Day trading profit per day is possible in 2023? (2024)

The Day trading fascinates People: Dramatically increase their own wealth from the comfort of their home computer and never have to bother with "regular work" again.

But what is the truth behind this image? What day trading profit is possible per day and is a high day trading income even realistic? We have the answers!

The most important facts in brief:

  • Day trading profits per day can be enormous, but this is not the rule
  • A realistic day trading income for successful traders should be around one to four percent per month
  • The majority of traders make huge losses - it is therefore more important to trade successfully than to make a day trading profit!

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The day trading profit per day depends on many factors

At Day trading place retailers several trades per day with the aim of generating manageable but recurring profits. At the end of the month, the income from these transactions should add up to a good income.

This is also necessary, because the Day trading is more or less a full-time jobIn practice, positive results are almost exclusively achieved by traders who concentrate fully on the activity.

In addition to the time that day traders invest, there are also differences in the Day trading strategies and the available starting capital from person to person. The result also depends on the asset traded (shares generate a different income than forex, etc.)

Often overlooked: probably the most important factor is your personal suitability! You have no experience in the financial markets, are emotional and tend to react quickly? Then you should stay away from day trading!

Are you cool-headed, analytically gifted and already have extensive experience in investing and trading? Do you perhaps even have a large fortune that you want to increase even further? Then you can actually earn an interesting day trading income!

This is how much day trading profit is possible per day/month/year

Probably the most important news right up front: There are no upper limits to the day trading profit per day! A broker from the USA reports that a single person among its users made a profit from day trading of 30 million US dollars in just one day - which is probably a world record for private individuals.

But such stories of gigantic day trading earnings have only limited significance. The first question to ask is: what capital did the person have at their disposal? If, for example, 100 million dollars were managed, the result is much less impressive than with 100,000 dollars in assets.

A plausible figure for day trading profit per day is difficult to find. A look at the statistics shows that successful traders between one and four percent per month which corresponds to daily earnings of 0.033 to 0.13 percent.

Do you have assets of 100,000 euros available for day trading? Then your day trading profit per day would be between 33 and 130 euros lie. The following applies here, of course: higher profits are just as possible as heavy losses!

Calculated over one year, is the day trading earnings for successful traders between 12,000 and 48,000 euros. Here, too, we assume capital of 100,000 euros. If you have less or more available, the amounts will change accordingly.

These gains are made possible by the Use of leveraged productsThey amplify profits and losses by a factor of X. This also increases our effective capital strength many times over.

Often overlooked: The The choice of leveraged financial products is extremely limited with some brokers. This makes effective day trading virtually impossible. You should therefore definitely opt for a broker with an appropriate selection!

CapTrader can do that:

At CapTrader you will find more than a million securities and other assets that you can also trade with different levels of leverage. CapTrader therefore offers the ideal basis for successful day trading!

The calculation is subject to numerous restrictions

Of course, it is not as easy as we have calculated the day trading profits per day in reality! First of all, it should be noted that the Day trading earnings can vary greatly can: You may earn 1,000 euros on Monday, but lose 1,001 euros on Tuesday.

It therefore makes more sense than asking about day trading profits per day to Calculation on a monthly or annual basis. This is a much better indication of how successfully or unsuccessfully a day trader has traded. The value a trader achieves also depends on experience.

For a Person who has just started day trading, the profit per day, month or year will probably be Rather low fail - it usually still lack experience here. Successful trading is very rare at the beginning and the majority of newcomers drop out after just one month in frustration.

For all those who stay on the ball, a day trading profit per day of only 0.033 percent is a typical target. This figure adds up to one percent per month and twelve percent per year. That may only sound like a tiny profit, but is very difficult to achieve in practice.

Because when we calculate day trading profits per day and similar figures, we must not forget: The The vast majority of day traders make losses! Earnings of one percent per month may seem minimal to outsiders, but other day traders who lose one percent per month instead are guaranteed to be envious!

In addition, an average day trading profit of 0.033 percent per day can already generate a very attractive side income - especially if you start with an appropriate starting capital!

So you can with 100,000 euros in capital as much as 12,000 euros per year achieve. By no means a sufficient day trading income to make a living from the activity (especially considering the time involved!), but a good start on the way to higher day trading profits per day.

The scale of possible day trading profits per day is limited only by your personal abilities and can theoretically grow to astronomical heights. In practice, however, even outstanding retailers find that a increase in percentage profits becomes impossible at some point.

This point is set about ten percent return per month which corresponds to an average day trading profit of 0.33 percent per day. Such success is difficult to achieve even for the most experienced day traders and leads to enormous asset growth.

Day trading profit vs. earnings per day

Price calculations for day trading profit per day tend to ignore a very important point: The costs for day trading! Although you don't have an office, employees or other expenses to cover, you do have the Costs for your broker and tax into account.

The Choice of broker is particularly importantActive day traders place dozens of, sometimes hundreds of orders per day. For example, if you are looking for a traditional bank sets, loses a massive part of its merits due to percentage order fees, trading venue fees, custody account fees, brokerage fees and more.

A modern Online brokers like CapTrader, on the other hand, offers you Many times more favorable conditions: here you can trade for as little as USD 2 per share! You won't find any custody account management fees or other hidden costs.

CapTrader can do that:

Trade shares from 2 USD per order instead of giving up high percentages to your broker. CapTrader offers price advantages that quickly pay for themselves with the high number of trades!

This difference can have a significant impact on retailers. quickly add up to several thousand euros per month and massively influence your day trading profits per day. What differentiates the available broker offers is also explained in the Comparison of online broker vs. house bank explained in detail.

Have you, through your trading activities High sales achieved? Then you not only have to deduct the brokerage fees. Also the Day trading taxes have a severe impact on your average day trading profit per day!

In general, the Settlement tax in the amount of 25 percent plus the solidarity surcharge. Church tax may also be added, depending on your personal situation.

Depending on your tax situation, you may have a income tax rate that is below this 25 percent. Lucky you! A so-called "Favorable review" by the tax office can ensure that their personal tax rate is applied instead of the flat-rate withholding tax.

However, the broker costs and tax are not the end of the deductions! In order to determine your actual day trading profit per day, the other expenses to be deducted. However, these are generally manageable.

A Computer and of course an Internet connection are absolutely necessary. Depending on the broker you choose, you may also need License fees for professional trading software are incurred.

CapTrader can do that:

We provide you with professional trading software free of charge if you have aOpen a securities account!Of course, our award-winning customer service will also support you in setting up and using the programs.

Are you planning to make day trading your main occupation? Then perhaps Costs for health insurance, pension and social security contributions and the like await you. It's best to calculate your expenses before you take this step to ensure that your plan is financially viable!

Can you really make a living from day trading?

The question of what day trading profit is possible per day is usually followed by the question, whether you can make a living from day trading. The short answer: Yes, it is possible to make a living from day trading!

However, here too Numerous restrictions be made: first of all, this statement applies This only applies to a very small proportion of retailers. The vast majority cannot make a living from day trading and even make heavy losses.

Only one very small percentage succeed in achieving significant day trading profits per day/month in the long term. However, if you belong to this lucky group, it is quite possible to increase your income accordingly.

Then nothing stands in the way of earning a living through day trading. Of course, it is much easier for people with sufficient starting capital.

Those who want to start small, on the other hand, quickly get into a unpleasant dilemma: Is that Insufficient capitalis your Day trading profit per day too low - Even if you were to achieve very good results (as a percentage), you would only earn a few euros.

The is not enough in the long term to concentrate fully on day tradingas you will probably have to continue working in another profession. However, another source of income prevents you from concentrating fully on day trading and increasing your day trading profit per day.

In practice, it is therefore evident that people with higher starting capital (100,000 euros and more) in particular have better opportunities. Here, a solid day trading profit per day ensures sufficient income. In addition, these traders have the necessary reserves to concentrate fully on day trading.

Tips for high day trading earnings

A high Day trading profit per day is directly linked to the success of a day trader. Most traders generate high losses through day trading and throw in the towel after just one month on average.

There are many reasons for this: poor preparation, lack of specialist knowledge, insufficient Day trading starting capitalnot enough time, lack of Day trading strategy ... the list could go on forever!

If you want to defy the dangers of day trading and test your luck with active trading, we recommend that you first take a look at our Day trading tips. Here you will find important information on day trading in general.

Have you already internalized the basics? Then we have the following Three more important tips, to help you increase your day trading profit per day!

Choosing the right broker

The Choosing the right broker is the be-all and end-all for successful day trading! The Costs for individual orders directly affect your profits and reduce your day trading earnings. One of the easiest ways to increase your day trading profit per day is therefore to use a cheaper broker.

The calculation is very simple: active traders place several dozen up to over a hundred trades per day. The costs that a broker charges per transaction vary greatly. At the lower end of the scale you will find CapTrader with prices from 0.01 $ per sharewith a minimum value of 2 dollars.

Expensive brokers - both online and at brick-and-mortar banks - charge a high percentage feewhich is often more than one percent! Added to this are surcharges for trading venues, brokers and the like.

Let's take a simple Calculation example that Fees charged by your bank amount to a total of 1.5 percent of the order value. We also assume that you have 100,000 euros in capital. You do not invest more than one percent of your assets per trade.

With a house bank with 1.5 percent total fees you have to pay for each order of 1,000 euros, i.e. already 15 euros in fees cede. CapTrader, on the other hand, is content with 2 euros. It goes without saying that an expensive broker reduces your day trading profit per day. However, the full extent only becomes clear when viewed on a monthly basis.

Do you pursue a more defensive day trading strategy? Then you may be able to manage with 300 trades per month. This 300 trades á 15 Euro order fee cost you therefore 4,500 euros per month! In comparison, trading in CapTrader costs just 600 euros.

The difference is even more dramatic in a scenario for established, active traders. Here you can easily 1,000 trades per month are incurred. The result: obscene costs of 15,000 euros per montht, while for CapTrader only 2,000 Euro would be necessary.

CapTraderHouse bank - example
Fees per tradeAt least 2 EuroApprox. 1.5 percent
Price for 1,000 Euro Trade2 Euro15 Euro
Price for 300 trades of 1,000 euros each600 Euro4,500 Euro
Price for 1,000 tradesá 1,000 euros2,000 euros15.000 Euro

It should also be noted in all calculation examples that the Fees independent of the success of your trade are incurred. Your strategy did not work out and instead of earning a day trading profit this month, you earned a Loss of 10,000 euros achieved?

The Fees for your broker are also due then! You drive your day trading profit per day further into the negative and worsen your overall result. The high brokerage costs are an important reason for the poor results of most traders.

Check personal suitability - and act!

The Day trading profits per day are strongly related to the personality of the trader. Particularly high day trading earnings are achieved by people who pursue their strategy rationally, analytically and largely unemotionally.

If, on the other hand, you tend to react quickly or do not have the necessary patience to analyze the important key figures, your chances are rather poor. But even in this case, there is hope!

Above all, an objective self-assessment is importantwhere you also admit your weaknesses. Many traders start day trading after they have already made profits on share investments or have built up a solid fortune through professional success.

This can lead to a certain arrogance, which is partly responsible for the high losses of most day traders. Success in long-term share investments can only be transferred to day trading to a limited extent! Instead, carry out a Take an objective "self-inventory" and check your personal suitability.

The good news is that a solution can be found for many problems! For example, are you too greedy and not closing positions as planned, which ultimately results in losses? Then automation could helpto increase your day trading profit per day!

Software solutions such as AgenaTrader offer the possibility to automate your trading strategy easily and without programming knowledge. Simply let the computer take over critical tasksyou fail again and again!

CapTrader can do that:

CapTrader's software offering is very extensive and is aimed not only at simple investors, but also specifically at day traders! We give you free access to professional trading software such as AgenaTrader.

Choose the right strategy

Your day trading profit per day increases or falls with your chosen strategy. You can choose from a wide range of possible procedures, which makes the decision difficult. It is also possible to switch at a later date, but this requires careful consideration.

The problem: the various Day trading strategies are all valid and can work. Even the Pre-selection is therefore difficult. However, the reason why some day trading methods lead to negative results usually lies elsewhere.

First of all, the personal circ*mstances not always suitable for using a specific day trading strategy. For example, if you do not have enough Capital, time, motivation or expertise for your desired strategy, there is a risk of losses.

At the same time, a chosen approach must also Correctly executed become! For example, does your desired strategy call for a market with very high liquidity, but you are trading illiquid niche stocks on a small stock exchange? Then you can't expect to implement your plans successfully!

There are other such obstacles that can cause your strategy to fail and your daily day trading profits to fall into negative territory. When choosing a procedure, make sure you have the right framework conditions.

Only start day trading if you are sure that you can execute your chosen strategy correctly. Typical Warning signals are: They do not understand parts of the strategy or the marketmust be derived from the instructions (most strategies are described in Booksblogs, etc.) or expose themselves to too high a risk.

Bonus tip: Try out day trading first

Time and again, we hear stories of day trading newcomers who have lost their entire starting capital in one month (or even less!). In addition to a lack of expertise, preparation and discipline, one main reason is always apparent: they started "from zero to one hundred".

Day trading is a complex activity with many potential pitfalls to avoid. It should therefore first learned in a safe environment become. A Demo account from CapTrader offers you the opportunity to trade without risking your own capital.

Here you can Use professional trading software and gain experience with day trading. All the tools of a regular custody account are available to you. As soon as you feel confident enough, the Registration for a "real depot" completed in just a few steps.

You can then use the skills you have acquired on the demo account and hopefully make high day trading profits per day! Conversely a demo account also provides you with important information in case things do not go as planned.

If you are already making losses on a demo account, you cannot expect to make money from "real" trading. You should therefore only conclude real transactions once the test run has been successful.

Conclusion: The day trading profit per day is difficult to determine

The Day trading enjoys thanks to the prospect of high income of great popularity. The question of the possible Day trading profit per day is a question we encounter again and again. However, it is not so easy to answer!

The Day trading earnings fluctuate greatly. We can lose part of our capital in a very short space of time and then make substantial profits just a few minutes later!

This is because not everything always goes smoothly with this form of active trading: Losses will inevitably occur, but should be offset by higher and more frequent successes.

In practice, successful retailers achieve the following accordingly different day trading profits per day. An average of 0.033 percent - which corresponds to one percent per month - is generally regarded as lower end of the scale.

There are no real limits at the top, but more than ten percent per month is considered very difficult to achieve. A distinction must be made between day trading earnings and actual income. Because above all expensive brokers and taxes often result in painful deductions!

The difference between a favorable brokers like CapTrader and expensive house banks, for example, is enormous. It can easily amount to several thousand euros per month for active traders! While you trade shares with CapTrader from as little as 0.01 dollars per share (min. 2 USD/order) can, you pay several percent of the order value with other brokers!

Most day traders do not make a profit per day, but a considerable loss. Even in this case, you have to pay the fee to your broker. It is therefore all the more important to make the right decision.

With CapTrader, you can set up a Open an account and start day trading. However, we recommend, first a Demo account to use and test your strategy.

Are you wondering which Day trading starting capital You need? We have the answer!

FAQ - Frequently asked questions about day trading profits per day

Day trading profit per day is possible in 2023? (2024)


Is it really possible to make money day trading? ›

Day trading is tough. A University of Berkeley study found that 75% of day traders quit within two years. The same study found that the majority of trades, up to 80%, are unprofitable. While some day traders end up successful and make a lot of money, they are the exception rather than the norm.

How much can you make per day with day trading? ›

A typical day trading profit per day is between 0.033 and 0.13 percent. This corresponds to a monthly profit of between 1 and 10 percent for successful day traders. However, only a few traders are successful in the long term - most make losses.

How much money do day traders with $10,000 accounts make per day on average? ›

Assuming they make ten trades per day and taking into account the success/failure ratio, this hypothetical day trader can anticipate earning approximately $525 and only risking a loss of about $300 each day. This results in a sizeable net gain of $225 per day.

What percentage of day traders make a profit? ›

Around 1% – 20% of traders earn a profitable margin at the end of the day. The low success rate often discourages the newbies who learn new ways from an online course or television. Studies have shown that around 97% of day traders have lost their money in two years.

Can you make $200 a day day trading? ›

A common approach for new day traders is to start with a goal of $200 per day and work up to $800-$1000 over time. Small winners are better than home runs because it forces you to stay on your plan and use discipline. Sure, you'll hit a big winner every now and then, but consistency is the real key to day trading.

Can day traders be rich? ›

Day traders' earnings vary widely based on experience, skill level, trading strategy, and market conditions. Some may earn a substantial income, while others may not be as successful. It's important to note that day trading involves significant risk and is not suitable for everyone.

Is day trading worth it? ›

Is Day Trading Profitable? Day trading can be profitable, but it's far from guaranteed. Many day traders end up losing money before calling it quits. Success in day trading requires a deep understanding of market dynamics, the ability to analyze and act on market data quickly, and strict discipline in risk management.

Can you day trade with 100 dollars? ›

Yes, you can technically start trading with $100 but it depends on what you are trying to trade and the strategy you are employing. Depending on that, brokerages may ask for a minimum deposit in your account that could be higher than $100. But for all intents and purposes, yes, you can start trading with $100.

Which type of trading is most profitable? ›

The defining feature of day trading is that traders do not hold positions overnight; instead, they seek to profit from short-term price movements occurring during the trading session.It can be considered one of the most profitable trading methods available to investors.

How to day trade successfully? ›

16 Simple Ways to Become a More Efficient Day Trader
  1. Scan at Night.
  2. Wake Up Early and Check Pre-Market Data.
  3. Keep your Watch Lists Short.
  4. Use Multiple Watch Lists.
  5. Limit Your Indicators.
  6. Create a Positive Environment.
  7. Avoid Distractions.
  8. Don't Overthink Your Trades.

What strategy do most day traders use? ›

Common day trading strategies include Momentum, Breakout, Range, Reversal, Gap, Trend Following, Mean Reversion, Scalping, News, Pattern, Support and Resistance, Fibonacci, Volume Spread Analysis (VSA), Event-Driven, Arbitrage, and Statistical Arbitrage, each with its own set of rules and indicators for entering and ...

How many hours do day traders work? ›

Most independent day traders have short days, working two to five hours per day. Often they will practice making simulated trades for several months before beginning to make live trades.

What is the best time to day trade? ›

The opening period (9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Eastern Time) is often one of the best hours of the day for day trading, offering the biggest moves in the shortest amount of time. A lot of professional day traders stop trading around 11:30 a.m. because that is when volatility and volume tend to taper off.

How many trades should a day trader make a day? ›

A day trader might make 100 to a few hundred trades in a day, depending on the strategy and how frequently attractive opportunities appear. With so many trades, it's important that day traders keep costs low — our online broker comparison tool can help narrow the options.

Can I make a living day trading? ›

In theory, day trading offers the opportunity to earn a lot of money in a short period of time. However, the chances are extremely poor: only around 3 % make profits in the long term. The vast majority of traders lose large sums of money through day trading.

Is it possible to make $1000 a day trading? ›

It can also be very risky. While it's not outside the realm of possibility to earn $1,000 a day by day trading, reaching that level on a consistent basis requires several things: knowledge, discipline and a lot of cash to start with.

Can you make money day trading with $100? ›

Day trading can be stressful for inexperienced traders. This is why some people decide to try day trading with small amounts first. For example, trading with a bankroll of only $100 is possible but will require some extra amendments to manage risk and gain a healthy profit.

Can day trading make you a billionaire? ›

It is possible for trading to make you a billionaire in 10 years , but it is not a guaranteed outcome . Trading involves buying and selling financial assets such as stocks , currencies , and commodities with the goal of making a profit .

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Author: Greg Kuvalis

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

Phone: +68218650356656

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.