Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (2024)

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*The price shown does not include the cost of a “donor drive” (necessary for around 25% of hard drive recoveries) because prices vary depending on model and availability. Submit our Chances Form for a more detailed price quote, including the average cost of a donor drive for your model hard drive.

Our rates are pre-determined and agreed upon before we start working on your data recovery. There will be no surprises when your recovery is finished, and it’s time to pay the bill.

  • 85% of our customers pay$300 for their recovered data (excludingshippingand atransfer drive, if necessary).
  • If we can’t recover any of your data, there is no charge (excludingshipping and donor parts, if necessary)!
  • No diagnostic or attempt fees if your data is unrecoverable.
  • $100labor chargeif you don’t want the data we could recover (if we recover ≥99% of your data, there is no option to decline our recovery).
  • Our maximum rate for any single-drive data recovery is $500 (excluding donor parts, if necessary).

What’s your device’s capacity? Larger than 2TB?Larger than 8TB? Is the drive “encrypted“? Does the drive have a USB port built into the PCB (instead of the typical SATA or IDE/ATA interface)?

$300 Flat Fee

Data Recovery Base Rate

Price does not include shipping ($20, within the USA), transfer drive (starting at $75 or provide your own), or a donor drive, if applicable.

Hard Drives
Solid-State Drives
Flash Drives

Start Recovery

$400 Flat Fee

If 1 Item Below Applies…

*Drive is larger than 2TB
*Drive is encrypted
*Drive has USB port built into PCB (Printed Circuit Board)

Start Recovery

$500 Flat Fee

If 2+ Items Below Apply…

*Drive is larger than 2TB
*Drive is larger than 8TB
*Drive is encrypted
*Drive has USB port built into PCB

Start Recovery


Barehard drive; less than or equal to 2TB: $300.

Barehard drive; larger than 2TB:$400 (this drive islarger than 2TB).

Barehard drive; larger than 8TB: $500 (this drive is larger than 8tb).

Barehard drive; larger than 2TB, withBitLocker encryption:$500 (this drive islarger than 2TBandencrypted).

Western Digital “My Passport” 1TB: $500 (this drive has a USB PCB and is encryptedwith Western Digital’s Smartware).

Western Digital “My Book” 2TB: $400 (this drive is encryptedwith Western Digital’s Smartware).

Western Digital “My Book” 3TB: $500 (this drive isencryptedwithWestern Digital’s Smartware and larger than 2TB).

Western Digital “My Book Duo” 6TB:$800 (this is aRAIDwith 2x 3TB drives;larger than 2TB).

Western Digital “My Passport” 4TB: $500 (this drive islarger than 2TB, has a USB PCB, and is “SED” encrypted; but our max rate for any single drive is $500 — excluding donor parts, if applicable).

Seagate “Expansion” 1TB:$300.

Seagate “Expansion” 3TB:$400(this drive islarger than 2TB).

Seagate “Backup Plus” 1TB:$300.

G-Technology G-RAID 4TB: $600 (this is a RAID with 2x 2TB drives)

G-Technology “G-RAID 8TB“:$800 (this is a RAID with 2x 4TB drives; larger than 2TB)

Samsung T7 Portable SSD (1TB): $400-$500 (this SSD has a USB PCB) and has the option to password-protect using Samsung’s encryption software (encryption fee).

Samsung T9 Portable SSD (8TB): $500 (this SSD has a USB PCB and is larger than 2TB).

See examples of RAID data recovery prices.

Transfer Drive Rates

Once your data is recovered, we’ll move the files to a “good” hard drive.
We call this hard drive the “Transfer Drive.”

Here’s what you need to know if you want to buy a drive from us:

All our Transfer Drives are brand new, name brand (Toshiba, Western Digital, Seagate, Hitachi, or Samsung), and backed with at least a 1-year manufacturer warranty.

PORTABLE USB 3 HARD DRIVES (these drives are powered from your computer using a USB cable):

  • 1TB: $75
  • 2TB: $105

DESKTOP USB 3 HARD DRIVES (these drives are powered using a power adapter/wall outlet):

  • 4TB: $150
  • 6TB: $170
  • 8TB: $200
  • 12TB: $300
  • 16TB: $350

Larger drives are available upon request.

Transfer Drive prices do not include sales tax (for CA residents only).

Here’s what you need to know if you want to provide a Transfer Drive:

1) The drive must be empty. Your transfer drive will be formatted (all your data will be permanently deleted) before we start moving the recovered data.

2) If your transfer drive is too small or defective (i.e., contains bad sectors, un-mounts itself while moving data, etc.), you must purchase a drive from us. We highly recommend providing a drive at least 2-3x larger than your “bad” drive.

3) The drive must be a USB external hard drive or a bare SATA drive.

4) Transfer drive cannot be a NAS (with an ethernet connection) or a USB flash drive (unless the bad drive is also a flash drive or other small devices, like an SD card).

5) The drive must arrive in the same box as the bad drive (you cannot send in a transfer drive after we receive your bad drive). You must buy a transfer drive from us if you do not include one with your bad drive.

Over 2TB Capacity Fee

If your hard drive is larger than 2TB, there is an extra $100 fee if wecanrecover your data. We charge this fee due to the extra time required toclone large drives. Even if just a small amount of data is being used, we still clone the entire drive, as this is the safest approach in most cases.

Otherdata recovery companies charge $1 per GB, which means a 3TB drive would cost $3000. A successfully recovered 3TB drive with us is just $400.

Over 8TB Capacity Fee

If your hard drive is larger than 8TB, there is an extra $200 fee if wecanrecover your data. We charge this fee due to the extra time required toclone large drives. Even if just a small amount of data is being used, we still clone the entire drive, as this is the safest approach in most cases.

Otherdata recovery companies charge $1 per GB, which means a 10TB drive would cost $10000. A successfully recovered 10TB drive with us is just $500.

Encrypted Device Fee

If you have an encrypted device, there is an extra $100 fee if we can recover your data. Any encrypted device is more difficult and time-consuming to diagnose and recover. Some examples of encryption include:

  • Most Western Digital external hard drives (i.e., “My Passport”) with “Smartware” or “SED” (these drives are encrypted at the sector and firmware level, even if you never set a password)
  • Some Western Digital internal hard drives (all “SMR” drives)
  • HP SmartSave external hard drives
  • Apple’s FileVault
  • Maxtor/Seagate “Black Armor” external hard drives
  • TrueCrypt
  • PGP / PGP Desktop
  • BitLocker
  • Full Disk Encryption hard drives(“FDE”)
  • McAfee Endpoint Encryption
  • Samsung SSD Encryption (if password is enabled)

Otherdata recovery companies charge $500-$2000 extra for encrypted hard drives.


If you have a device with aUSB port built-in to the PCB (Printed Circuit Board), there is an extra $100 fee if we can recover your data. This is due to the complexity of recovering data from a “USB-PCB” device, as it does not have the standard “SATA” or “IDE” interface on the PCB.

You can use the pictures below to determine if your device has a USB-PCB (if you have an external drive, you’ll need to disassemble the enclosure). Send us a picture of your hard drive if you need help identifying your PCB.


Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (1) Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (2)


Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (3)Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (4)


Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (5) Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (6) Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (7)

Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (8)

Other data recovery companies charge $300-$1200 extra for USB PCBs.

Shipping Rates

Return shipping costs $20 (within the USA) for a single-drive recovery (with one Transfer Drive). *Multi-drive recoveries, RAIDs, servers, or shipping an entire computer instead of the bare hard drive may incur additional fees due to size/weight.

We encourage international customers to include a return shipping label (with customs forms, if applicable) to avoid unforeseen return shipping fees or hassles.

Hard Drive Removal Rates

If you have an iBook, PowerBook, old MacBook Pro, and certain PC laptops that are difficult to open or an iMac/All-in-one PC, there is a non-refundable $75-$150 fee for removing the hard drive. We can only perform data recovery with direct access to the bare hard drive once it is removed from the computer/enclosure.

RAID Data Recovery Rates

Our RAID data recovery services save our customers thousands of dollars because our data recovery prices are often less than 1/8 the cost our competitors charge, and we achieve the same results (assuming they are as good as us). RAIDs are charged per hard drive. Below are some example prices:

  • 2x 1TB drives in RAID-0 from a Lacie or MyBook enclosure = $600
  • 5x 500GB drives in RAID-5 from a Dell server = $1500
  • 12x 250GB drives in RAID-6 from anArecaenclosure = $3600
  • 30x 300GB drives in RAID-5 from an HP server = $9000

No charge if your data can’t be recovered.

Most data recovery companies start at $3500 for a 5-drive RAID.

Hard Drive Cover Opened Rate

If the cover of your hard drive has been opened (exposing the platters), a $100 non-refundable up-front payment is required.

This fee is due to the increased diagnosis/repair time required after opening the cover. Opening the cover can create several other problems, separate from the original problem, which makes repairing the drive more difficult and time-consuming.

When the cover goes on the hard drive (at the factory, by a machine), the screws are all tightened to an exact amount. Then, the heads are programmed to work with this “amount.” How tight each screw is screwed into the cover can affect the head alignment. Therefore, once the screws have been adjusted in any way, the “cover” alignment is different, and the “head” alignment may be too different to work. The heads are very tiny, and the room to move around is extremely small, so if things aren’t “aligned” perfectly (each screw tightened and cover in the exact correct location), the heads may not move correctly and can’t read data.

The $100 is put towards the recovery fee if your recovery is successful.

The “cover” is not the same as the “enclosure.” There is no extra fee if you have an external hard drive and you have removed the plastic enclosure.


Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (9)

Left: Cover on; Right: Cover off, exposing platters to dirt, dust, and other particles


Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (10)

The hard drive cover is off, exposing the heads and platters inside the drive.


Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (11)

All these hard drives have their covers on, and the platters and heads have not been exposed.

Many more examples here:

The head screw was removed and put back through the hard drive’s label.

The platter screw was removed in the center of the label and the head swap below.

The head screws were removed and put back through the hard drive’s label.

The head screw was removed and put back through the hard drive’s label.

The first data recovery company put a sticker over the exposed screw.

The first data recovery company put a sticker over the exposed screw.

Several silver stickers that cover the screws have been removed.

The label has been peeled up along with the silver sticker covering the screw.

The entire label is missing so we assume the cover has been opened.

The first data recovery company put a sticker over the exposed screw.

Storage Fee

After your data recovery is finished (successful or not), you’ll have 14 days to pay for the recovery (or just for shipping back if recovery was unsuccessful). After 14 days, there is a $10 per week storage fee to retain your hard drives and accessories. Due to our limited storage capacity, after 60 days of non-payment, your drive(s) and accessories become the property of $300 Data Recovery and will be recycled or destroyed.

Deleted Files/Formatted Hard Drive

We charge $300 up-front/non-refundable for deleted, formatted, and lost/overwritten file recoveries. There is an additional $100 fee for drives larger than 2TB; $200 for drives larger than 8TB.

We charge this fee up-front because we will recover all possible files from the drive. But, we cannot possibly know which files will be recovered until after the entire recovery is finished.

Once the recovery is finished, we’ve recovered 100% of the sectors on the drive and 100% of the files that could be recovered. But, because deleted/missing files may have been overwritten or only partially recoverable, we cannot guarantee which files will be recovered.

Due to the nature of a deleted, formatted, or overwritten/missing files recovery, you may pay our full rate and not get back the files you need. You must accept this risk if you wish to proceed with our recovery.

*Note: our $100 “USB PCB” and $100 “Encryption” fees do not apply for most “deleted files” or “format” recoveries unless we need to clone the drive (i.e., it has bad sectors or firmware corruption). The exception is newer Western Digital SMR drives with MCU and Firmware encryption. If these drives have been formatted, the cost to recover is $500.

We’ll refund the recovery cost (minus a $100 labor fee) if no working files can be recovered.

We strongly recommend using a new transfer drive to save the recovered data. Although it’s possible to move the recovered data back to the original/recovered device, this is not advisable since further recovery attempts would be impossible.

Donor Drive Fee

About 20% of hard drives we receive have bad heads (these are most often drives that have been dropped). We always try to offer our customers the option of an affordable partial recovery by disabling the bad head(s) and recovering data using the remaining good heads. But sometimes, the only way to recover any data is by replacing parts inside the drive. In these cases, we will offer you the option of providing/paying for the required donor part. You can also decline our attempt and pay nothing if we can’t recover any data and you’re unwilling to cover the cost of a donor drive.

Please see the Donor Drive section of our FAQ for more information about donor drives.

Hard Drive Destruction

We charge $25 for “hard drive destruction services” if you wish to completely destroy your device to prevent future data access. Learn more about our hard drive destruction services.

Microsoft Surface Recovery Cost

The cost to recover a Microsoft Surface Tablet or Laptop is $300, plus $100 if your device is encrypted with Bitlocker. Note: most Surface devices are Bitlocker encrypted, and to decrypt your data, we need the full password or Recovery Key to recover the data — not the 4-digit PIN. If you have a Surface Laptop 2, Surface Pro 5, 6, or 7 (or any other Surface with an eMMC chip instead of an SSD), wecharge an up-front/non-refundable $75 “chip removal fee.” This fee is non-refundable even if the recovery fails and is in addition to our $300 base rate (and possible $100 encryption fee).

Chip Removal Fee

If you have a Microsoft Surface that requires chip-off recovery and a complete disassembly (e.g., Surface Pro 5, Pro 6, or Pro 7), we charge a $75 “chip removal fee.” If you have a different tablet or laptop with an eMMC or UFS chip instead of an SSD (e.g., some Asus and Lenovo laptops and some phones), we may charge $75 to remove the chip, depending on the difficulty. This $75 fee is due up-front and is non-refundable even if the recovery is unsuccessful.

Floppy Disk Recovery Cost

We use special hardware and software for imaging 3.5″ floppy disks. We charge $150 per disk if we can image 99% or more. If less than 99%, you may decline the recovery for a $75 labor fee. If we can’t image any sectors, there is no charge.

Phone Recovery Cost

Our base $300 rate applies to all phones. But, if chip-off recovery is necessary, we charge $75 to remove the phone’s data chip. This $75 fee is due up-front and is non-refundable even if the recovery is unsuccessful. We can’t perform chip-off recoveries on modern phones due to unbreakable encryption. But, some older models may be recoverable (Note 7 and earlier, Samsung S6 and earlier, iPhone 3G and earlier; any device with Android OS version 6 and above is likely not recoverable). Submit a Chances Form to determine if your phone model may be recoverable.

Cloning Fee

We charge an additional $75 for providing a clone (plus the cost of a SATA drive if buying from us).

Providing a “clone” of your failed device may be possible, but there are some issues with “cloning” a drive and trying to boot back up from it when done:

1) Even if we clone 100% of the sectors, the partition may be corrupt, and if so, the clone won’t boot up the computer.

2) Installed Applications are sometimes registered/linked to the original hard drive’s serial number. After cloning to a new drive, Applications that require a serial number will likely need to be re-registered to work again.

3) If you are on a Windows machine, the computer may not boot from the new hard drive even if we clone 100% of the sectors and the partition isn’t corrupt. Although a PC tech may be able to fix this problem, we do not offer any kind of support for getting the “clone” to work.

4) If you are on a Mac, then a 100% clone (assuming the partition isn’t corrupt) will likely boot back up, but again, Applications may need reinstalling. For Macs, if you want us to clone the drive, we recommend installing a new hard drive + operating system first, then using “Migration Assistant” to migrate the Applications + User Data back to the new drive. This is a cleaner and better solution in most cases (since you will be sure the OS is 100% intact and problem-free).

For these reasons, we always move the recovered “files” onto a “transfer drive.” If you also want us to clone your drive to a bare SATA drive, we can do it, but we offer no support or guarantee the drive will boot up the computer or the Applications will work. If the clone doesn’t boot up the computer, you’ll still have access to all the recovered files via the “transfer drive” when connected to a working computer.

Start My Data Recovery

Data Recovery Prices & Rate Calculator | 100% Transparent Flat Fees (2024)


What is the standard price for data recovery? ›

Other data recovery companies charge $1 per GB, which means a 3TB drive would cost $3000. A successfully recovered 3TB drive with us is just $400. If your hard drive is larger than 8TB, there is an extra $200 fee if we can recover your data. We charge this fee due to the extra time required to clone large drives.

How much to pay for data recovery? ›

The cost of data recovery services in Singapore can vary depending on various factors such as the type of device, the extent of the damage, and the amount of data that needs to be recovered. In general, the cost of data recovery services in Singapore can range from around SGD $60 to several thousand dollars.

How much does file savers data recovery cost? ›

Deleted & Formatted data recovery is priced at a non-refundable flat rate cost of $500 and the recovery results will be accepted "as is" with no guarantee of success. An additional fee of $150 per hour is charged for additional time searching, testing and verifying the recovered data from deleted or formatted devices.

What is the cost of hard drive data recovery? ›

Hard Disk – HDD, USB SSD & SSHD Data Recovery
Recovery TypeMedia / Drive ConditionQuote (INR)
Level 1: Logical RecoveryFormat Recovery, Partition Loss, Deleted Files & Folders.Media Condition: Good & Working2,000 /- to 3,000 /-
8 more rows

What is the formula for recovery cost? ›

Apply the formula

Deduct the revenue amount from the cost of the product in the first step, using this formula:Cost recovery = total revenue - product costsUsing the same scenario, $13,000 - $9,000 = $4,000. This value shows your profit from the cost of the recovery approach. Related: Total Revenue vs.

What is recovery rate cost? ›

Cost Recovery Rate (CRR) = (Revenue/Cost) × 100

Example: Imagine a business project that incurs a cost of $10,000 and generates revenue of $15,000. This means the business recovered its costs and earned an additional 50% on top.

Why is data recovery so expensive? ›

Facilities and infrastructure - The cost of data recovery has to cover not only the cost of running the company but also the cost of the cleanroom, recovery lab, tools, specialist equipment and donor parts.

What is the success rate of data recovery? ›

It is difficult to provide a definitive number for data recovery success rates. However, according to a recent Data Recovery Professionals group poll, the overall success rate for all devices is approximately 70%.

How can I recover my data for free of cost? ›

EaseUS Data Recovery Wizard Free, powered by AI, restores deleted files for free. It only takes 3 steps to search for deeply buried files, and find and list out any video, photo, music, and document that it can scan. Preview before recovery is supported. No need to pay if your files are not found.

How much does iBoysoft data recovery cost? ›

The prices of iBoysoft Data Recovery for Mac - Professional edition range from $89.95 to $169.95 ($89.95/month; $99.95/year; $169.95/lifetime license). The prices of iBoysoft Data Recovery for Mac - Technician edition: $299/year; $499/lifetime license.

How much does advanced file recovery cost? ›

US$ 99.95

How much does Wondershare data recovery cost? ›

Wondershare Recoverit: Plans & pricing

The essential product includes photo and data recovery, deep scanning and free tech support, but it costs $69.99 for a one-year, one-PC license and $119 for lifetime access.

How much does professional data recovery services cost? ›

Professional data recovery services typically range from $100 to $300 per hour.

How much does it cost to retrieve data? ›

Data recovery from a hard disk costs around $1,000. Recovering data from a flash drive or thumb drive is generally less than $500. Information recovery from an external drive might cost anything from $800 to $2,000.

How long does it take to recover 1TB of data? ›

On average, a 1TB working drive runs at about 90mbps. A TB is 1048576 megabytes, so, 1048576/90 = 11781 seconds. 111781/60/60= 3.2. Therefore, to successfully recover an entire 1TB HDD averaging at around 90mbs it would take 3.2 hours.

What is basic cost recovery? ›

Cost recovery may be defined as the recuperation of the costs of government-provided or funded products, services or activities that, at least in part, provide private benefits to individuals, entities or groups, or reflect the costs their actions impose.

Is it worth paying for data recovery? ›

If the data is of substantial value or the hard drive has significant damages, paying skilled recovery professionals maximizes your chances of successful data recovery & minimizes the risk of irreversible data loss.

What is cost recovery model pricing? ›

The cost recovery method is a way of recognizing and classifying revenue in accounting. When using the cost recovery method, a business doesn't record income related to the sale of its services until the money collected from a client exceeds the cost of the services rendered.

What is the cost of service recovery? ›

Related to Cost-of-service recovery

For purposes of benefit accrual, a Participant's whole year Periods of Service is equal to the sum of all full and partial periods of service, whether or not such service is continuous or contiguous, expressed in the number of whole years represented by such sum.

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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.