Denied Homeowners Insurance? Find Out Why and What to Do (2024)

Denied Homeowners Insurance? Find Out Why and What to Do (1)

Home insurance is such an integral part of homeownership that many homeowners don’t consider the possibility they may be denied a homeowners insurance policy. Homeowners insurance ensures you’re complying with your mortgage lender’s requirements and safeguarding your home against covered perils.

As a new homeowner, you may face a seemingly devastating situation — ineligibility for homeowners insurance. But even if an insurance company denies you this essential coverage, this doesn’t mean you’re out of options. At David Pope Insurance, we help homeowners in Missouri and nearby states get the coverage they need to protect their homes.

Jump To:

  • Homeowners Insurance Ineligibility
  • Homeowners Insurance Coverage Explained
  • Homeowners Insurance Eligibility
  • What Can Disqualify You For Homeowners Insurance
  • What Makes A House Uninsurable?
  • What Can Change Your Homeowners Insurance Premiums
  • Factors That Raise Premiums
  • Factors That Lower Premiums
  • What Happens If You Can’t Get Homeowners Insurance?
  • Is It Illegal To Not Have Home Insurance?
  • How To Keep Your Current Insurance Plan

Homeowners Insurance Ineligibility

Home is where the heart is, but that’s not the only thing that makes your home valuable. For many people, their home is their most valuable financial asset. It makes sense, then, that you would want to protect it. The vast majority of American homeownershave homeowners insurance.Homeowners insurance is not something you are legally obligated to purchase. However, most homeowners see it as an indispensable form of protection.

Homeowners insurance protects you financially from potential damage to your home or personal property and from potential liability issues if someone were to experience an injury or loss of property while at your home. Even if these important protections aren’t enough to motivate a homeowner to purchase insurance, they may still opt to purchase it because mortgage lenders often require it.

If you are a homeowner or are considering becoming one, it’s good that you’re taking the time to consider homeowners insurance. This post will look specifically at the many factors that can affect your eligibility for homeowners insurance. If you’re not sure whether you would qualify or if you’ve already been denied for a policy and want to find out why, this post is for you. We’ll look first at what homeowners insurance is and what makes it valuable. Then, we’ll look at basic aspects of eligibility, what can disqualify you, what can affect your premium rates and what to do if you are denied.

Homeowners Insurance Coverage Explained

What is homeowners insurance exactly? Sometimes shortened to just “home insurance,” homeowners insuranceis meant to protect against the financial ramifications of unfortunate situations — typically referred to as “perils” by insurance companies — that could negatively affect your home or your property.

When you experience one of these situations, you file a claim with your insurance company. If they determine the claim is valid, they will issue you the funding to cover the expense. However, you will still have to pay a certain amount of money out-of-pocket, which is known as the deductible.

Exactly what your insurance will cover depends on the terms of your policy. Common policy levels are HO-2, HO-3, HO-5, HO-6, HO-7 and HO-8. These different levels entail different types of perils and other scenarios that are covered by your insurance company.

Though different homeowners insurance policies will offer you different levels of coverage, generally speaking, homeowners insurance protects against the following perils:

  • Fire and smoke damage:If you experience a house fire, your home and your belongings could be partially damaged or entirely destroyed, depending on the severity. Homeowners insurance will cover the cost to replace your assets and may also cover the cost of a hotel stay and other living expenses while your house is being restored or while you find a new place to live.
  • Storm damage:If a windstorm, hail or lightning strike causes damage to the exterior of your home or property, your insurance company should help cover the costs to restore your home or property. In coastal states where hurricanes are a major issue, you may need a separate windstorm insurance policy, but not in Missouri.
  • Winter weather damage:Ice, snow or sleet could lead to a hazardous situation outside or could cause damage to your home. For example, snow on top of your roof could cause the roof to cave in if the snow is heavy enough.
  • Damage from vehicles:In the event that a driver crashes their vehicle into your home, your homeowners insurance would help to cover the cost of repairs, beyond what the driver’s auto insurance will cover.
  • Property loss from theft:If your home is burglarized and items are stolen, your homeowners insurance can help cover the losses. Keep in mind that any items that are especially valuable, such as jewelry or antiques, should be insured separately.
  • Damage from vandalism:Certain types of vandalism, like having your front yard covered in toilet paper, don’t cause any permanent damage. However, a rock through a window or spray paint on your garage door will end up costing you, and your homeowners insurance will cover these costs.
  • Injury lawsuits:If someone trips on your basem*nt stairs or is bitten by your dog, they could respond with a lawsuit. Your homeowners insurance company can help cover these legal expenses.

While we tend to think of homeowners insurance in terms of perilous situations it will cover, there are also more routine situations where homeowners insurance proves to be valuable. For example, if your city, county or state modifies property regulations, you may find yourself in a position where you need to bring some aspect of your home or property up to code. Depending on your policy, your homeowners insurance may pay for these mandatory updates.

It’s also important to note what homeowners insurance does not cover. The main categories that aren’t covered by a normal homeowners insurance policy are earthquakes and floods. These natural disasters require separate insurance policies if you want to be protected financially from the damage they could cause.

Missourians should consider both of these additional types of insurance since the state has experiencedsome serious flooding in the pastand becausethe state’sproximity to the New Madrid Seismic Zonemakes it susceptible to an earthquake.

Homeowners Insurance Eligibility

Now that we’ve established what homeowners insurance covers, it should be clear why the majority of homeowners see purchasing home insurance as a wise move. As with other types of insurance, though, the decision to purchase is just the beginning.

You must then go through an application process to see if you qualify. Simply owning a house isn’t enough to make you eligible for homeowners insurance. As we will see in the next section, there are many things that could affect your eligibility.

The application you fill out will ask you for basic personal information along with information about your home. Be sure to be completely honest on your application, as fraud is a serious offense.Here are a few examples of the information you’ll be asked to provide about your property:

  • Year your home was built
  • Number of finished square feet
  • Number of stories
  • Any detached structures, such as a shed
  • Safety features, such as a sprinkler system or security alarm
  • Location relative to a fire department

You will also be asked whether you’ve had homeowners insurance in the past. Your history as a homeowners insurance policyholder can affect your eligibility for future policies. Of course, if you have never purchased homeowners insurance before, you won’t have to worry about that section. Finally, expect to answer some questions about the level of coverage you would like. Different policies cover more or less and carry with them proportionally lower or higher premium costs.

You can also expect to undergo an inspection by someone the insurance company sends. This will help them establish what sort of shape your home is in and any potential hazards they should be aware of. If there are any maintenance issues you intend to fix, it’s a good idea to get these taken care of before your inspection. That way, they won’t get in the way of you getting coverage or cause your premium rates to be higher than necessary.

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Why Would You Be Refused Homeowners Insurance?

Meeting qualifications for homeowners insurance can sometimes prove to be an issue. Just owning a home and being able to afford home insurance isn’t enough to make you eligible. There are a variety of factors that could make you ineligible for homeowners insurance. While some have to do with your own candidacy as a policyholder, most factors have to do with your property itself. Low insurance scores, criminal convictions, lapsed coverage, your history of claims, and other reasons can disqualify you for homeowners insurance candidacy.

Let’s take a look at six different things that can disqualify you for homeowners insurance.

1. Low Insurance Score

Part of how insurance companies determine your risk level is by looking at your credit-based insurance score. Like a credit score, this score is based on your credit history. It’s meant to give the insurer an idea of how likely you are to file claims. People with lower insurance scores tend to cost insurance companies more.

The practice oflooking at someone’s credit history is based on actuarial studiesthat demonstrate that the way a person handles their finances is a reliable means of predicting insurance claims.While in some cases, a less-than-desirable insurance score will mean you have to pay higher premiums, if it’s bad enough, you may be denied coverage altogether.

2. Criminal Convictions

An insurance company must assess whether a potential policyholder would be responsible and trustworthy or not. Unfortunately, if you have a history of criminal offenses, this could hurt your chances of qualifying for an insurance policy. This is especially true if the crime you committed was related to arson, some other type ofproperty destruction or misusing property for an illegal purpose.If the crime you committed was in the distant past, then it is far less likely to affect your eligibility than if it was recent.

3. Lapsed Coverage

If you have been a homeowners insurance policyholder before and let your coverage lapse, that could hurt your chances of getting homeowners insurance in the future. Your coverage could lapse because you forget to pay your premium or because you forget to renew your policy on time.

If you attempt to buy insurance from the same insurer after letting your coverage lapse, you could be denied. At the very least, you’ll have your premiums raised. If you try to purchase homeowners insurance from another carrier, you may have trouble as well.

4. History of Claims

Insurance companies must predict whether a policyholder will cost them less than or more than average. Policyholders who don’t file claims or file very few are the reason insurance companies can make money and stay in business. Therefore, if an applicant has a history of filing excessive insurance claims, that applicant won’t look very attractive to an insurance company since they are likely to be an expense. The Comprehensive Loss Underwriting Exchange keeps track of these insurance claims.

It’s important to note that it isn’t just the number of claims, but what types of claims were filed that can affect you. For example, claims related to lawsuits, such as from a dog bite or a safety hazard that caused injury to someone, will raise red flags.Even if you do not have a history of filing a lot of claims, you could still run into problems if the previous owners of your home filed claims. In other words, you may not be high-risk, but your house may be.We’ll look at several ways your property itself can be high-risk in the remaining items in this list.

5. Working From Home

If you work from home, your home may also be considered a place of business. This is especially true if you run a business out of your home that involves clients coming to your home for business purposes.Depending on the nature of your work, insurance companies could refuse to issue you a homeowners insurance policy. If this is the case, it’s because you should purchase a business policy instead.

A business policy would cover your property related to your business, whereas a homeowners insurance policy would only cover your personal property. In some cases, you may be able to purchase homeowners insurance but will need to pay for additional coverage for business property, such as a computer.

6. Part-Time Vacancy

There are plenty of situations that could result in your home being left empty for a time. It could be that you’re living elsewhere while your home is being renovated. You could be leaving on an extended vacation. Or, perhaps, you consistently live in another home in a different climate for part of the year. Whatever the reason, if your home is left vacant part of the time, that creates a high-risk situation for insurance companies.

After all, if you’re not there, something like a burst pipe or a fire could go unnoticed long enough to cause more serious damage than if you’d been there to stop it. Another issue is that squatters may attempt to move into your home if it’s left empty for too long. Insurance companies are wary of these potential hazards and may choose to deny you coverage.

What Makes a House Uninsurable?

Insurance providers want to ensure they’re not taking on too much risk by insuring your property. If the insurer determines the risk is too great, they may reject your application for insurance coverage or cancel your current policy.

In this case, an insurance provider is essentially declaring your property uninsurable. Though providers may vary on the criteria used to determine whether a home is uninsurable. Living in a high-risk location, having hazardous home features, home maintenance issues, your home’s history of insurance claims, and more can be reasons an insurance company may determine a house to be uninsurable.

1. High-Risk Location

If your home is in a high-risk location, that could make you ineligible for homeowners insurance. What makes a location high-risk? It could be that your home is located in a neighborhood that experiences a lot of crime. If so, an insurance company will be wary of the fact that you may incur property damage from vandalism or theft. If you live too far away from a fire station or fire hydrant, that could also disqualify you.

The weather hazards you experience where you live could also make getting insurance more difficult, or at least, more expensive. Weather issues could involve being located in a flood plain or an area that is prone to tornadoes. In areas that are prone to certain natural disasters, like hurricanes, you may have the opportunity to purchase a separate policy to cover that hazard.

2. Hazardous Home Features

Even if the location of your home doesn’t involve any unique dangers, your property itself might. Here are a few examples of hazardous home features to consider:

  • Wood-burning stove:If you have a wood-burning stove in your home, it increases the likelihood that you could experience a house fire.
  • Wood roof:A wood roof without a fire-retardant finish is also considered a fire hazard.
  • Collected junk:Excessive amounts of personal property, whether piled up inside of your home or scattered outside, presents a hazard.
  • Tree limbs:Outside of your home, any precarious tree limbs or whole trees that could fall on your house are considered dangerous as well.
  • Swimming pool:Pools and hot tubs present a liability hazard since someone could potentially drown in them.
  • Trampoline:Trampolines are known to cause injuries pretty frequently, so they are seen as a liability hazard.
  • Treehouse:Treehouses present a liability hazard because someone could fall out and get injured.

In some cases, these hazardous home features may just result in higher premiums, but if your home has enough hazardous features, they could also cause an insurance company to deny you coverage.

3. Home Maintenance Issues

A big reason an insurance company may decide you’re ineligible for homeowners insurance is if your home is in disrepair. Maintenance issues could include a whole host of problems, such as the following:

  • Cracked foundation
  • Leaky roof
  • Outdated electrical system
  • Unreliable plumbing
  • Broken windows
  • Dirty or damaged chimney
  • Home additions or outbuildings that weren’t built to code
Denied Homeowners Insurance? Find Out Why and What to Do (2)

Even if your home doesn’t have “maintenance issues,” a dirty or cluttered house can also disqualify you from insurance. Hoarding is a common compulsion among homeowners. In some instances, it can lead to underlying damage like mold growth or block paths and exits within the home. These situations constitute a hazard that an insurance company would more than likely use as proof that a home is uninsurable.

An insurance company will have an inspector come to your home to look for these sorts of issues. If the insurance company has already issued you your policy, then these maintenance problems will result in higher premiums for you. If the insurance company performs the inspection before issuing your policy, they could decide to deny you coverage if they see your home as high-risk. The good news is that these issues can be repaired.

4. Aging and Mobile Homes

In some cases, it isn’t home neglect that’s the issue, but simply the home’s age. Older homes experience more problems, generally. This is true of every home, but if you own a modular or trailer home, it’s especially true. These homes are not designed to last as long as most houses that are built on foundations.

Some insurance companies will have a hard-and-fast policy that denies coverage of mobile or modular homes that are of a certain age. This age cutoff depends on the insurance company. It could be a decade or as low as just a few years.

Mobile homes, trailers and other modular homes in general can constitute a bigger risk in the eyes of some insurance companies. Many mobile homes are factory-made en masse. Since manufacturers work with many homes at a time, they open themselves up to issues within the assembly line that get missed or looked over. Then, those mobile homes are usually transported to their final destination, during which time they risk even more damage. This damage may not be noticed until it’s too late.

5. Claims History

Similar to your own claims history, an insurance provider will look at the history of claims for the property. Before you purchase a property, check whether there have been insurance claims made. If a previous owner has made insurance claims on the property, review what the claims were for.

Sometimes, a claim may indicate an underlying structural issue with the home that put the previous occupants at risk. This could present a risk to you as a potential resident and may make the insurer deny coverage. Additionally, if the home has a history of multiple insurance claims, the insurance company may deem the home to be too risky for coverage.

6. Poor Construction

A house that has substandard or poor construction could also make a home uninsurable. When the construction is sub-standard or the foundation is weak, the house may show visible signs of damage. As such, the home will be both uninsurable and unsafe to occupy.

These homes raise liability concerns and are more likely to result in frequent claims. Many insurance providers will find the risk too great and deny home insurance coverage for a poorly constructed home.

7. Substandard Remodeling

Similar to poor construction, poor remodeling may make a home uninsurable. While remodeling can increase a home’s value, if the renovations are performed improperly, the house may be rendered unsafe. The insurance provider will want to know that the remodel meets building codes and doesn’t compromise the property’s electrical wiring or plumbing. If the remodeling is determined to be substandard, the insurer will likely deny you a home insurance policy.

8. Pets

When you have a pet, it takes up a big part of your life. Your pet can also affect your home, especially when you’re potty training it or you have an anxious or aggressive pet that takes things out on its surroundings. Because of that, many insurance providers consider pets a liability that factors into your eligibility and premiums.

For example, a small female cat or a golden retriever may be less of a liability than a male cat who sprays or a pitbull, as the perception is that these pets are more uncontrollable. If the pet has an existing record of attacking others or damaging property, it may be denied altogether. Furthermore, exotic pets like snakes can pose liability concerns. You may need to get insurance for your pets before a home insurance provider even looks at your application.

What Can Change Your Homeowners Insurance Premiums

Premiums are the ongoing payments you make in exchange for your homeowners insurance coverage. These payments are typically made either monthly or annually. The average annual premium forhomeowners insurance in Missouri was $1,300 in 2021, which is about equal to the national average.Your premium rate is set based on a variety of factors, but we can boil it down to two main categories:

  • Coverage level: More coverage will entail a higher premium, while more minimal coverage will entail a lower premium. If you want a high level of coverage but are willing to pay a higher deductible when you file a claim, this will help to lower your premium. You have some control over the coverage level you want, but the goal is to insure your home according to the amount it would cost to rebuild it. This means a more expensive home will automatically require a more expensive insurance policy.
  • Risk level:The other main thing it comes down to is how low- or high-risk the insurance company believes you and your property to be. If they think you are more likely to file claims than their average policyholder, your premiums will be higher. If they expect you’re unlikely to file claims, then you’ll enjoy lower premiums. As we’ve seen, there are many factors that go into an insurance company’s assessment of your risk level, including your own financial background and whether your property involves any potential hazards.

Factors That Raise Premiums

There are several factors that can lead to higher homeowners insurance premiums. One is a higher level of coverage. However, there are also other factors that can raise your risk level, and therefore, your premiums. We previously looked at six things that could possibly disqualify you from receiving homeowners insurance coverage. With each of these six issues, if an insurance company chooses to issue you an insurance policy anyway, you can expect to pay higher premiums.

To review, these factors include:

  • Low insurance score
  • Criminal convictions
  • Lapsed coverage
  • History of claims
  • Working from home
  • High-risk location
  • Hazardous home features
  • Home maintenance issues
  • Aging and mobile homes
  • Part-time vacancy
  • Owning pets

An additional factor to consider is potentially dangerous pets. If you own an exotic pet or certain breeds of dogs, you can face higher premiums. Why?When discussing what homeowners insurance covers, we mentioned that it can protect you from costs related to your pet biting someone. That means if your pet is a breed that is considered more aggressive, such asa Pit Bull or a Doberman Pinscher, insurance companies will consider them higher risk. If your pet has a history of biting people, you may not receive liability coverage for them at all.

Factors That Lower Premiums

Just as there are factors that result in higher premiums, there are also factors that can result in lower premiums. These factors include:

  • High insurance score:In the same way that a low insurance score indicates you may be a high-risk candidate, a high insurance score indicates that you are a responsible individual and are low-risk. Therefore, your premiums will likely be lower.
  • Marital status:This one may seem odd, but it’s true. Statistically speaking, married couples tend to file fewer insurance claims than single individuals. Therefore, if you’re married, you benefit from this statistical trend and are seen as lower risk.
  • Retirement status:If you are at least 55 years old and are enjoying your retirement years, you may receive a discount on your homeowners insurance.
  • Bundling insurance policies:Typically, insurance companies reward customers who are loyal with special discounts. It’s a good idea to stick with the same insurance carrier for a long time and use them for other types of insurance, too, such as auto insurance.
  • Safety features:Installing features to keep your house safer and more secure makes your home lower risk, thereby lowering your premiums. Safety features could include smoke detectors or sprinkler systems to prevent fire damage or a security system equipped with locks and alarms to protect against theft.
  • Weather-resistant features:There are ways you can lower your home’s risk of weather-related damage, which also lowers your premiums. For example, you can choose wind- and hail-resistant shingles for your roof.

In the end, your premium will be based on your desired level of coverage along with a complex combination of risk factors, both negative and positive, that you and your property entail.

What To Do If You Can’t Get Homeowners Insurance

So, what if you apply for homeowners insurance, and you get denied? The list of factors that could disqualify you is a good place to start to determine why the insurance company deemed you or your property ineligible for insurance. In some cases, you may be able to fix the issue that caused you to be denied. Other issues, however, may be difficult or impossible to resolve.

Here are some different steps you can take if you’ve been denied coverage and do not want to remain uninsured:

1. Try Other Insurance Carriers

The first thing you might try is simply applying for a homeowners insurance policy with other insurance carriers. Generally, it’s always a good idea to shop around when you’re looking to purchase an insurance policy. An agent can help you compare quotes from different insurance companies.

Unfortunately, if one insurance company denied you coverage, chances are you’ll run into the same problem with other companies as well. However, some insurance companies may have different standards, and some offer plans that are especially for high-risk individuals.

2. Talk to Your Neighbors

If your home’s location was a determining factor in keeping you from getting homeowners insurance, a good strategy is to talk to your neighbors to see how they managed to ensure their homes. Since their homes are subject to the same local hazards, whether it be high rates of crime or weather-related issues, they are a good resource for you.

Contact the insurance carriers they use to see if you can purchase a policy from them. You can also have your real estate agent check into what insurance carrier the previous homeowners used.

3. Look Into Surplus Line Insurance

Typically, insurance companies are licensed by your state to sell you insurance. However, this is not the case with companies that provide surplus insurance. That doesn’t mean these companies aren’t licensed at all.

Rather, they’re licensed by the state where the company operates from. Because they aren’t subject to your state’s regulations, these companies have the liberty to charge higher rates for less coverage. Because of the high cost, this option is not ideal.

4. Talk to an Independent Insurance Agent

If you want some insight into why you’re having trouble getting insured and what you can do to overcome these hurdles, talking to an independent insurance agent can be extremely helpful.

These agents are knowledgeable about the factors that can affect your eligibility for homeowners insurance, so they can be a great resource. Additionally, these agents typically work with multiple insurers, so they will be able to quickly evaluate your options and may be able to steer you toward a carrier who would insure you.

5. Contact Your State Insurance Department

Another great resource is your state insurance department. They should be able to offer you guidance on which insurers in your area are good options for high-risk individuals. For Missourians, theMissouri Department of Insuranceis where you want to go. In addition to guiding you to different insurance carriers, they can tell you if your state participates in the Fair Access to Insurance Requirements (FAIR) Plan. Missouri does participate in the FAIR Plan.

6. Enroll in a FAIR Plan

FAIR Plans are meant to be a last resort for people who have been denied homeowners insurance coverage in the voluntary market, primarily those who are located in high-risk areas. FAIR Plans tend to be more expensive and offer minimal coverage, which is why they are the last resort, but they offer just enough coverage to help you meet your mortgage lender’s insurance requirements.

Though FAIR Plans exist outside of the voluntary market, to enroll in a FAIR Plan, you’ll go through a licensed insurer who can get you coverage.

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Is It Illegal to Not Have Home Insurance?

No, it’s not illegal to not have home insurance. However, owning an asset as valuable as a home without insurance is assuming significant financial risk. Additionally, you likely won’t qualify for a mortgage without home insurance. For their own financial protection, many mortgage lenders require borrowers to carry homeowners insurance.

Your lender wants to know their investment is protected in the event of a covered peril, such as a fire, tornado or hurricane. Homeowners insurance ensures you and your lender are safeguarded against a financial loss should damage occur to the property. Even if you opt to purchase a condominium or a co-op, you may be required by the board to carry homeowners insurance to help protect the entire complex financially.

Once you pay off your mortgage and are no longer required by a lender to carry insurance, you may be tempted to forgo coverage. But your home could be your most valuable asset, and with a homeowners insurance policy, you can insure your belongings and gain protection against liability in the event of a property damage or injury lawsuit.

A home is a significant investment of your money and time and your source of shelter. Safeguarding yourself against financial risk should something happen to your home is essential, regardless of whether you have a mortgage or you own your home outright.

How to Keep Your Current Insurance Plan

Once you purchase an insurance policy, usually, the insurer is at liberty to cancel the plan if they wantwithin the first 60 days. After that, there are very few instances where they can drop you during the duration of your policy. However, when it comes time to renew your policy, typically after one year, your insurer can decline to renew your policy. The insurance company should give you at least a month or two’s notice before dropping you. If they don’t, contact your state insurance department.

You want to make sure you hold on to your homeowners insurance policy during those first couple of months after purchase and when it comes time to renew. Every insurance company is different, and they may use a different rationale for whether to keep policyholders on or not. The main ways to make sure you’re kept on are by responsibly paying your premium on time and not filing too many claims.

Filing several claims proves that you’re high-risk, not to mention the fact that each time you file a claim, your deductible increases. Therefore, only file a claim if it’s really necessary. You’re typically better off handling small repairs you can finance yourself without filing a claim with the insurance company. If the repairs would cost around the same or just more than your deductible, this is a sure indicator that you’re better off leaving the insurance company out of it.

Get a Free Homeowners Insurance Quote

If you’d like to get an idea of whether you would qualify for a homeowners insurance policy and how much you can expect to pay in premiums,request a free quote from David Pope Insurance. This tool is not only for first-time buyers. If you have a current policy, include it with your form, and we will give you an idea of whether you may want to switch to a new policy.We will deliver a quote to you the same business day until 7 p.m.

For homeowners insurance in Missouri, consider making David Pope Insurance your insurer. We have over two decades of experience and a wealth of expertise that mean you can trust us to help you find the best insurance policies to fit your needs. In addition to home insurance, we offer auto, commercial and life insurance, as well.

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We have offices in St. Clair, Union, and Washington, and we serve throughout the states of Missouri, Kansas, Iowa, and Arkansas. Being a part of the communities we serve helps us to have close relationships with our clients and to understand how your home’s location plays into your homeowners insurance eligibility and premiums.You can also counton David Pope Insurance to be understanding, personable and honest.

If you have any homeowners insurance questions or would like to learn more about our products and services, contact us today. You canget in touch with us onlineor by phone at636-583-0800.We would be happy to help you on your journey to protecting your home.

Learn More About Home Insurance

  • Understanding Roofing Insurance Claims
  • Glossary of Common Homeowner’s Insurance Terms
  • Matching Line of Sight Rules in Insurance
Denied Homeowners Insurance? Find Out Why and What to Do (2024)


Denied Homeowners Insurance? Find Out Why and What to Do? ›

If an insurance company denies a request or claim for medical treatment, insureds have the right to appeal to the company and also to then ask the Department of Insurance to review the denial. These actions often succeed in obtaining needed medical treatment, so a denial by an insurer is not the final word.

What are the possible solutions to a denied insurance claim? ›

If an insurance company denies a request or claim for medical treatment, insureds have the right to appeal to the company and also to then ask the Department of Insurance to review the denial. These actions often succeed in obtaining needed medical treatment, so a denial by an insurer is not the final word.

What should you not say to homeowners insurance? ›

Avoid making guesses or unsupported statements about what caused the damage to your property. Speculating can lead to inaccuracies in the adjuster's report, potentially affecting your claim.

Why was I denied homeowners insurance? ›

Low insurance scores, criminal convictions, lapsed coverage, your history of claims, and other reasons can disqualify you for homeowners insurance candidacy.

What is one of the most common reasons for a claim being rejected by an insurance company? ›

Process Errors
  • The claim has missing or incorrect information. Whether by accident or intentionally, medical billing and coding errors are common reasons that claims are rejected or denied. ...
  • The claim was not filed in a timely manner. ...
  • Failure to respond to communication. ...
  • Policy cancelled for lack of premium payment.

How to scare a home insurance adjuster? ›

Insurance adjusters often start with a lowball offer, hoping you will accept it without question. To scare an insurance adjuster, you must demonstrate that you know the true value of your claim. Reject the lowball offer in writing and provide a detailed explanation of why you believe the offer is inadequate.

How successful are insurance appeals? ›

Success rates, however, often depend on the type of insurer. In the medical industry, over 50% of appeals for coverage or reimbursem*nt denials have a positive outcome. For homeowners, it may take litigation to achieve a fair settlement.

What is the most important thing in homeowners insurance? ›

3. Make sure you're getting adequate coverage. The most important part of homeowners insurance is the level of coverage. Avoid paying for more than you need.

How to write an appeal for homeowners insurance claim denial? ›

Keep in mind that a letter of appeal is a formal document and should be written in a polite and professional manner. Begin the letter by addressing the insurance company and the person who denied your claim. State the reason for your letter and provide a brief overview of your case.

Is it hard to get homeowners insurance after being dropped? ›

If your coverage was dropped for a specific reason–like your roof is too old–you may have to address that concern before insurers are willing to cover you. But if you live in a high-risk area, it may be difficult to get traditional coverage at all. You may have to turn to your state's FAIR plan instead.

Do denied insurance claims count against you? ›

Does a denied home insurance claim count against you? A denied home insurance claim typically doesn't affect your credit score, but multiple denials or a pattern of claims may raise concerns for insurers. Understanding the reasons for the claim denial will enable you to take steps to prevent future denials.

How do I respond to a denied insurance claim? ›

Steps to Appeal a Health Insurance Claim Denial
  1. Step 1: Find Out Why Your Claim Was Denied. ...
  2. Step 2: Call Your Insurance Provider. ...
  3. Step 3: Call Your Doctor's Office. ...
  4. Step 4: Collect the Right Paperwork. ...
  5. Step 5: Submit an Internal Appeal. ...
  6. Step 6: Wait For An Answer. ...
  7. Step 7: Submit an External Review. ...
  8. Review Your Plan Coverage.

What are the 3 most common mistakes on a claim that will cause denials? ›

Here, we discuss the first five most common medical coding and billing mistakes that cause claim denials so you can avoid them in your business:
  • Claim is not specific enough. ...
  • Claim is missing information. ...
  • Claim not filed on time (aka: Timely Filing)

How do I resolve a denied claim? ›

How to Resolve a Claim Denial
  1. Review the reason for the denial.
  2. Gather supporting documentation.
  3. Appeal the denial.
  4. Negotiate with the insurance company.

How do you deal with rejected claims? ›

Include any evidence you have to support your complaint. Say what you would like the company to do to put things right. Explain your complaint clearly, stating why you think your claim shouldn't have been rejected. State that if you are unhappy with the company's response.

How do you handle rejection in insurance? ›

Some basic pointers for handling claims denials are outlined below.
  1. Carefully review all notifications regarding the claim. ...
  2. Be persistent. ...
  3. Don't delay. ...
  4. Get to know the appeals process. ...
  5. Maintain records on disputed claims. ...
  6. Remember that help is available.

How can I stop my insurance claim being rejected? ›

Your right to appeal

You may ask your insurance company to conduct a full and fair review of its decision. If the case is urgent, your insurance company must speed up this process. External review: You have the right to take your appeal to an independent third party for review. This is called an external review.

What are some of the actions a provide can take when a claim is denied? ›

Healthcare providers can take various actions when a claim is denied, including reviewing the denial reason and resubmitting the corrected claim, writing off charges, or billing the patient directly.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

Address: Apt. 413 8275 Mueller Overpass, South Magnolia, IA 99527-6023

Phone: +6824704719725

Job: District Real-Estate Facilitator

Hobby: Letterboxing, Vacation, Poi, Homebrewing, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Cabaret

Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.