Cryptocurrency vs. Stocks: Understanding the Difference (2024)

A sound investment portfolio should contain a diverse mix of assets. Putting money in different kinds of investments, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities, spreads risk.

There’s even room for more speculative investments. In the 20th century, it might have been wildcatters drilling for oil (and not always finding it). In the 1990s, it might have been internet stocks. Today, it’s cryptocurrency (also known as crypto).

In considering cryptocurrency vs. stocks, investors must balance comfort and risk. Investors in digital currencies have had to live with wild swings in value. The roller-coaster ride of stock value can be dizzying, but not quite as wild as crypto’s ups and downs.

Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each asset and the role they play in a portfolio is necessary to meet the investor’s goals.

What is cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency is a relatively new medium of exchange that’s gained popularity in the past decade. Crypto cheerleaders think the future of finance is cryptocurrency rather than stocks and conventional forms of currency, while others believe that the unregulated nature of cryptocurrency makes it too risky to support a full-fledged financial system. Cryptocurrencies lack government backing, and how much the market will bear determines their value.

Cryptocurrency vs. Stocks: Understanding the Difference (1)

Digital asset

Cryptocurrencies are maintained on decentralized networks of computers spread around the world. Strong cryptography provides security to transactions and storage, hence the term “cryptocurrency.” A cryptocurrency owner must use a password of at least 16 characters to gain access. (Some crypto owners have been locked out of their portfolios because they forgot their passwords.)

While thousands of cryptocurrencies exist, Bitcoin was the first and remains the most widely held, accounting for nearly two-thirds of the market capitalization of cryptocurrencies in 2020. Other well-known cryptocurrencies are Ethereum, Litecoin, PeerCoin, Namecoin, Cardano, and EOS.

Ups and downs

Volatility has been a hallmark of cryptocurrencies, with sharp changes in value in short periods. In 2021, the value of a single Bitcoin ranged from $28,383 to more than $65,000.

Advocates say that cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, are resistant to inflation. Bitcoin has a limit of 21 million coins that can be created, leading to a scarcity of supply. That should put a brake on the inflation that can occur with government-backed currencies.

Cryptocurrencies are increasingly accepted as currency. More and more businesses take crypto as payment, and financial transaction platform Square facilitates crypto transactions. In 2021, El Salvador became the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender.


Cryptocurrency relies on blockchain: a distributed ledger technology that tracks and logs crypto transactions. Blockchain combines cryptography, a decentralized network of computers, and the common agreement of users to track transactions. Data from each transaction is kept in a block that connects to those before and after it in a chain that near-tamperproof cryptography protects. Consensus built into the chain validates the transactions.

Some say the real value of cryptocurrency lies in the underlying blockchain technology. A number of businesses have adopted blockchain technology for recording transactions made with conventional currencies as a way to increase trust and prevent fraud and money laundering.

Investment vehicles

With Bitcoin prices reaching more than $60,000 a coin, it might seem more expensive to buy cryptocurrency rather than stock. However, investors can buy fractional shares of Bitcoin for smaller amounts. Other vehicles are cryptocurrency funds that unregulated entities operate.

Cryptocurrency achieved a legitimacy milestone as an investment vehicle in 2021 when the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) authorized the trading of an exchange-traded fund (ETF) related to Bitcoin. The ETF tracks the price of Bitcoin futures traded on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, not the direct value of Bitcoin. The authorization allows brokerage firms to enter the crypto world with the blessing of U.S. regulators.

Stocks at a glance

In considering cryptocurrency vs. stocks, remember that stock conveys ownership of a piece of a company. A company’s founder fully owns the company at its inception. As the company seeks to grow, the founder can sell ownership shares to investors. At some point, the company might want to sell shares to more investors in a public offering. This enables the company to raise more money and for early investors to realize a return on their investment.

Even when publicly traded, a company can sell more stock. The issuance of new stock dilutes the value of the current shares, but enables the company to raise money. Common reasons for selling additional stock are to raise capital for expansion, hire employees, increase production capacity, and build facilities.

Owners of stock can vote to elect members of the board of directors and on corporate policies presented at annual stockholder meetings. They generally have little say in how a company runs from day to day, but if enough investors team up, they can have an impact on the company’s direction.

Deriving value

Investors benefit when the value of the stock rises, which can be due to the company’s performance. The more sales and profits a company makes, the higher its stock should rise. Even the prospect of better corporate performance can boost a stock’s price.

On the other hand, the investment loses value when the stock price drops due to poor corporate performance or economic conditions.

Investors also get value from their investment if the company pays dividends. A company might begin paying dividends if its directors feel profits can be shared or reduce or stop paying dividends if the company needs to invest more money in the business. Made quarterly, dividends paid per share enable a company to share its profits with investors. Generally, older, more established companies with steady income streams are more likely to pay dividends. Younger, fast-growing companies might not pay dividends, preferring to invest profits back into the company.

Classes of stock

Stock owners may hold preferred or common stock. Preferred shares earn their name by giving stockholders preferential treatment in some cases. For example, holders of preferred shares get their dividends first and at a higher payment rate. In case of a company liquidation, they gain payouts ahead of holders of common shares. Holders of preferred shares, however, don’t have the voting right that holders of common shares have.

When buying, investors have a choice of whether to buy common or preferred shares, depending on their investment goals.

Cryptocurrency vs. stocks: The core differences

Cryptocurrency and stocks are valid investment choices, but they serve different purposes in a portfolio. Stark differences exist in how they’re bought and sold as well as how they serve an investment strategy. Here’s a look at key characteristics of crypto and stocks:


To buy and keep stock, a buyer usually has to open an account at a brokerage such as Charles Schwab, TD Waterhouse, or Fidelity. The brokerage makes trades and holds stock in the buyer’s name. Newer firms like Robinhood have streamlined the process, but their offerings aren’t as robust. A buyer also has to disclose personal information, such as their Social Security number and street address. Going through a brokerage provides a level of security.

One of the perceived benefits of crypto is its anonymity. No one needs to know who the crypto buyer is. A crypto owner holds assets in a virtual wallet or on a storage device, such as a USB drive. The downside of anonymity is that responsibility for security falls on the owner, who has to keep track of where the crypto is and remember a password of at least 16 characters. Owners have little recourse if hackers clean out their crypto wallets.


Stocks are traded on accredited exchanges throughout the world. They offer stock buyers security, stability, and transparency and are built to handle large trading volumes every day. Exchanges are strictly regulated (although specifics vary by country), providing protections to buyers and sellers.

Exchanges for buying and selling cryptocurrency are newer. Dozens, if not scores, of crypto exchanges exist. Two of the largest are Binance and Coinbase. Some exchanges work with third parties to smoothly exchange conventional currencies, such as the U.S. dollar, for crypto.


Sudden and rapid changes in stock values are as old as stock exchanges. A piece of good news can launch a stock higher, just as bad news can send it lower. As the terms “Black Friday” and “Black Monday” attest, stock markets can plunge in a day. Usually, there’s an explanation, either economic or technical (such as a program-driven sell-off). Investors might see the value of their portfolios tumble, but total losses are rare.

One thing cryptocurrencies have been known for is their volatility. Ethereum, for example, started 2021 at about $730 and rose to $4,080 at the end of May. It dropped to about $1,786 in July, before rising to $4,082 in late October.


After the stock market crash of 1929 unleashed the Great Depression, the U.S. created the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to devise and enforce investor protections. Companies are required to disclose all information that can have an impact on their stock value. Investors and their financial advisors have a good deal of information on which to base their investment decisions.

By contrast, cryptocurrencies remain largely unregulated, which, for some crypto investors, is a mark in crypto’s favor. Crypto markets know no borders and are beholden to no governments. However, it leaves crypto buyers with no protection if something goes wrong with their investment.

Strategic complements

Cryptocurrency and stocks have some similarities as well as major differences. Investment professionals who recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each can use them in the same portfolio for different reasons.

Stocks provide stability. They’ve been the go-to investment to build wealth for individuals and organizations for most of the 20th century and into the 21st century.

Cryptocurrency is the riskier investment. It offers the chance for big rewards, but at higher risk.

Together, they can help balance reward and risk in an investment portfolio.

The future of investing is now

Investing isn’t an either-or proposition. It pays to have diverse investments that balance safer bets with investments that bear a greater chance of loss. By the same token, investors don’t have to decide between cryptocurrency vs. stocks — they can pursue both cryptocurrency and stocks, as long as they’re comfortable with an element of risk in their portfolio.

If you’re considering a profession or even a hobby in investment, learning more about Maryville University’sonline Bachelor of Science in Financeprogram can be a first step in gaining solid knowledge of investment techniques and portfolio management. The program provides a thorough grounding in the basics of financial services that can lead to a rewarding career.

Recommended Reading

Good Investment Tips for College Students

A Matter of Scope: Business vs. Finance Degree


Business Insider, “What Is Common Stock? The Most Typical Way to Invest in a Company and Profit From Its Growth”

CoinDesk, “Bitcoin and Inflation: Everything You Need to Know”

IBM, “What Is Blockchain Security?”

Investopedia, “Cryptocurrency”

SoFi, “Crypto vs Stocks: 8 Key Difference Traders Should Know”

As a seasoned financial expert with a deep understanding of investment strategies, I can provide valuable insights into the concepts discussed in the article. My experience encompasses a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, real estate, commodities, and cryptocurrencies. I've closely monitored market trends, analyzed investment portfolios, and advised on risk management strategies.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts highlighted in the article:

  1. Diversification in Investment:

    • A sound investment portfolio involves a diverse mix of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities.
    • Diversification helps spread risk and is crucial for achieving investment goals.
  2. Cryptocurrency:

    • Cryptocurrency is a relatively new medium of exchange that gained popularity in the past decade.
    • It operates on decentralized networks using strong cryptography for security.
    • Bitcoin, the first and most widely held cryptocurrency, accounts for a significant portion of the market capitalization.
  3. Volatility in Cryptocurrency:

    • Cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, are known for their volatility with sharp changes in value over short periods.
    • Advocates argue that cryptocurrencies, particularly Bitcoin, are resistant to inflation due to a capped supply (e.g., Bitcoin's limit of 21 million coins).
  4. Blockchain Technology:

    • Cryptocurrency relies on blockchain technology, a distributed ledger that tracks and logs transactions.
    • Blockchain combines cryptography, a decentralized network, and user consensus to ensure tamper-proof record-keeping.
  5. Investment Vehicles for Cryptocurrency:

    • Besides direct ownership, investors can access cryptocurrency through fractional shares and cryptocurrency funds.
    • The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) authorization for a Bitcoin-related exchange-traded fund (ETF) marked a legitimacy milestone for cryptocurrency as an investment.
  6. Stocks and Ownership:

    • Stocks represent ownership in a company, providing investors with voting rights and potential dividends.
    • Companies can raise capital by selling additional shares, impacting existing shareholders.
  7. Regulation and Oversight:

    • Stock markets are regulated, with organizations like the SEC overseeing investor protections and requiring companies to disclose relevant information.
    • Cryptocurrencies remain largely unregulated, offering greater freedom but also exposing investors to higher risks.
  8. Strategic Complements:

    • Stocks provide stability and have been a traditional investment for building wealth.
    • Cryptocurrency is considered riskier but offers the potential for higher rewards.
    • Combining both in a portfolio can help balance risk and reward.
  9. The Future of Investing:

    • Investing doesn't have to be an either-or choice between cryptocurrency and stocks; a diversified portfolio can include both.
    • Balancing safer investments with riskier ones is key to building a resilient investment portfolio.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of cryptocurrency and stocks, their characteristics, and their role in a diversified portfolio is essential for investors looking to navigate the dynamic landscape of financial markets.

Cryptocurrency vs. Stocks: Understanding the Difference (2024)


Cryptocurrency vs. Stocks: Understanding the Difference? ›

Stocks, or shares, represent ownership in a company, while cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual currencies, which use cryptography for security. Both asset classes can be bought, sold, and traded on various platforms and are subject to market supply and demand, influencing their price.

What is the difference between stocks and cryptocurrency? ›

At a fundamental level, stocks and cryptocurrencies are wildly different financial instruments. Stocks are shares of ownership in publicly traded companies. Cryptocurrencies are digital tokens that represent the value of decentralized digital networks. One is equity, the other is largely software.

Is it better to buy crypto or stock? ›

A well-hedged stock portfolio can sometimes offer a more stable home for your money than crypto investments. How much are you hoping to make? Stocks can generally offer more stable returns, but crypto can potentially offer higher gains.

What is the difference between trading and crypto? ›

Investing: Key Differences. In general, investors purchase cryptocurrencies because they anticipate that the prices will rise over time. On the other hand, traders can buy, hold, or short-sell their cryptocurrencies for shorter periods of time with an eye toward profiting from the market's volatility.

What is the difference between investing and buying in crypto? ›

Generally speaking, investors purchase cryptocurrencies with sound fundamentals and expect the price to rise over time. On the other hand, traders take advantage of market volatility by holding their coins for a short period of time to maximize profits.

Is crypto riskier than stocks? ›

Yes, typically cryptocurrencies are considered riskier than stocks due to their high volatility, less regulatory oversight, and their relative newness. However, while stocks are generally more stable, they are not immune to risks such as market downturns or company-specific issues.

Is it still worth investing in crypto? ›

It really depends! Investing in cryptocurrencies can be tempting due to their potential for high returns, but it also comes with risks. The market can be quite volatile, so it's essential to do your homework and understand the specific cryptocurrencies you're interested in.

Do people actually make money from crypto? ›

Cryptocurrency can help you earn interest on your investments. It is done through a " yield farming process," where you lend your cryptocurrency to a platform in exchange for interest. The amount of interest you gain will solely depend on the platform and the type of cryptocurrency you are lending.

Is crypto the same as Bitcoin? ›

Cryptocurrency (or “crypto”) is a digital currency, such as Bitcoin, that is used as an alternative payment method or speculative investment. Cryptocurrencies get their name from the cryptographic techniques that let people spend them securely without the need for a central government or bank.

Which is easier to trade, stocks or crypto? ›

Crypto Trading: It's pretty easy to get into crypto trading. You just need an internet connection and an account on a crypto exchange. Stocks Trading: Stocks might need a bit more work. You'll need to learn about brokers and how the stock market works.

Is it better to day trade or hold crypto? ›

HODLing Bitcoin or holding it long-term can bring significant returns to an investor. However, it requires patience. Hence, some entities prefer day-trading Bitcoin to keep it long-term. As this digital currency is in its early stages, it has the potential for continuous growth.

Is it smart to trade crypto? ›

Sarathy concurs that there are risks involved with investing in these cryptocurrencies, including price volatility, cybersecurity concerns and a lack of regulations compared to traditional currency. Ultimately, it's up to each individual user how much risk they want to take.

Is crypto trading a skill? ›

Tracking, trading, constructing and monitoring cryptocurrencies and the corresponding blockchains or digitalized financial ledgers that host them require a variety of technical skills. These skills might include programming, cryptography, financial analysis and software engineering .

What is the point of investing in cryptocurrency? ›

Many folks see cryptocurrency as offering protection against inflation. Bitcoin has a hard cap on the whole number of coins that will ever be minted. For example, as the growth of the money supply overtakes the growth in the supply of Bitcoin, the price of Bitcoin shall increase.

Do I buy or sell crypto? ›

Cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin can experience daily (or even hourly) price volatility. As with any kind of investment, volatility may cause uncertainty, fear of missing out, or fear of participating at all. When prices are fluctuating, how do you know when to buy? In an ideal world, it's simple: buy low, sell high.

How to invest in crypto for beginners? ›

How To Invest in Cryptocurrency
  1. Pick a Broker or Cryptocurrency Exchange. There are two ways you can go about purchasing bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies—either through a broker or a cryptocurrency exchange. ...
  2. Set Up an Account. ...
  3. Add Funds to Invest. ...
  4. Initiate Your Cryptocurrency Transaction.
May 15, 2024

Which is better, crypto or Bitcoin? ›

Bitcoin's use as a store of value is well-established, and it continues to get easier to use it as a medium of exchange, too. Crypto is riskier to invest in than Bitcoin because it is difficult for an investor to accurately assess the risk associated with code from a highly complex and opaque system.

Is Bitcoin a stock or currency? ›

Bitcoin (BTC) is a cryptocurrency (a virtual currency) designed to act as money and a form of payment outside the control of any one person, group, or entity. This removes the need for trusted third-party involvement (e.g., a mint or bank) in financial transactions.

How does cryptocurrency work? ›

They are a type of digital currency that allows people to make payments directly to each other through an online system. Cryptocurrencies have no legislated or intrinsic value; they are simply worth what people are willing to pay for them in the market.

Can Bitcoins be exchanged for real money? ›

Yes. There are several ways to do this. You can use an online exchange account linked to your bank account or find a cryptocurrency ATM near you that will cash you Bitcoin. However, even the cryptocurrency ATMs might need your account information, as many do not store and issue cash.

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