Cryptography and Python (2024)

Table of Contents
Future plans My wish list FAQs

Python is one of those languages that fills many roles. It can be usedfor prototyping, for writing actual production code, as an interfacebetween software components, or as a handy tool for easily writing quickscripts. For many of these purposes, cryptography can be a usefulcapability. Some relevant modules come with the standard Pythondistribution; there's already a module supporting the MD5 hashalgorithm, and there's a demo implementing the RSA public key system.However, the core distribution can't support everything, or it wouldhave to come on its own CD-ROM. The Python Cryptography Toolkit is acollection of extension modules for Python. One part of the Toolkit isa number of different algorithms. The list includes most of the commonones:

  • Encryption algorithms: Alleged RC4, Blowfish, DES, Diamond,IDEA, LOKI91, RC5, REDOC III, Sapphire.
  • Hash algorithms: MD2, MD4, MD5, Secure Hash Algorithm
  • Public key algorithms: ElGamal, RSA

An important design criterion was that, assuming the Python code to becarefully written, it should be trivial to replace one algorithm withanother. To this end, modules that implement a particular class ofalgorithm share identical interfaces, and variables parameterizing themodule's characteristics are available to help in programming portably.

Encryption algorithms transform their input data (calledplaintext) in some way that isdependent on a variable key, producing ciphertext;this transformation can easily be reversed, if (and, hopefully, onlyif) one knows the key. The key can be varied by the user orapplication, chosen from some very large space of possible keys.

For block private-key encryption, the new() function is calledwith the key and an encryption mode parameter. Block algorithms operateon fixed chunks of plaintext, usually 8 or 16 bytes. In ElectronicCodebook (ECB) mode, each block is encrypted independently of eachother. This is the fastest mode, but long strings of repeatedcharacters in the plaintext encrypt to repeating blocks, which may behelpful to an adversary. In the Cipher Block Chaining (CBC) and CipherFeedback (CFB) modes, plaintext is XORed with the previous ciphertext;this breaks up any such repeating patterns.

As an example, let us encrypt a horrifying message:

>>> import des>>>'abcdefgh', des.ECB)>>> plain="Guido van Rossum is a space alien.">>> len(plain)34>>> obj.encrypt(plain)Traceback (innermost last): File "", line 1, in ?ValueError: Strings for DES must be a multiple of 8 in length>>> ciph=obj.encrypt(plain+'XXXXXX')>>> ciph'\021,\343Nq\214DY\337T\342pA\372\255\311s\210\363,\300j\330\250\312\347\342I\3215w\03561\303dgb/\006'>>> obj.decrypt(ciph)'Guido van Rossum is a space alien.XXXXXX'

Hash functions produce short "fingerprints" of arbitrary data. Unlikesimple checksums, it is very difficult to find two messages that producethe same hash value, or to modify a message without changing theresulting hash value. Hash functions can be used as checksums, or aspart of a digital signature system.

>>> import md5>>>>>> obj.digest()'\324\035\214\331\217\000\262\004\351\200\011\230\354\370B~'>>> obj.update("This is a test message for a hashing function.")>>> obj.digest()'F\315\344~\032\234\227\2627\276\366d\255\262%r'>>> obj.update('\000')>>> obj.digest()'\222?:\262g\252\255\023?w\314\305~\374=6'

Public-key cryptography uses two keys; one encrypts, one decrypts. Thepublic key encrypts data, producing ciphertext that can only bedecrypted by the private key, which is only known to the legitimateowner (we hope). The public key can then be listed in a directory orhanded out to correspondents, who can then send the owner securemessages without having to arrange a key beforehand. Also, digitalsignatures can be created by decrypting data with the private key;anyone can then encrypt the data with the corresponding public key andverify that the signature and the message match. The PCT allows both the generation and use of various public-key systems.

As an example, let us generate an RSA private key to sign a text stringplaintext. (Actually, we will sign a hash of the plaintext.)randfunc() is a random number generation (not shown) functionthat accepts a single integer parameter N, and returns anN-byte string of random data; it's used in generating the primenumbers required for an RSA key. A class for cryptographically strongrandom number generation is provided with the Toolkit, or you canimplement your own technique.

>>> import md5, RSA>>> RSAkey=RSA.generate(384, randfunc)>>>>>> signature=RSAkey.sign(hash, "")>>> signature # Print what an RSA sig looks like--you don't really care.('\021\317\313\336\264\315' ...,)>>> RSAkey.validate(hash, signature) # This sig will check out1>>> RSAkey.validate(hash[:-1], signature)# This sig will fail0

Change md5 to SHA or MD4, and everything will workidentically.

The PGP module is only partially implemented; currently, public orprivate PGP keys can read from a file or a string, and be written outagain. Message support is not yet implemented, but the module is usefulfor manipulating keyrings; for example, a simple script toalphabetically sort PGP keyrings by user ID is included with theToolkit.

Future plans

In future, adding algorithms will be of less importance in development.There are two classes of cryptographic algorithms: the innumerable onesthat are proposed, and the few ones that are actually used. Newalgorithms are constantly being invented, but relatively few of thembecome part of the security engineer's toolchest, and there's no pointin trying to implement every single one of them. There are a few thatshould still be implemented: the only one remaining on my list at thispoint is the Haval hashing algorithm.

Afterwards, I will change my focus to optimizing and clarifyingthe existing C and Python code, and implementing some interestingprotocols. Also, most of the implementations have used existing code asmuch as possible. However, some of that code comes with annoyingconditions that forbid commercial use; I will begin the slow work ofreimplementing algorithms and placing them in the public domain.(Specifically, MD2 and MD4 are problems in this respect; MD5 is apublic-domain implementation by Colin Plumb.)

There are many protocols that could be implemented. As the useof the Internet for commercial purposes spreads, network securitybecomes more important as more and more financial data and proprietaryinformation is transmitted across the network. There is no singlestandard for secure Internet communications yet. Instead, there arevarious standards being proposed, and it is probably best that Python beable to use them all. I am not currently planning to work on any of thefollowing, though I'd certainly be willing to provide assistance.

  • Kerberos: Kerberos is an identification andauthentication protocol developed at MIT and described in RFC 1510,designed to operate in an environment of insecure individualworkstations and a few trusted servers. The Kerberos protocol is fairlycomplex and specialized, so it may not be worth the effort of actuallyimplementing the RFC in Python. Rather, it would be much simpler towrite a wrapper module around the appropriate library routines forKerberos version 4 or 5.
  • Netscape's Secure Socket Layer: After glancing at thespecification, SSL doesn't seem to be too difficult to implement.However, a complete implementation is probably impossible, because ituses the RC2 encryption algorithm, which is proprietary to RSA DataSecurity, Inc., and has not been publicly described. Thus, any Pythonimplementation will not be able to fully interoperate with officialimplementations.
  • Secure HTTP: SHTTP is yet another proposed standard that allowsmore freedom in the algorithms used. Version 1.1 of the specificationis available at, and hasbeen submitted as an Internet draft. Because of SHTTP's more openand flexible nature, I'd prefer that it be implemented first. Whycontribute to making SSL a de facto standard when we'll probably neverbe able to fully implement it?

There are also Python-specific applications for cryptography. One ofthe demo scripts included with the Toolkit implements a crude version ofa secure import statement. Armed with a public key and a list ofsignatures (which are assumed to be magically available and known to becorrect), any compiled module is run through a hash function beforebeing imported. The hash value is then checked against thecorresponding signature; if it fails, an ImportError exception israised. This has obvious relevance to implementing distributed systemsand agents in Python.

The next release of the Toolkit is 0.0.3, and will include the DigitalSignature Algorithm and improved documentation, plus some other goodies.Hopefully, the encumbered modules will have been reimplemented aswell. I will also tackle implementing the issues on my wish list, whichleads naturally to...

My wish list

There are some enhancements to Python that would improve the Toolkit bymaking it simpler or faster.

  • The struct module does not yet allow specifying the byteorder, nor does it support character arrays, C strings, or converting astring to a Python long integer. This would really speed up the PGPmodule, and might make it almost as fast as PGP itself, which is writtenpurely in C.
  • Your integer arithmetic routines can never be too fast. Python'slong integers are reasonably speedy, but I intend to benchmark various arbitrary-precision integer libraries, and see which comes out on top.
------- end -------
Cryptography and Python (2024)


Is Python used in cryptography? ›

Cryptography library is one of the many libraries and modules that Python offers for secure communication and encryption. The fernet module of the library provides a built-in key generator and provides encryption and decryption functions for a string of data and large files.

How do you create cryptography in Python? ›

Algorithm for Cryptography with Python
  1. Make a list of all the alphabet.
  2. Create a function that takes the text and a number as a parameter.
  3. Move through each element.
  4. If it's a space add it to the new list as it is.
  5. Take out the position of the character it should replace with.
  6. Join.
  7. Display the encrypted text.

Which programming language is best for cryptography? ›

Here are the best languages for cryptography.
  1. Python. Python is one of the most popular programming languages in the world. ...
  2. Go. Go, also known as Golang, is a programming language that was created by Google. ...
  3. Ruby. Ruby is another popular, general-purpose programming language. ...
  4. C++ ...
  5. C# ...
  6. Java. ...
  7. PHP.
Nov 3, 2021

Is Python useful in cyber security? ›

Python is a powerful and versatile programming language that is well-suited for building cybersecurity tools and solutions. Its easy-to-learn syntax, extensive libraries, and flexibility make it an ideal choice for a wide range of cybersecurity tasks, from network analysis to penetration testing.

Is Python useful for Crypto? ›

Developers can use Python to code a blockchain without the need to write much code. Python simplifies developers' lives as it is a scripted language and doesn't need to be compiled. Python also offers the option of pre-compiling the code, and this makes it helpful for developers to work in blockchain.

Is cryptography hard to learn? ›

It varies depending on what part of encryption you are doing. It is not difficult to learn basic cryptography. Knowing basic cryptography does not make you qualified to design a cryptographic algorithm that will protect secret information.

How do I encrypt my Python code? ›

The encryption of the source code can be executed by the PythonPart EncryptPythonPartScript, located in \etc\Examples\PythonParts\ToolsAndStartExamples. The encryption can be executed for a single file or a directory. If a directory is selected, the files from the sub directories are also encrypted.

How much does a cryptographer make? ›

Cracking data codes takes time, dedication, and skill. For that reason, a cryptographer's salary is reasonably high, even when you take an average across various states. The average cryptographer's salary varies between $125,000 and 145,000. This translates to an hourly rate of approximately $60 an hour.

Does Python have built-in encryption? ›

Python has a cryptography library with which you can encrypt and decrypt your files. This library implements the AES symmetric encryption algorithm and uses the same key to encrypt and decrypt data. The methods that implement the encryption algorithm are in the Fernet module.

How to install cryptography in Python? ›

Installing Cryptography package on Linux using PIP
  1. Requirements:
  2. Step 1: Setting up a Python environment on our Linux operating system. ...
  3. Step 2: Installing the PIP manager in our Linux system. ...
  4. Step 3: Now using the PIP manager we are going to install the Cryptography package.
Mar 11, 2022

Can you learn cryptography on your own? ›

The background needed for crypto is not part of a traditional education, neither in math nor in computer science, so it's unlikely that you'll have learned what you need in undergrad. So you have two choices: (1) learn it on you own; or (2) learn it in graduate school.

Does cryptography come with Python? ›

cryptography is an actively developed library that provides cryptographic recipes and primitives. It supports Python 2.6-2.7, Python 3.3+, and PyPy. cryptography is divided into two layers of recipes and hazardous materials (hazmat).

What programming language do most hackers use? ›

Hackers use the C programming language to access and manipulate resources on a system, like those in RAM. Many security professionals use C for their systems work. C also helps penetration testers write programming scripts for testing a system's security features.

What is the easiest cryptography? ›

In cryptography, a Caesar cipher, also known as Caesar's cipher, the shift cipher, Caesar's code, or Caesar shift, is one of the simplest and most widely known encryption techniques.

Does cybersecurity use Python or C++? ›

If you want to be a security engineer or a penetration tester, Python may be better suited for you. On the other hand, if you're interested in developing new cybersecurity tools or products, C++ might be the better option.

What language do cryptographers use? ›

Improve programming skills: Learn languages like C, C++, and Python. Familiarize yourself with cryptographic libraries and algorithms.

Can Python be used for security? ›

Python is a strong tool in the field of cyber security that makes file transfer through the web secure and easy. Paramiko, which is a python library for secure transfers files on SSH (Secure shell) forms the foundation of Python's toolkit for cyber security.

What Cryptocurrency is written in Python? ›

denaro, 'money' in italian, is a cryptocurrency written in Python.

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Name: Geoffrey Lueilwitz

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