Debbie Wosskow, OBE on LinkedIn: Canva’s founder got rejected by 100 VCs. They didn’t want to back… | 1,061 comments (2024)

Debbie Wosskow, OBE

Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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Canva’s founder got rejected by 100 VCs.They didn’t want to back co-founders who were romantically involved.They didn’t want to do an overseas deal with an Australian start-up.They didn’t want to take a bet on a tech company founded by two people without much formal tech experience.But the 101st VC wasn’t swayed by the above.Instead, they were won over by Melanie Perkins’ ability to paint a clear picture of her vision.And the rest is history.Canva is now valued at $26 billion - the highest of any female-founded or woman-led startup in the world.So let this be a reminder that 1 (or 100) people’s no is another person’s yes.Grit those teeth and keep going.

  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE on LinkedIn: Canva’s founder got rejected by 100 VCs.They didn’t want to back… | 1,061 comments (2)



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Katherine Dunn

Content editor at Reuters Institute / Writing a book on GPS


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This is from the Fortune story by Emma Hinchliffe right? The photo is also from Fortune, by Ben Baker. Emma's an excellent journalist and worth following for newsworthy profiles of women in business. Here's the link to her work: Baker can be found here:

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Marc de Schweinitz


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It's unfortunate how images like this paint a picture that having a multi-billion dollar start-up is the key to happiness in life. These stories create a north star toward something that won't ever fully satisfy us, and the amount of people that achieve this level of wealth will be very low (if it wasn't, the money would be inflated so much that it wouldn't be worth anything). That's the reality of capital markets...not everyone can be more wealthier than everyone else. Money makes life much more enjoyable, and I would also love to be a billionaire, but it's certainly not the best that the world has to offer, and is not attainable for the majority of people in the world. There are millions of nurses, mothers and teachers out there sacrificing their lives to help others, that will never be financially rich. Are their stories less inspiring or less of a success than these start-up founders? I think we should redefine what wealth really means, and help the rising generation focus on aspirations that don't have a dollar sign associated with them. This story sends the message to aim for amassing wealth, and to be relentless and not give up until you get it. We're all missing the point of life if we let this example be our north star.

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Leslie Kristensen

Digital Business Development | Writer


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💃🏻 Once upon a time there was a young woman named Melanie Perkins who helped create a design platform. 🎊 She knew in her heart that she co-created something wonderful, something that will become a household name, something that can become huge, and so, off she went knocking and knocking on every company door, looking for someone who will see past that she is a girl, and that she doesn’t have a formal tech experience at all—just a woman with a passion, a great product, and a big dream. ✊ One day, as she knocked on the 100th door; she was convinced that out of a 100, there was bound to be 1 who would take an interest. That’s what they all say, and the statistics show, right? Yet, that door too, slammed on her face. 😔 Dejected, tired and doubting herself: Maybe I don’t have such a great product. Maybe, I should have get a formal tech education and an experience to match. Maybe, I’m just another silly girl, with another silly dream. 👼 But, a voice in her head kept her telling her not to give up. “Alright, one more.” she said to herself. And lo and behold, as she knocked on the 101 door, love at first sight happened...…The rest is history… And Canva lived happily ever after. —@Leslie Kristensen

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Namrata Nayyar-Kamdar

Founder @Plenaire, Non Exec, Digital Branding Expert


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You have to keep going. Every blip, rejection, every failure makes me more determined to succeed ✨✨✨✨✨

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Larry Patrick Zolob


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It feels ironic that the mindset of a successful founder is all about challenging existing paradigms, yet the mindset of far too many VCs is about relying on proven/conventional metrics and analytical methods to come to an investment decision. I would rarely take a VC rejection as a sign that I'm not on the right path. I'd choose to see it differently, in that perhaps they just need some time to come around...

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Marie Myers

Chief Financial Officer - HPE


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Wonderful story of female entrepreneurship from aussies

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Jordan Pregelj

Technical Lead/Design Manager Transport Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Master Planning, Urban Design


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Fine. But we do not need the product to survive. So what does this mean? People are only interested in making money and investing to make money! Think of what value and benefit could be created by investing that money to help por refugees and homeless people. We don’t need to use programs to create greeting cards or other graphics. Send a blank piece of paper or your own stamp if needed but people do need a home, shelter and dignity!

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Rob Lincolne

Founder and CEO @ Paydock


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100% and on a set of values we can all believe in

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Fernanda Santos

Account Manager - NSW/ACT Government at Kimberly-Clark Professional


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Thais Silva

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Melanie Perkins's story is exactly why we do what we do. We've heard countless stories from entrepreneurs who've gone through the same thing - they've spent time doing hundreds of pitches and are turned down for funding. But they keep going until they get the right person in the room who understands and believes in their mission. Congratulations Melanie on becoming the highest-valued female-founded startup. The world needs more female founders, and we're proud to support them through our venture funds!

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    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    Women received just 2% of VC funding in Europe and the US last year. (The lowest since 2016). One reason for this is the current lack of female-led funds. It’s no secret that women are naturally biased towards investing in women and men in men. Only 12% of fund managers in the UK are female, and female-led funds typically have less capital to deploy. So, would a better representation of women in VC funds solve the issue? I’m not saying male VC funds don’t invest in women, but given the endless research showing women-led companies generate higher returns than men-led companies, you can’t help but think we need to be doing more to balance the equation at the source. Rethinking how we fund and construct VCs would not only level the playing field for men and women but would also make financial sense for the economy. That’s why the Invest in Women Taskforce aims to amplify investment in female VC funds, ultimately fostering more female-powered businesses. Brilliant write-up here from the exceptional Hannah Bernard (my IIWT Co-chair), if you’re interested in reading more:

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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    We need to destigmatize non-linear careers. Moving horizontally does not make you a failure. Taking a pay cut does not make you a failure. Pivoting in your 40s does not make you a failure. Quite the opposite. Non-linear careers often create a faster route to success. I saw this analogy recently and it perfectly illustrates how beneficial they can be. We are taught to climb the ‘career ladder’. Often that ladder is against the wrong wall altogether. (Some don’t even want to climb a ladder at all - and that’s fine!) Instead, we should view our careers as a rock face. We might go up one route, then navigate sideways for a better one. We might even come all the way back down to find another. But there is no single route to your goal. The traditional career path we’ve been conditioned to follow is not the only way.

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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    If there’s one thing I can guarantee you about entrepreneurship, it’s this: It will always throw challenges at you. Young or old, male or female, beginner or pro - it’s going to be tough. But do you know what? You’ve overcome every challenge in your life so far. And whilst it might feel like it’s impossible now, you’ll look back and realise it wasn’t impossible at all. In fact, you’re more capable than you imagine.

    • Debbie Wosskow, OBE on LinkedIn: Canva’s founder got rejected by 100 VCs.They didn’t want to back… | 1,061 comments (27)



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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    The UK VC workforce is 38% female, but men hold 78% of all senior roles.In the whole of the UK, just 23 women have a significant stake in a VC firm. 23!Unbelievable.As a result, all-male-owned VC funds raise 10x more capital than all-female-owned funds.And this disturbing trend spills over into business too obviously: just 2% of total VC funding goes to female-owned companies.A lot of people wondered about the ‘why’ behind the Invest in Women Taskforce…THIS is exactly why.These horrifying numbers must be changed.We’re going to make the UK the best place in the world to become a female Founder, we’re aiming for a funding pot of £250M.If you’re keen to follow along, join Hannah Bernard OBE and I on this journey, and stay updated on our LinkedIn page Invest in Women Taskforce

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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    Female entrepreneurs: get good at being uncomfortable.Asking rooms full of men for money is always going to be a little awkward.Being asked questions that male founders will never be asked is always going to s*ck.There’s no way around these things though, nobody is going to do it for you.Being out of your comfort zone is a prerequisite to business growth.Learn how to navigate through the discomfort and get what you need.To make it easier, seek networks with a focus on mentorship and community like AllBright for example, or Barclays’ Eagle Labs.Nothing worth doing feels entirely comfortable.So if you’re feeling uncomfortable, it means you’re likely on the right path.



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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    An unpleasant fact that all women should know: You need people. How hard you work or how smart you are is irrelevant if you don’t know any of the right people. People are an outsized form of leverage. Your effort and intellect are limited, they need active work to get results. But when you have relevant people in your corner, you get better outcomes without necessarily putting more in. We need other people to mention our names in rooms we aren’t in. We need other people to highlight opportunities we might otherwise miss. We need other people to confide in and receive advice from. 85% of the roles people move into come through connections. Your career progression depends on the people you know more than you realise.

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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    Real friends don’t ask for discounts, they pay above market price! My network/sisterhood has been my greatest asset. I’ve learned that being a good friend or ally is about the little things. - Show up even when it’s inconvenient for you - Give them gifts to show that you’re thinking of them - Support their business by becoming their first customer/client - Send cards to congratulate them on a promotion or fund-raise - Shout them out on social media to introduce them to new people - Share resources that helped you when you were the ‘newbie’ Let’s support the women in our lives by being their biggest cheerleaders regardless of how small/big their achievements are! Tag someone you appreciate :)

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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    Why female entrepreneurs must ‘fake it till you make it’ ⬇️ Just 35% of women feel confident enough to start their own business, compared to 55% of men. Too many women let their past determine their self-worth. This limits the boldness of our choices and lets imposter syndrome beat us. The solution is simple: Have ridiculous, blind, unshakeable self-belief. You don’t actually have to feel it’s true, but when you project this externally and slowly use your actions to generate evidence... The world will have no choice but to believe you eventually. You have to believe you can do it way before logic agrees that you can. Remember: you don’t need self-belief to act, you need to act to build self-belief.

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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    I’ve been scaling businesses for 25 years now. The biggest lesson I’ve learned is that: If your why isn’t strong enough, success will be hard to come by. Entrepreneurship takes a ton of commitment, hard work, and self-discipline. Knowing why you’re doing what you’re doing makes it easier to endure the hard times and makes the good times more enjoyable. Find your reason, and look within yourself and your subconscious mind. It might be that you want to show your kids what’s possible. It might be that you’re passionate about the solution your business provides. It might also be that you just like making money (no shame in admitting that, I certainly do). Whatever your why is, it has to be strong enough to keep you going through the darker times that will inevitably come. Your why will be your biggest motivation. So make sure you have extreme clarity about it.

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  • Debbie Wosskow, OBE

    Multi Exit Entrepreneur | Investor | Board Advisor | Co-Chair of the UK's Invest in Women TaskForce

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    Who said you can’t be an amazing mum and partner while also being a successful entrepreneur?Society encourages women to pursue goals rooted in nurturing others. Newsflash: you can have all these things AND build your own business.In fact, it’s one of the great benefits of being self-employed, you get to operate on your own clock. But you must take time for yourself, whatever that looks like for you… Or you’ll burn out fast. - Be realistic and set a personal routine that works for you. - When the work or ‘mum guilt’ sets in, you have to speak back to this criticism of yourself or you’ll end up defeated by it.- Energy management > time management. Structure your day around what gives you energy. Surround yourself with the food, people, and activities that give you energy.You should never have to sacrifice personal ambition for external expectations.

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Debbie Wosskow, OBE on LinkedIn: Canva’s founder got rejected by 100 VCs.They didn’t want to back… | 1,061 comments (65)

Debbie Wosskow, OBE on LinkedIn: Canva’s founder got rejected by 100 VCs.They didn’t want to back… | 1,061 comments (66)


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Debbie Wosskow, OBE on LinkedIn: Canva’s founder got rejected by 100 VCs.

They didn’t want to back… | 1,061 comments (2024)


Why was Canva rejected? ›

Canva's founder got rejected by 100 VCs. They didn't want to back co-founders who were romantically involved. They didn't want to do an overseas deal with an Australian start-up. They didn't want to take a bet on a tech company founded by two people without much formal tech experience.

How much are the Canva owners worth? ›

The Australian has just listed Perkins, who is only 34 years old, as part of the Top 10 richest people in the country along with her husband, co-founder and COO Cliff Obrecht. That makes her the second richest woman in Australia. The couple are worth 15.89 billion dollars.

How much of Canva does Melanie own? ›

Melanie Perkins (born 1987) is an Australian technology entrepreneur, who is the co-founder and chief executive officer of Canva (with Cliff Obrecht) and owns 18% of the company.

Who are the 2 founders of Canva? ›

Canva was founded in Perth, Australia, by Melanie Perkins, Cliff Obrecht and Cameron Adams on 1 January 2013. In its first year, Canva had more than 750,000 users. In April 2014, social media and technology expert Guy Kawasaki joined the company as its chief evangelist (brand promoter).

Why do designers not like Canva? ›

In short, it looked generic, mediocre, too 'templatesy. ' It looked as if when a legit Graphic Designer sees it, they'll start thinking, “Is this the type of design that's supposed to replace my hard work?” And I'll understand why they'll begin hating on Canva right away.

Can you get banned on Canva? ›

If you attempt to establish another account without obtaining such authorization, Canva may permanently ban you from the Service.

Who is the boss of Canva? ›

Co-Founder and CEO of Canva.

Who owns your designs on Canva? ›

Who owns the copyright in a design made in Canva? This depends on its composition. Generally speaking, if you're the creator of an original design, you're also its copyright holder.

Why is Canva worth so much? ›

Superior Growth Rates

Canva's growth trajectory significantly outpaces that of Atlassian, making it a standout candidate for a higher valuation multiple. If it were publicly traded, Canva would rank among the fastest-growing software companies.

Does Canva own your logo? ›

Canva's logo templates are customizable and can be used by anyone. This means that your rights to the logo are non-exclusive and you can't register it as a trademark.

Is Canva better than Adobe? ›

While Canva is cheaper and more user-friendly, Adobe offers more advanced design capabilities and is favored in the professional graphics design industry. Both Canva and Adobe offer templates for various projects, with Canva's being more accessible and Adobe's showcasing high-level artwork achievable in the programs.

Who uses Canva the most? ›

Companies using Canva for presentation are majorly from United States with 41,583 customers. 64.00% of Canva customers are from the United States. Other top countries using Canva are United Kingdom and Canada with 5,905(9.09%) and 3,764(5.79%) customers respectively.

What is not allowed in Canva? ›

Canva's Content License Agreement does not allow you to use Free or Pro Content to design and sell your own stock content (e.g. clipart files). If you want to sell stock content, you need to create your own designs from scratch.

What is the weakness of Canva? ›

Need for More Customizable Templates

Canva's large library of templates is a key feature, but the lack of customization options can be limiting for users seeking unique designs. Users desire the ability to create custom templates or save custom elements for future use, enhancing efficiency and personalization.

Why is Canva giving me an error? ›

Ensure that your internet connection is stable. Try resetting it, if possible. Check if your device or browser meets Canva's minimum technical requirements. Make sure that your design has a maximum of 50 videos/GIFs, and with a maximum total of 300 elements.

Is anyone else having problems with Canva? ›

User reports indicate no current problems at Canva

Canva is an online graphics design tool.

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Author: Prof. Nancy Dach

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Name: Prof. Nancy Dach

Birthday: 1993-08-23

Address: 569 Waelchi Ports, South Blainebury, LA 11589

Phone: +9958996486049

Job: Sales Manager

Hobby: Web surfing, Scuba diving, Mountaineering, Writing, Sailing, Dance, Blacksmithing

Introduction: My name is Prof. Nancy Dach, I am a lively, joyous, courageous, lovely, tender, charming, open person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.