Crypto Assets: Halal or Haram? | Ethis Blog (2024)

Dr. Farrukh Habib, Chairman, Shariah Governance Board (SGB), MRHB Defi

If you are reading this article, you would be looking for an answer to the question whether cryptos are halal or haram? You might not have found a definite answer. Further adding confusion, many fatwas are giving mixed shariah opinions. Unfortunately, many fatwas available related to cryptos are based on superficial and incomplete information, leading to further complications.

Though I confess that the answer to the question is not simple, if one approaches this matter objectively and analyse this phenomenon with a deeper understanding, it may help understand the shariah compliance of cryptos.

However, before delving into a deeper discussion, it is important to highlight a few points here:

  • All cryptos are neither halal nor haram. To me, a general question like cryptos are they halal or haram is an incorrect question! To have the right answer, one must ask the right question. Every crypto project or token warrants a separate shariah analysis because they are not the same. They differ in their objectives, features, technology, underlying projects/assets/utilities, issuance, usage, distribution, burning mechanisms, etc.
  • Not all crypto assets are “currencies” or “money.” Many Shariah scholars are misled by the term “cryptocurrency.” Since majority cryptos do not fall under the economic and shariah definition of money or currency, they are called “currencies.”
  • The logical conclusion is that they are a form of deception and fraud, hence haram in shariah. Moreover, shariah has strict guidelines for a currency in terms of its issuance and exchange. If cryptos do not fit in the shariah framework of currency or those guidelines are not properly followed, it is difficult for the scholars to declare them shariah compliant.
  • Though many crypto assets are hybrid, showing specific features – like utility, rights, commodity-backing, etc. — and money – as a payment system in a loose manner, it is important to decide whether a crypto asset is predominantly money or something else.
  • Cryptos can be seen as a general asset class or a form of the digital asset instead of being narrowly considered as currencies. Some of them are money because they are primarily used as a payment system, but not all are like that. Therefore, it is better to call them crypto / digital assets.

If cryptos are appropriately defined and categorised, it is much easier to understand or develop a framework for shariah compliance. One of the Islamic legal maxims support this approach as it states:

“The [Shariah] ruling of a thing is based on its [actual] knowledge [and understanding].”

So, let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What are crypto assets?

Crypto Assets: Halal or Haram? | Ethis Blog (1)

Crypto assets (also referred to as “digital assets”’ or “virtual assets”) are cryptographically secured digital representations of value on a blockchain platform. You may call them cryptos in short. People can own cryptos, store for future use, distinguish one from another and transfer to others. The other party can take their possession after an exchange. So, in that sense, cryptos have all the basic features of an asset.

Some fatwas argue that they are hypothetical or non-existent due to their digital nature. However, this argument is flawed because shariah indeed recognises intangible assets. Rights, usufruct, and services also do not have a physical presence, yet they can be the subject matter of a transaction.

Many Sukuk in the traditional Islamic finance industry use mobile talk time – a digital asset – as a valid underlying subject matter. Therefore, it is incorrect to assume that a digital asset is simply non-existent or imaginary.

Taxonomy of crypto assets

Crypto Assets: Halal or Haram? | Ethis Blog (3)

Though cryptos show general qualities of an asset, whether they are halal or haram is a different discussion. For this discussion, the main shariah concern is the source of value that these crypto-assets represent. To understand this, we will discuss their categorisation.

Cryptocurrencies. The first type of these crypto-assets is “cryptocurrencies” or “payment tokens.” They are also termed digital or virtual currencies. They are specifically designed to be used as a medium of exchange. In other words, they facilitate a peer-to-peer payment system. The most famous one is Bitcoin in this category. Stable coins – reserve-backed or algorithm-based – and gold or silver-backed tokens also fall under this category.

Examining cryptos’ issuance process and underlying backing is important to consider them Shariah-compliant. Moreover, they should be treated as currencies from the Shariah perspective.

1) Utility tokens

Utility tokens offer access to benefits, discounts, or services on a blockchain platform. Shariah principles and rulings regarding utility, benefits, or future services are relevant to such tokens. Those principles and rulings should be adhered to for shariah-compliant utility tokens.

2) Security tokens

Crypto Assets: Halal or Haram? | Ethis Blog (5)

Security tokens entitle particular ownership interests to their holders in an underlying business or an asset. Security token holders expect future profits from their investment in such tokens. From the shariah perspective, they can be divided into three main categories:

  1. Asset-backed tokens: These tokens are backed by an asset other than gold, silver, and fiat currencies. Commodity-backed tokens and real estate-backed tokens fall under this category. From the shariah perspective, such tokens are acceptable if their underlying assets, issuance, and contracts are halal.
  2. Equity tokens: Represent an ownership interest in a company. They are like stock and shares in nature. From a shariah perspective, they would follow the criteria of a shariah-compliant stock or share.
  3. Investment tokens: Represent interest-based loans. They are like crypto bonds. Like conventional bonds, and are not acceptable in shariah. However, suppose such tokens are backed by shariah-compliant securities, like Islamic units of funds, sukuk, etc. In that case, they can be shariah-compliant if the token itself is also designed in a shariah-compliant manner.

3) Governance token

These tokens give their holder the rights to manage and vote on the governance of its respective blockchain platform or project. They can only be considered shariah-compliant depending on whether the underlying project or platform is shariah-compliant or not. And there are no prohibited elements or features attached to the governance token.

4) Non-fungible tokens

Crypto Assets: Halal or Haram? | Ethis Blog (6)

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are a new form of crypto assets that are gaining traction lately. These tokens are unique and cannot be substituted, subdivided, or interchanged. Due to these features, NFTs can represent real-world objects, like art, music, videos, virtual world items, certain rights, certificates, and even real estate property. NFTs can only be considered shariah-compliant like other crypto assets if their underlying object, project, and features are free from prohibited elements.

5) Hybrid assets

Most crypto assets are hybrid assets because they are designed and developed for multi-purposes and have various features. There is no restriction on what form and features a crypto asset can have. Therefore, a utility token, for example, can also be used as a payment token and vice versa. Ethereum (ETH) is a good example of a hybrid asset.

It gets tricky to develop a shariah compliance framework for such assets. It certainly requires an in-depth knowledge of shariah and crypto domains to get it done correctly. The most dominant feature of hybrids should be considered in their shariah compliance; however, deciding a dominant feature and ensuring that other features are completely negligible is a tough call.


It is still work-in-progress due to the ever-changing nature of the crypto space, but this taxonomy can assist in developing a general shariah compliance framework. It is summarised in the diagram below.

I hope this article helps understand the general idea of shariah compliance of crypto-assets through their appropriate categorisation.

However, other detailed aspects also should be considered in issuing a shariah ruling for any specific crypto. Since it is a completely new area and continuously evolving, every category requires deep shariah research and separate analysis.

Read more How to Earn Halal Money? The Money Mindset

Crypto Assets: Halal or Haram? | Ethis Blog (2024)


Is cryptocurrency in Islam halal or haram? ›

Moreover, he says a currency is generally supposed to be a medium of exchange under Sharia law. When it is used to generate profits, it becomes haram. Therefore, in the words of Usmani, Muslims are not allowed to accept crypto as currencies.

Is Investing in crypto halal or haram? ›

The Islamic Finance Guru believes that cryptocurrency is Sharia-compliant, in principle. According to their Sharia policy, they view crypto as a true currency, or as a digital asset. They also recommend that Muslim crypto traders check each crypto purchase or project individually to decide whether it's halal or haram.

Is it halal to trade in cryptocurrency? ›

Bitcoin is a well-established digital coin that many people have accepted as a form of exchange. The act is halal if a Muslim uses the coin to procure goods and services. However, if you stake the coins with a crypto broker for Insurance, it is haram.

Is crypto halal Islamic finance guru? ›

Cryptocurrency is not Māl, rather it is a speculative, non-Sharia-compliant investment. Cryptocurrency is a digital asset but not a currency.

Is crypto trading gambling? ›

As opposed to trading, investing is quite distinct from gambling, motivated by incremental gains over a long-time period typically based on core fundamentals (Alexander et al., 2015). However, the volatile and speculative pricing of cryptocurrency assets puts even long-term investors at high risk of economic loss.

What type of investing is haram? ›

Islamic principles discourage debt in general; interest payments on debt owed are viewed as usury, exploitative of the debtor, and are thus prohibited (haram). Islamic principles therefore prohibit investment in conventional bonds and other debt securities that generate interest income.

Is Shiba Inu halal or haram? ›

That may be a challenge, and yes, Shiba Inu is halal.

Is investing in NFT halal? ›

The areas where creating NTF's could possibly become haram are: If you are minting someone else's production into an NFT without their consent and profiting from it, which is essentially theft. Creating and minting artwork containing humans/animals/insects, which could constitute the Islamic term “shirk.”

What investments are halal? ›

Types of halal investments
  • Stocks. As long as the stock is halal, it is acceptable to invest. ...
  • Funds. Equity mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and index funds follow similar rules as stocks to be halal. ...
  • Sukuks. ...
  • Gold and other precious metals. ...
  • Real estate. ...
  • Cryptocurrency. ...
  • 7 Best-Performing ESG Funds and 7 Cheapest ESG ETFs.
Apr 7, 2022

Are crypto futures halal or haram? ›

In general, crypto trading is halal in Islam, which means permitted. But when it comes to future trading crypto, there are some nuances: In fact, participation in futures agreements implies buying and selling financial obligations, which does not match with Islam laws. It is haram (prohibited).

Is Dogecoin haram in Islam? ›

Is DOGE halal? Yes, Dogecoin is halal. Scholars who share the opinion that cryptocurrency is permissible would also hold the opinion that Dogecoin is halal and even though DOGE is used mostly as a currency, at this time, scholars would not classify it as a currency but rather as an asset.

Is Binance haram or halal? ›

Most of the services offered by the binance or other centralized exchanges are haram because they are just like savings account, you deposit and earn interest (yield) over it.

Which cryptocurrency is halal list? ›

The 'Crypto-Halal' system

Among the major cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Dogecoin come under the halal category, while Shiba Inu (SHIB) token, Alpha, and PancakeSwap (CAKE) are labelled haram.

Which crypto is Shariah compliant? ›

In 2022, Islamic Coin gained a Fatwa from the world's leading Muslim scholars, confirming that the coin meets the highest ethical standards of the Muslim community.

How much is halal coin? ›

The current price is $0.000017 per HLL.

Why crypto is not gambling? ›

Crypto Isn't Entirely Up to Chance

Because the chances of winning a significant amount of money are so minuscule, gambling by its very nature is extremely unlikely to result in long-term profits.

Do I pay taxes if I trade crypto to crypto? ›

A crypto trade is a taxable event. If you trade one cryptocurrency for another, you're required to report any gains in U.S. dollars on your tax return. Every time you trade cryptocurrencies, you need to keep track of how much you gained or lost in U.S. dollars.

Why not to invest in cryptocurrency? ›

Risks of Investing in Crypto

There are several risks associated with investing in cryptocurrency: loss of capital, government regulations, fraud and hacks.

Is 401k halal or haram? ›

Most of the current investment options that exist in the 401(k) plan at [company name] are not halal. This discourages many Muslims from participating in [company name] 401(k) plans, which they are entitled to as part of their benefits package.

Is Tesla halal stock? ›

However, Halal Investors estimates the bulk of revenue from Tesla's leasing contracts, itself only 2.9% of Tesla's total revenue, to be halal. Conclusion: Halal Investors finds only a non-material part of Tesla's revenue to come from haram.

How do you know if an investment is halal? ›

Halal Stock Investing – What You Need to Know
  1. How can you tell whether your stock is truly halal?
  2. 1) Have a look at the company's business model.
  3. 2) Examine the company's operations in more detail.
  4. 3) Inquire about any interest-bearing debts.
  5. 4) Verify the ratio of illiquid assets to total assets.
Mar 1, 2022

Is it halal to pet a dog in Islam? ›

Many scholars think it is clean and, therefore, petting is okay. But fierce debate ensues if the fur is wet. The Koran itself says little about dogs. Scholars claim that the Prophet prayed among canines.

Is investing in cryptocurrency halal Shia? ›

Ishaq Al-Fayyad who said: It is permissible if it has value and the transactions in it are not approved as a waste of money dealing with usurious transactions. There are many other leading scholars in the Hawza of Najaf Ashraf and Qum who also say that dealing with cryptocurrencies is permissible. Wassalam.

Is dog and cat halal? ›

Eating dogs or cats is halal, but after the Islamic method of slaughtering.” “There is no prohibition except by text, and no text has been provided for that.”

What NFTs are halal? ›

In most cases, an NFT in and of itself is Shariah compliant. As long as you don't find other issues with it, it's a Halal investment. However, if an artist makes an NFT composed of something non-compliant or with potential extraneous issues, it could place you at risk of Shariah non-compliance.

Is investing in Ethereum halal? ›

Scholars from the Sharia Review Bureau in Bahrain said in 2018 that investments in cryptocurrencies such as ether (ETH) and bitcoin are permitted under Sharia law and, therefore, halal.

Is investing in stocks halal in Islam? ›

The simple answer to this question is yes. Muslins can invest in the stock market and stocks that are deemed to be compliant with Sharia principles. From an Islamic perspective, as long as the stocks being invested in do not contravene any Islamic finance principles, then investing in them is considered permissible.

Is it halal to invest in gold? ›

This form of investment is not permitted in Islam since, as stated in the hadith above, all item ribawi transactions must be made on the same measurement and on the spot. It indicates that the buyer must take possession of the gold immediately rather than waiting for it to be delivered later.

Where should I invest my money halal? ›

Sukuks are a more acceptable form of Islamic finance bond (see below). In terms of investment, gold is considered a safe and traditional means of investment that is Sharia compliant. Gold often appreciates in value, is easy to obtain and invest in, and is not deemed to be in breach of any Islamic finance laws.

What type of trading is halal in Islam? ›

The foreign exchange market is the largest and the most liquid in the world, except for derivatives markets such as futures and options. Trading in forex is considered halal because all transactions take place between two different parties, who are both willing to make a deal.

Are futures Shariah compliant? ›

The Securities Commission (SC) Shariah Advisory Council (SAC) has approved single stock futures (SSF) as a Shariah-compliant instrument, provided that the underlying stocks of the SSF are Shariah-compliant.

Is crypto futures profitable? ›

Crypto futures trading can be lucrative if done right, but it also carries significant risks. For instance, using leverage is a major risk because as much as it increases your potential gain, it also magnifies your potential loss. This is even more serious in the highly volatile crypto market.

What is meant by future trading? ›

Futures are a type of derivative contract agreement to buy or sell a specific commodity asset or security at a set future date for a set price. Futures contracts, or simply "futures," are traded on futures exchanges like the CME Group and require a brokerage account that's approved to trade futures.

Is Forex Trading halal or not? ›

As long as the forex trading does not involve interest then the trade is halal. In addition, as traders are operating in a global marketplace with sufficient certainty this means that the element of risk is reduced. There is always considered to be an underlying asset in forex trading.

Is cryptocurrency haram in Islam Quora? ›

A cryptocurrency is merely a form of digital asset based on a distributed network. This means the system is decentralised, outside the control of any regulatory authority, except at the points of exchange. None of this makes cryptocurrency inherently haram.

Is it too late to buy Dogecoin? ›

Our Conclusion. Taking everything into consideration, we need to say that it's not too late to buy DOGE in 2023. Furthermore, this cryptocurrency can unleash its potential in the future. You can use this asset for long- as well as short-time investments.

Why cryptocurrency is haram in Islam? ›

“In Shariah, there is no valid reason to accept bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies as a currency. It is just an imaginary number, which is generated through a complex mathematical process. It is purchased for gambling or speculations, and used in illegal or unlawful transactions”.

What is halal investing? ›

What is halal investing? Halal investing is investing in companies that are in line with Islamic principles of investing. A lot of conventional investment products aren't compliant. For example, profiting off debt is prohibited, so bonds and GICs are off the table for observant muslims.

Is Forex Trading halal or haram fatwa? ›

There have been various opinions on the permissibility of forex trading, and the general consensus is that as long as the trading does not breach Islamic finance and Sharia principles (we will go into this below), then forex trading is halal.

What type of trading is haram in Islam? ›

Margin trading, day trading, options, and futures are considered prohibited by sharia by the "majority of Islamic scholars" (according to Faleel Jamaldeen).

Is fixed time trading halal or haram? ›

Halal and haram concept lies on the trading and not on any specific type of trading. Trading itself is halal and any type of trading whether it is fixed time or Forex is halal as you are using your skills, education of trading, learning about trading them implementing multiple techniques to get profit.

Which stock trading platform is halal? ›

AvaTrade makes Islamic accounts available to any trader who wishes to abide by Sharia Law and remain halal in their trading practice.

Is forex just gambling? ›

When trading Forex, there are a lot of traders who approach this full-fledged business as if it were a gamble, and of course, this does not bode well. It may seem that Forex trading and gambling have a lot in common. In both cases, it is mainly about games with probability.

Is MetaTrader 5 halal or haram? ›

The MetaTrader trading platform can be considered halal, simply because it is only a trading platform. In fact, this platform is just a tool, an interface that allows you to open your orders in the market.

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