Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (2024)

Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (1)

Bob Ronai

Bob’s background in exporting and importing stretches over more than 50 years,initially in international banking then in the world of international commerce.

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Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (2)



    What is DDP?

    Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) is an Incoterms Rule where the seller is responsible for all costs associated with the delivery of goods to the named destination.

    Under DDP, it is also the seller’s responsibility to pay both export and import duties, taxes, and fees.

    Delivery Duty Paid Incoterms Rule

    DDP should be used with great care as the seller might need to be a registered entity both for import and VAT/GST in the buyer’s country, which is a fairly unlikely scenario.

    If the seller finds itself unable to be the importer or to be able to recover any VAT/GST paid then the parties should instead contract on DAP terms.

    Delivery Duty Paid Incoterms 2020 Rule – key changes and updates

    DDP stands for Delivery Duty Paid, an international commerce term (Incoterm) used to describe the delivery of goods where the seller takes most responsibility.

    Under DDP, the supplier is responsible for paying for all of the costs associated with the delivery of goods right up until they get to the named place of destination. The buyer is then responsible for unloading the goods at the end destination.

    DDP can be used to describe ocean, road, or air transportation of goods, including multimodal transportation. It’s also expected that the seller clears the goods at export and import customs.

    Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms 2020 Rules Guide

    Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (3)

    A 16-page guide on the Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule, to be used in conjunction with The International Chamber of Commerce’s (ICC) new book, INCOTERMS® 2020

    This short guide provides an article by article commentary on the Delivery Duty Paid Incoterms® Rule.


    Delivery Duty Paid (DDP): advantages and disadvantages

    This rule was originally published in Incoterms® 1967 and has continued largely unchanged in its intent.

    The seller must deliver the goods as in DAP, but this time all import clearance formalities are at the cost and risk of the seller. This may well work fine with domestic transactions or transactions within a customs union, but for cross-ocean international trade, it can be particularly problematic.

    As the opposite of EXW, where the buyer must be able to carry out the export clearance formalities, with DDP, the seller must be able to carry out the import clearance formalities.

    The importing country’s rules might require an importer to be a registered commercial entity in that country, there might need to be an import permit being issued, and as the seller is highly unlikely to be a registered or recognised commercial entity in the importing country (not through another related entity that is itself registered there), there are likely to be all sorts of problems.

    Add to these, if the importing country charges VAT/GST on imports (unless otherwise agreed in the contract and permitted by that tax regime), then the seller will pay these taxes and may not be able to recoup them.

    Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) podcast

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    Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) seller and buyer obligations

    A1(General Obligations)

    In each of the eleven rules, the seller must provide the goods and their commercial invoice as required by the contract of sale and any other evidence of conformity, such as an analysis certificate that might be relevant and specified in the contract.

    Each of the rules also provides that any document can be in paper or electronic form as agreed in the contract, or if the contract makes no mention of this, then the rules default to what is customary.

    The rules do not explicitly define what “electronic form” is. This ambiguity means that it can be anything from a .pdf file to a blockchain record or another format yet to be developed.

    B1(General obligations)

    In each of the rules, the buyer must pay the price for the goods as stated in the contract of sale.

    The rules do not refer to when the payment is to be made (e.g., before shipment, immediately after shipment, thirty days after shipment, etc.) or how it is to be paid (e.g., prepayment, against an email of copy documents, on presentation of documents to a bank under a letter of credit, etc.).

    These matters should be specified in the contract.

    DDP A2 / B2: delivery


    The DAP and DDP rules require the seller to take on almost the maximum responsibility of placing the goods at the disposal of the buyer at the agreed destination place (or point within that place) but not unloaded from the arriving means of transport. This usually would be a truck but could be a train, barge, ship or even sometimes a chartered aircraft.

    A common mistake with DAP and DDP is the belief that the destination will always be the buyer’s premises.This does not need not be the case, as the buyer could nominate anywhere it chooses. This could be the site of a new factory they are building for their client, it could be the container terminal in the destination country, or it could be somewhere else entirely.

    If the chosen place is the buyer’s premises or a site they have nominated, then usually, they would have the equipment on hand to unload the goods. If they don’t, or if the goods require specialised equipment, then the Delivered at Place Unloaded (DPU) Incoterms would likely be preferable.

    The delivery must be made on the agreed date or within the agreed period.


    The buyer’s obligation is to take delivery when the goods have been “delivered”, as described in A2.

    DDP A3 / B3: transfer of risk

    A3(Transfer of risk)

    In all the rules, the seller bears all risks of loss or damage to the goods until they have been “delivered” in accordance with A2 described above.

    The exception is loss or damage in circ*mstances described in B3 below, which varies depending on the buyer’s role in B2.

    B3(Transfer of risk)

    The buyer bears all risks of loss or damage to the goods once the seller has “delivered” them as described in A2.

    If the buyer fails to inform the seller exactly where they need to deliver the goods or fails to assist the seller with import formalities, then they bear the risk of loss or damage to the goods from the agreed date or agreed period for delivery.

    The buyer’s obligation is in loss or damage in circ*mstances described in B3 below, which varies depending on the buyer’s role in B2.

    DDP A4 / B4: carriage


    Under DDP, the seller must arrange, or contract for, and bear the cost of carriage to the named place of destination. If there is an agreed point within that destination, then to that point.

    As the seller has to arrange the carriage, it needs to know from the buyer if there is a specific point in the place of delivery to which the goods must be transported.

    For example, if the destination is shown as simply “Budapest, Hungary”, where in that large metropolis is the seller’s carrier to leave the goods? It could be that it is to be the buyer’s premises or a particular location, say in an empty building site, the carrier’s premises, the airport, the container yard, or a particular quay on the river… the exact point should be agreed upon.

    If the exact location is not specified, then the seller can select the point that best suits its purpose, which will usually be the cheapest option, such as a cargo terminal.

    Under DDP, the seller must notify the buyer when the goods have been delivered to the carrier and their anticipated time of arrival.


    The buyer has no obligation to the seller to arrange a contract of carriage, although, under DDP, they are responsible for unloading the goods at the named place of destination.

    DDP A5 / B5: insurance


    Despite the seller having the risk of loss or damage to the goods up to the delivery point, the seller is not required to provide any cargo insurance.


    Because the seller has the risk of loss or damage to the goods up to the delivery point, the buyer does not have an obligation to the seller to insure the goods.

    DDP A6 / B6: delivery / transport document

    A6(Delivery / Transport document)

    Under DDP, the seller (at its own cost) must provide the buyer with any document the buyer needs to take over the goods.

    The specific form of this documentation will depend on the agreement in the contract and could be as simple as a receipt that the buyer is to sign.

    B6(Delivery / Transport document)

    Under DDP, the buyer is obligated to accept the documentation provided in A6, since it actually takes no part in the transport process.

    DDP A7 / B7: export / import clearance

    A7(Export / Import clearance)

    Under DDP, the seller must (at its own risk and expense) carry out:

    • all export clearance formalities required by the country of export, (including: licences or permits; security clearance for export; and pre-shipment inspection),
    • all import clearance formalities required by the country of import, and
    • any other authorisations or approvals.

    Additionally, as the point of delivery in these rules is in the importing country, the seller must also carry out and pay for any formalities required by any country of transit and the country of import.

    B7(Export / Import clearance)

    Where applicable, the buyer must assist the seller (at the seller’s request, risk, and cost) in obtaining any documents or information the needed for all customs clearance formalities. This includes those required by the country of export, any country of transit, and the country of import.

    DDP A8 / B8: checking / packaging / marking

    A8(Checking / Packaging / Marking)

    In all rules, the seller must pay the costs of any checking operations which are necessary for delivering the goods, such as checking quality, and measuring, packaging, weighing, or counting the goods.

    The seller must also package the goods (at its own cost) unless it is usual for this particular good to be sold unpackaged, such as in the case of bulk goods.

    The seller must also take into account the transport of the goods and package them appropriately unless the parties have agreed in their contract that the goods be packaged or marked in a specific manner.

    B8(Checking / Packaging / Marking)

    In all rules there is no obligation from the buyer to the seller as regards packaging and marking. There can, in practice, however, be agreed exceptions, such as when the buyer provides the seller with labels, logos, or similar.

    DDP A9 / B9: allocation of costs

    A9(Allocation of costs)

    The only difference between DAP and DDP is that the seller must pay for all costs until the goods have been delivered up to the time they have been delivered, including all import formalities. This may well include VAT/GST.

    Under DDP, the seller must pay:

    • costs of transportation,
    • export and import requirements, fees, duties, tariffs and taxes,
    • any customs charges for transport through other countries,
    • the cost of providing the buyer with proof that the goods have been delivered, and
    • if applicable, VAT/GST.

    Further, if the seller requests that the buyer provide any information or documents in relation to customs clearance, then the seller must pay the buyer for these costs.

    B9(Allocation of costs)

    Under DDP, the buyer must pay:

    • the costs of unloading the goods at the named place of destination,
    • all costs relating to the goods from when they have been delivered (other than those that are payable by the seller).

    Additionally, if the seller has advised that the goods have been clearly identified as the goods under the contract, the buyer must pay any additional costs that arise from the buyer failing to give notice in accordance with B10.

    DDP A10 / B10: notices


    The seller must give the buyer any notice the buyer needs to receive the goods.


    If the parties agree in the contract, the buyer must give the seller sufficient notice of when and the point within the place of destination where they require delivery.

    The contract will usually detail how much notice the buyer must give, as this is likely to vary with the modes of transport used.

    Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (4)

    Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) diagram 2024

    Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (5)

    Diagram: DDP – obligations from the seller and buyer, and where the transfer of risk between each party is transferredat the Place of Destination. Source: ICC

    Delivery Duty Paid (DDP) and letters of credit

    There are some issues that arise when using DDP with letters of credit (LC) depending on the way the importing country determines their local currency equivalent to calculate the value for duty.

    If it uses the date of export, what document will the seller have as evidence of this by way of an onboard notation? Will it be able to produce a bill of lading or sea waybill consigned to itself evidencing this?

    Some customs regimes are now considering that the buyer from the DDP seller is liable for any shortfall of duty and any fines, even though they were not involved or named in the import clearance formalities. This is because, for the customs authority, it is far easier to penalise a domestic business than to chase a foreign seller.

    Again, in hindsight, DDP probably does not go far enough. EXW requires the buyer to load the vehicle at the point of delivery, yet DDP does not require the seller to unload at the delivery point.

    The same comments regarding LCs in DAP and DPU apply to DDP.

    Letters of Credit under DAP, DPU, and DDP

    DAP, DPU, and DDP transactions are largely incompatible with payment by the typical LC.

    With delivery only occurring at the very end of the transport chain, an LC calling for the presentation of, say, a bill of lading consigned to order and blank endorsed would be a contradiction to these three “D” Incoterms rules.

    The situation becomes even more complex if the issuing bank routinely demands bills of lading to be consigned to its order, which is then endorsed over to the applicant (the buyer) to enable the buyer to take possession of the goods.

    In such cases, the seller’s security is at risk if the buyer fails to take delivery of the goods. This risk is heightened by the fact that the seller’s truck may be left waiting at the buyer’s specified delivery location for unloading, all the while depending on the issuing bank to fulfil its obligations under the LC before the transfer of goods can be completed.

    Imagine how strange it would be for the seller to arrive at the buyer’s receiving dock, obtain some form of delivery receipt from the buyer, send it back to their office overseas, and present it to their bank, which sends it to the issuing bank who hopefully honours the presentation.

    Meanwhile, the truck is sitting blocking the receiving dock for a couple of weeks, with the driver having set up camp in the truck’s cabin until his office back home tells him they have received payment and he can now let the buyer unload!

    DDP Video – Three pieces of advice for Incoterms® 2020 for freight forwarders, banks, and traders?

    Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (6)

    “Incoterms” is a registered trademark of the International Chamber of Commerce.

    Refer to ICC publication no. 723E for the text.

    Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterms® 2020 Rule (2024)


    What is the DDP rule for Incoterms 2020? ›

    Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) is an Incoterms Rule where the seller is responsible for all costs associated with the delivery of goods to the named destination. Under DDP, it is also the seller's responsibility to pay both export and import duties, taxes, and fees.

    What does delivered duty paid DDP mean? ›

    Delivered duty paid (DDP) is a delivery agreement whereby the seller assumes all of the responsibility, risk, and costs associated with transporting goods until the buyer receives or transfers them at the destination port.

    What is DDP Incoterms 2020 insurance? ›

    DDP - Delivered duty paid

    Recommendation on insurance: The seller insures the transportation if the seller so desires. The seller bears the risk during the whole transportation.

    Why is DDP not a good idea for the seller? ›

    DDP is an incoterm that stands for “delivered duty paid.” Used in sea freight and air freight importing, when shipping under this Incoterm, the maximum responsibility is placed on the seller. DDP can be risky since sellers are responsible for the delivery, and may lack local destination knowledge and requirements.

    Who pays duties and taxes on DDP? ›

    Under the Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) Incoterm rules, the seller assumes all responsibilities and costs for delivering the goods to the named place of destination. The seller must pay both export and import formalities, fees, duties and taxes.

    Why should DDP be avoided? ›

    If DDP is handled poorly, inbound shipments are likely to be examined by customs, which causes delays. Late shipments may also occur if you end up choosing a less reliable transportation service because its the cheapest option.

    What is an example of a DDP Incoterm? ›

    Understanding Delivered Duty Paid

    For example, a buyer in New York enters into a DDP deal with a seller from London to purchase a consignment of goods. It means that the seller from London has to pay for the transportation of the goods from their storage to the London port and to the port in New York.

    Who is responsible for insurance under DDP Incoterms? ›

    Under the DDP Incoterm, the seller bears full responsibility for all costs and risks until the goods have been unloaded at the agreed-upon location.

    How does DDP work? ›

    When goods are bought or sold “Delivery Duty Paid” (DDP) it means that the Seller delivers the goods to a place previously agreed to by the seller and the buyer. This can be any location. The agreed place of delivery (e.g. the terminal) needs to be specifically named.

    What is the difference between CPT and DDP Incoterms 2020? ›

    Under a DDP agreement, the seller must deliver the shipment to the agreed-upon destination, usually the buyer's warehouse. Once the cargo arrives at this destination, the risk and ownership transfer. CPT transfers the risk earlier, once the cargo is delivered to the seller appointed carrier.

    What are the benefits of DDP Incoterm? ›

    DDP is a vital Incoterm for several reasons:
    • Reduced Risk for Buyers: DDP shifts the responsibility and risk associated with international shipping and customs clearance from the buyer to the seller. ...
    • Simplified Transactions: DDP simplifies international trade transactions by offering a comprehensive solution.
    Oct 12, 2023

    What is the DDP coverage? ›

    With delivery duty paid (DDP), the seller must cover duties, import clearance, and any taxes. Delivered duty unpaid (DDU) means the seller is responsible for ensuring goods arrive safely to their final destination, but the buyer is responsible for import duties.

    Who clears customs in DDP? ›

    Under Delivered Duty Paid (DDP), the seller assumes maximum responsibility. Not only do they handle the shipping process, but they also cover all the costs. This includes unpredictable ones like value-added tax, import clearance procedures, and any additional costs related to shipping delays or complications.

    What are the disadvantages of DDP? ›

    Buyer Disadvantages

    No control over the movement or importation of the goods. No direct contacts to track a shipment other than through your vendor. No ability to interject in the event of an issue. Hidden transport and import costs may lie in the markup calculated by the seller.

    What are the problems with DDP? ›

    It imposes the highest risk of loss on sellers because they have to assume all charges to the point of delivery. This does give the seller control over the shipment, but it also means they are responsible for the goods from the time of purchase until they reach their port of destination and are ready for unloading.

    What replaced DDP Incoterms? ›

    The buyer is responsible for import duties. Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) indicates that the seller must cover duties, import clearance, and any taxes. DDU is still commonly used in transportation contracts even though the International Chamber of Commerce has officially replaced it with the term Delivered-at-Place (DAP).

    What is the difference between CIP and DDP Incoterms 2020? ›

    The difference between Carriage and Insurance Paid To (CIP) and Delivered Duty Paid (DDP) is that with CIP the seller pays for both the freight and insurance costs from their facility to the destination port, while with DDP they are also responsible for other charges such as duties, taxes, and other fees related to ...

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    Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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