Reviews - 1.2 Stars (2024)

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Top Positive Review

“Lost $$ Recovery”



After giving up on my hacked crypto account 0ver 1 month ago, I came across Jimfundsrecovery AT consultant com recommendation about crypto wallet recovery on a blog, I slide in and file a complaint to them about how my account was hacked by fake investment platform, I sent my hacked wallet address to them as requested. Well, let me cut this short. Within a few days of sending the required info, I gained access to my account with my coins intact..

See positive reviews

Top Critical Review

“Terrible customer service, hidden fees everywhere!”



My card has been messed up for over 4 months. Can't use it, can't add funds to it. Customer service just keeps going in circles saying they are working to get it fixed. 4 MONTHS. THIS COMPANY SUCKS! I've been with them for about 6 years now. They started out great. But now there's hidden fees everywhere. The rates at which u trade aren't true to market rates. There used to be some alright perks with the card but those are pretty much gone now. Theres far better companies now.

See critical reviews

Reviews (117) Reviews - 1.2 Stars (1)

2 reviews

1 helpful vote

January 16th, 2024

My card has been messed up for over 4 months. Can't use it, can't add funds to it. Customer service just keeps going in circles saying they are working to get it fixed. 4 MONTHS. THIS COMPANY SUCKS! I've been with them for about 6 years now. They started out great. But now there's hidden fees everywhere. The rates at which u trade aren't true to market rates. There used to be some alright perks with the card but those are pretty much gone now. Theres far better companies now.

Tip for consumers:
This company is going to tank. Stay away from it.

Products used:
None anymore. Was great for trading and using as a debit source but that's out the window now.




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March 6th, 2024

SEE PICS! Expect to loose 20 (minimum)to 40% on fill price/"spread scamming". Just awfully awfully awful 😖! Also you will get fees on top of that. They offer no excuses nor will this ever get better until legislation makes it. Go with an American exchange like Coinbase and it's a little better. is based in Malta and they can take everything you own if they want. HORRIBLE Spreads (did I mention that). See pic, says you have 20,700 but when you push the sell button they only offer 18,700 and that doesn't even include the heavy fee yet... scammmmmeerrrrrssssss!

Tip for consumers:
Do not use this scamming company. They will take 40% of all you own or more by the time it's said and done

Products used:
Bought and sold crypto



Quality Reviews - 1.2 Stars (3) Reviews - 1.2 Stars (4)

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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (5)

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0 helpful votes

March 7th, 2024

I wanted to close my account because they were pressuring me to invest more money after they put me in touch with Michelle, but he insisted that I have to pay $500 in order to get my first investment returned.
Completely fraudulent; takeaway: Never trust any advertisem*nts you come across.

Do your homework before losing any money. T O N E L I M I T E D assisted me in getting my money back from them, and if you happen to lose any too and would like to get it back, they are among the few reliable

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2 helpful votes

January 2nd, 2024

I notice their cost of tokens are slightly higher or lower depending on how they can take advantage. For example: my Eth is higher on every exchange except theirs. So they steal.02 plus the fee to withdraw. Imagine doing this to all of your customers. They're making out like a bandit. An extra $50 they stole which adds up. Taking my coins and deleting account.


Helpful (2)

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0 helpful votes

February 29th, 2024

Seems no real people. My account was "gone" for days. No real people as even email
Is answered ( if at al) by bots. I sent probably 125 different emails and chats to different addresses before I got a vague non relevant answer. Never ever ever again. What a dramatic company. Probably some kind of scam waiting to explode.

Tip for consumers:
Dramatic. Don’t deal with them

Products used:




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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (8)

1 review

0 helpful votes

February 19th, 2024

Dear customers,

I want to bring to your attention some concerning experiences I've had with In my interactions, I've encountered what seems to be fraudulent behavior and a lack of responsiveness from their support team. Despite my repeated attempts to reach out, I have received no explanation for the sudden blocking of my account.ive been with crypto for almost 3 years, please file lawsuit against, crypto will pay the highest price?! Their own customer support are scammers and stay away from this phone number ( *******736) is hacker and scam provided by crypto's chat?!
Given these issues, I believe it's important to be cautious when dealing with I recommend considering legal recourse, such as filing lawsuits or complaints with regulatory authorities like the US Securities and Exchange Commission and financial departments.

While I have a passion for cryptocurrencies, it's disheartening to encounter such practices within the industry. I urge you to exercise vigilance and explore alternative platforms to ensure the safety of your investments.

Tip for consumers: is scamming people, stealing from hardworking people, blocking my account for no reason, I’ve attempted to contact them a multiple times, no response?!

Products used:
Cryptocurrency, they stole my crypto

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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (9)

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0 helpful votes

March 12th, 2024

Avoid. Used them many times before, all of a sudden a deposit of flow goes missing (to the correct wallet, checked on Blockchain). Their customer service on all channels ignores you, waits, then sends a stock response to the effect of 'because so much time has gone since you complained, we assume your issue has magically resolved itself'. If you then respond, expect to wait and get the exact same response. Suspect this is the next FTX. Ayrlp. C o m brought me to safety they took charge of the situation and traced the transfer and it was reversed back to my account




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0 helpful votes

March 28th, 2024

Once again I havd an issue and no support from
I have emailed, used support,twitter, reddit and am getting nowhere.
It truly is terrible. This a non fault issue and should be addressed quickly in the current markets.
I use another site seriously considering moving everything there.
Customer service replies in 10 minutes.
A big exchange like this should be far more supportive. I have soo much debt now and I don't know how to start over. Emmett of AyrLP provided an excellent service with great communication. They worked tirelessly to help me rebuild my refund.

Tip for consumers:
They simply do not reply, whether it is via email, livechat, dm on social media. This "organization" is a disgrace. The behavior is extremely scammy. Would not recommend at all.




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0 helpful votes

January 16th, 2024

I write in Norwegian.
No er det Faen meg nok! Beklage språkbruken. Jeg har holdt på siden oktober for å få tilgang til å overføre crypto til andre sider. Jeg har over 200 $ inne hos dere. Jeg får kjøpt crypto, men jeg får ikke overføre dem til andre. Eg har prøv i så langt tid å få det til men eg sendte feil bilde av ein regning. Etter det så har dere ikke fikse sånn at eg kan sende inn ny brev om adressen min. Eg forstår ikke hvorfor dere skal gjøre det så jævlig vanskelig. Eg får kjøpt crypto for eg har blitt klarert og godkjent hos dere. Men å overføre crypto til andre så er det så jævlig vanskelig. Eg har skrive til dere på mail men da får eg bare svare av ein automatisk dritt. Når eg skrive til dere på messenger så da får eg automatisk svar at dere skal kontakte meg innen 12 time. Det har gått 24 time til no. Hvorfor er dere så dårlig med kundene dere? Hvorfor tar det 100 år å få noen svar? Og når mann får svar om natten så når jeg ser det om morgen så er det personen som svarte, avslu*ttet samtalen. Dere må ha flere som jobber i kundeservicen deres så vi kan få svar fortare! Eller kontakt kunden og ikke avslu*tt før saken er fikset! No er eg så jævlig lei! Enten så får dere hjelpe meg å fikse sånn at jeg får overført crypto til andre sider eller så får dere overføre alle pengene mine tilbake så jeg kan bruke noen andre som er mer seriøse enn dere! Dere skryte over at dere er det største firma som selger og kjøper crypto så da må dere bevise også at dere tar vare på kunden deres som gjør sånn at dere er de største! No er det nok. Enten hjelper dere meg eller så må jeg gå neste skritt som tilsvarer avisen, forbrukerrådet, og i verste fall politiet!

Så jeg ber for siste gang hjelp meg så skal jeg fortsatt være dere kunde i lang tid framover! Og igjen beklage mitt ord bruk og stygge ord men eg er så fortvilet og sint. Eg etter sender bilde av regning min

Tip for consumers:
få dei til å bil bedre med kundeservic

Products used:
kjøpe crypto

Quality Reviews - 1.2 Stars (12)

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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (13)

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0 helpful votes

April 5th, 2024

I was scared and doubting their process at first but with time i gave my trust them and I was back to my self within few minutes after they get my lost fund recover to me from twitter scammer that duped me of $67,000 I met with some reliable hackers who I trust could help with this, all you need do is trust them, I can say for sure they are trustworthy. Capable and reliable, l'll leave below their contact info

Brigadiatechremikeable (@)proton (.) me
Telegram: E x p e r t s R e o v e r y C o m



Quality Reviews - 1.2 Stars (14)

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2 reviews

1 helpful vote

February 9th, 2024

I've waited 2 days for any response from support and still have not gotten anything. Every trade you make has OUTRAGEOUS hidden fees. They show you your coins are worth way more than they are, but when you try to sell them they give you wayyy under asking. Costing 10-20% of your trade! It's disgusting! They also make you buy coins at over market value while also tacking on a 3% purchase fee. Only the 3% fee is disclosed. Not all the price hikes and drops they do in their favor. Also, their limit sell does fulfill like it's supposed to. Screwed me out of $100s. Look at the photo, it shows this coin is worth $1.14 but the graph clearly shows $1.08 and if I tried to sell I wouldn't even get $1.00

Products used:



Quality Reviews - 1.2 Stars (16) Reviews - 1.2 Stars (17)

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0 helpful votes

I have an issue with the credit card. The customer support is a disaster. Better said: non existing. Conversations get closed or ended without solution. Not been able to use my card for over a month. Missed all the benefits. Money still locked. Card still blocked.

Products used:
Credit card
Trading platform




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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (19)

1 review

1 helpful vote

February 11th, 2024

They lost two transactions, one I never got back. Customer support is terrible, biggest mistake I made was using this wallet

Helpful (1)

Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (20)

3 reviews

3 helpful votes

April 3rd, 2023

After giving up on my hacked crypto account 0ver 1 month ago, I came across Jimfundsrecovery AT consultant com recommendation about crypto wallet recovery on a blog, I slide in and file a complaint to them about how my account was hacked by fake investment platform, I sent my hacked wallet address to them as requested. Well, let me cut this short. Within a few days of sending the required info, I gained access to my account with my coins intact..

Helpful (3)

Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (21)

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0 helpful votes

February 12th, 2024

I've attempted multiple withdrawals, but it never succeeded. They consistently provided excuses, making it impossible for me to withdraw funds. Recently, they've even begun to disregard my withdrawal requests altogether but with the lawfirm ON THE TOPIC ABOVE they help me get all my money back

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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (22)

2 reviews

5 helpful votes

January 12th, 2024

Be wary of, can freeze your account & money without warning!
A week ago I received an email from stating: ""We are undergoing regular routine review and your account has been disabled until this is finalized.

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused by this, as we will revert with feedback shortly.""

To this day my account has is still completely locked with no explanation at all from them! I have over $230,000 in my account and no way to my access my funds! This is is completely crazy and want to give warning to all other users to be of right now, my money feels like its been stolen!

** This is occurring after I've gone above and beyond to provide all necessary documentation they have ever asked of me. Because last summer they made me proof the 'source' of all of my funds by sending me an email asking for the following: ""1. Declaration of your source of funds - Some examples are: salary, savings, loan, inheritance and etc.
2. Your occupation - title and employer's name 3. Purpose of the account""

I've never had a bank, exchange, or any other company treat me the way has. Having access to your money completely revoked without any just reason and explanation is an extremely scary experience that I hope no one else ever has to go through.

I've written on Twitter and they did promptly reply but could only say that they'd talked to the relevant department and that I'd hear from them soon. I wrote to their feedback@ email address and haven't heard back.

I went online and came across they helped me to get this resolved and I'm glad I got my money back, if anyone has a similare experience and want to get their assets unlocked, kindly reach out to coin-refunds. Com for assisitance.




Helpful (5)

Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (23)

1 review

4 helpful votes

December 8th, 2023 customer support service is terrible. They promise to reply any message sent through live chat service but no one even see those messages. I have sending them messages for 6 days now, they did not even see them. I initiated a withdrawal of $50k 6days ago which is still pending and customer service is silent. Emailed them too but no reply. I don't know how to get them to respond.




Helpful (4)

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3 reviews

0 helpful votes

March 27th, 2024

In 2023 I lost about 4BTC. Well the first thing I did was to Google my issue, which I did during my search process, I ran into various recovery companies, friends and colleagues discouraged me, they said it was all scam and I wouldn't be able to recover my funds back. I eventually contacts with an expert who ask me few questions with I answer and he proceeded to work on my problem, the good news is that my lost funds was return to my wallet. If you are looking for a legit company to recover your lost funds kindly contact BRIGADIA TECH REMIKEABLE now for your successful recovery.

Brigadiatechremikeable (@)

Tip for consumers:
Can you help me recover stolen Bitcoin? I had 12.7 BTC stolen from my block.

Products used:
brigadia teck remikeable at proton dot com




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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (25)

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1 helpful vote

December 28th, 2023

All I need is for them to reset my passcode. Most companies can help you in two minutes with this matter. These people won't help you. Sent them a message through chat. They do not respond. Sent them an e-mail, same no response. You will not be able to get a hold of them if you need their assistance. Beware!




Helpful (1)

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2 helpful votes

November 30th, 2023

I contacted support 03.10.2023 and provided all necessary documents.
Today is 30.11.2023 and nothing done, I am still waiting. Plenty different operators in chat writing same phrases with 0 help in fact.
They are obviously ignoring me.
Never keep your money here guys.




Helpful (2)

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0 helpful votes

March 18th, 2024

Right when the value of BTC skyrocketed, my account got locked. Apparently I need to re-verify my personal information, before I can buy or sell anything. A seemingly simple procedure, but it has been months.
I've tried to contact Customer Service many times, but every time this happens:
- I send them an email
- A couple of days pass
- I get an auto-generated message saying: "sorry it took so long. We assume your problem is no longer relevant, so the ticket has been closed. Please resubmit your ticket if the problem persists."
- And so on, and so on.

Responding to the auto-message doesn't work either. I just get ignored. I tried everything (Through various channels), but the above is the most response I got.

Absolutely terrible, and it makes me feel scammed. Soon the price will drop again, and I'll have to wait another few years before I get another chance to sell. I'm sure I'll have to re-verify then again.

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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (28)

2 reviews

1 helpful vote

October 23rd, 2022

I stumbled across Larry comment posted by a forex/binary trader trading when searching for a medium to improve my knowledge and recouped all my lost funds from my broker and i decided to give it a try. I was intrigued because his trading tips were awesome and it gave my trading great changes. You can trade with the best broker and get a working strategy and recoup your lost investment, you can contact him at:
larryhn5@ hot mail com

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1 helpful vote

December 12th, 2023

100% avoid...this app is designed in everyday possible to not give you your money once deposited. You will have no way to get your money back and your money will be held against your will with no responses from support and no possible human conversation. Even the people replying to bad reviews ask us to contact them through email and even THEY ignore as well




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0 helpful votes

March 9th, 2024

For the last 3 months I'm trying to get my missing deposit back, they'r support team is not existent!




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Thank you Reviews - 1.2 Stars (31)

1 review

0 helpful votes

March 18th, 2024

Their customer service and app support is truly shocking. Please don't use them try a different provider.

Products used:
Crypto app




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Previous Reviews - 1.2 Stars (2024)


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Article information

Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Last Updated:

Views: 6258

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.