Day Trading Statistics (2024)

Day trading is often shrouded in myths of quick fortune, but what do the numbers say? In this guide, we reveal day trading statistics that show only a small fraction, approximately 1% to 20%, consistently earn profits. Join us as we break down the essential statistics that demystify day trading performance, risks, and the strategies that sway the delicate balance between gain and loss.

Key Takeaways

  • A small percentage of day traders achieve consistent profitability, with significant challenges including high transaction costs, market volatility, and the difficulty of beating market indices.
  • Effective risk management strategies and the use of technology such as technical analysis and algorithmic trading are essential for day traders to mitigate losses and increase the chance of success.
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  • Day trading demands substantial capital, with regulatory entities like FINRA requiring a minimum account equity, highlighting the financial commitment and risks involved in day trading.

Day Trading Demystified: Understanding the Numbers

Day Trading Statistics (1)

Day trading, a high-stakes venture of buying and selling securities within the same day, unfolds on a rapidly shifting battlefield in the financial markets, including the stock market. Day traders target everything from stocks to cryptocurrencies, relying not on luck, but on their skill, day trading strategy, and analysis.

Distinct from average investors who buy and hold for long-term gains, day traders capitalize on short-term trends and market inefficiencies, riding the market’s waves. They maintain a laser focus on the short-term, often not holding positions overnight, and aim to profit from intraday market movements. In other words, they’re in and out before most investors have even had their morning coffee.

The True Profitability of Day Trading

While day trading might seem like a thrilling avenue for profit, the reality of day trading profitable is often less glittering. Despite the magnetism of swift gains, a mere 1% to 20% of day traders achieve consistent profitability, with as few as 1% sustaining profitability over five years or more.

Why is profitability so elusive? One reason is that day trading is a zero-sum game - for every winner, there’s a loser. Moreover, the average day trader loses money after transaction costs. And even professional day traders have a hard time beating the market index. In fact, day traders lose money, often underperforming the market index by 1.5% to 6.5% annually. The harsh reality is that day trading is a tough game to win.

Risk Management: The Day Trader's Lifeline

Day Trading Statistics (2)

In the high-stakes realm of day trading, risk management is not merely advisable, but essential for survival. Traders employ various strategies to mitigate potential losses, with some preferring to avoid losses rather than chasing gains.

One common risk management strategy is to risk no more than 1% of their portfolio on a single trade. This means that if a trade goes south, the trader’s losses are limited. Stop-loss orders are another crucial tool, automatically selling a security when it reaches a certain price to prevent further loss.

And thanks to technology, risk management is more effective than ever. Technical analysis and algorithmic trading help forecast market movements and execute trades efficiently, while understanding liquidity and volatility helps traders navigate the market and achieve their goals.

The Lifecycle of a Day Trader

The journey of day traders typically begins with profound dedication. They dedicate an average of around 8 hours a day to researching, practicing, and trading. But as they gain experience, their work pattern shifts. They may work fewer hours, adjusting to just 0.5 to 2 hours per day.

Despite this initial effort, many day traders don’t stick with it. Around 80% of day traders quit within the first two years, and nearly 40% stop trading after just one month. Day trading is a tough and demanding profession, and not everyone has the tenacity to withstand its challenges.

Nevertheless, a tiny segment of traders demonstrate extraordinary resilience. Even after ten years of losses, they persist in trading. A mere 7% continue to trade actively after five years. These active traders are the ones who have mastered the art of perseverance in the face of adversity.

Capital Requirements for Day Trading

Day Trading Statistics (3)

Initiating a foray into day trading demands more than merely a computer and a trading account. In the USA, the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) requires pattern day traders to maintain a minimum equity of $25,000 in their accounts.

This minimum equity requirement acts as a safeguard, ensuring that traders have enough capital to cover potential losses. If a trader’s account falls below this threshold, they are prohibited from trading until the balance is restored. Moreover, if a trader exceeds their day-trading buying power, they will receive a margin call and have a maximum of five business days to meet it. If they fail to do so, their account will be restricted to cash-only transactions for 90 days or until the call is met.

These strict rules underscore the financial commitment required to engage in day trading.

The Daily Grind: How Many Trades Do Day Traders Make?

Far from a leisurely activity, day trading is a swift-paced, high-pressure profession, with traders executing anywhere from tens to hundreds of trades within a day. Experienced traders with more capital tend to concentrate their trades in the most productive times, such as the first couple of hours after the market opens.

And with efficient trading, they can reduce the time spent on trading, freeing up their day for other activities or pursuits. That said, profitable day traders often trade very actively, accounting for a significant portion of all day trading activity. In this high-speed playing field, the quick execution and reliability of a trading platform are crucial for a trader’s success.

Earnings vs. Losses: A Financial Breakdown

The earnings of day traders can display significant variation. Some traders make up to $96,500 annually on average or even achieve six-figure incomes, while others may incur losses.

High-risk strategies, including poorly diversified portfolios and speculative trading, often result in losing money for many day traders, with most not earning a consistent profit. Furthermore, the income of day traders is generally based on net profits, which are calculated after subtracting trading-related expenses. Thus, fees, commissions, and other costs are critical considerations for day traders as they directly impact their net earnings and overall profitability.

Day Trading Versus Swing Trading: Statistical Outcomes

Although day trading and swing trading are both popular styles, they are associated with differing rates of success. Success in day trading hinges on a trader’s discipline, a systematically crafted trading plan, and the ability to continuously adapt and refine strategies. Swing traders, on the other hand, focus on holding positions for a longer duration to capitalize on larger price movements.

It can take several months for day traders to become consistently profitable, and between 10% to 15% of them are able to generate profits, but not to the extent that would allow them to consider day trading as a full-time career. This underscores the challenges and demands of day trading, which require substantial skill and experience.

The Impact of Market Volatility on Day Trading

For day traders, market volatility presents itself as a double-edged sword. On one hand, it attracts day traders as high volatility stocks offer greater opportunities for profiting from price fluctuations. On the other hand, high volatility also increases the potential for substantial losses, making it a crucial factor for day traders to consider.

As a result, successful day traders must demonstrate adaptability by:

  • Adjusting their trading strategies to align with the ever-changing market conditions
  • Staying updated on market news and trends
  • Setting strict risk management rules to limit potential losses
  • Utilizing technical analysis tools to identify entry and exit points
  • Practicing discipline and emotional control in their trading decisions

By following these strategies, day traders can enhance their chances of success in volatile markets.

The Profile of a Successful Day Trader

Day Trading Statistics (4)

What constitutes the formula for success in day trading? Successful day traders exhibit high discipline, employ solid training, and can make rapid, well-informed decisions. They eliminate distractions during trading to fully concentrate on market trends and information.

Moreover, successful traders continuously evaluate their own trading strengths and weaknesses, which is crucial for refining strategies and staying profitable. Important traits that support the success of day traders include:

  • Patience
  • Personal accountability
  • Realistic goal-setting
  • Readiness to think creatively

By cultivating these traits, profitable traders can improve their trading skills and increase their chances of success.

The Dark Side of Day Trading: Why Most Traders Lose Money

Despite the potential for substantial profits, day trading carries a dark side. The low success rate of day traders can be attributed to the complexities and high risks associated with day trading, which requires substantial skill and experience. In fact, brokerage statistics show that around 70% of clients lose money, not including those who close their accounts after significant losses. Some of the risks and challenges of day trading include:

  • High volatility in the market
  • Emotional and psychological stress
  • Lack of proper risk management
  • Difficulty in predicting short-term price movements
  • High trading costs and fees

It is important to thoroughly understand these risks before engaging in day trading.

Additionally, the probability of achieving profit through day trading is commonly compared to having a 99:1 ratio of losing to winning. Factors that contribute to a higher likelihood of failure in day trading include:

  • Impulsive trading
  • Decisions motivated by the allure of quick gains without a long-term strategy
  • Trading with undiversified portfolios leading to higher brokerage fees and underperformance

These factors make day trading a risky endeavor with a low chance of success.

Beyond the Individual: Day Trading at a Proprietary Trading Firm

Compared to individual traders, professional traders at proprietary firms enjoy certain benefits. They have access to more sophisticated analytical software, direct trading relationships, and a larger pool of capital. However, these advantages do not guarantee success. Only about 4% of traders at a proprietary firm, including professional trader, can make a living from day trading, and 10% to 15% may earn some profit, but not enough for a full-time career.

Interestingly, women have been observed to have a higher success rate than men in proprietary trading firms, suggesting gender-based differences in trading outcomes.

The Psychological Factor: Emotional Pressures of Day Trading

Within the realm of day trading, the struggle extends beyond the market, confronting one’s own emotions. Maintaining composure in the face of wins and losses and avoiding emotional extremes is crucial for a day trader’s success.

Day traders commonly wrestle with emotions such as fear and greed, which can precipitate hasty decisions and lead to missed opportunities and significant losses. Improving self-awareness and learning emotion regulation strategies, such as mindfulness and thorough research, can help traders make more informed and less impulsive decisions.

Overconfidence can also be a pitfall, driving day traders to persist in trading despite losses.

Also check:

  • Technology and Tools: Their Role in a Trader's Success

Day Trading Statistics (5)

In the contemporary digital era, technology holds a central role in the realm of day trading. Effective trading platforms enhance a trader’s ability to make informed decisions by offering various chart types, technical analysis tools, and access to real-time data.

Sophisticated trading tools, including advanced computers, are instrumental in handling the demands of day trading, enabling traders to execute strategies with greater efficiency and improved success rates. Furthermore, tools like stop-loss orders and position sizing are key risk management tools utilized by a large percentage of day traders to control losses and manage capital allocation per trade.

The quality of customer service and support, coupled with the ability to customize trading platforms to fit individual trading styles, is also essential for sustaining success in this field.


In conclusion, day trading is a complex and challenging profession, characterized by high risks, intense commitment, and a steep learning curve. While it offers the potential for significant profits, the reality is that consistent profitability is elusive for many traders. Success in this field requires discipline, a solid trading plan, effective risk management, and a deep understanding of market dynamics. Crucially, day traders need to continuously adapt their strategies, manage their emotions, and leverage technology and tools to optimize their trading performance.

(The article is partly written by AI. You find our best content (non AI) on our website - Quantified Strategies.)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is day trading?

Day trading involves quickly buying and selling securities within the same trading day to take advantage of short-term market trends and inefficiencies. It's all about making fast moves in the market.

How many day traders are consistently profitable?

Only a small percentage, ranging from 1% to 20%, of day traders are consistently profitable over the long term.

What are some risk management strategies employed by day traders?

To manage risk, day traders should risk no more than 1% of their portfolio on a single trade and implement stop-loss orders to limit losses, safeguarding their investments.

How many trades do day traders make in a day?

Day traders can execute tens to hundreds of trades in a single day, depending on their trading strategy and market conditions.

What role does technology play in day trading?

Technology in day trading plays a crucial role in facilitating efficient trade execution, risk management, and well-informed decision-making. It provides effective trading platforms and advanced computers to achieve these objectives.

Day Trading Statistics (2024)


Day Trading Statistics? ›

Key Takeaway: Day Trading Statistics

What percentage of day traders are profitable? ›

Around 1% – 20% of traders earn a profitable margin at the end of the day. The low success rate often discourages the newbies who learn new ways from an online course or television.

What is the failure rate of day traders? ›

The vast majority of day traders are unprofitable, and many traders persist in trading for years despite their losses. It is estimated that 80% of day traders quit within the first two years, and nearly 40% quit within one month. After three years, only 13% remain, and after five years, only 7% remain.

Is anyone actually successful at day trading? ›

Day trading is tough. A University of Berkeley study found that 75% of day traders quit within two years. The same study found that the majority of trades, up to 80%, are unprofitable. While some day traders end up successful and make a lot of money, they are the exception rather than the norm.

Why do so many day traders fail? ›

Traders fail due to being undercapitalized.

Sometimes the market is easier to trade and you make money right away. But usually, there is a learning curve which means losing some of your capital at the start. After that learning curve, you still need enough capital so that the risk on any single trade is small.

Can you live off day trading? ›

It is possible to earn money with day trading and make a living from it and generate high income - but the chances are extremely low. A maximum of three percent of all traders achieve long-term profits; the vast majority lose large sums of money.

Why do 90% of day traders lose money? ›

The emotional aspect of trading often leads to irrational decisions like panic selling. When the market moves unfavourably, many traders, especially those who are inexperienced, tend to panic and exit their positions hastily. This panic selling often occurs at the worst possible time, leading to significant losses.

What is the biggest mistake day traders make? ›

Here are 10 of the most common trading mistakes made by traders.
  • Unrealistic expectations. ...
  • Trading without a trading plan. ...
  • Failure to cut losses. ...
  • Risking more than you can afford. ...
  • Reward/risk ratios. ...
  • Averaging down or adding to a losing position. ...
  • Leveraging too much. ...
  • Trying to anticipate news events or trends.
Mar 31, 2023

Why is day trading so hard? ›

Factors contributing to these dismal outcomes include high transaction costs, emotional decision-making under pressure, and the inherent unpredictability of short-term market movements. Moreover, the rise of HFT algorithms has made it increasingly difficult for individual traders to compete effectively in many markets.

What is a realistic profit from day trading? ›

A typical day trading profit per day is between 0.033 and 0.13 percent. This corresponds to a monthly profit of between 1 and 10 percent for successful day traders. However, only a few traders are successful in the long term - most make losses.

Can you day trade with 100 dollars? ›

Yes, you can start trading with $100.

What is a good amount to start day trading with? ›

A risk/reward ratio of 1-to-1.5 is fairly conservative and reflects the opportunities that occur all day, every day, in the stock market. The starting capital of $30,000 is also just an example of a balance with which to start day-trading stocks.

Has anyone got rich day trading? ›

I did. I became rich by day trading or rather what I call week trading ( I did not always sold a stock right away but never held for more than a few days ) but I did not stay rich by trading but rather by investing the profits into other businesses.

What is the most profitable time to day trade? ›

The opening period (9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time) is often one of the best hours of the day for day trading, offering the biggest moves in the shortest amount of time. A lot of professional day traders stop trading around 11:30 a.m. because that is when volatility and volume tend to taper off.

How many day traders go broke? ›

A report from the investment platform eToro suggests that 80% of its users lost money over a 12-month period. Other reports offer slightly different numbers, but none come close to suggesting that a majority of traders net a profit over long periods of time. Day trading is a dangerous game.

What are the chances of becoming a profitable day trader? ›

Day traders only have a 1–10% success rate as shown by research. It implies that only 90–99% of them are able to make consistent profits. A significant number of day traders make losses within their first year of trading as per Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

How many trades should a day trader make a day? ›

Depending on the strategy employed, many day traders make tens to hundreds of trades per day, on average.

How much money do day traders with $50,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

However, a widely accepted figure suggests that a successful day trader can pull between 1% to 2% of their account balance per day. For a $50,000 trading account, this equates to approximately $500 to $1,000 per day. Do keep in mind that these figures are not guaranteed, but merely a general estimate.

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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