.

Key Blockchain Implementations

Blockchain technology has gained traction in finance and technology over the past few years. The underlying technology allows cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin and Ethereum to exist. Blockchain technology is mainly used to create a secure, distributed database where information is stored in blocks linked together with cryptography. This makes it virtually impossible to manipulate data or records stored on the blockchain.

Blockchain technology has seen rapid adoption in the last few years for a good reason. It provides unparalleled security and transparency, allowing for secure and anonymous transactions. But it can also be used for more than simple payments. Key blockchain implementations are being developed that can be used to create a distributed ledger, verify identities, and even automate contracts.

Use Cases and Real-life Examples

Real-world applications of blockchain technology are being developed and implemented in various industries. For example, the Hashgraph algorithm is being used to build a distributed ledger that can be used to facilitate secure and anonymous transactions. Additionally, the blockchain is used in healthcare to store medical records and securely verify patients' identities. The technology is also being used to automate contracts, allowing for faster and more secure transactions. One of the most popular uses of blockchain technology is for cryptocurrency payments, like Bitcoin and Ethereum. But blockchain technology has many other potential use cases as well. For example, a Hashgraph is used as a distributed consensus algorithm, allowing secure distributed networks in various industries. Hashgraph is used in the energy industry to secure energy transactions, in healthcare to store patient data securely, and in banking to create a distributed ledger for financial transactions.

There are many use cases for blockchain technology and Hashgraph. One of the most popular is in finance, where it is used to facilitate payments and trades securely. In healthcare, blockchain is being used to store and manage patient data, providing secure access to only authorized personnel. In art, blockchain is used to create digital art and verify ownership.


In conclusion, blockchain technology, and Hashgraph are two powerful distributed consensus algorithms that have the potential to revolutionize many industries. Hashgraph offers improved security and scalability compared to traditional blockchain technology, while blockchain technology is more widely accepted and adopted. Both technologies can be used in a variety of use cases and have the potential to change the way data drastically is securely stored, shared, and exchanged.

Blockchain and Hashgraph technologies have the potential to revolutionize many industries and sectors. Thanks to their distributed computing capabilities, they can create secure and transparent networks resistant to fraud and manipulation. This could completely change how we track and transfer financial data, store medical records, and view energy transactions. As these technologies continue to develop, the possibilities are sure to be endless.

If you are looking to improve your Blockchain skills further, we recommend you check Simplilearn’s Professional Certificate Program in Blockchain. This course, in collaboration with IIT Kanpur, can help you hone the right Blockchain skills from the best faculty of IIT Kanpur and make you job-ready.

If you have any questions or queries, feel free to post them in the comments section below. Our team will get back to you at the earliest.

As a blockchain technology enthusiast with demonstrable expertise, I have delved into the intricacies of distributed ledger systems, cryptographic protocols, and emerging technologies such as Hashgraph. My knowledge extends from the foundational principles of blockchain to the practical applications and challenges associated with its implementation.

Blockchain Technology Overview: Blockchain is a revolutionary technology designed to securely store and exchange data in a decentralized manner. It operates as a distributed public ledger, recording and storing transactions across a peer-to-peer network. Utilizing cryptography, each transaction is securely verified and encoded, ensuring immutability and tamper-proof records.

Key Concepts:

  1. Decentralization: Distributing data across a network makes it challenging for hackers to breach the system.
  2. Transparency: The transparency of data on the blockchain is beneficial, especially in industries like supply chain management.
  3. Immutability: Once recorded, transactions on the blockchain cannot be altered or reversed, streamlining processes without third-party approval.

Pros and Cons of Blockchain: Pros:

  1. Enhanced security through decentralization.
  2. Improved transparency in various industries.
  3. Immutability speeds up transactions.
  4. Potential cost reduction by eliminating intermediaries.


  1. Complexity and technical expertise required for setup and maintenance.
  2. Regulatory uncertainty challenges blockchain startups.
  3. Limitations in scalability for current blockchain platforms.

Hashgraph: A New Distributed Ledger Technology: Hashgraph is a novel distributed ledger technology (DLT) that employs a directed acyclic graph (DAG) data structure for consensus. It addresses issues like Byzantine failures through a gossip protocol and virtual voting, ensuring secure and transparent transactions.

Key Concepts:

  1. Gossip Protocol: Similar to how gossip spreads in social networks, Hashgraph uses this to transmit transaction information securely.
  2. Virtual Voting: Ensures agreement among distributed systems on data validity.

Pros and Cons of Hashgraph: Pros:

  1. Faster transaction speed, improved scalability, and enhanced security.
  2. Potential to process up to 10,000 transactions per second.


  1. Higher costs in terms of resources like storage and bandwidth.
  2. Limited adoption, making it less feasible for mainstream applications.
  3. Less secure consensus mechanism compared to some traditional algorithms.

Hashgraph vs. Blockchain: Hashgraph and blockchain are both distributed ledger technologies but differ in transaction speed, throughput, and consensus algorithms. Hashgraph, being newer, offers advantages like faster transaction speeds and higher throughputs, while blockchain excels in security and decentralization.

Blockchain Implementations: Blockchain technology has found applications beyond cryptocurrencies, impacting finance, technology, and various industries. It provides a secure, distributed database with applications ranging from creating distributed ledgers to verifying identities and automating contracts.

Use Cases and Real-life Examples: Real-world applications of blockchain and Hashgraph include secure and anonymous transactions, healthcare record storage, and identity verification. Blockchain is extensively used in finance, healthcare, and art for various applications, showcasing its versatility.

Conclusion: Blockchain and Hashgraph have transformative potential across industries by offering secure and transparent distributed networks. While Hashgraph excels in speed and scalability, blockchain technology, with its wider adoption, remains a powerful tool. As both technologies evolve, they hold promise for revolutionizing data storage, sharing, and exchange.

In summary, the continuous development of blockchain and Hashgraph technologies opens up endless possibilities, transforming how we track and transfer financial data, store medical records, and view energy transactions. As these technologies progress, the impact on various sectors is sure to be profound.

Difference Between Hashgraph and Blockchain | Simplilearn (2024)


Difference Between Hashgraph and Blockchain | Simplilearn? ›

Hashgraph networks are not subject to the same scaling issues as blockchains and there is no mining to consume inordinate amounts of electricity and harm the environment. Hashgraph transactions are, according to Hedera, more secure, fast, and inexpensive than their equivalents on blockchains.

What is the difference between hashgraph and blockchain? ›

Mining the blockchain is a huge resource- and energy-intensive process, consuming approximately 173.42 TWh of electricity between 2020 – 2021. Hashgraph, on the other hand, does not use mining to verify transactions, making it the greener and more energy-efficient option.

How is Hedera different from blockchain? ›

Hedera Hashgraph uses its proprietary Hashgraph consensus algorithm, which is different from traditional blockchain consensus mechanisms such as Proof of Work (PoW) or Proof of Stake (PoS). The Hashgraph algorithm enables fast finality, high throughput, and Byzantine fault tolerance within the Hedera network.

What is the downside of hashgraph? ›

Despite its many advantages over traditional blockchain technology, Hashgraph has a few drawbacks. It is more expensive to use, as it requires more resources, such as storage and bandwidth.

What differentiates the hashgraph consensus mechanism from traditional blockchain technologies? ›

Blockchain stores data in linear blocks, whereas Hashgraph utilizes a directed acyclic graph (DAG). Additionally, Hashgraph employs a “gossip about gossip” protocol for consensus, while blockchain relies on various consensus algorithms like Proof-of-Work or Proof-of-Stake.

Who owns hashgraph? ›

The Hedera Governing Council voted to purchase the patent rights to Hashgraph and make the algorithm open source under the Apache License in 2022. Hedera is owned and managed by a "governing council" of global companies and entities.

Does HBAR have its own blockchain? ›

Hedera (HBAR token), also known as Hedera Hashgraph, is a public network that extends beyond the traditional concepts of blockchain technology, utilising an innovative approach known as the hashgraph consensus for faster, fairer, and more secure digital transactions.

What is the next technology after blockchain? ›

IOTA's Tangle is also more efficient than the current blockchain technology since not only does it fulfill all three roles of being decentralized, secure and scalable simultaneously, but also does not charge its users for transactions.

What is more advanced than blockchain? ›

DAG-based ledgers are specifically more scalable than typical blockchain networks, as they don't rely on mining or a steep increase in the number of active nodes.

What's better than blockchain? ›

Some of the greatest alternatives are centralized databases, distributed databases, centralized ledgers, cloud storage, decentralized storage, etc. These blockchain alternatives offer diverse benefits, ranging from increased transaction speed and efficiency to enhanced scalability and data privacy.

Why is Hedera so good? ›

Hedera is unique in that it is incredibly fast, energy-efficient (carbon negative), and secure — these advantages can be attributed to its underlying hashgraph consensus algorithm.

What is the future prediction for Hedera? ›

Daily Hedera (HBAR) Price Prediction For Today, Tomorrow, this Week, and Next 30 Days. Based on your price prediction input for Hedera, there is a projected increase in the value of HBAR by 5%, potentially reaching $ 0.069343 by tomorrow.

Is HBAR better than Bitcoin? ›

For example, Bitcoin can make 7-10 transactions in a second, Ethereum has the potential to perform 15-20 transactions per second and Hyperledger Sawtooth can make thousands of transactions in a second. Hedera Hashgraph allows hundreds of thousands of transactions per second, as the information travels exponentially.

What makes hashgraphs different? ›

Hashgraph: Hashgraph claims to offer higher transaction throughput and lower latency compared to many blockchains. Its design allows for faster consensus and potentially greater scalability.

Is hashgraph immutable? ›

Hashgraph achieves high-throughput with 10,000+ transactions per second today and low-latency finality in seconds from its innovative gossip about gossip protocol and virtual voting. Once consensus is reached, the transaction is immutable and available on the public ledger for everyone to transparently see.

Is hashgraph decentralized? ›

A hashgraph is a decentralized ledger in much the same way a blockchain is.

Which crypto uses hashgraph? ›

A hashgraph can implement an open ledger with the same security and anonymity benefits as a blockchain-based ledger, with additional benefits like better performance and higher capacity. Today, the only open ledger based on hashgraph technology is Hedera Hashgraph. The only hashgraph-based currency is HBAR.

What is the difference between hashgraph and Ethereum? ›

Unlike Ethereum, HBAR does not rely on miners and operates on a delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) consensus, ensuring transaction finality and energy efficiency.

Is Hedera a private blockchain? ›

Hedera is a fully open source, proof-of-stake, public network and governing body for building and deploying decentralized applications.

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Name: Greg O'Connell

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