Cryopod (2024)

Cryopod (1) Cryopod (2) Cryopod (3) Cryopod (4) Cryopod (5) This article is about content exclusively available in the version on Steam, Xbox, PlayStation, Epic Games, Stadia.


Cryopod (6)Cryopod (7)

Hold up to a creature to capture it. Throw to deploy a captured creature.

Spawn Command

cheat gfi cryopod 1 0 0
cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/CoreBlueprints/Weapons/PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod.PrimalItem_WeaponEmptyCryopod'" 1 0 0

Required level

Engram points

20 EP

Crafting XP

45.4 XP

Required stations


Cryopod (21) 500

The Cryopod is an item to store your tames in, by freezing them into an "ice cube" state. Creatures stored in a cryopod do not count towards the tribe creature limit.


  • 1 Usage
    • 1.1 Error Notice
  • 2 Cryo Sickness
  • 3 Information
  • 4 Restrictions
  • 5 Notes
  • 6 Bugs
  • 7 Gallery
  • 8 Changelog
  • 9 References


To capture a creature in a Cryopod, equip an empty Cryopod and while aiming close to them hold Cryopod (22) for a few seconds. Once a creature is Cryopodded it will act like an item, halting food consumption, and the Cryopod can be carried in a survivor or creature's inventory which makes mass transport of creatures easier.

The Cryopod will begin to discharge as soon as it is created, either through crafting or after being obtained from an Orbital Supply Drop, with a 30 day or one month decay period. The Cryopod (23)Cryofridge or a Cryopod (24)Tek Sleeping Pod will recharge the Cryopod as long as it is powered. If the Cryopod is not recharged before the charge reaches zero, it will disable and will be labelled as dead. When the Cryopod goes dead any creature inside the Cryopod will die and disappear forever, even after the Cryopod is recharged. The creature's death will be noted in the Tribe Log, and the dead Cryopod is unusable until it recharges in a Cryopod (25)Cryofridge. The Cryopod recharge timer is unaffected by Cryopod (26)Preserving SaltCryopod (27), but the discharge rate can be slowed to half rate by placing the Cryopod into a Cryopod (28)Refrigerator.

StorageTime to Empty Charge1
Player Inventory/Tamed Creature/Preserving Bin30 Days
Refrigerator60 Days

1: Time to empty from a fully charged cryopod. Partially charged cryopods will have a proportionately shorter time.
2: The Cryofridge recharges the cryopod at the same rate it would get depleted in a normal inventory, as long as the Cryofridge remains powered

With the use of Cryopod, players can:

  • Transfer aquatic tames, via air (or fast land runner).
  • Transfer large land tames, who cannot be picked up by Cryopod (29)Quetzal, via air.
  • Transfer more than one tame at once via one journey.
    • Effective on the way to some place that is extremely difficult to navigate on foot, such as the summit of Volcano.
  • Help tames when they get stuck.
  • Bring creatures that are larger than the entrance into caverns.
    • Surprisingly helpful in defeating Snow Cave, etc..
  • Store and protect weak tames.
  • Transfer tames with saddle, saving slots when using Obelisk Terminals (in case you have a lot of things to transfer to other servers).
  • Store strong tames and hide their power to competitors.
  • "Fix" a bug that prevents Triceratops from attacking

Error Notice[]

When certain conditions are not met, attempting to release the dinosaur out into the open will result in the following red message, with the dino still inside the cryopod:

  • Not Enough Space to deploy = the area where the dino is being deployed has insufficient space. This also happens if attempted to deploy at a closed Tek Cave or at a Boss Arena.
  • Must be deployed underwater = the dino inside the cryopod must be deployed in the water while the survivor is in water. Mostly applies if the dino is strictly an aquatic creature.
  • Too many dinos = either the tribe, or the server, has too many tamed creatures currently present.
  • >> Failed to spawn << = several errors, occasionally related to mods. This occurs if there is no proper asset (i.e: files in the Steam folder) for creatures to spawn, or the creature inside the cryopod has hit past the level limit that is permitted as a tamed creature.
  • Dino Class Not Allowed = The Dino you are trying to throw out is not allowed on the map, such as trying to bring a flyer to Aberration. This used to be overcome by bringing fertilized eggs of said Dino and hatching them on said server, but the parents will not be allowed into the world.

Cryo Sickness[]

  • Note that this is disabled by default in server setting, and in PvE Official Servers.

When a creature is un-Cryopodded, the survivor will receive a Status Effect known as Cryo Cooldown. Cryo Cooldown lasts for 5 minutes, and is tracked with a countdown timer in the bottom right of the screen. Any Creatures un-Cryopodded during Cryo Cooldown will get Cryo Sickness. Cryo Sickness lasts for 5 minutes, causes said creature to receive increased damage if attacked (10x normal damage), and renders the creature unconscious with a full bar of torpor. The words "Cryo Sickness" are displayed above any afflicted creature in red text for the full 5 minute duration. Creatures cannot be Cryopodded while Cryo Sickness is active, and even if the creature has a short torpor timer (like Cryopod (30)Giganotosaurus) and wakes up from torpor before the Cryo Sickness wears off, it will not be rideable and will not respond to whistle commands until the Cryo Sickness wears off. Juvenile and adolescent Creatures with Cryo Sickness will not eat from troughs. The act of un-Cryopodding also resets the Cryo Cooldown timer for the survivor who unfroze it (only to the maximum value of 5 minutes, the timer does not stack past 5 minutes), so if releasing a large amount of creatures expected to endure Cryo Sickness, it is good practice to do so only in a well protected environment.


There are a few things to note when Cryopodding a creature:

  • If the creature cannot be released from the cryopod (due to one of the reasons mentioned in the 'Error Notice' section above), a corresponding message in red text will be displayed, and both the Cryopod and creature within remain unaffected.
  • Anything in the creature's inventory will drop once they are Cryopodded (this includes any other slot, like weapon slot for Cryopod (31)Mantis). The only main exception are both the Cryopod (32)Saddle (if it is wearing one), and Modules for Cryopod (33)Mek (Durability will degrade when Cryopodding).
  • The individual that releases a creature from a Cryopod takes ownership of said creature.
    • Since they are an item, if a survivor or creature dies with a Cryopod in inventory, the Cryopodded creature is at risk of theft (or loss).
    • The ability to drop (default O, Cryopod (34), Cryopod (35)) a filled Cryopod for someone else to pick up allows for easier trading of creatures (compared to having to unclaim and then claim the creature). It is not sure if this is an unintended way to get around the Tribe Governance setting of Only Admins Can Unclaim.
  • Cryopodding a baby (baby, juvenile or adolescent) creature inside a Cryopod will pause the imprint timer and food consumption, and if asking for care, will change what it wants whenever it is un-Cryopodded. Babies Cryopodded prior to the related patch will still have their imprint timer reset to 8 hours next time they are released.
  • Cryopodding a Female will not reset the breeding timer unless the Cryopod containing it was recently transferred to another server. Timer for mating interval continues to tick down even when the Female is Cryopodded. Females Cryopodded prior to the patch related will still have their breeding timer reset the next time they are released.
    • If a creature is gestating, Cryopodding will reset the pregnancy and upon un-Cryopodding the Female will be on a regular mating cooldown interval (based on server settings).
  • Passive XP gain is solely determined by game time since time of Cryopodding, multiplied by their idle XP rates, multiplied by a final 1.05 return. Creatures at maximum level or Cryopod (36)Mek will not gain any passive XP.
    • Any creature inside a Cryopod will gain 5% more passive experience, compared to the same creature not Cryopodded.
    • Transferring the cryopod to another server resets this timer, causing it to lose all pending experience points earned since podding it. You must unpod the creature for it to obtain the experience points before transferring it to another server.
  • Cryopodded creatures will have their gender displayed along with all current stat values when hovered over with the infobox activated. This does not apply to creatures that were Cryopodded prior to the patch that includes it.
  • Recently uncryopodded creature will have a temporary debuff that severely reduces the amount of damage it can deal by 90%, or based on the server setting set. This only happens if the server has set that setting.
  • In Aberration, creatures that either are not part of Extinction or Aberration (or not having an aberrant counterpart), or are in the list of banned creatures, cannot be released from their cryopods unless the server setting for Foreign Dino Downloads is enabled.


The following creatures (including force tamed) cannot be cryofrozen into a cryopod:

Note that the 'Giant Bee' refers to the bees spawned by Cryopod (57)Giant Queen Bee, not the queen herself.

Only the Ice and Chalk Golem variant of Rock Elemental from Valguero are affected.

Placed vehicles with exception of the Tek ATV cannot be cryofrozen either, though freezing of the Tek ATV is most likely not intended, as the Cryopod will show a picture of a Raptor when the Tek ATV is cryofrozen.


  • Cryopods were originally intended to have the ability to capture wild tamable Creatures, but this feature was scrapped due to it being unbalanced.
  • During the testing phase of Extinction, it was possible to Cryofreeze a Cryopod (63)Wooden Raft but that bug was supposed to have been patched during testing. Prior to 286.103, it was still possible.
  • Creatures without an icon that are cryofrozen in a cryopod will have an icon similar to Cryopod (64)Raptor as a placeholder.
  • All cryofrozen creatures prior to patch 292.100 have the gender labelled as "Male", regardless whether or not they had a (different) gender. This applies to genderless entity like Cryopod (65)Reaper King, Cryopod (66)Mek and Cryopod (67)Enforcer
  • Prior to 286.103, it was possible to cryo creatures under Cryo Sickness.
  • Prior to 291.100, female creatures are forced into mating countdown upon being released, and baby imprint timer resets to 8 hours, regardless of server setting. Any creature still in cryopod prior to this update will still have this effect when they are released, but will not persist thereafter.
  • If you have admin privilege in your tribe, it is currently possible to Cryo a creature that is set to personally owned to somebody else inside your tribe, it is also then possible to transfer that creature to another server or tribe on the same server, the creature will remain personally owned by the original owner, this is clearly an oversight in development as said creature will not be interactable anymore without being in a tribe with government settings to be tribe owned or tribe ridden.
    • If there are structures on the platform saddle of the creature being put in the cryopod, they will automatically be destroyed and will not return when the creature with the said saddle is unfrozen.
    • Creature class does not persist in certain scenarios. If one were to cryo a modded creature, and remove the originating creature's mod, then the class gets nullified and will no longer be able to be released even if the originating mod were to be installed at a later time. Attempting to release a creature whose class has been nullified will cause the item to be removed with no creature being created.
  • After releasing a creature from a Cryopod, if trying to upload the creature, there will be a visible timer of 6–7 minutes before the creature is able to be uploaded. Despite this, the creature actually has a hidden 12 hour timer after being released, much like the timer that occurs after downloading a creature.
    • This restriction does not occur in Singleplayer.
  • Cryopods cannot be used inside any boss arena, or inside or near the Tek Cave. They can still be used at open arena in Extinction.
  • When the creature is released from a Cryopod, specific creature will have some aftereffects:
    • Cryopod (68)Ovis will have lost all of their Cryopod (69)Wool
    • Any female transferred through cryopod will enter the same mating interval cooldown as those who had been transferred directly through creature transfer.
    • If transferred as a baby, Cryopod (70)Reaper King will not appear as a baby upon release, but rather a juvenile with the baby prefix still present. Unfortunately, babies raised this way will be permanently on aggressive regardless of the behavior set (even though they will not attack listlessly).
    • Light pets will have lost their charge.
    • They poop, which can be useful in getting owl pellets.
    • Any buffs that the creature had will not be reapplied.
    • Creatures manually painted with a Paintbrush will lose their paint.
  • A Cryopod placed in aCryopod (71)Cryofridge will charge at the same speed as it would decay in the player inventory.
  • Cryopod was once an Extinction-exclusive engrams. This was changed with the release of the Valguero map, becoming accessible in all maps. Since the 298.3, it's possible to craft Cryopods in a Cryopod (72)Supply Crate, a Cryopod (73)Loot Crate, or a Cryopod (74)Deep Sea Loot Crate, so you don't need a Cryopod (75)Tek Replicator anymore to craft them. 298.37 also added the ability to craft Cryopods in an Obelisk.
  • Cryopods will erase the effects of certain Console Commands, such as InfiniteStats and ForceTame (removes the ability to ride Creatures without a Saddle).
  • Prior to 307.56, Cryo Sickness debuff will always appear as long as a dino was recently unfrozen from it with no way of changing its settings.
  • While holding a Cryopod, Left Ctrl will trigger a melee attack that looks funny and deals more damage than your fists.
  • Don´t freeze a Tame with a Platform Saddle (with a building on it) or the building gets destroyed. Structures destroyed when freezing a dino will not refund the building materials in the same way manually destroying them would. Be careful!
  • Using the command destroyallenemies will not destroy any dinos inside cryopods


  • 292.100 - Releasing a creature will automatically set the released creature to follow the survivor who released it. This persists on unconscious creature which cannot be whistled on any command to stop as they will still "follow" the survivor even under an unconscious state.
    • This can be remedied by fast traveling to another bed far from where the creature is.
  • If you Cryofreeze a creature, all the folders created inside it will disappear similar to what happens when uploading a creature.
  • When transferring filled cryopods on singleplayer or unofficial servers, there is a chance that the creature's level will be reset to 1, the saddle will be deleted and any imprint quality will be lost along with any mutations.
    • This is a result of transferring between non-clustered servers, and is directly caused by the obelisk removing custom item byte data within the item.
  • When transferring a creature in an obelisk via cryopod, there is a chance the retrieved cryopod will display a picture of a Raptor and be un-deployable despite still having the correct name and stats for your creature.
    • This is a result of the class variable being lost, and is the direct result of transferring a creature class to a server that does not have the dino file/data. Most common with modded dinos, but can still occur with special creatures from free DLC content. In layman's terms, it's the equivalent of trying to spawn a modded dino without having the mod installed, except it will never resolve itself.
  • If your character is slot capped (black Cryopod (76) icon), freezing a creature will not update the state of the cryopod you used and it will remain empty until you re-log or transfer it out of your inventory. This bug only seems to occur on dedicated servers, not single-player.


  • Cryopod (77)


307.56Disabled cryosickness on PvE Official Servers (Can be disabled on Unofficials using: EnableCryoSicknessPVE=true in the GameUserSettings.ini).
309.4Cryopods can be accessed in the HLNA Shop again.
309.53Added a debuff to reduce damage to tames, players, structures for a short duration of time after releasing from cryo.
312.47Fixed Saddles not respecting the armor clamp when releasing them from cryopods.
312.65Cryopods in a player’s inventory will now charge if a player is sleeping in a TEK Pod.
316.18Fixed a bug on localized/translated Cryopods which prevented it from displaying the correct information.
318.9Fixed a bug which prevented Cryopod (78)Arthropleuras, Cryopod (79)Spiders, and Cryopod (80)Onyc that were in Cryopods from being deployed.
323.6Cryopods now display more information including the creatures' colour region and mutations.
323.7Fixed a client crash caused by mousing over Cryopods in remote inventories.
323.10Fixed a client crash caused by mousing over certain Cryopods.
323.14Fixed another client crash caused by mousing over certain Cryopods.
  • Cryopods will now remember mating interval time and count down correctly.
  • Cryopod UI has been adjusted to be smaller, display gender, and whether a creature has been spayed or neutered. We plan to make some more changes to this in the future where the colour-ID will be included on the colours, as well as some general clean up of the UI.
323.18Improved Cryopod UI further.
324.16Fixed a bug where the Colour ID was displaying incorrectly on Cryopods.
325.10Fixed Cryopod not displaying the creatures gender.


Cryopod (2024)
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Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

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