Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (2024)

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (1)

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (2)Neko Senpai

About difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect

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Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (3)Kamome Senapai

This is 4:45 video.

Today, I will talk about Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect for global logistics.

About difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (4)

This Freight Prepaid and Collect are very important. If you’re an apprentice in the logistics section, you may wonder what these term mean.

In addition, if you are a freight forwarder, you will use these terms in communicating with the forwarders in other countries.

Why are they so important? Because it is about money.
Well, let’s take a closer look.

What does freight prepaid and collect mean?

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (5)

You can understand these term easier by English words.

Firstly, Freight. This means fare.
Prepaid. This means to pay money in advance.
And Collect. This literally means to collect something.

From these three words,

You will understand that Freight Prepaid is to pay the freight in advance, and that Freight Collect is to collect the freight.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (6)

Let me explain in more detail. You can find these terms in B/L and Air Waybill. Therefore, Freight refers to sea and air fares. So, it means to pay or to collect sea and air freight.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (7)

This Freight Prepaid and Collect is also related to Incoterms.
Incoterms are the terms of a trade, Clarifying who would pay for transportation fee from where to where.

So, Prepaid in advance means to be paid the sea or air freight at the exporting side.
Collect means to collect sea or air freight at the importing side.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (8)

This list will help you to understand it. Freight Collect is Ex-Works or FOB, which an importer pays ocean freight. And Freight Prepaid is CFR, C I F, DAP and DDP, which an exporter pays ocean freight.

For Incoterms, I’ve put a link on the description of this video, so please watch it. I think it will help for your understanding.

How to write Freight prepaid or collect

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (9)

As I explained, Freight Prepaid and Collect are written in B/L and Air Waybill. They are listed on both House B/L and Master B/L as well.I also put the link to a video explaining House B/L and Master B/L.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (10)

About Freight Prepaid and Collect of House B/L and Master B/L, I’ll explain in more detail with examples.

A example of House B/L,Collect and Master B/L,Collect

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (11)

Generally, in FOB, which an importer pays ocean freight, Master B/L shows Freight Collect, and House B/L also shows Freight Collect.

A example of House B/L,Prepaid and Master B/L,Prepaid

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (12)

And in CFR, which an exporter pays sea freight. Master B/L shows Freight Prepaid, and House B/L also shows Freight Prepaid. There should be no problem so far.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (13)

However, there are the cases that Freights of Master and House B/L can be different. Here is an actual case study that happened in our company.

A example of Freight is different for Master and House

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (14)

Our customer in Thailand started a new business with an importer in India. Initially, they discussed CFR terms with each other. We, the forwarders, also talked to shipping lines as CFR and Freight Prepaid.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (15)

However, just before the shipment was dispatched, our customer and the Indian importer changed it to Ex-Works.

Since we proceeded as Freight prepaid with Shipping line, the term between Shipping Line and us is Freight prepaid.And Freight Collect was chosen between the Thai customer and the Indian importer.

In this case, Freight Prepaid is shown on Master B/L. Freight Collect is shown on House B/L. At this time, I only had a bad premonition.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (16)

Because between the shipping line and us, Freight was Prepaid, so we had to pay the freight to the shipping line in advance at the Thailand side. This is not a problem.

Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (17)

The problem is that we, as a Thai forwarder, had to collect money from the Indian importer.

Since we were in Thailand, Indian agent helped us to deal with the problem. As we imagined, the Indian company’s payment was so late. It was very difficult to control the collect money from Indian company.

We had a hard time collecting the payment from India, even though we had paid the shipping line in advance. Of course, this depends on the company.

If Freight is different for Master and House, you can get into this kind of trouble.


Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (18)

Again, Freight Prepaid and Collect are very important trade terms because it refers to the payment of money.

As a forwarder, if you don’t understand these terms well, you’ll go through the work without knowing who will pay the freight. This can never happen.

They are frequently used in the jobs among foreign forwarders, so please try to understand it well.

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Difference between Freight Prepaid and Freight Collect | 【フォワーダー大学 】国際物流学科 タイキャンパス (2024)


Freight prepaidとFreight Collectの違いは? ›

必須ではないが、通常「Freight : Prepaid」(前払い、つまり発地側、日本 の荷主が運賃を払うとの意味)もしくは「Freight : Collect」(運賃着払い、つまり現地側、荷受人が 運賃を払うとの意味)と表記する。

貿易でFreight prepaidとは? ›

内容: 荷物を送る側が海上運賃や料金を支払う方法のこと。 貿易取引の場合、FOBとFASの貿易条件では着払いが要求され、CFRとCIFの貿易条件では前払いが求められる。

プリペイドとコレクトの違いは何ですか? ›

Freight Prepaidは運賃を前払いする。 すなわち輸出地側が運賃を支払うということになります。 一方でFreight Collectは運賃を回収する。 輸入地側で運賃を回収するという意味です。

貿易用語で「collect」とは何ですか? ›

運賃後払い。 揚げ地にて荷受人が貨物(D/O)と引き換えに運賃を支払うこと。

CIFとC&Fの違いは何ですか? ›


フォワーダーと通関の違いは何ですか? ›

通関業者とフォワーダーの違いは、業務内容です。 輸出入に関する法的・税務的手続きは通関業者に、輸送の手配はフォワーダーに依頼します。 輸出したい貨物を、通関業者に依頼して税関手続きを完了させ、フォワーダーに依頼して海外のバイヤーの元まで届けるイメージです。

DDUとDAPの違いは何ですか? ›

DAP / Delivery at Place

DAPとDDUの違いは、輸入通関での危険の負担が異なります。 DAPなら買主が、DDUなら売主が危険を負担します。

FOBとCFRの違いは何ですか? ›

FOB条件 Free on Board の略称で、貨物が輸出地の港で船舶の甲板に積まれるまでの手続き・費用を輸出者 が負担する。 CFR条件 Cost and Freight の略称で、FOB条件の手続き・費用負担に加え、運賃(Freight)まで輸出者の負 担となる。

DAPとDDPとは何ですか? ›

DAP 買主が、荷物の積み下ろしと、輸入通関及び関税の支払いを負担する。 DPU 買主が、輸入通関及び関税の支払いのみ負担する。 DDP 買主が、荷物の積み下ろしのみ負担する。

MBLとHBLの違いは何ですか? ›

マスターB/Lは、船の運航を行う船会社が発行するものです。 貨物船の出航と同時に、発行作業にとりかかります。 ハウスB/Lは、フォワーダーが発行するB/Lです。 フォワーダーとは船の運航会社とは違い、船の積載スペースを買取り、利用者に販売する業者をさします。

貿易のノミネーションでFOBとは何ですか? ›

FOB(Free on Board=本船渡し)とは、インコタームズ(国際貿易取引条件)のうち、コンテナによる船積み貨物の引き渡しでよく使われる取引条件です。 輸出港で、買い手(輸入者)の指定する船舶に貨物を積み込むことによって契約が完了し、運賃および保険料は買い手が負担します。

物流でプリペイドとはどういう意味ですか? ›

運賃元払いのこと。 Charges Prepaidと同じ意味。 荷送人が運賃を支払うことで、CIFやC&Fなど運賃が含まれる貿易条件の時に使用する。

Freight prepaidとcollectの違いは? ›

この3つの単語から Freight Prepaidは運賃を先に支払うこと Freight Collectは運賃を回収することだというのが 理解できるでしょう。 もう少し詳しく説明しましょう。 この用語はB/LやAWBに記載されています。 なのでFreight、運賃とは海上運賃や航空運賃のことを指します。

Freight to collectとはどういう意味ですか? ›

運賃到着払いのこと。 貨物が輸入地に到着後、荷受人が運賃を支払う。

Freight prepaidの貿易条件は? ›

荷送人が運賃を支払う支払い条件のこと。 CFRやCIFなどの売り主が運賃を負担する貿易取引条件の際に使用する。 運賃元払いともいう。 英語ではFreight Prepaid。

フレートプリペイドとは何ですか? ›

【Freight Prepaid】(フレイト プリペイド)

運賃元払い。 荷送人が運賃を支払う支払い条件のこと

フレイトプリペイドとは何ですか? ›

前払い運賃のこと。 荷物を送る側が海上運賃や料金を支払う方法。 船積が終わり船荷証券を入手するときに、荷主から船会社に支払われる運賃。

運賃collectとはどういう意味ですか? ›



Prepaidとはどういう意味ですか? ›


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