Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (2024)

byJennifer Kelly Geddes

Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (2) Medically Reviewed by Tina Feeley, M.D., M.P.H.

| April 21, 2022


Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (3)

Bigger kids mean bigger problems, alas, including a few at bedtime. If your toddler gets out of bed repeatedly and resists his nap, you could have a 3-year sleep regression on your hands.

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In This Article

  • What is the 3-year-old sleep regression?
  • How long will the 3-year-old sleep regression last?
  • Signs of the 3-year-old sleep regression
  • Causes of the 3-year-old sleep regression
  • Tips for handling the 3-year-old sleep regression
  • When to call the doctor

Putting a toddler to bed can feel like herding cats — one minute he’s over here, and the next he’s down the hall. The truth: 3-year-olds are in perpetual motion, racing around, climbing over the couch and talking up a blue streak. It’s no wonder that sleep is the last thing on their minds!

And it’s these physical and developmental milestones that can result in the 3-year-old sleep regression, leaving you with anovertired, cranky toddler who fights his beloved nap and nighttime routine.

For help with this bedtime situation, here’s what’s behind the 3-year-old sleep regression and some quick ways to handle it with your child.

What is the 3-year-old sleep regression?

The 3-year-old sleep regression is a common, though temporary, interruption in your toddler’s regular bedtime and napping schedule. While not every child this age experiences it, this kind of phase could sound familiar if you’ve been through similar recent disturbances, like the 12-month sleep regression, the 15-month sleep regression, the18-month sleep regression and the 2-year-old sleep regression.

How long will the 3-year-old sleep regression last?

Just as every child develops at his own pace, walking and talking at a range of ages, the same is true for sleep issues. The 3-year-old sleep regression should be short-lived, lasting for a couple of weeks or even up to six weeks, depending on your child and what’s behind the setback.

If the 3-year-old sleep regression is related to a story he’s scared of, it might be quick and easy to allay his fears over that Big Bad Wolf. But a sleep regression due to sleepwalking, nightmares or a health issue such as noisy breathing will likely take longer to resolve.

Signs of the 3-year-old sleep regression

Wondering what to look for to determine whether your toddler could be going through a 3-year-old sleep regression? Here are some common signs:

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More on Toddler Sleep Issues

Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (5)

Common Toddler Sleep Problems and What to Do About Them

Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (6)

What to Do When Your Toddler Won’t Sleep

Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (7)

Why Is My Toddler Waking Up at Night?

Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (8)

Common Toddler Sleep Problems and What to Do About Them

Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (9)

What to Do When Your Toddler Won’t Sleep

Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (10)

Why Is My Toddler Waking Up at Night?

  • Waking up overnight
  • Waking up much earlierthan usual
  • Resisting bedtime or naptime
  • Getting out of bed repeatedly
  • Taking a long time to settle down for bed and fall asleep
  • More irritability or fussiness than usual during the daytime

Causes of the 3-year-old sleep regression

Your toddler’s skill set is exploding right now as he masters new milestones seemingly every month. These, in turn, can become sleep regression causes in 3-year-olds, including:

  • Potty training. Ditching diapers and using the potty is a major developmental achievement, but it doesn’t come without a few accidents, sometimes at night. And getting up to go can make it difficult for a toddler to fall back to sleep afterwards.

  • Improved speech. By age 3, your toddler will know 200 words and he can hold a conversation rather well, which means he’ll no doubt say “Don’t want nap!” often.

  • Delay tactics. Toddlers are smart! Better language skills might be put to use at night as your kid requests a cup of water, another trip to the potty plus more stories and songs.

  • Nightmares.Bad dreams and afear of the dark can both conspire to interrupt your child’s sleep. He might also experiencenight terrors at this age as well.

  • TV time. Exposure to TV and other screens like smartphones, tablets and computers can interrupt a child’s sleep, and the content may be scary.

  • The end of naps. This big change is one that parents are sad to see, but it’s normal for kids to gradually nap less and then stop altogether between the ages of 3 and 5.

  • Overtired. Energetic toddlers can have a hard time slowing down at the end of a busy day filled with playtime and preschool, resulting in an amped-up, overtired tot.

  • Changing beds. Between the ages of 18 months and 3 1/2 years, most kidsmove from a crib to a toddler bed or twin bed (though it's good to make the switch as close to age 3 as possible) — and it’s this easy-to-exit bedtime setup that can contribute to a 3-year-old sleep regression.

  • Sleepwalking. This issue isn’t uncommon and might be prompted by excess fatigue or irregular sleep, plus it can be accompanied bysleep apnea or night terrors.

  • Life events. Sleep setbacks might also be connected to anxiety or worry over the arrival of a sibling, a new babysitter, a different home or the start of preschool.

Tips for handling the 3-year-old sleep regression

The best way to handle this bump in the sleep road is with as much patience as you can muster. Next, work to ease your tot back on track with these tips for sleep regression:

  • Practice good sleep habits. Don’t give up on your toddler’s usual bedtime routine. Make time every night for a bath, some quiet reading, a quick snack and cuddling. Good sleep habits also mean nixing or greatly reducing TV, especially close to bedtime. Shut off screens at least two hours before tuck-in time.

  • Remain calm. Getting into an argument with your 3-year-old or bribing him can backfire. Instead, keep your cool and walk him back to bed each time he gets up.

  • Introduce quiet time. Has your tot’s nap gone out the window? This is perfectly fine if his nighttime sleep isn’t impacted. One strategy to try: Instead of official sleeping in the afternoon, arrange for your tot to have quiet time in his room alone. Tell him he can play quietly or lie down if wants to, but this time is for rest and relaxation only.

  • Nix drinks at night. Help keep your little potty trainer dry at night with limited water and milk close to bedtime. And make a trip to the bathroom part of the tuck-in routine.

  • Add a port-a-potty. Encourage your child to get up if he has to pee — and make it easy by setting up a small toilet training chair with an attached potty right in his room.

  • Offer a light snack. Growing toddlers may need a small bite before bed to keep them satisfied. Serve up some cereal, crackers and cheese, or yogurt and fruit if he’s hungry.

When to call the doctor

Your child’s pediatrician is your partner when it comes to sleep strategies, so check in to see what you can learn. You should also call the doctor if your toddler’s nightmares, fears or worries are frequent or intense, or his lack of sleep is affecting his behavior during the day.

And schedule a checkup after a few days or a week if you hear yourchild snoring or making other breathing noises at night. A call or appointment is also important for your own peace of mind, as many of these issues can be distressing (like sleepwalking and night terrors), but hearing that they’re also normal is a big help to parents and caregivers.

From the What to Expect editorial team andHeidi Murkoff,author ofWhat to Expect When You're Expecting. What to Expect follows strict reporting guidelines and uses only credible sources, such as peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions and highly respected health organizations. Learn how we keep our content accurate and up-to-date by reading ourmedical review and editorial policy.

  • What to Expect the Second Year, Heidi Murkoff.
  •, What Is Sleep Regression?, January 2022.
  •, Common Toddler Sleep Problems and What to Do About Them, April 2022.
  •, Why Is My Toddler Waking Up at Night?, October 2020.
  •, Toddler Waking Up Too Early, December 2018.
  •, Is Your Toddler Afraid of the Dark?, February 2022.
  •, What to Do When Your Toddler Won't Sleep, April 2022.
  •, Toddler Speech Milestones, January 2022.
  •, Toddler Nightmares, March 2022.
  •, Toddler Night Terrors, March 2022.
  •, Toddler Sleepwalking and Sleep Talking, December 2018.
  •, Is Your Toddler Sleep-Deprived?, December 2018.
  •, How to Sleep Train Your Toddler, April 2022.
  •, How to Drop From Two Naps to One, January 2021.
  •, Here's How Much Sleep Toddlers Need, April 2022.
  •, Separation Anxiety in Toddlers, January 2019.
  •, Toddler Naps and Giving Up Naps, December 2018.
  •, Is Your Toddler Teething?, April 2020.
  •, When Can Babies Watch TV?, August 2021.
  •, Potty Training Problems, December 2018.
  •, Nighttime Potty Training and Bed Wetting, January 2019.
  •, Could Your Baby Be Going Through a 12-Month Sleep Regression?, February 2022.
  •, The 15-Month Sleep Regression: Could Your Toddler Be Going Through It?, April 2022.
  •, The 18-Month Sleep Regression in Toddlers, April 2022.
  •, Could Your Child Be Going Through the 2-Year-Old Sleep Regression?, April 2022.
  • Tina Feeley, MD, MPH, Pediatrician, Chestnut Hill Pediatrics, Chestnut Hill, MA, and Member of the What to Expect Medical Review Board.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Toddler Bedtime Trouble: Tips for Parents, December 2011.
  • Children’s Health, Sleep Regression in Infants and Toddlers, 2022.
  • Cleveland Clinic, Sleep in Toddlers and Preschoolers, August 2020.
  •, When Do Kids Stop Napping?, March 2021.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Sleepwalking, August 2018.
  • American Academy of Pediatrics, Nightmares and Night Terrors in Preschoolers, October 2018.
  • Cleveland Clinic, Sleepwalking, January 2020.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Communication and Your 2- to 3-Year Old, June 2019.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Night Terrors, June 2017.
  • KidsHealth From Nemours, Naps, June 2020.
  • Mayo Clinic, Baby Naps: Daytime Sleep Tips, February 2022.
  • National Institutes of Health, National Library of Medicine, Toilet Training Tips, October 2020.
  • Stanford Children’s Health, Nightmares and Night Terrors, 2022.

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Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? (2024)


Could Your Toddler Be Going Through the 3-Year-Old Sleep Regression? ›

Yes! It's possible to see a disruption in sleep around 3 or 3.5 years. You may have noticed a change in your toddler's sleep, like your 3 year old waking up at night, taking hours to fall asleep, or refusing naps.

Can 3 year olds go through sleep regression? ›

Toddler sleep regressions are often seen around 12 months, 18 months, 2 years, and 3 years. Some families also notice sleep changes around 14-15 months. Since all little ones develop at a different pace, it's possible to see a sleep regression at any age.

Is my 3 year old sleeping enough? ›

Preschoolers typically sleep about 10 to 13 hours a day. As your child approaches 3 years old, they will probably be on one nap a day, but many will still have a second nap at some point in the day. Some days they may need a nap, while other days they may not.

Why does my 3 year old keep waking up at night? ›

Some common reasons toddlers wake up frequently at night include: needing help to fall back asleep because of sleep associations like pacifiers or rocking to sleep. Physical discomfort from teething pain or illnesses are also common reasons for interrupted sleep for toddlers.

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What are some tips to help my child sleep?
  1. The bedroom should be dark and quiet.
  2. Give your child a consistent blanket, stuffed animal or favorite toy. The transitional object can really be reassuring to children as they go through the separation anxiety phase because they are comforted by it. ...
  3. Routine is important.

Is it normal for a 3 year old to regress? ›

If you have noticed that your child has taken a giant leap forward (like finally mastering toilet training!) only to then take a step back (refusing to use the toilet!), you are not alone. Regression is common in growing children – especially toddlers.

Is it OK to let my 3 year old cry himself to sleep? ›

It's never easy to hear your baby cry, so it's quite common to wonder if leaving a baby to cry could damage their brain development or emotional health. Rest assured that crying it out isn't harmful to your little one and won't do any damage. In time, your baby will be dozing off without any help!

What is a normal bedtime for a 3 year old? ›

Buying Guide
Age RangeRecommended Hours of Sleep (NSF)Recommended Bedtime
7-11 months old12 to 16 hours6:00 pm - 7:30pm
1-2 years old11- 14 hours6:00 pm -7:30pm
3-5 years old10-13 hours7:15 pm - 8:30pm
6-13 years old9-11 hours7:15p.m-9:00pm
2 more rows

What causes lack of sleep in toddlers? ›

Continue to expect that sleep will be disrupted by illness, changes in routine, and other stressful events. Separation anxiety may also cause problems at bedtime. Most toddlers switch from a crib to a bed between 2 and 3 years of age. If the change happens too early, it can disrupt sleep.

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Getting your overtired toddler to sleep
  1. Remove her from all stimulation.
  2. Spend time quietly in her room.
  3. Read a story and give her a feed on your lap (noon or evening feed)
  4. Rock her til she's drowsy.
  5. If she's very fractious, sit with her until she has fallen asleep.

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Typically, these sleep regressions have links to the baby's developmental changes, though other factors, such as teething, can influence shifts in their sleeping habits. For the most part, sleep regressions stop after around the 2-year mark.

What time is normal for a 3 year old to wake up? ›

I know we would all love for our little ones to wake up closer to 7:00- 8:00 am, but the natural wake up time for toddlers tends to fall between 6:00 and 7:00 am. Why? This is typically when their circadian rhythm (the body's internal clock) tells them it's time to start the day.

Why is bedtime so hard for 3 year olds? ›

Big changes in your toddler's life can have a direct impact on his sleep and can cause bedtime battles. If your toddler is starting a new school or daycare, is expecting a new sibling, or experiencing separation anxiety, you may see an increase in crying at bedtime.

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Sometimes it happens multiple times in a year. It all depends on the child, any underlying reasons it's occurring, and how parents choose to handle it,” Garbi explains. However, as with most sleep regressions, the 3-year-old sleep regression can last a few days or a few weeks.

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Foods to Help Toddlers Sleep
  • Figs. Naturally sweet figs make an enjoyable treat that's nutritious too. ...
  • Bananas. Another kid favorite, bananas are also packed with potassium and magnesium. ...
  • Sweet Potato. Delicious sweet potatoes are toddler-approved snacks that are full of nutrients. ...
  • Nuts. ...
  • Cottage Cheese. ...
  • Oatmeal.
Feb 7, 2019

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Excessive daytime tiredness, inability to focus, hyperactivity and irritability can be signs of poor sleep in children. Other signs and symptoms of sleep disorders include: Snoring (the most common) followed by pauses or gasping. Labored breathing while sleeping.

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You may choose to start with 2 min, 3 min, 4 min, 5 min, etc. check-in intervals that gradually increase over time until your child has fallen asleep.

What is a sleep regression tantrum for a 3 year old? ›

Changes to family circ*mstances eg starting nursery, potty training, holidays, transition to a bed and a new baby in the family can all cause sleep regressions. Many toddlers face common sleep challenges including resisting going to bed, early waking, night-time awakenings, fears and nightmares.

Why does my 3 year old wake up crying uncontrollably? ›

Toddlers wake up screaming for some of the same reasons as babies, including teething, illness, separation anxiety, and sleep regressions. Toddlers may also have nightmares and night terrors, which can lead to hysterical crying and screaming.

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