Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (2024)

In a day where Iran brandished its military might, signaling to the U.S. President that their top general would not be assassinated in vain, crypto responded accordingly. As I write this reports of Iranian missiles attacking Iraqi bases housing U.S. military (and we still have to confirm any U.S. or Iraqi casualties), Bitcoin has escalated as well—to the tune of nearly $1,000 in the past 24 hours.

I spend a lot of screen time in various Telegram chat rooms with crypto millionaires and wannabe crypto millionaires. It hasn’t even been a week yet, but international news has seeped into our feeds. On January 4, one day after General Soleimani’s demise, crypto traders responded.

Cointelegraph reported on January 4, 2020 the following: “While the ‘official rate’ is around 42,000 IRR [Iranian Rial] per 1 USD — which would result in the $24,000 price per Bitcoin — the actual rate in the street would give one something closer to BTC’s actual global market price, currently around $7,300 USD.”

Bitcoin’s 1 SAT was nice and comfortable in its $7,000 USD realm for a few days. But the chain reaction of trader sentiment turning positive has been brewing. As crypto buyers and HODLers we’ve suspected for a while that a Bitcoin Boom is nigh. And with Cointelegraph’s $24,000 quote, a number of us gave a cheer knowing this was the bull run we’d been waiting for—but I was quickly reminded by a crypto millionaire who cares that lives are at stake when war pushes profits. True. Our peer-to-peer platform meant for the little people (like me) can manipulate and fail us when we truly need it.

Now the ripple effect is in motion. Today, January 7, we witnessed Bitcoin surpassing $8400 USD in a matter of hours. This was in response to two countries doing a back and forth chest pounding via Twitter. What happens when our crypto gains “move like rockets”? The Gif game goes wild. Naked women, simulated sex memes, horny humans and animals start populating our feeds. Supposedly with these images, we’re being told, “These are exciting times.” Women flashing their boobs are supposed to tell us that. I could not hold my tongue any longer. I asked for a de-escalation of sorts, just casually mentioning “Some of these gifs clearly don’t reflect the knowledge that women are members of this group as well. SMH.” One of my fellow chat members apologized “for the immaturity,” but then an onslaught of p*rn graced us all. Bitcoin was on the rise the entire time and a good time was (not) had by all? A couple of hours later, more than a dozen missiles were launched. And Bitcoin hit its 2020 high. Let’s stay on mission, boys. Let’s stay on mission.

See what happens when a few crypto millionaires put their minds together? The best of Fintech coming atcha!

We’ve heard this warning before: Don’t fall in love with the coin.

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (1)

I’ve recently met a crypto millionaire who leads an investor pool responsible for price fluctuations that keep companies in the black. When I say if this savvy investor even hints at not getting all in your feelings, take note.

He spoke of one transaction of 32 million coins described as a “golden opportunity” that never moved past a few cents. “That was the company we put our love into and we lost out.”

For traders who take on the Dow, NASDAQ and international regulated markets the struggle to keep emotions at bay is real. In a non-NASDAQ world, crypto buyers, sellers and holders will scream to the rooftops when a coin hasn’t delivered as predicted.

Our crypto millionaires know how to quickly get back on their feet, though, because they’ve surveyed the more than a thousand altcoins (and growing) in the cryptoverse,

Time for some tough love then.

Here are some tips that may help you reach Whale status sooner than you expect.

You’ll be hearing about stablecoins a lot in the months and years to come. Don’t sleep on the coins that power them up!

With stablecoins, crypto plans to emulate the US dollar when consumer confidence was high. The capitalists who were so in love never saw the possibility of peer to peer currency flipping the game.

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (2)

When Moon? When Lambo?

In one Telegram forum where I’m a member, these questions were on repeat for what seemed like months, then weeks, then…BOOM! Before the December Dip, a number of HODLers made themselves giddy by collecting a small fortune. These early risktakers became crypto millionaires.

I was happy to be a real-time witness to their success. Especially since this particular token is only a couple of years in existence. Going all in and going “high” within just a few seconds one day on the charts gives hope to us all.

In a world where DLT will soon make all the rules, waiting a year or two or three till (insane*#@!) profit may seem like a lifetime. But when that jackpot hits, you realize, “Hey, this crypto game isn’t so bad.” Then you hop back in—deep back in—to do it all over again when the subSAT indicator takes over all your senses.

Huge sell walls of any coin on the market bring fear of devaluation. But our crypto millionaires just smell buy, buy, buy. Our dreamers load themselves down with bags of digital gold and the cycle—a 24-hour market operating with barely-there authority—continues.

Do you want to be a crypto millionaire? Is it a new year’s resolution of yours? There’s no time like 2020. Follow us here and join the fun—if you dare.

…when you find a new exchange where you can register with ease and trade all your favorite altcoins!

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (3)

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (4)

YouTube just committed what may be one of the quickest acts of "crypto-purge" to go down in history. December 25, 2019: YouTube disabled multiple channels of crypto vloggers citing "harmful and dangerous content" and "sale of regulated goods" violation of policy. December 26, 2019, there was a complete about-face. Sort of. YouTube hasn't officially responded, but word swirling through the airwaves is that events from the past 24 hours were "an accident." This attempt at censorship is not a first. YouTube's parent company just won't let up! GOOGLE it.

And please click on the emoji that says it all, and take our poll!

Diving into #crypto with other crypto enthusiasts has introduced me to a community of those who want to be rich (of course) and those who stay rich. Crypto Millionaires know that it takes more than just luck to become wealthy—and stay wealthy. So I’ve been holding my potato sack close while they’re spilling the beans. I figured all of the knowledge will one day supply those golden dreams. We all have them. Why not share?

The crypto millionaire I recently exchanged notes with—I’ll call him Goldfinger for Goodgave us the inside tip on where to store our wins. I made a short video about those four investments, which he says are the only investments that we should consider. Crypto is the safest as there’s no government involvement—for now. I would pay attention to gold, though, as well.

The U.S. government reportedly has the highest reserve of actual gold bricks in the world. But the government decidedly stopped using the precious metal to back the U.S. dollar in the early 1970s. The end of the gold standard saw inflation shoot up to a peak rate of almost 9% (the healthy standard inflation rate being 3% annually). Money with no gold to back it, means the government can print more money with no value. Inflation crisis here we come!

Goldfinger for Good says we’re heading back in that direction, and quickly. Crypto is his most desired (digital) commodity for now. I like the idea of gold, though, too because not only can I trade it pretty predictably on the stock market, I also know I can actually make a quick purchase of it when I want to on eBay and stow it away in my treasure chest for a rainy day.

The ultimate sign of cool, though, is that although he feels that crypto is the way to amass a fortune and keep it, Goldfinger for Good keeps his hands in gold—literally. “I have gold in a private bank in Singapore. Controlled by my fingerprints. No one a apart from me can open it.” That’s some billionaire boss moves! Wouldn’t you agree?

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (7)

“The exciting new board game” may show you how! Here’s the #2Sats!

Board game designer and founder of Satori Games Jason Burwood (Mind Your Monster board game, Mind your Gremlin card game) has created a family-style board game titled Crypto Millionaire where players as young as six years old can have “lambo” dreams and the crypto portfolios to make them happen.

When unboxed, Crypto Millionaire offers players sixteen different cryptocurrencies peppered with newsmaking blockchain projects, game-changing wild cards and secret token offerings. Burwood promises an hour and a half of play that is “full of events and lessons.” He says, “Events boost your wealth but the harsh lessons from the Crypto world will cost you!”

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (8)

Being that Burwood and I both started our crypto education in December 2017, I wanted to hear more about how his boundless enthusiasm would translate to those willing to risk it all and roll those digital dice!

Franklin: It’s very easy to experience the thrill of investing in crypto, as you described when you first got into it. I know a lot of people are apprehensive about Bitcoin because there’s no “real money” and you “can’t put your hands on it.” What was your process in figuring out how to represent digital currency when designing the game pieces?

Burwood: To me, it’s now strange how people don’t think of Bitcoin as “real money” just because it’s digital, when in fact less than a quarter of all GBP is in notes and coins, the rest is digital.

The big problem is governments are pretty much free to print as much of it as they like under the guise of quantitative easing and devalue its value just like that. At least with Bitcoin, they can’t print any more than 21 million.

As for representing digital money in a tabletop game, it’s tricky so there really is only one simple way and that is with paper notes. In Crypto Millionaire I have Fiat currency and Cryptocurrency and they are two different types of notes.

Franklin: During your research while designing the game, did you come across any bizarre and outrageous stories about crypto millionaires? Any favorites? Do share…

Burwood: I didn’t have to actually research real-life crypto millionaires although I did have one real life crypto millionaire play test the game… and he won! I think some of the craziest stories are about the would have been crypto millionaires like the guy who bought pizzas for 10,000 bitcoin. A guy in the UK threw out his laptop which had the keys to 7,500 on it. Both stories are on cards in the game!

Franklin: Many of us are familiar with a little well-known game called Monopoly where there’s a strong possibility of landing in jail. With crypto enthusiasts thriving in unregulated territory (thus far) how did you approach making rules in an industry where there are no rules?

Burwood: That’s a great question, I really wanted to create a light-hearted family friendly game so I didn’t want anything too heavy in it. I have however included cards which allow you to divert someone’s winnings from their investment and the lessons cards are full of all the bad actors ploys to get hold of your crypto.

Franklin: It’s so cool that everywhere around the world, the term Bitcoin and soon to be the names of many other altcoins will be a part of a universal language. Do you have plans for international distribution?

Burwood: Absolutely. Crypto is worldwide. We have followers from all corners of the globe, so we will be delivering our games worldwide from our Kickstarter campaign and continue to do so in the future.

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (9)

Franklin: Finally, what, in your mind, makes up the qualities of the ultimate crypto millionaire?

Burwood: Ha, if I ever become one, I’ll let you know. I think a lot of crypto millionaires were in the right place at the right time and recognised how much bigger this would become. We are almost certainly in the same position now. It’s just harder to see the possibilities looking forward than it is to see the growth that has happened already.

Jason Burwood, thanks for playing!

Crypto Millionaire will launch as a Kickstarter campaign and will be available for worldwide distribution. For updates, click here to share your info! Enjoy game night!

Nicole Franklin is a writer/director who is passionate about fintech, distributed/decentralized ledger technology and all things crypto. Meeting crypto millionaires comes with the territory, so she shares their financial advice and #2Sats here and on Twitter @Nicoleedits.

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (10)

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (11)

It was such an honor to be featured as a filmmaker who loves cryptocurrency in Ebony Magazine (thanks, Mel Hopkins!). And I've been documenting my journey all over social media at #NicoleOnBitcoin. Now I’m going to do more documenting—right here!

Crypto has brought a fortune or possibilities to so many around the world. And it’s opened my eyes to the exciting world of fintech. Between digital exchanges and becoming a swing trader with traditional stocks and bonds I am loving “a day at the market.” Most of all the peer-to-peer nature of unregulated and scalable (thank you, Radix!) decentralized ledgers makes the opportunities endless. And for the media industry, we’re just getting started.

Full disclaimer: Bitcoin was my entry but we’re heading into alt season soon and .I've gotta admit, I'm loving #LIFEToken. In fact, while at this point in time we’re still priced under a penny (but soon to be at 100th of a penny), I (strongly!) suggest downloading your #LifeWallet at and joining our #LIFEArmy. You’ll thank us later!

What? You’re already a crypto millionaire? Well, help me tell your story. I plan to talk to a bunch of them right here on this page. Yes, let’s meet The Joneses. More to come…

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (12)

It all started when two of my trusted film & television colleagues told me, separately, that they invested in it, they were loving it, and, “Nicole, Bitcoin…you gotta get in.” That was almost two years ago. I would say I’m hooked!

Cryptocurrency DLT Blockchain Fintech and Film — Nicole Franklin (2024)


What is the best explanation of crypto and blockchain? ›

Cryptocurrencies are usually built using blockchain technology. Blockchain describes the way transactions are recorded into "blocks" and time stamped. It's a fairly complex, technical process, but the result is a digital ledger of cryptocurrency transactions that's hard for hackers to tamper with.

What is the first crypto in the blockchain? ›

The first cryptocurrency was Bitcoin, which was first released as open-source software in 2009. As of June 2023, there were more than 25,000 other cryptocurrencies in the marketplace, of which more than 40 had a market capitalization exceeding $1 billion.

What is the blockchain explaining the tech behind cryptocurrencies? ›

Blockchain technology is an advanced database mechanism that allows transparent information sharing within a business network. A blockchain database stores data in blocks that are linked together in a chain.

What is blockchain in simple words? ›

A blockchain is “a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of ordered records, called blocks.” These blocks “are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data.

Is blockchain the same as Bitcoin? ›

A quick summary of the key differences

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency, while blockchain is a distributed database. Bitcoin is powered by blockchain technology, but blockchain has found many uses beyond Bitcoin.

Where is blockchain used in real life? ›

Insurance Settlements. Blockchain-based applications can eliminate the risk of fraud while speeding reimbursem*nt for losses in the insurance industry. Immutable records of property value, claims, and reimbursem*nts bring much-needed visibility to the insurance industry.

What is the purpose of cryptocurrency in blockchain? ›

Cryptocurrency is a medium of exchange, created and stored electronically on the blockchain, using cryptographic techniques to verify the transfer of funds and an algorithm to control the creation of monetary units. Bitcoin is the best known example.

What is an example of a blockchain? ›

Bitcoin, launched in 2009 on the Bitcoin blockchain, was the first cryptocurrency and popular application to successfully use blockchain. As a result, blockchain has been most often associated with Bitcoin and alternatives such as Dogecoin and Bitcoin Cash, which both use public ledgers.

What is the simplest explanation of crypto? ›

A cryptocurrency is a digital currency, which is an alternative form of payment created using encryption algorithms. The use of encryption technologies means that cryptocurrencies function both as a currency and as a virtual accounting system.

How do you explain blockchain easily? ›

Blockchain is a database of transactions that have taken place between two parties, with blocks of data containing information about each transaction being added in chronological order to the chain as it happens.

What is the connection between crypto and blockchain? ›

Blockchain is the technology that enables the existence of cryptocurrency (among other things). Bitcoin is the name of the most recognized cryptocurrency, the one for which blockchain technology, as we currently know it, was created.

How do I learn about blockchain and cryptocurrency? ›

A career in blockchain technology may begin after completing a bachelor's or master's degree program in computer science, data science, or other relevant field. A coding, data science, or financial technology boot camp can also prepare learners for the field.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.