Difference between Cryptography and Cyber Security - GeeksforGeeks (2024)

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Difference between Cryptography and Cyber Security - GeeksforGeeks (1)


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In today’s world, where technology has become an integral part of our lives, ensuring the security of our digital data has become more important than ever. Cryptography and Cyber Security are two terms that are often used interchangeably, but they have different meanings and purposes. In this article, we will explore the differences between these two concepts.

Cyber Security as the name suggests, is a process or measures taken by organizations or experts to protect devices, computer networks, or data from malicious activities. It is considered as one of the remedies to alleviate cyber crime. In simple words, it refers to keeping data secure. It also maintains safe and stable business operations even in face of cyber threats.

Cryptography as the name suggests, is a process that is mainly used to encrypt and decrypt data or messages that cannot be deciphered by unauthorized access. It deploys the use of scrambled or distorted symbols. It is simply used to provide extra security to ensure that only authorized users can understand the message. In simple words, it refers to the method used to protect sensitive information.


  • Focus on Data Protection: Both Cryptography and Cyber Security are focused on protecting data from unauthorized access or manipulation. While Cryptography deals with techniques to secure data through encryption, Cyber Security is concerned with implementing measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of data.
  • Use of Encryption: Encryption is a common technique used in both Cryptography and Cyber Security to protect sensitive data from prying eyes. Cryptography uses encryption algorithms to transform plaintext into ciphertext, making it unreadable without the key. Similarly, Cyber Security uses encryption to secure data in transit or at rest, ensuring that only authorized parties have access to it.
  • Dependence on Key Management: Both Cryptography and Cyber Security rely on effective key management to ensure the security of the data. In Cryptography, the key is used to encrypt and decrypt data, while in Cyber Security, the key is used to authenticate users and devices and ensure the integrity of the data.
  • Need for Continuous Improvement: Both Cryptography and Cyber Security are fields that are constantly evolving. Attackers are always developing new ways to bypass security measures, so it is essential to continuously update and improve security protocols to stay ahead of the game.

Difference between Cybersecurity and Cryptography :

Cyber Security


It is a process of keeping networks, devices, programs, data secret and safe from damage or unauthorized access. It is a process of keeping information secret and safe simply by converting it into unintelligible information and vice-versa.
It is all about managing cyber risks in all aspects such as people, process, technology, etc.It is all about math functions and can be applied in technical solutions for increasing cybersecurity.
Its main objective is to prevent or mitigate harm or destruction of computer networks, applications, devices, and data.Its main objective is to keep plain text secret from eavesdroppers who are trying to have access to some information about the plain text.
It is generally used for the protection of internet-connected systems like software, hardware, and data, risk management, disaster planning, access control, policies. It is generally used for integrity, entity authentication, data origin authentication, non-repudiation, etc.
It protects the system against viruses, worms, unwanted programs, etc., protects the computer from being hacked, reduces computer freezing and crashes, provides privacy to users, etc.It protects authentication and data across devices, maintains integrity, provides privacy to its best, allows two parties to communicate securely, etc.
It makes cryptography one of its subsets and uses it to design algorithms, ciphers, and security measures that usually codify and keep company and customer data protected.It is an automated mathematical tool that is used to enhance and improve cybersecurity.
It generally involves the implementation of specific procedures to keep data safe. It generally mitigates or reduces cyber-crime simply by using elaborate design to encrypt messages.

In summary, Cryptography and Cyber Security are both critical components of ensuring the security of digital data, but they have different focuses and purposes. While Cryptography is a technique used to secure data by converting it into an unreadable format, Cyber Security is a practice used to protect digital devices, networks, and sensitive information from various cyber threats. Understanding the difference between these two concepts is essential for developing an effective security strategy in today’s digital age.

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Difference between Cryptography and Cyber Security - GeeksforGeeks (4)

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Difference between Cryptography and Cyber Security - GeeksforGeeks (2024)


What is the difference between cryptography and cyber security? ›

Cryptography uses encryption algorithms to transform plaintext into ciphertext, making it unreadable without the key. Similarly, Cyber Security uses encryption to secure data in transit or at rest, ensuring that only authorized parties have access to it.

What is the difference between encryption and cybersecurity? ›

Data encryption is a process by which any piece of information sent across the internet is encoded and is readable only to those who are authorised encryption or decryption keyholders. Cyber security encryption is the process by which data or digital information is transformed into an unreadable set of complex codes.

What is the difference between cyber security and cyber security? ›

But from both definitions, the one thing that is clear is that the two terms mean the same thing. Perhaps it's up to the people who use it most rather than the people who take charge of the English language, and it seems that both different spelling styles are all deemed acceptable in the IT industry.

Is cryptography needed for cyber security? ›

Professional certifications for cryptographers

Certifications are an essential component of cyber security careers. They substantiate specific knowledge and skills, which is incredibly important in the cyber security field.

What is a cryptographer's salary? ›

Cracking data codes takes time, dedication, and skill. For that reason, a cryptographer's salary is reasonably high, even when you take an average across various states. The average cryptographer's salary varies between $125,000 and 145,000. This translates to an hourly rate of approximately $60 an hour.

Is cryptography enough for security? ›

Cryptography offers an extra layer of security on top of the existing security features for computers and websites. The best thing about this method is only the intended receiver can access the encrypted files.

What is the difference between encryption and security? ›

Encryption is a form of data security in which information is converted to ciphertext. Only authorized people who have the key can decipher the code and access the original plaintext information. In even simpler terms, encryption is a way to render data unreadable to an unauthorized party.

Is there a difference between cryptography and encryption? ›

Cryptography vs encryption: Cryptography is the science of concealing messages with a secret code. Encryption is the way to encrypt and decrypt data. The first is about studying methods to keep a message secret between two parties (like symmetric and asymmetric keys), and the second is about the process itself.

What is the function of cryptography in cyber security? ›

Cryptography ensures confidentiality by encrypting sent messages using an algorithm with a key only known to the sender and recipient. A common example of this is the messaging tool WhatsApp, which encrypts conversations between people to ensure they cannot be hacked or intercepted.

What is cybersecurity in simple words? ›

Cybersecurity is the practice of protecting systems, networks, and programs from digital attacks. These cyberattacks are usually aimed at accessing, changing, or destroying sensitive information; extorting money from users via ransomware; or interrupting normal business processes.

What is cybersecurity in one word? ›

Cybersecurity or cyber security: The definition

According to Gartner, cybersecurity (which Gartner spells as one word) refers to the systems, technologies, processes, governing policies and human activity that an organization uses to safeguard its digital assets.

Is cyber security and hacker same? ›

In the case of ethical hacking, the hacker hacks to protect the system. Cyber Security experts, on the other hand, don't have to hack into the system. Their job is to protect the system by taking all possible protective measures.

What is the relationship between cyber security and cryptography? ›

Cryptography is an essential cybersecurity tool. Its use means that data and users have an additional layer of security that ensures privacy and confidentiality and helps keep data from being stolen by cybercriminals.

Who hires cryptographers? ›

A cryptographer can technically be employed anywhere that requires a tough defense against cybercrime. That could mean a wide variety of workplaces, but jobs are most often available with the government, military, or large financial institutions like banks or credit card companies.

Are cryptographers in high demand? ›

With the increasing reliance on digital technology, the demand for cryptographers is growing across various industries. It offers competitive salaries, job security, and opportunities for continuous learning and specialization in a field that plays a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive data and privacy.

Is cryptography the same as coding? ›

Cryptography (or Cryptology) is concerned with security, privacy or confidentiality of communication over an insecure channel. Over the past few decades, the term “coding theory” has become associated predominantly with error correcting codes.

What is the difference between security and Cryptocurrency? ›

They are both tokens, but the crucial difference lies in their purpose, intended use, and actual use. A cryptocurrency is designed to be used as currency, money, or payment method. A security token is intended to be used the same way a stock, bond, certificate, or other investment asset is used.

What does a cryptographer do? ›

What Is a Cryptographer? A cryptographer is someone who writes (or cracks) the encryption code used for data security. Computer-encrypted data uses exceptionally long, advanced encryption algorithms that are incredibly hard and time-consuming for people to break.

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Name: Patricia Veum II

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